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Ghe ever buzzing Novice Pah Ourpost has never witnessed a silence so crue, Seems like even che wind gor the message, coming to a halt and leaving everyone with a weird sense that something is amiss, Ghe only quiet sounds are of those unfolding parchment scrolls, hushed and heavy whispers of goodbyes dictated co the messenger crows to be carried t0 the loved ones, nervous tapings and pacings. Uee che loudest of all was the sense and understanding that not everyone who will go to sleep conighe will reach the end of the Pach. Not everyone will even survive. Buc you know you will, Jou muse. Ghis is che momenc you've been preparing for. And although your insides are ‘made of iron and at this particular point you seem to require conscious thought for basic functioning such as breathing, you burn nor only with fear but with want and excitement. I gor this, you rell yourself You notice an elderly elf sigh. clap bis hands, and rise from his barrel-bench entirely ignoring the muffled sound of somcone very unmistakably throwing up in a bush, "Ob look at you all. I've seen your shenanigans in che last couple of days, I find this silence of the oddest kind. Uou're embarking on an adventure, for Elidor's sake! It's a tale in the making! Riddle me this, what's a journey without some danger? Just a boring ass afternoon walk, that’s what, And nobody would wane co hear that cold. Come now. Lam old and wise, and therefore I must give great advice!” a few Skaimorn exchanged a grin, “Ghe bese thing to do when you don’t know whar ro do av dance, Remember how you gor here?’ And just Like that be whips our a luce from his robes as if chav's a cocally normal thing to do, and starts to sing a song known to all. A song that starced ic all, one every child dreaming of becoming a great sorcerer ummed day and night, like a prayer ¢o be answered, a dream manifested Ac the center of it all A crater full of promise Ob ie calls us, can you hear A song that rings so honest For chose who listen And those who dream A cime co journey's risen Arcime ro journey’s risen Nora river and nor amaze A simple Patb not simply made Gome one, come all, don’t stay behind Ghe urge will never truly fade Ghe Novice Pach awairs your mind Uour pride and greed muse stay behind Tow walk the trials, play the pare Go help unearth chose pure of heare And the words ring true as one by one, young and old. with the help of a crutch or a nod of the head - everyone joined in a dancing, singing frenzy, scomping and laughing around a massive bonfire, ridding chemselves of the anxiety and living in this weird moment. An air €archling almost ser fire co the tumbleweeds, flexing his massive wings co the melody, a licele carried away, & group of Ilvirians pulling off che most ridiculous of dance moves, a few elves getting very much too drunk with the dwarves - they'll pay for chat comorrow. €ven the light dixies, summoned By a skilled human, joined in, creating such a beautiful and bizarre ambi everyone..well, parcied! Very much in che middle of nowhere, scared out of their minds, surrounded by giant mouncains with no civilization in sight yer hopeful, happy and wich a huge promise on their minds, And so the most silent night became a wild one, which, from the side looks of the outpost guards was not a usual sight, ou swear. as you awkwardly stumble ro your tent at dawn, you hear one of them whisper erm,,.whar a lot this year..” Jes we are, you chink wish a fond smile, slancing back ar your newly mee friends. Ghat, and che dwarven barrel jumping compericion that occured not half an hour ago, makes the jab justified, And as thoughts go, chi a bad one to fall asleep co, Nor bad ac al rap, you're here) As soon as you step through the scone door of the mountain and onto the Novice Path (holy jou bear the guards scare a warding chant behind you, and a low grumble of the scone growing inwards, Ir sends a slight shake that continues into your bones - it feels very final, Ghis is ix. Ghere's no way back. ot through your heare. No turning back now. Uou take a deep breath ignoring the pang of panic that j You move your gaze forward to take it all in. You're not quite sure what you were expecting, dragons maybe or hadlows, magic fireballs? But everything is remarkably ordinary. Except that the dusty desert environment is swiftly Changed co a green, refreshing forest. Ghe trees ahead loom peacefully, casting long morning shimmering slightly as the leaves move lazily in the soft wind, A beautiful scent of pines and spring caresses F birds chirping, see bees flying, and a messenger crow dart Your nose, genele sun kissing your face, You can by to the north of you. You could be in Ircheria if you didn’t know becter, Okay so this is pleasant. Ghae's suspicious Wuse stay vigilant, Bur also ob look, it’s the Blue €yed Willow! Ghose are rare, their unique blossoms are invaluable for healing pocions! Ic’s so gorgeous, swaying wich it's long branches brushing che ground, covered in liecle buds soon to open! No waie, seay on cask, Dust, Resise, Gempracion, Go. Simply. Call, Ir. A, Day. 1g the situation as well, and feel a warm reassurance from the familiar ant steps forward, Uou look around at the group, all a faces. After a solid moment, a couple of nudges forward, everyone finally takes a few be then another couple this time more confident, and soon you re all striding towards the entrance to the ulated the size of the trees = ser you get, the more apparent ic is that you massively mii All chings considered, things were going well, ing 1g the day before the ev very forgiving co your fect. he forest was actually quice pleasant, esp. zed playing ericks on your eyes, Ghere were curious litele glittering jous stunning motbs danced around che forest bes, creating an s few of you were experienced mushroom foragers shadows st dragging bebind passerbys and clinging co cheir cloaks, V. k snaps of frog congues from below, She sunspots cast swaying spot and aromatic ‘Ghe main road ended shorely afcer you entered the forese, but che mossy path you've been erekking bas been. ly du jores lazily floating mid air, floor, dodging the q acmosphere nor unlike thar of che botcom of a shallow lake. s0 your food reserves actually increased and the dinners were plentiful, tasty Sleeping on the floor wich nothing but a flimsy blanket beeween them and the hard tree roots was not for everyone, however, Some were less than amused and would wake up mumbling curses and rubbing sore backs, Buc everyone was dry, warm and wich full stomachs. All really was wel. A bit roo well. And everyone seemed aware of this, Gempers started running a bit short. every sound making balf the parcy jump. It's nor healthy being over vigilant for days on end, you start seeing monsters where only 2 shadow of a squirrel-cat is, preads into On che fourch day you reach the Ashehorn tree, and it’s the most beauciful and bizarre cree you have ever seen, ff couple of times and eventually As wide as three caverns and four times as tall, it ev massive branches that catch and weave the low hanging clouds around fe. bbe leaves are of at least ten different shades of gray, green and iridescent. On one side of it, che crunk procrudes and a beautiful stream falls down gathering ineo a small pool, hugged by the roors as if a fence ro a house. Uou ve walked che forest long enough to notice the extraordinary level of life inside it, yer the branches are void of birds, there are no animals nesting, not even ants climbing it, Despite the distinctive lack of wildlife. there's an unnerving sound of presence. Ghis, you think, is the exact type of whisper you heard when entering the forest, A mixture of laughter, joy. screams of terror, songs sung by tired mothers, hushed privare conversations: all of it in a low muffled whisper. Ie feels as if you ve just emerged from a deep dive in a sea and your ears are filled with warer. Jou re clearly not alone feeling this sensation. as you see a lot of your peers are absent mindedly poking their own ears in an attempt to shake this off. But most of their attention is on the markings, Ghe tree is riddled with glowing, pulsating symbols. Wich each pulse, more of the purple light shines through the edges of che runes, lighting chem up and amplifying the murmurs: with each pause they quiet Every person who has ever dreamed of becoming a respectable sorcerer knows about the Ashthorn Gree, so nobody atremprs to approach ir, Go study ic, you need special training as well as permission, Go do so without it, if you believe the cales, leads to quick descent inco madness. Ghere's a sense of foreboding in the air, despice the lack of guards, Ghe tree is just..ere, Nobody's stopping anyone from approaching it, yer nobody goes close enough co couch it, Just below che foreboding. however, is an extremely deep curiosity and thirst for knowledge. What if the rales are just precautionary, put in place to make sure those unequipped to do so. don't ccempe sneaking in here to scudy this ancient power, Because there sure is power. you can feel it, hell, you can even smell it ( it's cold lavender minz), And why is research nox shared anyway? Daybe this is a test, what self respecting wizard would walk away wichout learning more about this? Bur maybe this is a vest of reliabi and self control? Rywoner, a water Eartherling, is che first to speak "Alright, come on let's... go. Uou know this is nor where we are meant to linger” Buc even as she says so, her lips Seem hesitant and her eyes do not leave the markings on the roots surrounding the pool But they move, Some quicker, some slower, in an unspoken agreement to avoid looking at one another as they pass Qi Whar do you do: A: [have utmost respect not only for the necessary guidance put in place, bur even more so for nature. Dost is beyond us, grand and amazing. I take the sight in and move on. B: I know net co mess with any writing I cannot decipher so I don't approach it, But I alse do not leave without quickly copying a few symbols on a piece of parchment as I pass it, to try and look up C: Gbe writing is not whac intrigues you, the whispers do, What scories docs ic hold? You plan on coming back here after dark co medicare and sce if you can align with the tree's plane of existence D: You believe chat che energy of those ancient is inherently incerewined with our own and is meant to be shared to live on. You plan on coming back afcer dark to touch the tree and siphon energy, power and magic co learn ic co boch honour ic and prepare for che journey abead, ‘ Ghat night, you swear you notice a couple of people sneak our, undoubredly falling for the allure of the forbidden knowledge. And, even though this would put the group behind schedule, most voted to spend another night at this camp before moving on. Ic appears thar staying put does not help one’s jumpiness, however. At least when you were on the road you felt like you were "doing" something. Now, as you are all either charting, cooking, or otherwise keeping busy, the tension is palpable. But you know whar rhey say: you cry wolf one coo many times and people stop taking you as seriously, so when Firgyl joles upwards from the evening's campfire and casts a shield, not an unusual behaviour of his, nobody really reacts much, Bur the laughter is pierced by a low, guctural growl thar finally snapped everyone's attention, In a macter of seconds, everyone is on their feet, scaifs, or swords in hand, ready to act, Just, against what? Everyone and everyching is silent for what feels like an eternity, the only movement is thar of shadows cast by the fire. Iris che distinctive lack of this light that made you spor it, on one side there was a shape. something otherworldly soaking in the light. existing in che thickness of the shadows. chest expanding and falling slowly with each deliberate breath, sharp teeth showing as soon as your eyes meet its golden ones. A four legged creacure leaps towards the nearest person, bypassing the campfire and extinguishing it with ies speed and force, engulfing everything in near blackness. Nepvi's chese is what meets the creature's front | che Force has bim falling co the ground instancancously. Nepyl is a naturally cheerful and very much Uked, however, being a quill maker for most of bis life. he is one of che least experienced cravellers here. bhe only thing he does is let our a tiny surprised “oh’ Ghis seems co snap the paralyzing curse as everyone moves at once. At least a dozen light sources appear at the ame cine: d few orbs of light, a couple call corches, Fausta uses her Iltirian light ro case a wide shine above the whole campsite, And now you sce ir, A giant black, ravenous direwolf, panting, slashing and tearing ac Nepwi's flesh, leaving nascy oozing wounds behind, Nepwi cases a quick desperate, wide-cyed look at bis companions as his consciousness leaves his cyes and his body goes limp. Sensing this, che ereacure slows and takes a few steps back, shadowy liquid slowly drooping from bis jaws, burning the ground ir lands on, Uou are che first to accack, murmuring a few spells under your breath as your staff lights bright red, launching a firebole towards the creature's chest. Uou're left flabbergasted as the flame soares right through. setting a willowberry bush behind i aflame, But how can that be? the frown on your face deepens as the vines + pulled out of che ground by someone else - fail co gec a grasp on it. A brighclighe spell is consumed by shadows around the wolf, as the shouts of rushed incantations fail to rake any effect, as neither air, nor fire. or earth, or water can touch this beast, as the wolf stares making its way towards you. Dagan, a fairly well known Skatmorn sorcerer. jumps in front, extending bis hand co draw a shield circle around you both, forcifying it with a protection elypb. Uou recognise this glyph. ie is meanc to force physical distance between the caster and one who tries to break ry powerful glyph. But as the ereacure leaps forwar locks its golden eyes wich Dagan, raking on the bright white shade of his and lending the gold te him, which shrust Dagan encire body five Feet ino the air, suspended, his bair moving slowly in the brvezcless evening for what feels like years, chen he slams hard into the ground, the force raising a cloud of dust, Wich that. the glyph catches fire and in less than a blink of an eye, burns away te nothing, Uour mind freezes, What on Aeldia is this creature? What can you even do? Is his ic? Is chis how you go, ac che froching dark mouth of a mysterious shadow-bease in che middle of nowhere? Forcunately. your brain seems to have forgotten how to register this panic, as only shock, bewilderment, and an unsatisfying sense of a mystery unsolved remains, You can actually smell che chick car darkness of che creacure's shadows as ic snarls at you, pulling away wich an inbale, ready co sink ies eeeth into your abdomen, Uou close your eyes bur che pain doesn’ come, only a small sound of someching tiny and sharp shattering greers you, When you rentatively open your eyes, all that is left of the beast is a dark broken crystal, smailer than. your palm, fraccured by a simple arrow. You look co che side to find Aenwyn, bow still held high. panzing; just as surprised by chis as everyone else Iz appears that some magic can only be beaten by means most regular, that iundane does no mean lesser. Afverwards, the broken erystal shards are buried deep underground after magical means of destruction fail Dagan’s body is moved closer to the fire and cended to by an ilcirian who specialised in healing, you can sce his chest rising and falling, Breathing. Ife'll recover. Unlike lepvi, who's lifeless body has been cleaned and who you will bury ac dawn, away from bis family, away from anything he knew. Everything you do now is ringed with a real sense of knowing thar not everyone will make ic co Orilium, Ghe world seems to end in front of you. You've left the forest a few days ago and have been trekking through fairly open terrain. You look behind you and see the hills. cumbleweed. a few dry plants. but before you there's just a massive wall of white smoke, It slowly, creepily seeps forward on the ground, moving towans the feet of your party with unmistakable hunger. You swallow hard and rake a few small steps back. Ghis mist seems alive and you do not like thar ene bit: Right. so naturally - walk around it. Peculiarly, it seems vo extend as far to the sides of the walkable path as the party could explore, and after a few feeble acremprs at dispersing it [everything bounced right off!) you all concluded char the only way forward is through it. Uou've spent a good hour forming small strategic groups, making sure each bas someone who can heal, deflect, ateach, fortify «you name jus co watch the frst group be flung backwards by che mis, Pars of emo followed che same fare One at the time it is, Fausta was the first co smoothly, confidently (alchough you could swear her blue water spors became much brighter chan before) step inco che mise. As soon as her foot touched ic, the mise came alive. Ie curled around her, greedy hands pulling her inco ies embrace, waves upon waves cugging ar her fascer and faseer until she dlisappeared from your view ensirely. Gbe mise calmed co ies usual slow pace and if you didn t know any bereer, you'd never suspect anything had diseurbed ic You all waized.,.and waived...and waived, Bur noching bappened, No sounds, no flashes, no furcher movements, As there was nothing else to do, one by one, you all go into the mist. ds you step forward, you are lulled by the beauty of this milky fog. it almost seems welcoming. Uou can bear people behind and beside you but soon you're alone, Actually. you don’t think you've ever truly been this alone ‘in your life, Uou increase your pace a bit as your heart starts racing, but there's no end to this, you can see a few feet in front of you but everything else is jusc a wall of whice, Your breaching catches as you feel your head scareing co spin, your vision lag. You can feel sweet droplets from the mist cacching at the back of your throat. Uou're thirsty, you wish you Broughe some water, Wait, you do have some water, in your bag, of course! Only when you reach for ic, you cannot find ic. Jou cannot find your staff, or your books - it’s just you. All of che sudden, your body scarts fighting your mind, You feel your shoulder rise ro your ear as you try co fight your head snapping to the lefe. Ghe sound of your quick breathing is amplified by he silence of the entire universe, you're alone, you're the most alone you could ever be. Gime loses meaning, you're not sure if you've been bere a few hours or a few days. You want to close your eyes but they don't seem to listen, the fog stings and your eyes water, and you feel the urge to simply sic down and cry. You want to get out, out, ouz, ut. You start screaming and running, and that’s when you see it: your worst nightmare, When Gertie confronts the fog, she sees herself growing old, vired, and numb, and on che day she dies che world doesn't call her name, Ghe world doesn't remember, Ghe world doesn't even notice, it just laughs and laughs and laughs and laughs. Raven is digging at che ground, ac the walls, at herself: finally slumping co the floor of the cage with a hopeless blank scare mirroring the stillness of the mist around her. Ghe only sound is che drip drip drip of blood drops from her back hicting the metal cage base, pooling around her corn off wings. Uennifer secs herself making it co Orilium, studying and excelling there, graduating, making a name for herself + all things that should! make ber happy. Buc there's a nag that she's forgetting something. She cannot remember whar ic is, Uncil a flash appears showing her elderly father dying on the floor. calling for bis lieele girl and Uennifer walking away as if she cannot hear him. Again and again. What was it that she forgot? Arden Iguaran steps forward and hears a deep crack. he ice has eracked and they cannot oucrun it, they slip and fall, their body is pushed underwaver and is met wich a shock of frcezing burn, Ghey ery ro breathe bur the lungs burn as they ache for air bur cannot expand, Gheir muscles lock up preventing them from swimming up nd chey're sinking. sinking. it's so cold. all cha is lee ls detp blue tee, fopalititics che fare docg af fer family's hollse wich alfaiigh lon hes lip wie testers "yeas cent eee as her five siblings, parents, and grandparents are dead on the floor, bodies concerced in a pool of blood. As she holds her sister's cold hand and fights the sobs, she sees a nove nearby "you could have saved them, bu you lefe" Ivy Blackheare is frozen in terror as millions of eyes and bairy legs crawl on their body, stinging chem as one massive spider slowly approaches to trap them in their web. reams, tears leaving traces on their soot blackened face as they sob out apologies, hands outstretched without content, shooting hot red flames at their friends, losing all control of their magic. Ohey whisper apologies and beg for forgiveness as their friends are undone by a fire of their making. Nimue’s body is slammed against the ground, muscles tensing. bones cracking. as she cries to life herself up. gravity pushing her down as heavy as 4 led monster. She will never fly again, all she can do is lay here, broken. Amalthea is forced to relive the moments of the direwolf accack where all of her knowledge failed co help, all her magic was useless, Whar is she without ir? Why can’t it work? She casts every spell she can think of, screaming, crying and losing ber hepe a bit more wich each one, Orion simply sits quietly on che ground, rocking slowly back anu forth, bugging something close to his chest. Re is singing a silly licele song bis animal companion loved as a lirle owl. ic used to always calm Luna, she ‘would even sing along. Sing along, Luna, Why can’t you sing along? Please wake up, Luna. Please Uou know that the longer you breathe in this mist, the more it'll make you see things. It shows you your fears, makes you confront terrors you didn’t even know you held Uou must get our of here, but you cannor do this wich a head full of illusions, Whar do you do? A: [ cransmure parts of the nearby misc inco solid marbles thar fall to the ground, this gives me enough time to push chrough withour being too affected B: L take che time ro analyse and accept my fears uncil chey do not have enough of a mencal impact on my journey forth C:1 conjure a Dust Devil co help disperse the mist for me co allow me zo pass D:[ ery co calm my breathing, minimise feedback by closing my eyes and focus on my bands and feet. I establish a connection wich earch and let ir guide me cowards che end of the mise. Some lefe che mist moments after entering ic, some took hours, others even days. On the fourch day, only one more person emerged. and by the fifth the group had to decide ro move on, Whilst you have most of your party you, the absence of those left bebind hangs heavily in the air. Nywoner is one of them. You miss her hearty laughter and her myriad of inappropriace jokes. ou hope the mist has not claimed them for long and thar chey will eventually find their way out, but you're lefe with such a deep custing concern that some of your friends might never see sunlight again, But there's nothing you can do to help them. and you all cried, there's no entering the mist once you escape it. You must carry on. Afcer a week or so, the sad quierness has gradually given way to casual conversation and cension-breaking. jokes, You pass through bare cerrain, noc much co really look ac apart from a deserted hard ground, hills, and fleeting reach-mice. Next stop is the Ruin of the Skye. an ancient sice rumoured co have been buile nor long afcer the fi knowledge seekers approached Orilium. way before the University was even an idea. Scholars thar cook the Pach would spend months, sometimes years, trying co slowly make their way to the crater, going on small expeditions and coming back to base. Ghey gathered and shared knowledge of the surrounding oddities. noving this on scrolls bur also things more long lasting, like scone, for those who come next. For, you see, knowledge flecting and is so easily lost. Especially in a place that seems to have protection of its own, As the Path’s mysteries (for the most part) were uncovered and recorded, the buildings were no longer needed, Nowever. itis tradition char every new seeker stops here to leave a piece of their own knowledge, of a picce of themselves as a thank you. Something sentimental, or something useful. (Daybe a trinket to signify leaving the past behind, or a scroll with a secret family potion recipe. You really cannot miss ic, Ghe green flora co the left sticks our of the sandy red verrain like a candle flame in the night. Ghe trees stand strong, wich no visible pach becween chem, so you step onto the soft moss and you. could cry from the relief your tired feer feel. Ghe air smells slightly of rain, which is odd as the sky has been clear for days, Ghe flowery vines hang low from the willow crees and you spend a good minuze pushing through hese, but here itis, just on the ocher side - the Ruin of Ghe Skye, It's magnificent. Ghe sunlighe is dancing on the old stones, and there's so much co cake in your eyes you don't quite know where zo stare, Ghere are shallow pools, and a deeper one wich gigantic wild lilies floating on the surface. Almost everything is covered in moss or vines, crawling up on even the tallest of the remaining walls. Wild flowers covering the spaces between them. his is much bigger than you expected, when people talk about the ruins earn kee nil Uke |e pert es an abantisned aoiee cpa camoalee pile eHlancees eau aye bee sale village! You can sce a mossy decline to a lower level as well, waer dripping down inzo a caverlike entrance. Ghere are no scrolls or books in sight as you were expecting, but each stone surface is covered in writing. Some in common, some in languages you not only don’t know, bur cannot even recognise. So many runes, and glyphs. and blueprints, this is an actual library of sorts, One building has a ceiling magically suspended above the moscly broken walls, and it’s so peculiar. Ghere is a circular cut-out in the middle, with crescent moons on caciy side and when you bend over zo get a berter lock, you see a hundred star maps light up. It's mesmerising, you could stay here forever. Ghereis, what looks like, a shrine in one of the liccle gardens, Ghis is clearly the place where eravellers have left their cribuces. Ghere are a dozen wrapped parcels of various shapes, a few dlaries, most of the scrolls have been worn away by the passing of time, but other trinkets such as meral quills and even a few staffs have weathered okay. {lou can see a few items looking fairly new but che majority are in various stages of rust, mold and general decay, Jou can also see one pair of Splendid wizard's boots and have to remind yourself cha caking somezhing away from the shrine is probably going to be frowned upon You each leave a gift and descend the slippery stone stairs rowards the lower part of the ruins, Mere, the buildings reach the same height as the ones above but the added depth of the lower portion make them really impressive, his place feels almost sacred, {lou wish you had more time eo read whar's on the walls, you can see some of your friends looking at some pieces t00. Something carches your eye. No, noc something - someone, Ar the end of the ball, a shadowed, cloaked figure stands, Ir looks almost ordinary, and a hesitant “hello?” from your group echoes as they notice them roe. Bhey move ever so slightly, but there s something ould about ic, Ghere's something not quite right wich che way this person holds themselves, head slightly bobbing ac the neck, arms weirdly limp at their sides, dragging behind them, Ie's too dark here to see much else, You cannot pur a finger on it, is it something unnacural, or someone who's bure? What's your characcer's first instince: A: Lactempt to subely slip inzo their mind co check upon their state and intentions B: I think they may be injured and in need of help, Quickly run your eyes over them in search for wounds and. injuries in need of treatment, : Who cares abour them, have you SEEN the beautiful way nacure and magic become one here, not to mention ‘the beautiful astronomy murals?! D: I activaze a protection glyph to shield both myself and my group. Ashara, a call lean Ilzirian girl who always looks like she’s about co slit your throat bur accually is one of the kindest and most caring people in the party. gingerly steps forward with an outstretched arm towards the stranger. ‘Do you need help?’ she whispers Ghe stranger's head snaps towards the party. their body thrust sideways as a luminescent spirit separares from the body and whooshes right through the parcy, a horrid angry scream bouncing off the wet ancient walls, echoing long afeer ic is gone. Ghe lor of you jump and knock inco one another, you chink you might have pricked yourself on someone's cloak broach as tiny bead of blood crickles down your arm. Ashara is already at the discarded body, whispering healing chants, moving her illuminated hand over the stranger's dark face. She wakes with a gasp and confusion. er name ts ira and she was a member of a parcy set out for Orilium two years ago. She couldn't escape the mist for weeks and once she did there was nobody there to meet her. She remembers making it co the Ruins but she was soon possessed by a lingering angry and biccer spirit, one chat had perished before reaching the Universizy. She had wandered! the Ruins, reading the scripture on the walls, feeling her body summon magic she did not command it to, feeling the ancient old rage from the spirit. She's heard of the rumours of the place being haunted by power-craved spirits of old, bue she thought these were nothing more than rumours. Gwo years lacer - she knows better than that. Whilst still in shock, she's extremely relieved and thankful to your party for finding her, as you invire her to join the group. Uou get a chance to explore more of the Ruin of the Skye, wandering the damp narrow corridors and spacious halls, quickly scribbling down a couple of ineriguing symbols along the way, Bur soon enough, you're leaving it far behind you and heading co che new destination - che Obsidian Falls; 5 Wide and narrow wacerfalls, stacked bigh above one another, running through smooth and rough scones to all meee in the pool at the very boctom. During the day the water is pitch black, soaking in all the sunlight and playing ericks on your eyes. Ir almost looks like the absence of any worldly macerial, a gap in the consciousness. But during the night ic is luminescence, emitting a whole rainbow of shades. Ghe pool is where the legendary Spirit of Likim appears. Ghose seeking guidance towards their true and honest purpose visit this spot in hopes of one day crossing paths with it. Ics rumoured to inspire the highest level oF self realisation, But even if the ebances are really quice low. sorcerers appear at the waterfalls to marvel meditate, and reflect even so, Which in itself has created a very unique energy. As you approach the sight you feel almost suspended in time, find your shoulders relaving from the knot that has been forming ar the back of your neck for weeks now. And you rest, People settle in, sitting crossed legged around a campfire. You chat and share stories, you learn more about each of your friends, including the newest recruic (ira. [t's a good night, And as the sun sets the first rays of. ‘moonlight bics che water - as if igniced from that very spot. it reverberaces until all you can sec is dancing lights. It's stunning. UJou feel so relaxed and at peace, you wouldn't want to be anywhere else, You even have buseerflies in your stomach. Actually, che burcerflies are feeling a bit aggressive. {ou frown a little and shift your weight. Okay, now che bucterflies seem to bave sprouted some sharp blades, what in the seven hells is this, Uou feel a sharp pain in your abdomen as you cramp up, your throat suddenly feels very dry, your palms sweaty, and you feel queasy. By ‘the way everyone is grabbing their stomachs you conclude that it's not just you. Ugh..did we eae sometbing bad?” you hear someone ask, as Aenwyn loses their baccle with nausea behind you, “Ghis cannot be’ the words come our of the elder elf all strangled. ‘we are the same food we have” he manages before collapsing. Uour insides are on fire. You curl into yourself and can feel that you'll soon scare fighting to scay conscious, Uou need to act now. there's no time to help anyone else, and no time for anyone else to help you, he only person unaffected seems co be (Dira, who's currencly exeremely wide-eyed and panicking, running from person 0 person nor quice knowing what to do. Wira’s nor affected. It wasn't a broach ar all, chat prick, Ic must have been the last bitrer spirit's arrempz at stopping chem You're poisoned. Uou scare seeing black spots in your eyes and hearing ringing in your cars. It's now or never. What do you do? A: Find a herbal remedy nearby, there's always one if you know what to look for! You have might try a few but if you know your planes, you'll find a combination before time runs out! B: Find che first aid kit and construct a magical apparatus that tests your blood composition to locate and, Filter out the poison, : Gather yourself, focus, and jump co the point before the poison gers into your system, folding time itself, You won't be able ro do chis again anytime soon, but chis occasion, D: Call upon the restorative magic co slowly pull che poison our, Ie might cake a while bur ie's thorough work, Pain is to be mortal, after all, and it’s their way of reminding you of ic You pull yourself back up, looki ers us means co rid themselves of the poison. Once you feel strong enough, you try and help a few that lost consciousness before their methods took effect. It was a {quiet chaos, those who ate free of the poison trying to help those who are noz. (iraculously everyone has survived, bus you have to spenul 4 few extra nights by the Obsidian Falls in order for everyone to recover, A.week lacer you stand in front of thé most crooked, most wonky tower you have ever had a misfortune of wicnessing, You don’t need to know much about magic to know this is a mage cower. Visible glyph shields circle around the top. enchanted paper binis rustling from windowsill co windowsill, Near the entrance you can see randomly planted bushes with golden pear shaped fruit floating upwards instead of hanging, and whispering vines slithering around che tower like gossiping serpents. Ghe cower is quite high and imposing, branching our with a few round rooms near the rep. & few stones slide out of the walls and exchange places mid air: was that Anore you sported artached co them? Your whole party jumps as someching akin to a cannon shot deafens everyone. Ghis is followed by crumpers and the swish of a cloak, as the rower s door flings open and releases purple smoke, as it dissipates you can make out a wizards figure, "WELCOME ALLII” he booms. "Go the Bower of Rrrrrruuumination!” he swirls around at this point, flailing his bands in a dramatic manner, 'I have been waiting for you, I have! Dy name is Burtinalf, and itis your pleasure ‘to meet me,” he takes a slight bow, one hand pressing his long blue beard to his grey robes. ‘Ihave been the ower keeper for many ycars, probably more than some of you lor have been alive for, and it's deligheful for you to stop by. Ghe Favour Chamber is ready for you now. I hope you choose your gifts wisely. no second chances!” At this, he summons a whiskey borele in his one hand and, what looks like, 5 chicken bones in che other. Ne tiles his head and barks a laugh at everyone's confused expressions, then swiftly turns and wichout a word disappears inside the cower, leaving just the after-image of his many layered cloak swishing in che ai “€rm, yes that is indeed a welcome.” one of you says. "I guess we should follow?” And so you do, What waits inside is no less chaotic than what was ouside. You cannot help but smile ac the enchanced dusters and brooms (way more than should be reasonable!) sweeping every surface and, knocking, scrolls and pans back and forth on the floor. Bhere are 4.5, no 7 real birds inside for some reason, jst perching on the rafters, looking at you curiously. A black eat comes to sniff you, you kneel to give it a scratch and notice it's eyes are burning red, it meows at you affectionarely and a lirtle flame sets your sleeve on fire. Burcinalf pops out from behind a bar (chere's a bar?!) and slams rall glasses on the cable, calling ro someone named Burra for food. Ghe ale is cold and familiar, and soon everyone falls into a loud charter. Above you, a bunch of 's and garlic cloves start swaying, you poke one curiously and an angry pixy bursts out, sending yers of the onion fiying into everyone's hair. It latches onto your finger, biting down co the bone, holy crap s hurts! You start shouting and notice a large brown bear Walking into the room holding a massive tray of food, your screams starcle and it abruptly turns icself around, clumsily hurrying back inco the kitchen, “Dimitis!” quickly murmurs Burtinalf wich bis wand poinced ac your hand, and che pixie decaches from you and zips inte bis prepared pouch, “Ah cursed pixie, [lost it last Ghursday! Anyway, up the scairs and co the left with you, you'll find bandages there. [have to go calm Burta, I think you scared ber.” he next morning, one by one, you are called to enter the Favour Chamber. It is a round room wich a beautiful wall tapestry of the deepest black and gold thread details. Ghe floor dips in che very middle so chat once you cook your place, the four pedestals around you area few steps higher. Above cach marble pedestal floats a scroll, tied wich a golden thread marching thar of the capesery, You have seen only a couple of similar scrolls before, chose were always kept in display eases, in the most ceneral shops, and entirely ourside most people's budget, Ghese are scrolls of knowledge, and rave ones! Ghere is a whice rune exched into che pillars nearby co indicace what School of (agic the scroll belongs to. Uou can only pick one. Which scroll do you leave with? A: Scroll of Lore B: Scroll of Shapeshifcing ¢:Scroll of Inscription 1D: Scroll of Illusions You're scanding nexe co a tall portal, Ghe arc of it is incricace and marvelous, che porcal is mirror-like wich swirling colours, It’s quite disorienting, but you can now see it, Ghe Orilium Academy. You made it! Uou know this porcal will finally lead you to Orilium, a covered city acop of che most powerful floacing rock on the planet. I's beautiful. You can feel your own magic strengthen just due to your proximity te the place, and you cannot wait co learn from those who have mastered che skills You're here.

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