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Stylistics, the study of literature's style or the impression that an author wants to impart was
important because it plays a key role in the interpretation and then in a literary text's
understanding. Corpus Stylistic analysis applies corpus techniques to the analysis of literary texts
with a specific emphasis on the relationship between description of language and literary
appreciation. It is part of the much wider interdisciplinary field of digital humanities which is
concerned with the preservation, study and accessibility of physical artefacts and archives as well
as born-digital data. Thomas Hardy is well known for conveying themes of loneliness, pessimism
and fatalism through his straightforward style. The purpose of this study is to find out how the
language works of the Hardy’s novels to express the numerous themes of loneliness, tragedy and
pessimism. For this one, in order to examine and then interpret the novels of Corpus of Hardy, in
stylistic conformity with the Mahlberg model (2013). For the study of Hardy's novels the two
software systems, namely Antconc and Wmatrix were used. Finding of the research study
disclose the structural, functional and lexical bundles along with various collocations are thus
exposed the linguistic patterns of themes of Hardy's novels. This research study proves that
Hardy's language has been shown to always be in line with the events of the novel which
changes as the story progresses gradually from one step to the other, keeping in mind if the
change is sudden or progressive. The intentional selection and then placement of various lexical
items, collocations and clusters generate incredible effects in accordance with the continuous
theme of the events.


• Background of the Research Study

Mere understanding of material of text is not sufficient for the analysis of literature. Literature
has been many a time subjected to scientific methodologies in previous century. The only
purpose of this process was to ponder over moral and aesthetic perspectives of literature by
studying content as well as form of it. This study is mere a more refined form of all the studies
done in previous century. Russian critics were the pioneers of Formalism in 19 th century.
Formalism is the doctrine that formal structure rather than content is what should be represented.
In order to analyze the behavior of the author and reader psychology was used by stylists. During
1980s, to examine literary works from readers’ perspective, cognitive stylistics came into being.
Formal features of language were not studied in functionalist approach. Only functions
performed by language were considered in it. This method is used for different functions like
expression (mood), cognition (relating information) and conation (influence) to design structural
framework for examining language use. Halliday (1973) opined that analysis of a literary work is
conducted by using three functions of language: Ideational, Interpersonal and Textual. Pedagogy
was used by critical stylistics to fulfill the gaps left between critical discourse analysis (CDA)
and stylistics. Pedagogy is a science based on observation or experience which is used as a
source to analyze different doctrines made from literary texts.

Corpus stylistics is a discipline of study which unites stylistics with corpus linguistics, the branch
of linguistics which employs computational analysis to a database of naturally occurring
language (from speech and writing). That is why Corpus stylistics is used to study different
doctrines and facts from literary works.

The Latin word corpus (plural "corpora") applies, first of all, to a series of documents. It has a "
body " sense. In an electronic database, the texts are stored. Baker, Hardie & MacEnery opine
that “While a corpus does not consist of new language knowledge through the use of data
processing software packages, we can take a new aspect on the familiar”(48-49)

As Wales (1989) points out, corpus stylistics is a branch of computer linguistics. It was produced
in the late 1960s. It assists to analyze the basic traits of data, such as the length of terms and
phrases, based on statistical and computer-aided tools to research a variety of style-related issues

In the report, McIntyre (2015) elucidates the difference between corpus stylistics and corpus
linguistics. One significant topic must be paid attention to here. He notes that the sub-branch of
stylistics, corpus stylistics, has been established by several works, but none of them provide an
accurate description of corpus stylistics and distinguish it from corpus linguistics (60).

Then, he explains corpus stylistics as "corpus stylistics is simply corpus linguistics with a
different object of study (literature as opposed to non-literary language)".

In addition, he shows that the distinction between them is that corpus stylistics not only borrows
resources from corpus linguistics, but also makes itself distinct by using qualitative stylistic tools
and techniques to evaluate texts using computer methods (McIntyre 60).

Semino and Short (2004) claim that it is extremely quantitative to do a corpus-based task, but it
does not mean that qualitative research should be removed. On the opposite, if both are
assembled, they help to gain a better understanding of literary works or any other knowledge
chosen (7).

Jabbar (2014), quoted in (Jeffries & McIntyre 181-185), states that the use of corpus-based
analysis is of great significance. It helps to deal with broad texts in a relatively short period of
time. Moreover, it can accomplish the objectivity that stylisticians need. It can disclose key
features that can be overlooked in the manual evaluation (23).

The fact that corpus stylistics connects the concepts of corpus linguistics and literary stylistics is
highlighted by Mahlberg (2014). In addition, a corpus stylistic approach may help to recognize
novel linguistic uses of the language of texts by quantitative methods (378-380).

Mahlberg (2014) cited Carter (2010), who explains the technique of analyzing literary texts and
claims that this process is performed in a reasonably objective manner and should be exercised in
a relatively subjective manner for optimum achievement (67).

Mahlberg (2013), too, endorsed the aforementioned statement. While having a cursory look,
although it gives a notion that it is a unified form linguistic statements and literary criticism, yet
it is different from it in a sense that it provides numeric and solid proofs to decode silent
messages in various literary works. While considering the merits of novel techniques over
orthodox literary criticism, it can be said that these techniques enable us to examine a bulk of
literary works in a systematic manner, and that is why Corpus stylistics has got reputation in the
modern era. This is the only discipline which connects the form and the function of various texts,
and measures the text in context of its tendencies and inter-textual relations. It is used in the
measurement, handling and description of different perspectives of literary as well as non-literary
works. The interdependence between corpus linguistics and stylistics enables us to analyze the
linguistic characteristics of various literary works. The diverse and generic approach of Corpus
stylistics helps to make generalized statements. Corpus stylistics also enables us to explain the
relationship between computerized results and literary concerns. One of the purposes of literary
stylistics is to develop a sort of interplay between the concerns of linguists and critics which, in
turn, refines the literary insight and linguistic observation. Hence, this cycle is devoid of any
starting point because the literary text requires two things; the researcher’s capability to analyze
the features of language and his response to literary text as a reader.

Mahlberg (2013) endorsed the same point that neither an end can be considered as a starting
point nor it has any superiority over others. In fact, it is the privilege of reader who, according to
the nature of text, determines a specific starting point. The exceptionality of literary works
depends upon their language as well as content. In modern era, corpus based techniques are
being used to analyze the etymological aspect of words to examine a more elaborated form of
text. There are two distinct merits of corpus stylistics over traditional linguistics; firstly, the
rudimentary characteristics are taken into account in it, and secondly, the elaborations of literary
works are analyzed on numerical bases in corpus stylistics. Researchers have used quite
frequently corpus stylistics in applied linguistic in most near past just owing to its ability to
produce more authentic, quantitative and generalized results of a bulk of literary works.

Sinclair and Carter (2004) consider that corpus stylistics can be used as a way to verify the
statement that patterns of the texts are deliberate and carry specific meanings. Furthermore, they
are placed according to the specific theme and context of the literary text.

According to Chen and Baker (2010), the corpora analysis of literary works categorizes them
into academic writings and conversations. Corpora analysis has been used in both formal as well
as informal writings to make the linguistics more authentic and soundly developed so that
researchers can acquire more logical conclusions for their research endeavors. This, in turn,
makes the linguistics a scientific, systematic and coherent discipline. Semino and Short (2004)
were the ones who applied corpus analysis to examine the authenticity of the results of already
explored themes by employing huge as well as minute corpus. The outcome being very
encouraging made their research fruitful that corpus analysis provided authentic and sound basis
to already explored themes. Furthermore, they were able to find that this sort of study provides
novel directions and angles to analysis. Corpus stylistics enables the researchers to tackle a bulk
of literary texts as well as empowers them to keenly observe even the minute details of them.
Mahlberg has been using corpus stylistics since 2007. McIntyre (2015) was the one who
distinguished corpus stylistics from corpus linguistics stating that the aim of former is literary
while that of latter is non-literary. While Mahlberg was of the view that corpus stylistics acts as a
connection between linguistics and literary stylistics of the corpus.
Thomas Hardy, well-known name in English literature, got fame due to his verbosity and
frequent use of lexicon keeping in mind the context of story. His distinction and prominence
from other fiction writers was due to two reasons; firstly, he placed the words in a way as to
elaborate the theme and context of his story. Second feature of his enviable fame was that he
used different shades of grammar, function and structure in such a manner that they all depicted
the theme of the story. Moreover, he created suspense and drama in his stories through
uncommon but beautiful shades of presentation which won him this unimaginable recognition.
His realistic approach in writing was the sole cause that his stories were the true manifestation of
the sorrows and hardships of life. This is why that his stories are a true amalgamation of syntax,
semantatics and aesthetic flavor. Furthermore, various shades of writing and a plethora of themes
in Hardy’s stories depict his vast study of the works of the authors of every age and time. For
instance, he borrowed tragic themes from Shakespeare and classical dramas but the beauty is this
that those themes when molded into Hardy’s flavor gave a unique taste. He used lexicon in such
an orderly manner that in spite of tragic themes and realistic approach in the description of
miseries of life, his stories maintained the interest of readers. The characters Jude, Sue, Michael
Henchard and Susan Henchard etc and their tragic climax are the true depictions of Hardy’s
realism as well as mild fatalism. Although Hardy believed in destiny yet he never missed the
chance to give his characters the award of their acts. Another prominent feature of his writings
was his believe on cosmological or supernatural forces and he believed that all the efforts of man
are unable to alter the course of destiny. Hardy’s selection of words and their placement in the
context and theme earned him an unmatchable fame. Moreover, the lexical items he used in his
writings have a vast range of meanings according to different conditions. Hardy is considered to
be an orthodox writer, a fatalist and a realistic novelist.
Kramer (1979) reckons that not only the students study the literary works of Hardy but also the
film makers and directors. There are three reasons for this; firstly, they study Hardy’s works
because of its syntax in dialogue formation and dialogue delivery. Secondly, they borrow the
themes of Hardy’s writings to enrich each dialogue. And lastly, they learn the art of suspense
creation from Hardy so that the audience can be kept fascinated and captivated. In this way, a
gloomy and realistic picture of everyday life is brought to screen in an interesting and spell-
bounding manner.
Hardy (1954), too, acknowledged the realism and fatalism in Thomas Hardy’s writings. He
opines that if the true representation of life is to be seen it is quite evident in Hardy’s novels in
which life can be seen as kneeling before the destiny. Jude in Jude the Obscure and Michael
Henchard are the characters which, for instance, show the senselessness and callousness of the
society. This attribute of Hardy won for him a novel reputation in the literary world. His so close
observation of life and its true representation in his novels set a trend in literature. His works
give an expression of despondency and dejection. Hardy’s novels manifested characters
struggling against their passions and social conventions. This phenomenon is quite evident in his
novel “Jude the Obscure” a passionate and enthusiastic Jude struggles in his life with his
ambitions and prevailed poverty. Eventually, he meets with tragedy and ostracism. Thomas
Hardy called it a “tragedy of unfulfilled aims”.

Halliday (1972) is of the opinion that Hardy used innovation instead of the orthodox and
traditional way of writing in his novels. For instance, have a comparison between Shakespeare
and Hardy. The former’s tragedies ended with death while the latter’s started with marriage.
Shakespearian comedies have a happy ending while Hardy’s comedies have a tragic ending.
Hardy’s laughter has a deep feeling of sorrow and hollowness. That is why his style of writing is
quite innovative and natural.

Pite (2007) considers Hardy’s efforts to portray the realistic picture of man’s struggle against
cosmological forces an instinct to introduce innovation in his works. Hardy considers
Shakespearian work as an ideal to compile his tragedies and comedies. Especially, Hardy tried to
follow some of themes of Shakespeare work in order to fortify his work. Hardy categorized his
works into three genre; environmental and character novels, fantasy and romance novels,
Ingenuity novels. Environmental and character novels are considered to be his magnum opus.
It will be absolutely right if we call “The Mayor of Caster Bridge” and “Jude the Obscure” the
two masterpieces of Thomas Hardy. These two novels can be put into ‘novels of environment
and character’ category. The semantics, syntax and contextual use of knowledge in precision and
accuracy can be easily found in almost all the novels of Hardy. The themes and sequence of
Hardy’s novel are well-prepared and mediated.
Cecil (1946) remarks due to their similar atmosphere and contexture, all the novels of Hardy
seem equally magnificent. Hardy weaves his all characters so beautifully that they appear bound
by a same bond. This ability of Hardy places him among the prominent names in novelists of
English Literature. In his plot creation, his craftsmanship is well portrayed. Another feature
which is quite evident in his stories is love triangle. Jude is loved by Arabella while Sue is loved
Jude in Jude the Obscure (1895).Michael Henchard is loved by Ms. Lucetta and Susan Henchard
is loved by Michael Henchard in The Mayor of Caster Bridge (1886).Due to this feature, we can
say that his plots are another discipline of cardiology where the study is focused on the emotions
of heart rather than the study of cardiac tissues. His characters are the real portrayal of different
facets of daily life. That is the reason that his novels are so close to everyday life and this makes
his novels universal and beyond the bonds of time and space.
Cecil (1954) states that the reason of Hardy’s enviable fame is that he used emotions and
feelings in the development his plots so beautifully that in spite of being brutally realistic they
were at same time fascinating. He further adds that Hardy keeps his readers in a constant state of
suspense. His readers remain always engaged and mentally occupied in the thoughts of future
events, and due to this they are unable to think of any other thing before reaching the climax.

• Statement of the problem

On the fiction of Hardy a lot of research work had been done in the past. It based on the critical
analysis which gave the glimpses of literary criticism. But linguistics perspective of the Hardy’s
novels had not been taken into consideration. We never found even a single research study on
Hardy’s use of language that used very technically in almost all his novels the keywords and
word clusters. The events of the novels always gave a detailed description of frequencies;
arrangements and placement of all the keywords through which he made his readers know the
upcoming sufferings of his characters. This technique always kept his readers on their toes to
know what is going to happen in the next moment. All the critics and researchers always made
their studies on various aspects of Hardy’s novels exploring the themes but no one tried to
conduct corpus driven research. Hardy always presented his novels with tragic themes which is
always supported by his language. He depicted the tragic themes by the choice of lexical items
like collocations and other lexical bundles. He always created tragic sense and tragic feelings by
using of words and group of words. In Hardy’s two novels his stylistic patterns have been
presented with the help of computer based analysis. Hardy’s philosophy of life and themes of
tragedy has been presenting through collocations, keywords and clusters.

• Objectives of the Research Study

• To explore textual patterns in Hardy’s novels

• To reveal collocations, keywords, and key clusters in Hardy’s novels

• To identify the key semantic domains portraying different themes in Hardy’s


• To express the discourse style of hardy in fiction

• Research Questions

This research aims to find the answers to the following questions.

1. How different keywords, collocations and key clusters have been exploited in Hardy’s
2. How different Linguistic choices and semantic domains convey the themes of loneliness,
pessimism , fatalism in Hardy’s novels?

1.5 Significance of the research study

The students of linguistics will get help through this research study because of its quantitative
nature and sound footings on the Mahlberg model (2013) a practical addition to the field of
applied linguistics. This research study will provide a base for all the individuals attached with
the field of linguistics particularly stylistics. The readers, writers, critics, researchers, teachers,
students and all the other stylistics related persons will find it equally beneficial and helpful. The
teachers will get a chance to have sound footings for the descriptions which they give deviations
used in a text in classroom activities. Stylistics is getting a new term by getting mathematical
proofs for its explanations. To understand the concepts and themes hidden behind the selection of
words and bundles of words most of the students of stylistics have been witnessed for struggling
to know the hidden words. This research study will enlighten the way for the students which will
be comprehensive but easy to understand the concept because of its mathematical nature. The use
of computational methods has shown new ways for the researchers who are busy in exploring the
themes of writers and it will make these text more valuable for the coming generations. It will
give a new energy to a researcher to explore other writer's text which will be beneficial in one
way or the other in the field of education. It will provide help to extract the meanings from
different lexical items used by the writer. The future researchers will take guidance for their

• Delimitations of the research study

The present study explores the two novels of Victorian novelist Thomas Hardy. These novels are
Jude the obscure and The Mayor of Caterbridge. The delimitation of this present study to the
two software one is Antconc and the other is Wmatrix.


2.1 Stylistics and its background

Stylistics is a mode of giving vent to expressions, ideas and thoughts of inner self in some novel
way. Mehlberg (2013) a stylistician commenting on stylistics is of the view that to find out the
maximum features of some text to narrate it precisely. To achieve this aim, all its levels are to be
maintained in a sequence.

In drawing on ideas and patterns from the other fields of study within linguistics and other
subjects, the interdisciplinary nature of stylistics makes it flexible. What is even worse is the
opinion that stylistics, including its offshoots with a core emphasis on text analysis, is a very
advanced stage in practicing linguistics.

Stylistics is simply described by Leech and short (2007:11) as the linguistic analysis of style.
Stylistics allocates limits with definitions given by structuralists, generativists, and recently
cognitivists (see Jeffries and McIntyre, 2010).

Both indirectly and explicitly, literary stylistics seeks to clarify the relationship between the use
of language and artistic function. The important question, from a linguist's perspective, is: why
does the writer select this mode of communication and not the other?

Stylistics offers linguists and critics with high elucidation possibilities (Simpson, 2004 : 2). The
verity that the different models of contextual developments manifest an essential reference to the
textual feature is one of the aspects why language is very important to stylisticians (ibid).

In addition, Jeffries and McIntyre (2010:1) say that stylistics is a linguistic sub-branch that
analyses deeply the systematic study of language style and how this style changes because of
factors such as genre, context, historical environs and writer.

The study of the modes in which meaning is generated by language, primarily but not
necessarily, in literary and non-literary works, is also within the scope of stylistic interest.
Linguistic models, theories, and structures are used by Stylisticians as their research methods to
define and illustrate how and why a text works the way it does (Norgaard et al , 2010 : 1). In
addition, the best utilization of language is very attractive and tempting to the stylistic
exploration of different reflection of language usage, particularly in literature.

From these viewpoints, it can be detected that there is no specific consensus between linguists on
what stylistics is about. The word 'style' often has a number of meanings and interpretations,
considering the broad range of stylistic definitions and viewpoints, a problem that may enhance
the vagueness of the limits within the arena of stylistics.
For instance, style is described by Crystal and Davey (1969:9) as "a selection of language habits,
the occasional linguistic idiosyncrasies which characterize an individual uniqueness" This
meaning, therefore, gives great importance to language habits that form the style of the person.
In addition, style is described as "occasional linguistic idiosyncrasies” according to this
definition, which distinguishes one's own.

In addition, the term 'style' is etymologically originated from the Latin word 'stylus' which means
'Reed'; reed is a writing stick (Ogidefa, 2014: 100). 'Stylus' metamorphosed into style later.
Style, therefore, indicates to the way the type is performed or the means by which the context is
conveyed. In recent years, the trace of this definition of 'style' has developed so vigorously and
reached unparalleled levels of convergence of derived branches of study, such as cognitive
psychology and even philosophy.

Thomas (1995) has a perception that concerning literature nothing is too important than that
of its mode of language. Language is a way of speaking, elaborating showing expression or
manual gestures that the masses are the members who form a comity of expression. It is evident
that a language is a fictional mode of expression.

Pope (2002) gives his opinion that language is the best source of information amongst
masses. It is a symbolic system of communication that is used according to the requirement of
the user for the listener. According to Simpson (1996) views, language is for the purpose of
sharing information that is being used to only humanity for speaking. In animal kingdom
language is also used. But the man being crown of creature use civilized and socialized language.
In stylistics, the role of language is very critical and important. In field of criticism and
linguistics researchers rely upon the use of specific language.

MCRae(1998) pertains a prominent height in linguistics has important view that language
varies with the change of locality. It varies from place to place with different dialects. This
variation starts from some locality and expands to vicinities. This is due to cultural, geographical
and religious factors. After all, it gives birth to a new language. These variations bring forth to
different dialects and then in different global languages.

Stylistics is a certain field depending upon these changes and dominates the textual manners
I literary material. The authors make stylistics changes in their works by practicing its many

Fischer Strake (2010) remarks that stylistics is a sound field with various features of text. It
strives to search the causal agents in the backdrop by using various words, modes and schemes.
This mode with manifold meanings of the text is concerned in numerous manners of text
manifested and elaborated from different aspects.

Mehmood (2009) is of the perception that the choice of item of linguistics is too important.
The important ideas are sent by specific items of linguistics. Language is vivid by its cultural,
geographical, religious and other features in regard to it's utility. He went into research studies
and found a conclusion that Pakistani English varies from British English totally. In all fields the
islamic concept is evident in Pakistani English. Pakistani text books have vivid depiction of
religions and Pakistani culture. These authors cannot avoid the words like "Masjid"; "Subha
Allah" and " Inn shaAllah". No substitute can be used for such religious words.

Stylistics explores styles which is a specific way to perform something. It is genreated by

using multiple laws and modes. It is such a scheme on which a piece of writing is distinct from
the other. It is the method for a plethora of writers to acquire their unique identity. Any novel
type is named a style. It is the style which comprises of manifold meanings in it. So, stylistics in
the current regime was developed to explore the style. It is of much significance because it is the
vividness of writer's mind and thoughts. It is meant that what the writer intended. It is the
concept of writer's profundity of thoughts and what is between the lines. It pertains the writers
individuality and wholeness in general.

Simpson(2004) says that writers have too many choices to get their desires purposes. They
deviate knowingly from one mode to the other for their desired meanings. They creat meanings
by the selection of proper words of their own choice and these choices result in so many
interpretations. Linguistics variation is a natural for man. Writers use a certain variety of words,
dialects and languages for creating their own identity. Same idea is deliberated by vivid
expressions by different writers using different styles of language. These differences are
developed using allophone, morphemes, synonyms and grammatical constructions.

Mehmood (2009) states that in stylistics patterns using different phrases, sentences, lexical
bundles and cluster of words are analyzed to search the hidden meanings. Stylistics came into
being in the past century to extract the hidden meanings. In the recent period it has become a
complete device. It has attained so many dimensions. Various schools of thoughts working on
different dimensions of language in accordance with their philosophies use this technique. Today,
novel modes and techniques to develop themselves on scientific basis also use the same styles. It
has solved a host of problems which were hurdle in its way for finding better objectives.

2.2 Style its needs and concerns

Wales (2011) is of the view that the readers are naturally fascinated by the style of the text
they are reading. He opines that without style, literary text becomes devoid of the sentiments of
writer. This term is usually used in the field of literary studies. We can say that in literature Style
is the part and parcel. Most of the authors touched the peak only because of their specific style.
Milton got fame for his grand style and Wordsworth for his decency. A sublime style gives fame
to a literary work. In conclusion, it is the style which distinguishes a specific piece of writing is
literary or not. After all above discussion, we reach a conclusion that style is everything for
literature. Different people have defined the word style in accordance with their mental

Stylistics has a close link with linguistics because the latter offers theories that assist in the
understanding mechanism of language (Simpson, 2004: 3). In the field of stylistics a common
point of criticism is the argument that stylistics concerns literature rather than linguistics.
Sinclair, for example, supports this argument by highlighting the value of literary stylistics for

Other stylisticians claim that both literary and non-literary texts involve stylistics since many
modes of expression also appear in stylistics (advertising, journalism, popular music and even
casual conversation) (ibid). The other explanation is that stylistic research is about studying
linguistic structures and their positions as much as it is about deciding the literary work

The fact that current stylistics manifests the incorporated form of language and literature
may be another support for this view (Sotirova, 2007:1). In addition, Burke (2014:1) notes that
the study and analysis of texts is stylistics, or literary linguistics, as it is often called; it is, in fact,
the study and examination of literary texts, but not exclusively.

The elaborating aspect of stylistics will allow us to ponder in more detail how text types can
impact the interpretation of readers in ever-present conditions (Jeffries and McIntyre, 2010: 8).
Stylistics can also draw perspectives from other areas, such as discourse analysis and pragmatics,
which can also account for the subtly deceptive uses of language (ibid).

As existence is negotiated through language and this language is well represented in

structural, contextual, and stylistic modes, the need for stylistics is important. There is, however,
still a need for a close look into textual context, which is more easily clarified by a field of study
that depends exclusively on a systematic interrogation of artistic modes of language.

Hunston (2010) narrates that style refers to approach.According to Ullmann (1964) style is
concerned with the method expressions of specific views. To crown all, style is way of
sentimental expressions.In different eras different writers had been adopting distinct peculiar
variety of styles according to their needs and concerns.According to the opinion of Leech (1969)
style is known as the manners of speech or text. Various words, cluster of phrases, novel mode of
sentences and their structures form a style.

Leech and Short (2007) claim that the prime objectives of the language highly influenced the
style. Objectives behind the language use are deemed the basis of style.

Birch (1989) opines that style depends upon language and language depends upon the
construction of variety of sublime words. So it is unambiguous that style is superb than the
language because style creates meanings as the language cannot. Stubbs (2005) gives his views
that a major portion of the theme is delivered not through the event and characters but through
the construction of words and conveyance through the positioning of words cannot fulfill the
purpose through the key words. Hence we conclude that style is a way of valuable expressions in
the field of literature. Every author gives top priority to create a distinguished literary work
through distinguished style by forming elaborative sentences in literary works. It has been under
consideration since ancient times that a sublime literary style is a peculiar need of literature but
in present experts also are the opinions that literary criticism, linguistics and psychology are
based on different scientific ways to study literary style to unveil the concealed meanings.

2.2.1 Style and version

Leech and Short (2007) express that style emerges from language and it manifests itself in a
parole about two thousand years ago the word style was taken from a Latin word Stylus which
means a device having a very short point on one side which was used for craving. It was a mode
in old writings. Mostly it was used to carve letters on wax-covered tablets the other end was kept
dull for obliterating those letters. But in the course of time it turned into word style with new
meanings for expressions. What is called Style is infact a concept of version. Version means the
final copy of genesis. So style is the form of version which is used on a massive scale. That is
why in the current era definitions of style indicates the aspects of a piece of writing. So what the
version was is a style now. Style is the method where writer expressives himself in his work.
Authors adopt various literary devices for a consice and precise style. This makes specific to the
style of a writer. It is the style which reveals the personality of writer from the lines of his text.

According to Ullmann (1973) style is a peculiar usage of specific linguistics form in a

specific way. Various options from phonology and graphology produce the text a peculiar
2.2.2 Style in literature

Style in literature is not meant what is said but how is said. The literary style means the
choice and then usage of proper words on proper places and literary devices. It is the choice of
lexical items, structure of sentences and their arrangements with a view to produce specific mood
and the interpretations in literary works.

Specific tools for knitting a style of writing:

a) Sentence formation, length, position and variation

b) Figures of speech

c) Use of sound devices (onomatopoeia, alliteration, repetition, rhyme and rhythm)

d) Benefits of conversation and dialogues

e) Lexical items

f) The tone and accent

g) Importance of local color

h) Use of satire and irony

By using such figurative speech, Narrative technique and literary devices make the literary
work of the writer peculiar and prominent in meanings and approach. These techniques are very
useful for the readers to reach the real meanings of the work. This is helpful for the readers to
create visual imagery of the story events.

Widdowson (1992) says that style is such an investment which returns back to the writer in
the coming days. The investment is as bulky the reward is so great. A grand style leads to a
highly valued text. It is the style which makes the text so valuable and noticeable. Gigantic style
is much valuable for the writers as well as for the readers. Sharp boundaries are always
witnessed between the two writers.

According to Pope (2012) style is legacy of people with high calibre. These people have a
good understanding of various form of writings and items of styles. They are well aware of
functions and meanings of devices which give birth to a good piece of literature. Language is a
means of communication. It is means of transferring and promoting culture. The writers use their
prominent senses to enrich their text by using the special devices and make their text colorful.
They also make their readers to feel pleasure while reading their text.

Corpus Stylistics is a sort of analysis in which writers utilize the various techniques of style
to catch the fundamental idea of composing text. It discovers round all the highlights of
composing material and investigates the numerous bases for its claim. Fundamental Stylistics
and especially corpus stylistics scan bases for the previously found themes in numerous forms. It
examines impressive aspects of composing material. It is a connection among linguistics and
literary material.

2.3 Stylistics

Stylistics is a field of study whose different aspects leads to extract it's hidden meanings. It is
such a field that works on profound basis to prove the universality of literature in all times. The
manifold aspects of text lead to layers of meanings and it's writers are deliberate to choose
lexical items and style.

According to Widdowson (1975) Stylistics is linguistics orientated study of literary

discussion. Since it's very birth it criticized for its subjective behaviour. Stylisticians have
observed that it is highly objective in its nature. Their views are that style has profound hold over
its domains which gives analytical results.

Scientifically it explores the text which leads to its positive results. They consider that literary
criticism is obscure. It sustains various aspects of language on different levels which include
phonology, graphology, syntax, and context and so on. Phonology is about the study of sound
patterns. Graphology is the study of construction of words and complete text. It includes context
apart from text. Its sentence patterns and word patterns give the complete sense of the text then it
enters into the domains of discourse and pragmatics having the sense of the aspects of society,
culture and circumstances. After having complete understanding and interpretations of the text it
gives consideration of all possible aspects relating to the text.

Stylistics is a field about exploration of text from which meaningful results can be concluded
on profound basis. It adds to the knowledge of the reader various techniques to understand the
theme of the text. It started with the main domain of literary text but now it reached all type of
text. Stylistics took a start in the second half of past century. But in the beginning it was not
stylistics but the study of linguistics in which experts used to deal with the language. Till the first
half of twentieth century literature was not taken as the feelings of writer. No importance was
given to the writers mind set and thoughts while commenting on literature aesthetic influence
was never attached any importance.
Egbert (2012) has detail discussion about the study of style. She is of the opinion that
Stylistics is the study of style and a comparative study. To decide their genres it studies
similarities and differences between two texts. Different aspects of text are taken in to account in
order to consider reasons behind their use.

Short (2007) has a opinion that Stylistics has analysis of the text using elaboration of
linguistics. It is considered a connection between linguistics and literature. Its main domain is
literature but it is not confined to literary text only. Stylistics also brings in its folds non literary
text. Its major motto is the creativity in the literary text and the reasons of its creativities. By this
way we reach its manifold layers of meanings. Hence the main focus is always on linguistics
features of the text. It gives analytical elaboration and meanings of the text.

Pope (2002) narrates that the emergence of Stylistics is from Russian Formalism.

Charles Bally (1909) is deemed to be one of its founders. It's motto was to bring out the
linguistics features of a literary text.

Cheng (2011) has a view that Stylistics is to unveil the aim to language patterns. For this
reason, it studies many artistic functions of language and unfolds reasons behind use of this
certain mode of language. It also gives knowledge about various modes through which meanings
are extracted. Stylisticians adopt different methods, models and techniques that in which way the
text works.

In the opinion of Cook (1992) Stylistics emerged has a subdiscipline in late 20th century. In
the very start the intended meanings of the writers were brought about by adopting different
measures. Later on it was taken as a different field from linguistics owing to its objectives.

Carter (2012) is of the view that linguistics and literature have a profound link because of
Stylistics and it doesn't lose its value as a discipline.

Wales (2011) says that Stylistics have many aspects of text that make it distinct from the
other text. These are necessary for a special genre. These make the procedure of interpretation
easy. These are compulsory to elaborate the message of a text.

Biber (2006) is of the view more attention is drawn to the text because it possesses
evidences in it. In the beginning language of text was not considered so important. In the course
of time it grabs the attention of writers and it attained a critical place in literary criticism. More
value was added to the text for the practice of investigating language in literary criticism. There
emerged an idea of developing means to explore a text scientifically which led to Stylistics and
then corpus Stylistics.

According to Dutton (1984) that Roman Jakobson (1929) is the pioneer to give Stylistics a
formal start. He explained the worth of the language as an essential element for criticism. Here
from Stylistics took its formal start. Here the relation between linguistics and literature started to
have attention and the idea of literary and non literary text developed. This field produced
answers like what is style? What is the impact of linguistics items? It also maintained the
relationship among literature, language and society. Many approaches and techniques had been
used to satisfy such questions. Efforts have been launched to overcome many aspects of language
of a text with the aid of Stylistics. Stylistics advanced the pace since last five decades and got the
place of an established discipline in present. Now it achieved many techniques and methods to
analysed the various aspects of text. A number of schools of thoughts describe that different
features of Stylistics are working for promulgation of Stylistics. All of them are striving
according to their own philosophies based on sound footings. It is based on the nature of research
study that decides what form of Stylistics analysis are to be used. Now it relies upon the
researcher himself what choice he will select.

2.4 Various approaches of Style

2.4.1 Formulation in Style

Shorts (1996) narrartes that Formalism started during 1920-1930 which touched its zenith
during 1940s and was named new criticism. According to this approach form of text gave it's
meaning and the readers must concentrate on this form. External elements may mystify its
interpretations. Formalists analyzed the form of the text. It is known as scientific approach
because it pleads for systematic reading of a text. To analyze a text all external elements are

Tyson (1999) is of the view that Roman Jakobson (1929) the very first Formalist. He gave
importance of language to analyze literature. He emphasized the critics to examine the language
in their research. He was the pioneer for the foundation of this field which developed after five
decades into a discipline. He stressed that there must be no limitations for the usage of language.
He attached much importance to the language of text.

Simpson (2004) is of the view impressions are always subjective. Consideration of these
elements blurs this process of this analysis. Outside elements of context are of no importance.
Meanings of context are always with in the structure of text. It depends on textual analysis to
draw out its meanings. They attach much importance what makes a text an artistic object. The
basic object of Formalism bases on how these elements work with in a text to have impact on the

2.4.2 Functionalism in Style

This school of thought doesn't consider the formal properties of a text so important. The
importance is given to the functions performed by the language which studies various functions
like expressions, cognition and conation. It makes vivid how such elements of a language
integrarte to complete all these functions phonologically and grammatically.

The major figure in this school of thought is Halliday who did not comply with the Jakobson

According to Halliday (1994) the two patterns of language are available: phonological and
syntactical. Semantics are important in comprehending different functions of language. He gave
a framework of three basic functions of language which are interpersonal, ideational and textual.
According to him to accomplish the functions of language context is so important. Content is
conveyed by the language and meanings are conveyed through the content. The pith of all this is
that in literary studies functions of language have the specific importance.

2.4.3 Pedagogical Approach in Stylistics

For the purpose of this approach of stylistics is to empower the teaching of literary text. For
this aim, it attempts to search out the connection among language and literature. Text is analyzed
at three levels. Firstly, formal features of text are examined. The analysis of phonological
features, vocabulary, syntax, clauses, phrases,

Sentences and paragraphs are done at the first level. The second level is quite remote to the
formal features of the text. It explores the relationship of a text to the other text and also the
readers. It also encircles the sociocultural context of the process of reading and writing. Then it
capacitates the reader to reach the real meanings of the text as a while. It relies upon the reader's
ability and experience to draw the genuine meanings. This is why that the different readers draw
different meanings from the same text. This characteristic of pedagogical Stylistics makes it
highly objective in its nature and proves the universality of literary text. It gives critics answers
who blame it to be dependent on intuition instead of empirical aid. It works as an instrument
which investigates the dialogic, sociocultural and linguistics aspects which are built in literary
and non literary text. It is considered as a good technique for language learning procedure for it
proves itself a tool for betterment of performance in second language (L2). It is also considered
helpful for taking awareness and building academic skills beyond Second language (L2)

Fowler (1996) is of the view that Stylistics is a very imperative tool in acquiring Language
skill. It is the only tool that encircles all the features of language. A text cannot be detached from
its participants which are production, reception, post processing and meditation. A writer carry
out production and the reader is accountable for reception and critics do the job of post
processing. Individuals or institutions perform at meditation level. Teachers, learners and all the
educational and research institutions bring forth this activity.

Halliday (1967) has the views the best way of teaching language is teaching of literature and
literature can be best taught with the help of Stylistics. It inculcates in the students getting
language abilities, creativity and critical approach. It helps them relate the literature with the
context. It is the only way to understand different functions that language performs.

2.4.4 Pragmatic approach in Stylistics

There is a school of thought which moved the concentration totally from syntax to context.
According to this approach context of reader is given much importance because it became
significant in the backdrop of the invention of analysis and pragmatics in the field of linguistics.
An idea emerged here that style lies somewhere between the reader and context. The concept of
meanings in context became more valuable. So in this period analysts were obsessed with

Crystal (1992) narrates pragmatic Stylistics as the study of principles which governed the
communicative use of language.

Van Dijk (1977) gives his views that Stylistics analysis is the way language developers and
receivers plan, execute, understand and store in their mind and then again produce in response.
During this whole process their mind set is going on changing in accordance to the speech acts.

Leech (2016) narrates that pragmatic Stylistics is study of language in use. It is the way how
individuals perform and then translate different behaviours of language. He says that meanings
don't lie in the formal aspects of text but in the utterance of language.

Simpson (1996) is of the view that pragmatics doesn't determine the language directly but in
the way language is used and understood by the people. In short it is the study of use of

Fowler (1977) describes the study of pragmatics with the help of speech act theory.
According to him, speech act has extended the sphere of pragmatics in Stylistics. According to
him context is part and parcel of understanding of the context.

Haque (1983) says that context is the basis of Stylistics analysis. Without context we cannot
reach the meaning of context. It is pragmatics that gives the reader a researcher the sense of
sentence if someone claims to draw meanings without context. There is a question mark on his
research. Context is dynamic in its nature.

2.4.5 Critical approach in Stylistics

The main purpose of this approach is to search out the hidden links between textual choices
and critical discussion analysis namely ideologies with in a text.

Coffey (2013) has an idea that it reveals the ideologies that the author puts in the context
with the help of Lexical bundles. It does not concern with the political outlook. The critical
discourse analysis is quite critical in understanding these concepts. He opines that all the texts
are ideology based consciously or unconsciously. Its aim is to search out the ulterior ideologies
in the text. The following different devices are used.

1- Presentation of society, space and time

2- Presentation of thoughts and speeches of other people

3- Hypothesizing

4- Negating

5- Assuming and Implying

6- Prioritizing

7- Examplifying

8- Comparing and Contrasting

9- Presentation of events, actions and states

10- Describing and Naming

2.4.6 Cognitive Approach in Stylistics

It created its principles from cognitive sciences. Human experience is based on language
which is something original and not artificial which is always based on senses. This is the reason
language is are a link in the world. It includes perceptions, cognition, memory, social
relationships and emotions leading to meanings. This is a process which is going on in the minds
of both the readers and the writers when the readers are going through a text. Their minds run
with the thoughts of the writers. The principle figures of this approach are Evans Vyvyan (2007)
and David West (2012). According to them the procedure of development of meanings is merely
dependent on text. They say that there is no correlation between linguistics forms and meanings.
There is a profound relation in all cases between them. All texts are based on conventional codes
so it doesn't try to draw out meanings from it. According to their experience and perceptions
different readers draw different meanings from the same text. It shows that it is the ability of the
text to have various meanings for various readers at the same time. So it is important that it is the
reader who draws meanings according to his own mind. All this is due to the cognition of
readers. This approach is applied on literary and non literary text. Cognitive aspects are given the
pivot position to this approach.

Carter and Nash (1991) are certain that it is the reality that mechanism of translation depends
on innate knowledge and empirical approach of the reader. So every text has some level of
various meanings for every new reader. A text may become having valuable meanings for the one
reader and it may be useless for the other reader due to difference of their experiences. It differs
from reader to reader to certain degree. All these factors influence the interpretation of the text.
The different angles of mind of the writers, character and the reader are considered differently
throughout the analysis. A deep look into the psychology of writers and characters is necessary to
be kept in mind. It provides complete comprehension of the mind of various people related to the
text according to cognitive Stylistics.

2.4.7 Corpus Stylistics:

It involves the analysis of corpus to give sound basis to the themes of the text. It is based on
qualitative as well as quantitative approaches. In the current era it is considered as the best
approach for the analysis of fiction. This research approaches to the position of the words,
collocations, clusters in this approach.

Carter (2012) is of the opinion that corpus Stylistics is a new field which gives quantitative
facts to prove the explored themes and meanings.

Biber (2009) has the opinion that the basic reason for the use of corpus Stylistic techniques
is the basic ability to tackle a very large amount of data in short span of time. A big novel is
difficult to analyze in manual Stylistics is considered in corpus Stylistics as a very short sample.
This technique has the ability to analyze a trillion words with in a moment. It analyzes the large
text as well as deals the text from different perspectives. It fulfills the aims for which this field
was created.

Kachru (1986) has the views that the style of writers and their variations can be determined
through the analysis of their writings. This type of research demands numerous samples of work
of each writer. This is the only way for researcher to reach some conclusions. Corpus Stylistics is
striving to fulfill this objective in recent time. This approach is used to analyze a very large
amount of text within seconds. The researchers become able to study the writer's style
scientifically through corpus Stylistics. This is also comparing the style of one writer with the
other scientifically.

Rebecca (1996) is of the opinion that corpus Stylistics is determined highly objectives due to
its quantitative results. It produces numerous results due to this technique. In the second half of
the previous century the main hurdle in the way of this approach was soft form of the text. Due
to the ability of the soft form of the text in recent century corpus based Stylistics research studies
reached to the peak.

Mahlberg (2005) is of the view that corpus Stylistics approaches to the key words, lexical
choices and other numerical features of the text. She says that it is due to computer which can
generate groups blindly without keeping in view the semantic reasons behind these key words. It
is significant to mention the fact that these key words play the vital role to interpret the text.
These key words are getting popularity in the current period because of their quantitative nature.
It is the period of facts and figures. Now it provides no place to the qualitative based criticism.
This technique has changed the whole situation. Now it has become very easy to extract useful
meanings from a large amount of text within no time. These keywords have much importance for
the purpose of analysis and interpretations and these keywords can be divided into three groups;
proper nouns, words with Stylistic nature and words showing aboutness.

Lindquist (2009) also categories keywords in three groups; words that are Stylistically
important and used deliberately breaking the rules of pattern words that are specific for some
name and words with aboutness.

Stubbs (2005) is of the view for interpretation of keywords the role of reference corpus is
very vital and the place of these keywords for the sound interpretations have much importance.
So many other factors are also necessary for interpretation of text apart from the keywords.

Carter (2012) gives his opinion that it would be insane to say that only the corpus techniques
give systematicity to the analysis. It is the duty of Stylistics to give emphasis to systematicity.
The corpus based Stylistics analysis is the new angles and modes to examine the text to get the

Leech (2016) points out that corpus Stylistics helped too much solving the issue irritating the
researchers since its very birth. The researchers have been facing the problem of how to select
the sample passages from the text under analysis. It was very difficult for them to set boundaries
of analysis. The researchers have no justification for selection of samples and it was solved only
by corpus Stylistics.

The manual analysis should not be replaced by the corpus Stylistics because this style is
always incomplete without incorporation of manual methods. Corpus Stylistics has the keen
importance to treat the text from the angles which are impossible through traditional manual
methods. It is not a separate field but only assists the Stylistics methods. It is a methodology to
support the researchers to have a thorough look at the text.

Stubbs (2005) giving his comments about the conduction of research study of heart of
darkness by Joseph Conrad proves that it is not a separate field but assists the manual Stylistic
analysis. It is the corpus driven Stylistic analysis which can only draw out all the themes and
messages which are present in that very text. According to his views frequency and
quantification attach sound basis to the themes which have already been explored.

Ullmann (1973) gives more stress to the word frequencies with a view to place their
importance in the text. In his views all the themes should be very lucid in frequency of lexical
items. He says that make use of conscious words appropriate for the situation having prominent
marks for the readers.

Biber (2009) gave more attention on corpus Stylistic analysis because of their frequency
based investigations which provide facts for the explanations about it's writers and themes.

A typical issue for the corpus Stylistics is that it is not easy to get soft data of text for
research studies. Luckily, Hardy's novels give accessible approach in computerized form which
has been downloading from the project Gutenberg site.

Fisher- Strake (2010) applied the corpus based techniques in analyzing Jane Austen prose.
She admires this technique thinking it very useful for analyzing the text in detailed way. This
approach has a special capacity to analyze a large amount of morphemes to prove more authentic
results. The main motto of the Stylistics is to collect data about hidden meanings within the text
for which corpus Stylistics is very easy method to have a deep insight into the context. This
technique can produce more authentic and reliable results and has laid solid basis for such an
2.5 Style Markers

Any type of innovation or deviation has been named as style Marker. Various literary
devices like allusion, metaphor and personification are known as style Markers. These are
narration techniques which are narrated in direct and indirect or active and passive forms. The
meanings are injected beyond ordinary language using this narrative technique.

Fowler (1977) has the views Style Markers technique is applied to create those meanings
which cannot be found in the simple sentences by using various linguistics categories in various
modes to achieve the specific aim.

Aquilina (2014) has the opinion that simple sentences, complex sentences and compound
sentences are constructed by using simple words and complex words to create manifold
meanings. Sometimes this approach is applied in a simple sentence by using complex words and
the complex sentences are constructed by simple words. This makes so many interpretations of a
text in a simple way.

2.6 Importance of Stylistics variations

Lawrence (1985) says that Stylistic variations are compulsory as well as complementary
elements of a text. A very few words can convey manifold meanings not only the words but also
the placement of the words produce meanings. By using this technique a work of a writer has a
distinction over the other. Stylistic variations have a great importance Because these are
considered as a soul of the text. To attain a sublime position of their creation all the writers use
these variations to a great extent. With the help of these lexical items the writers launch their
energies to create new ways by molding the words and structures of language in accordance with
their aims.

2.7 Importance of Keywords

All the great writers have always been keen and careful in their selection of words because
the words are the only tool to give the creation a sublimity and greatness. In corpus Stylistics key
words have been given a starting position for the analysis providing quantitative basis to
interpretations. The placement of words gives a better understanding of various aspects of text.

Baker ( 2006) is of the view that importance to the keywords and their frequencies have a
specific place in interpretations of the text. The proper selection of words can produce sublimity
to a writer because only words can give greatness to a writer and a text. The wise selection and
placement of words led to the high fame for the writers. Keywords of a text used by the
electronic methods have a vital role in conveying the whole theme of story.

Ngugi (1986) is of the view that keywords have given the subjective place to a writer in
interpretation. Every description has solid numeric based footings. When the keywords and
frequency of keywords are used for interpretation, there remains no question mark. The usage of
keywords in Stylistics description laid the text in area of scientific studies.

2.8 Importance of collocation

Chen and Baker (2010) explain the importance of collocation by finding the firm footings
for the themes by analysing these collocations. There of the view that both collocations and
lexical bundles are always theme producers. They think that due to collocations the readers are
absorbed in the story. These also cast glimpses of the coming events of the story and also give
the writer and opportunity to produce manifold meanings. The use of this technique gives the
writer a specific individuality. These also enable the writers to give the glimpses of external
events remaining within the story. These also make the writers to add some extra details to
support their philosophy without mentioning.

Carter and Stockwell (2008) have a specific opinion that through collocations the text is
explain in detail. These technical tools are the part and parcel of literature to find out the theme
of its any text. It also helps to explain the message hidden in a text. These are the best ways for
interpretation and generating theme. These have the special potential to produce description of
the story. These attached the special sublimity of a writer which can be judged through the
analysis of his collocational patterns.

Stubbs (2005) has the opinion that collocations attach great significance as it produces vivid
description to the theme of the story. According to him the real theme of the story is explained
through collocations. The use of collocations gives immortal life to the characters with the help
of using specific words and groups of words to infuse their themes. The readers remain relaxed
while reading the story and through these collocations theme is automatically depicted in the
minds of readers through these collocations and these do not make the readers get bored.
Collocations and clusters are used by the greater readers to inculcate the real theme in the readers
mind because they grasped the themes knitted in the fabrics of these intentionally used words.

Mahlberg (2013) has the opinion that analyzing words have the real objective that portray
the content through the discovery of new words.

2.9 Importance of Lexical bundles

Baker (2006) has the views that group of words that come together make lexical bundles
which are also named N-grams, chunks and clusters. These are a form of extended collocations
and are frequently repeated which give the sense of coherence. These are not complete
grammatical structures and idiomatic phrases but act like building blocks.

The type of Lexical bundles gives shape to the nature of text. The writer prevails chances of
using lexical bundles to create myriad meanings and it gives a sort of coherent texture. In the
field of Stylistics lexical bundles have attain a specific importance. The hidden meanings of a
text are disclosed by using this technique. No grammatical rule is necessary for their co-
occurrance bad this feature give them a specific place in literature Making the story worth
reading as they carry a bundle of meanings and it discloses the picture of writer's mind.

Biber (1988) used the technique of MD Analysis to search out variations lying in the
fiction of Britain English. He invented the concept of co-occurrance of different linguistic items
having different sets of words through statistical analysis. The interpretation of these lexical
bundles is even functional or Stylistical due to their textual dimensions and communicative

2.10 Importance of Syntactic Features

Syntax is a term for the arrangement of words in particular way. A general pattern in English
language is subject-verb-object. But off and on the writers have a different structure to get
rhythmic and lyrical effect in the text leaving the formal structure of the sentence. The writers
deliberately deviate from the actual rule of grammar but beautifully they are successful to create
the desired meanings. This is their beautiful creation of literary text and it has a valuable impact
on the mind of the reader and it is considered a new genre that what is said and how is said.
Syntax of a sentence has a length according to the desire of the writer and the reader as well. The
length may be very short, very long are of middle length. The stylisticians are also interested in
the syntax of a text keeping in mind or other aspects of the text.

Widdowson (1975) gives his views about the structure that the writer must has the ability to
change the meanings of a text by changing the position of the words by using many lexical
choices which are meaningless at some position but meaningful at some other position.The
writers keep this factor necessarily in the mind for the placement of words of their choice.

2.11 Stylistic analysis of Literature

Constituents of language and form are explored by Stylistics for which they use many
approaches to attain the access to various levels of language and form. Stylistics has an important
role in all the fields of linguistics and provided new trends to the analysis of literary text. New
characteristics and constituents of literature like lexical features, semantic features and Syntactic
forms are explored by Stylistics.

2.12 Stylistic analysis and English Fiction

Structure of language and its meanings are co related analogically because structure
originates the meanings. The world of fiction is true representation of this fact which enables the
readers to search analogical connection between the choice of structure and its intended
meanings. The right selection and placement of words help a text to produce the original
meanings. The origin of style in fiction enables the writers to inject the intended meanings by the
chosen words. Writers never reach the end of story because this straight forward manner makes
the readers get bored. The great writers never encourage the use of simple and straight forward
words. The fiction always has a good sequence and structure which possessed the Meanings. All
great writers are agreed for the use of appropriate words to draw out the real meanings. The
researchers of linguistics and literature have always the great importance interest for the
language of fiction. In the past many approaches have been made but new inventions and
methodologies have been adopted in this field in the modern age. Stylistics is such a field which
gave birth to a revolution in the field of research on a language. It created new ways and
dimensions to the researchers on languages.

Mahlberg is given a pioneer place in the field of Stylistics. She worked on its various aspects
by her wonder works in the field of Stylistics. She has set new examples for the future
researchers to take this field has challenge and give new insight.

2.13 Corpus based research studies on fiction

In the field of traditional manual analysis, according to Semino and Short (2004) corpora
have enabled the researchers to discover the new numerical rules. This expanded the field of
analysis on firm footings. Statistical methodology depends upon the tools of the text based on
corpus Stylistics. This gives the specific place to the corpus Stylistics which makes it stand in the
class of quantitative based of research studies.

Ahmad (2011) on Pakistani fiction conducted a corpus based research study. He made a
conclusion that the lexical features of Pakistani English Fiction are much different from those of
English Fiction. He is of the view that Pakistani English Fiction has its own distinctive features
which are different from that of English Fiction.

Mehmood (2009) also conducted a research study based on corpus to prove that Pakistani
English is distinct from that of English. This is also a fact that lexical bundles and specific words
have a prominent importance to attain desired meanings.

Rehman (1990) also conducted a research study based on corpus to attain different features
of Pakistani fiction English. He made research on grammatical and phonological patterns of
Pakistani fiction language. He also found that the prepositions and articles are uses in English
writing are different which makes Pakistani English a distinctive variety.

Mehboob (2009) reached a conclusion that Pakistani English is a very distinctive variety. It
is rich in its literature. He proves that it is not the monopoly of English. The Pakistani writers
tried to give it a new shape and look by using different tools to twisted. The Pakistani writers and
researchers always tried to create a new style in the English Fiction. The great writers like Hardy
used various lexical patterns to support the themes of novel. Different linguistic features can be
used to attain the desired aims. Many of the new writers and researchers are trying to follow the
footsteps of the great writers like Hardy to find out the linguistics patterns. Hardy attained the
remarkable place by finding out specific features in fiction. Now it is unambiguous that the way
Hardy got his themes with the help of lexical choices.

Kachru (1986) divided the English of world into three categories. English is of England,
Canada, America and New Zealand were divided into three circles. He named it the inner circle
and in the second circle he placed the Englishes the common wealth nations which include
Pakistan, Nigeria and India. The Englishes of Middle Eastern countries come into the third circle.
All of these used various patterns of English and have their own identities. They are rich in
almost in all perspectives.

Mahlberg conducted his corpus based research in 2007 which is in itself an invention in
linguistic research field. She adopted this research study for the view to describe the ways;
corpora can be used to find out different linguistic features to stuff the theme into the story. She
explored various aspects of language of Dicken's novels by using computer based programs and
software. She focused the novels of Dicken to describe new ways for the purpose of entering into
the words of writers. She herself adopted the same way of corpora. She started her research study
by finding clusters and describing functions of these clusters from both local and international
perspectives. The quantitative nature of this study is the special feature with this research.
Having a comparative study of all the previous research studies, it laid sound bases for the
finding of themes of Dicken. The characterization of Dicken leads him to the greatness among
the cluster of other writers and novelists by using frequencies of words. This research study has
explored the body language of characters through lexical clusters. This research study bridges the
gulf between the linguistics and literature.

Corpus based analysis explored new horizons in the field of research giving new insight into
literary world. Finding out various linguistic features of text this approach has become very
common throughout the world. It's specific features lies in its beauty of handling a very large
amount of text in very short time. This research behavior is giving new insights into the field of
English linguistics.

In this field of research Mehmood had made very useful research studies. Mehmood.A,(2009)
and Mehmood.R,(2009) investigated a variety of Pakistani English. Their research work based
on individual language features. They reached the conclusion that Pakistani English has
distinctive characteristics and the language used by the Pakistani writers is an independent
distinguished variety.

Ahmad (2016) worked on Pakistani English Fiction to investigate and find the identity and
place of Pakistani fiction English which was based on corpus multidimensional approach which
aimed at exploring internal variations among the leading writers of different genres. Pakistani
fiction English and British fiction English have the similarities and differences which is proved
by this research studies.

2.14 Victorian Age

Hardy (1954) is of the view that a social unrest was witnessed in Victorian age. People,
everywhere, especially women were seen fighting for their rights. In the Economic and the
political fields middle class was gaining prominence. The internet of people became more keen
studies and reading. People were seen rushing towards libraries. Novel became as a prominent
source to put forth the realities of life. To represent the problems middle class novel became the
only source as the upper class was callously ruling over the middle class. The writers decided to
pace fourth to illuminate the power of industrialism. They steered the ship having this theme to
mitigate the atrocities of the middle class. They became humanists and moralists. Their motto
was to root out the mass poverty and collection of wealth in the few hands. They were
determined to shine out the issues of the middle class on the front. They had the firm belief that
common Victorians would become successful to end these disasters sooner or later. The writers
did their duty wisely and precisely. They urged the people to read their extraordinary texts in
which the problems of the people had been made prominent. For this purpose the writers paid
more attention towards the language of text making it lucid for attracting the attention of
common people.

Sinclair and Carter (2004) gave their views that literature is the reflection of society and
endeavoring to portray the picture of society. Among the most incredible and essential periods in
the history of English literature is Victorian Age. Class differences miserable life conditions and
poverty became the salient social features in this age which have been reflected in the literature
of this age. As the language of literature point of view this age is considered to be a golden
period. The writers had become used to use the words and bundle of words after analyzing time
space and genre. The writers were in a race of struggle to create something sublime and distinct
and they took pains for selection of Lexical items to create a sublime peace of literature. The
selection of words and their placements got more attentions to create a master piece. It was the
only era when writers understood the value of selection and placement of words in the real sense.
The fiction of this era is considered to be a mile stone in the History of English literature.

Cecil gives his views that Victorian age got prominence due to its sublimity of language. The
events of the story were not the focus point but creating meanings through the selection and
placement of words got much focus in this period. In this period fiction sets new trend because of
its richness of words that have the ability to convey the theme.

Morgan (1988) says that language of Victorian age fetched the interest of the readers and
researchers because it's language was of special worth as it had the ability to keep the readers
bound. The readers were keen to guess what was going to happen in the next moment as it gave
the readers glimpses of the coming events of the story.

2.15 Hardy as a great novelist

Claire (2008) regarded Hardy as a very famous poet and novelist who was born in Wessex
England where he found pathetic circumstances all around him prevailing in his society. Being a
very sensitive and emotional person proved himself not a very popular in his fellows. His most
of time was spent in meditation which led him to write tragic novels. He found his peaceful
society torn and injured. So he always ran after the solution in the themes of his novels. Hardy
proved himself a remarkable authors of all the times. He always depicted a genuine vision and
gave the highlights of a true victorian age. He found a massive impact and results of industrial
revolution on his society for which he tried to demonstrate fundamental changes of ethics and a
pure life. Hardy truly kept on wise endeavors to get his society purified. He proves himself a
great poet but he confirmed his greatness in his novels. He stood as a true representative of the
prevailing situation in the society. The greatness of his novels lies in the sublimity of his
language. But he provided to the people in his novels while the people were in the state of unrest
and the people were searching for the practical things which were found truly in Hardy's novels.
Hardy very wisely ruled over the mental state of the people showing them the solution of their
prevailing problems in that chaotic society. He used beautiful patterns of words and language to
get his desired objectives. He polished these ordinary words by placing and arranging them in
proper places. By using this pattern of language is popularity amongst the readers reached the
peak. He used the simple words wisely without high vocabulary. This is why he ruled over the
feelings, passion and sentiments of ordinary people so he was regarded as old fashioned writer.

Sinclair and Carter (2004) are of the view that Hardy was famous for Stylistic variations as
he was well aware of the importance of Stylistic variations.

Marlene (1983) points out that for grasping the mental state of Hardy's characters a special
psychoanalysis is needed. He always avoided to create supernatural situation so his characters
are always life like. Sometimes his style is regarded as blunt due to his simplicity of diction. His
popularity is guessed through the schools and universities of all over the world where is novels
are red as a part of syllabus. He earned his name as a tragic writer of real life and a recorder of
rural traditions.

Cecil (1954) is of the view that Hardy is the master to play with the emotional feelings of the
readers by creating tragic heroes in hardships of social traditions. Despite of is simple and
ordinary language he made his place in the greater writers of the world.

Morgan (1988) says that Hardy is a sublime writer of his age and is regarded as a greatest
tragic novelist in the history of English literature. He was a great poet of his time as well and set
new trends in fiction with the help of wondrous qualities of his head and heart. His poetic
popularity was faded due to his sublime qualities in the field of fiction. He depicted the human
sufferings and gave realities of society to his supreme heroes. He acquired a superb place in
fiction writing as he created his heroes from an ordinary working class of rural area. He depicted
the problems of peasantry and played a role of advocacy of their values and beliefs.

Gibson (1996) states that Hardy is always successful in depicting the suffering of man in a
genuine and simple manner. His fiction is full of description and portrayal of struggling people
against mighty forces of fate and destiny. His characters are always found fighting against the
malignant forces and situations created by the bad fate and destiny. He is considered always a
writer of high thoughts and sublime language. His novels are being performed in a dramatic form
throughout the world as stage dramas. It was the supremacy of themes and sublimity of plots
which made him a distinguished novelist. He always showed much concentration on various
aspects of ordinary life. He is regarded a master writer to infuse various themes by creating the
real situations of society. His philosophy is based on reality of the life.

Cecil (1946) is of the view that Hardy was a reformer by birth, his thoughts and his feelings
about the real life brought him as unambiguous greatest novelist in the sky of fiction. Social evils
prevailing in the society became the themes of his novels. All the realm of his novels revolve
around the inequalities of society. Tess is the one of his major novels of the victorian age.

Chapman (1990) is of the view that Hardy created his name in the uniqueness of tragedy. He
successfully presents agony of life and long defeated struggles against powerful forces of
universe. His novels present the pictures retreat, defeat and death of humanity at the hands of
fatal destiny and fate. Tess and Eustachia are two instances of suffering persons. To Hardy life
faced always the irony of fate and uncontrolled tragic and dismal Destiny. The gloomy and
despair aspects of society are vividly disclosed by him. The dismal Destiny always helps the
tragic elements against the endavours of the man. The pessimic, gloomy, despair and evil forces
chase the man to the end of his fatal death. Hardy considered life a whole tragedy. All his
characters faced a dismal and cruel Destiny in every walk of life which became a universal truth.
Due to his pessimistic approach he always saw the moral values and religious norms being
perished. He took the rapid development and increase in facility of life were the root cause of
discussed of modern life. He presented the picture of society in the form of words giving shape
of society in actual and true portrayal. He was successful to cast all his portraits in all the aspect
of life in true form. He cast his Minor characters successfully where they were to have their true
place according to the prevailing circumstances. He made his characters a mouth piece for the
presentation of his philosophy of tragic life.

2.16 Need for the Corpus driven Stylistic analysis of Hardy's Novels:

This sublimity of craftsmanship lies in Hardy's diction which itself tells that he was well
equipped with the various aspects of words, collocations and clusters. He was well aware of the
mental state of people of that age so he played on the sentiments of the people and created better
result. He knew about the various functions of language and its various patterns can perform. He
selected concise selection and placement of words. He always kept on the selection and
placement of words according to the tone of the event knowing about the intensity of meanings
of words. He first feels the sense of event of the story and then selects words to acquire the
meaningful results. Structure of his sentences always goes with the feelings of the characters. He
always produces heightened vision by using long and complex sentences. This gives his readers
ordinary things.

Hardy knows how to fascinate the readers by using elusive phrasing for this purpose he used
whatever source accessible modern or ancient, contemporary or obsolete. Hardy obviously loose
all sense of historical and local perspective in using words which are equally appropriate and
available for every genre of literature. He oftenly makes use of unusual syntax. His language
structure fits in with the acknowledged standard of Victorian English and sometimes he quickly
withdraws from these to accomplish a specific impact. His unusual word order fascinates his
ordinary readers casting amazing effect for creating theme of the events. For researchers he
produces a detailed study of literature and language by the corpus driven analysis of his fiction.
Hardy is regarded as a master in the field of novel. He is famous and read throughout the world
for his high vision and sublime diction. He creates sublime plots and superb themes using
specific Language for which his novels are dramatized and translated into other languages
throughout the words. He is specially known for his tragic novels. So he is regarded the greatest
tragic author. His themes are elevated so his fiction is successfully placed amongst the best
literary forms of the age. All the characters of the fiction are drawn from the society which he
experienced to witness. The actions of his novels are noteworthy. His themes comprise on his
experiences and the events occuring in society as well as the world of all times. His philosophy
revolves around the tragic events, fatal happenings and futility of struggles. Hardy's novels
mostly concern about the useless struggle of his tragic heroes against the cruel powers of time
which make the struggles of heroes useless.

The following reasons make Hardy's novels of greatest magnitude of the research is made
from a distinctive angle. First this research study has explored distinctive linguistic features
which support the themes of Hardy's novels for which is well known the wold over. It also
explored various Lexical bundles used by Hardy to make his words give vivid things to its
readers. This research study is also of great importance because it is the first ever research study
on Hardy which is quantitative in its nature.
Chapter three: Research Methodology

This chapter compromises six sections. 3.1 is the first section which describes research design by
elaborating the nature of the research. Section 3.2 is about the justification for the selection of the
selected novels. Section 3.3 is about the description of the way corpora was collected. Model of
Leech (1969) and Model of Rondo Holmeson which the research study is based are described in
section 3.4. The research tools (Antconc and W matrix) used for the analysis are described in
section 3.5. Section 3.6 is comprised of the procedure of the research study.

3.1 Research Design

Quantitative as well as qualitative designs are used in this research study. The frequencies of
words, collocations and cluster patterns form the data which are described gives the ultimate
results. The research in both of the novels Jude the Obscure and The Mayor of Casterbridge of
Hardy is exploratory and descriptive in its nature. Two softwares: Antconc and W matrix have
been used for this purpose. All of the novels of Hardy served as population of the research study.

3.2 Sample

Both the selected novels for analysis Jude the Obscure and The Mayor of Casterbridge are taught
universally at College and University level even in Pakistan. These novels present the elements
of despair and gloom. The man's struggle is always defeated at the hands of powerful and cruel
shackles of destiny and nature. Both the novels depict the gloomy picture of inequalities of
society. Jude the Obscure is true picture of great tragedy of everyday life. Features of victorian
novels are truly presented both these novels. Hardy gives support to the depiction of the theme of
the novel by using strong words and language and Hardy is especially careful regarding the use
of language. He tried to use all the aspects of words and syntax to eject various themes which he
desired. He is successful in using various Stylistic variations at all possible levels. Hardy has a
special technique of enjecting themes in using vocabulary and placement of specific words. He is
specialist in keeping the tone of words according to the events running in the story. He is always
conscious in the usage of words. He never used the words unconsciously. His words are always
replete with meanings. He conveys the theme of the story to his readers fascinating them. The
beauty of the language lies in between the lines he uses in his novels. A detailed analysis is
required which is being taught at the large scale which can be very useful for the researchers and
the classroom.
3.3 Corpus Collection

Hardy's two novels have been selected for this purpose. Corpora data was collected from these
two novels Jude the Obscure and The Mayor of Caster bridge. Corpora were downloaded from
the internet and then analysed through software in pdf form where Antconc and W matrix donot
work with pdf form. The corpora of the text format are analysed through these softwares. These
corpora have been transformed from pdf to simple text format with the help of online text

3.4 Model of Mahlberg for Stylistic Analysis

Mahlberg (2013) is of the opinion that the deliberate selections of words help the writers to keep
on injecting the themes of their story. The readers remain conscious of the coming events even in
the very start of the story due to these words and the readers are urgent to guess about the coming

Sinclair and Carter (2004) have the views that clusters, collocations and keywords are the major
domains to prove to be standards to prove the writers in their sublimity among the writers. These
great writers always are very careful in the selection of words and they do all this intentionally.
Well-knit clusters and febrics of collocations are considered landmarks of good piece of their
creation. The keywords always possesses the ability to explain whole of the story.

Mahlberg is of the view that keywords always occur significantly in a text than in the reference
corpus. Stylistically the reference corpus provides a norm, and a text under investigation has
some words whose frequency deviates from this norm. These are the words which are known as
keywords. These provide the basis for the descriptions. In qualitative analysis is revealed in the
meaningfulness of these keywords. Such type of analysis is becoming more popular. In the field
of stylistic research it has opened new horizons. The keywords highlighted by computer fall into
three major categories; proper nouns, words with stylistic features and words that show
aboutness. The theme of story is conveyed by these words. If these keywords are read thoroughly
give a detailed description of story. These are always considered as pre- computer notions of
cultural keywords. For the clear interpretation the place of these keywords in the text has great
importance. The researchers consider it necessary to move from computer generated keywords,
clusters and collocations to detailed investigation of the text in accordance with the reference text
at some points.

The results of keywords analysis have a profound link with the results of key semantic domain
analysis produced by W Matrix. The keywords, clusters and collocational patterns work as theme
generators in the new research study. The Model of Mahlberg (2013) vividly shows that
keywords are a simplified way of looking at the meanings in the text. Collocations defined as the
habitual juxtaposition of some particular words with another word with a frequency greater than
chance. She says that with the help of collocations writers always try to give extra detail from
outside the story without mentioning it and without breaking the flow of the story. These are the
technical tools for analysis and finding out the theme of any piece of literature. The message of
the text can be explained through these necessary analyses. According to her much of the theme
can be conveyed through collocations with the help of repetitive lexical items. The cluster
patterns also provide a detailed description of the themes hidden in the story. According to
Mahlberg clusters are actually extended collocations which provide building blocks which
produce coherence among the events of story. These are incomplete grammatical structures.
Clusters are major domain of prominent writers. They inject the layers of meanings in well-knit
clusters. She says that analysis of these clusters give us many layers of meanings. These lexical
bundles need close concentration of researchers.

3.5 Tools for Research

For corpora of two novels Jude the Obscure and The Mayor of Caster bridge of Hardy have been
prepared by two softwares Antconc and W matrix.

3.5.1 Antconc

For corpus analysis like R scripting, DIY aesthetic of Python, Wordsmith Tools, Web
concordancer and Graphical user interface (GUI), a wide range of software in linguistics is used.
These do not appeal to all the researchers due to some of its shortcomings. These do not work on
windows. These are very costly and not freely available. These are very difficult to understand
and use. Antconc 2002 for the first time developed has overcome so many shortcomings found in
other softwares up till now. This upgradation was made to meet the needs of era and individuals.
At present it is the only software which fills the gap to give detailed quantitative description of a
text from different aspects. It looks very easy in its use because of its free availability for
Windows, Linux and Mac which can be downloaded easily and freely. It is not installed but
works like an application. It's generator Laurence Anthony a professor at the University of
Waseda Japan maintained it on high techniques. It is a tool kit specially designed for classrooms
which is a multi-purpose, multi-platform freeware corpus amala. For its limited budget, Antconc
is popular in schools, colleges and universities which gives complete arrangements of
instruments including an amazing concordancer, word and keyword recurrence generators,
apparatus for collocations and cluster generators.
3.5.2 W Matrix

For corpus based study, it is a multi-purpose, multi-platform corpus analysis tool kit designed
especially for classrooms. It provides a web based analysis system, interface to semantic analysis
system. It provides linguistic methodologies based on corpus. Moreover, it provides a keywords
method to key grammatical categories and key semantic domains. It provides techniques to the
researchers to run the apparatuses through internet browser like Internet Explorer, Chrome and
Firefox. This works on a computer having Unix, Windows, Mac, Linux with an internet
connection. It's pioneer creator was Paul Rayson which is still updated and refreshed
consistently. It was currently updated in December 2018. The major domains of W Matrix
comprises frequency profiles, N-Grams and C-Grams and collocations. Frequency profile is to
check frequencies of different words present in a text. List of frequencies are available for these
words. These frequencies are also available in advanced interface for semantic tags and POS
tags. The list can be arranged alphabetically are in frequency order. Frequency list view provides
Standard Concordances by one clicking. These resemble the Wordsmith, clusters and Biber's
lexical bundles 1988 . N-Grams of length 2 to 5 can be generated for a text. These show which 2-
grams are the sunsets of 3-Grams, which 3-Grams are sunsets of 4-Grams and so on. The
outcoming list is a tree structure with the longest N-Grams on the left and shortest N-Grams on
the right. Collocations in W matrix are sets of words that happen together more regularly than
would be required.

3.6 Procedure of the Research Study

This current chapter is regarding the methods and tools for analysis of the data. Under the
heading of research design the nature of research study has been described justifying for the
selection of Hardy's novels elaborately. The way corpus of selected novels is collected is also
described in detail. Model of Leech (1969) and Model of Rondo Holmesare used in present
study. A detailed introduction of these models with detailed discussions on its different aspects
has been provided prior to description of research tools used for data analysis. A detailed
discussion on the software used for the data analysis has also been provided in the end of this

There are two parts of this chapter. The first part is 4.1 which elaborates the novel Jude the
Obscure of Thomas Hardy by taking the help of keyness in three various areas. The second part
is 4.2 which discusses in the novel The Mayor of Casterbridge.

Rank Frequency Keyness Effect Keyword

1 936 +7666.7 0.0122 Jude
2 608 +4146.16 0.008 Sue
4 303 +2350.13 0.004 Arabella
8 217 +1797.75 0.0029 Phillotson

Jude the Obscure: Analysis and Discussion

4.1.1 Analysis through Antconc

A list of 691 keywords types has been produced by Antconc by taking COCA (Corpus of
contemporary American English) taking as the reference of the text.
Four keywords have been selected out of 691 keyword types which are generated by Antconc on
the basis of frequency and weightage. So there are following five keywords.

The above table mentions that the word Jude in "Jude the Obscure" is the leading word of the
novel. Thomas Hardy used pessimistic approach in this Novel. The Frequency of the word Jude
is 936 which is showing the heavy weightage and keyness +7666.7 the comparison of the other
words used by Hardy in his novel. The large frequency of this word gives the effect of 0.0122
points. The second keyword "Sue" shows the great difference with the frequency 608 and it has
keyness of +4146.16. These figures show very clearly for Jude whose full name is Jude Fawley
is to be considered as the protagonist of this novel. He is the leading character of the novel. He is
an ordinary human being who was always passionate for learning however academic life is
always out of his reach. He is one of the most captivating and the real character of the novel.
This novel comprises of a scrutiny of the institution of marriage, which Hardy saw as imperfect
and unreasonable marriage in the novels. The basic aim for giving large frequency to Jude is to
make him more familiar to the readers as in the very beginning of the novel. Jude is very famous
personality in the Novel of various links of love and affection like the marriage among Jude and
Arabella and the association of Jude and Sue but failed in love. It proves in the above figure that
he is very innocent and naive character of the novel but fate is always against him. Giving heavy
weightage to the word Jude proves that he is the central character of the novel. He is very
innocent, loyal, and pure and the most prominent character of the novel but always failed in love
because fate was not with him.

The different collocational patterns which are 2080 sand display the various dimensions of
personality of Jude, the protagonist of the novel. From thematic point of view, the collocational
patterns are very essential. Collocational patterns give the complete sense of the theme of the
story. These collocational patterns of the word Jude show that he is very prominent character of
the novel. He is very innocent and loyal but luck is not with him throughout the novel. By the
passage of time collocational patterns change very beautifully according to the situation. The
word Jude displays the specific word in the list of collocational pattern which is generated by
Antconc is

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocate

3 1 1 0 7.34394 Worthiness

• “I hope I shall never have any doubt of your worthiness, my poor Jude!”

The word worthiness which is appeared as a above mentioned line. Jude is seemed to show that
he is a young man with a high potential to face the obstacles of life in the novel. Hardy showed
the potential and the value of his character Jude in the novel. Here “my poor Jude” depicted that
the character Jude is very miserable and helpless. Jude is always to look out for a way to escape
from social life. He is a man with an obvious vision of happier life. So his clear vision and
boldness for happy living is displayed in following collocation.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocate

9 1 0 1 7.34394 wetter
11 1 1 0 7.34394 wakeful
Jude shows his authority in his speech. He is not so lucky but he is bold. He attempts his best but
he is emphasized to go away his good luck in the hands of fate.

The following cluster illustrates very accurately how Hardy delivered very delicate presentations
yet the hero’s tragic nature. Hardy shows the higher rank and the worst life of the protagonist.

579. The appeal was so remorseful that Jude’s eyes were even wetter than her.

The wetter eyes of Jude show the passions of his heart. It indicates that he is more remorseful
than her. It is clear now that he loved with the core of his heart but the fate did not favor him to
fulfill his passions of love. His passions of love were lacerated on the hands of cruel fate. In this
novel, Hardy proves himself successful to create a tragic hero as Jude. Hardy showed the cruelty
of fate stronger than the passions of love. The shackles of fate were so tight that Jude met the
failure in spite of his desperate efforts.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocate

35 1 0 1 7.34394 Sufferings
1694 1 0 1 3.34394 Unhappy

547. “ Tears of pity for Jude’s approaching sufferings at her hands”

The word suffering which is mentioned in the above relates with the character of Jude. He
suffered a lot throughout his life. Hardy presented a cruel fact of life and showed how the poor
boy dreamed and hopes were crushed, how he suffered a sympathy life in the cruel world. Jude is
very simple, kind hearted and pure young man. Jude's marital life was ineffective. Here, Thomas
Hardy attempted to demonstrate Jude's pitiable state and portrayed how powerless the man had
been at the mercy of destiny and fate.

Thomas Hardy represented the unhappy life of Jude how he became unsuccessful throughout of
his life. Hardy claims that, at the mercy of nature and destiny, man is still powerless. Man has
always been supposed to lick the dust at the hands of cruel destiny. In this story, the same is the
case here. The character Jude fought for his happy life throughout his life. In his quest to find a
happier life, he loses everything, including his life.

Hardy used the words quite carefully to provide a brief description of the heroe's tragedy. The
theme of tragedy is reflected by the using of various keywords. Hardy created his theme through
the character Jude by using the sympathetic words.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocate

158 1 1 0 7.34394 grieved
1340 2 2 0 4.09602 cry
203 1 0 1 7.34394 deceived
Here the word grieved which is listed in the above table shows the miserable, sad and stressed
life of character Jude. He cried over his fate because he could not get the higher education at his
favorite university, also shed tears on the failure of his marital life. Hardy presented the character
Jude was miserable by using such words like grieved, cry, sorrow etc.

• “Jude’s appearance and address deceived him as to his position”

The word “deceived” depicts the bad condition of the bitter life of character Jude. Jude was
trapped in the web of deception. Jude seemed delighted by the appearance, but he was full of
sorrows by the inner side. Here Thomas Hardy depicted the theme of deception from the lexical
choices and presented that the character Jude lamented on the curse of his fate and remained
scapegoat throughout the story.

The words such as poor, trouble, alone, cried and death are used in this novel defend the theme
of the tragic fate of Jude. The following words here clearly illustrate the sorrows and sufferings
of Jude.

Rank Frequency Word

231 87 poor
389 43 trouble
The word Poor is mentioned in the above table and Hardy presented character Jude as a symbol
of poverty due to which he could not get admission in the university. Hardy showed that poor
people could not fulfill their desires and they could not reach their destination. The poor are
always left neglected on the hands of cruel fate. Thomas Hardy struggled a lot to establish the
character Jude. Firstly, he selected the words according to the personality of character Jude and
then worked for the proper positioning of these words to allow them glimpse the different facets
of the heroes’ personality. In this novel, the word poor is used for 87 times. It depicts how the
character Jude survived in his poverty.

As in the above table the word trouble is mentioned and Hardy had been successful in keeping
his heroes in trouble on the hands of their hard fate and destiny. He was the master of creating
such surroundings where fatalism became his theme. He always created troubles for his heroes
where he showed his heroes struggling to overcome these troubles in which the heroes had been
always entangled. Here Thomas Hardy presented the picture of those people who became the
victim of crucial fate and faced troubles throughout their lives. So, in this novel the word trouble
is used for 43 times.

Rank Frequency Word

390 42 alone
397 41 cried

The word alone is mentioned in the above table and Hardy successfully played the role of
advocacy in favor of creating situation of loneliness for Jude. Jude had been alone since his very
birth. He loved Sue but could not make her his spouse. Arabella successfully entangled Jude in
the web of her love and married him but left him alone and herself left for abroad. Thomas Hardy
wanted to tell the readers how the character Jude survived throughout his life and how the fate
played with him. The word alone is used for 42 times in this novel. Hardy presented the theme of
loneliness and sadness by using such words in his novel.

The word cried is mentioned in the above table. In this novel, the heart of Jude cried again and
again to get her love redeemed but failure became his fate every time. His failure in love
remained him alone with crying heart throughout his life. Hardy created sympathetic passions in
the heart of his readers due to the loneliness of Jude. The cries of Jude created the feelings of
sympathy for the readers on his failures in love. The word cried is used 41 times in this novel.
Hardy has tried to show the miserable condition of the character Jude, he used these words in
accordance to the personality of the character Jude and by using such words he has tried to
present the theme of loneliness and theme of sadness.

Rank Frequency Word

639 23 death
15 “If at the estrangement or death of my lost love”

As in the above table the word death is mentioned and Hardy is successful to show the death of
Jude’s love and created sympathy due to his failure in love. His love passions were lacerated and
he felt the death of his sentiments in this world. From start to end he faced the mortal feelings of
death as he was orphan since his childhood and ultimately he saw the death of his love. He could
not save his destiny from the fatal shadows of death in spite of his struggling for happiness
throughout of his life. Hence, the word death is used for 23 times in this novel. Hardy has tried to
show the theme of loneliness and how the character Jude got tired from the dull life and
lamented on his cruel fate.

Things go opposite to the ambitions of Jude. In this novels destiny plays a vital role to put
hurdles in the steady struggle of hero. Hardy always created such tragic heroes who met a fatal
destiny due to the hard circumstances surrounding them. This is because he had been eye witness
of large scale poverty, misery and sorrows.

Thomas Hardy indicated the words like happiness ironically presented in this novel and also
presented the tragic fate of the hero with different angles by using such words happy, pleasure
and enjoy which are given below.

Rank Frequency Word

656 22 Happy
936 15 Pleasure
4494 2 Enjoy

The word happy is mentioned in the above table. By using this word Hardy gave the ironic
representation of life of the character Jude. Hardy kept his hero in dismal condition but he
became happy when he considered the teacher Phillotson his ideal personality and had a hope in
his mind to become like him after attaining much knowledge by getting admission in the
university. But his ray of hope to get admission in the university was eclipsed due to his poverty.
When his hope brighter future got faded he went again in the gloomy world. The word happy is
used for 22 times in the novel.

The words pleasure and enjoy are mentioned in the above table. Jude felt pleasure when he fixed
his future due to his ideal mentor. For the second time he felt pleasure when he passed happy
moments with Sue after she came in his life for the second time but the gloomy shadows
overwhelmed his pleasures due to the religious hurdles and norms of society. The word pleasure
is used for 15 times and the word enjoy is used for 2 times in the novel. Jude could not enjoy the
merriments of life because he was an orphan. Being penniless his hope of becoming happy could
not become true because of crucial hurdles of society. He enjoyed a very little span of happy
moments in his life. When he fell in love with Sue for the first time and when he went to
university. These were the only moments of joy for him. Hardy has attempted to depict the
pessimistic approach in this novel and showed the character Jude so miserable and helpless at the
hands of fate.

Rank Frequency Range Cluster

27 5 1 jude. “oh
125 1 1 jude aghast
228 1 1 jude requesting
239 1 1 jude slapped
291 1 1 jude!” cried
The above mentioned the list of cluster is showing that Hardy is master to generate the themes of
the novel through lexical bundles. He technically infused the themes into lexical bundle, that’s
why he got fame in fiction. The reader can find the meaning with the help of vocabulary.

Rank Frequency Range Cluster

27 5 1 jude. “oh

486— “And you are not either, dear, yet,” said Jude. “Oh, but are you going to her?

This word “Oh” is indicating the sadness of Jude. The lexical bundle with Jude character clearly
indicates the fact that Jude has been portrayed as a sad character with certain wretchedness of
life. This bundle highlight the fact that exclamatory discourse is being generated by this character
time and again as the novel shows that the character of Jude is full of expressions, sorrows and

Rank Frequency Range Cluster

125 1 1 jude aghast
From the cluster “jude aghast” Hardy showed how the life of Jude filled with fear or shock. This
lexical bundle which is used with character Jude is vividly depicts the reality of the life Jude. His
life is filled with sorrows and fears. Hardy is of the view though Jude struggled throughout of his
life but at the end he did not make his life happy. Hardy showed the bitter condition of Jude. The
writer also supports this theme of the story with the help of frequencies of words, collocations
and clusters of word Jude.

• “No, no!” said Jude aghast. “I thought you understood?”

Here the above example Hardy used words quite purposefully that offer a brief description of the
hero's tragedy. The words “No, no!” show the sadness of Jude when he finds himself facing his
dreams immaterialized. The sign of exclamation is vividly exploring the inner sentiments of
Jude’s gloominess. Hardy uses these powerful exclamatory words to unveil his tragic ambitions
successfully. Jude exhaustedly expressed his feelings of remorseful sentiments for Sue.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocate

1514 1 1 0 3.75898 broke
1694 1 0 1 3.34394 unhappy
1897 1 1 0 2.82038 death

The level of roughness present in the interpretation of collocations increases as the story towards
its conclusion. This illustrates how Jude is intensively moving towards the misery and gloom.

There are several words associating the word Jude showing death and destruction of him. It may
be summed up by the position of the word Jude and its neighboring words. It may be said Hardy
was very elegant in his choice of words. These words show how the life of Jude was miserable
and unhappy. His life was full of obstacles and restless. These words revolve around his
disappointment and grief life.

Hardy (1954) suggests that as he preserves the frequencies of words in accordance with the
themes, Hardy comes out to be a great mathematician. He never is unconscious, when describing
his characters, of the words and their frequencies. Likewise, he also the aesthetic influence of the
words' meanings persists in his mind.

Rank Frequency Keyness Effect Keyword

2 608 +4146.16 0.008 Sue
Sue is the other most prominent character of this novel. It is the second keyword "Sue" shows the
great difference with the frequency 608 and it has keyness of +4146.16. Its frequency is 608 and
it has highest frequency as compared to the other characters of this novel except Jude. With the
high frequency it has keyness of +4146.16. Due to the highness of frequency and also having the
+4146.16 keyness points it generates the effects of 0.008 points in the novel and this is the
highest after the character Jude. In the list of keywords generated by Antconc, these figures place
it in second position. The word Sue is chosen, evaluated and then presented from the point of
view of Susanna Bridehead. The frequency of the word Sue is 608 words while the frequency of
the word Susanna is 10 words. Collectively its frequency is 618 words. This frequency makes it
appear in the list of Key words created by Antconc. The personality of these figures is indicative
of Sue. These quantitatively illustrate the significance of the position that Susanna Bridehead.
These figures are a stamp on all those arguments made about the Hardy's mastery of using lexical
items to illustrate the novel's theme.

Hardy (1954) suggests that Hardy is the master of characterizing art. He keeps all the words and
syntax in mind when representing his characters. This is why his collocations and word clusters
seem to embody the entire theme of the story. Moreover, here the Antconc's findings also
indicate that the collocations and clusters are the soul of a text. Ahmad (2016) also discovered
that the essence of lexical items defines the meaning of a text. His research analysis was
conducted to establish the similarities and differences between English in Pakistan and British
English. The collocations and clusters were the findings of his analysis. Here in this research
report the outcomes are the same. For the generation of themes, the lexical items, collocations
and cluster patterns are found to be really working.

Sue is the female character and most prominent figure of the novel. Mostly her full name
Susanna Bridehead is less used throughout the novel while her Sue name is used excessively. Her
Sue name is very significant and this name is used for many times in the novel. She is the most
significant character of the novel but in almost every case she is remembered in relationship with
the other characters of the novel. Sue is very sensitive lady. From the generated figures of
Antconc it shows that she is very sensitive and grieved lady.

The total cluster patterns of the word Sue is 618. Baber (1988) is of the view that the
collocational patterns define the significance and the keyness of the word to a great extent. These
provide a detailed explanation of the word they are using. In addition, they are useful in
interpreting the story's themes. Almost all the collocations of word Sue clearly show the
significance of the character of Sue. In this novel, such collocations also include the quantitative
base for Sue.

Here are the following collocations are given below which indicate the sympathy and grief of

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocates

930 1 1 0 4.38142 Grief
749 1 0 1 4.79646 Sympathy
Both of these collocational patterns, though introducing the character of Sue, are quite
impressive and important. Her life was full of obstacles and sorrows. Sue is very sensitive. These
provide a deep insight into grief figure of her personality. Such kind of lexical items and lexical
groups that make up the readers are conscious of Sue's personality and her role in the story.

235 Sue!” in a voice broken by grief

497 Sue to efforts of sympathy

From the above examples Thomas Hardy showed that how the character Sue lived her sorrowful
life. From this analysis the hidden aspects disclosed that Hardy directly pointed out the tragic
fate of Sue. From this phrase “voice broken by grief” Hardy showed that how she became
helpless and cried over her fate. The writer showed the pain and the sympathetic life of the
character Sue. Hardy showed the character Sue is very depressed and totally broken from inner.
The word broken is used for 18 times. The word fear is also used for 18 times. The word grief is
used foe 12 times and the word sympathy is used for 9 times in the novel. From these lexical
words Hardy supports the character Sue and has tried to show how she fought against the
obstacles of bitter life.

Some collocational words are following which are used with the word Sue. These words
generated the theme of loneliness.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocate

823 1 0 1 4.64445 Silently
1322 1 0 1 3.10840 Lonely

From the lexical choice of Hardy, the theme of loneliness is also expressed. Because of her grief
she kept herself in loneliness and aloof from the business of life. Not only Sue even that mostly
characters of the story remained alone. Sue was very sensitive and sorrowful character of the
novel. In the frequencies, the theme of loneliness is also reflected of the various words. Word
alone is used for 42 times in the novel. Word lonely is used for 29 times. Word silent is also used
for 29 times and the word solitary is used for 5 times in the novel. It becomes a big bundle of
words collectively, generating an impression of loneliness. These words are often used as
collocations with the character Sue.

437. Sue. She was quite lonely and miserable

From the above sentence Hardy presented the character Sue that she was all alone and pitiable
lady throughout the story. Hardy used the words for the character Sue very beautifully. Sue is
miserable and has tired at the hands of fate. She lamented on her miserable and poor life. This
phrase “She was quite lonely and miserable” depicted the theme of loneliness and explained the
sense of solitude. Hardy successfully generated his characters remaining them in the word of
solitude and loneliness. The frequency of the word Sue is 608 and the theme of loneliness
supported the character Sue. Thomas Hardy has explained the strong sense of isolation as

536. Sue was sitting within its walls equally lonely

By presenting the isolation of environment to its extreme, it takes the theme of loneliness. The
collocational word lonely not only associated with the character Sue but this word is also
associated with all the characters of the novel. The whole environment is revolved around this
theme. In the above line Sue was all alone and the environment around her was also isolated.
Hardy has tried to show the readers that they ponder over the miserable life of the character Sue
by using well established clusters and collocational patterns. Loneliness has become a symbol for
his characters throughout all his novels.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocation

401 2 0 2 6.15903 Affliction
22 1 0 1 7.96638 troublousness
From The above collocational patterns Hardy showed the problems of the heroine how she was
in the trap of miseries. Disappointments came over and over again in her life so she shed tears on
her fate. The word affliction depicted how she was in troubles. Although Sue struggled a lot for
her life but unfortunately always she trapped in the web of disappointments. The word affliction
is used for 7 times in the novel.

9. “Sue—affliction has brought”

61. “Sue asked, a troublousness in her tones”

From this line Hardy has tried to show the wretchedness life of character Sue. She was totally
hopeless and distressed from her bitter life. Hardy very beautifully selected the words for the
word Sue. It is very hard to bear the affliction for her. The word “troublousness” depicted that
the life of Sue was full of troubles and hardships. Troublousness found in her tone because she
has disappointed from his sorrowful life. Due to troublousness she became silent. Hardy made
his heroine keep silence. It is a sign of internal conflict and sadness. Hardy very deliberately used
the word like silence, paused, quiet etc in this novel. Here he created the Theme of silence by
using such words. The word silence is used for 32 times. The word paused is used for 14 times
and the word quiet is used for 22 times in the novel. The frequencies of these words are very
high and are given below

Rank Frequency Word

487 32 Silence
994 14 Paused
662 22 Quiet
Collectively the frequencies of these words are shown the quietness of her life. It
seems that word silence depicts there is some kind of somberness and seriousness in the story.
Hence, according to the Hardy’s selection and placement of words is often consistent with the
event of the story.

Rank Frequency Range Cluster

32 3 1 sue sighed
From the above mentioned clusters Hardy showed the mastery of language vividly. Like real life
circumstances, he preserves the balance in story events with the support of words that are
deliberately chosen and then put. The lexical bundle “Sue sighed” showed that she took his sigh
over her disappointments in her desired mission. The readers became aware of the personality
and the role of the heroine in the novel by using such kind of lexical choices and the lexical

441. “Sue sighed uneasily”.

Above cluster shows the wretchedness life of the character Sue. Hardy used the word “uneasily”
with the character Sue that depicted how her life was full of miseries and hurdles. Infect, Hardy
showed his mastery skills of language by using such words. Hardy kept his character Sue in an
uneasy environment throughout the novel. He always used proper words according to the
situation of the events. The word uneasily depicted the true theme of the event of crucial
situation for Sue. He selected the words very carefully and then related them with the characters.
When Hardy displayed his characters he cared the features and the lexical bundles. So his
clusters and the lexical choices of words showed the short description of the novel. Here Hardy
used the vocabulary in this cluster actually it was the mirror of her condition. The word uneasily
used for 6 times in this novel. Hardy showed the painful feelings of the character Sue.
409. “Sue was of the most artless and natural kind.”

From these collocations Hardy has tried to show the purity of the character Sue. He selected
deliberately the word kind for Sue. The word artless showed the kind and naïve nature of Sue.
She was very simple and pure lady. From the above line Hardy depicted the kind role of Sue and
he used this word for her to show the purity of her in the novel. The words kind and kindest both
were used by Hardy in this novel. By using these words Hardy showed the behavior of Sue.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocate

1462 1 0 1 2.35167 Kind
Hardy used this word for Sue to represent the kind nature of her. She was heart of gold and
sympathetic character of this novel. Sue was an ideal lady of the novel. It is a fact, those people
who are very generous and kind always become the victim of others cold behavior. Here Hardy
presented his character Sue in such a way how she became the victim of others behavior. Above
collocation shows the generous and pure behavior of the character Sue.

To crown all Sue was very kind and sympathetic lady due to miserable condition she became the
victim of loneliness for which she kept herself aloof from the activities of life. Bitter conditions
of life kept herself aloof and sighing over her failures and gloomy fate in spite of her hard
struggles. Hardy powerfully used lexical bundles and clusters of words in favor of creating
gloomy events in the novel. He is always successful in creating tragic situation through the use
of words and lexical bundles. Sue always tried to do best for her life but always she became the
victim of fate and destiny. She faced destructions many times in her life and cried over her
crucial fate. The word disappointment is used for 11 times in the novel. The other collocations
which are used with the name of Sue like alone, disappointment, lonely, sympathy etc. These
collocational words show the destruction and remorseful life of her. She always cried over her

Rank Frequency Keyness Effect Keyword

4 303 +2350.13 0.004 Arabella
The next keyword is Arabella which is generated by Antconc. Hardy used this word in his novel
for 303 times and the word Donn is used for 16 times in the novel. Actually the full name of
Arabella is Arabella Donn. So, the frequency of the word Arabella is 303 words and the
frequency of the word Donn is 16 words so collectively it makes the frequency 319 words. Such
a high word frequency is indicative of the character's high importance in the story. The value of a
character whose name is used with such a high frequency by the writer is clear to the reader. The
word Arabella gives an impact on the minds of readers from the very beginning of the novel.
Readers are starting to believe that this very character will play a very significant role in the plot.
Hardy is very conscious of these readers' thoughts. He stays alert when using the words, thus
keeping these variables in his mind. Word Arabella is used for 303 times in the novel. Places
with such a high frequency it ranks fourth in the list of keywords that Antconc produces. This
also indicates the sense of the role that Arabella is going to play. Additionally it comes very
meaningful when its frequency is compared with the other keywords frequencies. The rank of
this word is fourth among 691 keywords. The keyness of this word is +2350.13 points in the
novel that is generated by Antconc. It generates the effect of 0.004 points in the novel. It is very
important figure of the novel. Arabella is very energetic and untrustworthy lady of this novel.
Here are the some collocations which are showing the personality of Arabella.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocation

3 1 0 1 8.97114 Untrustworthy
9 1 0 1 8.97114 Tigerish
Hardy seemed to have been alert when developing Arabella's character. Hardy used all the lexical
choices and collocations for the character Arabella very carefully. She is very powerful lady and
more talkative than the other characters of the novel. This character changed the moods of the
readers. Hardy showed how the tricky ladies make their way clean. Arabella was not a
trustworthy lady and she had many boyfriends. Actually she liked the male society. She saw the
marriages as the entertainment for her. She was very selfish, thoughtless and manipulative lady.
The word untrustworthy is used for 1 time and the word tigerish is used for 1 time in the novel.
So Hardy used such words only for the character Arabella.

212. “Arabella’s word was absolutely untrustworthy,”

The above mentioned line depicts the disloyalty of Arabella with others. Hardy used the words
for this character very carefully as he has the mastery skills of language. Here the phrase
absolutely untrustworthy is presenting that how the character Arabella was utterly unreliable.
There were many characters like Jude and Sue who were deceived by her in the novel. Hardy
presented this character in the novel to show the deception and fakeness of the people. This
word is enough for the readers to give the clear image of the character Arabella.

295. “asked Arabella with a jealous, tigerish indrawing of breath”

From this line Hardy presented the envy and jealousy factor of the character Arabella. This
character is very unique for the readers. Though Arabella was the good dealer and brave lady as
well and she had a good sense of understanding the other people. Here the word tigerish is used
by Hardy for the character Arabella he wanted to show the annoying and irritable nature of her.
Consideration of the techniques used by Hardy it is very important to represent the passions of
his characters to have full understanding of the emotions of his characters. The phrase “tigerish
indrawing of breath” is depicted how she was taking a sigh like a tiger. Hardy used the word
tigerish for his character to give the metaphorical expressions. The word tigerish is used only 1
time in the novel for the character Arabella. The word jealous is used for 6 times. The word
jealousy is used for 2 times and the word envy is used for 2 times in the novel. Hardy used the
lexical choices and the collocations very carefully. Hardy used some collocations showing the
life of Arabella.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocation

289 3 3 0 6.46864 Marrying
360 1 1 0 6.16378 Divorce
Hardy highly criticized the institution of marriage in this novel. The marriages of Arabella
revolved around deceit and social necessities. Arabella’s life revolved around marrying and
divorce. She was not a worth lady. Hardy has tried to show the true picture of Arabella. She was
very clever, selfish and wrong lady. She wanted to spend a luxury life and she liked the company
of bad boys. Hardy using Arabella to say that idealistic, decent people like Jude and Sue can be
ruined by social norms. Hardy showed in the novel as her life revolved around the marriage and
divorce. She was not sincere with anyone. She played like a game with marital life. The word
marrying is used for 17 times while the word divorce is used for 7 times while the word divorced
for 3 times in the novel. The word divorced is particularly used for Arabella in this novel.

264. “Your marrying that woman Arabella was about as bad”

From this sentence the readers came to know that how her character was. Hardy presented the
picture of that woman who considered bad in a society. Here the phrase “Your marrying” gave
the emphasis on the marriage with a bad lady who was not accepted by a society. Here the word
“that” is used as demonstrative pronoun which stands for ugly nature of Arabella. Hardy
presented that it was against the norms of society marrying again and again. Hardy used the word
“bad” for her to show that she married again and again only for her pleasure and it was against
the norms of society. The word bad is used for 31 times in the novel.

4. “Marrying Arabella again”

Here Hardy gave the glimpses of her bad character by using the phrase “Marrying Arabella

107. “He is obtaining a divorce from his wife Arabella.”

The phrase “obtaining a divorce” depicted that a man was not easy with her that’s why he
decided to take divorce from her. Actually she was untrustworthy and disloyal. Hardy very
technically selected the lexical words and then related them with the character Arabella. The
word divorce is considered bad in the society and this word has high frequency it is used for 7
times in the novel. Hardy presented this character is very different from all other charaters of the
novel. Arabella remained same till the end of the novel she did not change herself. She was very
materialistic lady. Hardy selected very deliberately such lexical choices and collocations in the
novel to show that how the human values perished and the materialistic life came. Sometimes it
seemed that Hardy has tried to show the real world by presenting this character. Arabella saw a
marriage as a kind of trap and a source of financial security, and to get what she wanted, she used
whatever means are required. It was in her nature that she did not want to bind herself in marital
status for a long time. When her marriages became unsuccessful she had no regret. She did not
have purity, sincerity and innocence in her character so she had a deceitful nature. She wanted to
enjoy the life without facing its hardships. Hardy depicted the true nature of such persons of
society which had never been trustworthy and had no feelings of loyalty and sincerity with
anyone. He showed that due to these ugly characters the beauty of society is faded away.

Rank Frequency Words

2375 5 Luxury
1240 11 Plenty
1344 10 Selfish
5574 2 Thoughtless
Here Hardy used the words luxury and plenty used for character Arabella to show that how her
nature was desirous and liked the luxurious life. The motto of Arabella was to enjoy the luxury
life. She ran after the shiny side of society betraying innocent and loyal people due to her selfish
nature. She was the true picture of the maxim “nature can never be changed”. Throughout the
novel she remained deceitful betraying one after the other person to fulfill her selfish nature.
Hardy created the character of Arabella to show the ugly nature of thoughtless people. Hardy
used the words selfish and thoughtless for character Arabella and presented the theme of illusion.
He has tried to show that such character did not have good sentiments and thoughts for society
but they always try to have plenty of merriments. Such characters like Arabella always struggle
to heave plenty of happiness on the cast of destroying the beauty of society due to their selfish
nature. Hardy has powerfully created these characteristics in Arabella. The word luxury is used
for 5 times. The word plenty is used for 11 times. Word selfish is used for 10 times and the word
thoughtless is used for 2 times in the novel. By using these words Hardy has tried to show the
reality of character Arabella how she desired to become a part of luxury society.
Hardy showed this character totally different from the other characters of the novel. From this
character Hardy tried to show the working class people. He used some different collocational
patterns and lexical choices for this character.

Hardy used very beautifully the lexical bundles for the character Arabella to make the readers
very conscious.

Rank Frequency Range Cluster

132 1 1 arabella. “ah
133 1 1 arabella. “beer
134 1 1 arabella. “happy

From above clusters it showed that the character Arabella is not a good lady. Thomas Hardy has
portrayed the character Arabella with great negativity and thoughtless lady in the novel. She
went to bars for drinking and enjoyment. She seduced men for her pleasure. Here the word ah
indicated the happiness of Arabella how she enjoyed the bad company of men. Hardy used the
lexical choices very carefully for the character Arabella. The exclamatory discourse has been
generated for the character Arabella. The word ah is used for 69 times in the novel which showed
the happiness of Arabella. Hardy used the word beer as it considered the bad thing in society.
The word beer also indicated the happiness and the enjoyment of the character Arabella. The
word beer is used for 15 times and the word happy is used for 22 times in the novel.

37. “I suppose we can have some beer,” said Arabella. “Beer, oh yes”.

From above lines Hardy has tried to show the ugliness and desired nature of Arabella how the
beer made her happy. Hardy has tried to show the excitement of her by using the word oh yes
and generated the exclamatory discourse. The word beer notified that the character Arabella had
become habitual of drinking beer because she wanted to keep herself aloof from the word of
thinking and feelings. She never had sympathetic aspects for others so she indulged herself going
to bar. Beer had been a symbol of esteemed society for which she had been striving even
deceiving the others. Hardy vividly expressed her nature showing her sudden nature of happiness
by using the word oh beer. She exclaimed her joy to satisfy her inner nature.

85. “He smiled in a way that told so much to Arabella. “Happy?” he murmured. She nodded”.

Hardy showed the fulfillment of Arabella’s happiness when she got married. When a man asked
about the satisfaction of her happiness she nodded which a sign of fulfillment of her inner
desires. Hardy depicted that such people only wanted the fulfillment of their own desires and
never thought about the life of others. Hardy used the questioning word happy to acquire out her
feelings of selfishness materialized. The frequency of word happy is 22 while the frequency of
word unhappy is 16 in the novel. Clusters of Arabella are very meaningful for the readers.

It is summed up Arabella was a manipulator, thoughtless, selfish, desirous and untrustworthy

lady. Hardy has tried to show the shallowness and artificial life of her. She was a materialistic
and wrong lady. Hardy highly criticized on marriages because he showed the unhappy marriages
in the novel and said marriages were as a deceit and only for social necessities. As Arabella was
a bad lady she could not bound in her marital life for a long time because she wanted to enjoy her
life with different men. So Hardy kept the words and bundles of words very masterfully,
according to the criteria of the theme of the story. He kept his readers alive with the forthcoming
events with the assistance of wise use of words in the novel.

Rank Frequency Keyness Effect Keyword

8 217 +1797.75 0.0029 Phillotson
The next keyword is Phillotson which is also prominent character of the novel. His full name is
Richard Phillotson. He was very noble and kind hearted man. This word Phillotson is carried 8 Th
position in the keywords out of 691 keywords generated by Antconc. The frequency of the word
Phillotson is 217 words while the frequency of Richard is 36 words. So collectively the word
Richard Phillotson carried the frequency is 253 words. The keyness of the word Phillotson is
+1797.75 points generating the effect of 0.0029 points. Hardy portrayed the character Phillotson
as the other protagonist of the novel. He is also the leading character of the novel. Hardy showed
the true picture of loyalty by presenting this character in the novel. Phillotson was the
schoolmaster and the character Jude was the student of Phillotson. He left the town and went to
the Christminister. He was very sympathetic man and fell in love with Sue and got married with
her. But rather this both Sue and Phillotson did not live a happy life together. Here Hardy
presented the theme of love. Hardy used very clear words for him in the novel and made the
readers happy. Phillotson loved Sue with the core of heart even for the happiness of Sue he left
the job and became penniless but unfortunately he did not make her happy. So he failed very
badly at the hands of fate. Here Hardy also showed the theme of fatalism. Sue wanted to marry
with Jude and loved with him that’s why she did not happy with Phillotson. Hardy did not want
that Phillotson became the victim of fate and destiny. Hardy showed the theme of pessimism and
fatalism on the institution of marriage. Hardy tried hard to prevent his character from the cruel
fate. But the powerful fate came in the way of Phillotson. This approach is used to explain the
imminent actions of destiny and fate. Hardy showed the fate of Phillotson in love as he loved Sue
but Sue did not love with him she loved Jude. Hardy has also depicted so many events by using
the words. As Phillotson was a conservative man he left Sue because he came to know that she
did not love him she loved anyother person. Some collocations depicted the personality of
Phillotson. Hardy very technically selected the words for this character.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocation

26 1 0 1 9.45276 obliges
27 1 0 1 9.45276 obeyed
57 1 0 1 9.45276 bestowed

By using these collocations Hardy has tried to show the nature of Phillotson how he was
generous, kind hearted, religious, and obliged man. He followed the rules of society and very
pious man. Hardy depicted the theme of religious by using these words. Hardy opined that
religion led to hypocrisy. He has tried to say that man had a desire to go against the law of
religion but he did not do so because of religious society and those desires made him hypocrite.
Hardy used very technically the lexical choices and collocations for the character Phillotson who
only fought against his inner conflicts. Although Hardy showed the character Phillotson very
pious in this novel but Phillotson had many inner conflicts which made him hypocrite. He had to
follow the rules of religious as he was the member of Christminister which was the holy place.
Hardy also showed the theme of fatalism and pessimism through the institution of marriages. The
character Phillotson lamented on the unsuccessful love and unhappy marriage he remained all
alone and became penniless .He cried over his cruel fate and blamed himdelf for the tragedy of
his marriage because both Sue and Phillotson splited up due to the curse love. He always obeyed
Sue to make her happy even he became penniless. The word bestowed is used for 1 time that is
only for Phillotson’s nature. Hardy used the words obey, obeyed and obeying only for phillotson.
The word obliged is used for 12 times in the novel.

101. “Mr. Phillotson obliges you in everything”

Here hardy showed the simplicity and the innocent nature of Phillotson. From the above line it
showed the character Phillotson was very humble even people deceived him but he did not blame
them. Hardy dealt many themes while creating this character and showed him very generous.
Hardy used very remarkable words for this character and showed the people through this
character how he was obliged for everything even people did wrong with him but he did not
blamed them. He applied totally different techniques for this character and showed that how this
character fell from top to down and destroyed his career. But always thanked to God for
everything. Here hardy also depicted the thankful nature of him by using such words thanking,
obliges, obliged, obeyed, obeying, loyalty, generosity and innocent.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocation

146 2 0 2 7.45276 failed
148 1 0 1 7.45276 defeat
154 1 1 0 7.45276 autumn

Here Hardy presented the fatalism approach by using these collocations. He related the defeat of
Phillotson with the season autumn. Actually Hardy presented this character as who had devoted
nature and good with everyone but the cruel fate destroyed him. Phillotson loved Sue but he
failed even he destroyed his career for her. Hardy presented this character very happy in start
when Sue came in his life and got married but with the passage of time he came to know the
reason of the bad behavior of Sue with him and he set her free. He admitted his defeat but never
blamed her. In the last Hardy related his fate with the season autumn.

85. “Phillotson in agony and defeat”

Hardy showed the painful and wretchedness life of character Phillotson who always defeated at
the hands of fate and destiny but never blamed. His covert feelings had always been destroyed
and hurt. Phillotson cried over the tragic end of his marriage but he always wanted to make her
lover happy with him but unfortunately she was unfair with him then Phillotson set her free but
did not blame her. Hardy used the words for him very carefully and by this character he showed
those people who were always become the victim of crucial fate. He used the word defeat for 4
times in the novel.

62. “the great Phillotson had failed?”

Hardy showed the failure of the character Phillotson. Here the phrase the great showed the
goodness of character Phillotson. He was not a selfish man. Hardy presented this character in the
novel to show how he was sincere, pious and loyal to everyone. Hardy presented the theme of
illness and sickness. Because Sue became sick from this relation and wanted to set her free from
marital life. Here the character Phillotson struggled a lot to make her happy even he destroyed
his career for her and became poor. But Sue did not happy with him and Phillotson decided to
divorce her. Phillotson failed in his marital life and blamed himself. Phillotson remained
unsuccessful after hard struggle.

61. “Phillotson had done in letting Sue go”

From the above sentence, Hardy showed the nature of character Phillotson that he was
conservative man and he came to know Sue did not happy with him after hard struggling then he
decided to set her free.

92. “Phillotson looked more disturbed”

Phillotson ruined his life and destroyed his career for the sake of Sue. After giving divorce to Sue
he was so disturb but blamed himself. He was unlucky and remained alone. Hardy has tried to
show that how a man became powerless at the hands of fate.

Rank Frequency Words

2659 4 Defeat
2665 4 departure
6017 1 arrivals
1756 7 Happiness
Hardy compared the happiness and defeat. Hardy showed that when Sue came in the life of
Phillotson he was very happy and considered him a successful man. His all happiness was with
Sue. At that time he was on the top of his career and struggled a lot for the happiness of Sue.
Hardy tried to show that life is the combination of ups and downs in the life of human being.
Hardy also showed the downfall of character Phillotson when Sue left him alone and his career
had been destroyed badly. He was all alone that was the darkness of his life. He cried over his
cruel fate. Hardy very deliberately selected the words for his character Phillotson as he was the
man of good nature. He was a religious and pious man. The word departure is used for 4 times.
His colorful life became faded. He totally depressed from his dark and gloomy life.

Hardy used lexical bundles and clusters for character Phillotson very carefully.

Rank Frequency Range Cluster

75 1 1 phillotson smiled
76 1 1 phillotson stood
79 1 1 phillotson trembled
86 1 1 phillotson, alarmed
91 1 1 phillotson, horrified
100 1 1 phillotson,” paralyzed
By using these clusters Hardy showed the hardships and unpredictable life of character
Phillotson. Hardy showed how the life of Phillotson filled with happiness and then sorrows. He
showed through this character the life is the combination of ups and downs. Hardy very
beautifully used the clusters and lexical bundles for this character. Phillotson was not
materialized he was a realistic man and wanted to make happy to everyone.

158. “Phillotson smiled sadly”

Hardy has tried to show the inner conflict of Phillotson, he smiled but sadly. From this line
Hardy showed the suppressed feelings of Phillotson. Hardy used the word sadly as an iceberg.
There were a lot of unexpressed feelings behind this smile. Phillotson became sad after the
departure of his beloved. Hardy used vividly words for this character.

190. “Phillotson was alone under the clouds of night,”

Here Hardy presented the theme of loneliness. The phrase of clouds of night depicted the
loneliness of character Phillotson , he was all alone after Sue and lamented on his fate. The alone
word is used for 42 times in the novel. He was helpless at the hands of his destiny.

Hardy used the words trembled, horrified and paralyzed for the character Phillotson actually he
wanted to show the terrible life of Phillotson. These words showed the inner gloominess of
character Phillotson. His life was full of sorrows and troubles. Hardy depicted the theme of
tragedy. Hardy used the word paralyzed for him because the life of phillotson became paralyzed
after Sue and his career totally destroyed. The word paralyzed indicated the unfulfilled desires of
him. He always fought against his inner conflicts but did not show his inner feelings to others.

It is summed up the character Phillotson was full of sorrows and troubles. How he became
unsuccessful in his marital life and in his career. Hardy presented the theme of loneliness and
theme of illness for him. Hardy used some words for the sense of loneliness. He used the word
solitude for 5 times. The word alone is used for 42 times. The word departure is used for 4 times.
The word lonely is 29 used for times and the word silent is used for 29 times in the novel. Hardy
has very deliberately used the collocations. To produce the feelings of isolation in the readers,
Hardy has filled the cluster with the meanings of aloneness. More over these kinds of clusters
readers are able to confront the terrible fate of the hero. This gives unity of action to the events
that occur in the novel. So Hardy still remains in his mind to eventually take the tragedy from its
source to its effects.
Jude The Obscure
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Key domain cloud

Larger items are more significant.
Underused items are shown in italics.

Alive Anatomy_and_ph
Move your mouse over each item to show extra information in a tooltip.

Click on a word to show the concordance.
44.74%Allowed 44.1%
44.3%Calm 44.22%%44.2244.22Cause&Effect/
Connection 44.62%Comparing:_Unusual 44.62% 44.17%Constr

aint 44.42%
44.112%Damaging_and_destroying 44.2%Darkness 44.1%Dead 44.
Degree:_Boosters 44.2% Educati
44.2%Dislike 44.33% Distance:_Far 44.1%

on_in_general 44.1

.1 Emotional_Action
General Ethical 44.52%Evaluation:_True 44.52%Evaluation:_False

Expected 44.92%Failure 44.5%Fear/shock 44.41%General_appearance_and_physical_properties 44.122
%Generous 44.3%Geographical_terms 44.5%
44.5%Green_issues 44.41%Happy 44.8%Hindering 44.51% 44.121%Informal/

Like 44.2% 44.6%
Friendly 44.6%Infrequent 44.52%Interested/excited/energetic 44.4%Kin 44.3
44.21%Lawful 44.2%
Location_and_direction 44.37%Long,_tall_and_wide 44.2


M .2

oing Moving,_coming_and_g
Lack 44.1%

No_respect 44.13%No_caution 44.31%No_personal_relationship 44

44.11% Money:_

Parts_of_buildings Peopl
.5%Not_part_of_a_group 44.%%Open;_Finding;_Showing 44.113%Participating 44.2

Personal 44.22% People:_Male 44.31%

_names 44.12% 44.3%Plants 44.1%Psychological_Actions,_States

_And_Processes 44.2%Putting,_pulling,_pushing,_transporting 44.5%Quantities:_little 44.32%Re

Sad Seem Residence
lationship:_Intimacy_and_sex 44.9%
44.4% 4
Respected 44.41% Seen 44.123%Selfish 44.34%Sensory:_Sight 44.32
4.72% 44.8% 44.34%
%Sensory:_Sound 44.33%Sensory:_Touch 44.44%Shape 44.32%Size:_Small 44.111%Social_Actions,_States_And_Processes 44.32% Sou
nd:_Quiet 44.22% Sp 44.21%Speech:_Communicative 44.38%
eed:_Fast Time:_Old;_grown-up
44.1%The_universe 44.11% Time:_General 44.3%
Time:_Beginning 44.3%Time:_Old;_grown-up 44.2%Time:_Beginning 44.4%Time:_Late 44.125%Tough/
strong 44.22% 44.26%Unexpected 44.52%Uninterested/bored/unenergetic 4
4.7%Unlikely 44.%%% 44..2%Unnoticeable 44.123%Unselfish 44.7
Worry %Wanted 44.125%Weak 44.6%
©2000-19 UCREL, Lancaster University.

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Export concordance
with tabs between keyword and left/right context (right mouse click on
Change character width:
the link and save as a text file)
Note: this only saves the latest concordance - if you open a new
window and run another concordance, then that one will be exported.
146 occurrences. Extend context
be that have run out of their wits 1 44._%%More | 44._%Full
for women , and become servants
bbed their chins he spoke up , blushing 2 44._%%More | 44._%Full
at the sound of his own voice :
. He said to himself , in the 3 44._%%More | 44._%Full
melodramatic tones of a whimsical
boy , that
himself , in the melodramatic tones 4 44._%%More | 44._%Full
of a whimsical boy , that the s
d been taken down , and either cracked 5 44._%%More | 44._%Full
up into heaps of road-metal in the
you were seized with a sort of 6 44._%%More | 44._%Full
shuddering , he perceived . All
around you
ow a little manliness into his mood 7 44._%%More | 44._%Full
, no doubt . The project was du
one yonder . He was getting so 8 44._%%More | 44._%Full
romantically attached to
Christminster that
a moment of the same impulsive emotion 9 44._%%More | 44._%Full
which years before had caused h
eading he had taken up a wrong emotion 10 44._%%More | 44._%Full
for a Christian young man . He
nt . He was in an enthusiastic mood 11 44._%%More | 44._%Full
. He seemed to see his way to l
having found a new channel for 12 44._%%More | 44._%Full
emotional interest hitherto
unsuspected ,
man , in the same businesslike tones 13 44._%%More | 44._%Full
Jude had heard from outside . I
ed in a curiously low , hungry tone 14 44._%%More | 44._%Full
of latent sensuousness : Ive go
rted some information in a low tone 15 44._%%More | 44._%Full
, the other observing curiously
ling in quick pants , her face flushed 16 44._%%More | 44._%Full
, her full red lips parted , an
ing it triumphantly . Her face flushed 17 44._%%More | 44._%Full
; and becoming suddenly conscio
becoming suddenly conscious he flushed 18 44._%%More | 44._%Full
also . They looked at each othe
, Arabella , and have a little pity 19 44._%%More | 44._%Full
on the creature ! Hold up the p
ry assumed its third and final tone 20 44._%%More | 44._%Full
, the shriek of agony ; his gla
Wmatrix generated the results that are very important in all respects. The method of producing
keywords through software has been addressed. Multiple critics is of the opinion that there is no
solid justification for keywords to be significant and they also criticizing the process of
generation of words of keyness and the keywords. What so ever the many reasons are behind
these keywords, one explanation is very interesting that the same areas have been developed by
various software as main areas of the novels. If Antconc generated the same results in the form of
keywords that are analyzed by the clouds of the major semantic domains.Wmatrix produced the
Clouds that show the major semantic domains and the words that are produced as a clouds are
illustrating of the themes of novel. Wmatrix presented the theme of tragedy in the form of clouds

produced for the word emotional actions
This semantic domain
represents the different emotions of all the characters of the novel. The tragedy starts from the
emotional actions errors and judgement in the perspective of critical circumstances. The theme of
tragedy also represented by the mental actions Mental_actions the
mental state of the hero, psychological problems of the other characters and the personal
relationships all presented the theme of tragedy. Wmatrix highlighted the physical and personal
relations of the male and female. Fate, Social conditions and natural instincts are also highlighted

by the Wmatrics in the form of clouds.
This semantic
domain depicts the natural instincts in the novel.Similarly the theme of loneliness and fatalism

depicted in the form of cloud that also represented by the semantic domain of sorrows and
sufferings. 44.41%

These domains show the problems and sorrowful life of the characters of the novels.
44.2%Darkness DeadThese clouds are also support the theme of tragedy and theme of

It is also seen here that software operates blindly but still has something to do about linguistic
choices.The two software findings are beautifully similar. Both the software has beautifully
given prominence to the same areas.

Theme of illegal relationships is also presented. Wmatrix has also depicted it vividly that Hardy
hitting strongly on the illegal relationships.

4.2 The Mayor of Casterbridge: Analysis and Discussion

4.2.1 Analysis through Antconc

Rank Frequency Keyness Effect Keyword

1 803 +7044.15 0.0134 Henchard
2 452 +3963.75 0.0076 Farfrae
3 433 +2707.29 0.0072 Elizabeth
4 268 +2349.78 0.0045 Lucetta

A list of 623 keywords has been generated by Antconc. A list of keywords in such a long list with
a very high frequency of 803, the word Henchard stands first. It exposes the consciousness of
writer by balancing the words. Hardy kept the frequency of the words according to the roles in
the novel. Hardy knew very well how he maintained the heroicship of the protagonist by giving
high frequency in the novel. He gave the keyness to all those words which are related to the hero.
He maintained this technique in all his novels. For example in Jude the Obscure he gave the high
frequency to the word Jude who was the protagonist of the novel and most prominent figure of
the novel. Here in this novel he gave the high frequency to the word Henchard who was the
protagonist and also the most prominent figure of the novel. The very first look at the frequency
of the key words appeared to offer a glimpse of the whole story of this novel. The prominent
figure Henchard was the hero of the novel. The entire story revolved around this very word. In
the novel this word got the high frequency with the keyness of +7044.15 points that creates the
effect of 0.0134 points. This is the highest effect of all the key words used in the novel. It was the
indicator of so many facets of the novel and of the hero's fate. It indicated the technique of Hardy
which he used for his protagonist firstly he lifted up his hero and then fell down to the tragic end.
In doing so, he presumably met the requirements of a protagonist just like Aristotle said.
Aristotle’s point of view the hero must be on high rank. Hardy's protagonists were the average
persons, so he met the void by using high frequency of the protagonist-related words. It also
appeared, however, that Hardy used this technique to make readers more and more famous with
the protagonist. Often, this was the suggestive of the idea that Hardy thus produced tender
feelings for the protagonists in the readers' hearts. He conveyed the idea of ups and downs in the
life. Hardy took his protagonists to their climax and then to their collapse giving unity of action
to the story. In the novel, Hardy very beautifully brought the misfortune of the protagonist after
his happiness and joy. Hardy really wonderfully supported one thing with another one and so on.
For example Hardy took his hero at the peak in the start of the novel as he told in the story
Henchard was a noble man and he was very happy with his small family. He was the corn
merchant in his town. He shifted with his family to the native town where he drunk and sold his
wife and daughter to another man. Hardy presented the theme of blind fate in this novel and
showed the position of upcoming downfall of the hero. Here hardy presented the tragic flaw of
this novel when Henchard sold his daughter and wife. Hardy was always conscious in bringing
about the misfortune of his protagonist. Henchard wanted to make his property good and hired a
person who had studied in agriculture but unfortunately he deceived him badly and Henchard
remained penniless in the last. Henchard lost his family and also lost his business. He left alone
in the mouth of catastrophe. Hardy showed the personality flaw of the hero as he lived with a bad
woman in a society and drunk a lot that’s why his personality ruined in the society.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocation

452 1 1 0 6.21204 goodness
527 1 1 0 6.21204 admirers
1486 1 1 0 3.62707 pleasant
From these collocations Hardy wanted to show his hero’s climax when his reputation was on the
peak in his society. Henchard was a noble man and good to very one. He was a grain merchant
and the people of his town admired him. Henchard lived with his small family and the life of his
very pleasant.

53.“- a large farmer of good repute-”

From this line Hardy showed the reputation of his hero. He had a large community of his co-
workers they had also a big reputation in a society. At this time Henchard had a good job and
lived a happy life. Here Hardy showed the climax of his hero. Hardy used the words for him like
kind, gentleman, good, goodness, nobleman, passionate and true to show the readers how his
hero was on peak but due to some flaws he died with his tragic end. The word kind is used for 50
times, the word good is used for 136 times and this word got the high frequency. The word
nobleman is used for 1 time. The word gentleman is used for 12 times and the word goodness is
used for 2 times in the novel. Hardy showed the good reputation of his hero by using such
beautiful lexical choices and made his readers more conscious for this character. But Hardy also
showed his hero’s pitiable, suffered and miserable life.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocation

4 1 1 0 7.21204 worry
814 9 8 1 5.17251 cried
These collocations showed the tragic flaws and the ruined career of protagonist of the novel how
his personality ruined and he lost his family by drinking and lost his career by over trust. Hardy
has tried to show the fate of his hero by using these collocations how he cried over his fate and
worried about his personality. The frequency of word Henchard is used for 803 times in the
novel. Hardy gave the very high frequency to his protagonist in the novel and made him the more
prominent character than other characters. Henchard cried over his flaws firstly he lost his
beloved wife and daughter then he lost his best friend due to his own poor flaws.

761. “’Od damn it,” cried Henchard,”

Hardy used the phrase “’Od damn it,” to show that how the hero became helpless and cried over
his fate when he lost everything. This phrase is used to express the frustration. Here Henchard
became frustrate and cried and wanted to overcome his frustration and blaming others. But
inspite of it he did not change his nature and at last he died.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocation

1 2 1 1 8.21204 inseparables
264 2 2 0 7.21204 condemn
314 2 2 0 6.62707 unlucky
From these collocations Hardy emphasized the perplexed situation of character Henchard. Hardy
showed that Henchard’s result his own poor decisions. He condemned over his condition when
he drunk and sold his family. Hardy showed his readers the result of the hero’s tragic personality
as he created this hard and miserable situation himself by stupidity. Hardy used the word
inseparables to show that when Henchard sold his family he did not able to live without his
family and condemned over his fate. He considered himself a very unlucky man. Hardy has tried
to show that hero’s life was with full of flaws even he knew that his own flaws but he did not
change them because Nature can never be changed.

324. “our unlucky fellow-townsman, Henchard.”

Here people of his town started to call him unlucky when he lost his all grain and blamed his
own friend not himself. Hardy showed the downfall of his hero. Due to this flaw Henchard lost
his good friend but did not change his bad nature.

Henchard was a passionate man, and the very miner things made cause those passions to burst to
the surface. Hardy used the word music that made more passionate the inner soul of his hero.
Music healed up easily. Hardy showed that his hero’s sensitivity to music was a tragic element.
He liked music but he did not learn to play the instruments even he did not know how to sing. He
heard music just for healing his sorrows and pentad-up his emotions.

357. “Henchard music was of regal power”

Hardy has tried to show the passion of his hero for music. Hardy used the phrase regal power to
show that his hero was fully passionate for music and he did not leave any concert or musical
nights. Even though he did not know how to sing or how to play the musical instruments but he
heard it for his inner pleasure. Hardy has very deliberately used the lexical choices and
collocations for building up the passion of his character.

Rank Frequency Word

1406 8 Music
3200 3 Musical
4418 2 Musically
By using these lexical choices Hardy presented the theme of passion and showed that how the
character Henchard was fully passionate for music. Henchard used this tool for his catharsis.
Hardy used these words music for 8 times, musically used for 2 times and musical used for 2
times to show the Henchard’s passion towards music. He highly appreciated the music because it
was the best treatment of his internal wounds.

483. “Henchard’s gloomy soul was to him most pleasurable.”

Hardy used the phrase gloomy soul show the inner sadness of character Henchard. Hardy mostly
selected such kind of words for his protagonists who became the part of sorrows and sadness
nature. By using these words he showed the miserable and gloomy condition of his protagonists.
Hardy used the word pleasurable, here he related his pleasure with the music which pentad-up
his sadness. From music Henchard’s gloomy soul became pleasurable and his mood became
fresh. At that moment all the sorrows went away from him.

Rank Frequency Range Cluster

191 1 1 henchard quickly
Here Hardy used the word quickly to show the quick temper of Henchard. The quick temper of
Henchard is also the major flaw of Henchard. It made the reason, he sold his wife and daughter
then lost his friendship with Farfrae then lost Elizabeth-Jane. Hardy condemned all of his major
flaws. The word quickly is used for 1 time that is only for Henchard in the novel.

473. “there was a temper under the thin blind surface”

Hardy used the word temper to show the frustration level of his hero. Although the temper of
Henchard was high and uncontrollable but he was an honest man he was not like his girlfriend
Lucetta who hided his temper and her true feelings by outclass makeup because she was not a
loyal lady. Actually all the flaws were created by himself, But Hardy showed this character as a
loyal with himself also with other people though his temper was a terrible. Henchard’s defects
seemed to destroy his personality that he could not change them even that he wanted to change
them. Hardy has tried to make his readers pity about his character by using some choosy words
for him.

Rank Frequency Range Cluster

22 5 1 henchard paused
37 3 1 henchard left
Hardy used the upper words with the character Henchard who was the protagonist of the novel to
show the downfall of the hero. Hardy used such words silent, paused, quiet, for him. It means his
personality totally destroyed and the hero cried over his fate. The word paused showed the death
of his character. Hardy used this word for his hero to show the readers that it was a long pause.
Henchard lamented over his big loss and that loss of his family and friend. Hardy used the word
left to show that when Henchard left his friend and family then he realized that he was on fault
otherwise he always blamed others.

392. “I was a drinking man at that time.” Henchard paused a moment”

Here hardy showed that the hero realized that all the flaws of his life of his own. The word
paused means Hardy showed that the protagonist totally depressed and tired from his life now he
wanted to take some pauses in his life. Hardy showed the tragedy of the hero now he was all
alone nobody was over there for him. Hero was alone and threw a flash on his past then he
thought that he was a drinker at that time and sold the family. He realized his fault now he was
helpless and became powerless at the hand of cruel fate. All the sorrows ate him internally and
his condition was so miserable. Hardy showed his hero’s climax then downfall. Hardy showed
the same condition of his protagonists in all his novels. He presented the theme of loneliness,
fatalism, pessimism and tragedies in all of his novels.

334. “evening at dusk Henchard left the town,”

Here Hardy showed his hero’s evening. He related the evening with death. Here hardy used the
symbolism. Henchard became poor. His feelings were broken; all the people of his town shouted
on him and abused him. That’s why he left his town and made him alone. He died in this
miserable condition. Hardy showed the tragic end of his hero.

Egbert's (2012) research analysis has shown that style is the fundamental component of a piece
of Literature. Hardy has very deliberately chosen the words according to the theme then words
supported his theme. The present research proved the worth of lexical choices for the theme
production. Lexical bundles, clusters and keywords which are generated by Antconc proved that
Hardy has used very deliberately chosen the words.

The next prominent figure of this novel is Farfrae. This word placed at second position in
keywords which is generated by Antconc. It is used for 452 times in the novel. This word got
high frequency after the word Henchard in the novel with the keyness of +3963.75 points with
creating effects of 0.0076 points. There is a high difference between the frequencies of both
words Henchard and Farfrae. Henchard got 803 frequency while Farfrae got 452 frequency.
These figures are very meaningful for readers. Hardy has written very deliberately for the heroes
giving them high frequency. Hardy used many techniques to convey his messages and the writers
also used very unique techniques. Hardy very carefully selected the words for the protagonists of
the novels and from these words he conveyed his messages easily to the readers. This novel has
own repute among the other novels of Hardy. Hardy used so many techniques for convincing his
readers. He very beautifully used the words and lexical bundles for his characters. Hardy
presented this character very beautifully. Farfrae was very respectable man in the society. He was
highly qualified man. He studied Agriculture. He was totally opposite to the protagonist
Henchard. As Henchard had a terrible tempered while Farfrae was a cool man. Here Hardy used
the term juxtaposition for these two characters that were totally opposite to each other. Farfrae
was forgiving while Henchard was irritated man. Henchard was superstitious man whereas
Farfrae was practical man with high energy. But Hardy presented that both of them worked at the
same place but Farfrae got high reputation than Henchard. Hardy very beautifully used the words
for both characters. Hardy used the lexical words for this character.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocation

38 1 1 0 8.04111 rating
42 1 1 0 8.04111 prompted
53 1 1 0 8.04111 overpowering
64 2 1 1 8.04111 luckily

Hardy used such collocations for his character who was very energetic, strong and lucky man. He
made his own reputation in the society. The words highly supported to the themes. Hardy used
these words to show the enthusiastic energy of his character. The word rating is used by Hardy to
show that how his character Farfrae made popular among the people of casterbridge. He selected
the word prompted to show that how he motivated his co-workers for the work. The words
choice of Hardy was very amazing he knew that how to grab the attention of the readers by using
such beautiful words. Farfrae was very honest man and Hardy used the word honest is for 14
times in the novel. Here the word overpowering is used by Hardy to show the strength of his
character Farfrae. Farfrae was very lucky man because he worked very carefully and honestly
and he married a woman whom he liked very much. Here Hardy showed the fate as a positive
kind of mirror than Henchards’.The lexical choices and collocations which are generated by
Antconc software are all in positive sense for this character.

282. “and its load, began hotly rating Farfrae’s man”

Hardy has tried to show that the popularity of Farfrae and also his co-workers in the society.
Everyman warmly welcomed them. Hardy used the phrase hotly rating for his character to show
the reputation of him in the society. Farfrae made his name more famous by his work. He was
very passionate for his work. Hardy showed the positivity of the character Farfrae by using such
lexical choices for him.

383. “I feel it a great relief, Farfrae, to tell some friend o’ this!”

From this line Hardy has tried to show the relaxation of his character. His character felt great
relief because he was satisfied with his work. The word o’ this! is indicated the sign of joy which
Hardy used to show that the satisfaction of the character. Here the exclamatory discourse has
been also created to show the relief and satisfaction of the character. Hardy used the unique
techniques for his characters. As Hardy used the word satisfied for 6 times. The word relief is
used for 6 times and the word pleasure is used for 17 times in the novel. Therefore, by using
these beautiful words Hardy showed the fulfillments of character Farfrae. As in the above
sentence Farfrae told to his friends about his great relaxation and the satisfaction of him. The
arrangement of the words of Hardy was very meaningful.

Rank Frequency Words

9893 1 Victory
4993 2 triumph
4342 2 Luckily

By using these collocations Hardy presented the theme of victory. He supported the theme by
using such words luckily, victory, successful, triumph etc. Hardy very beautifully selected the
words for his character.
13. “an overpowering wish to see Farfrae again that night,”

Here hardy depicted the strong position of the character by using the word overpowering in the
upper sentence. Hardy showed that how people of the town wished to see again and again. The
outlook of farfrae was awesome he was handsome man with positive attitude towards people.
Hardy used the word handsome for 8 times in the novel. So by this positivity he maintained his
position strong among the people of the town. Hardy very deliberately selected the words for
him. He placed the words very carefully with the characters. Hardy used the words according to
the nature of the character. Farfrae was the fond of music he was a good singer. By singing he
grabbed the attention of the people of the town. His voice was very melodious and sweet. From
above sentence hardy showed that how the people were wishing to see him again. Farfrae told to
the town-people about the homesickness by singing that’s why people were highly impressed
from him. Hardy used some lexical choices for his singing.

Rank Frequency Word

352 38 Voice
899 13 Sing
1406 8 Music

These lexical choices supported the theme of Hardy. The word voice is used for 38 times. This
word got a high frequency among the other words. The word sing is used for 13 times and the
word music is used for 8 times in the novel. By using these words Hardy showed that sometimes
people heard music for pentad-up their sadness and sometimes for enjoyment. Sad people heard
the songs for healing up their internal wounds and for the satisfaction of their souls. Farfrae
proved himself by the good nature. People liked him for his voice, singing, honesty, positivity
and many other reasons.

244. “Farfrae’s fate was just the reverse of Henchard’”

Hardy used the term juxtaposition for both the characters Henchard and Farfrae. Here hardy
proved that farfrae’s fate was totally opposite to the fate of Henchard. Hardy depicted the strong
position of Farfrae and also showed how Henchard loose his position by doing his own faults.
His personality was so captivate and had good qualities.Hardy used the word reverse to show the
opposite nature of both characters. As the Farfrae was very cheerful and jolly man whereas
Hechard was gloomy and sad man. Hardy showed the personalities of both in the novel. Hardy
also tried to show the apparent looks of Henchard and Farfrae. Farfare’s outlook was good, he
was tall, he had fear complexion with blue eyes whereas Henchard was tall, had dark eyes and
had a dull complexion but had a good nature. Hardy presented the character Farfrae as he had a
positive kind of mirror than Henchards’. Hardy very technically used the words and placed the
words according to the nature of the character. Hardy showed that the positive thinking, positive
nature and positivity always made a man successful whereas the negativity always led to sorrows
and sadness. From negativity people destroyed themselves.

Very deliberately some lexical choices indicated the happiness and joy which is less as compared
to the lexical words that indicated the picture of gloomy and sadness.

The frequency of word gloomy =8 words

The frequency of word dark = 25 words

Total frequency of these words = 33 words

The frequency of word happy = 14 words

The frequency of word happiness =10 words

Total frequency of these words = 24 words

So Hardy proved himself the theme of loneliness is always dominated to the theme of happiness.
Moreover the frequencies of the words gloomy and dark were very high in the novel which
depicted the sorrows and sadness of the characters. Hardy gave the high frequencies to the words
dark and gloomy. The word gloomy depicted the gloominess theme and suffered lives of the
characters. According to Hardy the whole life is as a tragedy. He dealt his characters by using
these words like sad, gloomy and dark who were destroyed at the hands of cruel fate. Here Hardy
showed the downfall of characters. Hardy’s point of view that people are mostly destroyed at the
hands of cruel fate. So Hardy used many clusters and lexical bundles which led to death and
highly destruction in the novel. The words gloomy and dark both depicted the theme of
loneliness and here these words presented that nothing was going to be fruitful for the
protagonist of the novel that’s why Hardy gave these words very high frequencies. From these
words Hardy showed the destruction and the tragic fate of the hero. Hardy used the words like
happiness in the novel which indicated the temporary happiness of the characters but the words
like gloomy depicted the permanent destructions and met the heroes with tragic end.

Whereas the word happiness depicted the life of Farfrae his life was very soothing. The Happy
word indicated the joy of character Farfrae, he became the mayor of casterbridge it was the sign
of happiness, he married a lady whom he liked with the core of his heart is was the sign of
happiness, he got fame among the people of casterbridge it was also the sign of happiness.
Moreover the fate remained kind upon him till the end it was the big sign of happiness. So Hardy
very carefully used the words for his character according to the nature. He placed the words
according to the situation and used those words with characters in a very appropriate way. Hardy
always remained conscious in selecting the words.

2. “Farfrae, a much-sobered man”

Here hardy showed that how much the character Farfrae was sobered. Here the word sobered
indicated the good nature of the character, also indicated how he was good with everyone. He
proved himself with the humble and good nature that’s why people liked him. Hardy very
beautifully showed his character in the novel. He was very friendly. He made friends very
quickly because he was very social and cheerful man. He was determined for the betterment of
the town that’s why people were highly impressed. People did respect his loyalty and

Hardy presented the theme of kindness by using such words softened, kind, kindness, humble,
sobered, sober, and soothing in the novel. These words got high frequencies in the novel. The
word kind is used for 50 times. The word kindness is used for 5 times. The word humble is used
for 10 times The word sobered is used for 2 times The word sober is used for 3 times The word
soothing is used for 3 times and the word softened is also used for 3 times in the novel. So these
were the facts and figures that indicated the situations.

There are 237 cluster patterns which are generated by Antconc software. All cluster patterns have
their own importance. According to Biber (1988) the patterns of the cluster give a thorough
overview of the characters and the whole plot of the story. Cluster patterns often include
keywords of the text. So the keywords and then keyword clusters appear for giving the idea to
the readers about the theme of the story from the very beginning of the story. Each cluster seems
to tell a complete summary of the event that took place in every paragraph. Hardy has mastered
the production of Cluster patterns that in themselves are complete and can tell a lot even if they
are read one by one. With the previous one, each cluster pattern is well knit. By the helping of
well-developed patterns of clusters there becomes a well-knit story.

Here Hardy presented the theme of feminism by using some cluster patterns.

Rank Frequency Range Cluster

173 1 1 farfrae, lucetta
204 1 1 farfrae. Elizabeth
177 1 1 farfrae, she

Hardy presented the theme of feminism by using these cluster patterns. Hardy showed the luck of
Farfrae by using these clusters. Hardy supported the woman by using the word she as a cluster
patterns. Actually Farfrae loved with Elizabeth but she was the step daughter of Henchard who
was the protagonist of the novel and the best friend of character Frafrae. Due to some clashes he
left Elizabeth and chased the lady Lucetta. Lucetta is also the lover of Henchard but due to cruel
fate Henchard could not marry with her and fortunately Farfrae got married Lucetta. So Hardy
showed that the positive fate of Farfrae by using these cluster patterns in the novel. In this novel
Hardy dominated the male society over female society. He used the word he for 1815 times and
the word his is used for 1267 times in the novel whereas the word she is used for 1297 times and
the word her is used for 1404 times in the novel. Hardy used many techniques for the domination
of male members in the society. Mostly he handled the themes with his unique techniques. But
he very accurately balanced the words according to the theme.

159. “She showed her devotion to Farfrae”

200. .” Farfrae looked at her,”

201. “Luckily she married, and married well,”

205. “she had met Farfrae many months earlier”

From these lines are very near to eachother. Hardy very beautifully placed the words according
to the situation of the lines. From these lines it came to know how Fafrae was lucky and fate was
kind with him and luckily he got married with his beloved lady. In the first line it seemed that she
was very kind and devoted lady. Hardy showed that how fate took pity on him. He used the
clusters then placed them in according to the situation. Hardy used the word luckily it indicated
the various themes of the life of Farfrae. Firstly it indicated that he was lucky because the people
of his town were very sympathetic and kind to him and secondly he got reputation in the society,
thirdly he got married with his beloved. These clusters have their own importance. Hardy
presented the theme of love by using such lexical choices love, loved, meet, kiss, kissed etc.

Rank Frequency Range Cluster

17 3 1 farfrae looked
59 1 1 farfrae admired
74 1 1 farfrae cheerily
92 1 1 farfrae glanced
166 1 1 farfrae, happy
Hardy presented the happiness of character Farfrae by using these clusters in the novel. He very
deliberately used the choices of words according the situation which proved very meaningful.
Hardy had a good technique of using the words according to the position. Hardy used such type
of clusters like cheerily, glanced, happy, admired etc to show the positivity and the happiness of
character Farfrae.

111. “As she looked at Farfrae from the back”

7. “But Donald Farfrae admired her”

116. “Farfrae glanced to the ladies’ gallery,”

120. “said Farfrae. “Ha, ha, true!”

From these lines Hardy showed the true picture of happiness of Farfrae. Hardy showed that how
the words he used by using his unique technique. He presented his character very happy. Hardy
showed that Farfrae was also the women lover. The phrase “Ha, ha, true!” showed the happiness
of Farfrae. The exclamatory discourse also developed to show the excitement and happiness of

The next character is Elizabeth which is not so prominent figure in the novel but Antconc
generated her at the 3rd position. The frequency of Elizabeth is of 433 words that is not so far the
most prominent character of Farfrae. The full name of Elizabeth was Elizabeth-Jane. With this
high frequency she placed at 3rd position. All the frequencies may get their own position in the
novel. So this word got high frequency among the ladies. She got high frequency with the
keyness of + 2707.29 points and creating the effect of 0.0072 points. Elizabeth was the step
daughter of the protagonist Henchard. She was not an artificial lady but she was the natural lady.
Her knowledge was vast but her learning and accomplishment was not so high. She was not
famous in society like other ladies because she did not like dancing and attending parties. Hardy
presented her as a supernatural and very simple lady with the pure soul. Hardy very beautifully
used the words for her. Hardy selected the lexical choices and the collocations according to the
personality of her.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocation

14 1 0 1 8.10307 tolerated
18 1 1 0 8.10307 tentatively
103 1 1 0 8.10307 dependence
Hardy has tried to show the sympathetic life of Elizabeth. Hardy used the word tolerated to show
the tolerance level of Elizabeth in different ways. This word indicated that how she tolerate the
society, when her lover left him she bore it with a patience and tolerance, when society called her
illiterate she tolerated them with patiently. So Hardy described her in a very beautiful way. He
showed all the sorrows of her. She was very sober. Hardy showed her very miserable in a society.
The word tentatively showed the shyness of her she did not like to frank with every boy and
dancing in a party. In her shyness the beauty was hidden. Hardy described her beauty with such
words beauty, beautiful and pretty. Her beauty was not only apparently but her inner beauty was
so magical. Hardy used the lexical choices and collocations according to her nature as he had
mastery skills of language. He very deliberately selected the words for his characters. The word
dependence showed that Elizabeth was not a socially lady she was reserved and conservative
lady. She was not independent because she did not allow her to wander and enjoying party
functions. Hardy used this character in the novel for many reasons. He showed her as a strong
lady who had fully grip on her emotions and feelings. She did not frank with everyone.

97. “I know what I’ll do,” said Elizabeth-Jane”

From this line Hardy presented the strong feelings of Elizabeth. She was a strong lady. This
phrase “I know what I’ll do,” showed the strong speech of Elizabeth. Here Hardy has tried to
show that she was a bold and very strong lady she did not frank with every man.

124. “She was opposite them; Elizabeth-Jane, being out of the game”

226. “The desire- sober and repressed- of Elizabeth-Jane’s heart was indeed to see”

Here Hardy showed that Elizabeth was not like other girls who wore the masks of artificiality.
She was totally opposite of them. Hardy was very careful in the selection of words. He placed
the words according to the exact position. Elizabeth was a natural and pure lady. The word
repressed indicated the dependence nature of her. Hardy showed that she was very sober and nice
lady. She always fought against her inner conflicts. Hardy very deliberately used the words for
her. She was innocent but very strong lady.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocation

151 3 1 2 7.10307 sighed
152 1 0 1 7.10307 sick
These are some examples that show how Hardy gave support to his theme by using such words.
There are 1214 collocational patterns of word Elizabeth which are generated by Antconc and
these collocations support the theme of Hardy. Hardy used these words to show the downfall and
miserable life of Elizabeth. The word sighed indicated that how she lived her pitiable life with
full of hurdles. Her parents had died and her life was full of sorrows. But Hardy showed her as a
strong lady because she had a power to face all those problems. The word sick indicated the
death and destructions. Hardy presented her sickness in many ways. She lost her parents then lost
her lover. She came to know the hero of this novel Henchard was his real father but that was not
true again her feelings got hurt badly. Hardy very deliberately used the words for this character
he showed the sorrowful life and hardships which came in her life and she bore them strongly.

134. “but Elizabeth-Jane clung so closely to her nook”

154. “Elizabeth-Jane had died years ago”

From the first line Hardy showed that the miserable condition of Elizabeth. Elizabeth was
pitiable because she lost her mother in her puberty then she lost her father in her childhood. From
these lines it showed that how much gloominess in her life. She was totally tired from this life.
Hardy presented the theme of fatalism. She tired at the hands of cruel fate. Fate did not kind with
her. Here Hardy used all the sorrowful words for this character. He used the collocations and
lexical words according to the situation and placed them on exact place.

From the upper lines it showed that she did not have any power to face the bitter realities of life.
She marginalized herself. She stuck her with a corner and she did not want to go outside. She
suppressed her feelings and desires Hardy showed the harshness and bitter realities of the life
how the people became merciful at the hands of fate. The sentence “Elizabeth-Jane had died
years ago” showed the destructions of her life it means her feelings and her desires had died
many years ago. By using such words died, destruction, gloomy, dark, black, darkness etc Hardy
showed the theme of loneliness.

431. “Oh yes,” cried Elizabeth, with tears in her eyes.”

Hardy used the phrase “Oh yes,” to show the both expressions of Elizabeth. The word oh
indicated the sadness of her and the word yes indicated the happiness of her when she met her
lover. Hardy showed the boldness of the character Elizabeth and also showed that how she
suppressed her feelings. But she cried over her fate. The word tears depicted the sorrowful life of
her. Hardy very deliberately used the words to express her feelings. This line showed that
Elizabeth was internally very bold and she knew very well how to control the feelings but when
she met her lover she could not control over her feelings and cried with happiness.
The Coffey (2013) research study also showed the importance of lexical choices used by the
author. Based on the findings of that research review, the option of lexical studies provides the
individuality and importance to the text over other texts. The great authors are always conscious
in using the words. The lexical items which are selected by Hardy are analyzed in this research
study. The findings are same as those found by Coffey (2013). The theme of Hardy's novels is
clearly indicated by lexical bundles, lexical items and collocations. The total cluster patterns of
this word are 132. A more comprehensive explanation is provided by the cluster patterns of the
words of the story's themes. Hardy was also well known about the worth of collocational
patterns. He used clusters very carefully, which are in line with the role of characters in the

Rank Frequency Word

493 25 Dark
1381 8 Gloomy
1547 7 gloom
414 30 Death
681 17 Died
From these examples Hardy presented the theme of loneliness and these examples show that how
Hardy built the themes by using the words and collocation and these words are support the theme
of loneliness. Hardy used these words to show the condition of character Elizabeth how she was
miserable and helpless at the hands of destiny. These words depicted the dark shades of her life.
Hardy used the words very deliberately according to the role of character. The word dark is used
for 25 times, the word gloomy is used for 8 times, the word gloom is used for 7 times, the word
died is used for 17 times and the word death is used for 30 times in the novel. From high
frequency it seemed Hardy showed this character very downcast.

The 132 cluster patterns are created by Antconc for the word Elizabeth. When analyzing the
cluster patterns of Hardy’s novels, Biber comes true. The view of Biber (2006) is that of the
patterns of this cluster provide a simple picture of the story's themes. Further, he says that a
comprehensive description of the characters and events is provided in cluster patterns.

Rank Frequency Range Cluster

67 1 1 elizabeth remained
73 1 1 elizabeth sighed

344. “But Elizabeth remained undisturbed in the belief of her relationship”

381. “Elizabeth sighed. “I said I would never forget him.”

From these lines Hardy has tried to elaborate the pitiable condition of Elizabeth how she suffered
the entire life and how she got deceit in her relationship. These cluster patterns have their own
importance. Here she lamented on her sick relationship. Hardy used the word undisturbed
ironically to indicate the inner feelings of her. From this word he gave the strength her inner pain
and highlighted the intensity of grief. Hardy used the word belief to show the true love feelings
of Elizabeth for her relationship. Her high expectations and strong belief led her to the self
destructions. Hardy used the word but in the upper sentence to show the Elizabeth actually got
totally disappointed and she would not like to make relation again with anyone. Hardy presented
the theme of tragedy. How the character Elizabeth cried over her tragic life, sick relationship and
got fed up from her life. Hardy presented the downfall of the character Elizabeth. The word
sighed indicated the burden of unrequited love. Here Hardy presented the inner pain of her and
also presented the theme of universal love because in love some persons remain pure and some
have deceitful nature as some are rewarded and some are punished. So here Elizabeth had a pure
love and pure feelings for her lover but unfortunately she did not find his love. Here the sentence
“I would never forget him” showed the pure feelings of her for her lover and how she was
deceived by Farfrae.

The next prominent character is Lucetta. Her full name is Lucetta Templeman. She was an
energetic lady with high passions of love. The word Lucetta got 4 th position in the list of
keywords. The word Lucetta is used for 268 times in the novel and this word got high frequency
in females after the word Elizabeth. The keyness of this word is of +2349.78 points that is
creating the effect of 0.0045 points. Hardy used very unique words for her. He has tried to show
this character by the selection of his words how she was romantic and unprincipled lady. She
liked to enjoy the parties with a heavy makeup. She was totally an artificial lady she had no pure
feelings for anyone. There are 923 collocation words that are generated by Antconc for the word
Lucetta. Hrady had a great technique how to use the words and placed them in an appropriate
way with the characters. Hardy showed the ups and downs of life in this novel. Hardy showed
her artificial life and also depicted that how she was highly involved in the luxuries of life. Hardy
presented the inner ugliness and outer beauty of her.

Rank Frequency Frequency L Frequency R State Collocation

51 1 0 1 8.79520 lustrous
52 1 0 1 8.79520 luminousness
Hardy used the word Lustrous to show the bright, shiny, colorful and vibrant life of Lucetta.
Actually she was not a pure lady. She liked fashion always in good dressing. Hardy presented her
as a characterless lady because she was very quick to switch her lovers. She was quickly
transplanted her heart with various men. Hardy has used the words for her very wisely. Here
Hardy presented the deceiving nature of Lucetta. She promised to marry with Henchard but after
it she refused him and went with Farfrae. Every man fell in love with her due to of her artificial

204. “Lucetta Templeman, whose large lustrous eyes had such an odd effect”

51. “Lucetta had a heightened luminousness in her eye over”

In the above sentence Hardy mentioned her full name and described her beautiful eyes which
were very attractive. The word lustrous he used to define her outer beauty not the inner beauty.
She was looking very beautiful from the appearance but she had no beauty from her inner side.
Her bright eyes were the source to show her beauty and her make up more beautified her. Hardy
selected the words for the characters very wisely he has also tried to show the Victorian age
ladies by using this character. He used the word bright for 12 times, the word brightness is used
for 3 times and the word brightened is used for 2 times in the novel. Hardy presented that how
she was highly involved in the luxurious of life. Hardy also used the word luminousness for her
eyes. Hardy defined her eyes for many times.

24. “Lucetta between her two lovers from the crystalline sphere”

Here Hardy showed the characterless behavior of Lucetta how she had a deceived nature. Firstly
he loved Henchard but when Farfrae came she got married Farfrae. Hardy used the phrase two
lovers which depicts the bad character of her. She seduced the men by her beauty. She was very
romantic. Hardy presented the Victorian females through this character. In this society female
was not allowed to step out from the four walls they should be remained in the house but Hardy
condemned on the females of Victorian age by portraying this character Lucetta. Lucetta was
very social and made illegal relations in one time. She was very materialistic by nature. For
Lucetta the marriages were like a drama and a play she did not like to bind in this relationship for
long time. As she wanted to get marry with Henchard but she did not marry with him and
seduced Farfrae and got married with him. Hardy also condemned on the marital status. Hardy
used the word promise for 18 times in the novel. Hardy used the word marriage for 26 times and
the word married is also used for 26 times in the novel.
Hardy also showed the tragic end of this character how she became helpless at the hands of
destiny in the end. Hardy firstly presented the highness and luxuries of her life then he showed
her downfall and tragic ending. Hardy used the mastery language in the novel and used very
tricky words for the characters. From using some words and collocations he supported the

69. “began to uncover the secret which Lucetta had so earnestly hoped to keep buried,”

In the above sentence Lucetta threatened from uncovering the letter. Henchard gave a threat to
her if she did not marry with him he revealed all the letters infront of her second lover Farfrae.
Hardy has tried to show that how her life was going toward the tragic ending. As Lucetta kept try
to bury her secrets but unfortunately all secrets were revealed by Henchard’s letter and Farfrae
left her alone. Here Hardy has tried to tell that the luxurious life has a short span. This life is not
for long term. Hardy used the words according to the role of the characters. He supported the
themes by using collocational patterns, clusters and unique words.

Rank Frequency Word

359 36 alone
481 26 silence
482 26 silent
654 18 paused

By using these words Hardy supported the theme of loneliness. These words carried high
frequency in the novel. So Hardy presented the tragic ending of Lucetta. As she became alone
and cried over her fate. There was nobody who gave her a strength she was totally alone. Hardy
showed the downfall of her. The word alone is used for 36 times, the word silence is used for 26
times, the word silent is used for 26 times and the word paused is used for 18 times in the novel.

189. “Yet Lucetta seemed silent;”

233. “Lucetta was sitting in the drawing-room alone.”

The word silent indicated the inner pain and the loneliness of her. Here Hardy presented that how
she was lamented over her destiny she was totally helpless at the hands of fate. She was totally
disappointed. He showed the painful ending of her. She became ill and then died. Hardy showed
the tragic ending of her. Hardy showed that how she enjoyed her early life and how she suffered
the end of her life. Life does not remain same, everyone has to face the ups and downs of life.
The total 138 cluster patterns are created by Antconc for the word Lucetta. Hardy also supported
the theme by using the cluster patterns.

Rank Frequency Range Cluster

11 3 1 lucetta. “oh
119. “said Lucetta. “Oh no,”

This word “Oh” is indicating the sadness of her. This lexical bundle with Lucetta character
indicated the sadness of her life and also depicted the painful life of her. This bundle highlight
the fact that exclamatory discourse is being generated by this character time and again as the
novel shows that the character of Lucetta is full of expressions, sorrows and surprises. Hardy
presented the tragic ending of her.

So Hardy presented the materialistic approach, tragic ending and theme of loneliness. He showed
that how the man is highly involved in the luxuries of life and forgets the end of life. Hardy
showed that the character Lucetta was very happy in the beginning and enjoyed her lifebut she
was fell down very badly at the hands of fate.


There are three major sections of this present chapter. 5.1 includes conclusion of the research
study 5.2 includes limitation of the research study and 5.3 includes the pedagogical implications
of the research study.

5.1 Conclusion

In the present research study the two novels of Hardy have been analyzed and discussed.
Analysis of Corpus-driven stylistic of these two novels was carried out to classify the lexical
bundles, clusters and collocations are then represented from the thematic point of Perspective.
For the purpose of analyzing the corpora of the two novels were downloaded from the internet.
All have been after converting the corpora from pdf to text type and then uploaded one by one to
the Antconc software. The keyword list, clusters and collocations have been generated by
Antconc and for the reference text (COCA) has been used. Wmatrix is used for the analysis of
corpora to find out and analyze the keywords and key domains of semantics. From the analysis
of both novels as proved that Hardy was the master in using words. He was well known the
chemistry of the words and used those words according to the situation and thematic perspective
is an evidence of this suggestion. The conclusions of this research study has been proved the
theme of well built text that is always portrayed the words, group of words, collocations and
clusters. The four keywords with high frequencies have been selected and analyzed from the
novel Jude the Obscure. The keywords are Jude, Sue, Phillotson and Arabella. Likely, four words
have been selected from the novel The Mayor of Casterbridge and the keywords are Henchard,
Farfrae, Elizabeth and Lucetta. Cluster and collocational patterns of these words have been
discovered and to be analyzed in order to see how they play their part in establishing the
thematic aspect of the novels. Hence, the objectives of the research work have been attained and
got the accurate answers of research questions of the research study. In this research study both
the characteristics were found; quantitative and qualitative based to explain the findings via
Antconc nd Wmatrix. All the words of the research study directly link by research questions. It
came to know after the analysis of word Jude and its neighboring words and it has been proved
that Hardy picked the words very deliberately. The first thing is to be examined that is the
frequency of the word Jude. The frequency of the word Jude is 936 that is the highest frequency
and the keyness of this keyword is of +7666.7 points that is creating the effect of 0.0122 points.
This frequency manifests the position of Jude as a hero of the novel and it also proves that Hardy
uses his mastery skills in the selection of the words and from words he generates the unique
theme. The words like death, poor, trouble, alone, cry etc show the miserable and wretchedness
life of Jude. The word poor is used for 87 times, the word death is used for 23 times, the word
alone is used for 42 times and the word trouble is used for 43 times in the novel. Theme of tragic
fate is found by the placement of these words.

The collocation patterns of word Jude indicate the coming disasters of Jude. Hardy used the
words which convey the meanings of tragedy in collocational patterns of the word Jude. Hardy
very deliberately used the word cried for 41 times, the word cry is used for 19 times and the
word crying is used for 8 times in the novel. These words are mostly used in the surrounding of
the word Jude. These words indicate the wretchedness life of Jude. Hardy very skillfully
describes the theme of loneliness. Hardy in his attempt to present alone Jude that’s why attaches
isolation to everything that relates to hero. The word lonely is used for 29 times, the word alone
is used for 42 times, the word silent is used for 29 times and the word departed is used for 8
times in the novel. There is a large collection of words that depict the theme of loneliness. Most
of these words used as a collocation with the word Jude. The collocational pattern and the
clusters of word Jude represent the theme of loneliness.

The other tragic character of this novel is Sue. The word Sue got 2 nd position in the keywords
generated by Antconc. The frequency of Sue is 608 that is the second highest frequency after the
word Jude. The keyness is of +4146.16 points and creating the effect of 0.008 points. Hardy is
the master of characterizing art. Hardy used some adverbs for this character like silently, lonely
etc to present the theme of loneliness. Words give strength to the theme of loneliness. Some
collocations and clusters like sympathy, grief and kind represent the innocent nature of the
character Sue. Hardy very beautifully selected the words for this character. The collocations and
clusters of word Sue represent the upcoming miseries of character Sue. Hardy used words as a
collocation for character Sue like troublousnes. Affliction, disappointments and suffering that
depict the theme of tragedy. Sue cried over her fate and she was totally helpless at the hands of
destiny. Hardy showed her kind nature in the novel by using these words kind, innocent, decent,
true and sympathy. The character Sue was very kind and innocent girl. The word kind is used for
49 times, the word innocent is used for 11 times, the word decent is used for 3 times, the word
true is used for 49 times and the word sympathy is used for 9 times in the novel. Hardy used
these words in the favor of Sue to prove her a kind lady. These words give the strength to the
theme of realism and depict the real picture of character Sue. By using these words Hardy wants
to depict the pure essence of human nature.

The next character is Arabella it carried 4 th position in the list of keywords. The frequency of
word Arabella is 303. The frequency of Arabella is lower than the frequency of character Sue.
The keyness is of +2350.13 points and it creating the effect of 0.004 points. Hardy presents this
character as a materialistic, untrustworthy and selfish lady. Hardy used some words for her that
show her artificiality and deceitful nature. Hardy very beautifully used the words for this
character. He used the words selfish for 10 times, the word thoughtless is used for 2 times, the
word artificial for 2 times and the word wrong is used for 58 times in the novel. These words
give the strength to the theme of illusion. She wanted to enjoy her life and spent her time in bars
with boys. Hardy showed her a characterless lady. Hardy had a great skill of using the language.
He used the words for this character very skillfully. According to her marriage was just a trap
that’s why she did not remain in the trap of marital life. Her life revolved around marriage and
divorce. Some collocations and clusters indicate the bad character of her. Hardy used the lexical
choices and collocations very carefully. The collocations like marrying and divorce give strength
to show the deceitful nature of her.

The next keyword is Phillotson this got 8th position in the keyword list having frequency is 217
and the keyness of +1797.75 points is which creating the effect of 0.0029 points. phillotson was
a good human being. He had a pure soul but he was also the victim of cruel fate. Hardy used the
words like humble, innocent, kind-hearted, pure etc for him. By using these words Hardy showed
the sympathetic nature of character Phillotson. Hardy has also showed the miserable condition of
Phillotson how he became penniless. Hardy used the words for him like poor, miserable, pitiable,
pity, suffering, defeat, departure etc. These words give the strength to the theme of loneliness and
tragedy. The word poor is used for 87 times. The word miserable is used for 16 times. The word
pitiable is used for 3 times. The word pity is used for 12 times. The word suffering is used for 10
times. The word defeat is used for 4 times and the word departure is used for 4 times in the
novel. Hardy very carefully used the words for his characters and placed those words on the
exact position. Collocations and clusters also support the theme of tragedy and the theme of
loneliness. So the selection of words and then placement of words according to the situation
show the Hardy’s mastery skills in language. These prove that Hardy is quite consciously using
the words that make readers ready for the tragic events ahead. He very incredibly provided
glimpses of the themes from the very beginning of the story.

The results of Wmatrix are just like the results of Antconc. Just the way of presentation is
different. The keywords, collocations and clusters of words are generated by Antconc to show
the important themes of the novel. The key semantic domains of the novel are represented by
Wmatrix. It also created the very large clouds for the important semantic domains of the novel.
Words representing the key semantic domains are seen in the form of the large clouds. Wmatrix
created the important semantic domains of the novel Jude the Obscure are Emotional actions like
fear/shock and Sad like quiet. These words show the important themes of the novel.

Similarly, for the second novel The Mayor of Casterbridge, Hardy selected the same technique
for introducing the themes of the novel in the choice and placement of words. In the second
novel the prominent figure is Henchard who is the hero of the novel. A list of keywords in such a
long list with a very high frequency of 803, the word Henchard stands first. It exposes the
consciousness of writer by balancing the words. Hardy kept the frequency of the words
according to the roles in the novel. The entire story revolved around this very word. In the novel
this word got the high frequency with the keyness of +7044.15 points that creates the effect of
0.0134 points. Hardy had a technique which he used for his protagonist firstly he lifted up his
hero and then fell down to the tragic end. So here he applied the same technique. Hardy used the
words for his hero which depicted clearly the tragic destiny of the hero. He used the words like
unlucky, alone, death, cried, suffering etc with the hero. The word sufferer here appears to be
descriptive of the series of sufferings endured by the hero of the novel; separation from his
family, death of his wife, separation from his friend and then his death. These all are the
sufferings which suffered the hero in his life by the passage of time. The collocations and the
clusters which used for this character also supported the theme of tragedy and theme of
loneliness. Some collocations are here worry, cried, unlucky, condemn etc also show the theme
of loneliness.

The next prominent character of this novel is Farfrae he was very nice and decent man but the
fate was very kind with him. This word placed at second position in keywords which is generated
by Antconc. It is used for 452 times in the novel. This word got high frequency after the word
Henchard in the novel with the keyness of +3963.75 points with creating effects of 0.0076
points. Hardy very carefully selected the words for this character like victory, strength, strong,
lucky, good, true etc and these words give the strength to the theme of victory. Some collocations
and the cluster patterns also gave the strength to this theme. Farfrae was totally opposite of
Henchard. Farfrae was a lucky while Henchard was unlucky man. Farefrae was optimistic and
Henchard was a pessimistic man. So fate was kind with Farfrae and cruel with Henchard. The
collocations are used for Farfrae are luckily, overpowering, victory, triumph etc which depict the
theme of victory.

The next prominent characters are Elizabeth and Lucetta. Elizabeth got the frequency of 433
words and the keyness of +2707.29 points and creating the effect of 0.0072 points whereas
Lucetta got the frequency of 268 words and the keyness of +2349.78 points and creating the
effect of 0.0045 points. Hardy presented both these characters oppositely. Elizabeth was the
innocent, pure soul, true, kind hearted, and the reality based whereas Lucetta was artificial, fake,
deceitful and time passing lady. Hardy has tried to show the truthiness and the fakeness of people
by presenting these two characters in the novel. Lucetta liked the dancing parties and she
seduced the men easily but Elizabeth was a noble lady she did not like this kind of stuff that’s
why she had no repute in the society and the boys liked Lucetta. Elizabeth cried over her fate
because she suffered a lot in her life firstly he lost her mother, then she lost her father, then she
lost her lover and then lost her life. Hardy has very deliberately and wisely picked the words for
the characters and then put those words on the exact position. So Hardy depicted the theme of
loneliness by using the words like gloomy, gloom, death, died etc for this character. The word
gloomy is used for 8 times, the word gloom is used for 7 times. The word death is used for 30
times and the word died is used for 17 times in the novel. So Hardy using these words to give the
support to the theme of loneliness. Hardy very carefully used the words according to the situation
and very deliberately placed the lexical bundles with the characters. Some collocations are also
support the theme of loneliness like sighed, cried, sick and tolerated etc. Whereas Lucetta was an
energetic young lady, she was materialistic and she was very fashionable lady. Hardy presented
this character very high in the beginning of the novel but in the last she faced many difficulties
like she lost her husband, lost her fame she became alone and then died. In the last she cried over
her fate and became alone. Hardy showed her loneliness by using the words like alone, silent,
silence and paused.

The findings of both the software have shown the themes of a literary text are represented in the
lexical choices which are used in the text. It has been proved by both the software (Wmatrix

& Antconc) that the writers are very wisely and carefully selected the lexical choices. Wmatrix
illustrated the evidence by portraying the themes of Hardy's novels in the form of clouds for the
important semantic domains. Antconc also illustrated the facts by creating keywords,
collocations and cluster of words that depict the themes of the novels. The research questions of
the research study have got their answers. There is a powerful relationship between the novels'
lexical choices and themes. The important themes of the novels are often represented by
semantic domains. After evaluating the results provided by both the software, the objectives of
the research study are achieved. Current research findings have also shown that cognitive
stylistics is very valuable in the evaluation of writers and characters. Without usage of different
aspects of Cognitive Stylistics the Corpus-driven stylistics remained incomplete.
It is proved from the research that the corpus driven stylistic analysis has a great worth as in both
ways qualitative as well as quantitative point of view of the research that enhancing the quality
of research and the validity of the findings. This technique has worked unique when the writer
explaining the effects of the words and groups of words that he used in the novel. It is also quite
interesting because it illustrates the fact that writers are always very carefully selected the words
and placement of them. The usage of computational methods made possible to find all the
aspects of the novels otherwise it was impossible manually. It was very helpful for the analysts to
save the time and energy by using these computational based research tools. For the finest
quality research both the quantitative and qualitative methods are complementary to each other.
5.2 Limitations of the Research Study
The corpus for the present research work had the textual form of the two novels of
Hardy: Jude the Obscure and The Mayor of Casterbridge. In the collection of the corpus of the
novels the big issue was the limitation of time constraint. However this research study has
illustrated the significant findings in understanding, how the author inculcated the themes in
lexical choices and lexical bundles even though the findings have been more reliable if the
textual material of all the novels of Hardy have been taken that would have functioned as the
It may be possible the coming researchers work on the entire corpus of all the novel of Hardy.
The big issue was the access of the software. It demands both the money and time to be utilized.
It requires a lot of time to apprehend the software. There is no difficulty to approach the Antconc
software. It was downloaded and comprehended without any difficulty. However there was a bit
difficulty to approach the other software because it was the payable software. There was a great
difficulty to approach the owner of this software and then to understand this software. Such types
of issues have been faced and it would be a time taking because the owner would not respond
timely. As the first experience of the researcher on this software it had to face a little difficulty to
work on it. The time was taken to learn and operate the software. The sympathy and the guidance
of honorable supervisor has made it possible to do all it easily.
Furthermore the n-gram could not be produced the percent data on this software so it made
impossible to produce the data with percentage. Wordsmith tool has easily generated the
percentage data and stylistically the collocations may have been analyzed. It is also not freely
available. This process took a long time that would be an obstacle to complete the research in
time allotted by the university. On the access of semantic tagger, text may have been analyzed
semantically. To access of this software the big limitation was the financial constraint. In the
future, however, research studies are required to carry out the corpus-driven analysis on more
stable foundations with the help of more sophisticated software.
5.3 Pedagogical Implications
This research study would be useful for students, teachers, researchers, syllabus designers and
the many other people who are interested in the area of stylistics. This present research would be
more helpful for those individuals who are working in the area of corpus. For the people who are
connected to literature specifically fiction, it will be very important for them. It will encourage
them understand how the words and the bundle of words are significant in comprehending the
theme of the story. This research study is going to be useful in finding and understanding the
purposes of the words for their frequencies and their placement in the classroom. This would be
helpful for the classroom in understanding the basis of lexical choices at the levels of pragmatic,
syntactic and semantic. It will be helpful for the classroom in understanding the functions of
lexical choices at syntactic, semantic and pragmatic level. This study will enable in manipulating
the nonlinear relationships of the lexical entries and also get an understanding of not only the
formal features but also the functional significance for the interpretation of the text. It will allow
students to understand how literary effects can be linked to linguistic causes where they are
considered important. The research has also discussed the role of stylistics in the text's
interpretation. The study concluded that the teaching and study of stylistics in terms of literature
interpretation is important. The readers of the novels will also be useful in recognizing the way
authors infuse themes into terms and word clusters. This research will assist the designers of the
syllabus to enhance the content of the syllabus by choosing the work of great authors.
The manner in which computational methods have worked to generate quantitative results would
encourage the designers of the syllabus to take these results into account and use them in the
stylistic analysis syllabus. The technique and findings will allow students in countries such as
Pakistan to learn the advanced methods used worldwide for literature analysis around the world.
In this research study, the role of lexical bundles has been explored in the interpretation of text
making it helpful for lexicographers on corpus driven analysis. It will give the teachers teaching
literature at various institutions a profound insight. In order to draw new interpretations and
provide a basis for the previously drawn meanings, it will allow them to look at the fiction from
various angles. It will also be useful for learners who are interested in English literature.
From this research review, critics can also get support. In this research study, they will operate on
the same pattern as is adopted. On the basis of examples set out in this research review, they may
provide a critical examination of their concerned corpus. This study will help literature
translators understand how concepts are drawn from the text and how the lexical bundles act as
theme generators. Our corpus can be used for discourse studies. The results of current study can
be used to compare with corpus based studies in literature. Researchers working in the area of
ELT can benefit from our keywords.

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