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Striving for academic excellence often involves navigating through the challenging terrain of thesis

writing. Crafting a research paper demands meticulous attention to detail, extensive research, and
proficient writing skills. When delving into complex topics like animal cloning, the task becomes
even more daunting.

Animal cloning research papers require in-depth analysis, critical thinking, and the synthesis of vast
amounts of information. From exploring the ethical implications to understanding the scientific
intricacies, every aspect must be meticulously addressed to produce a comprehensive and coherent

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The subject matter of art in this period are: 1) Biblical characters and subjects from Greek and
Roman mythology; 2) Emphasis on the importance of Madonna in art, taking inspiration from
Classical Roman and Greek art; and 3) Idealizing the human form in physical perfection and purity
with expression and unique personality (Art History). An electrical pulse is used to fuse the donour
nucleus and the egg cell together and to initiate the development of the “reconstructed embryo.” If
the embryo development is successful, then it is implanted in a foster mother. These cookies help
provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Only one
became pregnant, giving birth to three offsprings, and Ralph was the firstborn. Copycat was able to
give birth to four kittens in September 2006, and the kittens were fathered naturally. During the
period of 2006, FDA approved the usage of cloned products such as plants and animals for dietary
purpose of individuals living in US. However, her credible presentation seems to end abruptly. This
compels us to look for ways to reproduce food that can feed us all in a manner that is cheaper,
nutritious, and disease free. I like to share my knowledge in Physics and applications using this Blog
and a YouTube channel. The first mammal to be cloned was a sheep named Dolly in 1996. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. However others believe that it is too dangerous to test
on humans. Use Pleuripotent cells (partially specialized) Can become same types of cell. This article
reveals some multidisciplinary approaches to the human cloning from ethical, sociological and
religious perspectives. An egg cell is collected and matured, the nucleus is removed, and a donor cell
is transferred into the egg cell. In order to further investigate thevalues that underlie
scientists’andChristian fundamentalist leader’s understanding ofhumancloning, aswell as
theirdifferentialuse of language in communicatingabout this issue, we conducted an open-ended,
exploratory survey of practicing scientists in the field of molecular biology and Christian
fundamentalist pastors.We then analyzed the responses from this survey using qualitative discourse
analysis. It merely points to a theological reasoning that creation is a prerogative of God when there
is no evidence that God prohibits cloning. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an
academic expert. Say you have an animal who has always been a great breeder, but it is getting to the
point when she can’t be bred anymore. Should scientific progress be unregulated or should society
create legal and moral limits on scientific studies What should be the basis of such limits If
therapeutic cloning could save large numbers of lives, would it be worth the risks Based on both
essays of human cloning (Krauthammer and Postrel), should research in cloning be allowed for
therapeutic or reproductive purposes. The first-ever cloned bull was “Second Chance,” who was
born in 1999. She was alive for 6 years despite the fact that the average lifespan of a sheep is 12
years. Secondly, these clones seem to look quite healthy initially, but soon they loose their health and
several of them have died in a mysterious way. This fear is drawn from the unlikelihood of the
clone's survival. If couples without children would resort to cloning to satisfy their desire to have
children, I think it is subject to moral issues. With this rebirth of intellect came the greater interest in
Ancient Greek and Roman culture that inspired the revival of Classicism. I’m a physicist specializing
in computational material science. This is one of the issues when organ transplant is being conducted
along with the issue of lack of organs in the organ transplantation market. When dealing with
cloning, a high level of genetic variation must be maintained. During the period of 1990s, the
process of reproductive cloning was utilized in order to create identical clones of mammals such as
sheep and pigs and one of the most famous examples of this activity was the production of Dolly
(MacKinnon 56).
The somatic cell is then cultured in a media and the egg and the cell are fused together by electricity.
In the field of biotechnology it is referred to as a procedure utilized to create identical copies of
fragments of DNA, organisms and cells. Krauthammer's essay is divided into several parts: The
Problem; The Promise; Objection I - Intrinsic Worth; Objection II - The Brave New World Factor;
Objection III - The Slippery Slope; and Objection IV - Manufacture. There might be too much
traffic or a configuration error. Human cloning is in fact banned within the United Kingdom and the
European Union community. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. The first
process is called “embryo splitting.” In the laboratory, an embryo is created by joining a sperm cell
from a male animal donour, with an egg cell from a female animal donour. The embryo begins to
divide into two cells, and these cells are separated and implanted in different foster mothers. A
sample of DNA is taken from the parent to be used as the DNA of the cloned animal. Should
scientific and technological development that holds powerful implications beyond our wisdom be
restricted. Copycat was able to give birth to four kittens in September 2006, and the kittens were
fathered naturally. Like Postrel, he defines the scientific terms and processes involved in this issue.
The possibility of cloning rare or endangered livestock breeds is one of the reasons people do support
cloning. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make
your writing easier are also offered here. The idea of animal cloning had been a subject of many
scientific studies and it only caught attention when it was able to successfully clone an animal. Let us
write or edit the research paper on your topic. Biotechnology has many helpful uses, including in
environmental science, so our solution to animal conservation should help the prolonged and self-
sustaining survival of a species instead of relying on human technology. Yet despite a surfeit of
public opinion polls and widespread opining in the news media on the topic of human cloning, there
have been no empirical studies comparing the views of scientists and Christian fundamentalists in
this debate (see Evans, 2002a for a recent study of opinion polls assessing religion and attitudes
toward cloning). However, in this situation, there is an ethical intolerance amongst society to clone
animals purely for the medical benefit of humans. In Dolly’s case, it took 276 attempts before there
was success, and at least five embryos were discarded, which is ethically wrong to many people, as it
is the destruction of life. Telomeres protect chromosomes from damage and deterioration, but with
each new divide from cell division, the telomeres shorten. The egg is then implanted into a surrogate
mother and then a cloned baby is produced which is genetically identical to the donor. Human
cloning is a term used to define the creation of a genetically similar copy of a human being
(MacKinnon 9). Yadav and Sharma (2011) explain that a geneticist known as Joshua Lederberg, is
credited coming up with the prospects and promise of human cloning. Some success in cloning
mammals, beginning with Dolly, most recently CC, a cat. Cloning can be used to preserve the
genetics of old, diseased, or dead animals, re-create animals without reproductive issues, eliminate
diseases, create herd uniformity, and so many other things. Scientists at the University of Hawaii
cloned Cumulina. However human cloning is forbidden under any circumstance. An objective
definition of what a code clone is currently eludes the field. There are more positives to cloning
besides just restoring rare breeds.
Which one is the first cloned animal? A. B. sheep. During normal reproduction, half the mother’s
genetic material contained in an egg cell joins with half the genetic material from the father carried in
a sperm cell, to form a unique new genome (set of genes) for a new life. Ever since that time,
geneticists have successfully cloned different animals. Say you have an animal who has always been
a great breeder, but it is getting to the point when she can’t be bred anymore. Royana was born after
145 days through a cesarean section on April 15th, 2006. Cloning has several advantages associated
with it, but most of these advantages are still being research and tested and after huge amount of
expenditure on research and wastage of material, scientists have resorted to the fact that cloning has
failed to achieve its results in an effective manner. Cloning has been successful and researchers
believe that it can be a great way of treating diseases. His passion about his belief makes his
argument effective. The donour nucleus can be obtained from embryonic cells that are differentiated
into the skin, heart, brain and various other organs. What is cloning? Are there different types of
cloning? Cloned mice have the tendency to be obese and tend to learn more slowly. For example,
altered genetics of these clones can be used to create milk with higher levels of proteins or with
lower levels of lactose. In addition cloning of pet animals such as dogs and cats from the dead pet
has also been started in recent times (Trust H, Cloning 2008). The process provides essential
nutrients and treats the plants chemically to produce shoots. Cloning can be a great alternative to
this issue, this form of cloning is regarded as reproductive cloning. Mechanical embryo splitting
involves bisecting the multi-cellular embryo at an early stage of development. The majority of
cloning has so far been tried and tested on animals, with the modern cloning techniques involving
nuclear transfers being successfully performed on several species. More than 120 surrogate mothers
were involved, and only two succeeded in having puppies, and Snuppy puppy was the only survivor.
Stem cells are the method embryos use to develop into foetuses. Is a cloned child simply a twin of
its genetic donor, with a certain time lag. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an
academic expert. Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum Office July 2003. Dolly. Pros:. Cure
human diseases Using animal organs Create animals that are disease resistant More consistent food
products Save endangered species. Cons:. Public perception. Horticulturists, however, employ more
sophisticated methods like tissue culture to clone plants with specific attributes such as height and
flower color. Due to some of these risks, the cloning of farm animals was banned by the European
Parliament in 2015. This was the first kitten of a cloned cat to give birth. Cloning takes place as
living things including plant life, bacteria and insects are in the process of reproducing asexually.
Animals are critical for the survival of the ecosystem, so we must do our part in protecting and
preserving our environment. Also a world of eugenics would cause a lot of genetic discrimination. Is
human reproductive cloning (HRC) morally different from natural pregnancy.
RELATED PAPERS Should the development of cloning technology be stopped. Royana was
euthanized in 2010, following numerous complications. Would phd thesis domestic violence you like
to order an dissertation topic finance students example endangered panda essay custom written
essay, term paper, or research paper. Later, for medical purposes, Ralph was cloned to create
genetically identical rats that were used to study rat physiology. In this way, livestock breeders are in
favour of animal cloning. We’ll occasionally send you promo and account related email. Weber, who
borrowed it from the ancient Greek word, which means a process by which a new plant can be
created from a twig. Cloning takes place as living things including plant life, bacteria and insects are
in the process of reproducing asexually. Initially, there were numerous unsuccessful attempts to clone
a camel. Hence, there is a strong potential for animal cloning in the near future. I think some caution
and restrictions to a certain degree would not be hindering the progress of science, but these
restrictions should be based on valid reasons and not on mere fear of the unknown. Many cloned
animals have deformities such as an abnormally large size, which endangers the lives of the surrogate
mothers carrying them. This method involves using small pieces of desired plants, such as buds or
leaf segments, grown in a test tube on a culture medium. Prometea was born on May 28, 2003, after
a full-term pregnancy. With the assistance of this kind of cloning, pluripotent cells can be removed
from an individual’s body (MacKinnon 12). Additional materials, such as the best quotations,
synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. He thinks it is
unethical or immoral and is dangerous. This is devastating as a decline in a species’ population could
have a tremendous impact on the ecosystem. In the field of biology Cloning is used as a term used to
refer to the procedure of production of populations that are similar to each other and are identical to
each other in the context of genetics. While Dreisch's initial goal was not to create identical animals,
the implications of his work set the stage for the subsequent advancements in animal cloning.
According to the Compassion in World Farming Report, in 2010 there were an estimated six
thousand livestock clones worldwide. There are a lot of homeless and street children in orphanages
and in the Third World countries. I like to share my knowledge in Physics and applications using this
Blog and a YouTube channel. The cloning of Rainbow and CC led to pet cloning, as it allows pet
owners to reunite with a copy of their beloved pet. Postrel is more credible because of her
presentation of actual facts about cloning that it takes 71 eggs to produce a single success and that it
is even difficult to secure eggs in the first place. Got was cloned by scientists from Valencia
Foundation for Veterinary Research and Prince Felipe Research Centre. One of the most famous
includes Dolly the sheep, who was cloned by Scottish researchers in 1996. Dolly is now on display at
the National Museum of Scotland for everyone to see and remember the amazing life she led. The
nuclear transfer process was used in the cloning process. B. VISUAL CONVENTIONS
(characteristics): Unique style traits, methods and media.
There are ethical questions raised about the practice and people are divided about the issue with
some agreeing with the idea of animal cloning while some disagreeing about the idea. In order to
further investigate thevalues that underlie scientists’andChristian fundamentalist leader’s
understanding ofhumancloning, aswell as theirdifferentialuse of language in communicatingabout
this issue, we conducted an open-ended, exploratory survey of practicing scientists in the field of
molecular biology and Christian fundamentalist pastors.We then analyzed the responses from this
survey using qualitative discourse analysis. When dealing with cloning, a high level of genetic
variation must be maintained. The ethical dimensions of these processes have sparked considerable
debate, prompting questions about the moral implications and technological feasibility of cloning
animals. The cloning was carried out by scientists from Seoul National University, and the lead
researcher was Woo Suk Hwang. The ideas that are formed through science and the discoveries
stemming from those ideas are always done with the best interest of human kind in utmost
consideration. Another form of human cloning is DNA cloning which is even regarded as molecular
cloning or cloning of the gene or recombinant DNA technology which is used to refer to the
procedure through which multiple replicas of an individual fragment of DNA is created (MacKinnon
139). If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. Dolly is now on display at
the National Museum of Scotland for everyone to see and remember the amazing life she led. The
possibility of cloning rare or endangered livestock breeds is one of the reasons people do support
cloning. To them, animals should also not be subjected to experimentations that lead to confinement,
abnormal offspring, even death. The causes of the low success rate of cloning are. Georgia
Agriculture Education Curriculum Office November 2005. Dolly. Pros:. Cure human diseases Using
animal organs Create animals that are disease resistant More consistent food products Save
endangered species. Cons:. Public perception. The ethical ramifications of cloning, especially with
regard to humans, seem to defy easy limitation. However, cloning is a very controversial topic with
lots of debate surrounding it, mostly about the welfare of these animals that we are attempting to
clone. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few
seconds to upgrade your browser. You might also try the search or browse by keyword pages if you
looking for images or videos. She was born following an uncomplicated gestation period of 378
days. It was the first rat to be cloned, and about 129 embryos were used in two females to give birth
to Ralph. Research even proved that out of the total number of claves produced through cloning, one
out of every three has ended up dead and after they were cloned, they were abnormally very huge
(Sateesh 600). The method of electric currents fuse the somatic cell to the egg, while the method of
injection uses a needle to inject the nucleus of the somatic cell into the empty egg. The first mammal
to be cloned was a sheep named Dolly in 1996. However, at 23 months, it developed a skin tumor
that is common among aging mice, and it was removed successfully. Breeding her offspring and
adjusting try to get the same genetics of that original dam could take several years using traditional
breeding, but through cloning, you could clone that dam and have the desired genetics in your flock
much faster. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. If such scientific and technological
development is obviously detrimental to human life then restrictions should be imposed but it should
be based on solid proof. On what grounds could reproducing children by cloning be allowed or
prohibited. Why not help the poor children and give them a home and shelter instead of cloning
which is not yet proven to be safe and effective. I stand on the belief that everything should be done
in moderation; that anything in excess is always dangerous. She became the first cloned mammalian
produced from an adult somatic cell.
New Delhi: I.K International Pub. House, 2008. Print. Hence, there is a strong potential for animal
cloning in the near future. The intertwined realms of science and ethics propel us towards a future
where the boundaries of creation are explored, challenging us to tread carefully and responsibly.
Dolly was created using the nucleus of an udder cell and the success of her cloning marked the
advent of animal cloning (BBC). This way of producing life has been successful in animals, but
research for the usage of this method among human beings is still on going. Many people feel that
cloning should be banned, while others believe it should a top priority for scientists. Embryo cloning
is something that was done before the actual cloning of animals. The kittens were also healthy,
according to scientists. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own,
that is cheating. Also you. To learn how cloning was used to make D olly the sheep. The Amazon
CloudFront distribution is configured to block access from your country. Is a cloned child simply a
twin of its genetic donor, with a certain time lag. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and
Conditions. The cloning was carried out by scientists from Seoul National University, and the lead
researcher was Woo Suk Hwang. Many would like to jump to the conclusion that this may be used
to justify or progress to human cloning. Essay on cloning - viewpoints of the major religions. In fact,
it took 244 attempts to clone Dolly, and while technology has gotten better since then, cloning
endangered animals has many challenges associated with it. Some parts of the world are already
using cloning commercially to produce elite animals for breeding. However, her credible presentation
seems to end abruptly. The delicate balance between playing the role of a creator and advancing
scientific understanding necessitates careful consideration of the ethical implications. After the
quotation write the number and enclose it in parenthesis. In 2018, Chinese scientists reported to have
cloned macaque monkey, the same species as Tetra, and they had used a technique known as
complex DNA transfer, the same process that produced Dolly, the sheep. One of the most stricken
issues is the idea of cloning. This fear is drawn from the unlikelihood of the clone's survival. We also
use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Since we may
be able to bring animals back from the dead, conservation of land, reverting climate change, and
other issues that were the root cause of animal populations declining in the first place may be put on
hold because of this modern technology. These cells can result in creation of other cells within the
human body except the embryo; this means that diseases can be treated through pluriptent cells in
different organs of the human body with the replacement of cells that are functioning in an abnormal
manner. I believe Postrel's and Krauthammer's issues are still relevant today since not much has
happened in this area of research in the past five years and it is still in progress. A wealth of other
concerns could well preclude ever attempting human clones, the report said: “The notion of cloning
raises issues about identity and individuality, the meaning of having children, the difference between
procreation and manufacture, and the relationship between the generations”. The resulting animal will
be a clone of the donor cell.

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