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July 13, 2023


Rejoice, for the IMF is finally here!

AKD Research
 Rejoice, for the IMF is finally here! While Pakistan’s staff level agreement (SLA) for the
SBA caught everyone off-guard, Board approval for the same had widely been expected. 111-253-111 Ext: 639
 Overall, the SBA has been approved by the lender’s executive board for US$3bn
(SDR2,250mn), with US$1.2bn (SDR894mn) set to be disbursed immediately.
 After securing endorsement from the IMF, the country will be able to mobilize further KSE100 index performance
funding from bi-lateral, multi-lateral and other sources which will help shore up FX re-
(share mn) (Index)
900 44,000
 The IMF’s targets portend a challenging year ahead, particularly with respect to primary 800
account. We believe GoP may find it hard to depict a surplus of 0.4%, while IMF’s average 700 42,500
inflation at 26% is significantly above our expectation of avg. 21.4% 600
 On the market side, with FX reserves firming up, consequent improvements in the PkR/ 400

US$ parity, GoP having announced elections and a still sub 3x market P/E to result in a 300
cautiously optimistic view going ahead 200
Pakistan enters into IMF SBA: Rejoice for the IMF is finally here! While Pakistan’s staff level 0 38,000








agreement (SLA) for the SBA caught everyone off-guard, Board approval for the same had widely
been expected. This came after Pakistan entered an IMF SBA for a period of 9 months during
end of June’23. The SBA is consequently replacing the outgoing EFF program, which the country Volume in million (LHS) KSE-100 Index
failed to complete with 9th and 10th reviews left pending. Overall, the SBA has been approved
by the lender’s executive board for US$3bn (SDR2,250mn), with US$1.2bn (SDR894mn) set to be Source: PSX & AKD Research
disbursed immediately. This is the 13th SBA Pakistan has entered in its history while the 3rd
since the year 2000. Treading the same lines as the SLA, the board approval for the SBA focuses
on i) implementation of Budget’24, ii) a return to market determined exchange rate, iii) appro-
priate monetary policy implementation aimed at disinflation and iv) progress on structural re- IMF’s Macro estimates
forms, particularly on SOE governance, energy sector viability and climate resilience. Post the FY22A FY23A FY24F
approval, immediate disbursement of SDR894mn (US$1.2bn) will take place, with the remaining GDP Growth YoY(%) 6.1% -0.5% 2.5%
amount of US$1.8bn will be disbursed in two tranches, subject to quarterly reviews. It is to be SBP Reserves (US$mn) 9,821 4,056 8,982
noted that although the SBA is larger than the now defunct EFF program (pending payments), it
CPI - period average 12.1% 29.6% 25.9%
is important to remember that the SBA is a temporary solution and it merely provides Pakistan
CPI - period end 21.3% 34.0% 16.2%
with time to implement necessary reforms before it will be required to enter another IMF pro-
Primary Balance (% of GDP) -3.1% -1.0% 0.4%
gram. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain strict control over expenditures (despite it being an
election year) and diligently pursue reforms in areas such as tax collection and energy. Failure to Fiscal Deficit (% of GDP) -7.8% -7.6% -7.5%
do so may result in finding ourselves in the same position nine months later as we were in Current Account (% of GDP) -4.6% -1.2% -1.8%
June’23. External Debt (% of GDP) 32.1% 36.4% 37.3%

IMF’s approval may unlock further inflows: After securing endorsement from the IMF, the Source: IMF & AKD Research
country will be able to mobilize further funding from bi-lateral, multi-lateral and other sources
which will help shore up FX reserves, with the incumbent Finance Minister hinting at country’s
FX reserve reaching US$14-15bn by end FY24. Recall over the past few days, Pakistan has al-
ready received US$2bn from Saudi Arabia and US$1bn from UAE, thereby boosting SBP reserves
to over US$7bn (to be reflected in June 21st data). Overall, the currency which has continued to
remain volatile throughout the outgoing fiscal year (↓35%), may find some footing in the near-
term, with the PkR/USD already returning 4% since FYTD. Overall, latest IMF tranche will likely
instill confidence in the market and we may see PkR gaining grounds on US$ in the short term.
Investment Perspective: The IMF’s targets portend a challenging year ahead, particularly with
respect to primary account. We believe GoP may find it hard to depict a surplus of 0.4%, while
IMF’s average inflation at 26% is significantly above our expectation of avg. 21.4%, although it is
a possibility that it may reach the lender’s projected levels, possibly due to the recent discus-
sions regarding revisions in electricity base tariffs and consumer gas prices. On the market side,
with FX reserves firming up, consequent improvements in the PkR/US$ parity, GoP having an-
nounced elections and a still sub 3x market P/E to result in a cautiously optimistic view going
ahead. That being said, as stated earlier, the SBA has only kicked the can nine months down the
road where for a sustained rally, reforms on the economic front (particular focus on Taxation,
Energy and SOE side) need to be carried out. Furthermore, upcoming results may serve as a pit
stop to bullish momentum particularly due to the substantial tax expectations amid potential AKD Securities Limited
retrospective applicability of the super tax.

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