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Robert Apodaca

Mrs. Ramirez

30 November 2023

CPR is a very important skill to know, there are a lot of schools that have a CPR
class and have the high schoolers take it as well. About 27 states have already mandated CPR
classes for high schools and California is not one of them. In my opinion, I think they should
have it mandated being one of the main states. The high schools that do take CPR classes have a
lower percentage of cardiac arrest in their town. This also helps with one of your little brothers
choking as well. I believe all high school students should take a CPR class for them to have that
skill in mind in case of any emergencies. The high schools that have mandated CPR classes have
a lower percentage of cardiac arrest accidents than the schools that do not mandate CPR classes.
It is very important to know CPR because you never know when you have to use it. Students
who have knowledge of CPR could help in college programs and even jobs such as first
responder. Many schools don't mandate taking CPR classes, but the others that do have a lot
fewer accidents than we do, therefore I believe we should mandate CPR classes in many more

I believe that all high schools mandate having a class in high school or a program for a
week to understand what learning CPR is for and how it can be used in emergencies. One very
important thing you keep in mind is that you don't want to walk into your home or room and see
a family member struggling with a cardiac arrest. This is very true to be said because nobody
wants to walk in and see that and not know what to do at the moment. In the United States.
About 27 states have already mandated taking a CPR class, they do this so that they can be
prepared whenever someone is struggling from a cardiac arrest and can give them a good lesson
on why it happens as well. This is very true because you got to know that cardiac arrest is also
caused by the excessive amount a teenager drinks which means a teenager drinking too much can
leave him to have a cardiac arrest and friends not knowing what to do in the moment which
sucks. It is very important to know the skills for CPR because you'll never know when you will
have to use it to save somebody's life outside of school or even inside of school. Students will
never know when CPR will be needed but will be grateful they do know. I believe it's a good
thing to learn it and be safe than sorry and be prepared in case of any accidents happening. I
hope people realize how much this will help out to know, and mandate CPR classes in many
more states and not just 27.

I believe if high schools were to mandate taking a CPR class, then the percentage of
cardiac arrest would lower and have a lot fewer accidents. In one of the high schools they did a
CPR program for the students, and out of the 14 students that were learning and training only one
lacked CPR skills at the end after multiple tests had been taken after its been 3 months since the
program. In my opinion, this shows that they all paid really good attention and knew if an
emergency was to happen they didn't want to stand around and look. I believe even the one who
lacked the skill of CPR because it was after 3 months the program has been done, but his
previous test was as good as the other students as well, so for me that even just shows that he
tried as well and cared about taking that class, and not just wasting time. To show how
dangerous and how high it is to die having a cardiac arrest, In Africa, there are about 5 million
deaths that could've been saved with prehospital care, which means CPR because it gives them
time to still be alive for the ambulance to show up. It's got so bad that they are trying to start
mandating CPR classes for them at the ages of 12 and up. I believe this is a very good thing
because the deaths are already very high and they've realized that, and now they are starting to
mandate classes to hope and lower the amount of deaths happening. It's a good thing for high
schools to learn and pass a CPR class because you could save a family member's life one day or
even someone at school or outside of school. This can go so far for so many so it's a good thing
to know how to use that skill, I agree with this because nobody wants to watch anybody die in
front of them and just watch, you rather help out and try to save him.

CPR is a very important skill to learn and it is very lifesaving, you never know when it
will be needed, and you don't want to be the one helpless. One accident can happen and you
could be ready and prepared to know what to do in that situation, you could save them on the
spot or even keep them alive for a good amount of time until the paramedics come and take over
it from them, but if you weren't there I'm pretty sure it would´ve been a lot harder trying to save
that family members life, or stranger as well. I think this is very true because even if you can´t
save them immediately, you're still saving time for the pros to come in and do their thing.
Cardiac arrest has a very high percentage to happen to anyone, therefore people should learn
more about CPR to be safe than sorry. It says almost 85 percent of cardiac arrests tend to happen
right at home. I really like how it gave us the percentage of cardiac arrest because now I know I
should be careful and do it. The skill to know CPR is not just important for cardiac arrest and to
save time for the ambulance, but if one of your 2-year-old siblings gets curious and decides to
stick something in his mouth and starts choking, well then CPR will come in handy to know and
save your little siblings life. I totally agree with this, because I know kids are curious and things
happen so to know that skill will really help in times so that you not stuck and being scared not
knowing what to do to help. As you can see CPR is a very important skill to learn and know,
because things happen and you will never know when and where they will happen.

If students were to take CPR classes in high school to know the skill of CPR and also
learn the reason of how cardiac arrest could happen then that knowledge could help with future
college programs and many more. The colleges that do have programs prefer a up to date CPR
pass and even jobs such as a first responder. Also having previous experience in a CPR course
can be essential preparation, It will give them a taste of the achievements that they need to fulfill
throughout their college experience and future career. I agree with this 100%, because not only
will they get the college experience but to know the skill can come to use in emergencies and
you going to be glad you know it. Learning about CPR training in high school and about cardiac
arrest can affect the kids on what they'll do now, one good reason would be due to the excessive
amount of alcohol teenagers consume, because of how they get caught up in the feeling. I'm on
their side because I do know that teens get caught up in the feeling and decide that drinking or
smoking will help the problem but it's only temporary. Cardiac arrest is not something I would
want to happen to me or any of my family so I like how this is a reason it happens. Cardiac
arrest is the leading cause of death in the United States and Canada, therefore they are upping the
number of people who have the skill to use CPR when in need because they want to make a
change to it being the leading cause of death for them. I believe if they start to mandate learning
it for everyone because it is not a long process but something very simple to learn this will help
out a lot in this world. After you learn the skill of CPR will help in college programs and
emergencies as well, especially after we saw United States' leading cause of death is cardiac
arrest, I believe something needs to change and more schools should mandate and teach it to
young so that the next generation now knows.

In conclusion, many more states should mandate taking a CPR class or program, so that
they can learn before entering the real world. Now if they were to mandate it in many high
schools the cardiac arrest percentage would go down by a lot. CPR will help not only with
cardiac arrest but if one of your family or friends is choking, you can then take a step in and help
out since you know the skill of CPR. I believe high school students should take the COR class
and pass it as well because that will then show they know the skill. The high schools that
mandate CPR classes or programs have a lot fewer accidents with cardiac arrest. CPR is a very
important skill to know in case anything happens to someone you know what to do in that
moment because of what is happening and what you have learned in the past CPR classes or
programs. The knowledge and skill to know CPR will help for your future as well, such as if
you want to get into college programs or even want to be a first responder you need to have an
up-to-date certificate. Plenty of high schools seem to not mandate taking a CPR class or
programs throughout the year, but the high schools that mandate a class or program have fewer
accidents with cardiac arrest. Students who are trained in CPR will increase both the number of
CPR bystanders and the community response to ohca. The aha reports that four out of five
accidents happen at home. Thus, students trained in CPR will be able to utilize these skills to
possibly save a loved one's life at home.

2015, 7 Dec. “High School Students Should Learn CPR in School.” You’re the Cure, Accessed 09 Nov. 2023.

Health, Department of Public. CPR Training,
Accessed 09 Nov. 2023.

Zenani, Nombulelo E, et al. “Effectiveness of School-Based CPR Training among Adolescents to

Enhance Knowledge and Skills in CPR: A Systematic Review.” Curationis, U.S. National
Library of Medicine, 18 Nov. 2022,
Accessed 09 Nov. 2023.

“Why Is CPR Training Important?” WVU Medicine, Accessed 09 Nov. 2023.

Center, HealthFoce Training. “When Medical Students Teach High-Schoolers CPR, Both
Benefit.” SPH When Medical Students Teach High Schoolers CPR Both Benefit Comments, 15
Feb. 2019,
it/. Accessed 09 Nov. 2023.

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