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2345 No. of Printed Pages : 11
3569 (NS)

£vÄ Gs
2345 Register Number

Part - III
( uªÌ ©ØÖ® B[Q» ÁÈ / Tamil & English Version)

Põ» AÍÄ : 3.00 ©o ÷|µ® ] [ ö©õzu ©v¨ö£sPÒ : 75

Time Allowed : 3.00 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 75

AÔÄøµPÒ : (1) AøÚzx ÂÚõUPЮ \›¯õP Aa_¨ £vÁõQ EÒÍuõ GߣuøÚ

\›£õºzxU öPõÒÍÄ®. Aa_¨£vÂÀ SøÓ°¸¨¤ß AøÓU
PsPõo¨£õÍ›h® EhÚi¯õP öu›ÂUPÄ®.
(2) }»® AÀ»x P¸¨¦ ø©°øÚ GÊxÁuØS® AiU÷PõikÁuØS®
£¯ß£kzu ÷Ásk®. £h[PÒ ÁøµÁuØS ö£ß]À
Instructions : (1) Check the question paper for fairness of printing. If there is any lack of
fairness, inform the Hall Supervisor immediately.
(2) Use Blue or Black ink to write and underline and pencil to draw diagrams.

SÔ¨¦ : CÆÂÚõzuõÒ |õßS £SvPøÍU öPõshx.

Note : This question paper contains four parts.

£Sv & I / PART - I

SÔ¨¦ : (i) AøÚzx ÂÚõUPÐUS® Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. 12x1=12

(ii) öPõkUP¨£mh |õßS ÂøhPÎÀ ªPÄ® Hئøh¯ Âøh°øÚ

÷uº¢öukzx SÔ±mkhß Âøh°øÚ²® ÷\ºzx GÊuÄ®.

Note : (i) Answer all the questions.

(ii) Choose the most appropriate answer from the given four alternatives and
write the option code and the corresponding answer.

[ v¸¨¦P / Turn over

3569 (NS) 2

1. ÂÈ HØ-£-ø©-Äz vÓß SøÓ-£õm-øha \› ö\´¯ Eu-Ä-Áx :

(A) S ö»ß_ (B) SÈ ö»ß_
(C) S Bi (D) C¸ S¯ ö»ß_
The eye defect ‘Presbyopia’ can be corrected by :
(a) Convex lens (b) Concave lens
(c) Convex mirror (d) Bifocal lenses

2. AÁ÷Pm÷µõ Gsoß ©v¨¦ __________ /÷©õÀ.

(A) 6.023×10 −23 (B) 6.024×1024
(C) 6.023×10 23 (D) 6.024×10 −24
The value of Avogadro number is __________ /mol.
(a) 6.023×10 −23 (b) 6.024×10 24
(c) 6.023×10 23 (d) 6.024×10 −24

3. }µØÓ Pøµ\ø» Aøh¯õÍ® PõsP :

(A) }›À PøµUP¨£mh E¨¦
(B) }›À PøµUP¨£mh SÐU÷Põì
(C) }›À PøµUP¨£mh Põ¨£º \À÷£m
(D) Põº£ß&øh&\Àø£iÀ PøµUP¨£mh \À£º
Identify the non-aqueous solution.
(a) Sodium chloride in water
(b) Glucose in water
(c) Copper sulphate in water
(d) Sulphur in carbon disulphide

4. 5Ω ªßuøh öPõsh ªß `÷hØÔ J¸ ªß ‰»zxhß CønUP¨£kQÓx.

6 A ªß÷Úõmh©õÚx C¢u `÷hØÔ ÁȯõP £õ´QÓx GÛÀ 5 {ªh[PÎÀ
E¸ÁõS® öÁ¨£zvß AÍÄ :
(A) 48000 J (B) 54000 J (C) 45000 J (D) 84000 J
An electric heater of resistance 5 Ω is connected to an electric source. If a current of
6 A flows through the heater, find the amount of heat produced in 5 minutes.
(a) 48000 J (b) 54000 J (c) 45000 J (d) 84000 J
3 3569 (NS)

5. C2H5OH +3O2 → 2CO2+3H2O Gߣx :

(A) GzuÚõÀ JkUP®
(B) GzuÚõÀ G›uÀ
(C) GzuÚõ°U Aª»® BU]á÷ÚØÓ®
(D) Gzu÷ÚÀ BU]á÷ÚØÓ®
C2H5OH +3O2 → 2CO2+3H2O is :
(a) Reduction of ethanol
(b) Combustion of ethanol
(c) Oxidation of ethanoic acid
(d) Oxidation of ethanal

6. PõØÔÀ»õ _Áõ\zvß ‰»® E¸ÁõÁx :

(A) Põº÷£õøím÷µm (B) GzvÀ BÀPíõÀ
(C) A]møhÀ ÷Põ.H (D) ø£¸÷Ám
Which is formed during anaerobic respiration ?
(a) Carbohydrate (b) Ethyl Alcohol
(c) Acetyl CoA (d) Pyruvate

7. ""|ÃÚ EhØö\¯¼¯¼ß u¢øu'' GÚ AøÇUP¨£k£Áº :

(A) îì&Hm›÷¯õ (B) ÂÀ¼¯® íõºÂ
(C) PõµÀ ÷»smìjÚº (D) GmÁºm C. öPshÀ
Who is regarded as the “Father of Modern Physiology” ?
(a) His-Atrio (b) William Harvey
(c) Karl Landsteiner (d) Edward C. Kendal

8. ÷µßú PqUPÒ Põn¨£k® Ch® __________.

(A) uø\PÒ (B) BU\õßPÒ
(C) öhsmøµmkPÒ (D) ø\mhõß
Node of Ranvier is found in __________.
(a) muscles (b) axons
(c) dendrites (d) cyton

[ v¸¨¦P / Turn over

3569 (NS) 4

9. __________, ÷u[Põ°ß CÍ}›À AvP©õPU Põn¨£kQÓx.

(A) BU]ß (B) ø\m÷hõøPÛß
(C) ⨵À¼ßPÒ (D) Gzv¼ß
__________ is found abundantly in liquid endosperm of coconut.
(a) Auxin (b) Cytokinin
(c) Gibberellins (d) Ethylene

10. DNA &øÁ öÁmh¨ £¯ß£kÁx :

(A) Pzu›U÷PõÀ (B) öµìm›Uéß ö|õv
(C) Pzv (D) i.Gß.H. ø»÷Pì
We can cut the DNA with the help of :
(a) Scissors (b) Restriction enzymes
(c) Knife (d) DNA ligases

11. ö£õ-¸z-x-P.
(1) £õ¼ÂøÚÀ S÷Íõøµk (i) SÇ¢øuPÎß ‰øÍ Áͺa]ø¯
(2) ÷Pmª¯® (ii) CÚ¨ö£¸UP ©sh»zvß
Áͺa]ø¯¨ £õvUQÓx
(3) D¯® (iii) ‰a_zvnÓÀ Bìx©õ
(4) S÷µõª¯® (iv) |µ®¦PøÍ £õvUQßÓx
(A) (1)-(i), (2)-(iii), (3)-(iv), (4)-(ii) (B) (1)-(ii), (2)-(i), (3)-(iii), (4)-(iv)
(C) (1)-(iii), (2)-(ii), (3)-(iv), (4)-(i) (D) (1)-(ii), (2)-(iv), (3)-(i), (4)-(iii)
Match the following :
(1) Polyvinyl chloride (i) Affects brain development in children
(2) Cadmium (ii) Affects the growth of reproductive system
(3) Lead (iii) Asthmatic bronchitis
(4) Chromium (iv) Neural damage
(a) (1)-(i), (2)-(iii), (3)-(iv), (4)-(ii) (b) (1)-(ii), (2)-(i), (3)-(iii), (4)-(iv)
(c) (1)-(iii), (2)-(ii), (3)-(iv), (4)-(i) (d) (1)-(ii), (2)-(iv), (3)-(i), (4)-(iii)
5 3569 (NS)

12. \›¯õÚ Cønø¯U PõsP :

(A) AU÷µõö\ßm›U - ö\ßm÷µõª¯º S÷µõ÷©õ÷\õªß

ø©¯zvØS A¸QÀ Põn¨£kQÓx.
GÚ÷Á Cµsk \©©ØÓ Pµ[PÒ

(B) \¨&ö©mhõö\ßm›U - ö\ßm÷µõª¯º S÷µõ÷©õ÷\õªß J¸

•øÚ°À Põn¨£kQÓx

(C) ö©mhõö\ßm›U - ö\ßm÷µõª¯º S÷µõ÷©õ÷\õªß

ø©¯zvÀ Aø©¢x Cµsk \©}Í•ÒÍ

(D) j÷»õö\ßm›U - ö\ßm÷µõª¯º S÷µõ÷©õ÷\õªß J¸

•øÚUS A¸QÀ Põn¨&£kÁuõÀ, J¸
Smøh¯õÚ Pµ•® J¸ }sh Pµ•®

Find the correct pair.

(a) Acrocentric - The centromere is found near the centre of the

chromosome with two unequal arms.

(b) Submetacentric - The centromere is found on the proximal end.

(c) Metacentric - The centromere occurs in the centre of the

chromosome and forms two equal arms.

(d) Telocentric - The centromere is found at one end with a short

arm and a long arm.

[ v¸¨¦P / Turn over

3569 (NS) 6

£Sv & II / PART - II

SÔ¨¦ : GøÁ÷¯Ý® 7 ÂÚõUPÐUS Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. ÂÚõ Gs 22 &US 7x2=14

Pmhõ¯©õP Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®.
Note : Answer any seven questions. Question No. 22 is compulsory.
13. £Ø\UPµ[PÒ £ØÔ ]Ö SÔ¨¦ ÁøµP.
Write short notes on gears.

14. hõ¨Íº ÂøÍÄ |øhö£Ó •i¯õu Cµsk `ÇÀPøÍU TÖP.

Mention two cases in which there is no Doppler effect in sound.

15. Esø© öÁ¨£ Â›Ä SnP® Áøµ¯ÖUPÄ®. ÷©¾® Auß A»QøÚ

Define co-efficient of real expansion and mention its unit.

16. BÀPíõÀPøÍU PshÔ²® ÷\õuøÚ°ß ÂøÚø¯U TÖP.

Write a reaction which is used for the identification of alcohol.

17. {³µõßPÎß ‰ßÖ ÁøP Aø©¨ø£ GÊv AøÁ Põn¨£k® ChzøuU

Name the three types of neurons and find its location.

18. öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ £hzvÀ A, B, C, D BQ¯ £õP[PøÍ Aøh¯õÍ®

Identify the parts A, B, C and D in the given figure.
7 3569 (NS)

19. ¦øu E°º¨£iÁ[PÎß Põ»zøu GÆÁõÖ AÔ¢x öPõÒÍ C¯¾® ?

How can you determine the age of fossils ?

20. DNA µÀ ÷µøPz öuõÈÀ ~m£zvß |øh•øÓ £¯ß£õkPøÍ GÊxP.

State the applications of DNA fingerprinting technique.

21. ìQµõa_ _ÇÀ v¸zv°À ÷©øh (STAGE) Gߣx £ØÔ ]Ö SÔ¨¦ GÊxP.
What is “Stage” in Scratch editor ?

22. J¸ ö£õ¸Î¼¸¢x ö\À¾® JÎUPØøÓ¯õÚx 0.3 «. S¯z öuõø»Ä

öPõsh ›US® ö»ß\õÀ SÂUP¨£mk 0.2 «. GßÓ öuõø»ÂÀ ¤®£zøu
HØ£kzxQÓx GÛÀ ö£õ¸Îß öuõø»øÁU PnUQkP.
A beam of light passing through a diverging lens of focal length 0.3 m appears to be
focused at a distance 0.2 m behind the lens. Find the position of the object.

£Sv & III / PART - III

SÔ¨¦ : GøÁ÷¯Ý® 7 ÂÚõUPÐUS Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. ÂÚõ Gs 32 &US 7x4=28

Pmhõ¯©õP Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®.
Note : Answer any seven questions. Question No. 32 is compulsory.

23. µõUöPm HÄuø» ÂÍUSP.

Describe rocket propulsion.

24. Gί ~s÷nõUQ°ß £¯ß£õkPÒ ¯õøÁ ?

What are the uses of Simple microscope ?

[ v¸¨¦P / Turn over

3569 (NS) 8

25. (A) «ö¯õ¼ Aø»PÒ GßÓõÀ GßÚ ?

(B) Gvöµõ¼°ß ©¸zxÁ £¯ßPøÍU TÖP.

(a) What do you understand by the term ‘Ultrasonic waves’ ?

(b) What are the medical applications of echo ?

26. E÷»õP A›©õÚzøuz ukUS® •øÓPÒ ¯õøÁ ?

What are the methods of preventing Corrosion ?

27. ÷\õ¨¦ ©ØÖ® ihºöásmøh ÷ÁÖ£kzxP.

Differentiate soaps and detergents.

28. ÷ÁÖ£õk u¸P & ""J¸ Âzvø»z uõÁµ ÷Áº ©ØÖ® C¸ Âzvø»z
uõÁµ ÷Áº.''

Differentiate between Monocot root and Dicot root.

29. ©Ûu Cu¯zvß öÁΨ¦Ó Aø©¨ø£ £h® Áøµ¢x £õP[PÒ SÔUPÄ®.

Draw the external structure of human heart and label the parts.

30. Ámhõµ CÚ uõÁµÂ¯À GߣuøÚ Áøµ¯Özx Auß •UQ¯zxÁzøu


Define Ethnobotany and write its importance.

9 3569 (NS)

31. ãß ]Qaø\ •øÓ £ØÔ ÂÍUSP.

Explain about Gene Therapy.

32. (A) 100 Q. }›À 25 Q. \ºUPøµø¯U Pøµzx J¸ Pøµ\À u¯õ›UP¨£kQÓx.

Auß Pøµö£õ¸Îß {øÓ \uÃuzøuU PõsP.

(B) \›¯õ ? uÁÓõ ? (uÁÖ GÛÀ TØÔøÚz v¸zxP)

(i) AßÓõh ÁõÌÂÀ |õ® £¯ß£kzuUTi¯ vµÁ ©¸¢xPÒ, Áõ´&

PÊÄ® vµÁ[PÒ, ¦øµz uk¨£õßPÒ, Q¸ª|õ]ÛPÒ ÷£õßÓ
Pøµ\ÀPÎÀ EÒÍ Pøµö£õ¸Îß AÍÄPÒ w/w GßÓ £uzuõÀ

(ii) Pή¦PÒ, Aª»}UQPÒ, ÷\õ¨¦PÒ ÷£õßÓÁØÔÀ EÒÍ

Pøµ\ÀPÎß ö\ÔÄPÒ v/v GßÖ SÔ¨¤h¨£kQÓx.

(a) A solution was prepared by dissolving 25 g of sugar in 100 g of water. Calculate

the mass percentage of solute.

(b) True or false (If false give the correct statement).

(i) In our daily life, solution of syrups, mouth wash, antiseptic solution,
household disinfectants etc., the concentration of ingredients of solution is
expressed as w/w.

(ii) In Oinments, antacids, soaps etc., the concentration of solution is expressed

as v/v.

[ v¸¨¦P / Turn over

3569 (NS) 10

£Sv & IV / PART - IV

SÔ¨¦ : AøÚzx ÂÚõUPÐUS® Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. ÷uøÁ¯õÚ Ch[PÎÀ

£h® ÁøµP. 3x7=21

Note : Answer all the questions. Draw diagrams wherever necessary.

33. (A) ÃkPÎÀ £¯ß£kzu¨£k® ªß_ØøÓ ÂÍUPÄ®.


(B) BÀ£õ, ¥mhõ, Põ©õ PvºPÎß £s¦PøÍ J¨¤kP.

(a) Explain about domestic electric circuits.


(b) Compare the properties of alpha, beta and gamma radiations.

34. (A) (i) |ÃÚ AqUöPõÒøP°ß ÷Põm£õkPøÍ GÊxP.

(ii) AÁPõm÷µõ Âv°ß £¯ß£õkPÒ H÷uÝ® Cµsk TÖP.


(B) (i) JØøÓ Ch¨ö£¯ºa] ÂøÚø¯ uS¢u GkzxUPõmkhß


(ii) Cµmøh Ch¨ö£¯ºa] ÂøÚ°ß ÁøPPøÍ uS¢u

GkzxUPõmkhß ÂÍUSP.
(a) (i) Give the salient features of “Modern atomic theory”.

(ii) Write any two applications of “Avogadro’s Law”.


(b) (i) Explain single displacement reaction with examples.

(ii) Explain the types of double displacement reactions with examples.

11 3569 (NS)

35. (A) (i) •¯¼ß _Áõ\U SÇõ°À S¸zöu¾®¦ Áøͯ[PÒ Põn¨£kÁx

Hß ?
(ii) ]Ö}º¨ £õøu ÷|õ´zöuõØÖ (UTI) &ß ÂøÍÄPøÍU TÖP.
(B) (i) i.Gß.H&Âß E°›¯À •UQ¯zxÁ® ¯õx ?
(ii) Cu¯ ÷|õ´PÒ HØ£kÁøuz ukUP ÷©ØöPõÒЮ •ßöÚa\›UøP
(iii) uÁÓõÚ £¯ß£õmkUS EÒÍõÚ SÇ¢øuPøͨ £õxPõ¨£uØPõÚ
AqS•øÓPÒ H÷uÝ® 2 TÖP.
(a) (i) Why are the rings of cartilage found in trachea of rabbit ?
(ii) Write a note on UTI.
(b) (i) What is the biological significance of DNA ?
(ii) What precautions can be taken for preventing heart diseases ?
(iii) Mention any two approaches for protection of an Abused child.


[ v¸¨¦P / Turn over

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