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Grade 06
Unit 01 - Hello
Test 01 - Read the role play on page no. 05 and say…...
1. Who found that they can form five groups:
2. Who gave the register to Raj:
3. Who said there are thirty students in the class:
4. Who agreed to make the cleaning chart:
5. Who thanked Vismi for helping:
Test 02 - Change in to the question form.
Eg : I’m alright now.
Am I alright now?
1. They are dangerous.
2. It is hot today.
3. There are forty students in this class.
4. That is correct.
5. Anne and John are from England.
6. I’m generous.
7. Her mother is a teacher.
8. My parents are good at singing.
9. Piyadasa is a farmer.
10. They are my friends.
Test 03 – Find a word with similar sound from the box to fill the gap.
1. Sat, rat, mat……………………….
2. Sang, bang, tang………………... hand, tax, hat, tap,
3. Bank, tank, rank………………….
4. Land, band, sand………………. rash, had, hang,
5. Lack, back, pack………………….
6. Cap, sap, map……………………. sack, sank, van
7. Max, fax, vax……………………...
8. Fan, can, ban………………………
9. Lad, bad, sad………………………
10. Cash, hash, dash………………..

Test 04 - Fill in the blanks with ‘am’, ‘is’, or ‘are’. The first one is done for you.

1. They are going to park but I am visiting my grandmother.

2. We ………………….students and we ………………….. studying in grade 06.
3. She ……………….. my friend. Her name …………….. Anna.
4. It …………….. my pet, Rexy. It …………… brown and white in colours.
5. I ………………. playing chess, but my friends ……………. playing monopoly.
6. Raja ……………. the captain of school cricket team. He ………………. very smart.

Test 05 - Put a tick (√) in the box if you say “Thank you” and put a cross ( x ) if you don’t say “Thank
you” to the following.
i. I wish you a happy birthday. (……..…..)
ii. Let’s go to the library. (………….)
iii. Give me your pencil box. (………….)
iv. Your new bag is so beautiful. (……...…..)
v. I bought a gift for you. (…….……)

Unit 02 - Leisure
Test 01 - Describe the following pictures using present continuous tense. The first one is done for you.

She is cooking rice.








Test 02 - Complete the questions with the words given in the box.

where, what, how, how much, who,

1. …………………………… is your favourite colour?
I like red
2. …………………………… grows these beautiful flowers?
My sister.
3. …………………………… does your uncle work?
He works in a bank.
4. …………………………… is this shirt?
It is Rs. 650/=
5. ………………………….. do you come to school?
I come on foot.

Test 03 - Fill in the blanks with correct verb form.

( running / reading/ riding/ cleaning/ teaching)

a) The teacher is ……………………. in the classroom.

b) Mother is …………………………….. the floor.
c) Mr. Perera is ………………………….. a newspaper.
d) The dog is …………………………… along the road.
e) The girl is ……………………….. a horse.
Test 04 - Read the list of words and complete the table.

tip kill
link hip
fill will
lip dip
win wink blink
sink sink

tin sip pink bill

Test 5 - Add ‘-ing’ to the following verbs.
1. go - ………………. 6. Read - …………………
2. sing - ………………. 7. Swim - …………………
3. clap - ………………. 8. Do - …………………
4. write - ………………. 9. Ride - …………………
5. run - ………………. - …………………

Unit 03 - Where’s everything

Test 01 – Fill in the blanks with the plural forms of the nouns. First one is done for you.
a) Two ……dogs… (dog) are chasing a cat.
b) The …………………… (baby) are crying in the car.
c) Keep these …………….. (box) on the table.
d) My father bought two kilos of ……………….. (tomato)
e) ……………….. (child) are playing games.
f) Two ……………… (man) are crossing the road.

Test 02 - Read the instructions and draw pictures.

1. There is a vase on the stool.

2. There are three flowers in the vase.
3. There is a ball between the fire place and the lamp.
4. There is a cat near the biggest sofa.
Test 03 - Write the plural forms of the given nouns. The first one is done for you.

1. Boy - Boys 8. Diary - …………………………

2. Woman - ………………………… 9. Knife - ………………………
3. Book - ………………………… 10. Glass - ………………………
4. Tooth - ………………………… 11. Monkey - …………………… …
5. Fish - ………………………… 12. Shop - ……………………
6. Child - ………………………… 13. Life - ……………………
7. Watch - ………………………… 14. Foot - ……………………
15. City - …………………… 16. Tree - ……………………

Test 04 - Read the following text and answer the questions.
My name is Sakuli. I am 10 years old. My school is Ranmal Vidyalaya, Matale. I am in grade 6. I
have a sister who is in grade 8. Ricky, the dog is my pet. I like to play with it every evening. My hobby is
reading story books. My father brings me a lovely story book once a month.
1. How old is Sakuli?
2. What is the name of her school?
3. Does she have a brother?
4. What is the name of her pet?
5. What is her hobby?
6. Who is brining books for her?
Test 05 - Complete the following application form.

Application to get the membership of School Cricket Club

1. Name :……………………………………………………………………
2. Age :……………………………………………………………………
3. Grade :………………..…………………………………………………
4. School :………………..…………………………………………………
5. Name of the class teacher: …………………………………………………
6. Favourite sport: ……………………………………………………….....
7. Hobby :………………….…………………………………………………
8. Future ambition:…………………….…………………………………………

9. …………………. 10…………………….

Date Signature

Unit 04 - What can you see?

Test 01 - Fill in the blanks with “This/ These / That/ Those”
i. Here, ……………….are my pencils.
ii. Look !………………girl is running fast.
iii. ………………boys are playing cricket in the playground.
iv. …………… my village.
v. Look at ………………. Clouds. They are black..

Test 02 – Underline the correct word.

i. maouth / mouth ii. blackboard / blackboard
iii. reed / raed iv. prepare / prepare
v. braight / bright vi. ceiling / ceeling

Test 03 - Match ‘A’ with ‘B’ to make a new word. One is done for you.

i. black book
ii. pretty room
iii. blue work
iv. hand girl
v. cup board
vi. exercise sky
vii. bed park
viii. tooth bag
ix. main board
x. car paste
xi. home hall

Test 04 - Study the picture and complete the sentences.

This is a picture of a …………………………………………………

There is a …………………………………………………………….
There is a ……………………………………………………………..
There are ……………………………………………………………..
There are three ……………………………………………………….
Test 05 - Put the words in the correct column.
Hip King Pin Fish

(Dish, Sing, Win, Lip, String, Sip, Bin, Swish, Tin, Wish, Bring, Tip)

Unit 05 -Aunt Minoli’s Kitchen
Test 01 - Use the punctuation marks and the capitals appropriately and rewrite the passage in the
space provided.
Do you like to know about me I am nisha. i was born in february. My mother is Madavi rathnayake. She Is
35 years old she works in a private hospital named suwa Sahana as a nurse. my father is Kamal Alahakoon.
He is 40 years old and works in the Peoples’ Bank. We travel to colombo from homagama everyday.
Test 02 - Complete the following dialogue using the utterances given below.

Mother: We are making noodles for dinner.

Father: …………………………………………………….
Mother: First, let’s wash our hands.
Kevin and Disni: ……………………………………….
Mother : We need leeks, carrots, onions, a packet of noodles, salt…etc.
Kevin: …………………………………………………………
Mother: vegetables are in the fridge and the other things are in the cupboard.
Kevin: Here they are.
Disini: Shall I wash the vegetables?
Mother: ………………………………………………………..
Father: Can you chop the onions, Kevin?
Kevin: ………………………………………………………..
Mother: Thank you all for helping me.
1. Where are they?
2. Oh, wonderful! I love to eat noodles.
3. Sure, I will chop them.
4. Alright mother.
5. Yes please, Disini.

Test 03 - Write the correct word in the blank to make meaningful instruction on
“How to make a cup of tea”
Keep, pour, put, and, strain, take

i. ..Take….. a kettle.
ii. ………………. some water into it.
iii. ………………. it on the hearth and boil water.
iv. ………………. some tea leaves into a jar and pour hot water into it.
v. ………………. tea into a tea cup.
vi. ………………. some sugar and milk into it.

Test 04 - Circle the mistake and rewrite the sentences correctly.
my village is kalugama. it is a small village in kegalle district. there are about 250 families in my
village. they grow paddy, vegetables and fruits.

Test 05 – Insert “and” where necessary.

Eg: I go home had the lunch – I go home and had the lunch.

i. Samadhi likes dancing music.

ii. Can I have your blue pen red pen
iii. Go to the room take rest.
iv. He can read write English well
v. I have two hats two caps.

Unit 06 – What we do
Test 01 - Underline the correct verb.

(1) I ( get up /gets up ) early in the morning

(2) We (worship / worships) Lord Buddha.
(3) Nimali (study / studies) in the morning.
(4) You (recite/ recites) the poem nicely.
(5) My friends (help / helps) me.

Test 02 – Read the text given below complete each blank by supplying the correct form of the verb.
Suvimali is a young girl. She 1) ..lives.. (live) in Kandy with her family. She 2) ………………….
(enjoy) making things by herself. Her teachers 3)……………. (like) her because she is creative and
clever. She 4)……………….. (make) toy cars. Her parents5)………………. (help) her a lot. She
6)………………….. (want) to exhibit her toys one day.

Test 03 – Make sentences using following words.

The bus Rise the vehicles

Mother Stops rice and curry
Policeman Treats on the road
Dogs Goes along the road
The sun Cooks in the east
Doctors Run the patient

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Test 04 – Complete the sentences on “My Favourite Book”
i. My favourite book is ................................................................................................. .
ii. It is a novel written by ............................................................................................... .
iii. It is a / an ...................................................................................................................... .
iv. The main characters are ................................................................................................ .
v. My ............................. gave that book on my last birthday.
vi. I .................................. it very much.

Test 05 – Circle the correct question word.

1. ................ is your best friend?

i. When ii. Who
2. ............... is your brother? – He is fine
i. How ii. What
3. .................... students are there in your classroom?
i. How many ii. How much
4. ................ old are you?
i. What ii. How
5. ......................... is your sister? She is at the library
i. Where ii. Why

Unit 07 – A fine day

Test 01- Underline the correct word in the brackets.
i) My mother (has/ have) a beautiful saree.
ii) We (has/ have) our main assembly on Wednesday.
iii) She (have/ has) a nice dress.
iv) They (has/ have) a new house in Kandy.
v) He (has/ have) a big bicycle.
vi) Our friend (has/ have) a Malalasekara Dictionary.
vii) I (have/ has) a good voice.
viii) Doctors (has/have) a lot of books to read.

Test 02 – Fill in the blanks with the suitable word to describe the underlined words.

i. I have a ……………………… cat.

ii. She wears a …………………… blouse.
iii. I helped an …………………… man.
iv. He watched an ………………… film yesterday.
v. We live in a ……………………… country.

interesting old

lazy beautiful


Test 03 – Filling the blanks using “has” or “have”

Eg: My uncle has a new car.
i. The teacher …………………beautiful sarees.
ii. We ………………….a library.
iii. They …………………leather balls.
iv. My pet …….……………a busy tail.
v. You ………………… old radio.
vi. I ……………….……..colour pens.
vii. Sama …………..………a brand new car.
viii. He …………………….a best friend.
ix. Our principal …………………….a long cane.
Test 04 – Describe the nouns using adjectives.

Eg: Samll – Small car, small baby

i. Beautiful- ……………………………………………………………
ii. Big - ………………………………………………………………….
iii. Tall - …………………………………………………………………
iv. Hot - …………………………………………………………………
v. Black- ………………………………………………………………..
Test 05 – Fill in the blanks to make the story of “Lazy grasshopper “

Once upon a time, there lived an ant and..................................................... . In summer ants

worked................................................... But grasshopper ........................................ all the day. Summer
vanished. Later Autumn came. It was very.................................. and freezing. Grasshopper had nothing
to.............................................. . The grasshopper could not sing. He was very...................................... .
After that the grasshoppers went to ants and ask for some.............................................. So ants gave some
food to the grasshopper. At last the grasshopper a lesson.......................................... .

cold , hard , food , eat , a grasshopper, sang, hungry, learnt

Unit 08 – A visit to the zoo
Test 01 - Match the opposite words.

1. Brave fat
2. Ugly sad
3. Bitter timid
4. Black beautiful
5. Thin white
6. Happy sweet

Test 02 – Read the following paragraph and answer the questions given below.
Desh has a big cupboard full of toys. Some are new but most of them are old. He will not get
rid of any of them. The toy he likes the most is his clock –work train. The oldest toy is a teddy bear.
His mother bought it for his first birthday. Desh also has a big crane and tractor.

i. Who has a cupboard full of toys?

ii. Where does Desh keep his toys?
iii. Which toy does Desh like most?
iv. Who gave Desh his Teddy – bear?
v. Name two toys that Desh has?

Test 03 - Write the opposite words for the underlined words.

i. Our English teacher is happy.- .............................................

ii. They like my photo. .- .............................................
iii. We are kind to them. .- .............................................
iv. The little children are quick. .- .............................................
v. These flowers are beautiful. .- .............................................



Test 04 – Read the Role play on page 71 “A visit to the zoo” and state ‘True’ or ‘False”
1. Amaya and Manuka went to the zoo with friends....................................
2. First they went to see the fish. ......................................
3. Clown fish live only in The Indian Ocean................................... .
4. Birds are in the tenth block......................................
5. Amaya likes birds a lot.......................................
6. Macaws are black in colour ............................... .
7. Monkey are in the fifteenth block..........................
8. They sat under a mango tree. .................................
Test 05 – Make sentences using the table.
come to the classroom?
Can you take your English text book?
sing a song for the meeting?
I speak with you now?
May know the time?
come with you?
bring the register?

Unit 09 – Sugar or sand

Test 01 – Read the notice and complete the table.


“Little Red Riding Hood”

Presented by grade 06 students

Of Dharmaraja College

Will be staged on 11th October 2019

At 1.30 p.m. in the Main Hall

All are kindly invited.

Organized by the Drama Club.

1. Name of the drama

2. Presented by

3. Date

4. Time

5. Organized by

Test 02 - Write the masculine word of the underlined words to fill the blank.

(1) The …………………………. and the vixen lived in a big cave.

(2) The ………………………….. and the princess lived happily.
(3) Both my ……………………………. and aunt are teachers.
(4) All the ladies and ………………………….. sat in the hall.
(5) I saw a ……………………….. and a girl walk down the lane.

Test 03 – Match the correct contracted form

I am Let’s
What is She’ll
Cannot You’re
Do not I’m
He is can’t
It is what’s
Let us don’t
She will he’s
You are it’s
Test 04 - Write the feminine word for the following words.
Eg: Boy – girl

i. Uncle - ………………………………………………………….
ii. Gentleman - ……………………………………………………..
iii. Male - …………………………………………………………..
iv. Brother - …………………………………………………………
v. Actor - …………………………………………………………….
vi. Husband - ………………………………………………………….
vii. Grandfather - ………………………………………………………
viii. King - ……………………………………………………………..
ix. Son - ………………………………………………………………
x. Father - ……………………………………………………………

Test 05 - Read the paragraph and write the information correctly.
Sumedha Perera is a doctor. She lives in Galle with her family. She studied at University of Rajarata.
Her favourite subject is English. Her hobby is gardening.

i. Name - …………………………………………………………….
ii. Village - …………………………………………………………...
iii. Studied at - …………………………………………………………
iv. Favourite subject - …………………………………………………
v. Hobby - …………………………………………………………….

Unit 10 – Was it yesterday

Test 01 - Join the following pairs of sentences using “and” or “but”.

(1) Nimal is very kind.

Anoma is very rude.
(2) My father went to the station.
He bought a ticket.
(3) The cat chased the rat.
It couldn’t catch the rat.
(4) The guard locked the gate.
He sat down.
(5) I went to meet my friend.
He was not at home.
Test 02 - Read the following table and make sentences using past tense.
Things that Mala did yesterday
7.00 a.m. – had breakfast with parents
7.30 a.m. – cleaned the room
8.30 a.m. – watched and English movie
12.30 p.m. – helped her mother to cook
3.00 p.m. – played with friends
6.00 p.m. – did home work
Eg;- i. Mala had breakfast with parents.
. ……………………………………………………………………………….
Test 03 - Read the following poem and answer the questions
The Cat
There was a cat
Who sat on a mat
It was so fast
It caught the rats

It’s my cat
It’s colour is white
It’s very nice

1. What is this poem about?...............................………………………………

2. He sat on the…………………………… (mat / fat)
3. It catches the …………………………..(rats/ mats)
4. What is the colour of the cat? …………………………. (white/ red)
5. Write the rhyming words to the following word.
Cat - ……………………………………………………………………..
Test 04 – Write the past tense form of these verbs.

Visit Cook
Play Do
Jump Come
Make Open
Cut Run

Test 05 – Match the suitable adverb.

Walked beautifully
Arrived quickly
Get up slowly
Come late
Coloured safely

Unit 11 – Eco friends

Test 01- Find the names of the animal babies.
Eg:- bird – nestling
Cat - ……………………………. Deer - …………………………...
Cow - ………………………….. Goat - ……………………………
Elephant- ………………………. Pig- ……………………………..
Horse - …………………………. Dog- …………………………….
Duck- ………………………….. Goose - …………………………..
Lion- …………………………….

Test 02 - Fill in the blanks with the suitable affixes

(-ly, -ness, dis, re, -less, un, -ful)

i. …………..honest
ii. ………….obedient
iii. ………….connected
iv. ………….kind
v. …………use
vi. Beauty…………..
vii. Care…………….
viii. Happi……………
ix. Quick…………….
x. Colour……………

Test 03 – Use the given details and write a description about the “Giraffe”

tallest mammal nice animal

can run fast

Giraffe eats leaves

live in herds long neck
long legs

Test 04 – Fill in the blanks using these words.
1. Put the ............................. into the dustbin. compost
2. Zebra is a ........................... animal garbage
3. We have a ......................... pile in our garden. fresh
4. I love to eat ....................... vegetables. colourful
5. Your picture is ....................................
Test 05 – Read the paragraph and answer the questions
Hasna went to the Royal Nature Park. There she saw many beautiful flowers and different
kinds of trees. She took many photographs. At the park some people were plucking flowers and throwing
food all over the park. She was sad to see those. She had her lunch under a large tree. She enjoyed a lot.

i. Who went to the Royal National Park? ......................................

ii. What were the things Hasna saw at the park?.......................................
iii. Did she take photographs? .........................................................
iv. Name two bad things that the other people did at the park.
v. Where did she have her lunch?................................................

Grade 07
Unit 01 – What you see
Test 01 - Select the word which has similar meanings.
1. Happy- Glad/ Sorry/ Kind
2. New- Old/ Modern/ Ancient
3. Commence- Stop/ Begin/ Hurry
4. Difficult- Simple/ Hard/ Active
5. Quick- Fast/ Slow/ Wide

Test 02 - Change the underlined words in to antonyms/opposite form using the words in the box. One
has been done for you.
Eg: We live far from the town. ( Close )
1. My teacher gives easy homework. (_________)
2. Rama is happy about the party. (_________)
3. Seetha is the tallest girl in our class. (_________)
4. April is a warm month of the year. (_________)
5. The train came too late today. (_________)

(Early/ Cold/ Shortest/ Sad/ Hard)

Test 03 – Complete the blanks using the details about your school.
My school
My school is …………………………………………………………………………. . It is in
………………………….. . It is a ………………………… school. There are around …………………
students in my school. There are classes from ……………..…………. to ……………………….. . There
are ……………….. teachers in my school. We have many facilities in my school. There is a
…………………………………. , …………………………………. and ……………………….. in my
school. Ven./ Mr/ Mrs…………………………………………………..… is the principal of my school. We
have to wear a ……………………………. when we go to school. It is ………………………………….. in
color. We have to be in school before ………………… . I am proud to be a student of
Test 04 – Imagine that you are Arusha and write a reply to Hirusha. You can use the given phrases.

03rd March 2019

Come to the library at 3.30 p.m. Please bring your Science note book. Let’s collect
I love to
information forcome / but unable to come / have a Mathematics class / let’s go tomorrow
the project.

.................................... ,

Ibbagamuwa Education Zone .............................................

Test 05 - Read the poem and answer the questions
A Simple Plan
-By Irwin Mercer

Simple Sam was a simple man.

He lived each day by a simple plan.
Enjoy your life and live while you can.
Make each day count and take a stand.

Stand on the left or stand on the right,

Whichever one you think is right.
Live each day as if your last.
Life's too short and gone too fast.

i. Who was a simple man? .........................................................................

ii. How did he live? .......................................................................

iii. Complete the sentences.

a. Stand on the left or..........................
b. Life is too.......................................
iv. Write opposite for,

a. short - ........................................ b. stand

v. Write rhyming words

a. man - ..................................... b. last - ............................................

Unit 02 – Friends indeed

Test 01 - Rewrite the following using apostrophes.

1. You are- ___________

2. Are not- ___________
3. I have- ___________
4. She is- ___________
5. Who is- ___________
6. We are- ___________
7. I would- ___________
8. Cannot- ___________
9. Let us- ___________
10. Will not- ___________

Test 02 - Complete the sentences with has/have.

1. The giraffe __________ has a long neck.

2. We __________ a big playground.
3. ___________ you been to the zoo.
4. He ___________ a beautiful big house.
5. They ___________ a new car.

Test 03 - Rewrite the following sentences using the apostrophes in the correct places.

1. Lets go to the playground.

2. Mala goes to a girls school.
3. They ve got a new car.
4. Sahans brother is Sanka.
5. There aren’t any mangoes in the basket.
Test 04 – Read the paragraph and answer the questions given below.

I ‘m Fifi. I live in a house made of glass. It’s very clean and spacious. I like to move about in it freely
with my friends. My house is decorated with different kinds of aquatic plants, stones and ornaments. It’s like
a paradise with colourful lights and decorations. I’m fed with different kinds of tasty food, three times a day.
I can play whenever I want to. I have no fear of being caught in a fishing net. Mt neighbour, whom I can see
through the glass, has a house similar to mine.

i. Where does Fifi live? …………………………………………………………………

ii. Write two words which describes the Fifi’s house.

a. ……………………………………… b. …………………………………………
iii. How is it decorated? ……………………………………………………………………

iv. What does Fifi get as food? ………………………………………………………………….

v. Select and write antonyms for these words from the text.

a. different - ………………………… b. small - ……………………………

vi. Select and write two adjectives.

a. ...…………………. plants b. lights................................................

Test 05 – Write an essay using given words on the topic “I’m a parrot in a cage.” (75 words)

zoo, big cage, living in a forest, caught and brought, give fruits,
can fly, neigbhours are other birds, my friends.


Unit 03 - Pleasure
Test 01 - Match the information in column A with B by writing the number in the box.
1. I’m not well today.
2. I have no time to do my homework.
3. Would you like a cup of tea?
4. Could I give you a lift?
5. Can you drive a car?

A. You shouldn’t watch TV so much. ( )

B. No, I can’t. ( )
C. You must stay at home and rest. ( )
D. Yes, please. ( )
E. No, thanks. My dad is coming to pick me. ( )
Test 02 - Read the poem and complete the sentences.

The Bird
The cuckoo is a fine bird
She sings, she flies
She brings good news
She tells no lies
She sips sweet flowers
To keep her voice clear
And when she sings cuckoo
The summer is near
1. The bird in the poem is ____________
2. She always bring ____________
3. She never tell ____________
4. She keeps her voice clear by sipping ____________
5. She announces that ____________ is near.

Test 03 - Match the pictures with the sentences. Write letter of the correct picture on the blank.

You must not walk on the lawn. ............................ A B

You must be punctual. ............................................

You must not spite everywhere...............................

You should wash your hands. .................................... C D

You should not use mobile phone now.....................

Test 04 - Write the following paragraph in past tense.

My village is Siyathagama. There are many people living here. Most of them are farmers. They
have paddy fields. But there isn’t a tank.
Test 05 - Write five instructions to keep your class tidy.
2. …..…………………………………………………………………………………………..

Unit 04 – A busy day

Test 01 – Read the dialogue between Lahiru and his mother and complete the sentences.
i. Lahiru has ................... ..................................... this afternoon.
ii. Last year Lahiru had cricket practices on ...................................
iii. The ................................... decided to change the practice days.
iv. Lahiru finished his practices at .....................................
v. Lahiru’s cap was on the ..............................................
Test 02 – Underline the best answer.

i. This is .................... ( my / mine ) laptop, but you can use it now.

ii. This necklace is ....................... ( hers / she )
iii. Kumara and Nalaka are good friends. ..................... (They / Their) houses are near the school.
iv. This is his pet dog. ................. ( It’s / Its ) tail is bushy.
v. Grade 7 – A is neat, but ........................ (ours / our ) class is untidy.
Test 03 – This is the story of Sinbad. It is not in order. Arrange it in correct order.

i. Finally, on their way they encountered a sea-monster.

ii. Then he bought some goods and set sail for the Persian Gulf.

iii. But he didn’t want to become poor so he wanted to earn more money.

iv. Sinbad’s father died leaving him a good fortune.

v. Sinbad spent all the money given by father enjoying himself.

vi. His ship stopped at several ports.

Test 04 – Draw pictures.

A swarm of bees A bunch of flowers

A pair of shoes A line of clothes

Test 05 – Look at the picture and write five sentences.

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Unit 05 – Once upon a time

Test 01- Combine the sentences using and/ but/ or.

1. Your hand writing is neat. Your hand writing is beautiful.

2. Shall we do it today? Shall we do it tomorrow?
3. Vani can cook well, sister can’t cook.

4. We visited the museum. We enjoyed a lot.
5. I saw you on my way. You didn’t notice me.

Test 02 -Read the details about Dr.C.W.W.Kanangara. Write a short description about him.

 13th October, 1884- 23rd September 1969

 Weslyn English High School.
 Secondary education at Richmond College Galle
 A good sportsman- captained the Richmond cricket team.
 Became a teacher.
 Entered politics in 1919
 Appointed as the first Minister of Education in State Council.
 Introduced free education and is considered the ‘Father of Free Education’

Dr. C.W.W.Kanangara was born on 13th of October 1884 in Galle. …………………………………….


Test 03 - Select and write one word.

i. Well- known - ........................................................... ancient

ii. Plant eaters - ............................................................. composer

iii. Preserved remains of living things - .....................................................
iv. Person who writes songs - ..................................................... fossils

v. Very old - ......................................................................

Test 04 - Combine the following sentences using and / but / while / when / or
i. Mother prepared the lunch.
She packed them.
ii. We visited the museum.
We saw the costumes of ancient kings.
iii. Sameera couldn’t complete homework.
He couldn’t complete the project on time.
iv. I got up at 4.30 a.m.
I missed the train.
v. Our principal came to our classroom.
We were having our literary association.

Unit 06 – Better safe than sorry

Test 01 - Read the statements carefully and write the number in the correct column. The first two are
done for you.
1. We should obey the elders.
2. Use polythene and plastics.
3. Drink boiled and filtered water.
4. Be ready to help each other.
5. Waste the time.
6. Brush twice a day.
7. Blame others.
8. Eat a balance diet
9. Follow the rules and regulations
10. Eat only sugary food
11. Work and study hard
12. Cut down trees.
Should/Must Shouldn’t/Mustn’t

1 7

Test 02 - Rewrite the words with suitable affixes.

1. Possible- ______________
2. Help- _____________
3. Happy- _____________
4. Arrange- _____________
5. Like- _____________
(Dis/ Ful/ Im/ Un/ Ment)

Test 03- Fill in the blanks with can / should / must / would

i. You .............. not watch TV much. Think about your studies too.

ii. Our grandparents a re too old now. We .......................... help them.

iii. ...................... I have a cup of coffee?

iv. ..................... you like another slice of bread?

Test 04- Complete the blanks using the words given in the brackets.

Prevention is better than cure

Animals ........................... to keep the balance in nature. At the same time animals .......................
health problems to people. We have to be aware of these dangers to prevent them. Most of us have
....................... at home. Such as cats and ........................ . They can .................. a disease called “rabies” to
people. This disease is very dangerous because it has no .................................. .

( cure, help, dogs, transmit, create, pets )

Test 05 - Underline the word with correct spelling.

i. cookroach , cockroach , cokroach

ii. insects , incects , ensects
iii. vegitabel , vegitabel , vegetable
iv. brenjol , brinjool , brinjal
v. memory , memori , memary

Unit 07 – Around the country

Test 01- Write a paragraph about a famous place in Sri Lanka. Use about 50 to 60 words.
 Where it is?
 Why is it famous?
 Important places to see.
 Things to do there.
 People who lived/living there.
Test 02 - Write 5 activities that you must do to keep your classroom clean.
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________
Test 03 - Read the following words list and change the words by adding affixes.

Honest/ Cold/ Wonder/ Lock/ Happy/ Care/ Friend/ Kind/ Short/ Order/ Tie

-un -ful -ly -er Dis

Eg; Untie

Test 04 - Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B


island arrive at

reach keep safe from harm or injury.

palace a statue, building, or other structure erected to

commemorate a notable person or event.

protect a large and impressive building forming the official

residence of an ancient king
monument a piece of land surrounded by water.

Test 05 - Complete the table.

Noun Adjectives Adverbs

1 wonder wonderful wonderfully

beauty ................................................... beautifully
.................................... kind ......................................
safety safe ..........................................
.................................. ...................................... traditionally
6 care .......................................... ..........................................
7 .................................. harmful ........................................
8 speed ............................... speedily

Unit 08 – Wonders around us
Test 01 - Match the words under A and B to new words/compound nouns

Foot Bag

Arm Phone

Hand Print

Finger Watch

Ear Ball

Wrist Chair

Test 02 - Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.

1. The Greatest Wall of China/ largest/ structure/ is/ man made/ the/ world/ in/ the

2. One/ is/ The Taj Mahal/ of/ famous/ the/ attraction/ tourist

3. It/ made/ is/ of/ marble white


4. Sigirya/ fortress/ rock/ considerate/ a/ world/ as/ heritage


5. Catholic pilgrims/ all/ over/ from/ country/ come/ to/ Madu/ annually/ church
Test 03 - Complete the note with the words given
(Come/ reply/ 4.00pm/ Monday/ tickets/ main hall)

My brother gave me two ____________ to watch the drama “Oliver Twist”. It will be on
____________ 10th of May 2018 at ____________ in our school ____________. Will you
____________ with me. Please ____________ soon.
Test 04 - Write sentences in Past Continuous using the given verb. Follow the example.

i. He – bath – in the tank. We – play – cricket last evening.

Ex: He was bathing in the tank. We were playing cricket last evening.

ii. I – read – a novel at 3.30 a.m.

iii. They – watch – TV last night.
iv. Students – arrange – chairs in the classroom.
v. She – sweep – the compound.
vi. My friends – talk – about the sports meet.

Test 05 - Match a word in A with a word in B to make a compound noun.


ready market

air table

foot made

fish port

dinner print

Unit 09 – Our beautiful world

Test 01 - Underline the correct answer.
i. The horse jumped ......................... the fence.
a. on b. over c. above
ii. The little boy jumped ............... to the pool happily.
a. on b. under c. into
iii. The police station is ..................... the cinema.
a. over b. down c. next to
vi. There is a car ..................... the house.
a. near b. over c. up
v. Look! the aeroplane is flying .................. the clouds.
a. in b. down c. below

Test 02 - Use the plural form of the word in the bracket to fill the blanks.

i. There are five ........................ ( pen) on the table.

ii. We saw some ................................ ( monkey ) yesterday.
iii. ..................... ( City ) in Sri Lanka are busy.
iv. He bought two .................. (loaf) of bread.
v. ............ ( Boy) are playing football.

Test 03 – Follow the example and complete the sentences using Present Perfect Tense.

i. They have helped (help) us always.

ii. The teacher ............................ (teach) the lesson.
iii. Sakuli ...................................... ( draw) a beautiful picture.
iv. Kevin and Vikum ................................... (sweep) the classroom.
v. The plane ....................................... ( leave) the airprt.

Test 04 – Complete the table.

Positive Comparative Superlative

tall taller tallest
interesting more interesting most interesting

Test 05 – Read about the Indian Ocean and write about the Arctic Ocean using the given details

The Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean in the world. It is also the warmest. It is almost
covered with salt water. Blue whale can be seen in Indian Ocean. Shrimps and tunas ar also found in the
Indian Ocean.

The Arctic Ocean

smallest, shallowest, covered by ice in winter, Polar bears, Lion’s mane jelly fish

Unit 10 – Future
Test 01- Read the poem and answer the questions given below.

Autumn is the time of the year

When changes start to happen here
The days grow short. It’s cold outside.
The birds fly south. The squirrels hide.
The leaves fall off all the trees.
The garden ponds begin to freeze.
Another summers left behind.
Its winter soon. But I don’t mind.
For autumn is the time.
When I begin to dream of pumpkin pie.

i. When do the birds fly? ...............................................

ii. Which animal hides? .............................................
iii. Are the days short or long? ........................................
iv. What is cold? ................................................................
v. What happens to the garden ponds? .....................................
vi. Find and write rhyming words for the following words from the poem.
Year - ............................ outside - ...........................................
Trees - ............................ behind - ...........................................

Test 02 – Complete the following.

Memories are the key not to the The future _____________ to those
_____________ but to the who ______________ for it.
-Malcolm X-
-Corrie Ten Boom-

_________________ is the
_________________ upon which we
build our future.
-Christine Gregoire -

The ____________ is the The best way to _____________

______________ of our future. the future is to ______________ it.
-Jose Rizal- -Abraham Lincoln-
(Youth/hope) (Predict/create)

Test 03 – Write your own poem replacing words for the underlined words.

The Alien The Alien

By Juile Holder By ............................................
The alien The alien
Was as round as the moon. Was as .................. as the ..................
Five legs he had. ........................ he had.
And his ears played a tune. And his .................. played a tune.
His hair was pink. His .............. was .......................
And his knees were green, And his ..................... were .............,
He was the funniest thing I’d seen. He was the ................. thing I’d seen
As he danced in the door As he .................... in the door
Of his strange spacecraft Of his ................... ......................
He looked at me He ........................ at ..............
And laughed and laughed! And .................... and ................. !

Test 04 – Write a short paragraph on “My plans for next weekend”

Test 05 – Fill in the blanks using will or won’t.
i. Don’t get up. I __________ answer the phone.
ii. Don’t stay out too late, you __________ get up on time.
iii. I don’t think she __________ pass the exam.
iv. They are on a holiday for two weeks so they ___________ be here tomorrow.
v. It’s Amila’s birthday next week, she ___________ be 18 years.

Grade 08
Unit 01 – Plan the work, work the plan.
Test 01 - Fill in the blanks with the reflexive pronouns that refer back to the subject pronoun.

1. I wash ……………………………..after a game of badminton.

2. Self-love is important for progress. You should love ……………………………. .
3. Rohan is mentally ill. He sometimes talks to ……………………………. .
4. Mala fell off her bike, but she didn’t hurt …………………………….
5. You mustn’t treat ……………………………. .You should consult a doctor.
6. We went on a holiday to Thailand. There we enjoyed ……………………………. .
7. Those boys smoke heavily. They are ruining ……………………………. .
8. Before understanding others, you all should understand ……………………………. .
9. The rat protected ………………………….from the cat by hiding in a box.
10. She ................... designed all the invitation cards.

Test 02 - Underline the most suitable word. One is done for you.
i. Kamani washed a (plate / plates) with her sister in the kitchen.
ii. They peel some (tomato/ tomatoes) for their lunch.
iii. Small kids uses their (tooth brushes/ tooth brush) without understanding.
iv. A famous saying that “cut your (cloth/ clothes) according to your size.
v. Kalani uses a pencil (box/ boxes) to put her belongings.
vi. Some children don’t like to bring their (text books/ text book) in to the class room.
Test 03 - Put the nouns in the correct columns

(desks, wood, flag, chair, metal, clock, leather,

glass, keyboard, rice, projector, sugar, hair, computer, air,
book, bookcase, pen, plastic, water)

Count nouns Mass nouns

Test 04 - Read the passage and mark ‘true’ or ‘false’

Taj Mahal is a tomb that was built between 1631 AD and 1652 AD .On the orders of the of
the emperor ,Shan Jahan,the 5th Muslim Monghal,emperor to honour his late wife ,queen Mumtaz.It
is made of white marble with beautiful gardens surrounding it.It is the one of the famous tourist
attraction in the world.
1. Taj Mahal was built between 1631 BC and 1652 BC (.................)
2. Taj Mahal was built by Mumtaz (................ )
3. It is made of big stones (.................)
4. It is not a tourist attraction in the world ( ................)
5. Shan Jahan was a king (................ )
Test 05 - Change the following sentences in to plural. First one is done for you.
i. The child has a lovely toy.
The children have lovely toys.
ii. Our teacher enjoys her lunch.
iii. My dog eats meat well.
iv. The farmer cultivates his paddy field.
v. My baby likes to eat cheese.
vi. The boy plays cricket in his school garden.
Unit 02 – Winged friends
Test 01 - Match the synonyms.

almost, answer , arrive , bad , brave , chief , clever , collect , complete , earth , extra , fool , garbage , handsome , last

poor ……………………… main ……………………… intelligent……………...........…………

courageous …………………….... final ……………………… soil ………………………………

rubbish ……………………… total ……………………… good looking…………………………

additional ……………………… nearly ……………………… reply …………………………………
reach ……………………… gather ……………………… idiot …………………………………

Test 02 - Complete the following sentences with the words given.

1. In April we can see many ……………………………….. birds in Sri Lanka.

2. Ostrich is a ……………………………. bird.
3. A ………………………………… is an specialist about birds.
4. My brother pastes pictures of birds in his……………………………………
5. A peacock has a …………………………………….
{crest, flightless, migrate, scrap book, ornithologist}

Test 03 - Complete with must, should, have to or has to.
1. You …………………………….not smoke.
2. Students ……………………………punctual.
3. A driver ………………………….. wear a seat belt when driving.
4. You …………………………………..go to school early.
5. Children …………………………… fresh fruits.
Test 04 - Match the words with the meaning

Waddling an animal that naturally prey to others

Extinct a person or thing provide protection

Predator something very different and notable

Distinctive walking with short steps, moving the

body from one side to another

Shield having no living members

Test 05 - Use the following information and write a description about “swan”

Name: Swan, an aquatic bird Scientific name: sygnus Male swan: cob, Female swan: pen

Colour: white Physical features: yellow bill, long slender neck, webbed feet

Habitat: lakes Food: aquatic plants, mollusks, small fish, frogs, worms

Unit 03 – Let’s be considerate

Test 01 - Write the sentences using the contracted form
1. They have written the text. ………………………………………………………………………
2. Let us go home. ………………………………………………………………………
3. He did not play cards. ………………………………………………………………………
4. I could not find my pen. ………………………………………………………………………
5. I could not find my pen. ………………………………………………………………………
6. I would ask him. ………………………………………………………………………
7. Who is this girl? ………………………………………………………………………
8. They had forgotten their homework. ………………………………………………………………………
9. Where are you from? ………………………………………………………………………

Test 02 - Fill in the blanks with the words given

(chocolate , tea , milk , cake , Coke , water , lemonade , pizza , bread , sugar , rice , meat)

a bar of …………………………… a carton of ……………………….. a piece of ……………………

a bottle of………………………… a glass of…………………………… a packet of ……………………
a bowl of ……………………….. a kilo of ………………………… a slice of ………………………
a cup of ………………………….... a loaf of …………………… a tin of ……………………

Test 03 - Connect the pairs of sentences using the conjunctions given within brackets.

1. I didn’t go to school yesterday. I was ill.(since)

2. It rained heavily yesterday. The match was postponed.(so)
3. My father had to cook dinner. Mother was not well.(as)
4. The doctor was on leave. We couldn’t meet him (so)
5. All the children love our principal. He is very kind. (since)

Test 04 - According to the following pictures, re-order the jumbled sentences.

1. Nimal saw this old man while he was going to the home
2. Since he helped that old man he felt very happy and said everything with his mother
3. So, Nimal went there and helped him to go to the town
4. As he felt tired he sat on the road
5. One day an old man went to the town
6. His mother praised him a lot

Test 05 - Read the poem and answer the questions.
The Child’s World
The wild bird is my mother
He sit in a mango tree
And all day long a merry song
He sweetly sing to me

The wild flowers are my sisters

They seem very happy and free
With faces fair and sweet and rare
They nod and smile at me

The green earth is my mother

Gently she cuddles me
On her warm breast I sink rest
And slumber peacefully

1. For the child the wild bird is his ………………………………………..

2. He likes to listens to its …………………………………………………
3. The wild flowers feel ………………………….. and free
4. Find the rhyming words
Tree –………………………………………….
Free- …………………………………………..
5. For the child, the flowers look very ………………………………………..

Unit 04 – Mother Nature

Test 01 – Read the paragraph and answer the questions

30 Hidden Gems in India to Visit Before you die

India is a land of many adventurous treasures and surprises. Though tourism in our subcontinent is a
fast growing sector but there are many special places that only real travelers know and care about

1-Tada falls/ubbalam adugu falls/Andra Pradesh

These not so famous waterfalls of Andra Pradesh are tucked away in beautiful
hill locks and greenery, hikers and trekkers looking for a quite escape can be spotted around the falls.
2-Arvalem caves Goa
The rock cut caves are monuments of the pre –historic life in Goa, a time of
pandavas and Mahabharata.These caves (located 9 KM south of Bicholim town) are now a rather
recent discovery and are said to be a hide out for Pandavas during their exile.

1) What are the special places mentioned in the text?

2) What is the falls in Andra Pradesh?
3) Where is the Arvalem caves situated?
4) What can you see around the Tada falls?

Test 02 – Underline the correct preposition.
1) The boy ran (on/along) the river bank.
2) The horse jumped (through/over)the fence.
3) The news was broadcast (over /by) the television.
4) We sat (under/up) the tree.
5) The man put some coins (into/over)a till box.

Test 03 – Select words from the box and collective nouns

1. A herd of …………………………………………
2. A crowd of ……………………………………… keys, wolves, cattle,
3. A flock of ………………………………………..
boys, people,
4. A school of ………………………………………
5. A bunch of ……………………………………… stars, fish, thieves,
6. A troop of ……………………………………….
7. A pack of ………………………………………… soldiers, birds
8. A gang of ………………………………………..
9. A cluster of …………………………………….
10. A group of ………………………………………
Test 04 - Describe the following picture using five sentences.


2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Test 05 – Read the following words aloud and underline the silent letter.

i. write ii. owner iii. Wednesday iv. light

v. should vi. autumn vii. listen viii. Where

Unit 05 – Between the miles
Test 01 – Make a new word using a suffix

[ able, dom, ment, ship, y]

1). King - ...................................... 2). Punish - ........................................

3). Comfort - ...................................... 4). Relation - ........................................

5). Wind - .......................................

Test 02 – Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word.

1) Rose is …………………………….(beautiful) than Anthurium.

2) My Birthday is the ………………………………(happy) day in my life.

3) I’m ………………………………………(bad ) in English and Maths.

4) The lion is ………………………………….(dangerous ) than a tiger.

5) Himali is the ………………………………(pretty) girl in the class.

Test 03 – Fill in the blanks.

1. exp....rience 2. asse.....bly 3. vaca...ion 4. pol...te 5.

6. pun....tual 7. techn....logy 8. earth...uakes 9. cleanli...ess 10. use...ul

Test 04 – Read the paragraph and fill in the blanks using the words given in the box.

experience, intelligent, described, punctual, nearly, technology

Japanese people can be ………………………… using several words. They are kind, polite,
…………………………………… and respectful. Their trains are among the world’s most
…………………… with an average delay of 18 seconds. One of the trains has a speed of
………………………. 500km/p.h. They have access to amazing ………………………. . For example,
Ken’s father has a water proof mobile phone. Japanese people are very strong willed. They
……………………………. nearly1500 earthquakes a year.

Test 05- Read the lesson in page 59 and mark True or False.

i. Hiller lake has colourful water. ………………

ii. Scientists have proven the strange pink colour is due to environmental pollution. ………….
iii. Athabasca Falls in Jasper National Park in Japan. ………………
iv. The Giant’s Causeway is the only UNESCO World Heritage Site in Northern Ireland.
v. The water within the Jacob’s well comes out from an artificial spring. …………………….

Unit 06 – When we are together
Test 01 – Use the words given in brackets and write how fruit salad is made. (Use simple present tense
passive voice)
Example: (take, fruits)
Fruits are taken.

1. (wash, the fruits)

Then, …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. (peel, the fruits)
Next, …………………………………………………………………………………………
3. (cut, the fruits, into small pieces)
After that, …………………………………………………………………………………
4. (add, sugar and some lime juice)
Next, …………………………………………………………………………………………
5. (serve, the fruit salad)
Finally, ………………………………………………………………………………………

Test 02 – Use the words and phrases given in the cage and write a story.

a fox/ hungry/ everywhere in the jungle/ something to eat/ a grape vine/ a bunch of ripe
grapes/ several times/ couldn’t pick/ bitter/ get a stomach ache/ sadly


Test 03 – Arrange the words and make meaningful sentences.

i. and/ Savithri/ served/ some/ tea/ sandwiches.

ii. collection/ I / have/ of/ a / riddles.
iii. in/ hurry./ Hasmal/ out of/ house/ the/ ran
iv. a few/ The roti/ for / minutes./ baked/ is
v. like?/ What / the / life / of /is/ a news reader

Test 04 – Use the given phrases and write a description on “A day in the life of a nurse.”

- work day and night

- wears a uniform
- has to be on work on time
- kind and patient
- speak softly
- busy and responsible job


Unit 07 – The world of children

Test 01 – Write simple past passive voice sentences using the words given.
1. Marie Curi/ discover/ radium
2. Ruwanweli Stupa/ king Dutugemunu/ build
3. write/ The Village in the Jungle/ Leonard Woolf
4. Alexender Graham Bell/ invent/ the telephone
5. the first space craft/ send to the moon/ Russia

Test 02 –Use the facts given below and write a description about “Vesak Festival”
-Religious festival, international holiday
-on Full moon Poya day in May
-commemorate the Birth, the Enlightenment and the Passing away of the Lord Buddha
-go to temple, observe Sil
- go on pilgrimages
-make Vesak lanterns
-coconut oil lamps
-songs of devotion

Test 03 – Read the short text on universal children’s day and answer the questions.
i. When was this day established?
ii. Who declare this day?
iii. What was it dedicated for?
iv. Is there a single day for all the countries?
v. When do Sri Lankan’s celebrate the children’s day?

Test 04 –Select the suitable phrase to complete the sentences given below.
(Sinhala and Tamil New Year/ Deepavali/ Christmas/ Ramazan/ Independence day)
i. …………………………… is a festival of light.
ii. …………………………….. fall in the April.
iii. We celebrate the ……………………. on the 4th of February.
iv. ………………………….. is celebrated by the Christians.
v. …………………………… is celebrated by Muslim people.

Unit 08 – It’s a small world

Test 01 – Complete the sentences using “passive voice future form”
Eg: A shramadana campaign will be held (hold) next Sunday.
1. Mosquito breeding places …………………………………………….(destroy)
2. All the drains …………………………………………….(clean)
3. Polythene and plastic waste …………………………………………..(bury)
4. Other rubbish …………………………………………….(burn)
5. Trees and bushes ………………………………………………(prune)

Test 02 – Write a description about Sigiriya using the information given below.
-ancient fortress
-by king Kashyapa during the 5th century
-in a remote area about 20km away from Dambulla
-palace – on the top of the rock
-world famous for frescoes
-a world heritage
Test 03 – Complete the following paragraph about Kandy.
(Esala perahera, tourist, historical, places, large, old royal palace,

four shrines dedicated to God Vishnu, central hills)

Kandy is a ………………………. city in Sri Lanka. It is a major ………… attraction in this country.
Kandy is situated in the …………………… There are many ……………………… in Kandy. The
temple of tooth, …………………………, ………………………………, are some of them. The
………………………… is conducted once a year.
Test 04 –Complete the missing letters
Str, sch, ser, spr, sn, sm
i. The baby ……………iled beautifully.
ii. The walked along the …………eam.
iii. There is a ………….ail in the garden.
iv. …….ring is a beautiful season.
v. Kasuni is a …………all girl.

Unit 09 – On the top of the world

Test 01 – Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense form of the verbs given in brackets.
My mother usually ………………………………………………(get) up at 4.00 o’clock. First, she
………………………… (make) tea and …………………………………(wake) me up. After enjoying my
tea, I …………………………………… (help) mother prepare breakfast. After preparing breakfast, I
………………………………..(get) ready to go to school. My father usually
…………………………………….(give) me a lift. But sometimes, I …………………… (travel) by bus.
Every Monday and Thursday, I ………………………………(stay) after school for music practice. My
parents ……………………………………(want) me to become a music teacher. My friends
…………………………………….(say) that I have a sweet voice.

Test 02 – Re write the sentences using the words in the correct order.
i. we/ news/ often/ on/ watch/ TV
ii. I/ vegetables/ eat/ fruits/ and/ always
iii. Rarely/ grandparents/ see/ I/ my
iv. never/ to/ the/ church/ He/ goes
v. my/ often/ I/ bedroom/ clean/ weekend/ the/ at
Test 03 – Imagine that the inter-house sports meet was held recently. Write a letter to your aunty
including the following information.
-when the sports meet was held
-who the chief guest was
-events you took part in
-your achievements
-how you felt
Test 04 – Write the sentences using the following adverbs.
always, usually, often, never, sometimes, rarely, generally
1. He always reads books.
2. …………………………………………………………………………...
3. …………………………………………………………………………...
4. ……………………………………………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………………………………...
6. ..................................................................................................................

Unit 10 – Beyond the classroom

Test 01 – Put the verbs into past perfect tense
i. He …………………….. (ride) his bike.
ii. After I ………………………… (go) home I ate my dinner.
iii. When I go to the classroom the teacher ………………………. (start) the lesson.
iv. We collect the mangoes that …………………………… (fall) last night.
v. Mihiri …………………………….. (do) her homework before she went to play.
Test 02 – Change the following sentences into passive voice.
i. Mother prepared the lunch.
ii. The students cleaned the classroom.
iii. Malindu watered the plants.
iv. Nethmi posted the letter.
v. The farmer sold the vegetables.
Test 03 – Read the following notice and answer the questions.
A speech
The Welfare Society of Gemunu Central College has invited
Prof. Priyantha Jayawardena of University of Peradeniya
to deliver a speech on “IT and its advantages for education”.
It will be held in the School Auditorium
on 10th February 2019
at 10.30 am.
The purpose of the speech is to motivate the pupils to study IT for O/L and A/L.
All the pupils of Grade 10, 11, 12, 13 are requested to participate.
Jagath Wijemanna
Welfare Society

1. What is the notice about?
2. Who is the guest speaker?
3. Who organizes the speech?
4. What is the purpose of the speech?
5. Who can participate as the audience?

Test 04 – Read the lesson on page 107 and write True or False.
i. Nasrudin was talking a traveler across a river. ..............................
ii. Nasrudin made a major grammatical mistake. ..............................
iii. The traveler considered him as an educated man............................
iv. Nasrudin asked, “have you ever learned how to swim.”..........................
v. There were two holes in the boat. .......................................

Grade 09
Unit 01 - Y Y
Test 01- Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.
i. audience a group resembling military force
ii. army a group of people observing an entertainment or sporting event
iii. jury a group of employees in an organization
iv. staff a large number of people gathered in one place
v. crowd a panel that hears legal matter
Test 02- Match the pairs.
i. a crowd of coins
ii. a band of players
iii. a team of ants
iv. A collection of musicians
v. A colony of people
Test 03- Fill in the blanks with a suitable word.
(orchestra, were, are, team, crew )
1. The captain and his …………………………. will arrive to the harbour next morning.

2. There ……………………… eighty teachers in our school staff today.

3. The ………………………..was quite big and they did a wonderful job.

4. Our cricket ……………………….won the final test match.

5. There............................ many children among the audience yesterday.

Test 04- Select the most suitable preposition and fill in the blanks.
(beside, among, into, for, from )

A small girl and her mother got …………………. the bus to go to the market. She stood
………… her mother’s seat. Mother took some money ………..........her purse to pay……………………the tickets.
After 10minutes they reached the market. The little girl felt very happy because she saw a balloon man
………………… people.

Test 05- Complete the following sentences using given prepositions.

1. I saw many bees flying……………………………..these flowers.
2. I have waited at the station …………………………..six hours.
3. He sat ……………………………………..his father.
4. She is a mother…………………………….four children.
6. I got a letter …………………………… best friend.
from for among of beside

Unit 02 – Y Y

Test 01 - Match column ‘A’ with column ‘B’. Put the number in the correct box. One is done for you.
1. A box of coloured pencil. a) Cosmetics 3
2. Milk and yoghurt. b) Confectionaries
3. Face cream and body lotion. c) Dairy products
4. Chocolate and toffees. d) Stationeries
5. Coriander, chili powder and mustard. e) Bakery
6. Bread and wholegrain bread. f) Condiments

Test 02 - Complete the sentences using either………… or / neither………….nor.

1. Avishka will go to the birthday party …………………… with his parents …………………. with
his uncle. He will go with his friends.
2. He plays …………………………………. basketball. He is a rugby player.

3. I can eat………………………milk rice………………………..string hoppers. I like both.

4. You can stay for the drama practice ……………………….. after school……………… come
tomorrow. Which is easy for you?
5………………………our principal………………………………the vice principals participate for
This occasion. They went for an urgent matter.
6. My mother cooks……………… ………..meat. She is a vegetarian.

7. Krishan plays ………….football……….. Cricket. He is not interested in sports.

8. Nishani speaks …………….Tamil……………………English. She is very good at languages.

9. Roy plays…………………..the violin………………the piano. He plays the drum.

10. She didn't buy ……………………………..vegetables…………………fruits. She bought only

meat for dinner.

Test 03 - Insert commas where necessary.

1. My favourite animals are lions giraffes rabbits.
2. I helped my sister put on her socks shoes and dress.
3. For school we bought books a ruler and pencils.
4. I like to eat read and pray before I go to sleep.
5. Amal Deshan and Ravi are best friends.

Test 04 - Describe the given picture using 5 sentences. Each sentence should contain at least 5 words.

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Test 05 - Match A with B.

i. How are you? a. You are welcome
ii. Thank you. b. Sure.
iii. Congratulations c. I’m fine, thank you
iv. Can I have your pen please? d. No, I am not.
v. Please switch on the fan. e .Here it is.
vi. Are you hungry? f. Thank you.

Unit 03 – MEETING
Test 01 - Complete the dialogue using the utterances given below.

(Roy and Shane are going to conduct the morning assembly)

Roy : Hi! I hope I’m on time.

Shane : ………………………….
Roy : Do you have the agenda?
Shane : …………………………….
Did you practice once at home?
Roy : ……………………………
Shane : I love to do this.
Roy : …………………………….
Shane : Shall we start the programme?
Roy : …………………………….

So do I. Yes, you are. Ok, let’s do. Yes, I did. Yes, I have

Test 02 - Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of nouns.
( glass, bar, sprig, spoonful, carton, bunch. )

1. Grandpa bought three ……cartons…… of fresh milk for us.

2. The chef added a …………………. of curry leaves to the fish curry.

3. There is a ……………………… of keys hanging on the key hole.

4. My father needs two ………………………..of sugar for his tea.

5. Mother told my sister to share the ………………. of chocolate among her friend.

6. Drinking two………………………. of water in the morning helps for healthy life.

Test 03 - Imagine that you are going to deliver a speech on “healthy food”. Write a speech about it. Use about
100 words.


Test 04 - Fill the dialogue with suitable sentences.

Waiter: What would you like?
Waiter: No, We haven't. We've got milk and Fanta.
Waiter: No, It's lemon.
Customer: Can I have some water please?
Customer: A big bottle please.
Customer: Yes, That's all.
Waiter: I'll bring them right away.

1. Is it orange?
2. I'd like a sandwich. Have you got orange juice?
3. Is that all, sir?
4. Thank you.
5. A big bottle or a glass.

Test 05 - Write a paragraph to describe the picture.


Unit 04 – X F
Test 01 - Imagine that your school has organized an exhibition on “Extinct animals”. Write a notice to be
put up on the notice board. You may include the following.

 Date and the time.

 Venue
 The participants.
Test 02 - Write a note to your cousin inviting him/her to the exhibition.

Test 03 - Fill in the blanks with the correct adverb.
( usually, never, carefully, well, fluently )

1. I………………………… eat meat or fish. I am a vegetarian.

2. My father drives his car …………………………………

3. Nisal works in Australia and he speaks English …………………………………….

4. Mother …………………….. gets up early in the morning to prepare our meal.

5. Nethuli is a good dancer so she dances really ……………………….

Test 04 - Build up a sentence from each of the following adverb.

Test 05 - Read two parts of an interview with Makiko, a student. Complete the gaps with the correct question
word from the brackets.

Teacher: Hi Makiko. 1. (where / how / why) how are you?

Makiko: I'm fine, thanks.
Teacher: 2. (where / how / why) __________ are you from?
Makiko: I'm from Osaka in Japan.
Teacher: 3. (when / what / which) __________ did you arrive in Australia?
Makiko: I came here three months ago. Australia is very beautiful. I did some traveling last month.
Teacher: 4. (where / whose / why) __________ did you go?
Makiko: I went to Sydney and Melbourne.
Teacher: 5. (how / what / when) __________ did you do in Sydney?
Makiko: I took a boat ride and I saw the Harbor Bridge. I went to the zoo. The Australian animals are very interesting.
Teacher: 6. (why / which / when) ____________ animal is your favorite?
Makiko: The koala. The koala is very sleepy and cute....

Unit 05 – “ ”

Test 01 - Turn these sentences into passive voice.

1. We organized a blood donation campaign last month.
2. The members of the English society collected books for the rural schools.
3. My father brought me two nice story books yesterday.
4. The farmers harvested the crop.
5. The children washed the hands before the lunch.
Test 02 - Imagine that you are the president of your Science Society and your club is going to organize a
Health Camp. Write a letter to the Nutritionist in your area to deliver the speech for this camp. Write the date,
time, venue and the participants.


Test 03 - Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.

Kataragama is one of the places of religious significance in the South East of Sri Lanka. Kataragama which is situated
on the North bank of the Menik Ganga can be reached only by road. The closest important town is Thissamaharama.

Kataragama emerged as a place of religious worship in the 3rd century B.C. God Skandha is recognized as the ruling
deity of Kataragama. His influence is believed to extend over the whole of the Southern region of the island which the
devout refer to as ‘Deiyange Rata’. God Skandha’s favours are sought by Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and Muslims
alike. Very close to God Skandha’s devale is the Kiriwehera.

Kataragama has now been declared a sacred city. The areas encircling the shrines have been demarcated. The bazaar
has been located away from the shrines on the Southern bank of Menik Ganga. New pilgrims rest and guest houses
have been set up. Therefore more facilities are now available to pilgrims and tours.

1. Where is Katharagama situated at?

2. What is the closest important town to Katharagama?
3. When was Katharagama emerged as a place of religious worship?
4. Who was the ruling deity of Katharagama?
5. What is situated at very close to Skandha Dewale?

Test 04 - Rewrite the given sentences using the correct spelling for the underlined words. .
1. Historically shoes were worn primarily for protecsion.
2. It is hard to emagine a time before the invention of shoes.
3. The earliest shoes were made of soft lether.
4. They resembled either sandels or moccasins.
5. The face of the footwear changed dratisticaly from decade to decade.

Test 05 - Given below is the format of the formal letter but the format is not in order. Rearrange it in order.

Underlined topic
Sender’s address
Body of the letter
Receiver’s designation and address


Unit 06 – ART
Test 01 - Complete the following sentences using the future perfect tense. The first one is done for you.
1. Nobody will not have drawn (not | draw ) cartoons for the exhibition.

2. I ………………………………………….. ( not | finish ) this project today.

3. By 2050 our country …………………………………… (send ) a spacecraft to the moon.

4. Students …………………………………….. ( arrange ) the classroom before the bell ring.

5. Our Principal ……………………………………………. (appreciate ) about your dedicated work.

6. To get a good results for the term test you ……………………………………. ( study ) your lessons well.

Test 02 - Fill in the blanks using the correct set of letters from the box.
expres ……. ns
sh /shio / tio / cia / ssio
na …….. nal

spe …….list



Test 03 - Fill in the blanks using the correct preposition given in brackets.
History tells us …………….. many great people …………. the world. They have made a name ……………
themselves in different fields ………… study. Lionardo da Vinci is one such person worth mentioning. Born
…………. April 15, 1452, in Vinci is known in the world as an exceptional artist.

(in / for / about / of / on )

Test 04 - Read the following advertisement and answer the questions.


Age 18 – 25 ,Evenings 5 – 7
Mornings 6 – 6 at leading medical centres at Kurunegala, Kandy, Galle.
Apply with full details.
C33148, C/O The Ceylon Observer.

a. What is the post mentioned here?

b. What is the age limit?
c. Write the working hours.
d. Where do you find these vacancies?
e. Where can you find this advertisement?

Unit 07 – ...

Test 01 - Complete the following sentences using one of the given passive voice verbs in the box.
1. You ………………………….. two questions. will be given

2. You ………………………….. five minutes to prepare. will be destroyed

3. An image ……………………….. on the screen. will be asked

4. The monitor ……………………… by the class teacher. will be displayed

will be appointed
5. The trees …………………………………. because of the urbanization.

Test 02 - Turn these sentences into passive voice.
1. The government will distribute the free books to the students.


2. My parents will arrange a house warming party.


3. The police officer will ask you many questions.


4. The committee will invite the zonal director as the chief guest.


5. She will spend a lot money for the jewelry.


Test 03 - Match the words with their meanings.

a) antelope attractive way.

b) zephyrs an animal like a deer.

c) graceful not often

d) return soft gentle wind

e) seldom come back

Test 04 - Describe the given picture using 5 sentences.






Test 05 - Read the following sentence. Identify the word class of the words given below and underline it.
There was a lovely flower in the house but the dog ate it which caused a fight

1. house noun/verb/adjective

2. eat noun/verb/adjective

3. flower noun/verb/adjective

4. lovely noun/verb/adjective

5. fight noun/verb/adjective

Unit 08 – Y

Test 01 - Underline the correct relative pronouns in the blanks.

1. Who took the purse ………………… (whose, who, which ) was on the table.

2. The boy ……………………………. (who, which, whose,) came first is the winner of the competition.

3. Mr. A. M. De Silva ………………… (which, whom, which, ) we met yesterday is the principal of our school.

4. What is the name of the village …………………………….. (where, who, which ) your grandparents live.

5. She is the old lady ………………………….. ( which, whose, where ) husband died in a road accident recently.

Test 02 - Add commas where necessary.

1. Singing loudly she began to wash the dishes.
2. Sitting up in Grandmother’s bed the wolf looked greedily at Red Riding Hood.
3. Dressed in his best suit Tom went off happily to his first day at work.
4. Having taken an enormous mouthful she began to eat with her mouth open.
5. Last night Catherine walking in her sleep fell downstairs.
Test 03 - You have netball practice after school. You want to send a message to your mother through your
friend. Write the note you send to your mother.
Test 03 - Rewrite the passage below using some of the above pronouns instead of the underlined nouns.
Lewis and Lucy had tickets for a concert which Lewis and Lucy had bought when Lewis and Lucy were in London.
Unfortunately, Lewis and Lucy had lost the tickets. Lucy said, ‘Lucy remembers Lucy gave the tickets to Lewis.’

‘What is Lucy talking about?’ Lewis replied. ‘Lucy knows Lewis hasn’t seen the tickets.’

Test 03 - Write a short description about ‘Upcycling’. Use about 100 words.
* What is upcycling.
* Its advantages.
* How it helps for the environment.

Test 01 - Match the clauses and from meaningful sentences. One is done for you.
a) If I had more money * you will visit the Taj Mahal
b) If I was a fish * I would go around the world.
c) If you eat a lot of sweet * you will pass the exam well.
d) If you go to India * I would swim in deep ocean.
e) If you study hard * she would help my work.
f) If my mother was here * you will be obesity.
1. If I had more money, I would go around the world…………………………………………………
Test 02 - Complete the other half of the sentence.
i. If I have money ………………………………………………………………..
ii. If I win a lottery ……………………………………………………………….
iii. If you don’t brush your teeth twice a day ………………………………………..
iv. If I go to Australia ………………………………………………………………
v. If they study hard ……………………………………………………………..
Test 03 - Write a short paragraph about “My future ambition”. Use about 50 words.

Test 04 - Construct simple sentences using the each of the given words.
i. Exercise
ii. healthy
iii. activities
iv. sports
v. nutrition
Test 05 - Write a folk story that you have heard before.


Unit 10 – Y Y

Test 01 - Turn these sentences into reported speech.

1. Our teacher said, “you can ask all the questions”.
2. The competitor said,”I will win the race.”
3. A farmer said, “it is going to rain today.”
4. He said,” I have to visit my grandparents tomorrow.”
5. Ashani said, “I answered all the questions.”
Test 02 - Match the words with their opposites.
kind disobey
obey unhappy
agree unkind
happy unlucky
lucky disagree
tie undo
do untie
Test 03 - Find the affixes of the following words and state whether it’s a prefix or a suffix.
Appearance, finally, immediately, explanation,
likeness, unfamiliar, generation, unforgettable
antivirus, unsuccessful dissatisfy thickness

word affix Prefix/suffix

Test 04 - Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

honest, hardworking, cheerful, colourful, unkind

i. Your picture is ………………………………………………………………… .

ii. Parami is an ………………………………………………….. girl.
iii. Raj is the first. He is ………………………………………….. .
iv. Nurses are good. Are they kind or ………………………………….. ?
v. Lavanya has a smile in her face. She is ……………………………………….. .
Test 03 - Study the picture and fill in the blanks with suitable words.

This is a picture of a family. The father is sitting on a chair and he is watching the television. He is wearing a pair of
……………………………………………There is a …………………………………….. of banana and three
…………………………………….. on the table. Mother is ……………………………. a dress. While the daughter
is …………………………… the phone the son is coming inside through the opened door. He has a
…………………………… in his hand. There is a …………………………. rack between the door and the curtain.
The flower of vase is on the cupboard. There is a clock ……………………… the cupboard. The cat is
.……………………………………… on the floor. There is a stand ………………………………..near it.

Grade 10
Unit 01 - PEOPLE
Test 01 - Use the details given below and write a description about Malith Perera
feature detail
age 20
body Medium Built
complexion Light Skinned
height 4’ 8”
eyes Sharp
nose Pointed
face Round
hair Spiky
other Thin lips, Beard
Test 02 - Write a paragraph about your favourite person using the words given in the table.

Sharp eyes tall beard Fair in medium

Pointed nose Thin lips Long hair round Curly hair
Short hair oval Wavy hair Kind hearted short

Test 03 - You met your friend Kasun at an English camp. Here are the things he/she said about the
i. I live in Melsiripura.
ii. I am enjoying this camp.
iii. This is very useful to me.
iv. I have participated two English camps.
v. We will improve fluency soon.
Now, turn what he said into reported speech.

i. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
ii. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
iii. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
iv. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
v. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Test 04 -Write the correct word using the given affixes.

un, re, ly

After the vacation the students clean their classroom. They ……………… (arranged) the desks and chairs to
give it a better look. Some students put all the …………… (necessary) items in to a bin. The monitor kept
the books ……………… (neat) on the shelf. Some of them washed the floor ……….. (quick) because, it
looked ………………… (clean). The class teacher praised the student for their good work.

Test 05 - Read the following students and fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. Parents are responsible for the …………….(education, educate, educated) of students.

2. There should be a strong ………….. among family members. (relation, relative, relationship)
3. Motorists must drive …………….because accidents can happen at any time. (care, careful, carefully)
4. Environmental ………… a big problem today. (pollute, pollution, polluting)
5. You should have a good …………….. of English to get a good job. (know, knowledgeable, knowledge )

Unit 02 - ON YOUR WAY

Test 01 - Match the followings to build up collective nouns.

a) a bouquet of matches
b) a box of flowers
c) a troop of grapes
d) a school of monkeys
e) a bunch of fish

Test 02 - Follow the description given below. Write a similar description about your village.

My village is Mahasengama.It is situated in Polonnaruwa district close to Minneriya. The village is quite
big and there are about 200 families. Most of the villagers are Sinhalese Buddhists. There are some
moors too. All of them live in peace and harmony. Most of the villagers are farmers and there are some
government servants and businessmen. There is a school, temple and a community in my village. There
is a woody area too. Therefore my village is very beautiful. I love my village a lot.

Test 03 - Read the text and complete the table given.

The students of my grade 10 class like to spend their free time playing different games. Most of the boys
like to play cricket while the most of girls prefer to play volleyball. Out of the twenty boys in the class
twelve students play cricket and the other boys play volleyball. Only five girls like to play badminton,
cricket and volleyball games are played at the school playground. But badminton is played at their home
Sport Number of boys Number of girls Places they play
Cricket .…………….. …………………... ……………..
Volleyball ……………… …………………... School playground
Badminton ……………… ………………… ……………..

Test 04 - Fill in the blanks in the following conversation with the word given in bold type.

A : Excuse me, one to Matara please?

S.M : Second or 1) …………………?
A : Third
S.M : Thirty five rupees.
A : Here’s the cash please.
S.M : Oh, a 500/- rupees note! Don’t you have any 2)………..……….?
A : Sorry, I don’t have any change.
S.M : OK. Here’s your ticket and the 3)…………………….
A : Thank you. Will the train come 40…………………….?
S.M : There will be a half an hour delay
A : It’s 5)…..………… Thank you.

on time, ok, change, balance, third

Test 05 - Fill in the blanks using a correct preposition from the brackets. You can use each word more
than once.

i. Are you coming to the party ………. Saturday?

ii. The party is ……………. Mary’s house.
iii. The party begins …………… 2’clock.
iv. There will be a cake ………….. strawberry icing.
v. I will bring a gift ……………. Mary.
vi. You will know most ……………. the people there.
vii. We will play games and swim ……… a pool.
viii. I hope it is warm ………….. Saturday.
ix. You can sit ………………. me.
x. The party will be fun ……… everyone.
( at / on / with / to / of / in )

Unit 03 - TRAVEL
Test 01 - Fill in the blanks using passive voice in present continuous tense.

a) The road ………………………..(carpet).It is closed.

b) Don’t go in. The classroom………………………..(wash).
c) All the vehicles……………………………(check) by police.
d) Dinner is not ready. It…………………still…………………….(prepare)
e) The letter ………………………...(written) by my sister.

Test 02 - Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

a) We should…………………………..(develop, development, developed) our vocabulary.

b) He treated us……………………………(kindness, kindly, kind)
c) He accepted my……………………………..(invite, inviter, invitation)
d) (Imagine, Imagination, Imaginary) that you are robot.
e) Guglimo Marcony is the…………………………….(invent, inventor, invention) of the radio.

Test 03 - Read the following text and complete the chart.

Shakespeare was born at Stafford on Avon in England on April 23rd 1564. His father John Shakespeare was
a businessman. William was the greatest English writer and the most famous play right.

He married Anne Hathaway at the age of 17. Shakespeare wrote many plays and beautiful poetry. His plays
consist of tragedies, comedies and historical plays. Romio Julliet, King Lear and Hamlet were tragedies
while Julius Ceasar and Richard II were historical plays. The winter’s tale and the tempest were comedies.
William died at the age 52 years.

1. Sur name :
2. First term :
3. Father’s occupation :
4. Place of birth :
5. Date of birth :
6. Year of marriage :
7. Number of children :
8. Names of two comedies :
9. Names of two tragedies :
10. Year of death :

Test 04 - Fill in the following table with the other forms of the words given.

Noun Verb Adjective


Test 05 - Fill in the blanks using the past form of the verb given in brackets.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart …………… (be) an Austrian musician and composer. He ………………..
(live) from 1756 to 1791. He …………………………. (start) composing at the age of five years old
and …………………..(write) more than 600 pieces of music. He ……………… (be) only 35 years old
when he ………………. (die).

Unit 04 - LET’S TALK

Test 01 - Write a paragraph describing the picture given below.

Test 02 - Fill in the blanks with the correct of the verb using future perfect tense.

a) I…………………………(enter) university by 2024.

b) We…………………………..(finish) this assignment by new week.
c) By next Monday,Ruwani………………………......(buy) a new piano.
d) My father…………………………..(build) new house by next December.
e) We………………………………(reach) Badulla by 12.30 pm.

Test 03 - Fill in the following sentences using the preposition given. There is an extra word.

1. (on,in,if)
(a) My father comes home …………………Friday.
(b) He works ……………..a factory.

2. (from,for,with)
(a) Where do you come………………..?
(b) She likes milk rice…………….breakfast.

3. (on,with,by)
(a) The village is situated…………….the river.
(b) She lives……………..her parents.

4. (among,over,between)
(a) Birds are flying……………………….the hill and mountain.
(b) The house is hidden……………………the trees.

5. (beside,above,about)
(a) This story is ………………….a poor family.
(b) The park is…………………….the lake.

Test 04 - Underline the silent letter of the following words.

castle soften pneumonia exhibition knowledge

foreign campaign sachet robot honour

Test 05 -Find the meanings of the idioms in column A from column B.


i. let the cat out of the bag an unbelievable tale

ii. once in a blue moon two or more people agree to something
iii. see eye to eye happens very rarely
iv. sit on the fence completely (in love)
v. cock and bull story when someone doesn’t want to
make a decision
vi. head over heels to share information that was
previously concealed.

Test 01 - Write a set of instructions to display in your school premises.
Ex; 1.Don’t litter here and there.
2. Put garbage into bin.

Test 02 - Add the correct punctuation marks to the following utterances and rewrite them correctly.

a) Good evening
b) Hello Is anyone at home
c) Oh please help me
d) I don’t know his brother’s name
e) He said I have a brother sister and a kind mother
Test 03 - Complete the notice given below with the appropriate phrases in the list.

the 1st of September 2018/ Mahasen Hall/ 3.00pm/

grade 10 students/ debate/ will be


There ………………………….. a debate between the debating teams of ThakshilaVidyalaya and

GemunuVidyalaya on …………………………………..…………

at …………………………………….. in …………………………..………………

All …………………………………… are invited. The topic for the ……………………… will be
“Advertisements on TV”.

Date : 20.08.2017 Secretary

English Literary Association

Test 04 - Imagine that you have lost your pet dog during the last few days. Write a lost notice to be
displayed in your area include the place where it lost, date, contact details.





Unit 06 - Information
Test 01 - Match A with B and build up definitions.


Magazine is a collection of articles about current events usually published daily.

Encyclopedia allows you to access information on the internet through a browser

Newspaper is a collection of short, factual entries

Online library catalogue is an organized and searchable collection of online records of every
item in a library

Website is a collection of articles and pictures about various

topics of popular interest and current events.

Test 02 - Write a notice to be put up on the school notice board about a shramadhana campaign going
to be held.

*The date and time.
*What they should bring.
*Refreshment given.
*Ask them to invite parents.

Test 03 - Write five sentences about your hopes and aspirations using the example given.

Ex: I will have finished my project by the end of this month.






Test 04 - Imaging that you are the head prefect of your school. Write a letter to the MOH of your area
about the stray dog menace of your school.

*They bit the students many time, they dirty classes.
*Ask him vaccinate the dogs or evacuate them.
Test 01 - Write a short paragraph about “Reading makes a full man”


Test 02 - Describe the following pictures using five sentences.







Test 03 - Complete the blanks using present perfect continuous tense.

i. How long have you been learning English?

ii. How long have you been studying this school?
iii. How long has the old man living in that house?
iv. How long has he been sleeping?
v. How long have you been doing morning exercises?
Test 04 - Study the bar graph and answer the questions given below.

After school activities of grade 10 students





doing sports gardening visit friends cycling watching TV

i. What does the graph represent?..................................................................

ii. What information given in the horizontal axis?.....................................................
iii. What information given in the vertical axis?..........................................................
iv. What is the most popular after school activity?.......................................................
v. What is the least popular after school activity?.........................................................
vi. Which activities are equally popular?........................................................................


Test 01 - Write the plurals of the given nouns.

i. Syllabus - ………………………..
ii. Axis - ………………………..
iii. Medium - ………………………..
iv. Curriculum - ………………………..
v. Formula - ………………………..
Test 02 - Rephrase the sentences’ beginning with the words in brackets:

i. She has plenty of money, but she is very mean. (although)

ii. They have a car, but they rarely use it. (though)
iii. He was innocent, but he was sent to prison. (although)
iv. He was a number of relatives living nearby, but he never visits them. (even though)

v. She never takes any kind of exercise, but she is quite fit and healthy. (even though)

Test 03 - Rewrite the following sentences changing the underline word into plural. .
i. Our father-in-law is very kind.
ii. The teacher-in-charge is very active.
iii. The passer-by is hurry to go.
iv. The principal will welcome the guest-of-honour.
v. Mother gave a spoonful of medicine to my sister

Test 04 - Write a short paragraph about “Healthy food habits”. Use about 50 words.


Unit 09 - Nature
Test 01 - Match the words with its meaning.
Species plants taken collectively
Vegetation walking in the countryside for pleasure or sport
Cascade a group of animals or plants having common characteristics
hiking process of destroying a forest

deforestation small waterfall

Test 02 - Write a short paragraph about “A famous place in Sri Lanka”. Use about 50 words.
Test 03 - Read the following classified and answer the questions.

Accounts assistants seek an experienced accounts clerk for immediate employment in a leading BOP

company. AAT/ Charted part I qualified individuals with (1-2) years experience as Accounts Clerks

should apply. Salary 15000/= Call 077 1234560 (Prasad)

01. What is the post vacant? …………………………………

02. What are the qualifications required? …………………………………
03. How many years of experience are needed? ……………………………..
04. What is the salary mentioned? …………………………………………
05. Write the contact number? …………………………………..
Test 04 - Form the adjectives of the following words.
Attract - ………………………….
Medicine - ………………………….
Fear - ………………………….
Inform - ………………………….
Awe - ………………………….
Luxury - ………………………….
Adventure - ………………………….
Tire - ………………………….
Education - ………………………….
Love - ………………………….

Unit 10 - Personality
Test 01 - Rearrange the words to construct a meaningful sentence.
i. need/ I /for/ a /stamp /letter.. my
ii. me/ tell/ the /please?/ time/ you/ can
iii. spaghetti/ like/ like/ but/ pizza./ I /don’t/ I
iv. my /is /Oliver/ book/ favourite/ by /Dickens./ Twist
v. Sunday/ came/ my /to/ sister/ us/. on/ see

Test 02 - Answer the questions. Build up a sentence using the words given in the brackets with the
help of an appropriate relative pronoun. Follow the example.

Eg: Who is the superman? (Man-super human powers)

 The superman is a man who has super human powers.
i. What is Hamlet about? ( man – kill father’s murder )
ii. What is a dinosaur? ( animal – extinct)
iii. Who is Mother Theresa? ( woman – social service )
iv. What is a dictionary? ( big book – refer meanings in new words )
v. Who is a bowler? ( man – passes the ball in cricket matches)
Test 03 - Complete the following sentences using ‘one another’ or ‘each other’.

i.The principal asked all the students to cooperate with …………………………. When doing
a group work.
ii.Both my sisters help …………………. To do their homework.
iii.The merchant kept all the bottles …………………… to place them on the shelf.
iv.Everybody should help ………………………….when there is a natural disasters.
v.Jagan and Rajan took turns in helping ……………………….

Test 04 - Rewrite the underlined words using MINE, YOURS, HIS, HERS, OURS, THEIRS:

1. This is Ayşe’s coat.

2. It is my chocolate. Don’t eat!
3. That red book is not Can’s book. His book is blue.
4. A: Look at these keys. Are they our keys?
B: No, they are not your keys. They are my mother’s keys.
5. A: Are those your glasses or my glasses on the table?
B: I think, they are your glasses. My glasses aren’t on the table. They are in my bag.

Test 01 - Complete the following application form.

Name in full: …………………………………………………………………………..

Permanent address: …………………………………………………………………………..
Contact No: …………………………………………………………………………..
e-mail: …………………………………………………………………………..
date of birth: …………………………………………………………………………..
Age: …………………………………………………………………………..
Male/female: …………………………………………………………………………..
School attended: …………………………………………………………………………..
Educational qualifications: …………………………………………………………………………..
Other qualifications: …………………………………………………………………………..
Co-curricular activities: …………………………………………………………………………..
i. …………………………………………………………………………..
ii. …………………………………………………………………………..

…………………………. ………………………….
Date signature

Test 02 - Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks of the given invitation.

Shenal : Good morning Sir. Can I help you?

P.T.I : Good morning Shenal. I need your help these days.Our sports meet is coming very close.
Shenal : When do we have it sir?
P.T.I. : On the 20th of March.
Shenal : Oh! It’s very close. Where are we going to have it this time?
P.T.I. : In the school grounds.
Shenal : What time will we have it?
P.T.I. : From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Shenal : Who is the chief guest sir?
P.T.I. : Mr. RanganaHerath, the former test cricket captain of the Sri Lankan cricket team.
Shenal : Are we not inviting the parents this time?
P.T.I. : Why not? Who else should we invite?
Shenal : Shall I prepare the parents’ invitation.
P.T.I. : Yes please.
Shenal : How can I start sir?
P.T.I. : Start that the staff and the students of GemunuVidyalaya cordially invite………
Shenal : O.K. I know the other part. I will do it.
The staff and the students of (i) …………………………………………………
cordially invite the (ii) ………………………………………… for their Inter House
(iii) ……………………………………….. on (iv) ………………….. from
(v) ……………………………….. to (vi) ………………………… in the
(vii) …………………………………… under the patronage of the
former (viii) ………………………………………… of the
Sri Lankan (ix) ………………………………………………………..
Mr. (x)………………………………………….
Sports Committee
Test 03 - Build up five sentences in past perfect tense.
Eg: The teacher had requested all the students to attend the meeting.

ii. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

iii. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

iv. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

v. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Test 04 - You lost your school bag in school on the School English Day. You are not sure where you put it.
Write a notice to display in the school canteen. Use about 40-50 words.

Include the following.

 A brief description about the bag

 Contents of the bag
 A request to return it if found


Unit 12 - Success
Test 01 - Turn the following sentences into reported speech.
1. “He works in a bank”
She said ___________________________________________________________
2. “We went out last night”
She told me ________________________________________________________
3. “I’m coming!”
She said ___________________________________________________________
4. “I was waiting for the bus when he arrived”
She told me ________________________________________________________
5. “ I’d never been there before”
She said ___________________________________________________________
Test 02 - Read the following article and fill in the blanks using passive voice.(present perfect tense)

Ramani Balasooriya has drawn many pictures. She has sold some pictures. So she has earned a good
income. She has won awards for her best creations. She has decided to organize an exhibition on pictures.

1………………………………………………………………been by Ramani Balasooriya. Some pictures

2…………..............…………………………………………………….by her. A good income
3…………………………………………………………………….by her.
4………………………………………………………………………………….won for her best creations.
5…………………..………………………………………………………………….to organize by her.

Test 03 - Read the following guidelines and write a short description about ‘Mihinthale’.
 A mountain peak near Anuradhapura
 A sacred place of worship for the Buddhists in SriLanka
 The place where Arahat Mahinda met King Devanampiyathissa
 Pilgrims go to worship Mihinthale on Poson full moon paya day
 Many shrines and ruins can be seen
 Ambasthala stupa, The kantaka stupa, Naga pokuna, Mihindu cave are some of them

Unit 13 - Future
Test 01 - Choose the correct item and underline it:
1. If I move / I’ll move to Boston, I live / I’ll live on Main Street.
2. If you call / you’ll call your mother, she’ll be very happy.
3. If the mechanic fixes our car on time, we drive / we’ll drive to Center ville.
4. If it rains / it’ll rain today, we won’t go to the park.
5. If I’m not in a hurry tonight, I write / I’ll write to her.
6. If she isn’t / won’t be sick, she’ll go to school.
7. If they’re / they’ll be tired tomorrow, they don’t go / won’t go to work.
8. If John doesn’t buy a new car, he buys / he’ll buy a motorcycle.

Test 02 - Complete the sentences with these phrases:

* If I had a motorbike * If I lost all my money

* Your English would improve * If Peter ate less
* I’m sure she’d tell me * If I were a famous model
* My uncle would stop too * my English teacher would be surprised
1. If you practiced more, ……. your English would improve. ………………………………
2. …………………………………………….., it would be easier to go and visit my friends.
3. ……………………………………………………………………., I would feel miserable.
4. If I started writing poetry, …………………………………………………………………
5. ……………………………………………………………………., he wouldn’t be so fat.
6. If my little sister did something wrong, …………………………………………………..
7. …………………………………………………, people would see my photo everywhere.

Test 03 - Describe the following picture using five sentences.


Test 04 - Think of your life in the year 2040. What changes will have occurred in your life by then?
Follow the example given and write as many sentences as possible.

Eg: I will have started doing a job by 2040.


Unit 14 - Sports
Test 01 - Write a short description about ‘My favourite sport’

Test 02 - Put the verbs in brackets into PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE:

There is a chimpanzee which ….. is called …… (call) “Bubbles”. It ………………….. (own) by

Michael Johnson. It …………………………. (keep) in his home. It …………………. .(feed) every
day by Michael Johnson himself. It …………………………………….. (always / dress) in funny
clothes. It ………………………………. (said) that “Bubbles” is Michael Johnson’s only friend.

Test 03 - Turn the following sentences into reported speech.

1. He said, “I have got a toothache”.
2. Manu said, “I am very busy now”.
3. She said to me, “You are my only friend.”
4. He said, “I have passed the physical test.”
5. Where are you going?’ James asked Mary

Test 03 - Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given verb.

Last night, I saw a good movie. The title of the movie was E.T. It was an excellent film. To my
surprise. I ….. laughed ….. (laugh), I ……………………… (cry), and I ………………….. (worry)
about the little creature from space, and I completely …………………………. (enjoy) the show.
The story is about an extraterrestrial person named E.T. He ………………………. (land) on earth in
a flying saucer. But his space ship …………………………. (depart) without him. A little American
boy ………………………… (discover) E.T. They …………………….. (play) together and they
………………………….. (like) each other a lot. But E.T. …………………… (miss) his home. He
……………………….. (want) to go back. He ………………………. (plan) his return trip,
but then ……
Well, go and see this excellent summer film and find out about E.T.


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