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The table illustrates how many nonpermanent foreign employees worked in four

different nations in the year 2003 and 2006, along with the quantity of such
laborers out of 1000 people in the latter year.
Overall, there were upward trends in the density of temporary migrant workers in
all countries over the period shown, with that in the US having the largest counts in
both years by far. In addition, New Zealand had the highest number of such
employees relative to the population.
In 2003, 577,000 migrant laborers worked temporarily in United States, compared
to 152,000 in Australia and 137,00 in the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, there were
only 65,000 migrant employees in New Zealand, the lowest among all nations
listed. By 2006, the figures for these countries had experienced significant rises,
reaching 678,000, 219,000, 266,000 and 87,000 in that order.
Despite the smallest absolute numbers, New Zealand recorded the greatest ratio of
migrant laborers per 1000 inhabitants in 2006, at 21.1, followed by the figure for
Australia, at 10.7. As for the remaining countries, the number of temporary migrant
workers in the United Kingdom was nearly double that in the US, at 4.4 and 2.3

Nowadays, married couples often take into consideration to give birth in later
stages of life, compared to that in the past. In this essay, I will discuss several
feasible factors of this trend and I hold the belief that the drawbacks of that are far
more significant than the benefits involved.
One of the major reasons why young couples are not ready to becoming parents
comes from the heightened monetary burden on them. This means that if people
give birth to a child, they will have the responsibility to bring up their son
comprehensively which requires a large amount of money for healthcare, basic
necessities, or education, leading to a financial pressure for them, especially for
those who are struggling. Another is the emphasis on career advancement instead
of embarking on parenthood. In other words, they just pay attention to their current
job, allowing them to gain more employment prospects and climb the career
There are several merits and demerits of delaying parenthood. As for the benefits,
having children in the later stages of life, they had a chance to establish and save a
stable source of income which provides their children with better standards of life,
or learning condition. As a result, this deliberate approach enables parents to offer
their children an overall educational experience, exposing them to a world of
knowledge and information which are useful for their future jobs. However, the
ability of fertility is always associated with maternal and paternal age. This means
that when women are older, the chances of giving birth to a child will be petite due
to the deterioration of health, resulting in suffering a miscarriage, or having several
unexpected syndromes for their children when being born, such as DOWN.
In conclusion, the fact that this development can be attributed to the financial
pressure as well as the desire to their career path and in my opinion, despite the
improvement of living conditions it holds, the potential dangers of having children
when people are older on both maternal and child health are more enormous.

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