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Assignment 3
1. Define the following terms:
a. Learning
b. LMS weight update rule
c. Version Space
d. Consistent Hypothesis
e. General Boundary
f. Specific Boundary
g. Concept
2. What are the important objectives of machine learning?
3. Explain find –S algorithm with given example. Give its application.
4. What are the basic design issues and approaches to machine learning?
5. How is Candidate Elimination algorithm different from Find-S Algorithm
6. How do you design a checkers learning problem
7. Explain the various stages involved in designing a learning system
8. Differentiate between Training data and Testing Data
9. Differentiate between Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning
10. What are the issues in Machine Learning
11. Explain the List Then Eliminate Algorithm with an example
12. What is the difference between Find-S and Candidate Elimination Algorithm
13. With a neat diagram, explain how you can model inductive systems by equivalent deductive
14. What do you mean by Concept Learning?


1)write K-nearest neighbor algorithm for approximation of a discrete valued target function and
also for real valued target function

2)Explain CADET system using case based reasoning

3)what is Reinforcement Learning explain the concept of Reinforcement Learning problem and its

4)Derive an expression for function. Using the same write an algorithm for learning

5)Explain distance weighted nearest neighbor algorithm

6)Explain radial basis functions

7)Explain locally weighted regression.

8)Explain Q-Learning algorithm

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