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Writing a thesis can be an arduous task, demanding a significant amount of time, effort, and

dedication. Among the various sections of a research paper, the results section holds paramount
importance as it presents the outcomes of the study. Crafting this section in adherence to APA
(American Psychological Association) guidelines requires precision and attention to detail.

The results section serves as a platform to showcase the findings obtained through rigorous research
and analysis. It demands clarity in presentation and accuracy in interpretation to convey the essence
of the study effectively. Each result should be presented in a logical sequence, accompanied by
relevant statistical analyses and supporting evidence.

One of the challenges in writing the results section is striking a balance between conciseness and
comprehensiveness. It requires the researcher to summarize the key findings succinctly while
ensuring that essential details are not omitted. Moreover, maintaining objectivity in reporting the
results is crucial to uphold the integrity of the research.

Following the APA format adds another layer of complexity to the writing process. Adhering to the
specific formatting guidelines for tables, figures, and statistical notation requires meticulous
attention. Failure to comply with these standards can result in the loss of credibility and may hinder
the understanding of the results by the readers.

Given the intricacies involved in writing the results section of a research paper in APA format,
seeking professional assistance can be immensely beneficial. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert
guidance and support to researchers in crafting impeccable results sections that adhere to APA
guidelines. With a team of experienced writers well-versed in academic writing standards, ⇒ ⇔ ensures that your results section is polished, coherent, and compelling.

By entrusting your academic writing needs to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the burden
of writing a thesis and ensure that your research is presented with the utmost clarity and precision.
Order now and experience the difference in your academic journey.
Finally, the scatterplot of standardised residual on standardised predicted value did not funnel out or
curve, and thus the assumptions of linearity and homoscedasticity have been met as well. This
feeling of discomfort was called cognitive dissonance by social psychologist Leon Festinger (1957),
who suggested that individuals will be motivated to remove this dissonance in whatever way they
can (p. 191). A second preliminary issue is how multiple responses were combined to produce the
primary variables in the analyses. Your title page should look like the following example. They should
be included whenever you report population parameter estimates. Typically it begins with certain
preliminary issues. A good introduction critically evaluates the empirical knowledge in the relevant
area(s) in a way that defines the knowledge gap and expresses your aim for your study and why you
conducted it. Again, this information allows your reader to follow up on the sources you cited and
do additional reading about the topic if desired. As we have already seen, the authors are listed in an
order that reflects their contribution to the research. SAMPLE MANUSCRIPT in APA format (5th
ed ) According to the. How to Write a Results Section for an APA-Format Paper - Verywell. How to
Write a Results Section for an APA-Format Paper - Verywell. In-text Citations: For a paraphrased or
summarized idea from a source, include the author's last name and the publication year in
parentheses. SAMPLE MANUSCRIPT in APA format (5th ed ) According to the. Your in-text
citations provide basic information about your source; each source you cite will have a longer entry
in the references section that provides more detailed information. Findings can only confirm or reject
the hypothesis underpinning your study. Connect your results with some of the literature mentioned
in the introduction to bring your story back to full circle. The dining room was described as similar to
a fine restaurant except that tipping was not required. The first is a clear statement of the main
research question or hypothesis. If there is more than one, the headings are “Appendix A,”
“Appendix B,” and so on, and they appear in the order they were first mentioned in the text of the
report. It constitutes the bulk of the introduction of an APA-style empirical research report., which
describes relevant previous research on the topic and can be anywhere from several paragraphs to
several pages in length. Provide In-text Citation: Immediately after the closing quotation mark,
include an in-text citation that provides the author's last name, publication year, and, if applicable,
page number(s) of the quoted material. Was the independent variable manipulated, and if so, was it
manipulated between or within subjects. Please click the checkbox on the left to verify that you are a
not a bot. Compare WWI to WWII, identifying similarities in the causes. Scribbr Apa results section
Citation Checker An innovative new tool that checks your APA citations with AI software. Positive
Emotion Dissociation, Social Connectedness, and Psychological Functioning”. Does it feel like you
have crossed a major hurdle in your research journey. The basic structure of your argument, then,
should be apparent from the outline itself.
The chapter should begin with a brief introduction. Longer or more complex papers may need level 2
headings or other lower-level headings to organize information clearly. Writing a Results Section -
Announcing the Findings - Explorable com. Was the independent variable manipulated, and if so,
was it manipulated between or within subjects. An appendix could be used to present lists of
stimulus words, questionnaire items, detailed descriptions of special equipment or unusual statistical
analyses, or references to the studies that are included in a meta-analysis. Writing a good research
paper is, in and of itself, a major intellectual challenge. Most importantly, do not share interpretation
of the results here. Creating a Thesis Statement - the Purdue University Online Writing Lab. In an
APA results sectionyou should generally report the following: Participant flow and recruitment
period. The most important objective of this paper is to summarize the presented data and document
the information received from the work. Pritha Bhandari Pritha has an academic background in
English, apa results section, psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Please click the checkbox on the
left to verify that you are a not a bot. Use the word count feature of your word-processing program
to make sure your abstract does not exceed one hundred fifty words. Prewriting 6. Purpose,
Audience, Tone, and Content 7. This part of the discussion, however, is not just a list of new
questions. For the sake of concise writing, you can safely assume that readers of your paper have
professional knowledge of how statistical inferences work. When writing the abstract, take a just-
the-facts approach, and summarize your research question and your findings in a few sentences.
Example: (Smith, 2021, p. 25) Cite the Source in the Reference List: Include a corresponding entry
in the reference list for the source you are quoting. Example: (Smith, 2021) Reference List Entry for
a Journal Article: Only first letter of the first word of the article title is capitalized; the journal name
and volume are italicized. Revised on April 1, The results section of a quantitative research paper is
where you summarize your data and report the findings of any relevant statistical analyses. Thus,
there is a necessity of following an exceptional mode of writing. Source:
The most important objective of this paper is to summarize the presented data and document the
information received from the work. To do this, you need to identify your data analysis technique,
report your test statistic, and provide some interpretation of the results. A second preliminary issue is
how multiple responses were combined to produce the primary variables in the analyses. Also, in
order to keep your Results section concise, make sure to never include data more than once. The
heading at the top of this page is the full title of the manuscript, with each important word
capitalized as on the title page. If you find significant results in these analyses, make sure to
appropriately report them as exploratory rather than confirmatory results to avoid overstating their
importance. Introduce the Quote: Begin with a signal phrase or an introductory statement to lead
into the quote. However, if you must mention a secondary source, refer to the APA style paper
example below. For example, it might begin by describing a phenomenon in a general way along with
several studies that demonstrate it, then describing two or more competing theories of the
phenomenon, and finally presenting a hypothesis to test one or more of the theories.
Please click the checkbox on the left to verify that you are a not a bot. It typically includes a
summary of the research, a discussion of theoretical and practical implications of the study,
limitations of the study, and suggestions for future research. For every increase in weight by 1 kg,
self-esteem decreased by 35. Or if they recalled as many items as they could from study list of 20
words, did you count the number correctly recalled, compute the percentage correctly recalled, or
perhaps compute the number correct minus the number incorrect. Confidence intervals are useful for
showing the variability around point estimates. Whether you use a table or figure to present your
data is up to you. How to report numbers and statistics in APA style The APA Manual provides
guidelines for which statistics to report and how to format them. Organizing Your Analysis - the
Purdue University Online Writing Lab. The most important objective of this paper is to summarize
the presented data and document the information received from the work. If you are creating a
qualitative research paper, you must provide readers with the outcomes of your work in this
document. The dining room was described as similar to a fine restaurant except that tipping was not
required. Another would be to answer the main question first and then to answer secondary ones.
What might be some of the pros and cons of using cute article titles. The studies in parentheses
should appear alphabetically by first author’s last name, and separate it with semicolons. Revised on
April 1, The results section of a quantitative research paper is where you summarize your data and
report the findings of any relevant statistical analyses. More details on preparing APA-style tables
and figures are presented later in the book. The title should clearly and concisely (in about 12 words
or fewer) communicate the primary variables and research questions. For example, if participants
rated the attractiveness of 20 stimulus people, you might have to explain that you began by
computing the mean attractiveness rating for each participant. To do this, you need to identify your
data analysis technique, report your test statistic, and provide some interpretation of the results. The
APA style research format comes to a researcher’s rescue. This format is widely used to cite papers
in sociology, psychology, and education. Effect sizes indicate how impactful the outcomes of a study
are, apa results section. Figures are numbered the same way (“Figure 1,” “Figure 2,” and so on). Tell
Participants Apparatus or Materials or Instruments and. Guidelines for apa style 1. Source: Remember, you are summarizing the results. In APA style, the results section includes
preliminary information about the participants and data, descriptive and inferential statistics, and the
results of any exploratory analyses. Source: Do not include the
raw data in the results section. From proactively monitoring and fixing your system remotely to
enabling you to reset your own system easily, we have you covered. Your writing voice will not be as
apparent here as in the body of your paper. It restates the research question and comments on the
In a short report with a single study, this might require no more than a sentence. Make sure to report
any violations of statistical assumptions or problems with estimation. The heading at the top of this
page is the full title of the manuscript, with each important word capitalized as on the title page.
Discuss other theories which could help you justify your surprising results. For example, if
participants rated the attractiveness of 20 stimulus people, you might have to explain that you began
by computing the mean attractiveness rating for each participant. Confidence intervals are useful for
showing the variability around point estimates. Teamwork and Leadership Glossary of Literary
Terms James Sexton Writing an Analysis of a Poem, Story, or Play James Sexton Documenting
Essays in MLA Style Adaptation Statement Versioning History. Do not keep extra spaces between
references and double-space all the references. Instead, it constitutes a kind of argument for why the
research question is worth addressing. To do this, you need to identify your data analysis technique,
report your test statistic, and provide some interpretation of the results. Report the following for
each hypothesis test: the test statistic value the degrees of freedom the exact p value unless it is less
than 0. Connect your results with some of the literature mentioned in the introduction to bring your
story back to full circle. Finally, it helps your reader find additional materials if they wish to learn
more about your topic. To do this, you need to identify your data analysis technique, report your test
statistic, and provide some interpretation of the results. Source: Describe the problem
under investigation in one sentence. A second preliminary issue is how multiple responses were
combined to produce the primary variables in the analyses. Furthermore, keep the procedures brief
and accurate, and make sure to read through so as to not repeat the steps or avoid redundancy.
Again, putting in a little extra time early on can save time later. If you are creating a qualitative
research paper, you must provide readers with the outcomes of your work in this document.
Additional details from Jorge’s paper are provided. The major components of a paper written in APA
style are listed in the following box. At the same time, it should avoid irrelevant details such as the
fact that the study was conducted in Classroom 37B of the Industrial Technology Building or that
the questionnaire was double-sided and completed using pencils. You may not want to present all the
data acquired, though. Organizing Your Analysis - the Purdue University Online Writing Lab. You
should also present confidence intervals and estimates of effect sizes where relevant. An appendix
An optional section at the end of an APA-style manuscript used to present important supplemental
material. Each analysis you run should be related Do not include the raw data in the results section.
First, it signals to your readers that your paper should be taken seriously as a student’s contribution
to a given academic or professional field; it is the literary equivalent of wearing a tailored suit to a
job interview. An ORGANIZED and SYSTEMATIC way of FINDING ANSWERS to
QUESTIONS. Another key issue is the completeness of your dataset, apa results section. The main
ones are the abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, and references.
Source: It is good practice to begin the results section with a brief introduction.
For writing an interesting introduction, researchers should introduce logical flow of ideas which will
eventually lead to the research hypothesis. It is the second page of the manuscript and is headed with
the word Abstract. Their long-term effects on cholesterol levels and blood pressure are unknown;
research literature suggests some potential for negative health outcomes associated with increased
consumption of saturated fat. If you are unsure of how to present specific symbols, look up the
detailed APA guidelines or other papers in your field. More specifically, the introduction of the
results section includes a brief overview of the project, the research question, the alternative and null
hypothesis(es), the identification of variables, the type of Do not include the raw data in the results
section. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. APA Sample Paper - the Purdue
University Online Writing Lab. Depending on the length and complexity of the paper, its major
sections may also be divided into subsections, sub-subsections, and so on. Each subject should also
be blocked from communicating with others to prevent his getting information about their behavior
during the emergency. You also need to make a table that will summarise your main results. Scribbr
Apa results section Citation Checker An innovative new tool that checks your APA citations with AI
software. The abstract is a one paragraph summary of the report. He opened his article with the
following humorous anecdote (Jacoby, 1999). Source: Do not interpret the results
Source: Report data in order to sufficiently justify your conclusions. Pritha Bhandari
Pritha has an academic background in English, apa results section, psychology and cognitive
neuroscience. Your writing voice will not be as apparent here as in the body of your paper. Center
the word References at top of page and double-space all entries. What statistical results do you need
to report according to APA style. Organizing Your Analysis - the Purdue University Online Writing
Lab. Do not include the raw data in the results section. Because the abstract is usually limited to
about 200 words, it can be a challenge to write a good one. It typically includes an opening, a
literature review, and a closing. This test assesses whether there are significant differences between
two groups of participants, where your independent variable is categorical e. To decide how to
present numbers, you can follow APA guidelines:, apa results section. The APA manual provides
rigorous guidelines for what to report in quantitative research papers in the fields of psychology,
education, and other social sciences, apa results section. Moreover, you could use the toolbox to
insert a page number, so that it automatically numbers each page. In an APA results sectionyou
should generally report the following: Participant flow and recruitment period. Describe the problem
under investigation in one sentence. This section does not start on a separate and contains.
It often works well to describe the procedure in terms of what the participants did rather than what
the researchers did. It is acceptable to argue that the balance of the research supports the existence of
a phenomenon or is consistent with a theory (and that is usually the best that researchers in
psychology can hope for), but it is not acceptable to ignore contradictory evidence. You might not
have supported your hypothesis, but your findings may help you develop another hypothesis to
explore in future studies. In an APA results sectionyou should generally report the following.
Supporters claim they are notably more effective than other diets for weight loss and provide other
health benefits such as lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol levels; however, some doctors
believe these diets carry potential long-term health risks. Finally, it helps your reader find additional
materials if they wish to learn more about your topic. Do write to us or comment below and tell us
how your experience writing an APA style paper was. Briefly report the results of any other planned
or exploratory analyses you performed. An appendix could be used to present lists of stimulus
words, questionnaire items, detailed descriptions of special equipment or unusual statistical analyses,
or references to the studies that are included in a meta-analysis. Whether you use a table or figure to
present your data is up to you. Tables and apa results section should be numbered and have titles,
along with relevant notes. Compare and contrast essays are the big essay part which you can
compare. Incorporating Effective Visuals into a Presentation 38. The remaining participants were
invited to complete the online apa results section survey in exchange for study credit. Perhaps there
are problems with its internal or external validity. Describe the problem under investigation in one
sentence. In SPSS, the statistical program often used to calculate statistics, output is not provided in
APA format. Discussion section helps understand the research hypothesis better and places the
results in the broader context of the literature in the area. Tips for Writing a Results Section Perhaps
the best way to use the results section is to show the most relevant information in the graphs, figures
and tables. The most important objective of this paper is to summarize the presented data and
document the information received from the work. Do not include the raw data in the results section.
To test this proposition it would be necessary to create a situation in which a realistic “emergency”
could plausibly occur. A good introduction critically evaluates the empirical knowledge in the
relevant area(s) in a way that defines the knowledge gap and expresses your aim for your study and
why you conducted it. Again, this information allows your reader to follow up on the sources you
cited and do additional reading about the topic if desired. However, if you must mention a
secondary source, refer to the APA style paper example below. Report data in order to sufficiently
justify your conclusions. Sample APA format paper - USC Rossier School of Education. Of course,
your research may require that you cite many other types of sources, such as books or articles with
more than one author or sources with no individual author listed. The text, conversely, is used to
direct the reader to those, also clarifying any unclear points. How to Write the Results Section of a
Study Paper Masters shows you how to present the results section in a research paper or academic
study along with advice on the results section.
As we have seen, writing up qualitative results is easier than writing quantitative results.
Comprehensive summary which is about 120 words. For a. The purpose of citations is twofold: to
give credit to others for their ideas and to allow your reader to follow up and learn more about the
topic if desired. Source: It is good practice to begin the results section with a
brief introduction. APA research paper format is widely used in the research publishing industry. If
you find significant results in these analyses, make sure to appropriately report them as exploratory
rather than confirmatory results to avoid overstating their importance. Each analysis you run should
be related Write in block style (the first line is not indented) and use 120 words or less. The summary
is often followed by a discussion of the theoretical implications of the research. The APA manual
provides rigorous guidelines for what to report in quantitative research papers in the fields of
Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Association’s (APA) publication manual. Headings use title case,
with important words in the heading capitalized. For student papers that are not being submitted for
publication—including theses—author notes are generally not necessary. Use the word count feature
of your word-processing program to make sure your abstract does not exceed one hundred fifty
words. When multiple authors have made equal contributions to the research, they often list their
names alphabetically or in a randomly determined order. You can interpret and explain the results in
the discussion section. Subsequently, these can be referenced and analyzed under separate headings
and paragraphs in the text. How can the results be used, and by whom, to accomplish some real-
world goal. Now is the time to discuss these issues and how they might have affected the results.
Sample number Exposed for 30 min Lab table surface Human fingertips Mouth or lips No exposure
to a surface Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Totals How many colonies would have
been expected for each treatment given random chance. Also, in order to keep your Results section
concise, make sure to never include data more than once. Your in-text citations provide basic
information about your source; each source you cite will have a longer entry in the references section
that provides more detailed information. Results are usually written in the past tensebecause they are
describing the outcome of completed actions. To do this, you need to identify your data analysis
technique, report your test statistic, and provide some interpretation of the results. However, if you
must mention a secondary source, refer to the APA style paper example below. Tables are numbered
in the order that they are first mentioned in the text (“Table 1,” “Table 2,” and so on). Depending on
the length and complexity of the paper, its major sections may also be divided into subsections, sub-
subsections, and so on. As the author, it's your responsibility to comb through the data and select the
important values and statistics that are necessary to answer your research question. The process of
publishing a research paper is so intricate, if you miss one aspect, you could end up struggling with
revisions and reworks or getting a rejection. Writing a Research Report APA Style: Results Section
Results Begin. To decide how to present numbers, you can follow APA guidelines: To present three
or fewer numbers, try a sentence, To present between 4 and 20 numbers, try a table, To present more
than 20 numbers, try a figure. Besides, a large part of what makes a research question interesting is
uncertainty about its answer.

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