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Chapter 3

One-Dimensional Flow
Chapter 3.1

Shock wave on the Apollo command module. Wind Shock waves on a sharp-nosed slender cone at angle of attack
tunnel model at α = 33° in the NASA Langley Mach 8
variable-density wind tunnel ion air

Shock wave on a wind tunnel model of the space shuttle


Attached and detached shock waves on a supersonic vehicle 5


Diagram of a normal shock


Comparison between one-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional flow

Chapter 3.2
One-Dimensional Flow
One-Dimensional Flow Equations

Rectangular control volume for one dimensional flow

One-Dimensional Flow Equations
continuity equation

Continuity equation for steady one-dimensional flow

One-Dimensional Flow Equations
momentum equation

The second term is zero because we are considering steady flow. Also, because there are no
body forces, the third term is zero

One-Dimensional Flow Equations

consider only the scalar x component

Evaluating the surface integrals in above equation over the left- and right-hand sides of the
dashed control volume in the figure

Momentum equation for steady one-dimensional flow

One-Dimensional Flow Equations
Energy equation

For simplicity, let us denote first term volume integral by Q̇ (the total rate of heat added to the gas
inside the control volume). The third and fourth terms are zero because of zero body forces and steady
flow, respectively.

One-Dimensional Flow Equations

Evaluating the surface integrals over the left- and right-hand faces of the control volume in the figure


dividing the left-hand side of the equation by ρ1u1 and the right-hand side by ρ2u2

One-Dimensional Flow Equations

Considering the first term, Q̇ is the net rate of heat (energy/s) added to the control volume, and
ρ1u1A is the mass flow (mass/s) through the control volume. Hence, the ratio Q̇∕ρ1u1A is
simply the heat added per unit mass, q. Also, recall the definition of enthalpy, h = e + pv

Energy equation for steady one-dimensional flow

One-Dimensional Flow Equations
These are the governing fundamental equations for steady one-dimensional flow.

These are algebraic equations that relate properties at two different locations, 1 and 2,
along a one-dimensional, constant-area flow

They still say that mass is conserved, force equals time rate of change of momentum,
and energy is conserved.

Chapter 3.3
Speed of Sound and
Mach Number
Speed of Sound and Mach Number

• This wave of energy travels through the air at a velocity that must be somewhat
related to the mean molecular velocity, because molecular collisions are propagating
the wave.

• Through the wave, the energy increase also causes the pressure as well as density,
temperature, etc. to change slightly.

• As the wave passes by you, this small pressure variation is picked up by your
eardrum, and is transmitted to your brain as the sense of sound.

• Therefore, such a weak wave is defined as a sound wave, and the purpose of this
section is to calculate how fast it is propagating through the air. The speed of sound
through a gas is one of the most important quantities in a study of compressible flow.

Speed of Sound and Mach Number

Schematic of a sound wave

Speed of Sound and Mach Number
The flow through the sound wave is one-dimensional and hence, we can apply the equation. If regions 1
and 2 are in front of and behind the wave

Speed of Sound and Mach Number

Speed of Sound and Mach Number

Speed of Sound and Mach Number
• The changes within the wave are slight, i.e., the flow gradients are small.
• This implies that the irreversible, dissipative effects of friction and thermal conduction
are negligible.
• Moreover, there is no heat addition to the flow inside the wave
• The process inside the sound wave must be isentropic

Fundamental expression for the speed of sound

• It shows that the speed of sound is a direct measure of the compressibility of a gas

Speed of Sound and Mach Number

incompressible flow (τs = 0) implies an infinite speed of sound

For a calorically perfect gas,

Speed of Sound and Mach Number

From the equation of state, p∕ρ = RT

The equation gives a general relation for the speed of sound in a gas

• Indeed, we will demonstrate later that the equation holds for thermally perfect as well as
calorically perfect gases, but are invalid for chemically reacting gases or real gases.
However, the general relation, it is valid for all gases.

• For a perfect gas, the equation gives the speed of sound as a function of temperature only

• It is proportional to the square root of the temperature. This is consistent with our previous
discussion linking the speed of sound to the average molecular velocity,

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