English Directive Writing Repair Cafe

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Dear headmaster

I am enlightened and extremely obliged to give my opinion on setting up a repair café in my child's
school. I think it will be an amazing activity and will help countless people get their broken belongings
fixed. I will do my best to give you my valid opinion.
My kids absolutely LOVE dismantling and constructing different objects. They are always curious about
what different things are made of and how they are put together. My kids accompany me to my garage
occasionally and watch me with curious faces as I use my power-tools They want to use it as well but
they are too young so I hand them a screwdriver and they get to fiddle with any material that gets left
behind from my work. Kids have developing brains and they are always curious as to how the world
works around them, what different things are made of? What would happen if you dismantle this? How
would u put it back together? Adults are the complete opposite. Hand one a power tool and they’ll get
all nervous and anxious. What if I mess up? What if everyone laughs at me? So, choosing kids for this
activity is perfect. Kids are always eager to learn as well, especially if it involves breaking stuff or fixing
stuff, so they will definitely learn quick.
Repair cafes will take at least 24kg of waste from going to landfill and instead, will take it to their rightful
owners. Isn't that great? This means that the world will have a little less garbage, it'll reduce the
pollution and animals will have places to call home. I think it's amazing that my kids will be making such
an impact on the world. In some countries, the average lifespan of clothing is less than 3.3 years!
Imagine how much of an impact it would make on the environment if the clothing was repaired and
reused instead of being thrown out. This is why volunteers are drawn to repair cafes to combat the
“throwaway culture”. They want to stop things that can be easily fixed from being thrown out and
instead, repair them and make a difference.
All things considered; I think it’s a great idea to open a repair café for the children of your school. I will
be happy to know that my children are making a difference on the environment and satisfying their
curiosity with it.

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