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Immaculate Conception Academy of Malabon

272 Gen Luna St. Concepcion, Malabon City


Write your Own Science Magazine


Your task is to write three new articles for the latest issue of a Science magazine.


You are a writer for a famous Science magazine.


You will write for the regular subscribers of the magazine and people who are interested
to read more Scientific articles.


The editor of a famous Science magazine assigned you to write three new articles for
the next issue of the magazine.

Product, Performance, and Purpose

1. You will write one article for each of the following topics:
● Benefits that you could get from using aloe vera - Enumeration
● Distinguishing between mammals and reptiles - Comparison and contrast
● How a caterpillar becomes a butterfly - Time-order sequence
2. Make sure you follow the text structure indicated per article. Print each article on a
short bond paper. Do some research to make sure the contents are correct.
Standards and Criteria:

Criteria Did not meet Needs Meets Exceeds

expectations improvement expectation expectations
1 2 3 4
Content 30% Most or all of The contents in All of the All of the
The relevance the contents in the articles are contents in the contents in the
of each article the articles are somewhat articles are articles are
to the intended irrelevant to relevant to the adequately excellently
topic the intended intended relevant to the relevant to the
topics. topics. intended intended
topics. topics.
Organization Most or all of There is a The unity of The details of
20% the articles of need to details of the all the articles
The logical the magazine improve unity articles is are excellently
progression of lack unity. No of the details of good. There is united. There
details/events; signal words the articles. an adequate is an effective
clear transition and phrases There is limited use of signal use of signal
between ideas were used in use of signal words and words and
the articles. words and phrases. phrases.
Accuracy 20% Most or all of Some articles Most of the All of the
The accurate the articles do do not observe articles articles highly
application of not observe the features of adequately observe the
the three text the features of each text observe the features of
structures each text structure features of each text
structure discussed in each text structure
discussed in the unit. structure discussed in
the unit. discussed in the unit.
the unit.
Completeness Three or more Two of the One of the All of the parts
20% parts needed parts needed parts needed needed in the
The in the in the in the magazine are
completeness magazine are magazine are magazine is present in the
of the overall missing in the missing in the missing in the output.
magazine output output. output.
Language There are four There are two There is one There are no
10% or more to three language error. language
The application language language errors.
of appropriate errors. errors.
grammar rules,
spelling and

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