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Copyright © Remigiusz Kalwarski, 2022

Cover design: Magdalena Zawadzka

Illustrations on the cover: © Darkmoon_Art/Pixabay,

ElisaRiva/Pixabay, Gerd Altmann/Pixabay

Text revision: Anna Kielan

Text correction: ERATO

ISBN 978-83-67539-17-3


512 087 075


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NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


OF NOT BEING FULLY DEFINED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


3. THE ANALYSIS OF YOUR GOALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4. SPECIFYING THE STEPS – THE GROW TACTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


6. QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS – CARTESIAN QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

7. TIME IS A TOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45


MATTERS ONLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

9. THE CONSEQUENCES OF CONSISTENCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

10. EFFECTIVENESS IN ACTION – INTERNAL INTEGRITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57


WITHIN US . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

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Welcome to the SOLUTIONS CREATOR – a book that is different from

development journals and motivational journals, a slew of which appears
especially days before New Year’s Eve.
My book is not about handing out recommendations, listing down per-
sonal goals and taking notes on how close you are to achieving them.
It is about presenting you with a set of tools for generating those goals,
and about describing how to get the expected results.
My name is Remigiusz Nestor Kalwarski, and since 2004, I have been
consciously enhancing my efficiency in every sphere of life. Such a pro-
cess is called personal development. It has become a passion of mine
which I have finally decided to share, and therefore – apart from conduct-
ing workshops on sales and communication – I teach how to harness
emotions and successfully exchange messages with one’s subconscious.
I show how to find the balance between all spheres of life. I have been
working in sales for more than twenty years.
I am still getting better and receive promotions.
I am a certified NLP Master Coach, an advocate for finding balance,
and a business trainer registered in Polskie Towarzystwo Trenerów Biz­
nesu (Polish Association of Business Trainers). I have also been a mental

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coach for Towarzystwo Żużlowe Ostrowia (Ostrowia Speedway Associa-
tion), with which I got to the first league at that time.
And this is only a portion of my resume.
But this book is neither about me, nor my life. Maybe one day we will
stumble upon each other, and I will have the honor of meeting you in
person. I go to different places, so such an opportunity is not out of
the question. Then, it is possible you will get to know me and my story.
Of course, only if you have such a wish.
Let the words from one of the songs written by a Polish rock band, Ele-
ktryczne Gitary, serve as a brief description of my life’s story: “(…) I have
been in the army, the hospital, the joint, and sitting on a pile of cash (…).”
However, I should stop at that ;)
Thank you for the trust you have given me by purchasing this book.

I would like to inform that 10% of the profit from selling this book will go
to Szlachetna Paczka (Noble Gift), a Polish charity I have been an active
member of for quite some time.
And now, let’s cut to the chase because you have just been given an

on-hand set of tools.

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It is a handbook which will aid you in making choices as it contains a set
of tools for analyzing various situations. Following this handbook will gua­
ran­tee not only having a full B&T (belly and tank of fuel), but also support
in improving your efficiency in everyday actions, as well as in realizing
bigger plans and dreams. I refer to this book as a handbook because it is
full of easily accessible knowledge. Furthermore, it has space for jotting
down personal thoughts and conclusions.
Time and again, we irreversibly lose what we have not noted down.
This is how the brain works. It enables a free flow of thoughts, and if they
are not written down, they vanish inside an abyss. That is why it is impor-
tant to put them on paper! You will not only protect them from becom-
ing oblivious, but also up your efficiency by 50%. Do not hesitate to use
the scrapbook at the end of the handbook, then.
Making notes raises the chances of achieving goals by up to 70%.
Write, note, draw. Create thought maps. Jot down streams of thoughts.
All of this will help you tap into your potential which has been held down
by bottled-up emotions so far.
Devise a strategy and tactics you will use in your life and at work.
This handbook will make it easy for you to find your own strategy for real-
izing a given goal. Then, you will be able to think up tactics thanks to which
you will feel satisfied in your personal and professional lives.
However, what direction should one go in? Without going too much
into detail: towards the goal. This is the place where you have all the tools
for defining the goal and drawing up a plan of how you are going to pur-
sue it, as well as become successful in achieving it.
These tools are categorized from general to specific. I have created this
set on my own when I was looking for a way of dealing with certain chal-
lenges which would enhance my efficiency and let me act with more ease.
And with all those years of experience under my belt, I still have not found
a universal modus operandi. Because there is not one. Nevertheless, us-
ing this set of tools, you can analyze any issue that is of interest to you.

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And by choosing tools that are proper for the type and stage of
the challenge at hand, you save time. Moreover, you will suffer less disap-
pointments and make money faster.
The Solutions Creator should be picked up by anyone who wants to
act faster, more and with better end results. Thanks to it, you will learn how
to be more efficient, and how to act with more ease. This will improve your
decision-making in such areas as:
zz education,
zz choosing a career path,
zz work-related situations,
zz business-related situations,
zz relationships,
zz choosing priorities and taking action towards their realization.

Each tool is worthy in and of itself, but combining and using a couple of
them at the same time raises the efficiency dramatically. It all has to do with
the effect that synergy offers, and thanks to which, two plus two equals five,
six or sometimes even more, rather than four. Once you have taken advan-
tage of the Solutions Creator two or three times, your intuition will guide you
in solving another dilemma. You will also begin to use all of the methods
described in the handbook without a moment’s hesitation. Then, your next
problem will be solved quicker, and thus, you will arrive at your goal burn-
ing through less energy and generating less cost. What is more, you will be
able to analyze any sphere of life that you find interesting to its most basic
aspect, helping yourself reach the very “source”. The Creator will give you
a hand in choosing a solution that is perfect for a given occasion.
I am aware that no person can advise another, or tell him how to act.
Each and every one of us is unique, and therefore, this process will require
you being fully invested in it by not being afraid of hard work and sincerity
towards yourself.
But the good news is that you can lie to everyone else, but not to yourself.

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The first mistake people make has to do with the fact they do not
know what they want to achieve. [Wyler]

How can you successfully form a reality which is to keep you satisfied
if it has not been fully defined?
That is why, the very first step you have to take is to specify
where you want to find yourself, as well as how and why you wish to reach
a certain destination.
Let me get straight to the point:

Firstly, define your goal. Secondly, collect all the resources nec-
essary to achieve it: knowledge, money, materials and methods.
Thirdly, use these resources to arrive at the goal. [Aristotle]

Perhaps the “Leave your comfort zone” slogan has just popped into
your head, but I will stop you in your tracks.
Stay here and follow the instructions given in the substantive section
of this handbook. If you leave your comfort zone behind, you very of-
ten come back to it, but what it may have been turned into by then is


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a barren wasteland. It so happens when someone puts all his eggs into
one basket or focuses on acting alone, without minding the consequenc-
es. Of course, if any wound gets infected and begins to fester, amputa-
tion is the most effective solution to the problem. However, as long as an
ailing body part can be treated, it is not hacked off, unless you are des-
perate, but if this was the case, your emotions should be dealt with first.
Nonetheless, emotions will become the topic of my next book. You need
to remember that your comfort zone serves a supporting role, so you
ought to treat it with respect. Widen your comfort zone.

If you are going through hell, do not stop, keep moving. Every-
thing will find its end eventually. [Winston Churchill]

In other words, if you are moving, you are on the road, you do not set-
tle in the area the road goes through.
According to an old proverb, “it will not always be this way”. Changes
are part of our lives, and that is why:

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. [Benjamin


“To stand still is to move backwards” is a saying which was coined

many years ago, but it stays true in these hectic times, as well.
Even though knowledge and the ability to use it with success have been
the basic tools for ages, significant changes have been made to the
speed with which information flows, and that is what we are trying to be
on level ground with. Matters which have kept an average person from
the Middle Ages occupied for an entire year, today, we come to grips with
in about a week. But the effectiveness we travel through life with can be
improved even further.


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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. [Confucius]
The first step towards becoming a happy human being.
The journey towards happiness is never-ending, but one decides
to take it because the very fact of moving in the direction of happiness
changes his disposition in a positive manner. For a journey that long,
you need to take lots of food weighing almost as much as an elephant.
But how can you eat an elephant? Piece by piece!
If you divide the journey into stages, it automatically becomes less
tiring. Of course, in order to go over a crevice, you need to take a leap
and not two small steps, but if you do not wish to fall down, you need
to prepare yourself first. Do not let it fool you and put your guard down.
­Often, people who immediately want to reach high summits trip over mole
holes. It is better if you are aware of that and prepared for it, even though
sometimes it is mandatory to be a bit mad.

The ones who are mad enough to think they can change
the world, are the ones who do. [Steve Jobs]

You may know a story about a builder running around the site with
an empty wheelbarrow. Do not join the stampede.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results
of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opin-
ions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have
the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow al-
ready know what you truly want to become. Everything else is
secondary. [Steve Jobs]

The gift of having the ability to look at the world from above is some-
thing only visionaries can boast. Each of us will be given an award


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which is appropriate to the category and league we compete in – it can
be the Nobel Prize, the Oscar, or love and the feeling of security and fulfill-
How can you stay sane? How to become a visionary, and not a ­madman?
What is the difference?

A visionary flies into the clouds, from where he searches for inspi-
ration and a broader perspective. When he reaches such heights,
he sees more and does not pay so much attention to small things.
A visionary comes back down and uses whatever he has seen
up there in practice. A madman either keeps flying among
the clouds, or crashes upon landing. [Dawid Wojcieszak]

How can you find time for all this?

You keep bickering about not having time, but it is not true.
You have time for everything, but you lack the ability to organize
it. [Krzysztof Przybylski]

Are you attempting High-Return Activities or High-Value Activities?

Or, perhaps, you are focusing on those which bring you the most instant

The time spent on any item of the agenda will be in inverse pro-
portion to the sum involved. [prof. C. Northcote Parkinson]

Therefore, set your course on the basis of the light of the lighthouse,
and not of that belonging to ships you pass.
Where to find such a light? Read the following chapters.
You will find out it is inside you.

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When you see an iceberg at sea, you see only its part
that is above water.
Do you look at a challenge that is before you the same way?
If yes, you will be in for lots of surprises once you pick it up.


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In principle, in order for any system to operate flawlessly, it must be
complete. A human being who can be called a miracle of engineer-
ing is – simply put – a system comprised of a body, a mind and a soul.
The body is something we see from the very beginning. What is being cre-
ated inside its mind is revealed to us at a later stage. The mind, meaning
the brain, is inseparable from the body. The brain is the area where the
processes concerning creation, evaluation and analysis of values, which
are thought to be bonded with higher spiritual states, take place. Para-
doxically, the values we respect manifest themselves when we come in
contact with other people. It also affects the way we care for our bodily
layer. Thus, when you take a look at somebody, what you really see is
something more than only what the person is wearing.
However, you need to understand it fully first. If you want to get to
know somebody, give him a chance before you decide to shut him off
due to his “bad-looking” tattoo, or the length of his pants.
We all are a CUD (a miracle). We all have Ciało (a body), Umysł
(a mind) and Dusza (a soul). If these three elements operate in tandem,
we are happy, in balance and effective.
When one of them is on the fritz, other areas do not fire on all cyl-
inders, as well. For example, psychosomatic diseases are those
in which body functions may be impaired because of the ailing spirit.
For the sake of the argument, let’s imagine you have been in an accident
which leaves you bedridden, and you do not have any idea if you will be
capable of recovering fully. What happens inside your soul, then?
Your system of values has not been shaken? Even a tiny bit? Or maybe
it is being verified? Let’s assume you have made a complete recovery,
and you get back to being your past self. Is the system of values the same
as it was before the accident happened?
The sum of everyday occurrences shows us that some of our beliefs
are true, but others should be revised.


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All of this manifests itself in how we go about our lives – what de-
cisions we make, and what we resign from. A happy person is one
who cares for each element of CUD proportionately. However, if there
appears the issue of one of them not being fully defined, and if you feel
something is not right, can you, at that time, make a decision which will
keep you satisfied in the long run? Does it not lead to a hectic lifestyle and
weighing heavy on a given element of CUD?

Ciało (the body): What should it look like?

How healthy has it been?

Umysł (the mind): What do I want to learn?

What can I learn?

Duch (the soul): In what way do my beliefs push me

to take certain steps?
Which ones am I able to analyze?

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If someone does not know which dock he wishes to sail to,

no wind is his friend. [Seneca]

How to choose a direction or correct it?

Do you notice sometimes that certain harmful phenomena get repeat-
ed in our life regularly?
How to pinpoint the reasons for recurring failures?
Or how to specify a strategic goal?


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Verify it with the help of three questions. This method is rooted in basic
philosophical questions:
zz where do we come from?
zz where do we travel to?
zz who are we?

The answers will let you confirm if your intention has been fully de-
fined, and if the goal has been precise and thought through enough
that no small obstacle will be able to stop you from accomplishing it.
Because if the definition of the goal is complete, what is bestowed upon
you is the possibility to recognize how valuable it is to you.
Summing up, if what you are trying to achieve stays in harmony with
your vision of yourself, you will not veer off course. The fact that you may
learn something new on your way to the destination, or work through
some of your issues, is an acceptable cost.
But what if your vision is not fully defined? Many people throw in the
towel and do not try to accomplish the goals they set for themselves once
they realize what the cost of doing the opposite is. You will eventually find
out if you grasp the meaning of all the aspects of the chosen path.
For example, let’s assume that a young man defines what kind of
a professional life he wants to lead.
A prestigious profession comes to his mind, from which he knows
how to profit, but he does not take a minute to think what the daily rou-
tine of such a person is. Suddenly, due to him omitting such an analysis,
it turns out this is not the career he wishes to pursue.

Where Where Who

we come from we travel to we are
is is is


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Who do I want What do I want What do I want
to be? to have? to do?

Beginning acting finishing

If, no matter what you are doing, you have difficulty with start-
ing off, think if you have properly and precisely answered the question
about who you want to be. If you have trouble taking action, maybe you
do not fully know what you want to have?
If you have a problem with completing all the actions you have taken,
you may have not specified what you wish to be doing.
Ask yourself the following questions:
What do you want to accomplish?
What would you like to have?
How will you know you have accomplished your goal?
What will you see, hear and feel one you accomplish it?
Is the goal dependent on you?
How will the world change once you accomplish your goal?
How will accomplishing the goal influence your close ones
and acquaintances?
If there were no bounds, what would you like to have?

Well, if – after making several attempts – you still cannot find satis-
fying answers to the three basic philosophical questions, what should
you do? Ask yourself the complete opposite: what is it that you do not
want? ­However, the conclusions you will draw cannot be called answers
because a goal born out of negativity will drag you away from the place
you wish to get to. It is only a way to get the lay of the land, but once you
do, describe the goal in a positive manner. “I do not want to get sick” is
a statement that gives out a negative vibe, but the one saying “I want to


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be healthy” does not. Both of them mean exactly the same, but the way in
which they convey the message is completely different.
Now, I would like you to take part in a developmental experiment.
Please, accept a challenge of not using the word “NO” in conversa-
tions for an entire day. Of course, I do not suggest you should become
a ­yes-man, but if you have to disagree with someone, do everything in
your power to do it without saying “NO” ;)

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Chapter 2 Supplement

Could the following situation really take place? A conversation

based on negation:
‘You don’t want to go to the movies with me?’
‘No, I don’t. Wouldn’t you like to spend some time with me outside?
Why don’t we go for a walk?’
‘It’s not that I don’t want to go, I just don’t feel like having a stroll.
Don’t you want to watch a movie the premiere of which I have been wait-
ing for with me?’
‘You don’t want to spend some time with me? I’m not as important to
you as some movie?’
‘No, you’re very important to me. But it doesn’t seem like I’m to you
since you don’t want to go to the movies with me.’
‘You’re not unimportant to me; have fun at the movies, and I’ll catch
up with my reading.’
‘I’m not going to go, it wouldn’t feel right.’

This is how the conversation would look like if only one person used
‘You don’t want to go to the movies with me?’
‘I’d rather stay outside, we could go for a walk maybe?’
‘I don’t feel like having a stroll. Don’t you want to watch a movie the
premiere of which I have been waiting for with me?’


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‘I can watch the movie on my own, what I care about is spending some
time with you and having a conversation. If the movie is important to you,
watch it alone. You’ll tell me about it later.’
‘No, it won’t feel right that I’m going to the movies and you’re not.’
‘I’ll be glad that you’re having fun, and in the meantime, I’ll prepare
something nice for your return.’
‘If this is the case, I won’t feel bad about going.’

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The fox is SMART. Are you?

Since we already know what we want to do, let’s analyze it using

the SMART method. It allows to rationalize the undertaken strategies and
transfer them onto the level of actions which then become part of the


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The word “SMART” means “cunning, dexterous, sharp-witted, ingen-
ious, resourceful.”
SMART is a method of defining goals, with which you verify the odds
of completing them. It is also an acronym standing for five characteristics
which a fully-formed goal should possess:

S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Attractive
R – Realistic
T – Time-bound

What does it all mean? Well, a realistic goal ought to be described

­using the above-mentioned points.

Specific, which means you should have a clear-cut view of what the
goal pertains to, and how you want to achieve it. The goal itself should
be defined comprehensively, leaving no space for doubts regarding
its meaning. “Lose weight” or “run a marathon” are both well-defined
goals (but they still are not SMART goals – I will discuss why later). “Better
handle my emotions” or “take up a sport” are goals which lack specificity
because they do not really say what you are meaning to do.

Measurable – a well-defined goal should leave us with the pos-

sibility of evaluating our progress in terms of its completion. It is as
crucial as us having full clarity on how we are going to know we have
accomplished our goal. Whereas “saving PLN 5000 for a holiday trip” is
a goal which can be measured, “taking a holiday trip” is not. The former
lets me check how much money I have already saved, and how much
more I still have to put into the piggy bank, but the latter enables me


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only to state if I have achieved it, without giving me control of my pro-
gress towards its realization.

Attractive – it is the point describing what motivates us to accom-

plish a goal. When a goal is attractive, it is both challenging and one
we can profit from. In order to check how appealing a goal really is, first of
all, you have to answer the question “why do I want to accomplish such
a goal?” What might be helpful is creating a balance of profits and costs
regarding achieving or failing to achieve a given goal.
In the section “CARTESIAN QUESTIONS”, you will find tips on how to
form questions which can verify this type of a dilemma.

Realistic, so one that can be achieved. What is of the utmost

­importance here is recognizing if you have the time and strength to realize
a goal. You will be presented with the resources and a method of analyz-
ing them in the section called “TAKING STOCK OF MY RESOURCES”.
If you decide to run a marathon, you need time to train for it regularly.
If you want to save PLN 5000, it is necessary that your finances are organ-
ized, so that you are able to put aside a given amount of money every
month. Otherwise, you will not go past the phase of planning…

Time-bound, which means that a specific date has been set to which
our goal will be accomplished. Choosing a deadline for achieving a goal
is something that pushes us towards taking action. Without it, we are
­often compelled to postpone the completion of a goal for later. You will be
able to deal with such an urge once you have familiarized yourself with the
chapter on “TIME IS A TOOL”.

S for Specific
A specific goal is one that has been well-defined. Defined to the finest
detail. What you want to achieve, which methods you want to incorporate


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in order to do it, and why you want to accomplish this exact goal. It
has to be described in such a way as to not leave space for a different
I will write a book entitled Jak spełniać marzenia? Konkretne i sprawdzone
metody by putting down a minimum of a 1000 words on paper every day.

M for Measurable
The goal should be easily measurable. What does it mean? If I asked
you about the stage you are at in terms of realizing your goal, you should
not have any trouble giving me an answer.
It is not about you giving me specific numbers, but a rough estimate.
As a result, you will be able to evaluate if you have made any progress to-
wards accomplishing a goal, and how close you are to the finishing line. If
you do not mention how many pages the book is going to have, you could
just as well write 5 pages and state that it has already been finished.

I will write a book entitled Jak spełniać marzenia? Konkretne i sprawd-
zone metody by putting down a minimum of a 1000 words on paper every
day. The book will have eight chapters and a total of 80 pages.

A for Attractive
Choose goals which you consider to be interesting and challeng-
ing, or the completion of which entails being awarded a desirable prize,
for example, in the form of making a given dream come true.
If the goals are not appealing, and if you are not sure it is worth pursu-
ing them, then your progress will be slow and you will become frustrated.
This is the point where you should make a list of all that is motivating you
to accomplish a given goal.


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In order to help other people make their dreams come
true and to realize my own of publishing a book, I will write one entitled
Jak spełniać marzenia? Konkretne i sprawdzone metody by putting down
a minimum of a 1000 words on paper every day. The book will have eight
chapters and a total of 80 pages.

R for Realistic
What is a realistic goal?
If you want a goal to be realistic, set the bar for yourself and your
­abilities which sits a bit lower than the goal itself.
But only a tiny bit! You will not treat a goal which is too easy
to accomplish seriously, and you will not feel satisfied once you cross the
finishing line.
A goal whose completion is too demanding can motivate you to work
harder at first, but as soon as you do not see the results you expect-
ed, you will stop trying. You will get discouraged and decide to pick up
where you have left off the next day.
I do not have to say that that day will never come, do I?

In order to help other people make their dreams come true and to
realize my own of publishing a book, I will write one entitled Jak spełniać
marzenia? Konkretne i sprawdzone metody by putting down a minimum
of a 1000 words every day. The book will have eight chapters and a total
of 80 pages.

T for Time-bound
A goal without the date of realization is one that always stays a dream.
A goal without the date of realization can be accomplished either in
a year, or in ten years. Of course, if the goal is big and accomplishing


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it requires a lot of effort, then a long period of realization is completely
­understandable. But only in such a scenario.
Remember that all goals should have their date of realization.
Do not fret if you cannot meet the deadline, though. You do not have to
estimate everything perfectly, but what is important is to keep going and
to push the deadline to a more realistic date on the calendar.

In order to help other people make their dreams come true
and to realize my own of publishing a book, I will write one entitled Jak
spełniać marzenia? Konkretne i sprawdzone metody by putting a mini-
mum of a 1000 words every day. The book will have eight chapters and
a total of 80 pages. Once I start writing, it will be finished in 50 days. I will
devote all my working days to it.

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The path is made up of stages. The stages are divided into

steps. Some stages do not lead straight to the goal, but each
step brings you closer to it.


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It is time to choose a path. It is an action that the GROW analysis
strongly emphasizes:

The first step is to define a goal. If you have utilized the tools described
in previous chapters, this step has already been taken.
Goal: In order to help other people make their dreams come true
and realize my own of publishing a book, I will write one entitled Jak
realizować marzenia? Konkretne metody.

Since we already know the destination, we had better specify our
­starting point. It is a step which is very often omitted by novices in the
area of personal development. If you want to get somewhere, you need
to be aware of what you need and where you set off from. No-one walks
up Giewont wearing heels, right? Fixating on the fact that you are able to
cross the jungle will not make a machete appear in your hand and a guide
stand by your side. However, naming the phenomena occurring around
you delivers solutions and sheds new light on your situation.
Reality: There is no slot in my schedule for daily writing. It is my very first
contact with such form of writing. There are people who have experience in
writing and publishing, so they could offer me advice, consultation and support.
What have you done so far in order to reach your goal?
What story do you have to tell on this subject? Why haven’t you
­accomplished this goal yet?
What is your current situation? Does anything come out of it?
What is the truth? What are the facts?


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Who? What? When? Where?
What pieces of information do you possess that are important in terms
of this goal?
What do you do instead of working on the goal?
What can your observer tell about you? What makes you busy on
a daily basis?

This is the step at which the most solutions and possibilities appear.
At the time of searching for ideas, it is of the utmost importance to refrain
from criticizing them. The flow of ideas should not be hampered. If an idea
falls under scrutiny, not only the creation of others may become impossible,
but also your energy level will drop substantially. Therefore, at this stage –
instead of verifying if an idea is rational – you ought to concentrate on writ-
ing everything down. It may turn out that a number of irrational options will
become the foundation of a breakthrough solution (it has happened before).
What can you do to accomplish the goal?
What can you do differently?
What else can you do to accomplish the goal?
If you had the time, money and knowledge you need, what could you
do to accomplish the goal?
What is stopping you?
What will happen if these constraints disappear?
Imagine that you have a button at the push of which a given goal
can be accomplished. What will your surroundings look like after the goal
has been accomplished?
What had to change, so that this could become possible?
What advice would your role model in this area of expertise give you?
What values of yours will be fulfilled once you accomplish the goal?
Why haven’t you accomplished the goal yet?
What would become a breakthrough?


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Who do you need to become?
What abilities do you need to possess?
Options: I might sometimes experience dips in energy and unex-
pected situations which will rob me of the time that would otherwise get
me closer to accomplishing the goal, but once I get to my destination,
it will be easier for me to help other people make their dreams come true.
If I accomplish my goal, I will not only turn one of my dreams into reality,
but also find a way to promote my advisory services.

Way forward / What’s next

It is high time to create an action plan and to take first steps.
Which criteria will you follow in choosing an action?
Which solution will you pick? What will you do first?
What will you do next?
What are the stages/milestones on your path to the goal?
How will you motivate yourself once you step onto the path?
What do you have to do first in order to start moving forwards/faster?
How can you deal with this?
Specify several points in time at which you are going to evaluate your
­progress. Take advantage of the ability to manage yourself over a certain time
period. What you have to do today is to refresh your memory on the rules of ef-
fective planing which will be discussed further in the chapter “TIME IS A TOOL”.
For now, take stock of the resources you already have and still need,
and of the circumstances you have found yourself in and the ones
that would work in your favor.
Way: I will write a minimum of a 1000 words every day. The book will
have eight chapters and a total of 80 pages. Once I start writing, it will be
ready in 50 days. I will devote my every working day to writing. Being in the
process of writing, I will find an expert for revising and correcting the text,
so that I can prepare the book for printing immediately after finishing it.

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The car needs to go to the MOT every year.

Stocktaking of shops and warehouses is performed
at the end of every year.
But how often do you have a battery of tests taken?

SWOT is an acronym for:

Strengths (strong sides)
Weaknesses (weak sides)
Opportunities (in your surroundings)
Threats (in your surroundings)


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Generally, the SWOT analysis applies to companies, but, unless it
has been done carelessly, nothing really stands in the way of using it
in other spheres of life. Take a look at HRA and HVA in chapter 7 “TIME IS
A TOOL”. When incorporating this method, the following graph is created:



The SWOT analysis covers the diagnosis of situations within four areas:

Strong sides – Positive internal factors are those which let you take
a favorable position on the market and build an advantage. They need
to be taken care of and cannot be neglected in the future. What may be
described as strong sides are, for example: high credentials, good work
organization, reputation and financial resources.
I have decided to share what has helped me in dealing with my life
problems. As a result of my experiences, I have become determined when
taking action. Therefore, once I create an action plan, I am certain I will
finish my book within the specified deadline.

Weak sides – Negative internal factors are those which hamper

­effectiveness. They can weaken the strong sides if they are not overcome.


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What may be described as weak sides are, for example: not sufficient cre-
dentials and the lack of resources for accomplishing a given goal.
I have never written a book, I have no experience in this matter.

Opportunities – Positive external factors are those phenomena

in your surroundings which can either support your progress or fend
off threats as long as they have been properly utilized. What may be
­described as opportunities are, for example: the opening of a new market,
a boost in demand, or a new client base.
Writing a book will not only elevate my status, but also force me to gain
new abilities and to develop new relations, which will become beneficial to
both my development and career well beyond the area of writing.
I will reach a number of interesting and positive-minded people
who are as interested in personal development as I am.

Threats – Negative external factors are all hurdles which stand in

the way of progress. Unless mitigating actions are taken, they will have
negative influence on everything in their path. What may be described as
threats are, for example: the arrival of new competitors, a crisis, or the loss
of an important client.
These days, a crisis plagues the book market, which may result in
the lack of demand for my publication; all the more so because I am not
a public figure.

Now, you are aware of the factors that may impact your plans.
­Therefore, you can be better prepared for the upcoming challenges. Tak-
ing up a challenge entails making a number of decisions, which can be
facilitated with the use of the tool described in the following chapter.


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A good solution is the result of answering a well-posed

­question. Giving an answer to a question which has been
properly formulated may not be that easy.


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Rene Descartes (Cartesius), a genius philosopher, physicist
and mathematician, is regarded as the one who gave birth to them.

You have trouble making a decision? You are grappling with a certain
dilemma or an internal conflict? You are tired of the onslaught of thoughts
and of constantly trying to choose between “yes” and “no”? Or maybe
you are still in the process of specifying the hierarchy of pros and cons?

The Cartesian questions are a tool which is perfect for resolving such
­matters. There are four of them, all of which appear to be very easy to answer.
Write down the answers you have given, and find out how helpful
the Cartesian questions can turn out to be in:
zz defining a goal properly,
zz specifying the hierarchy of goals,
zz examining the ecology of a goal,
zz discovering limits and harmful convictions,
zz discovering fears which can lead to you becoming an obstacle for
zz giving an end to internal conflicts,
zz explaining the lack of motivation.

In a situation when you do not know which decision is the right

one to make or when you feel an urge of maximizing your chances of
­accomplishing the goal you have planned, all you need is a piece of pa-
per, a pen and to give answers to the following four questions:

AB – What would have happened, if you had accomplished the goal?

~AB – What would not have happened, if you had accomplished the goal?
~A~B – What would not have happened, if you had not accomplished the goal?
A~B – What would have happened, if you had not accomplished the goal?


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~A~B A~B

An answer to the first question (What would have happened, if you

had accomplished the goal?) defines the benefits the change will bring.
Speaking about it in terms of the metaphor about a carrot and a stick,
an answer to the question describes the former. Such a visualization may
have an immediate motivational effect, and thus it is worth both taking
advantage of it and building upon it while specifying a goal.

An answer to the second question (What would not have happened,

if you had accomplished the goal?) usually sets the “price” which needs
to be paid for the change (for example: if I build my own company, I will
not have as much time for having a personal life as I used to).

An answer to the third question (What would not have happened,

if I had accomplished the goal?), on the other hand, sets the “price”
which needs to be paid for avoiding change and not taking action (for
example: if I do not build my own company, I will have to resign from
my dream of becoming independent, which will result in me having to
take orders from my superiors for the rest of my life). Coming back to
the metaphor about a carrot and a stick for the following time, an answer


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to the aforementioned question generally serves as the description of
any stick. A vision of said stick may also become a motivational factor,
and because of that, it ought to be full of detail and uncompromising.

An answer to the fourth question (What would not have happened,

if I had not accomplished the goal?) is always the most interesting.
Due to the double negation, our subconscious becomes perplexed,
and the process of logical thinking is performed entirely by our brain’s
left lobe, which is making an effort to translate the question into a lan-
guage it understands. It is the perfect moment to listen to your subcon-
scious, because it is not going to be silenced out by our consciousness,
logical thinking and rationalizations. Relying on your own intuition, note
not only the questions (which need to be obvious and rational), but also
everything else that is going to appear (thoughts, emotions, feelings,
signals given by your body, catchwords and phrases popping into your
These answers are worth noting. Then, you can easily analyze what
the oblivious part of your brain hints at, and think about the knowledge
which can be extracted from the experience.

All questions leading to a substantial change or even a breakthrough

often cause confusion and strong feelings. Each time a question is
­followed by a long period of silence, it means no less than that the ques-
tion has been of great importance.

Cartesian questions can “rattle” the mind.

If you are going through the Cartesian questions in compliance with
the hereby described formula, give yourself time to think – ­answers
to these questions, apart from the first one, are not always going
to be o
­ bvious, and therefore, the ones you give will not be straight­
‑forward and immediate, as well. Do your best to make your answers


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comprehensive, because they will reflect upon the decision you are to
The Cartesian questions can be utilized on a daily basis and in re-
gards to various situations. It has to be remembered that the more seri-
ous the decision, the more time and thought must be given to the an-
swers and to immersing yourself in your needs, desires, fears and doubts.
However, the most basic rule of this exercise is to stay honest to yourself
and to give true answers.
The Cartesian questions can become a powerful tool. They are often
compared to airing one’s head ;)

Now, you probably know what, how and what with. However, how to
plan all of this out over a certain timeline? In order to resolve this issue,
dive into the next chapter “TIME IS A TOOL”.

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Time is money? Time is a tool? What it is spent on, and what

it is used for really depends on you?


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Since you have a lot of plans now, their realization needs to be put on-
to a timeline before you start complaining about not having enough time
and having to deal with too many responsibilities, or before you are to choose
between what must be done and what gives you the most pleasure. Soon, you
will have to come to grips with not being able to spend much time with your
friends and family, because your job is going to require more and more in-
volvement and availability from you. You think everything could change if a sin-
gle day had 48 hours, but at the same time, you are aware it is a dead end.
Such a false assumption is the result of being unable to sensibly plan
out a day, a week or a month. There are many ways to manage time
­properly, with one of them being the Eisenhower Matrix.
One of the presidents of the United States of America, Dwight D.
­Eisenhower, was known for not only his wisdom and good manners, but
also being capable of successfully managing his own time. He created
the so-called Eisenhower Matrix, which also goes by the name of the
Priority Matrix. It is one of the popular ways of organizing time. Its structure
is similar to the one of the coordinate system.
What is crucial for the realization of a goal is not the form the ­process
of task planning takes (a matrix, a table or a simple list with bullet
points), but the right division of tasks. Often, the dilemma is which tasks
are to be defined as of low importance or urgency. Can we refrain from
accomplishing them, or can we ask someone else to cross them off the list?
Look at it through the eyes of Cartesius ;)
In order to effectively apply the Eisenhower Matrix, you must under-
stand and appropriately select items which ought to be considered im-
portant and urgent. Of course, there are many factors which need to be
taken into account, as well, such as: personal priorities, emotional values,
financial values, the priorities of others, or changing deadlines.
Therefore, focus on the most important tasks and on people
who are closest to your heart. Current tasks and those bearing fruit in the fu-
ture cannot be put on a par. However, the former cannot be neglected, too.


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How to interpret the division within the Eisenhower Matrix.

Quadrant A: tasks which are both important and urgent,
and which we should accomplish on our own, or with the help of a third
party when there is too much on our plate. These tasks are to be ac-
complished as soon as possible, because failing to do so can bear far-
reaching consequences, such as being inundated by more responsibili-
ties. Tasks which can be part of this quadrant are those which could not
have been planned or predicted, or those which have come as a result
of past negligence and not performing daily duties. For instance, times of
crisis fall under this category.

Quadrant B: tasks which are important but of lesser urgency,

and which might be accomplished over a certain period of time, or on
a regular basis. The examples of such tasks are: physical exercise, pre-
paring yourself for an important but far-away project, working regularly on
yourself and your self-development.


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Quadrant C: tasks which are urgent but of lesser importance,
and which should be accomplished on your own, or with the help of
a third party right after the tasks from quadrant A have been taken care
of. Such tasks are not highly crucial, but require immediate realization.
Examples of them are: paying the bills or purchasing new clothes.

Quadrant D: tasks which are of low importance and urgency,

and which – speaking plainly – can be ignored. An ideal place for them is
the garbage can. Since we may thumb our noses at them, we should not
have trouble getting rid of them, too. They are usually described as “time-
consuming” and include gawking at the TV screen aimlessly, playing com-
puter games the whole day or being compelled to browse through social
media content.

Now, you are aware where the tasks which should be of interest to you
Of course, it is virtually impossible to specify a universal
modus operandi, because everything is dependent on your personal pref-
erence. There are, however, certain tips on how to act which I suggest you
turn your attention to.
If it turns out you have the most urgent and important tasks on your
plate, take a moment to think why it is this way. Maybe not all of them are
as important as you think, and maybe part of them can be postponed
or accomplished in stages equally spaced out in time.
On the other hand, if you fill the matrix with too small a number of
unimportant and non-urgent tasks, then you ought to spare a moment to
analyze it once more. There is always going to be something which can
be rendered as a responsibility of low importance, so do not be afraid to
move it to the right spot.
Remember that urgent tasks are those which need to be accom-
plished within the next few hours, or at least in the space of the ongoing


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day. Each task which can be postponed or has already been planned for
a later date is less urgent and therefore, it should find its place in quadrant
B. An effective method of avoiding having to deal with too many tasks
at once is to reschedule them to precisely specified points in time. It may
so happen that a number of these tasks will reach their expiration date
long before they ought to be given attention in the first place. And those
of them which turn out to be more urgent than we have initially thought
them to be will be brought to our consideration with an e-mail or a text
message notification.
Having this tool at your disposal, select those tasks which are impor-
tant and urgent. Specify your HRAs and HVAs. Surely, not everything can
be beneficial in the short-term, but – on the other hand – not everything
labeled as valuable has to be beneficial.
The Eisenhower Matrix will aid you in the difficult process of time
management. In order for it to be effective, you must rely only on it. Uti-
lize the equipment which can assist you in harnessing time, for example:
a calendar, a daily or weekly planner, or to-do apps.

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The matters you fill your life with reflect upon its value.


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One day, a certain person visited Socrates and wanted to share some
news with him.
‘Listen, Socrates, I need to tell you something!’
‘Let me interrupt you,’ said Socrates, ‘so that I can ask you if you
thought about winnowing what you have to tell me through the three
And because the eyes of Socrates’ interlocutor showed he did not
understand the question, Socrates explained:
‘Well, before we begin to speak, we always should winnow all that
we have to say through three sieves. The first sieve is the sieve of truth.
Have you checked if what you are about to say is true?’
‘No, but I have heard people talking about it, and…’
‘Oh well… I assume that you have at least winnowed it through the
second sieve, which is the sieve of goodness. Have you checked if what
you wish to tell me is a good thing?’
Socrates’ interlocutor hesitated, but answered nonetheless:
‘No, unfortunately, it is quite the contrary…’
‘Hmph!’ the philosopher sighed. ‘Let’s turn our attention to the third
sieve, though. Is what you are so eager to tell me useful?’
‘Useful? I do not think so…’
‘So we should not speak about it at all!’ said Socrates. ‘If what you
wish to tell me is not true, good or useful, I would rather not hear about it.’

Why have I brought this story to your attention? In order to help

you realize that we sometimes deal with many unimportant matters
which are harmful to our effectiveness. There are times when we spread
ourselves too thin. The moment you are to decide who with and what
for you spend your time and energy, remind yourself about the priorities
Socrates cherished.

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This chapter has been added to the second edition of the Creator
as a result of the discussions I have had with the reader’s of the first one.
Many of them raised the issue of the consequences actions may bring.
Therefore, I have decided to make an addition of another tool to the pub-
lication, so that the realization of planned goals and decisions taken can
become easier.

Consistency is a habit
which can be developed.

And goals which have been accomplished are the consequence of

Usually, we lack the determination to act and postpone a lot of matters
to the last minute. In order to change, you need to plan such a process
in advance. If you have already tried a couple of times, now you have the
chance to be successful, but only on the condition that you do not be-
come discouraged by the simplicity of the method I am to present to you.
The most basic methods are always the most effective ones. The less
complicated a mechanism is, the less faulty it is. So do not let yourself


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get fooled by your mind telling it is too straight-forward. Spare one minute
a day to become fully effective when taking action.
Take note of when you begin to act in a certain manner, and choose
a person who will help you stay on track. Then, you need to figure out what
triggers a bad habit of yours. It can be either a given activity or a thought,
for example: immediately after you enter the office, you check the mail in-
stead of planning out the day first. If you wish to stay consistent, do away
with the behavior making it difficult for you.
In the beginning, perform the task which reminds you of a good habit
daily. An important factor is to keep going even if you fail along the way.
If you are not successful at first, keep trying until the bad habit loses con-
trol over you. Apart from the resolutions, note down all the reasons why
you have not been able to accomplish the goal, and remove the phrase
“I told you so” from your personal dictionary. In order to make achiev-
ing the goal more desirable, set a prize which will motivate you to make
an effort, not let you give up too quickly and encourage you to work on
Remember not to be occupied with more than one habit at a given
time. As developing consistency requires us to be strong-willed and con-
sumes much of our energy, working on too many habits simultaneously
will only make us lose focus.
Discipline and strong will are the traits which accompany us from
the very start of the exercise. If we do not develop a habit, we will quickly
get bored, and all our efforts will go to waste. Why do we lose interest?
We want to see the fruits of our labor immediately. Instead of taking small
steps, we begin to run and lose strength in the blink of an eye. The task
turns out to be too difficult.
Often, it is not the lack of discipline which makes us resign, but of
motivation. If you are properly motivated, you will raise the odds of be-
coming successful. In order to accomplish the goal, first you need to be-
lieve a given endeavor will end in success. If you give up at the start,


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your chances of reaching the finishing line are thrown out of the window.
You need to “consistently” push towards this becoming a habit.
Habits unburden the mind, because we do things instinctively,
and without prior thinking. Staying consistent, you will undoubtedly make
your job easier. Therefore, create a CRE in which you are going to mark
your progress in terms of working on the habit you wish to develop.
The CRE can take the form of a table similar to the one shown below.
Of course, you can also sketch it inside your paper daily planner in which
you are going to put down all the activities and tasks you have performed
during the day. You are allowed to pick a phone or computer app which
you will use for registering your progress, as well. What I recommend,
however, is staying analog – not because I am old-fashioned and not up
to speed with technological advances, but because it is easier to stay on
top of the stimuli this way, and that, in turn, leads to accomplishing the
goal quicker and without making as much effort. Mark with a tick each
day when you have completed a certain task. Use a cross when you have
not done so for some reason, and a horizontal line if this task was not
on the agenda that day. Once you observe that you have achieved posi-
tive results day in day out for three weeks in a row, you may move onto
the next task at hand, and as far as the one which has been completed
is concerned, you can award yourself a prize for the success. Because
if you do not give yourself any credit, the universe, or however else you
might want to call it, is not going to see a reason to do it for you. Do good
by yourself. Good luck and get going ;)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

V V V V - X -
- V V X - V -
V V V V V V -

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All that I have described so far can be considered a resource for be-
ing successful in taking action. However, there is one key condition
which has to be met, so that whatever you wish to accomplish is to be-
come reality. First of all, conduct a simple experiment by taking a match-
box and trying to break all the matches in half. Well, you are probably
able to break a single match without an effort, but once they have been
bunched together, putting a dent in their integrity is not that easy, right?
The same thing happens if members of a given team do not share a com-
mon goal. Sometimes, it may lead to a drop in efficiency, which, in fact,
would not be considered the worst scenario. Unfortunately, it might also
cause a project, in which the entire team has been involved, to fail com-
pletely. Synergy in action is something which strengthens the effect of
a given endeavor significantly. The questions remain whether it is going to
be positive or negative, and how it is going to affect you personally.
I have already shown you that a human being is a multi-faceted creation.
It has a soul, a body and a mind. The mind can be further dissected into three
separate elements: the consciousness, the subconscious, and the area of
the mind which stays oblivious. The latter is identified as the realm of the spirit


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across different cultures and philosophies. No matter what view of the world
you represent, I have no issues with it, because I am aware how complicated
this realm is for some people, or how intimate it can be for others since they
guard it the same way Area 51 is secured by the U.S. government.
Nevertheless, you probably do not need to put a strain on your intel-
lect to understand how important your integrity and internal cohesion are
in regards to accomplishing the goals you have set yourself and nurtur-
ing your passions, or in terms of whether you are going to walk down
a path where one success is followed by another or you continue to cel-
ebrate consecutive failures, being passionate about putting the blame on
everything but yourself. Of course, objectivity holds no value regarding
such matters, because not having wings bars one from flying anyway.
The situation becomes different, however, when you sabotage your own
actions by performing something Orwell regarded as doublethinking.
The examples of it are such statements as: “I need to be beautiful to be
happy” or “I need to get this job to become successful.” If you allow for
this kind of mechanism to operate inside you, you will only notice another
hill behind the one you have just climbed. In order to fare better in life, you
ought to deactivate said mechanism by getting rid of the stimulus which
it is triggered by (e.g., seeing someone who is more fit or has a better
car; or hearing a loved ones complementing someone other than you).
At any given moment, you are the sole person responsible for putting
yourself in this or any other situation. If you are willingly judgmental of
yourself, do not recognize yourself anymore or disassociate from your-
self, you tear yourself apart internally. It is not the way to go if you wish to
realize any dreams. No-one can get closer to you than yourself. Reaching
internal cohesion is possible only if you are brave enough to live with your-
self in peace. Dollying yourself up for others and, at the same time, be-
coming distant from yourself is nothing more than cutting your identity into
small pieces. You do not need to stay hot under the collar and aggressive


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to live in harmony with yourself. Aggression is the trait of the weak. It is
about being determined and consistent to a certain degree.
With the use of chosen words, you can stay internally sound and
make your actions effective. You can praise your internal critic in many dif-
ferent ways, so that he finally becomes inclined to support you instead.
What I am on about are the contradictions we are unaware of, but which
sabotage our successes. About the constant internal dialogue we are in-
volved in. The one which, unfortunately, usually does not push us forward,
because it echoes everything that has been stopping us from taking de-
cisive actions for years. There were times when you surrendered, weren’t
there? It happened because you were taking part in a discussion, or even
an argument, with your own self on whether it was worth putting up a fight
or not. The way you are going to accomplish a goal does not matter as long
as the one you choose is your own and not built upon the fears, prejudices
and stereotypes which have been instilled into you. Being torn apart inter-
nally is what stops you in your tracks and from getting to the destination you
wish to reach. You may experience the feeling that your identity is weighing
the pros and cons of having been in a relationship with someone, and all
the while you are longing for all the enjoyable and beautiful moments as-
sociated with it, you are also grappling with everything that has brought you
pain or even harm. Of course, kudos to you, if you have not dealt with any
dilemmas or difficult experiences which were capable of rattling you.
However, I suggest you familiarize yourself with a method
which you can later share with someone in need. The one I am going to
recommend is simple, safe and does not require anything else than your
involvement. The method is called expressive writing. I encourage you to
use words one more time, because I believe they have lots of POWER!
Writing something down has the same effect as talking to a friend.
Or even taking a pill for alleviating pain. And not only the one that your
psyche may endure. It turns out that writing can improve our physi-
cal state as it creates a connection between all the spheres we have


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been built upon, meaning Ciało (body), Umysł (mind) and Duch (soul).
In fact, the scientific research conducted by James Pennebaker from the
University of Texas and Joshua Smyth from the Syracuse University has
shown that the daily routine of being up and personal with our own words
can influence our well-being in miraculous ways. As far as the experiments
in which sick patients took part are concerned, the group who spent thirty
minutes a day describing their experiences achieved better results than
the control group. Such results were noticed among both the patients
diagnosed with chronic diseases, as well as those who were rendered
incurable because there were no treatments available for their ailments
at the time of the study. Where do those results come from? Knowing
that about sixty thousand thoughts come through your mind each day,
how many of them, do you think, are expressed in words? Depending on
the person in question, a third of them at the maximum, which gives an
average of fourteen thousand thoughts. The rest may circle around some-
thing which takes you to places you would rather not visit. So…? So now,
it is time for a quick change of subject. Namely, what are the benefits of
meditation? Let’s see… it:
1. Improves memory and concentration.
2. Revamps the structure of the brain.
3. Raises the IQ level.
4. Kindles creativity.
5. Strengthens self-control and will power.
6. Reinforces the immune system.
7. Lowers the level of fear.
8. Alleviates the effects depression.
9. Lowers the level of stress.
10. Enhances empathy and compassion.
11. Reduces the risk of age-related brain atrophy.
12. Improves well-being.
13. Helps fending off addiction.


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14. Stabilizes metabolism and stimulates weight loss.
15. Lowers blood pressure.
16. Slows down the process of aging.
17. Improves the effectiveness of the cardiovascular system.
18. Alleviates inflammation in the body.
19. Improves pain tolerance.
20. Treats insomnia.

As you are writing, your concentration level is similar to the one

characteristic of meditation. While writing, you gather all the unsettled
feelings within a single structure. Within a melting pot of connotations,
memories and ideas. You put your thoughts in order. It is as if you were
clearing a stream of water from rocks and toppled down tree trunks which
cause the stream to meander unnecessarily and the water level to rise.
In such a way you overcome certain experiences and the feelings that
come out of them. Bottling up negative emotions associated with hard-
ships consumes energy and impairs the immune system. And all it takes
to avoid it is to write for at least 15 minutes a day for the minimum of three
to four days. To write about traumas. You write about negative experiences
which you keep secret, or which you do not describe in detail to other
people. You write and, as a result, you effectively escape the need of put-
ting an effort into hiding thoughts and feelings they might lead to. And the
more you are absorbed by negative thoughts, the more effective writing
about them turns out to be.
Expressive writing, as it has been once called, is an incredibly effec-
tive method which can be of help in resolving any physical or psycho-
logical issue caused by stress. Therefore, it will assist you in achieving
internal integrity, thanks to which you are then going to have a better
understanding of yourself and your emotions. This, in turn, will result in
you making good decisions.
Start writing, then!

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Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper, which is considered one

of his most well-known frescoes, was three years in the making
and finally finished in 1495. Up to this day, however, this work-of-art has
been igniting the minds of many and has led to the creation of numerous
interesting – and often otherworldly – theories. Some of them have later
been taken advantage of by the entertainment industry, and incorporated
into movies and novels in which the fresco is treated as the carrier of en-
crypted information.


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Jesus was the very first character to be portrayed on the refectory
wall inside the monastery by the genius Leonardo. Interestingly, he asked
the citizens of Milan to pose for him, so that he could paint all the neces-
sary characters.
Then finally came the time to paint Judas, which turned out to be
a real challenge for Leonardo, because he was in need of a model who
embodied the traits of a traitor – anger and unforgivingness. The artist
wished that after taking a single glance at the person’s face, one would
immediately know he had already been consumed by evil. Therefore, he
began his search inside a prison where he was hoping to find a man who
would agree to become his model. Even though Leonardo managed to
stumble upon such a man, he had to make a lot of effort to encourage
the inmate to work for him. The criminal may have been convinced to give
a helping hand by how much money he was offered for the service. No
sooner had Leonardo picked up the brush than the man started crying.
The artist had asked him for the reason of his despair, to which the latter
answered: “Two years ago, you asked me to pose for you so that you
could paint Jesus.”
Everything is within us. Good and evil. Love and indifference.
Courage and fear. Remorse and happiness. Shame and pride.
This traits are for us what strings are for an instrument. The sounds
we are going to make depend on how we are going to tune our internal
instrument. We can sound beautifully, or we can induce painful experi-
ences. The possibilities hidden inside us are endless.
We decide which one comes to the fore. Are we going to sound like
poetry? Are we going to sound like cannon fire? Is the sound going to be
harmonious? Is the sound going to reminisce a mix of random notes?
You are probably wondering why I am telling this story in the context of
making decisions.
Well, everything is within you. Everything you currently need. What you
have is enough.


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When does compassion manifest itself? Only when it is an answer to
evil and suffering.
When does patience manifest itself? Only when you find someone tiring.
When are you courageous? Only when you have taken an action de-
spite being afraid.
When are you creative? Only when you wander off the beaten path.
Whichever route you are going to take, it is going to be the right one.
Whatever you do not know today, you will find out and learn on
your travels.
Off you go and reach for anything you consider valuable to yourself.

And when you are going to feel like you need to know more
and receive guidance, turn over to my following publication which is going
to treat about forgiveness, persistence, consistency, love, management,
balance, compassion and creativity.

However, if you wish to consult me, I am at your disposal at the follow-

ing address:
We will find a way to talk over the phone of on Skype.

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Now it is time to specify, set yourself and write down the tasks
which are to be completed.
It order to make it easier for you, define all that is to be done:

IMMEDIATELY ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

REGULARLY �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

AT A CERTAIN STAGE UPON COMPLETION OF �������������������������������������













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I have been traveling through life since 1975, and I like
the journey more and more. No matter how much I am
going to write about myself, it is likely something is going
to slip my mind. I have asked my friends to describe me
with either one word or a single sentence. The following
contains what some of them have said.

Remigiusz shows that if an idea is sown properly and takes root,

it can lead to above-average end results
Jan Paweł Tomaszewski
– motivational speaker, corporate psychologist and sportsman

He is able to build his life (one frame after another – similarly to

a movie) upon dreams.
Wiesław Kaczmarek
– journalist, actor

Hard as a rock, organized as LEGOs, refined as oil, sensitive

as a child and caring as a mother.
Arkadiusz Kurowski
– businessman, CEO of TechMedia

He moves forward no matter the obstacles.

Monika Janicka
– communication skills coach,
owner of KEKS POLSKA, speaker


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To me, Remigiusz is a beautiful example of how you can be-
come a powerhouse and, at the same time, be able to share your
personal value with others on an enormous scale thanks to self-
awareness, consistent self-development and good intentions.
I am impressed by the journey this man has completed, and by
the progress he has made in the course of it.
Marcin Juchniewicz
– psychologist, coach, traveler

Barbara Gruszka
– mental coach, writer, entrepreneur

Remigiusz is a person who has undergone many changes

during his life. Now, due to his rich experience, he is capable of
helping others become better. I highly recommend my esteemed
partner in crime.
Krzysztof Fabiański
– coach, mentor

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