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24 th

August 1690- The foundation of Indian city of Calcutta – Job Charnock

1668- fortified factory – Fort William

Sutanati & Govindpur- Annual Rent Rs. 1195

From Azimush-shan, grandson of
Aurangzeb, Subhedar of Bengal
Acquisition of Zamindari- Legal &
Constitutional status ( Zamindars)
Zamindar- collection of revenue and
administration of justice
Over natives the native inhabitants of its
December 1699- Calcutta became a
President (Governor) & council
Mughal Judicial system
of Bengal collected land revenue and
maintained law and order
Kazi’s court in each district
Village panchayat – petty cases
Kazi court
Disintegration of Moghul administrative
Nawabs authority weekened in Bengal
Kazi office became hereditary
Justice – not impartial, could be
purchased by payment of money
Nawab’s Courts- Murshidabad- highest
criminal court
Nawab the head of Nizamat and
responsible for maintenance of law and
order and administration of criminal
Diwani- responsible for collection of revenue

The Kazi administered justice in claims of

inheritance and succession
Mufti helped kazi
The zamindari functions of Company-
English Officer- Collector- Member of
Governor & council
Judicial powers- criminal , civil & revenue
Summary manner without jury
Death sentence confirmation by G&C
Appeal – G&C
Punishments- whipping, fine, imprisonment,
banishment whipping to death
Jurisdiction over Indians andEnglishmen

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