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Synopsis of
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
Submitted by
Ranvir Tailor
Under the Supervision of
Dr. Dushyant Singh
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Jaipur, RAJASTHAN-303905
March, 2024
It is certified that outlines of the synopsis which are prepared by Mr. Ranvir Tailor
have been verified and submitted to forward to the Directorate of Research, JECRC University,


Signature of the Signature of the

Research Co-supervisor Research Supervisor

The synopsis which is prepared by Mr. Ranvir Tailor and verified by the research supervisor(s) is


Signature & Seal of the Dean


1. Name and Address of the Research Scholar

2. Name of the Subject

3. Name of the Faculty

4. Name and Designation of the Research Supervisor

5. Name of the Research Centre /Department

6. Title of the Proposed Project Work

7. Introduction
8. Literature Review
9. Research Methodology
10. Tentative Duration for Completion of the Proposed Research Work
11. Bibliography

Date: Signature of the Research Scholar

1. Name and Address of the Research Scholar:

Ranvir Tailor

Reg. No: 21BCON546

JECRC University, Jaipur

2. Name of the Subject:

B.Tech CSE Minor Project

3. Name and Designation of the Research Supervisor:

Dr. Dushyant Singh

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

4. Name of the Research Centre/Department:

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

5. Title of the Proposed Project Work:

Development of a User-Friendly Trip Planner Web Application for Seamless Travel Experience.
6. Introduction:

This project aims to develop a comprehensive trip planner application to simplify the process of
itinerary creation and enhance the overall travel experience.

Statement of the problem:

Planning a trip can be a daunting task due to the abundance of options and information available.
Existing trip planner applications often lack user-friendliness and fail to provide personalized
recommendations, resulting in user dissatisfaction.

Research questions/Hypotheses:

How can we develop a trip planner application that offers personalized itinerary suggestions based
on user preferences and constraints?

Objectives of the study:

1. To design and develop a user-friendly trip planner application.

2. To integrate features for personalized itinerary generation.
3. To identify areas for improvement based on user feedback.
4. To enhance the overall travel planning experience.


This project addresses the growing need for efficient travel planning tools in the digital age. By
offering personalized recommendations and proposed trip planner web application aims to
streamline the travel planning process and enhances user satisfaction.

Scope of the study:

The scope of this project includes the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of the
trip planner application. It encompasses features such as itinerary customization, accommodation
and transportation suggestions and attraction recommendations.
Definitions of key terms used:

Trip Planner Application: A software tool designed to assist users in planning their trips by
providing itinerary suggestions, accommodation options, transportation details, and other relevant

Personalized Recommendation: A suggestion tailored to a user's individual preferences and past


User-friendly: A design, product and system that are easy to use, navigate, and understand,
particularly from the perspective of the end user.

7. Literature Review:

Interlocking findings and Research Gap:

While several trip planner applications exist in the market, many lack the sophistication required to
provide personalized recommendations tailored to individual user needs. This research aims to
bridge this gap by developing an intuitive and feature-rich trip planner application.

Your preliminary work on the topic:

Our preliminary research involves analyzing existing trip planner applications, identifying their
strengths and weaknesses, and gathering user feedback to understand common pain points and

Rephrase your research question(s) in this context:

How can we leverage existing research findings to design and develop a trip planner application that
addresses the identified gaps and provides a superior user experience?
8. Research Methodology:

Description of the study area:

The study will focus on the development of the trip planner application for use in various travel
scenarios, including leisure trips, business travel, and group vacations.

Research design:

The research will follow a systematic approach, including requirements analysis, design prototyping,
implementation, testing, and evaluation.

Sources of data:

Data will be collected from existing literature, online resources, and travel-related datasets.

Data collection procedures:

Data will be collected through social media platforms, research articles, targeted advertisements and
from various research already conducted by different organizations.

Data analysis method to be employed:

Quantitative data will be analyzed using statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics and
regression analysis, while qualitative data will be analyzed thematically to identify common themes
and patterns.

Expected result:

The expected outcome of this research is the development of a user-friendly trip planner application
that meets the needs and preferences of modern travelers. Evaluation results will provide insights
into the application's usability, effectiveness, and potential areas for improvement.
10. Tentative Duration for Completion of the Proposed Research Work (Show
using Gantt Chart):
11. Bibliography:

 Google
 Wikipedia
 Smith, J. (2020). "Enhancing User Experience in Trip Planning Applications." Journal of
Travel Technology, 15(2), 45-60.
 Johnson, A. (2019). "Personalization in Travel Planning: A Review." International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 221-235.
 Brown, L. et al. (2018). "User Preferences in Trip Planner Applications: A Survey Study."
Journal of Information Systems, 12(4), 112-128.

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