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Duration: 100 minutes

Question 1) (3 minutes) Compute the vector product P Q of vectors P and Q described

below. The orthogonal unit vectors are represented by i, j, and k:
P = 4.2.i + 2.5.j -1.3.k e Q = 2.5.i -6.7.j - 3.3.k
Choose the right answer:
a) -16.96.i - 10.61.j - 21.89.k
b) 16.96.i + 10.61.j + 34.39.k
c) -16.96.i + 10.61.j - 34.39.k
d) -16.96.i - 17.11.j - 34.39.k
e) None of the other alternatives

Question 2) (2 minutes) Obtain the expression of the characteristic polynomial for the
following matrix A.

a 0 0 

A= 0 a 0

 
 0 0 b 
a) -3 +(2.a+b). .2-(a2+2.a.b). +a2.b=0
b) 3 +(2.a+b). .2-(a2+2.a.b). +a2.b=0
c) 3 +(2.a+b). .2-(a2+2.a.b). =-a2.b
d) -3 +(2.a+b). .2-(a2+2.a.b). -a2.b=0
e) None of the other alternatives

Question 3) (4 minutes) For the following function

1 − 2𝑥 3
𝑓 𝑥 =
1 − 3𝑥 2 2
What is the value of the first derivative of 𝑓 𝑥 at 𝑥 = −1?
Choose the option that shows the value of this derivative:
a) 7
b) 5
c) 3
d) 1
e) -1

Question 4) (4 minutes) Obtain the values of  and  so that the vector V1 is

simultaneouly orthogonal to V2 and V3 (i, j and k are orthogonal unit vectors):
V1 = α.i + β.j - 4,5.k V2 = 2.i + 3.j - 2.k V3 = 3.i - 2.5.j + 4.k
Choose the correct values of α and :
63 63
a) 𝛼 = 𝛽 = 14
−63 63
b) 𝛼 = 𝛽 = 14
63 −63
c) 𝛼 = 𝛽=
14 28
63 −63
d) 𝛼 = 𝛽=
28 14

e) None of the other alternatives

Question 5)(3 minutes) The eigenvalues of the matrix M

 1 1 2 

M=  2 1  1
 
 1  2  2
must satisfy which one of the following polynomials:
a) 𝜆3 − 9𝜆 + 7 = 0
b) 𝜆3 + 9𝜆 = −7
c) −𝜆3 + 9𝜆2 + 7 = 0
d) −𝜆3 + 9𝜆 = −7
e) None of the other alternatives

Question 6) (5 minutes ) A tractor with total weight of 1200N is employed to raise a

sand load of 820N. The center of mass of the tractor is indicated by point G in the
figure. Assuming that the tractor stays still during the load lifting, compute the values of
reaction force from the ground on each front wheel B and on each rear wheel A,
(a) 505N on the front wheel and 505N on the rear wheel
(b) 116.66N on the front wheel and 1903.33N on the rear wheel
(c) 1903.33N on the front wheel and 116.66N on the rear wheel
(d) 58.33N on the front wheel and 951.66N on the rear wheel
(e) 951.66N on the front wheel and 58.33N on the rear wheel

Question 7) (3 minutes ) Compute the resultant force F and moment M acting on point
A of a rigid structure, which is rigidly connected to a wall. The structure is formed by
two orthogonal segments, whose lengths are indicated in the figure below. A system of
three forces mutually orthogonal, 50N, 80N and 100N, is applied on the structure. The
answers must be written in terms of the orthogonal unit vectors i, j, and k.

a) F = -80.i +100.j +50.k N and M = 100.j - 200.k + 100.i N.m

b) F = -80.i +100.j +50.k N and M = 100.i - 100.j + 200.k N.m
c) F = -80.i +100.j +50.k N and M = 100.i - 100.j + 200.k N.m
d) F = 80.i - 100.j - 50.k N and M = 100.i - 100.j + 200.k N.m
e) None of the other alternatives
Question 8) (8 minutes) The link DC of a four-bar linkage rotates counter-clockwise
with speed of 7 rad/s. The lenghts of all links are depicted in the figure. What are the
magnitude and direction of the rotating speed of link AB?

(a) 5 rad/s counter-clockwise

(b) 5 rad/s clockwise
(c) 4.04 rad/s clockwise
(d) 4.04 rad/s counter-clockwise
(e) None of the other alternatives

Question 9) (7 minutes) Three children A, B e C, respectively of weights 400N, 340N

and 290N, stand still on a square raft of de 5mx5m. The position of each child is given
in the figure. The point O indicates the origin of the reference axes x, y and z, whose
orthogonal directions are given respectively by the unit vectors i, j e k. If a fourth child
of weight 410N steps in the raft, where she/he must stay so the line of action of the total
weight can pass by the raft geometric center? The positions of all children on the raft are
kept invariable. (Note: In the figure, the distances 0,25m, 0,5m and 1,5m represent the
values of 0.25m, 0.5m and 1.5m, respectively)
(a) 2.038.i+3.201.k m
(b) 1.650.i+2.320.k m
(c) 3.201.i+2.038.k m
(d) 2.500.i+2.500.k m
(e) 3.201.i+2.320.k m

Question 10) (1 minute) About the residual stresses in welding processes, it is

CORRECT to state that:

a) They are stresses in the plastic regime.

b) They are stresses in the elastic regime.
c) They are stresses in the elastic and plastic regime.
d) They are stresses that occur at high temperatures.
e) They are stresses that occur at low temperatures.

Question 11) (2 minutes) Cutting tools are always prone to wear which will lead to their
failure, irrespectively of their hardness and wear resistance.
Assess the following statements.
I. Oxidation and abrasion are thermally activated wear mechanisms
II. During intermittent cutting, tensile and compressive stresses act on the cutting tool
III. The presence of coatings on cutting tools delays wear by diffusion
IV. Polycrystalline diamond cutting tools may fail due to wear by abrasion
The following statements are true
a) I and II
b) I and IV
c) III and IV
d) I, II e III
e) II, III e IV

Question 12) (4 minutes) A cutting tool employed in the turning operation presents the
following geometry (ISO 3685:1993 standard): included angle (εr) of 80°, end cutting
edge angle(χ’r) of 5°, cutting edge inclination angle (λs) of -7°, clearance angle (αo) of
10° and wedge angle (βo) of 85°. The values of the rake angle (γo) and cutting edge
angle (χr) are, respectively:
a) -5° and 95°
b) -2° and 90°
c) 73°and 92°
d) 23°and 67°
e) 85°and 5°

Question 13) (5 minutes) Two solid circular bars are rigidly connected at section B and
are subjected to two axial forces, as it is depicted in the figure. The bar AB is made of
steel ( E 200 GPa) and the bar BC is made of brass (E 105 GPa). E represents the
Young´s modulus. Estimate the total variation of length of the bar ABC and the axial
displacement of section B caused by the applied forces (upward direction is considered
(a) -0.100 mm e -0.052 mm.
(b) -0.205 mm e -0.152 mm.
(c) -0.155 mm e -0.102 mm.
(d) -0.255 mm e -0.202 mm.
(e) -0.300 mm e -0.252 mm.

Question 14) (5 minutes) A solid circular bar made of steel has cross-section diameter
of 2.5cm and length L of 10cm. One of the bar ends is rigidly connected to a wall. At
the bar free end, a rigid lever AB of length 8cm is rigidly attached. This lever is located
at plane xz, as it is shown in the figure, and is subjected to a vertical force F of 1.5kN at
its free end. The circular bar material behaves as a linear elastic material, with Young
modulus of 210GPa and Poisson ratio of 0.3. Compute the maximum values of the
normal and shear stresses acting in the circular bar. (Hint: G = E/2(1+ )).
Choose below the alternative that shows more faithfully the maximum values of the
normal stress and shear stress acting in the circular bar, respectively.
(a) 97.78 MPa e 48.89 MPa
(b) 48.89 MPa e 97.78 MPa
(c) 97.78 MPa e 39.11 MPa
(d) 48.89 MPa e 39.11 MPa
(e) None of the other alternatives

Question 15) (2 minutes) A circular solid bar made of aluminum (E = 77 GPa e  =

23.6x10-6/0C) with cross section diameter of 50 mm has undeformed length of 0.15 m.
E represents the Young´s modulus. If this bar is subjected to a tensile force of 50 kN,
the bar elongation (Δl) and the normal stress (σ) will be, respectively, equal to:
a) Δl = 0.055 mm and σ = 18.0 MPa
b) Δl = 0.50 mm and σ = 18.0 MPa
c) Δl = 0.050 mm and σ = 25.5 MPa
d) Δl = 0.55 mm and σ = 18.0 MPa
e) Δl = 0.55 mm and σ = 30.5 MPa

Question 16) (5 minutes) A prismatic beam is subjected to a uniform distributed load

w(x)=0.15 kN/m along its length and to a concentrated force F= 0.45 kN applied on its
right free end. The beam is rigidly connected by its left end. The beam has rectangular
cross-section with height of 5.0 cm and width of 2.5 cm. Estimate the value of the
maximum bending stress acting on the beam.

w(x) F

Choose the best estimate for the maximum bending stress from the following
(a) 190.5 MPa
(b) 192.6 MPa
(c) 193.2 MPa
(d) 194.4 MPa
(e) None of the other alternatives

Question 17) (7 minutes) A water flowmeter is built with a standard Venturi tube, as it
is shown in the figure. The ratio of the upstream transverse cross sectional area to the
Venturi cross sectional area is equal to 5. The Venturi is based on a U-tube manometer,
in which the fluid has relative specific weight of 13.

i) gravity acceleration, g, is 10 m/s2;
ii) measured height, h, is 400mm;
iii) water specific weight, water, is 10000 N/m3;
iv) The upstream cross sectional area of the Venturi,
A1, is 100 cm2;
PA V A2 P V2
v) Bernoulli equation:   z A  B  B  zB
 2. g  2. g
 
vi) Continuity equation: .VA . AA  .VB . AB .
g g

What is the value of the water flowrate?

a) 433 L/min
b) 1200 L/min
c) 1800 L/min
d) 1541 L/min
e) 20000 L/min

Question 18) (1 minute) Water flows in a long pipe of diameter D with speed V. In a
section of the pipe, the diameter is reduced to D/2. Consequently due to the dimaeter
reduction, the flow speed will become:
(a) Half of V.
(b) Twice V.
(c) One fourth of V.
(d) Four times V.
(e) The same speed according with principle of mass conservation.

Question 19) (3 minutes) A convergent channel has rectangular cross-section area

varying linearly with length, as it is depicted in the figure. The channel width is
considered infinite and the one-directional flow along direction x must be analyzed. The
flowrate Q by width unit is equal to 1 m3/s (cubic meter by second and by width unit).
How much will be the fluid acceleration a in the convergent section located at the
position x=1m? Choose the alternative that shows the value of the flow acceleration.

a) a = 3.645 mm/s2
b) a = 3.450 mm/s2
c) a = 3.150 mm/s2
d) a = 4.050 mm/s2
e) None of the other alternatives

Question 20) (5 minutes) A car was fueled with 40 liters of gasoline (relative specific
weight equal to =0.74), and the car tank has a base area of 0.4 m2. However, the fuel
employed to fill the tank was adulterated with a portion of solvent (=0.94). In order to
estimate the amount of solvent, a manometer mounted at bottom of the car tank was
used to measure the pressure of 0.008 kgf/cm2. What was the volume of solvent found
in the tank?
a) 10 L
b) 28 L
c) 8L
d) 12 L
e) 20 L
Question 21) (3 minutes) A closed reservoir of height of 2.3m is partially filled with
water (=1000 kg/m3), whose column has 2m of heigth, and with compressed air
(=1,22 kg/m3) at the top. A mercury U-tube manometer is installed in a vertical
position at 0.2m from the water surface. The relative density of the mercury is
approximately equal to 13.6. foi colocado a 0,2 m da lamina de água. If the system in at
equilibrium, what is the pressure at the bottom of the reservoir? (Data: h=0.25 m, g=10
m2/s). Choose the alternative with the required value for the pressure.

a) 33999 Pa
b) 34000 Pa
c) 54000 Pa
d) 53999 Pa
e) 52999 Pa

Question 22) (2 minutes) Estimate the radiative heat flux of a steel pipe, whose outer
diameter is 100mm and length is 5m. The pipe external surface is at 150 ºC and the
ambient air is at 20ºC. (Data: emissivity  = 0.5; Constant of Stefan-Boltzmann
5.6697.10 W/m2K4).
a) 45 W
b) 2195 W
c) 22.5 W
d) 1097 W
e) 349 W

Question 23) (4 minutes) A metallic plate, with area of 0.4m2 and thickness of 2cm, is
heated in one surface, and the other surface is in contact with the ambient air. Assuming
that the heated surface is at temperature of 150ºC and the air is at 20ºC, estimate the
temperature of the plate surface in contact with the air. (kplate=52 W/mK; hair=15
a) 110 ºC
b) 43 ºC
c) 149 ºC
d) 129ºC
e) 150 ºC

Question 24) (6 minutes) The diameter of a solid circular shaft made of aluminum is
measured by a micrometer at ambient temperature of 30°C, indicating the value of 20
mm for its diameter. This shaft must fit into a circular hole of a steel part with radial
clearance of 1 mm, which must be kept.
Supposing that the mounted set will reach the temperature of 48ºC, what will be the
correction needed in the shaft diameter to compensate the temperature rise?
Let´s assume that both the aluminum shaft and the steel part will be always at the same
(Data: αsteel = 11.5 μm.m-1.K-1 e αAl = 23.0 μm.m-1.K-1; 1μm = 10-6m)

(a) - 4.15 x 10-3 mm.

(b) – 8.3 x 10-3 mm.
(c) - 13.39 x 10-2 mm.
(d) 66.9 x 10-3 mm.
(e) 13.93 x 10-2 mm.

Question 25) (2 minutes) The vertical solid bars AB and CD have the same length of
200 mm. They are initially at ambient temperature of 200C, at which the acting stresses
are null. The two bars are rigidly welded to rigid undeformable plates at points A, B, C
and D, such that their lengths will be kept constant. Choose the right statement for this
a) The bar AB will be subjected to tensile internal forces if this bar suffers a temperature
rise of 40 0C. A C

b) The bar AB will not be subjected to internal forces if this bar

suffers a temperature rise of 40 0C..
c) The bar CD will be subjected to compressive internal forces
if the bar AB suffers a temperature rise of 40 0C.
d) The bar CD will be subjected to tensile internal forces. B D
e) The bar AB will be subjected to compressive internal forces if this bar suffers a
temperature rise of 40 0C.

Question 26) (1 minute) a piston/cylinder contains initially compressed air at 200kPa,

temperature of 100oC, with volume of 0.3m3. The air undergoes an expansion until its
pressure decreases to 90kPa, in na isothermal process. The work performed during the
process can be estimated by
a) -47.91 kJ
b) 47.91 kJ
c) -21.56 kJ
d) 21.56 kJ
e) None of the other alternatives.

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