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Capstone Project
Submitted to the Faculty of the
Department of Information Technology
Cavite State University – Silang Campus
Biga 1, Silang Cavite

In partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology

Paul Daniel V. Gutierrez
Harvey M. Verbosidad
William Jefferson G. Robles
January 2023

In the contemporary landscape of fashion retail, the intersection of technology

and clothing has become increasingly pronounced, giving rise to innovative ventures
that challenge traditional paradigms. This research introduces the "Larenz web-
based printed-clothes e-shop," an ambitious project aimed at revolutionizing the way
consumers engage with and acquire printed apparel. The overarching idea stems
from a recognition of the evolving consumer preferences and the need for a dynamic
platform that seamlessly integrates the creative realm of printed clothing with the
convenience of online shopping. As technology continues to shape the retail sector,
this study seeks to delve into the nuanced landscape of web-based printed-clothes e-
commerce, exploring the potential benefits and addressing the challenges associated
with such a novel concept.

The fashion industry has long been a dynamic and ever-evolving space,
where trends emerge and fade at a rapid pace. In recent years, there has been a
discernible shift in consumer behavior, with an increasing demand for personalized
and unique clothing options. This shift has given rise to a niche market for printed
apparel, allowing individuals to express their personalities through distinct designs
and patterns. However, despite the growing popularity of printed clothing, there
remains a gap in the market concerning a dedicated platform that caters specifically
to this niche. The problem at hand is the absence of a comprehensive and user-
friendly web-based e-shop that specializes in offering a diverse range of printed
clothes, limiting the accessibility and convenience for consumers seeking such

The proposed solution, the "Larenz web-based printed-clothes e-shop," aims

to bridge this gap by creating a centralized online platform that curates an extensive
collection of printed apparel, catering to the diverse tastes and preferences of
modern consumers. By leveraging the power of e-commerce and the reach of the
internet, the project seeks to provide a seamless and immersive shopping experience
for individuals seeking unique and creatively designed clothing. The importance of
solving this problem lies in meeting the evolving demands of the contemporary
fashion consumer, who values not only the aesthetics of their clothing but also the
convenience of an accessible and user-friendly online platform.

In the backdrop of this project, a review of relevant literature is imperative to

contextualize the significance of web-based printed-clothes e-commerce. Existing
studies on e-commerce, consumer behavior, and the fashion industry will be
explored to provide insights into the current landscape and identify potential
challenges and opportunities. Additionally, an examination of successful e-commerce
models and innovative approaches within the fashion sector will serve as a
foundation for understanding the dynamics of this unique intersection.

The purpose of this study is two-fold. Firstly, it aims to contribute to the

academic discourse surrounding the evolving landscape of e-commerce in the
fashion industry, with a specific focus on printed clothing. Secondly, it seeks to offer
practical insights and recommendations for the successful implementation and
operation of the "Larenz web-based printed-clothes e-shop." By addressing the
identified problem and proposing a solution, this research aspires to fill a void in the
market while providing a blueprint for entrepreneurs and stakeholders interested in
venturing into the dynamic realm of web-based printed-clothes e-commerce. In doing
so, it is anticipated that the findings of this study will not only enrich academic
discussions but also have tangible implications for the broader retail landscape,
contributing to the ongoing dialogue on the convergence of fashion and technology.


The research problem addressed by "Larenz web-based printed-clothes e-

shop" centers on the conspicuous absence of a dedicated online platform catering to
the growing demand for printed apparel. This manifests as a gap in practice, where
consumers lack convenient access to a centralized e-commerce hub for exploring
and acquiring a diverse range of printed clothing. Simultaneously, a gap in the
literature is evident, as there is a dearth of comprehensive studies exploring the
unique intersection of web-based e-commerce and printed clothing. The study seeks
to answer key questions:
a) How can a dedicated web-based platform fill the accessibility void for
printed clothing, and
b) what insights from existing literature can inform the development and
operation of such an e-shop?

The general objective of this study is to investigate and develop a

comprehensive understanding of the integration of web-based e-commerce with the
niche market of printed clothing.

The specific objectives are threefold:

1. to conduct a descriptive analysis of the current landscape of web-
based printed-clothes e-commerce, identifying existing challenges and
2. to create visual representations will outline the user interface,
highlighting key features, layout, and navigation.
3. to identified problems and offering insights for the development. This
involves setting measurable objectives
a. user engagement metrics
b. conversion rates, and
c. customer satisfaction


The research on the "Larenz web-based printed-clothes e-shop" aims to

investigate and implement an innovative online platform dedicated to the retail of
printed apparel. The study delves into the intersection of web-based e-commerce
and the specific niche of printed clothing, seeking to provide users with a seamless
and engaging shopping experience. It encompasses the development of the Larenz
e-shop, including its design, functionalities, and user interface, with a focus on
enhancing accessibility and convenience for consumers seeking unique and
creatively designed printed clothes.
The system, while aiming to offer a diverse range of printed apparel, may not
encompass every conceivable design or cater to highly specialized preferences. The
performance and functionality of the Larenz e-shop may be subject to the limitations
of users' devices and internet connectivity. The study focuses on the development
and initial implementation of the Larenz web-based printed-clothes e-shop. the speed
and responsiveness of the e-shop, may be influenced by external factors such as
server performance and network latency. Despite these limitations, the research
endeavors to contribute valuable insights into the growing intersection of fashion and
technology, providing a foundation for further developments in web-based e-
commerce specializing in printed apparel.

This study is conducted to benefit the following:

 Owner. The online platform provides a strategic avenue for increased market
reach and revenue generation. With a dedicated platform catering to the
specific niche of printed clothing, the owner stands to benefit from enhanced
brand visibility, customer engagement, and the opportunity to carve a
distinctive space within the competitive e-commerce landscape.
 Customer. Customers benefit from the convenience of a user-friendly
interface, a diverse range of options, and personalized shopping experiences.
The platform's accessibility enhances the overall customer journey, making it
easier for individuals to express their unique style preferences through printed
 Researcher. The findings and methodologies employed in this research
serve as a foundation for future studies, enabling scholars to delve deeper
into the evolving landscape of online retail and fashion tech

In an era dominated by digital transactions and virtual markets, the e-commerce
landscape has changed dramatically, bringing both possibilities and problems for
businesses across industries. Within this dynamic framework, the printing services
sector has not been unaffected, with a significant movement toward online platforms.
As customers increasingly rely on the ease of digital channels, the conventional
brick-and-mortar model of the printing sector is adjusting to suit shifting needs. This
conceptual framework aims to investigate and clarify the underlying elements that
influence the integration of e-commerce in printing services. This framework seeks to
give a thorough knowledge of the complex interplay between e-commerce dynamics
and the printing services industry by diving into fundamental theoretical viewpoints on
consumer behavior, technical improvements, and business models. As we go
through the conceptual landscape, we will reveal the theoretical underpinnings that
underpin our investigation and shed light on e-commerce's disruptive potential for
printing services in today's corporate climate.


Knowledge System Design and
Requirement: Development using PRINTING SERVICES
 PHP modified waterfall
 HTML, CSS model:
 Bootstrap
 XAMPP Server
 Mysql  Requirements Planning USER
 Flowchart  Construction AUTHENTICATION
Software Requirement:  User Design
 IDE Visual Studio  Cutover
 Mysql WorkBench
 Desktop computer
with specifications:
 Intel (R)
Pentium(R) Silver
N5000 CPU @
1.10GHz 1.10 GHz
 RAM 8.00 GB


ISO 2510:2011 Software Quality Standards

Figure 1. Conceptual framework of LARENZ WEB-BASED PRINTING SERVICES

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of LARENZ WEB-BASED PRINTING

SERVICES consisting of the input, process, and output. The input block includes
knowledge, software, and hardware requirements. In the knowledge requirements,
the researchers gathered information that would be needed. The software developed
in the study included, Visual Studio code, and Figma to succeed in creating the the
website. The hardware used was a laptop with the following specifications: Intel(R)
Pentium(R) Silver N5000 CPU @ 1.10GHz 1.10 GHz, RAM 8.00 GB. The process
block includes the processes involved in the development of the study, such as the
Waterfall Method, Designing, Coding, Documentation, and Client Consultation
Feedback. The output block represents the result of the input and process blocks,


Web-Based Printed-Clothes E-Shop: Refers to an online platform, such as the

Larenz website, designed to facilitate the exploration, selection, and purchase of
printed apparel through the internet. The e-shop leverages web technologies to
provide a user-friendly and accessible interface for customers.
User Authentication: The process of verifying the identity of users accessing the
Larenz web-based printed-clothes e-shop. This typically involves secure login
mechanisms, such as username and password combinations, to protect user
accounts and ensure personalized interactions.
Requirements Planning: The initial phase of the system design and development
process, involving the identification, analysis, and documentation of the essential
functionalities and specifications needed for the successful creation of the Larenz e-
Construction:The phase in the modified waterfall model where the actual coding
and development of the Larenz web-based printed-clothes e-shop takes place. It
includes the implementation of features, backend logic, and frontend design using
technologies like PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and MySQL.
User Design:Encompasses the visual and interactive elements of the Larenz
website that contribute to a positive and enjoyable user experience. This includes the
design of the user interface, layout, and overall aesthetics to enhance user
User Experience:The overall impression and satisfaction of users when interacting
with the Larenz web-based printed-clothes e-shop. It involves optimizing the
website's usability, accessibility, and functionality to ensure a positive and seamless
experience for customers.
Modified Waterfall Model: A software development methodology used in the
creation of the Larenz e-shop, characterized by a linear and sequential approach to
project execution. It consists of distinct phases such as requirements planning,
construction, user design, and user experience, allowing for systematic development
and testing.
Visual Studio Code: An integrated development environment (IDE) used in the
creation of the Larenz web-based printed-clothes e-shop. It supports various
programming languages and provides tools for code editing, debugging, and version
XAMPP: An open-source software package facilitating the development and testing
of the Larenz e-shop. It includes Apache as a web server, MySQL as a database
management system, and PHP as a scripting language, creating a local server
environment for web development.

MySQL Workbench:A visual database design and administration tool utilized in the
creation of the Larenz web-based printed-clothes e-shop. It allows for the modeling,
creation, and management of MySQL databases, ensuring efficient data storage and


This chapter includes a wide range of methods, including books, papers,

theses that have been published, and websites, all of which have a significant effect
on the study's topic and are focused on in this chapter.

In the pursuit of developing the "Larenz web-based printed-clothes e-shop," an

extensive review of related literature and studies has been conducted to establish the
foundation for this innovative venture. The exploration encompasses various aspects
of web-based e-commerce, printed clothing trends, and technology integration within
the fashion industry.

Web-Based E-Commerce:
The literature review commences with an examination of the broader landscape of
web-based e-commerce. Notable studies by Chang et al. (2018) and Smith and
Brown (2019) provide insights into the evolving dynamics of online retail,
emphasizing the significance of user-friendly interfaces, secure transaction systems,
and personalized shopping experiences. These findings inform the design and
functionality considerations for the Larenz e-shop.
Printed Clothing Trends:
A key focus of the review is on studies exploring the trends and preferences related
to printed clothing. Research by Wang and Chen (2017) and Garcia and Rodriguez
(2019) delves into consumer perceptions and demands in the printed apparel market.
Understanding these trends is crucial for curating a diverse and appealing collection
on the Larenz platform, aligning with the contemporary preferences of potential

Technology Integration in Fashion:

To inform the technological aspects of the Larenz e-shop, the review includes studies
by Li and Zhang (2016) and Kim and Ko (2018), which investigate the successful
integration of technology in the fashion industry. These studies emphasize the role of
innovative technologies, such as augmented reality and mobile applications, in
enhancing the overall shopping experience. The relevance of these findings is
considered for potential future enhancements to the Larenz platform.

Scope and Limitations Synthesis:

The synthesis of the reviewed literature and studies underscores the importance of a
user-centric approach, security in e-commerce transactions, and staying attuned to
evolving fashion preferences. The Larenz web-based printed-clothes e-shop seeks to
bridge the identified gaps in the current market by incorporating these insights into its
design and functionality. While the literature review provides a comprehensive
understanding of the broader landscape, the study acknowledges its limitations in
representing every nuanced aspect of the dynamic intersection between fashion and
technology. However, the inclusion of studies beyond the five-year timeframe is
justified by the continued relevance of foundational concepts and the absence of
newer studies that refute or surpass the existing body of knowledge. The adviser's
judgment and exhaustive exploration of existing literature support the decision to
incorporate relevant studies beyond the stipulated timeframe.

This study outlines the methodology utilized, including the research design, project
plan, software tools, participant sampling, evaluators, and survey instruments. This
Website will be valuable for customers by offering an additional option for purchasing
printed products.


To improve the study, the researchers did a series of searches and

interviews. design and effectiveness, UI design, and features of the system. In
addition, the researchers The descriptive technique was used to define the system's
visual design and user interface.

Interaction, performance, stability, functionality, and compatibility are all

important considerations. The researchers used the RAD . The RAD model is a type
of agile methodology that emphasizes continuous improvement. Using the
development life cycle as a guide, The design can be changed by developers.


For the development of the system, the proponents use the following machine
specification: Windows 10 , 4th gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz, 3201
Mhz, 4 Core(s), RAM 8.00 GB. The software that was used in coding the system is
IDE Visual Studio Code. The following technologies used are:
 HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap (Front-End),
 MySQL and PHP (Back-end)
 XAMPP(Server)
Figure 2. Waterfall Model
For the ongoing software project, this phase involves gathering requirements.

Requirments planning

This phase involves collecting requirements for the in progress software

project. This is the first step in the Rapid Application Development paradigm. It
requires obtaining requirements for the software project under progress. The
paradigm for performing the aforementioned, on the other hand, is what distinguishes
the RAD approach from other software development models. Because of the
requirement's broad scope, particular requirements can be fed into the project at
various phases of the development cycle. For requirements elicitation, a variety of
approaches are used, including FAST (Facilitated Application Development
Technique), form analysis, task analysis, and user scenarios.

User Design

Development should begin as soon as the project's scope has been

determined. enhancing the user design through various prototype iterations.

Rapid Construction
In this phase, programmers, coders, testers, and developers work together as
a software development team to make sure that everything is going according to plan
and that the end product satisfies the client's goals.


The completed product is made available at this stage of execution.

It comprises user training together with testing, system transfer, and data conversion.
All final adjustments are performed while clients and developers are searching for
system issues.

Population and Sampling Design

The researchers utilize simple random sampling as their sampling technique.

Developed in consultation with the project's thesis adviser, the research proponents
required a 30-random selection from Barangay Salitran II Ivory Crest Village
Dasmariñas City of Cavite and IT experts.

Data Gathering Procedure

The following are the steps to gather data that are needed in the study:

1. The researcher surveyed those who currently live in Barangay Salitran II Ivory
Crest Village Dasmariñas City of Cavite and IT experts.
2. The researchers conducted a survey questionnaire to residents of Barangay
Salitran II Ivory Crest Village Dasmariñas City of Cavite.
3. The survey was conducted for the researchers to gain insight into the
procedure and state of knowing safety measures during disasters using the
proposed mobile application.
4. The information gathered was considered and used to develop a proper and
oherent solution to the problem of the residency ofBarangay Salitran II Ivory Crest
Village Dasmariñas City of Cavite.
Research Instrument

This study's proponents used ISO 25010-2011, which describes the quality of
the software product. The researchers personally facilitated the distribution of the
survey questionnaire in Barangay Saliran II Dasmarinas City of Cavite. Ivory Crest
Village Dasmariñas City of Cavite's residents will receive the questionnaire.
Evaluators will evaluate the system using a 5-point scale:
5 – Highly Acceptable. This serves as the perfect score, and it shows that the
LARENZ WEB-BASED PRINTING SERVICES passed the functionality designs, test,
impresses and satisfies the evaluators' and IT experts' requirements or demands.
4 – Acceptable. This shows that the LARENZ WEB-BASED PRINTING SERVICES
passed the functionality designs, test, impresses and satisfies the evaluators' and IT
experts' requirements or demands.
3 - Moderately Acceptable. This indicates that the LARENZ WEB-BASED
PRINTING SERVICES passed the functionality designs, test, impresses and satisfies
the evaluators' and IT experts' requirements or demands.
2 - Fairly Acceptable. This indicates that the LARENZ WEB-BASED PRINTING
SERVICES has some technical problems regarding the functionality of the
system and does not acquire the satisfaction of the evaluators and IT experts
1 - Unacceptable. This indicates that the LARENZ WEB-BASED PRINTING
SERVICES failed to provide the functionality that is described in the research paper
and expected by the evaluators and IT experts.
Based on how the provided indicator is perceived, the mean scores are as
follows: 4.20 to 5.00 highly acceptable, 3.40 to 4.19 acceptable, 2.60 to 3.39
moderately acceptable, 1.80 to 2.59 fairly acceptable, and 1.00 to 1.79 unacceptable

Statistical Treatment
Statistics is essential to utilize data effectively. It collects and arranges
numerical information. It also includes the system that monitors the respondent’s
system analysis. Mean, and Standard Deviation was applied to evaluate the method
statistically. Statistics is one method for arranging information. Statistics will be
employed to determine the general acceptability of the study.
Mean is the sum by dividing the total by the number of observations. It
determines the middle position of the data, often known as the average. The formula
for mean:
Where: = mean
= sum of measurements = sample size

Standard Deviation is used to express how far each observed value

deviates from the mean. A measure of the dispersion of a set of data from its mean.
The more spread apart the data,the higher the deviation. Computing the square root
of the variance will provide the standard deviation. The formula for standard
deviation: Where: ∑ = sum of measurements x̄ = mean n = sample size


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