ANGLAIS TP 1 - Les Temps

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ANGLAIS TP 1 : Pour le 30/01 finir la 2eme partie du tp 1

 Prétérit = simple past : Quand on raconte une quelque chose de terminé

 Present perfect : Une action passée mais qui a encore des répercutions sur le présent
 Plus-que-parfait :

Business vocab :
 Marketing : noun : The action or business of promoting products
 Advertising : The action or business of the propotion through public announcement in
newspapers, TV…
 Brand : A type of product made by a particular company.
 Launch : Introduce a new product with advertising ans publicity.
 Consumer : People who buys goods and services.
 Market research / The collecting and processing of information about customers, how they
feel about a product and why they will or not use it.
 Brand identity : How a compagny wants the consumer to see its product ( to see as a luxury
or not)
 Public relation / Creating and maintening a good image with your customers and the public
 Campaign : A planned and organized series of actions intented to promote a product or
 Position : To affect the way a product is presented to the public ans the how people think
about that product.

Autre vidéo vocab : Branding

 Need to know about our demographics, tangibles and intangibles benefits our product bring
to develop a success brand.
 Focus groups of customers can give information on brand awareness and reognition.
 Trademark or logo is the symbol who represent the brand.
 Corporate identity and brand identity helps the customer to see us .
 Brand essence : refers to the fundamental spirit of the brand, what connect the brand to
customers, expressed as a simple and concise phrase.
 Brand values : Apects of a brand that bring value to the customer/ why they choose the
 Demographics : Informations about customerrs (age, education level…)
 Focus groupe is a small groupe who represent a target demographic
 Brand awareness : When customers recognize a brand and connect it with a compagny’s
product, they’re showing brand awareness.
 Brand recognition : When customers show that they know about a brand when asked
specifically about itn they’re showing this.
 Corporate identity : The way compagny presents itself visually to the public

Practice :

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