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Methods for preparing synthetic freshwaters

Article in Water Research · April 2002

DOI: 10.1016/S0043-1354(01)00341-4 · Source: PubMed

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3 authors, including:

William Davison
Lancaster University


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Water Research 36 (2002) 1286–1296

Methods for preparing synthetic freshwaters

E.J. Smitha, W. Davisonb,*, J. Hamilton-Taylorb
Windermere Laboratory, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Far Sawrey, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 0LP, UK
Environmental Sciences Division, Institute of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, UK
Received 30 November 2000; received in revised form 7 June 2001; accepted 16 July 2001


Synthetic solutions that emulate the major ion compositions of natural waters are useful in experiments aimed at
understanding biogeochemical processes. Standard recipes exist for preparing synthetic analogues of seawater, with its
relatively constant composition, but, due to the diversity of freshwaters, a range of compositions and recipes is required.
Generic protocols are developed for preparing synthetic freshwaters of any desired composition. The major problems
encountered in preparing hard and soft waters include dissolving sparingly soluble calcium carbonate, ensuring that the
ionic components of each concentrated stock solution cannot form an insoluble salt and dealing with the
supersaturation of calcium carbonate in many hard waters. For acidic waters the poor solubility of aluminium salts
requires attention. These problems are overcome by preparing concentrated stock solutions according to carefully
designed reaction paths that were tested using a combination of experiment and equilibrium modeling. These stock
solutions must then be added in a prescribed order to prepare a final solution that is brought into equilibrium with the
atmosphere. The example calculations for preparing hard, soft and acidic freshwater surrogates with major ion
compositions the same as published analyses, are presented in a generalized fashion that should allow preparation of
any synthetic freshwater according to its known analysis. r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Synthetic; Freshwaters; Soft; Hard; Acid

1. Introduction Freshwaters have such diverse compositions that there

can be no simple single protocol for their preparation
When performing experiments relevant to natural and consequently simple salt solutions such as NaNO3
waters, it can be advantageous to use a medium with the are often used instead [3]. Other solutions which may be
same major ionic composition as the natural water being used as surrogates for freshwaters are the commercially
studied, but without the other natural components, such available certified reference materials (CRMs) for
as trace components, colloids and organic substances. natural waters. Examples may be obtained from the
Such an approach has been used for many years in European Commission’s BCR programme in Europe
understanding the chemistry of seawater [1] and for and NIST in the USA. Methods for preparing these
preparing pH buffer solutions in seawater media. As CRMs have been published in the open literature (for
seawater has a reasonably constant composition a single example, major elements in synthetic freshwater (CRMs
recipe can be used, allowing a standard protocol for the 398 and 399) and nitrate in synthetic freshwater (CRMs
preparation of its synthetic analogue to become 479 and 480) [4]. However, these methods do not
established [2]. describe how to produce synthetic freshwaters of any
desired chemical composition. This paper presents
methods for producing synthetic surrogates with the
*Corresponding author. Fax: +44-1524-843854. same major cation and anion compositions and ionic
E-mail addresses: (E.J. Smith), strengths as their natural counterparts. Although the (W. Davison). complicated interaction of rain water with the terrestrial

0043-1354/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 3 - 1 3 5 4 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 3 4 1 - 4
E.J. Smith et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 1286–1296 1287

environment produces a wide variety of fresh water The basis of devising a synthetic freshwater recipe is
compositions, they may be broadly characterized as to (a) examine systematically its analytically determined
hard, soft or acidic waters. In this paper we system- chemical composition to determine the salts required
atically consider the common problems that are and (b) arrange the salts into groups to prevent
presented in preparing a solution of synthetic fresh- incongruent solubility and produce three or four
water, irrespective of its composition. Recognising that concentrated ‘‘stock’’ solutions depending on the final
there can be no ‘‘standard’’ chemical composition of water composition (soft and acidic waters require three
lake water, protocols are developed and presented for solutions, hard waters require four). For the sake of
designing recipes to produce freshwaters of any required clarity, the stock solutions will be numbered and
chemical composition. prefixed by S, H or A to denote which water they refer
Three lakes were selected to represent freshwaters to (soft, hard or acid water, respectively). The stock
with different chemical compositions. Esthwaite Water, solutions are made up (using special procedures where
Cumbria [5] and Rostherne Mere, Cheshire [6] are used required to ensure complete salt dissolution) and mixed
as examples of circumneutral soft and hard waters, together to produce the final solution. Since the
respectively and Seathwaite Tarn, Cumbria [7] is used as production of some stock solutions results in solutions
an example of an acidic water. Esthwaite Water is a with excess CO2, equilibration with the atmosphere has
small, eutrophic lake in the English Lake District with a to be re-established by bubbling the final freshwater
high biological productivity and a seasonally anoxic solution with air prior to use.
hypolimnion [8]. The high productivity of Esthwaite
Water is partly attributed to its location in a shallow 1.1. Designing a synthetic soft or hard freshwater recipe
valley with relatively rich alluvial soil [5]. Numerous
studies of Esthwaite Water have resulted in comprehen- The first requirement for producing a recipe is to list
sive descriptions of its chemical and biological char- the major ion composition (molar units) of the required
acteristics [5]. freshwater (e.g. Tables 1 and 2). Most compositions
Rostherne Mere is situated in the Shropshire– include Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+ and K+ and Cl , SO24 and
Cheshire basin in England [9]. It is a seasonally HCO3 . Additional components may be NH+ 4 -N and
anoxic, hard water lake, dominated by calcium carbo- NO3 -N, depending on their importance to the user
nate with a well known major ion chemistry [6]. The requirements. As CO23 is present at low concentrations
high alkalinity of Rostherne Mere may be attributed to for most natural waters in the pH range 7–8, the
the groundwater and slow surface drainage from a frequently measured alkalinity for soft and hard waters
catchment of glacial drift which contains evaporites and is assumed to be equal to the concentration of the
limestone sources. Seathwaite Tarn is a small, oligo- HCO3 ion. Since solutions are electrically neutral, the
trophic, acid, upland reservoir in the English Lake sum of all the cationic charges should equal the sum of
District. The reservoir is surrounded by sphagnum and the anionic charges. The charge balance should therefore
peat bog, and its inflow comes from streams draining a be checked to see whether this condition is satisfied or
mountainous area of 465 ha consisting mainly of grass- not. This is most conveniently done if concentrations are
land. expressed in equivalents (mol L 1  charge). For the
The production of a synthetic inorganic surrogate of a component salt solutions the charges must balance
freshwater is not a straightforward matter on two perfectly. However, as the published composition of a
counts. Firstly, dissolving several salts in one solution water is usually determined analytically, the concentra-
tends to produce common ion effects. These effects occur tions of cations and anions often do not balance exactly,
when the dissolution of an inorganic salt causes the as is evident from Table 1, columns 3 and 7, and Table 2,
solution to become supersaturated with respect to column 3 for the examples shown. Small adjustments
another salt resulting in the precipitation of a new solid. must be made to the concentrations of some of the
For example, the dissolution of calcium and sulphate cations and/or anions to achieve perfect balance. First
salts in the same solution tends to lead to super- select some value of total microequivalents (approxi-
saturation with respect to calcium sulphate and its mately midway) between the two cation and anion sums.
possible precipitation. The other main difficulty is that Small adjustments should then be made to the anion and
the synthesis of both soft and hard waters requires the cation concentrations until their sums are both equal to
dissolution of calcium carbonate which is a relatively this midway point. The biggest adjustments should be
insoluble salt. The dissolution problems are exacerbated made to the ions present at the highest concentrations
by the fact that some hard waters commonly approach with small adjustments to minor components. The
saturation or oversaturation with respect to calcite (and individual cation and anion equivalents shown in the
other calcium mineral phases). Specific procedures have Esthwaite Water example were adjusted until
been developed to create conditions which are conducive SCZ+=SAZ =925 meq L 1. These adjustments are
to rapid dissolution of calcium carbonate. shown by Table 1, columns 4 and 5.
1288 E.J. Smith et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 1286–1296

Table 1
The major ion composition of a typical soft water and acid water

Esthwaite Water Seathwaite Tarn

Published concn. Adjustment Balanced concn. Published concn. Adjustment Balanced concn.
(meq L 1) (meq L 1) (meq L 1) (meq L 1)
1 1 1 1
mmol L meq L mmol L meq L

Na+ 249 249 +1 250 193 193 193

Ca2+ 263 526 +4 530 28 56 56
Mg2+ 60 120 120 33 66 66
K+ 25 25 25 9 9 +1 10
Al3+ 6.5 19.5 1.5 18
H+ +7 7
SCZ+ 920 +5 925 343.5 350

Cl 280 280 280 228 228 +2 230

NO3 31 31 1 30 36 36 36
SO24 115.5 231 1 230 42 84 84
HCO3 386 386 1 385
SAZ 928 3 925 348 350

Table 2
The major ion composition of a typical hard water

Rostherne Mere

Published concn. Adjustment Balanced concn.

(meq L 1) (meq L 1)
1 1
mmol L meq L

Na+ 670 670 5 665

Ca2+ 1230 2460 10 2450
Mg2+ 410 820 5 815
K+ 110 110 5 105
SCZ+ 4060 25 4035

Cl 680 680 +5 685

NO3 100 100 100
SO24 600 1200 +10 1210
H2PO4 30 30 30
HCO3 2000 +10 2010
SAZ 4010 +25 4035

1.2. Procedure for selecting the salts for the soft water The following section outlines the steps required to
recipe select the appropriate salts at the correct concentration
for the synthetic freshwater recipe for Esthwaite Water
Once the chemical constituents have been balanced, (Table 4). No completely general protocol can be
the salts required may be calculated. It is important to provided because of the diversity of possible composi-
avoid using low solubility salts (for example calcium tions, but the principles are illustrated. CT denotes the
sulphate and magnesium carbonate) as these are difficult sum of the carbonate components (HCO3 +CO23 ).
to dissolve and may precipitate out of solution. The
solubility information provided in Table 3 may be used (i) Use the measured concentration of Mg2+ to
to assist in the choice of suitable salts. More exhaustive calculate the amount of MgCl2 required
solubility data are available [11]. (120 meq L 1).
E.J. Smith et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 1286–1296 1289

Table 3
The solubilities of inorganic salts [10]a

Anion O2 OH Cl CO23 HCO3 NO3 SO24

Na+ dec. 109 36 21 9.6 87 19.4

K+ dec. 112 34.7 112 22.4 31.6 11.1
Mg2+ ss 0.0009 54.2 ss F 70 33
Ca2+ dec. 0.156 74.5 ss F 129 0.21
Al3+ ss ss 70 dec. F F 63 38
NH+4 37 12 192 75
ss denotes sparingly soluble, dec. denotes decomposes. The solubilities in the table are given as 100 times the mass (g) of anhydrous
solute per unit mass of water (g), at 201C, unless otherwise stated i.e. 100  g g 1.

Table 4
Matrix of salts used and summation of major cations and anions for Esthwaite Water and Seathwaite Tarn

Esthwaite Water Seathwaite Tarn

meq L Cl NO3 SO24 CT SC Z+
Cl NO3 SO24 SC Z+

Na+ 230 20 250 73 36 84 193

Ca2+ 160 30 a
340 530 56 a
Mg2+ 120 a
120 66 66
K+ 25 25 10 10
Al3+ 18 18
H+ 7 7
SAZ 280 30 230 385 925 230 36 84 350
Insoluble salt.

(ii) The balance of Cl required in the solution is with respect to relatively insoluble salts. Tables 5
supplied by adding CaCl2 (160 meq L 1). and 6 summarize the stock solutions used for Esthwaite
(iii) Use the measured concentration of NO3 to Water and a typical hardwater, Rostherne Mere. The
calculate the amount of Ca(NO3)2 required potential of the 1000  concentrated stock solutions to
(30 meq L 1). exceed saturation limits was checked using the geo-
(iv) The balance of Ca2+ required in the solution is chemical equilibrium speciation code MINTEQA2
supplied by adding CaCO3 (340 meq L 1). version 3.11 [12]. The model output indicated that it is
(v) Use the measured concentration of K+ to calculate necessary to use 3 stock solutions for the soft water
the amount of KHCO3 required (25 meq L 1). recipe and 4 for the hard water, as at these higher
(vi) Use the measured concentration of SO24 to concentrations a separate solution of MgSO4 is required
calculate the amount of Na2SO4 required to avoid precipitation. If placed in solution 1 or 2, an
(230 meq L 1). insoluble precipitate of CaSO4 may form and if placed in
(vii) The balance of Na+ required in solution is supplied stock solution 3, MgCO3(s) may form. Calcium carbo-
by adding NaHCO3 (20 meq L 1). nate is only sparingly soluble and consequently difficult
to dissolve. The calcium carbonate is therefore placed in
The table should be checked upon completion to its own separate stock solution for both soft and hard
ensure that the charge balance has not been violated. freshwater recipes (Tables 5 and 6). A separate
It is convenient to make synthetic lake water by procedure was developed to ensure its reliable dissolu-
preparing separate concentrated stock solutions which tion (Experimental section). Tables 5 and 6 show the
are then mixed in appropriate volumes to produce one required concentrations of each ion for each salt for the
solution of the required composition. Therefore, once soft and hard water recipes in mg L 1 and the mass of
the required salts are known they should be grouped salt required to make up an appropriate volume of each
together in compatible combinations into the minimum stock solution.
number of stock solutions. Table 3 may be used to avoid Stock solutions S1, S3, H1, H3 and H4 are prepared
placing incompatible salts in the same stock solution, at much higher concentrations than are required for the
which may result in the solution becoming oversaturated completed lake water for several reasons. Firstly, it is
1290 E.J. Smith et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 1286–1296

Table 5
Recipe for Esthwaite Water (Cumbria)
Stock solution meq L Final required concentration (mg L 1) Mass (g) of salt per volume Concn. factor
of MilliRo water

S1 1L
MgCl2  6H2O 120 1.458 4.254 12.168
CaCl2  6H2O 160 3.206 5.672 17.500  1000
Ca(NO3)2  4H2O 30 0.601 1.860 3.542

S2 5L
CaCO3 340 6.814 10.201 0.0936  1.1

S3 1L
Na2SO4 230 5.288 11.046 16.334
KHCO3 25 0.977 1.525 2.502  1000
NaHCO3 20 0.458 1.220 1.678

Table 6
Recipe for Rostherne Mere (Lancashire)
Stock solution meq L Final required concentration (mg L 1) Mass (g) of salt per volume Concn. factor
of MilliRo water

H1 1L
CaCl2  6H2O 685 13.727 24.285 7.491  100
Ca(NO3)2  4H2O 100 2.004 6.200 1.181

H2 5L
CaCO3 1665 33.367 F 0.458  1.1

H3 1L
KHCO3 75 2.932 F 0.751
KH2PO4 30 1.173 2.910 0.408  100
NaHCO3 270 6.207 F 2.268
Na2SO4 395 9.081 18.971 2.805

H4 1L
MgSO4  7H2O 815 9.904 39.143 10.044  100

much easier and more accurate to weigh out several tration for soft water (Table 5) and stock solutions H1,
grams of each salt rather than only a few milligrams. H3 and H4 were prepared at 100 times the final required
Secondly, the high concentrations of ions in the stock concentration for hard water (Table 6). At 100 times the
solutions ensure that they are relatively stable and free final required concentration, sufficiently high masses of
from contamination. This enables stock solutions S1, S3, salts are used to ensure easy weighing and good
H1, H3 and H4 to be made up in advance. Suitable accuracy, but still avoid exceeding the solubility of the
storage in a cool place out of direct sunlight will ensure salts. Table 8 outlines the volumes of stock solutions
that they keep indefinitely. Finally, only a few millilitres required to make the soft and hard waters.
of each solution is required to make up the complete Owing to the problems of dissolving calcium salts,
synthetic lake water and therefore stock solutions S1, stock solutions S2 and H2 form the bulk of the synthetic
S3, H1, H3 and H4 may be used for many preparations. soft and hard waters (i.e. 4545 mL of stock solution S2
In the two examples given, stock solutions S1 and S3 or H2 for 5 L of synthetic freshwater). It is made up at
were prepared at 1000 times the final required concen- 1.1 times the final required concentration (as opposed to
E.J. Smith et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 1286–1296 1291

1000  or 100  for the other stock solutions) to ensure calculate an initial H+ concentration prior to any
that only a small mass of CaCO3 needs to be dissolved adjustment for the ion balance. The measured pH for
and to allow for dilution resulting from the addition of the Seathwaite Tarn water was 5.16. This value was used
the other stock solutions. to calculate an initial H+ of 7 meq L 1. The concentra-
tions of cations and anions and hence the salts required
1.3. Designing a recipe for an acidic freshwater for Seathwaite Tarn (in meq L 1) are summarized in
Table 4.
The general procedure for calculating the recipe for an As for the soft water example, the salts should be
acidic water is similar to that used for soft and hard grouped together in compatible combinations using the
waters. The essential differences will be highlighted. information from Table 3. Table 7 summarizes the
Aluminium and hydrogen ions are more important in stock solutions used for Seathwaite Tarn and Table 8
acidic solutions and must be included in the list of major shows the required volumes of stock solutions to make
ions. As very acid solutions (pHo5) contain effectively up the freshwater. The suitability of the stock solutions
no HCO3 , carbonate components can be omitted from was again checked using MINTEQA2. The model
the basic recipe. Table 1 shows the published composi- output indicated that the sodium sulphate should be
tion of Seathwaite Tarn water [7] and the final balanced placed in its own solution as it was found to be likely
concentration after adjustments have been made. The to form an insoluble precipitate of calcium sulphate
H+ ion may be used to balance the sum of the charges if dissolved in solution A1 and an insoluble
for waters with pHp5, especially as H+ concentrations aluminium sulphate precipitate such as AlOHSO4 in
are difficult to measure accurately with a pH electrode solution A3. With no CaCO3 to dissolve, all the stock
[13,14]. Alternatively, if pH has been measured accu- solutions can be 1000 times the concentration of the final
rately for the water in question, this value can be used to solutions.

Table 7
Recipe for Seathwaite Tarn (Cumbria)
Stock solution meq L Final required concentration (mg L 1) Mass of salt added to 1 L of Concn. factor
MilliRo water

NaCl 73 1.678 2.588 4.266 g
MgCl2  6H2O 66 0.802 2.340 6.696 g
CaCl2  6H2O 56 1.122 1.985 6.123 g  1000
KCl 10 0.391 0.355 0.746 g
NaNO3 36 0.828 2.232 3.060 g

Na2SO4 84 1.931 4.034 5.965 g  1000

AlCl3  6H2O 18 0.162 0.638 1.449 g
HCl 7 7.056  10–3 0.248 7 mL of 1 M HCl in 1 L  1000

Table 8
Dilution factors for making 5 L of Esthwaite Water, Rostherne Mere and Seathwaite Tarn synthetic waters

Soft water Hard water Acid water

Stock soln. Vol. (mL) Diln. factor Stock soln. Vol. (mL) Diln. factor Stock soln. Vol. (mL) Diln. factor

S1 5 1/1000 H1 50 1/100 A1 5 1/1000

S2 4545 1/1.1 H2 4545 1/1.1 A2 5 1/1000
S3 5 1/1000 H3 50 1/100 A3 5 1/1000
H4 50 1/100
Water 445 305 4985
1292 E.J. Smith et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 1286–1296

Stock solution A3 presents a special problem since added to 500 mL of stirred distilled water maintained at
aluminium salts are amphoteric and will only dissolve 251C. It took about 30 h for sufficient CaCO3 to dissolve
readily at either high or low pH. Aluminium hydrolyses to produce 7.5 ppm of Ca in solution. This method is not
upon dissolution in water to form several aluminium recommended as it is very slow and there is a risk of a
hydroxyl species which determine the pH-dependent residual CaCO3 phase.
solubility. MINTEQA2 was used to predict the most An alternative method for preparing stock solutions
favourable chemical conditions for reliable aluminium S2 and H2 involves the dissolution of calcium oxide in a
dissolution. Calculation of the saturation status of a carbonate-free system. This is achieved by the removal
solution of 6.3  10 3 mol L 1 of AlCl3 over a pH range of all dissolved CO2 in the water by bubbling with
of 1–14 showed that aluminium is likely to precipitate nitrogen gas for approximately 1 h. The use of a widely
out in the pH range of 4–12 as an aluminium oxide. available disposable plastic glove-bag ensures a com-
Since the minimum solubilty of Al occurs at about plete nitrogen blanket is achieved for the duration of the
pH 6, it is necessary to avoid dissolving aluminium dissolution procedure. CaO may then be added to the
salts in solutions with a pH in the range 5.5–6.5. To solution and the solution bubbled with N2 for 1 h at
ensure reliable dissolution of the aluminium salt, the 1 atm until complete dissolution is achieved (30–40 min
aluminium chloride was placed with the HCl in stock was found to be sufficient time for complete CaO
solution 3. dissolution for the two stock solutions S2 and H2
tested). Once the solution reaches equilibrium, it
should be bubbled vigorously with CO2 for 10 min
2. Materials and methods to titrate rapidly the solution to a pH below 7. This
step is essential. It prevents the Ca from precipitat-
The following sections describe simple, reliable ing out of solution (as CaCO3) by rapidly lowering
procedures for making 5 L of soft, hard or acidic the pH. It also converts all the excess OH ions to
synthetic freshwaters. HCO3 .

2.1. Preparation of stock solution 2 for soft and hard

freshwaters 2.2. Preparation of other stock solutions

The main problem associated with making soft and Composite stock solutions S1, S3, H1, H3 and H4
hard freshwaters is the preparation of stock solutions S2 are made up in glass volumetric flasks at up to 1000
and H2. This involves the dissolution of calcium times the final concentration (depending on the final
carbonate which is only sparingly soluble under normal required composition of the water). Care should be
conditions of temperature and atmospheric pCO2. A taken with Na2SO4, which is difficult to dissolve.
combination of theoretical modelling using MINTE- This salt should be poured into the volumetric
QA2 and laboratory experiments indicated that the flask dry, most easily from a weighing boat, and the
easiest and most reliable method of preparing stock required water added while stirring magnetically to aid
solutions S2 and H2 is by increasing the pCO2 in the dissolution.
solution during dissolution of the salt. Stock solutions The preparation of stock solutions A1 and A2 for
S2 and H2 should be made up at 1.1 times the final acidic freshwaters is simply a matter of dissolving the
required concentration as follows. The pCO2 in 5 L of required masses of salts in high purity water in glass
water is increased by vigorously bubbling CO2 gas volumetric flasks (Table 7). As for the soft and hard
through it for 10 min prior to addition of the appro- water stock solutions, each solution should be stirred
priate mass of CaCO3. It is essential that a fine vigorously with a magnetic stirrer to avoid localized
powdered form of CaCO3 is used to promote dissolu- supersaturation of salts and possible precipitation. More
tion. Upon addition of the CaCO3 powder, CO2 care should be taken over the preparation of stock
bubbling is continued for 4 h. The concentration of Ca solution A3. The bulk of the MilliRo water used to
in solution after filtration through a 0.2 mm membrane make stock solution A3 should be acidified with HCl,
filter should then be determined to check for complete HNO3 or H2SO4 (depending on the required composi-
dissolution. tion of the synthetic freshwater) prior to the addition of
It is possible to prepare stock solution S2 for the soft the aluminium salt(s). To prepare stock solution A3 for
water by bubbling the solution with air to encourage the Seathwaite Tarn Water, the glass volumetric flask
dissolution if no carbon dioxide gas is available, was half filled with MilliRo water, the hydrochloric acid
although dissolution is then much slower and more was added, and the solution stirred vigorously prior to
unreliable. The dissolution kinetics of CaCO3 in addition of the aluminium salt. The low pH (o3) of the
common laboratory solvents was investigated by Pingi- acid ensures that the added aluminium salt dissolves and
tore et al. [15]. Fine grained CaCO3 powder of 0.1 g was remains in solution.
E.J. Smith et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 1286–1296 1293

2.3. Preparation of synthetic waters

The lake waters may be made up in either glass or

plastic containers. For the sake of robustness and ease of
availability, the lake waters used as examples were made
up in 5 L High density polyethylene (HDPE) containers.
The appropriate volumes of stock solutions S1 and S3 or
H1, H3, and H4 should be added to the required volume
of stock solutions S2 or H2, respectively, while it is being
vigorously stirred to avoid local supersaturation and the
volume made up to 5 L with high purity water (Table 8).
It is important to use high purity water to avoid
introducing contamination and organic substances into
the water. ‘‘MilliRo’’ grade water was used to make all
the lake waters discussed. It is produced by a Milli-RO
Plus Reverse Osmosis System which removes >99% of
dissolved organics, particles and microorganisms and up
to 99% of inorganic ions.
Calcium carbonate is dissolved in stock solutions S2
Fig. 1. Equilibration of soft and hard water by bubbling with
and H2 for the soft and hard waters, respectively by air at 1 atm.
increasing the pCO2. The final synthetic lake waters
therefore contain excess dissolved CO2. The pH of
circumneutral waters is controlled predominantly by the
equilibria of carbonate species, so the correct equili- 2.4. Final analytical composition
brium pH for the completed soft and hard waters will
not be achieved until the excess CO2 is removed and the Once the synthetic freshwaters were made up,
water is in equilibrium with the atmosphere. Although subsamples were removed and filtered through 0.45 mm
the water would eventually (days or weeks) equilibrate Millipore HAWP filter membranes. These samples were
naturally by loss of CO2 to the atmosphere, the process analysed for major cations, anions, alkalinity and pH to
can be speeded up by bubbling the solution vigorously confirm that they were of the required composition. The
with air. The waters are assumed to have reached major ion analyses were carried out by ion chromato-
equilibrium when the pH does not change by more than graphy. Alkalinities were measured by Gran titration
0.04 units over an hour. The soft and hard waters used and pH was measured using a glass electrode. The
as examples took about four hours to equilibrate with aluminium concentration of the acidic freshwater was
the atmosphere even with vigorous bubbling (Fig. 1). measured by electrothermal AAS (Perkin Elmer
Either water can be prepared from their stock solutions 412002L).
in less than a day. The measured compositions of the soft, hard and
The acidic lake water may be made up in a HDPE 5 L acidic synthetic lake waters are shown in Table 9. The
container by adding appropriate volumes of stock reported errors are one standard deviation of the mean
solutions A1, A2 and A3 using the dilution factors which was calculated from three replicate analyses of
shown in Table 8. The container is 3/4 filled with each type of lake water. In addition to the pH being
MilliRo water, and the 5 mL aliquots of stock solutions measured for each synthetic freshwater, it was calculated
A3, A1 and A2 added in that order while the water is with MINTEQA2 using the measured concentration of
vigorously stirred. The addition of stock solution A3 each component, the temperature of the solutions when
(containing the aluminium solution) lowers the pH from each pH measurement was made and the pCO2 for the
about 5.7 (the pH of distilled water in equilibrium with laboratory (3.6  10 4 atm). There was good agreement
the atmosphere) to approximately 5.2. This slightly between the measured and calculated pH values with
lower pH reduces the risk of aluminium precipitation differences of 0.01 for Esthwaite Water and 0.03 for
during solution mixing, as aluminium has a minimum Seathwaite Tarn. There was no difference between the
solubility at about pH 6. Once all stock solutions are measured and calculated pH values for Rostherne Mere.
added and well mixed the volume is made up to 5 L. Measured concentrations of cations and anions agreed
There is usually no requirement to aerate the acidic well with the values calculated from the salts and the
water as it was not bubbled with CO2 and CO2 has only charge balance was good for each solution. The
a small effect on the pH if it is below 5. The acidic difference between the sum of the anions and the sum
freshwater may be prepared in under an hour from its of the cations for the Esthwaite Water analysis was
stock solutions. 0.21%, for the Rostherne Mere analysis 0.34% and for
1294 E.J. Smith et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 1286–1296

Table 9
The composition of the soft, hard and acid waters

Esthwaite Water Rostherne Mere Seathwaite Tarn Analytical method

Recipe Measured Recipe Measured Recipe Measured

(meq L 1) (meq L 1) (meq L 1) (meq L 1) (meq L 1) (meq L 1)

Mg2+ 120 12170.2 815 93479 66 6575 ICa

Ca2+ 530 55972 2450 2420724 56 5672 IC
Na+ 250 24071 665 69675 193 19777 IC
K+ 25 2474 105 9471 10 970.2 IC
Al3+ 18 2171 AAS
H+ 8b 8c
SCZ+ 925 944 4035 4144 350 356

Cl 280 27271 685 696713 230 23171 IC

NO3 30 2771 100 10372 36 4173 IC
SO24 230 22870.4 1210 122973 84 8271 IC
H2PO4 30 3272 IC
HCO3 385 41573 2010 2070710 1 Gran titration
SAZ 925 942 4035 4130 350 355

Modelledd Measured Modelledd Measured Modellede Measured

pH 7.83 7.84 8.49 8.49 5.09 5.06 Glass electrode
IC ion chromatography.
H+ calculated from measured pH from initial chemical determination.
c +
H calculated using MINTEQA2.
pH calculated using MINTEQA2.
The initial pH for Seathwaite Tarn was the same (5.10) as the value calculated using MINTEQA2.

the Seathwaite Tarn analysis 0.28%. It should be noted water appears to be oversaturated with respect to several
that ionic balances are only approximate. For example, aluminium oxides (Table 10). MINTEQA2 may not
calculation of the chemical speciation of the acid water have predicted the true saturation status of the acidic
at 201C using the Alchemi-speciation program [16,17] water wholly accurately since (in keeping with other
indicated there was some hydrolysis of Al. This speciation codes) it relies on the assumption that
hydrolysis reduces the equivalent of Al from 18 to solution Al can be depicted as an equilibrium reaction
12.1 meq L 1, which means that the average charge of Al between an Al(OH)3(s) phase and the free (aquo) Al3+
changes from Al3+ to Al2.1+ (Lydersen, pers. comm.). which may not be entirely valid (Lydersen et al., 1991).
It was observed by Lydersen et al. (1991) that the
2.5. Stability and storage relatively high concentrations of aluminium which are
often present in the runoff waters that enter surface
The saturation index (SI) was used to assess the water systems would not occur if a crystalline
saturation status of a solution (or lake water) with Al(OH)3(s) phase controlled the Al activities. High
respect to a given mineral phase where SI=log10[(IAP)/ concentrations of inorganic dissolved Al could, how-
Ksp]. IAP is the ion activity product and Ksp is the ever, be explained by the formation of amorphous
temperature dependent solubility product. The satura- Al(OH)3(s) structures which are soluble as small colloids
tion status for a sample composition of Rostherne Mere (Lydersen et al., 1991). Substantial amounts of amor-
and Seathwaite Tarn with respect to several mineral phous Al(OH)3(s) are able to exist as colloids in solution
phases was calculated using MINTEQA2 version 3.11 for time periods of several weeks or months [18,19].
(Table 10). Since colloids are not incorporated in any models,
Although the freshwater compositions used as exam- equilibrium thermodynamics are only of limited use in
ples of hard and acidic fresh waters are analyses of predicting actual solubilities of Al (Lydersen et al.,
natural waters, the waters appear to be supersaturated 1991). Therefore, it is possible that although MINTE-
with respect to several mineral phases. The hard water QA2 predicts that the acidic water is oversaturated with
appears to be oversaturated with respect to calcium respect to several aluminium phases, it may in fact be
minerals such as aragonite and calcite while the acidic relatively stable for a few weeks. Additionally, the first
E.J. Smith et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 1286–1296 1295

Table 10
The saturation status of Rostherne Mere (a hard water) and Seathwaite Tarn (an acid water) at 201C with respect to mineral phases

Rostherne Mere Seathwaite Tarn

Mineral Molecular formula SI Mineral Molecular formula SIa

Aragonite CaCO3 0.557 Al4(OH)10SO4 0.880

Calcite CaCO3 0.711 Alunite KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6 0.844
Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 1.016 Boehmite AlO(OH) 0.619
Hydroxyapatite Ca5(PO4)3OH 10.724 Diaspore HAlO2 2.368
Gibbsite Al(OH)3 0.494
SI denotes saturation index.

solid formed during precipitation of Al in the acid considered in the intended use of the lake water. It is
freshwater solution is always an amorphous Al(OH)3 (s) therefore advised that the water is prepared as close to
phase (Lydersen, pers. comm.). With a pH of 5.10 and the intended use as possible and stored in a cold room at
160 mg Al L 1, the ion activity product pertinent to pKs* 101C to prolong its shelf life. It is also recommended
(based on the Alchemi-speciation) is 9.67. Most pKs* that the dissolved concentrations of any component(s)
values for amorphous Al(OH)3 in the literature range which are important to the experiment being carried out
from 10.4 to 10.8, which means that the solution is still are monitored, particularly if the experiment lasts for
undersaturated with respect to an amorphous phase. several weeks.
The oversaturation of surface lake waters with respect to Because of inappropriate constants or equilibria used
one or more mineral phases is not an unusual in speciation codes and kinetic limitations on precipita-
phenomenon [20]. For example, waters in contact with tion, waters may be more stable than predicted. Studies
CaCO3 rich rocks (such as limestone and dolomite) may into the stability of synthetic freshwater materials
be oversaturated with respect to calcite [20]. This indicate that the freshwaters may be stable for extended
supersaturation may be the result of several factors periods of time. Stability tests were performed on two
other than polymorphic mineral forms. The oversatura- freshwater CRMs of pH 6.8 by analyzing randomly
tion of surface lake waters is often caused by photo- selected samples after 1, 3, 6 and 12 months of storage at
synthesis which reduces the concentration of dissolved +41C, +201C and +401C [4]. These tests found no
CO2 in the water, resulting in a pH rise and possibly evidence of any instability.
calcite precipitation at high levels of over-saturation.
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