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MDP Actionable Items, Timelines & Milestones for

Development Areas:

 Commercial Acumen (D):

o Action: Gaurav should participate in a multi-pronged approach to develop his

commercial acumen. This includes:
 Internal Training Programs: Enroll in programs focused on financial
analysis, pricing strategies, and competitor landscape.
 Timeline: Enroll in a financial analysis program by July 1st,
2019 and complete it by October 1st, 2019. Participate in a
competitor analysis workshop by January 1st, 2020.
 Mentorship: Partner with a senior sales manager with strong
commercial acumen who can provide ongoing guidance and answer
specific questions Gaurav encounters in the field.
 Project Work: Undertake projects that require applying commercial
acumen. This could involve:
 Developing a cost-benefit analysis for a new product launch.
 Creating a financial model to forecast sales growth for his
 Conducting a competitive analysis to identify pricing gaps and
o Milestones:

 Milestone 1 (July 1st, 2019): Gaurav enrolls in a financial analysis

 Milestone 2 (October 1st, 2019): Gaurav completes the financial
analysis program and demonstrates learned skills by applying them to a
real-world sales proposal, showcasing his ability to calculate
profitability and ROI.
 Milestone 3 (January 1st, 2020): Gaurav participates in a competitor
analysis workshop and applies learnings to develop a competitive
pricing strategy for a key product, ensuring strong margins while
remaining competitive in the market.
 Influencing (D):

o Action: Gaurav should focus on honing his influencing skills through a

combination of techniques:
 Shadowing: Observe senior sales managers during key client
presentations and negotiations. Pay close attention to their
communication style, negotiation tactics, and how they handle
 Timeline: Shadow a senior sales manager for two client
presentations by July 1st, 2019.
 Training: Enroll in a public speaking workshop or take an online
influencing course to develop clear and concise communication, and
persuasive presentation skills.
 Timeline: Enroll in a public speaking workshop by October
1st, 2019 and complete it by January 1st, 2020.
 Practice: Seek opportunities to practice influencing skills in day-to-
day interactions. This could involve taking the lead in team meetings,
negotiating with clients on smaller deals, or volunteering to deliver
product presentations.
o Milestones:
 Milestone 1 (July 1st, 2019): Gaurav shadows a senior sales manager
for two client presentations and provides a written reflection on the
experience highlighting key influencing tactics observed, such as
framing, active listening, and objection handling.
 Milestone 2 (October 1st, 2019): Gaurav enrolls in a public speaking
 Milestone 3 (January 1st, 2020): Gaurav completes the public
speaking workshop and delivers a persuasive presentation on a new
product launch to his team, showcasing his ability to clearly articulate
product value and influence buy-in.

II. Leverage Strengths:

 Networking (S): Gaurav's strength in networking should be continuously nurtured.

Here are some ways to solidify this advantage:
o Attend industry events and conferences to connect with potential clients and
stay updated on industry trends.
o Participate in relevant online forums and discussions to build relationships
with industry peers and establish himself as a thought leader.
o Cultivate strong relationships with existing clients by exceeding their
expectations, providing exceptional customer service, and proactively
addressing their needs.
 Customer Focus (S): Gaurav should strive to maintain his exceptional customer
focus by:
o Regularly exceeding client expectations by going the extra mile and
anticipating their needs.
o Proactively gathering client feedback and using it to improve products,
services, and overall customer experience.
o Building long-term relationships with clients based on trust and mutual

III. Recommendations:

In addition to the specific actions outlined above, here are some broader recommendations to
support Gaurav's development:

 Mentorship: Establish a formal mentorship program pairing Gaurav with a senior

sales manager with strong commercial acumen and influencing skills. This mentor can
provide ongoing guidance, answer specific questions, and offer career advice.
Stretch Assignments: Assign Gaurav projects that push him outside his comfort zone and
require him to develop his target skills. This could involve leading a complex sales
negotiation for a major client, & developing a sales training program for new hires, or taking
on a leadership role in a cross-functional project.

 Performance Reviews: Conduct regular performance reviews with Gaurav to track his
progress on his development goals. Reviews should provide constructive feedback,
celebrate achievements, and adjust the development plan as needed.
 Recognition & Rewards: Recognize and reward Gaurav's achievements in developing
his commercial acumen and influencing skills. This can be through verbal praise,
bonuses, or increased responsibility.

IV. Review & Feedback:

 Regular reviews (quarterly) should be conducted by Gaurav's manager (R. M. Murli)

to track progress, address any challenges, and provide ongoing feedback.
 Utilize the established milestones as key checkpoints during reviews to assess
Gaurav's development and adjust the plan as needed.
 Gaurav should be encouraged to actively participate in self-reflection and share his
learning experiences and any roadblocks encountered during the development

V. Impact:

By successfully developing his commercial acumen and influencing skills, Gaurav will
experience a positive impact on himself and the company:

 For Gaurav:
o Increased confidence in handling complex sales situations.
o Enhanced ability to negotiate win-win deals with clients, leading to higher
sales performance.
o Improved prospects for career advancement and achieving his goal of
becoming a State Head.
 For the Company:
o Enhanced sales team proficiency in commercial aspects of the business.
o Stronger client relationships built on mutually beneficial partnerships.
o Increased profitability through effective pricing strategies and cost-benefit
o Development of a strong internal talent pool for future leadership roles.

By implementing this comprehensive MDP and its actionable steps, Gaurav can develop the necessary
skills to achieve his career goals and significantly contribute to the company's success.

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