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MODULE-3(Second-Half) and MODULE-4

Question Bank (Upto IAT-2)

Moudule-3(Second Half)
1. What are triggers in SQL? Explain about Triggers in SQL with Suitable example.
2. What are Views in SQL? Discuss on methodologies to implement views in SQL.
Explain with an example.
3. What are key constraints? Explain the key constraints on relational database with suitable
4. What are Aggregate functions in SQL? Explain with example.
5. Explain in detail about PL/SQL and Stored procedures.
6. What is a Join? Discuss about various joins used in SQL.
7. How assertions are used to enforce complex constraint? Explain with example
8. Describe the process of embedding SQL statements within a host programming
language. Provide an example to illustrate the concept.
9. In the context of Embedded SQL, what is a cursor? How is it used, and what problem
does it help to solve?
10. Explain schema change statements in SQL with examples.
11. Write a short note on JDBC, JDBC classes and interfaces.
12. Write a short note not SQLJ and Dynamic SQL.

1. Explain functional dependency with different IR rules.
2. Define Normalization. Explain 1NF,2NF and 3NF with examples.
3. Explain the informal design guidelines for relation schema.
4. Explain primary key, foreign key, candidate key and super key provide examples for
5. Given the functional dependencies X= {A -> B, AB->C, D->AC, D->E} and Y=
{A -> BC, D -> AE}, Explain whether these two sets of functional dependencies are
6. Let the given set of Functional Dependencies be X: {B->A, A->D, AB->D}. Find the
minimal cover of X.
7. What are Trivial and Non Trivial Functional Dependency?
8. Explain BCNF with example.
9. What is the difference between BCNF and 3NF?
10. How can you prove the equivalence of two sets of functional dependencies?
11. Describe the process to find its minimal cover.
12. Are the below sets F and G equivalent in terms of functional dependencies? Explain
your answer.

13. Find the minimal cover of the below set of FD’s

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