BRICKS Biology Lesson Material 1 Havovwo (2nd Edition 2018) C4 Jointed Skeletons 4.3 Materials of The Skeleton

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Lesson material 1 havo/vwo (2nd edition 2018) C4 Jointed skeletons 4.3 Materials of the skeleton 11%

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First thoughts

Your skeleton has to be strong, tough and !exible. The materials in your skeleton make this possible.
Your skeleton consists of cartilage and bone. A bone is not a solid thing: bone cells use food and
oxygen to get energy for growth and repair. These substances are brought to the bone cells by blood
vessels that run through holes inside the bone. An individual bone is made up of di"erent

In this section you will answer:

What is cartilage and where in the skeleton can you !nd it?
What is a bone made of?
How is a bone renewed and repaired?
How does a bone grow?


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