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Some Service Reese was a short-tempered manager of a popular restaurant. The de- ‘mands of running to schedule, plus those of the general public (especially from complaining soccer moms or ‘Karen’s) brought him near boiling point, bbut as a manager, he could not take out his rage on the customers, reserv- ing it for his staff. One night he finally broke after receiving too many com- plaints from entitled white women in their 40s and stormed out during the middle of a shift. As Reese accelerated away in his Humvee, he failed to no- tice the hex bag on the passenger seat (put there by his mistreated em- ployees) working its charms on him. His entire body began to shrink as he drove, but thinking it was just his seat lowering, he raised it til he could see ‘well enough again. Reese shivered as he felt a chill over his entire body, the result of his body hair evaporating away, the result of thousands of dollars of laser hair removal. He scratched his crotch as it re-moulded itself into a vagina, and his overly fertile ovaries nestled in his abdomen. Fat formed around his ass making it plump and provided him with impressive birthing hips. His toenails painted themselves a bright shade of pink, as his boxers ‘changed to a thong, and his tracksuit bottoms to tight leggings. Breasts filled to the brim with milk ballooned, caught by the pink tank top that was ‘once a black t-shirt. His baggie hoodie became a tight sports-brand one, ‘and his neck slendered as his Adam’s apple disappeared. The same colour ‘of cheap nail polish as on his toes appeared on his self-manicured nails. His "face cracked and shifted into that of a woman in her 30s, as his hair length- ‘ened, bleached itself sandy-blonde, and entwined into a braided ponytail ‘As makeup secreted and settled over his pores, his hat changed from a blue trucker’s hat to a red MAGA one, before Karen suddenly regained her sens- ‘es and remembered what she was supposed to be doing. After cutting through several lanes of traffic she drove to the restaurant, stormed up to the nearest staff member, and demanded a free meal as compensation for siving her diet coke when she ordered coke zero. if the little bitch wouldn’t ‘acquiesce, then you could be damn sure that Karen will be speaking to the manager!

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