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Important Editorial Articles

❖ A reckless experiment: on gene-edited babies

❖ Out of the woods
❖ Summit 2.0: the second Trump-Kim meeting
❖ Unity and strength: on the Opposition rally
❖ Export uncertainty
❖ System Failure
❖ The contours of contest ahead
❖ Sedition : Once More
❖ Cautious on capex
❖ Unavoidable option
❖ Anaemic revival
❖ A silver bullet missing the target
❖ Caution ahead: on economic growth and election spending
❖ System Failure
❖ Quota questions: on 10% reservations
❖ A wobbly jet
❖ Removing fear: on literary freedom

Important Words from the Article

1. Word: Backdrop (पष्ृ ठभूमि) • Use in a Sentence: The treaty of the state
ended imbroglio that has kept the two
• Pronunciation: back-drop/बैक्ड्राप
countries at war for over sixty years.
• Part of Speech: Noun
3. Word: Reinforce (सिर्थन करना)
• Meaning: lie behind or beyond; serve as a
background to. • Pronunciation: ree-in-fawrs/रीइन्फोर्स
• Synonyms: background, ground • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: foreground centre, focal point, • Meaning: strengthen or support (an object
focus, heart or substance), especially with additional
• Use in a Sentence: The novel unfolds material.
against a backdrop of war. • Synonyms: bolster, augment, enlarge
2. Word: Imbroglio (उलझन) • Antonyms: diminish, undermine, enervate
• Pronunciation: Im-bro-ligo/ • Use in a Sentence: Some organizations
• Part of Speech: Noun were moved up to reinforce the front line.
• Meaning: a confusing situation 4. Word: Armistice (युद्धविराि)
• Synonyms: confused/complicated situation; • Pronunciation: ahr-muh-stis/ आर्मसस्टिर्
difficulty/predicament. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: clear, simple


• Meaning: an agreement made by opposing • Synonyms: hope, forethought,

sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain apprehension
time; a truce. • Antonyms: amazement, surprise,
• Synonyms: Concord, Pacification, Accord astonishment
• Antonyms: Fight, Strife, Dispute • Use in Sentence: We look forward to your
• Use in a Sentence: Both the parties lecture with eager anticipation.
discussed their differences and finally agreed 9. Word: Headway (तरक़्क़ीयाफ़्ता)
to call an armistice.
• Pronunciation: hed-wey/हे ड्वै
5. Word: Rhetoric (शब्दाडम्बर)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: ret-er-ik/रे िररक • Meaning: forward movement or progress,
• Part of Speech: Noun especially when this is slow or difficult.
• Meaning: language designed to have a • Synonyms: advancement, improvement
persuasive or impressive effect, but which is • Antonyms: decline, degenerate
often regarded as lacking in sincerity or • Use in a Sentence: We are making little
meaningful content. headway with the negotiations.
• Synonyms: Elocution, Discourse, Bombast 10. Word: Crux (कठठन बात)
• Antonyms: Conciseness, Quiet • Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: As the elections are
• Pronunciation: kruhks/क्रक्ड्र्
just one week away, the rhetoric on both
parties is building. • Meaning:
a. the decisive or most important point at
6. Word: Tangible (िास्तविक)
• Pronunciation: tan-juh-buh l/िै न्जबल b. a particular point of difficulty.
• Part of Speech: Adjective/Noun • Synonyms: essence, puzzle, basis
• Meaning: • Antonyms: exceptional, triviality
a. capable of being touched; discernible by • Use in a Sentence: The crux of the
the touch; material or substantial. difficulty lay in the lack of material.
[Adjective] 11. Word: Impasse (कठठन ष्स्र्तत)
b. real or actual, rather than imaginary or • Part of Speech: Noun
visionary [Adjective]
• Pronunciation: im-pas/इम्पैर्
• Synonyms: concrete, obvious, perceivable
• Antonyms: abstract, unreal, imaginary • Meaning: a situation in which no progress is
• Use in a Sentence: Police need tangible possible, especially because of
evidence to take legal action disagreement; a deadlock.
• Synonyms: deadlock, standstill, stalemate
7. Word: Reciprocate (परस्पर आदान-प्रदान)
• Antonyms: passage, journey, advance
• Pronunciation: ri-sip-ruh-keyt/ररर्र्प्रकैि • Use in a Sentence: The dispute had
• Part of Speech: Verb reached an impasse, as neither side would
• Meaning: to pay back in return compromise.
• Synonyms: do the same, return/give back; 12. Word: Pre-emptive (प्रर्ि)
equal • Pronunciation: pree-emp-tiv/
• Antonyms: deny, refuse, disagree • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Use in a Sentence: Priya is hesitated to • Meaning:
loan money to people because most of them a. serving or intended to pre-empt or
are unwilling to reciprocate when she is in forestall something, especially to prevent
need financially. attack by disabling the enemy.
8. Word: Anticipation (अग्रदृष्ष्ि) • Synonyms: proactive, early
• Pronunciation: an-tis-uh-pey-shuh n/ऐस्न्िर्पैशन • Antonyms: reactive, permissive
• Part of Speech: Noun • Use in a Sentence: They decided to launch
• Meaning: a pre-emptive strike.
a. the action of anticipating something; 13. Word: Prevaricate (िाक्छल करना)
expectation or prediction. • Pronunciation: pri-var-i-keyt/प्रप्रवैरकेि


• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: pacifist, friendly, amicable

• Meaning: speak or act in an evasive • Use in a Sentence: She has some
(ambiguous) way. contentious opinions on education.
• Synonyms: dodge, falsify, deceive 18. Word: Manifesto (घोषर्ापत्र)
• Antonyms: honest, candid, outspoken
• Pronunciation: man-uh-fes-toh/ मैननफेटिो
• Use in a Sentence: The police asked the
criminal to tell exactly what happened and • Part of Speech: Noun
not to prevaricate. • Meaning: a public declaration of policy and
aims, especially one issued before an
14. Word: Breakthrough (िहत्िपूर्थ खोज)
election by a political party or candidate
• Pronunciation: breyk-throo/ब्रैक्ड्रू • Synonyms: platform, programme,
• Part of Speech: Noun declaration, proclamation, pronouncement
• Meaning: • Antonyms: concealment, entreat
a. a sudden, dramatic, and important • Use in Sentence: The dictator wrote a
discovery or development. manifesto defending his country’s isolation
b. an instance of achieving success in a from the rest of the world.
particular sphere or activity. 19. Word: Akin (एक सिान)
• Synonyms: find, improvement, innovation,
• Pronunciation: uh-kin/ ऐककन
• Antonyms: throwback, decline,impasse, • Part of Speech: Adjective
digress • Meaning: of similar character.
• Use in a Sentence: We have achieved a • Synonyms: alike, identical, equivalent
real breakthrough in the search for peace. • Antonyms: dissimilar, contradictory,
15. Word: Cohesive (जोड़नेिाला)
• Use in a Sentence: Listening to her life
• Pronunciation: koh-hee-siv/कोहीर्र्व story was akin to reading a good
• Part of Speech: Adjective adventurous novel.
• Meaning: closely united; well integrated 20. Word: Hitherto (अब तक)
• Synonyms: united, integrated, cooperated
• Pronunciation: hith -er-too/हहदिूस
• Antonyms: fragmented, disjointed,
isolated, divided • Part of Speech: Adverb
• Use in Sentence: After six weeks of • Meaning: until now or until the point in
training together, our group bonded and time under discussion.
became quite cohesive. • Synonyms: yet, so far, till date
• Antonyms: currently, instantly, recently
16. Word: Viable (व्यिहायथ)
• Use in a Sentence: All attempts to make
• Part of Speech: vahy-uh-buhl/वाइअबल hydrogen enters into stable chemical union
• Meaning: capable of working successfully; have hitherto proved unsuccessful.
feasible. 21. Word: Impart (दे ना)
• Pronunciation: वाइअबल • Pronunciation: im-pahrt/इम्पािस
• Synonyms: feasible, tenable, doable • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: futile, incredible, hopeless • Meaning: to distribute a portion of
• Use in a Sentence: None of the projects something
shown economically viable. • Synonyms: provide, give, offer
17. Word: Contentious (कलहवप्रय) • Antonyms: keep, hide, beg
• Pronunciation: kuh n-ten-shuh s/कन्िे न्शर् • Use in Sentence: A teacher’s job is to
• Part of Speech: Adjective impart knowledge to her students.
• Meaning: 22. Word: Brainchild (आविष्कार)
a. causing or likely to cause an argument; • Pronunciation: Noun
controversial. • Part of Speech: breyn-chahyld/ब्रैन्चाइल्ड
b. involving a heated argument. • Meaning: an idea or invention which is
• Synonyms: quarrelsome, combative, considered to be a particular person's
belligerent creation.


• Synonyms: inspiration, creation, a. a thing that prompts or encourages

brainstorm someone; an incentive. [Noun]
• Antonyms: not a good idea b. give an incentive or encouragement to
• Use in Sentence: The project was the (someone). [Verb]
brainchild of one of the students. • Synonyms: urge, encourage, motivate
23. Word: Impulse (उत्तेजना) • Antonyms: discourage, hindrance, obstacle
• Use in a Sentence: On the spur of the
• Pronunciation: im-puhls/इम्पल्र्
moment, we all decided to hold a dance
• Part of Speech: Noun party.
• Meaning:
27. Word: Diversify (विविधता उत्पन्न करना)
a. a sudden strong and unreflective urge or
desire to act. • Pronunciation : dih-vur-suh-fahy/डाइवर्सफाइ
b. something that causes something to • Part of Speech: Verb
happen or happen more quickly; an impetus. • Meaning: make or become more diverse or
• Synonyms: urge, instinct, drive, varied.
compulsion, stimulation, incitement, • Synonyms: spread out, branch out,
• Antonyms: aversion, cajole, caginess, expand, transform
entice • Antonyms: continue, keep, remain
• Use in a Sentence: The door was open and • Use in a Sentence: Many publishing
on impulse, she went inside. companies have diversified into online
24. Word: Countenance (अनग्र ु ह करना) services.
• Pronunciation: koun-tn-uh ns/काउन्िनन्र् 28. Word: Feeble (किजोर)
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Pronunciation: fee-buh l/फीबल
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Adjective
a. a person's face or facial expression. • Meaning:
[Noun] a. lacking physical strength, especially as a
b. support or approval. [Noun] result of age or illness.
c. admit as acceptable or possible. [Verb] b. lacking the strength of character.
• Synonyms: sanction, permit, endorse, • Synonyms: debilitated, weak, frail
uphold • Antonyms: strong, powerful, healthy
• Antonyms: disapprove, forbid, hinder, • Use in a Sentence: We generally feel
interdict feeble when we are ill.
• Use in Sentence: The school will not 29. Word: Sluggish (तनस्तेज)
countenance bad behaviour.
• Pronunciation: sluhg-ish/टलगगश
25. Word: Augur (पूिस थ ूचना दे ना)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Pronunciation: aw-ger/ ऑगर • Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun a. slow-moving or inactive.
• Meaning: b. lacking energy or alertness.
a. foretell a good or bad outcome. c. slow to respond or make progress.
b. a religious official who observed natural • Synonyms: slow, lumpish, dull
signs • Antonyms: active, fast, lively
• Synonyms: portend, predict, forecast • Use in Sentence: The humid heat makes
• Antonyms: fair, unrelated us feel very sluggish.
• Use in a Sentence: The preparation of the 30. Word: Emerge (तनकलना, उभर कर आना)
student augur well for the examination next
• Pronunciation: ih-murj/इमजस
• Part of Speech: Verb
26. Word: Spur (प्रेररत करना)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: spur/टपर a. move out of or away from something and
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb become visible.
• Meaning: b. become apparent or prominent.
• Synonyms: come out, appear


• Antonyms: disappear, fade 35. Word: Contract (मसकुड़ना)

• Use in a Sentence: On the contrary the
• Pronunciation: kuhn-trakt/कान्रै क्ड्ि
Government will emerge from this crucible
of fire even stronger. • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Meaning:
31. Word: Substantial (िजबूत)
a. decrease in size, number, or range.
• Pronunciation: Subs-tan-cial/र्ब्सटिै न्शल [Verb]
• Part of Speech: Adjective b. a written or spoken agreement, especially
• Meaning: of considerable importance, size, one concerning employment, sales, or
or worth/ concerning the essentials of tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable
something. by law. [Noun]
• Synonyms: considerable, real, material, • Synonyms: Shrink, get smaller, shorten
weighty, • Antonyms: expand, increase, enlarge
• Antonyms: insubstantial, worthless • Use in a Sentence: Glass contracts as it
• Use in a Sentence: Known for his cools.
substantial efforts in winning, the 36. Word: Painstakingly (कड़़ी िेहनत से)
competitive boy rarely could find someone • Part of Speech: Adverb
to play against because the opponent knew • Pronunciation: peynz-tey-king, peyn-stey-
he would lose.
/पैन्टिै ककिं गली
32. Word: Unveil (रहस्योद्घािन करना)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: uhn-veyl/अन्वैल a. with great care and thoroughness.
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: laboriously, carefully,
• Meaning: show or announce publicly for the meticulously
first time. • Antonyms: carelessly, easily, neglectfully,
• Synonyms: reveal, expose, disclose messily
• Antonyms: hide, conceal • Use in a Sentence: The old painting was
• Use in a Sentence: The panel will unveil painstakingly restored.
its proposals tomorrow. 37. Word: Conciliatory (मिलाप करनेिाला)
33. Word: Glitch (गड़बड़) • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Pronunciation: glich/स्ललच • Pronunciation: con-cil-i-a-to-ry/कस्न्र्ल्यिॉरी
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning:
• Meaning: a sudden malfunction a. To regain (friendship or goodwill) by
• Synonyms: problem, difficulty, pleasant behaviour; to reconcile
issue/complication. • Synonyms: propitiatory, appeasing,
• Antonyms: Refinement, excellence, pacifying/peacemaking.
sturdiness • Antonyms: antagonistic, uncompromising
• Use in a Sentence: A serious glitch at the • Use in a Sentence: In a conciliatory tone,
ticket counter caused several customers to the presidential candidate promoted himself
be inconvenienced while waiting for the as a man of the people.
airline system to be repaired. 38. Word: Outrage (उपद्रि करना)
34. Word: Persistent (दृढ़, तनरं तर) • Pronunciation: out-reyj/आउरे ज
• Pronunciation: per-sis-tuhnt/पर्र्सटिन्ि • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning:
• Meaning: continuing firmly or obstinately in a. an extremely strong reaction of anger,
an opinion or course of action in spite of shock, or indignation. [Noun]
difficulty or opposition b. arouse fierce anger, shock, or indignation
• Synonyms: constant, enduring in (someone). [Verb]
• Antonyms: broken, ceasing • Synonyms: violence, uproar
• Use in a Sentence: We keep rescheduling • Antonyms: calm, peaceful
our picnic because of the persistent • Use in a Sentence: There is extensive
rainstorms. public outrage over the slaughter.


39. Word: Contentious (कलहवप्रय) • Pronunciation: im-pon-der-uh-buh

• Pronunciation: kuh n-ten-shuh s/कन्िे न्शर् l/इम्पान्डरबल
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning:
• Meaning: a. a factor that is difficult or impossible to
a. causing or likely to cause an argument; estimate or assess. [Noun]
controversial. b. difficult or impossible to estimate or
b. involving heated argument. assess. [Adjective]
• Synonyms: quarrelsome, combative, • Synonyms: elusive, impalpable, less
belligerent important, imperceptible
• Antonyms: pacifist, friendly, amicable • Antonyms: assessable, seeable, iconic
• Use in a Sentence: She has some • Use in a Sentence: Our resources in
contentious opinions on education. technical knowledge are imponderable.
40. Word: Clamour (गोहार, धूि िचाना) 44. Word: Stature (उच्चता)
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Pronunciation: stach-er/टिै चूर
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Noun
a. a loud and confused noise, especially that • Meaning: importance or reputation gained
of people shouting. (Noun) by ability or achievement.
b. shout loudly and insistently. (Verb) • Synonyms: quality, prestige, eminence
• Pronunciation: क्ड्लैमर • Antonyms: unimportance, insignificance,
• Synonyms: Uproar, Outcry, Roar deflate
• Antonyms: Silence, Peace • Use in a Sentence: Mary was surprised to
• Use in a Sentence: When I do my work at spot her husband, recognizable by his small
home, my kids often clamour for my stature and familiar shirt, walking across
attention by shouting my name. the river.
41. Word: Symptomatic (लाक्षणर्क) 45. Word: Lay Bare (प्रकि कर दे ना)
• Part of Speech:
• Pronunciation: simp-tuh-mat-ik/र्र्म््िमैहिक
• Pronunciation: ley bair/ले बेर
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: • Meaning:
a. serving as a symptom or sign, especially a. to reveal or explain
of something undesirable. b. to open to view; uncover; expose
b. exhibiting or involving medical symptoms. • Synonyms: unveil, disclose, betray, denude
• Synonyms: warning, characteristic, • Antonyms: conceal, cover, shield, wrap
suggestive, typical • Use in a Sentence: The investigation has
• Antonyms: uncharacteristic, atypical, laid bare their fraudulent scheme.
• Use in a Sentence: The rise in 46. Word: Persuade (सिझाना)
unemployment is symptomatic of a general • Part of Speech: Verb
decline in the economy. • Pronunciation: per-sweyd/पटवैड
42. Word: Avert (दरू करना) • Meaning: induce (someone) to do
• Pronunciation: uh-vurt/अविस something through reasoning or argument.
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: convince, influence
• Meaning: to turn away or aside, to ward • Antonyms: dissuade, discourage
off; prevent • Sentence: They couldn't persuade him
• Synonyms: avoid, prevent, obviate, deviate into accepting their terms.
• Antonyms: accept, attract, allow 47. Word: Flaw (त्रुठि)
• Use in a Sentence: Seniors are discussing • Pronunciation: flaw/फ्लॉ
to take some major initiatives in an attempt • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
to avert a strike. • Meaning:
43. Word: Imponderable (अततसक्ष् ू ि) a. a mark, blemish, or other imperfection
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective which mars a substance or object. [Noun]


b. mar, weaken, or invalidate (something). 52. Word: Shot in the arm (प्रेररत करना)
[Verb] • Part of Speech: Idiom
• Synonyms: defect, fault • Meaning: Something that boosts one's
• Antonyms: strength, virtue spirits
• Use in a Sentence: There is a basic flaw in • Synonyms: praise, assist
the selection procedure. • Antonyms: discourage, hinder
48. Word: Mandate (आदे श दे ना) • Use in a Sentence: The new member was
• Pronunciation: man-deyt/मैन्डेि a shot in the arm for the team, which
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb played noticeably better.
• Meaning: 53. Word: To the fore(सिोपरर)
a. an official order or commission to do • Part of Speech: Phrase
something. [Noun] • Meaning: to become/ to make something
b. give (someone) authority to act in a predominant,
certain way. [Verb] • Synonyms: paramount, most important
• Synonyms: order, command, instruction • Antonyms: Minor , secondary , trivial
• Antonyms: prohibit, abolish, denial • Use in a Sentence: A number of low-
• Use in a Sentence: The organization was budget independent films brought new
chosen with a mandate to reduce the size directors and actors to the fore.
of government. 54. Word: Sobering (गम्भ़ीरता क़ी ओर)
49. Word: Anathema (अमभशाप) • Pronunciation: soh-ber-ing/र्ोबररिंग
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: uh-nath-uh-muh/अनैथम • Meaning: making or becoming more
• Meaning: serious, sensible, and solemn.
a. something or someone that one • Synonyms: serious, alerting, severe
vehemently dislikes. • Antonyms: haphazard, fiery
• Synonyms: abhorrent, hateful, odious, • Use in a Sentence: It is sobering to
repugnant, repellent, offensive realize that it is not a problem.
• Antonyms: blessing, benediction, amnesty 55. Word: Precursor (अग्रगाि़ी , संकेत)
• Use in a Sentence: Violence was
• Pronunciation: pre-cur-sar/प्रप्रकर्सर
anathema to them.
• Part of Speech: Noun
50. Word: Elan (जोश)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: ey-lahn/ईलन a. a person or thing that comes before
• Part of Speech: Noun somebody
• Meaning: vigorous spirit or enthusiasm b. something similar and that leads to its
• Synonyms: liveliness, gracefulness, development, Indication
fanaticism, vigor, energy, sprightliness, zest, • Synonyms: Sign, signal, Preview, Forgoer
sparkle • Antonyms: Successor, Inheritor, byproduct
• Antonyms: lethargy, apathy, ennui, • Use in a Sentence: A movie preview is a
motionlessness standard precursor before the presentation
• Use in a Sentence: IIFA 2018 ended in of a feature film.
elan and style. 56. Word: Unravelling (उजागर, सुलझाना )
51. Word: Contour (रूप-रे खा) • Pronunciation: un-rav-el-ling/अन्रैवर्लिंग
• Pronunciation: kon-toor/किंिूर • Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning: undo (twisted, knitted, or woven
• Meaning: an outline representing or threads), investigate and solve or explain
bounding the shape or form of something. (something complicated or puzzling).
• Synonyms: outline, shape, form. • Synonyms: Resolve, solve, untangle
• Antonyms: crooked, straight • Antonyms: questions, wonder, entangle
• Use in a Sentence: The map showed the
contour of the coastline.


• Use in a Sentence: CBI were attempting to 61. Word: Reprehensible (तनन्दऩीय)

unravel the cause of death of the
• Pronunciation: rep-ri-hen-suh-buhl/रे प्रप्रहे न्र्बल
• Part of Speech: Adjective
57. Word: Pragmatism (व्यिहारिाद)
• Meaning: highly unacceptable action;
• Pronunciation: prag-muh-tiz-um/प्रैलमहिज़म deserving severe disapproval or criticism
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: deplorable, disgraceful,
• Meaning: an approach that evaluates discreditable, disreputable
theories or beliefs in terms of the success of • Antonyms: creditable, praiseworthy, good
their practical application. • Use in a Sentence: Stealing is reprehensible.
• Synonyms: Realism, prudence 62. Word: Outrage (उपद्रि करना)
• Antonyms: Foolishness, impracticality
• Pronunciation: out-reyj/आउरे ज
• Use in a Sentence: My mother believes in
Pragmatism and never does anything • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
without rationalizing it first. • Meaning:
a. an extremely strong reaction of anger,
58. Word: Assess (आकलन)
shock, or indignation. [Noun]
• Pronunciation:uh-ses/अर्ेर् b. arouse fierce anger, shock, or indignation
• Part of Speech: Verb in (someone). [Verb]
• Meaning: evaluate or estimate the nature, • Synonyms: violence, uproar
ability, or quality of • Antonyms: calm, peaceful
• Synonyms: compute, determine • Use in a Sentence: There is extensive
• Antonyms: assist, ignore public outrage over the slaughter.
• Use in a Sentence: The purpose of the 63. Word: Strident (िुखर)
final exam is to assess how much
• Pronunciation: nas-uh nt/नैर्न्ि
information students have acquired
throughout the semester. • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: presenting a point of view,
59. Word: Coalition (सष्म्िलन)
especially a controversial one, in an
• Pronunciation: koh-uh-lish-uh n/कोअर्लशन excessively forceful way
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: loud, noisy
• Meaning: a temporary alliance for combined • Antonyms: quiet, soft
action, especially of political parties forming • Use in a Sentence: Even though the
a government. apartment walls, Jack was able to hear the
• Synonyms: alliance, union, partnership strident argument between his neighbors.
• Antonyms: isolation, discord, separation 64. Word: Persecute (कष्ि दे ना)
• Use in a Sentence: The two bodies have
• Pronunciation: pur-si-kyoot/पर्सक्ड्यूि
merged to form a coalition.
• Part of Speech: Verb
60. Word: Sedition (राज - द्रोह )
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: si-dish-uhn/र्र्डडशन a. subject (someone) to hostility and ill-
• Part of Speech: Noun treatment, especially because of their race
• Meaning: conduct or speech inciting people or political or religious beliefs.
to rebel against the authority of a state or b. harass or annoy (someone) persistently.
monarch. • Synonyms: oppress, abuse, intimidate,
• Synonyms: incitement (to riot/rebellion), pester
agitation, provocation • Antonyms: comfort, appease, soothe
• Antonyms: obedience, calm, peace, • Use in a Sentence: If they had determined
submission to persecute him, he must take the
• Use in a Sentence: At several points in his consequences.
long career, Jinnah was threatened by the 65. Word: Intervene (हस्तक्षेप करना)
British with imprisonment on sedition
• Pronunciation: in-ter-veen/इन्िवीन
charges for speaking in favour of Indian
home rule or rights. • Part of Speech: Verb


• Meaning: take part in something so as to b. a painted cloth hung at the back of a

prevent or alter a result or course of events theatre stage as part of the scenery. [Noun]
• Synonyms: intercede, reconcile • Synonyms: scenery, scrim
• Antonyms: avoid, eschew, shun, disregard • Antonyms: foreground, center, focus
• Use in a Sentence: The teacher was • Use in a Sentence: The novel unfolds
injured when she tried to intervene in the against a backdrop of war.
fight between the two male students. 70. Word: Relic (अिशेष)
66. Word - Invoke (विनत़ी करना) • Pronunciation: rel-ik/रे र्लक
•Pronunciation: in-vohk/इन्वोक • Part of Speech: Noun
•Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning:
•Meaning: cite or appeal to (someone or a. a person or thing that has survived from
something) as an authority for an action or an earlier time but is now outmoded.
in support of an argument. b. an artifact; an old object that remains;
• Synonyms: appeal, raise implement, that which is left after loss or decay
enforce • Synonyms: artifact, antique, remains
• Antonyms: dismiss, abandon, banish • Antonyms: whole, new
• Use in a Sentence: Saleem will invoke • Use in a Sentence: I consider my great-
assistance from the police to keep stalkers grandmother’s wedding ring as a tangible
away from his property link in my history as well as a sacred relic of
67. Word: Dissenter (िह िनष्ु य जो प्रचमलत ित के the past.
विरुद्ध हो, विरोध़ी) 71. Word: Moribund (अन्त के करीब)

• Pronunciation: dih-sen-te/डी-र्ेंि- अर • Pronunciation: mawr-uh-buhnd/मॉरबन्ड

• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: a person who disagrees in • Meaning:
matters of opinion, belief, etc. a. (of a person) at the point of death.
• Synonyms: Nonconformist, Protestant, b. (of a thing) in terminal decline; lacking
freethinker, recusant vitality or vigour.
• Antonyms: believer, conformer • Synonyms: dying, stagnant, weak
• Use in a Sentence: At the conference • Antonyms: alive, fresh
table, everyone agreed to the terms of the • Use in a Sentence: The region's heavy
deal except the dissenter who absolutely industry is still inefficient and moribund.
refused to sign the document. 72. Word: Showcase (प्रदशथनअ)
68. Word: Imminent (आसन्न) • Pronunciation: shoh-keys/शोकैर्
• Pronunciation: Immi-nent/इमनन्ि • Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning: exhibit; display
• Meaning: • Synonyms: illustrate, manifest, represent
a. about to happen • Antonyms: abandon, conceal, distress
b. likely to occur at any moment • Use in a Sentence: The event remains an
• Synonyms: close, near, approaching important showcase for new talent.
• Antonyms: avoidable, distant 73. Word: Embark (प्रारम्भ करना)
• Use in a Sentence: Without some type of • Part of Speech: Verb
government funding, the closing of the • Pronunciation: em-bahrk/ इम्बाकस
school is imminent. • Meaning: begin (a course of action).
69. Word: Backdrop (पष्ृ ठभूमि) • Synonyms: commence, initiate
• Pronunciation: bak-drop/बैक्ड्राप • Antonyms: conclude, culminate
• Part of Speech: Noun • Use in a Sentence: The man is about to
• Meaning: embark on a strategic career.
a. lie behind or beyond; serve as a 74. Word: Impediment (अिरोध)
background to. [Verb] • Pronunciation: im-ped-uh-muhnt/इम्पेडमन्ि
• Part of Speech: Noun


• Meaning: everyone needs to grapple with the

a. a hindrance or obstruction in doing obstacles in life sooner or later.
something. 79. Word: Precarious (अतनष्चचत)
b. a defect in a person's speech, such as a
• Pronunciation: pri-kair-ee-uh s/प्रप्रकेरीअर्
lisp or stammer.
• Synonyms: barrier, bar, handicap, • Part of Speech: Adjective
drawback, restraint • Meaning: dependent on chance; uncertain
• Antonyms: privilege, advantage, help, • Synonyms: hazardous, perilous, insecure
kindness • Antonyms: strong, secure, stable
• Use in a Sentence: He has an • Use in a Sentence: This place is a
impediment in speech. precarious and unstable area.
75. Word: Appetite (प्रिवृ त्त) 80. Word: Rein in (रोकना)
• Part of Speech: Idiom
• Pronunciation: ap-ee-tait/ऐप्रपिाइि
• Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Noun a. To tighten control over someone or
• Meaning: a strong desire for something something; to restrain, slow down, or
• Synonyms: craving, hunger/thirst. diminish someone or something.
• Antonyms: dislike , aversion , disgust, • Synonyms: control, curb
distaste • Antonyms: accelerate, agitate
• Use in a Sentence: Aristotle once noted • Use in a Sentence: You must rein in your
that every action is due to one or other of temper.
seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion,
81. Word: Salvage (रक्षा करना)
habit, reasoning, anger, or appetite.
76. Word: Desist (बंद कर दे ना) • Pronunciation: sal-vij/र्ैस्ल्वज
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Pronunciation: dih-zist/डडर्र्टि
• Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Verb a. rescue (a wrecked or disabled ship or its
• Meaning: stop doing something; cease or cargo) from loss at sea. [Verb]
abstain. b. the rescue of a wrecked or disabled ship
• Synonyms: abstain, refrain, forbear or its cargo from loss at sea. [Noun]
• Antonyms: continue, endure, resume • Synonyms: rescue, save, recover, retrieve
• Use in a Sentence: The warriors have been • Antonyms: lose, waste, injure
ordered to desist from shooting their rifles. • Use in a Sentence: All attempts to
77. Word: Retrospect (पुनरािलोकन) salvage the wrecked ship failed.
• Pronunciation: re-truh-spekt/रे रटपेक्ड्ि 82. Word: Cognisance (पररज्ञान)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: kog-nuh-zuh ns/कास्लनज़न्र्
• Meaning: a survey or review of a past • Part of Speech: Noun
course of events or period of time. • Meaning: knowledge or awareness.
• Synonyms: remembering, looking back, • Synonyms: observance, realization
retain, reconsideration • Antonyms: unconsciousness
• Antonyms: forethought, prescience, • Use in a Sentence: Such understanding is
foresight beyond his cognisance.
• Use in a Sentence: In retrospect, it's
83. Word: Emanate (उत्पन्न होना)
easy to see why we were wrong.
78. Word: Grapple with (तनपिना,हार्ापाई करना) • Pronunciation: em-uh-neyt/ एमनैि
• Part of Speech: verb
• Pronunciation: grap-ul with/ ग्रा््ल प्रवध
• Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Phrasal verb a. (of a feeling, quality, or sensation) issue
• Meaning: to wrestle or struggle or spread out from (a source).
• Synonyms: tackle, confront,face. b. originate from; be produced by.
• Antonyms: release, support, let go c. give out or emit (a feeling, quality, or
• Use in a Sentence: Do not think that you sensation).
are the only one who is facing a hard time,


• Synonyms: emerge, flow, pour, proceed, • Use in a Sentence: We can outpace the
issue, ensue fastest of your claimed airplanes.
• Antonyms: absorbs, terminates 89. Word: Uptick (िद् ृ धध)
• Use in a Sentence: The man emanates • Part of Speech: Noun
power and confidence. • Meaning:
84. Word: Beset (व्याकुल करना) a. a small increase or slight upward trend.
• Pronunciation: bih-set/बबर्ेि • Pronunciation: uhp-tik/अपहिक
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: accretion, addition, boost
• Meaning: • Antonyms: decrement, abatement,
a. (of a problem or difficulty) trouble diminution
(someone or something) persistently. • Use in a Sentence: There is no uptick rule
b. be covered or studded with. in the futures markets.
• Synonyms: surround, encompass, invade 90. Word: Slump (भारी धगरािि आना)
• Antonyms: defend, provide • Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: The enemy beset the
• Pronunciation: sluhmp/टलम्प
town with a strong army.
• Meaning: a sudden severe or prolonged fall
85. Word: Saga (गार्ा)
in the price, value, or amount of something.
• Pronunciation: र्ाग/sah-guh • Synonyms: drop, decline
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: surge, boon
• Meaning: a long, involved story, account, • Use in a Sentence: If prices slump
or series of incidents. further, the farmers will starve.
• Synonyms: pic, chronicle, legend, narrative 91. Word: Constraint (तनयन्त्रर्)
• Antonyms: truth, reality, deed • Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: She has written a huge • Meaning:
and compelling family saga. a. a limitation or restriction.
86. Word: Hawkish (युद्धकारी) b. the stiffness of manner and inhibition in
• Pronunciation: haw-kish/हॉककश relations between people.
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Pronunciation: कन्टरै न्ि/kuhn-streynt
• Meaning: advocating an aggressive or • Synonyms: curb, check, restraint, control,
warlike policy, especially in foreign affairs. curtailment, damper,
• Synonyms: warlike, combative, belligerent • Antonyms: freedoms, liberations, benefits
• Antonyms: peaceful, friendly, dovish • Use in a Sentence: We have to work within
• Use in a Sentence: She is one of the most severe constraints.
hawkish members of the team. 92. Word: Prone (उन्िख ु )
87. Word: Reconcile (िेल करना या कराना) • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Pronunciation: rek-uh n-sahyl/रे कन्र्ाइल • Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Verb a. likely or liable to suffer from, do, or
• Meaning: restore friendly relations experience something unpleasant or
between. regrettable.
• Synonyms: harmonize, conciliate b. lying flat, especially face downwards.
• Antonyms: alienate, disagree • Pronunciation: prohn/प्रोन
• Use in a Sentence: You must reconcile • Synonyms: susceptible, vulnerable, liable,
yourself to your present job. inclined, given, subject
88. Word: Outpace (आगे बढ़ना) • Antonyms: upright, unlikely, defiant
• Use in a Sentence: These plants are
• Pronunciation: out-peys/आउट्पैर्
peculiarly prone to disease.
• Part of Speech: Verb
93. Word: Trifle (िािल ू ी)
• Meaning:
a. go, rise, or improve faster than. • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Synonyms: exceed, overtake, surpass • Meaning:
• Antonyms: dawdle, linger


a. a thing of little value or importance. • Meaning: fair and impartial.

[Noun] • Synonyms: unbiased, just, honest, even-
b. treat without seriousness or respect. handed
[Verb] • Antonyms: unreasonable, partial,
• Pronunciation: trahy-fuhl/राइफल sentimental
• Synonyms: bagatelle, inessential, nothing, • Use in a Sentence: Representation
dabble schemes once fair and equitable become
• Antonyms: scrutinize, significance, hasten obsolete and antiquated.
• Use in a Sentence: This trifle developed 98. Word: Behove (योग्य होना)
itself into a serious problem. • Pronounciation: bih-hohv/बी-होव
94. Word: Consternation (व्याकुलता) • Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: kon-ster-ney-shuhn/ • Meaning: appropriate or suitable.
कान्टिनैशन • Synonyms: befit, be suitable for, be proper
• Part of Speech: Noun for.
• Meaning: a feeling of anxiety or dismay, • Antonyms: unfit, contrary
typically at something unexpected. • Use in a Sentence: In the interest of
• Synonyms: Fright, Fear, Anxiety, Distress establishing a good relationship with my
• Antonyms: Tranquility, Calmness, neighbours, it would behove me to go over
Contentment to their houses and introduce myself.
• Use in a Sentence: Too many errors in the 99. Phrase: Ward off (संकि से बचना)
file created consternation for my team • Pronunciation: ward-off/वाडस-ऑफ
members. • Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb
95. Word: Circumvent (दरककनार) • Meaning: to prevent a danger or illness
• Pronunciation: sur-kuhm-vent/र्कसम्वेन्ि from affecting you or harming you.
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: prevent, avert, oppose/resist.
• Meaning: • Antonyms: assist, support, allow
a. find a way around (an obstacle). • Use in a Sentence: He keeps trained and
b. deceive; outwit. dangerous dogs to ward off unwanted
• Synonyms: evade, avoid, dodge, thwart visitors.
• Antonyms: confront, aid, assist, provide 100. Word: Paradigm (आदशथ)
• Use in a Sentence: We went north in order • Pronunciation: par-uh-dahym/पैरडाइम
to circumvent the mountains. • Part of Speech: Noun
96. Word: Moot (विचार करना) • Meaning:
• Pronunciation: moot/मि ू a. a typical example or pattern of
• Part of Speech: Verb, Adjective something; a pattern or model.
• Meaning: b. a set of linguistic items that form
a. subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty. mutually exclusive choices in particular
[Adjective] syntactic roles.
b. having little or no practical relevance. • Synonyms: prototype, standard
[Adjective] • Antonyms: atypical example
c. raise (a question or topic) for discussion; • Use in a Sentence: The new paradigm will
suggest (an idea or possibility). [Verb] be different from the old one.
• Synonyms: debatable, disputable, 101. Word: Outweigh (पल्ला झुकना)
arguable, uncertain • Pronunciation: out-wey/आउि-वेह
• Antonyms: definite, certain, irrefutable • Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: It's a moot point • Meaning: for something to be more
whether Rohan or Sohan is a better player. important or further along than something
97. Word: Equitable (न्याय्य) else
• Pronunciation: ek-wi-tuh-buhl/एस्क्ड्विबल • Synonyms: dominate, outdo, vague
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: Trail, fail, loose


• Use in Sentence: Since the job paid much 106. Word: Perennial (तनत्य)
less and was more difficult, its
• Pronunciation: puh-ren-ee-uh l/परे नीअल
disadvantages definitely outweigh the
benefits. • Part of Speech: Adjective
102. Word: Beneficiary (लाभार्ी) • Meaning: lasting or existing for a long or
apparently infinite time; enduring or
• Pronunciation: ben-uh-fish-uh-
continually recurring.
• Synonyms: constant, permanent
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: temporary, sporadic
• Meaning: a person who derives advantage
• Use in a Sentence: They face the
from something, especially a trust, will, or
perennial problem of not having enough
life insurance policy.
• Synonyms: heir, heiress, inheritor, legatee
• Antonyms: Giver, payer 107. Word: Nascent (विकासोन्िख
ु )
• Use in Sentence: As the billionaire’s only • Pronunciation: nas-uh nt/नैर्न्ि
beneficiary, Cheryl will receive the entire
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: beginning to exist or develop
103. Word: Immanence (ष्स्र्रता, व्याष्ततिाद)
• Synonyms: incipient, emerging
• Pronunciation: im-uh-nence/इमनन्र् • Antonyms:
• Part of Speech: Noun • Use in a Sentence: A battle over music
• Meaning: personalities threatens a nascent industry.
a. being contained within, 108. Word: Temptation (फुसलाि)
b. remaining within the boundaries of a
• Part of Speech: Noun
person, of the world, or of the mind.
• Synonyms: built-in, inborn, constitutive, • Pronunciation: temp-tey-shuh n/िे म््िे शन
essential • Meaning: the desire to do something,
• Antonyms: Acquired, exterior, incidental especially something wrong or unwise.
• Use in Sentence: Mobile Electronic • Synonyms: attraction, charm
Commerce has become the new direction of • Antonyms: dislike, anxiety
Electronic Commerce because of its • Use in a Sentence: He overcame a strong
character: convenience and immanence. temptation to run away.
104. Word: Aftermath (पररर्ाि) 109. Word: Eventually (आणखरकार)
• Pronunciation: af-ter-math/ऐफ्िमैथ • Pronunciation: ih-ven-choo-uh-lee/ईवेन्चवली
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Adverb
• Meaning: the consequences or after-effects • Meaning: in the end, especially after a long
of a significant unpleasant event. delay, dispute, or series of problems.
• Synonyms: outcome, effect, eventuality • Synonyms: after a period of time, finally,
• Antonyms: cause, reason, beginning ultimately
• Use in a Sentence: In the aftermath of • Antonyms: immediately, currently at once
the typhoon, many people's homes were • Use in a Sentence: The hijackers
destroyed. eventuallysurrendered themselves to the
105. Word: Rollout (प्रत्यक्ष करना) police.
110. Word: Put a halt to (रोकना)
• Pronunciation: rohl-out/रोल आउि
• Part of Speech: Idiom
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: To cause something to stop or to
• Meaning: to make a new product, service,
cease or conclude something.
or system available for the first time
• Synonyms: discontinue, terminate, desist
• Synonyms: arise, exhibit, display, come up
• Antonyms: continue, proceed, commence
• Antonyms: fall asleep, contort
• Use in a Sentence: They are going to put
• Use in a Sentence: I say the rollout of the
a halt to the corruption in the department.
deadline was poorly handled.


111. Word: Ill-advised (अवििेधचत) 116. Word: Snag (बाधा , रोड़ा)

• Pronunciation: il-uhd-vahyzd/इल ऐड्वाइज़्ड • Pronunciation: snag/टनैग
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning: not sensible, wise, or prudent, • Meaning:
acting or done without due consideration a. an unexpected or hidden obstacle or
• Synonyms: imprudent, wreckless, foolish, drawback. [Noun]
wrong b. catch or tear (something) on a sharp
• Antonyms: well-advised, reasonable, projection. [Verb]
judicious • Synonyms: obstacle, difficulty, complication
• Use in a Sentence: You would be ill- • Antonyms: advantage, aid, assistance,
advised to travel on your own benefit
112. Word: Deceleration (गतत िें कि़ी) • Use in a Sentence: There is a snag to the
job, you have to work at weekends.
• Pronunciation: dee-sel-uh-re-sion/डडर्ेलरै शन
117. Word: Bottleneck (िागाथिरोध)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: reduction in speed or rate. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: retardation, delay, tardiness • Pronunciation: bot-l-nek/बािल्नेक
• Antonyms: acceleration, quickness, rapidity • Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: The rate of a. a situation that causes delay in a process
deceleration is enormous and demands or system.
quick action. • Synonyms: obstruction, hindrance
113. Word: Crank up (बढ़ाना) • Antonyms: direction, allowance
• Use in a Sentence: They pointed out that
• Pronunciation: krangk-uhp/क्रैंक अप
the server bottleneck is caused by the
• Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb development time.
• Meaning: to increase something, to get a
118. Word: Scrap(रद्द करना)
machine or a process started
• Synonyms: scale-up, set on it, start off • Pronunciation: skrap/टक्रैप
• Antonyms: turn off, switch off, put it out • Part of Speech: Verb
• Use in a Sentence: Will you please help me • Meaning:
to crank upthe engine? a. discard or remove from service
114. Word: Naysayer (तनंदक) • Synonyms: abandon, cancel, abolish (a
• Part of Speech: Noun plan/policy).
• Antonyms: functionalize, legalize,
• Pronunciation: ney-sey-er/नेर्यर
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: The Prime Minister is
a. a person who habitually expresses calling on the world community to scrap all
negative or pessimistic views nuclear weapons.
• Synonyms: cynic
119. Word: Envisage (विचार करना)
• Antonyms: fanatic
• Use in a Sentence: Instead of being a • Pronunciation: en-viz-ij/एस्न्वस्ज़ज
critical naysayer, put your mental skills to • Part of Speech: Verb
work by analyzing the details. • Meaning:
115. Word: Knee-jerk (स्िभाविक) a. contemplate or conceive of as a possibility
or a desirable future event.
• Pronunciation: nee-jurk/नी जकस
• Synonyms: imagine, visualize, conceive
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: unseen, undesirable
• Meaning: • Use in Sentence: I can envisage
a. (of a response) automatic and unthinking. difficulties if you continue with this policy.
• Synonyms: natural, habitual
120. Word: Overburden (अधधक ष्जम्िेदारी डालना)
• Antonyms: crazy, strange
• Use in a Sentence: That was a knee-jerk • Pronunciation: oh-ver-bur-dn/ओवबसडन

reaction on her part. • Part of Speech:


• Meaning: • Synonyms: equality, equivalence,

a. load (someone) with too many things to uniformity, sameness, consistency
carry. [Verb] • Antonyms: inequality, contrast, deprivation
b. an excessive burden [Noun] • Use in a Sentence: The two currencies
• Synonyms: encumber, oppress, have now reached parity.
overwhelm, exhaust 125. Word: Manoeuvre (पैंतरे बाज़ी करना)
• Antonyms: aid, help
• Pronunciation: muh-noo-ver/मनूवर
• Use in a Sentence: Hospitals are
overburdened and basic medical care is • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
under threat. • Meaning:
a. move skilfully or carefully.
121. Word: Standalone (स्िचमलत)
b. carefully guide or manipulate (someone
• Pronunciation: stand-uh-lohn/टिैं ड-अलोन or something) in order to achieve an end.
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: artifice, manipulate
• Meaning: • Antonyms: innocence, sincerity
a. (of computer hardware or software) able • Use in a Sentence: His resignation from
to operate independently of other hardware the competition was a tactical manoeuvre.
or software
• Synonyms: independent, complete 126. Word: Rattle (परे शान करना)
• Antonyms: dependent, incomplete • Pronunciation:rat-l/रै िल
• Use in a Sentence: Nothing but a • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
standalone phone booth.
• Meaning:
122. Word: Scarcely ( िष्ु चकल से, शायद ही) a. make or cause to make a rapid succession
• Pronunciation: skairs-lee/टकेटली of short, sharp knocking sounds. [Verb]
• Part of Speech: Adverb b. make (someone) nervous, worried, or
• Meaning: irritated. [Verb]
a. only just; almost not. c. a rapid succession of short, sharp,
b. used to suggest that something is unlikely sounds. [Noun]
to be or certainly not the case. • Synonyms: clutter, shake, agitate
• Synonyms: hardly, barely, rarely • Antonyms: soothe, appease, silence
• Antonyms: frequently, adequately, • Use in a Sentence: The creaking upstairs
commonly was starting to rattle me.
• Use in a Sentence: Scarcely a day goes
127. Phrase: Lay Down (तनधाथररत करना/ अवपथत करना)
by when they don't see or talk to each
other. • Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb
123. Word: Pin something on (दोषारोपर् करना) • Meaning: To specify/ To store for the
• Part of Speech: Phrasal verb
• Synonyms: establish, prescribe, impose
• Meaning:
• Antonyms: erode, avoid, negate
a. attribute the blame or responsibility for
something to (someone). • Use in a Sentence: The manager laid
• Synonyms: blame something on, attribute down the standards that he wanted the
something to, impute something to, ascribe organization run by.
something to 128. Word: Purview (तनयि का लेख)
• Antonyms: agree, aid, allow, approve • Pronunciation: pur-vyoo/पर्वयूस
• Use in a Sentence: They pinned the
blame for the loss of jobs on the trade • Part of Speech: Noun
unions • Meaning: the scope of the influence or
concerns of something.
124. Word: Parity (सिानता)
• Synonyms: range, reach
• Pronunciation: par-i-tee/पैररिी • Antonyms: constriction, domain
• Part of Speech: Noun • Use in a Sentence: These are questions
• Meaning: the state or condition of being that lie outside the purview of our inquiry.
equal, especially as regards status or pay.


129. Word: Earmark (तनधाथररत करना) • Meaning: to get support, interest, attention
• Part of Speech: Verb etc from people by making an effort
• Meaning: • Synonyms: figure out, come up, seek,
a. designate (funds or resources) for a obtain, reach
particular purpose. • Antonyms: dissuade, turn off, disseminate
• Use in a Sentence: We were unable to
• Pronunciation: eer-mahrk/ईमासकस
drum up enthusiasm for the new policies.
• Synonyms: appropriate, reserve, keep,
134. Word: Wobbly (अष्स्र्र)
• Antonyms: comprehensive, depletion, • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
wastage • Pronunciation: wob-lee/वाब्सली
• Use in a Sentence: The school has decided • Meaning:
to earmark 10 percent of its funds for study a. tending to move unsteadily from side to
material purchases. side. [Adjective]
130. Word: Awry (अस्त-व्यस्त) b. a fit of temper or panic. [Noun]
• Synonyms: unsteady, unstable
• Pronunciation: uh-rahy/अराइ
• Antonyms: constant, stable
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Use in a Sentence: He is still a bit wobbly
• Meaning: after his illness.
a. away from the usual or expected course;
135. Word: Beleaguer (अिरोध करना)
b. out of the normal or correct position; askew. • Pronunciation: bih-lee-ger/बबलीगर
• Synonyms: misshapen, wrong, badly, • Part of Speech: Verb
faulty • Meaning:
• Antonyms: straight, altogether, accurate a. put in a very difficult situation.
• Use in a Sentence: Your best financial • Synonyms: besiege, harass, pester
plans can sometimes go awry. • Antonyms: comfort, benefit, relax
131. Word: Scrutiny (छान-ब़ीन) • Use in a Sentence: They beleaguered her
with requests for forgiveness.
• Pronunciation: skroot-n-ee/टक्रूिनी
136. Word: Edgy (असहज, नुक़ीला)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a critical observation or • Pronunciation: egi/एजी
examination. • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Synonyms: investigation, review • Meaning:
• Antonyms: disregard, neglect a. tense, nervous, or irritable.
• Use in Sentence: Their enterprises have • Synonyms: tense, nervous, on edge, highly
come under police scrutiny. strung
132. Word: Struck Down • Antonyms: calm, still, tranquil, quiet,
• Pronunciation: struhk doun/टरक डाउन serene, peaceful
• Part of Speech: Phrase • Use in a Sentence: After the plane
• Meaning: continued to shake uncontrollably, the
a. to make someone die or become so ill passengers began to get edgy for fear of
that they can no longer live a normal life the plane crashing.
b. (of a court) to decide that a law or rule is 137. Word: Frantic (परे शान)
illegal and should be ignored • Pronunciation: fran-tik/फ्रेंनेहिक
• Synonyms: defeated, wrecked
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: prosperous, contrive
• Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: Many people have been
a. in a state of panic, worry, frenzy or rush
struck down by heart disease.
• Synonyms: panic-stricken, panic-struck,
133. Word: Drum up (ख़ींच लेना) berserk/distraught.
• Pronunciation: druhm uhp/ रम उप • Antonyms: Calm, peaceful, composed
• Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb


• Use in a Sentence: When Riya did not 142. Word: Entrench (िजबूत ष्स्र्तत बनाना)
come home after school, his mother became
• Pronunciation: en-trench/एन्रे न्च
frantic with worry.
• Part of Speech: Verb
138. Word: Loath (अतनच्छुक)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: lohth/लोथ a. to establish an attitude, habit, or belief so
• Part of Speech: Adjective strongly that it is not likely to change.
• Meaning: • Synonyms: establish, settle, ensconce,
a. reluctant; unwilling. lodge, set
• Synonyms: disinclined, opposed • Antonyms: dislodge, superficial
• Antonyms: greedy, desirous • Use in a Sentence: Casteism is
• Use in a Sentence: The man was loath to entrenched in our society.
admit his mistake. 143. Word: Silver lining (उम्ि़ीद क़ी ककरर्)
139. Word: Crumple (िरोड़ना, मसलिि) • Pronunciation: sil-var-line-ig/र्र्ल-वर-लाई-ननिंग
• Pronunciation: kruhm-puh l/क्रम्पल • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning:
• Meaning: a. to emphasize the hopeful side of a
a. compress (something) into small folds or situation that might seem gloomy on the
ridges. surface.
b. crush (something, typically paper or b. a comforting or hopeful aspect of an
cloth) so that it becomes creased and otherwise desperate or unhappy situation.
wrinkled. • Synonyms: Bright side, comforting
• Synonyms: limit, crease prospect, good side
• Antonyms: smooth, accord • Antonyms: Negative thinking, dark side
• Use in a Sentence: Paper is easy to • Use in a Sentence: No matter if all the
crumple but hard to straighten back out. doors are closed in someone's life, there is
140. Word: Upheaval (कायापलि) always a silver lining which a person needs
to see.
• Pronunciation: uhp-hee-vuhl/अ्हीवल
144. Word: Undermine (क्ष़ीर् करना)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: uhn-der-mahyn/अन्डमासइन
a. a violent or sudden change or disruption • Part of Speech: Verb
to something. • Meaning: lessen the effectiveness, power,
• Pronunciation: uhp-hee-vuhl/अ्हीवल or ability of, especially gradually or
• Synonyms: upset, disturbance, trouble,
• Synonyms: threaten, weaken, compromise,
• Antonyms: consonance, peace, harmony,
• Antonyms: strengthen, bolster, boost
• Use in a Sentence: High-income tax can
• Use in a Sentence: The company underwent a
undermine work incentives.
massive upheaval after the takeover.
141. Word: Reminiscent (स्ितृ त जगानेिाला) 145. Word: Afresh (नए मसरे से)

• Pronunciation: en-mi-tee/एस्न्मिी • Pronunciation: uh-fresh/अफ्रेश

• Part of Speech: Adjective • Part of Speech: Adverb
• Meaning: • Meaning: in a new or different way.
a. tending to remind one of something • Synonyms: newly, recently
b. triggering memories of past times • Antonyms: obsolete, outdated
• Synonyms: evocative, redolent • Use in Sentence: She left her job to start
• Antonyms: forgetful, oblivious life afresh.
• Use in a Sentence: Since there appears to 146. Word: Resurrect (पुनतनथिाथर्)
be no originality left in Bollywood, all the • Pronunciation: res-ur-rect/रे ज़रे क्ड्ि
new movies appear reminiscent of the • Part of Speech: Verb
films made in prior years


• Meaning: revive or revitalize (something • Use in a Sentence: Employees can be

that is inactive, disused, or forgotten), dismissed for sending obscene emails.
restore (a dead person) to life 151. Word: Enmity (विरोध)
• Synonyms: reinvigorate, regenerate,
revitalize, breathe new life into • Pronunciation: en-mi-tee/एस्न्मिी
• Antonyms: Kill, terminate, bury • Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: The much talked about • Meaning: a state or feeling of active
deal between India and Pakistan collapsed opposition or hostility.
and has yet to be resurrected. • Synonyms: animosity, antagonism, friction,
147. Word: Artistic (कलात्िक) antipathy
• Pronunciation: /आहिस स्टिक • Antonyms: helpfulness, affection,
• Part of Speech:
• Use in a Sentence: I think there is a
• Meaning:
historic enmity between them.
a. having or revealing natural creative skill.
b. relating to or characteristic of art or 151. Word: Proscribe (तनवषद् ध करना)
artists. • Pronunciation: proh-skrahyb/प्रोटक्राइब
c. aesthetically pleasing.
• Synonyms: creative, imaginative, • Part of Speech: Verb
inventive, original; • Meaning:
• Antonyms: tasteless, coarse, ugly a. forbid, especially by law.
• Use in a Sentence: The exhibition runs the b. denounce or condemn.
whole gamut of artistic styles. c. outlaw (someone).
148. Word: Punitive (दण्डकर) • Synonyms: prohibit, ban, criticize, censure,
exclude, ostracize
• Pronunciation: pyoo-ni-tiv/्यूननहिव
• Antonyms: allow, permit, include, approve
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Use in a Sentence: The Act proscribes
• Meaning: inflicting or intended as discrimination on the grounds of race.
152. Word: Prejudicial (हातनकारक)
• Synonyms: harsh, corrective
• Antonyms: rehabilitative, rewarding • Pronunciation: prej-uh-dish-uh l/प्रेजुडडशल
• Use in a Sentence: The government is • Part of Speech: Adjective
expected to take punitive steps against • Meaning: harmful to someone or
something; detrimental.
149. Word: Malicious (दभ ु ाथिनापूर्)थ • Synonyms: damaging, injurious, harmful,
• Pronunciation: muh-lish-uh s/मर्लशर् disadvantageous
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: convenient, harmless, good,
• Meaning: characterized by malice; benign
intending or intended to do harm. • Use in a Sentence: Too much smoking is
• Synonyms: spiteful, malevolent, hostile, prejudicial to health.
bitter, venomous 153. Word: Onus (दातयत्ि)
• Antonyms: benevolent, kind, sympathetic
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: Some malicious
• Meaning: something that is one's duty or
rumours are circulating about his past.
150. Word: Obscene (बेठहसाब)
• Pronunciation: oh-nuh s/ओनर्
• Pronunciation: uh b-seen/अब्सर्ीन
• Synonyms: responsibility, liability,
• Part of Speech: Adjective obligation
• Meaning: offending against moral • Antonyms: help, irresponsibility,
principles; repugnant. impassiveness
• Synonyms: shocking, vile, foul, atrocious,
• Use in a Sentence: The onus is on
outrageous, heinous
employers of the company to follow all the
• Antonyms: beautiful, decent, appealing
safety laws.


154. Word: Inhibit (िना करना) • Part of Speech: Adjective

• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: in-hib-it/इस्न्हबबि
a. relating to or characterized by usury
• Part of Speech: Verb (interest at unreasonably high rates.);
• Meaning: outrageous.
a. hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or • Synonyms: extravagant, unreasonable
process). • Antonyms: prudent, rational
b. make (someone) self-conscious and • Use in a Sentence: The man lent money
unable to act in a relaxed and natural way. with usurious interest.
• Synonyms: impede, hinder, hamper, hold
159. Word: Leeway (गुंजाइश)
back, discourage
• Antonyms: encourage, allow, assist, aid, • Pronunciation: lee-wey/ लीवै
help • Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: An unhappy family life • Meaning:
may inhibit children's learning. a. the amount of freedom to move or act
155. Word: Trenchant (किु, त़ीखा) that is available.
• Synonyms: space, range, extent
• Pronunciation: tren-chuhnt/रे न्चन्ि
• Antonyms: adjust, embargo, hallway
• Part of Speech: • Use in a Sentence: I have got a lot of
• Meaning: leeways to make up things.
a. vigorous or incisive in expression or style.
160. Word: Genesis (उत्पवत्त)
• Synonyms: incisive, cutting, pointed,
penetrating, sharp • Pronunciation: jen-uh-sis/जेननर्र्र्
• Antonyms: blunt, gentle, mild • Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: Sometimes your tone • Meaning:
of voice is so trenchant that you come a. the origin or mode of formation of
across as being a mean person something
156. Word: Extraneous (असम्बद्ध) • Synonyms: Origin, Beginning, Start
• Antonyms: End, Conclusion
• Pronunciation: ik-strey-nee-uhs/एक्ड्टरै नीअर्
• Use in a Sentence: The novel talks about
• Part of Speech: Adjective the genesis of the Chipko movement.
• Meaning:
161. Word: Prune (छिना)
a. irrelevant or unrelated to the subject
being dealt with. • Pronunciation: pru-n/प्रुन
b. of external origin. • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: irrelevant, immaterial, extrinsic • Meaning:
• Antonyms: appropriate, pertinent a. reduce the extent of (something) by
• Use in a Sentence: We shall ignore factors removing superfluous or unwanted parts
extraneous to the problem. b. (of a series) approximate in the sum of its
157. Word: Skin in the game (जोणखि भरा) terms towards a definite limit.
• Part of Speech: Phrase • Synonyms:reduce, reduce, cut, trim, cut
• Meaning: down, decrease.
a. to be at risk financially because you have • Antonyms: elongate, extend, lengthen
invested in something that you want to • Use in a Sentence: Firms are cutting
happen investment and pruning their product
• Synonyms: risky, perilous, unsafe, ranges as well as workforce due to
insecure, recession.
• Antonyms: safe, secure 162. Word: Botch (असफल)
• Use in a Sentence: You take more • Pronunciation: boch-ed/बाच
ownership of something when you have • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
some skin in the game. • Meaning:
158. Word: Usurious (सूदखोर) a. carry out (a task) badly or carelessly.
• Pronunciation: yoo-zhoo r-ee-uh s/उर्रु रयर् b. a bungled task.


• Synonyms: bungled, marred , blundered 167. Word: Turnaround (अचानक पररितथन करना)
• Antonyms: illegal, invalid
• Pronunciation: turn-uh-round /िनसराउन्ड
• Use in a Sentence: Everyone complained
about the food in the marriage ceremony as • Part of Speech: Noun
the caterer company botched up their job • Meaning: an abrupt or unexpected change,
thoroughly. especially one that results in a more
favourable situation.
163. Word: Nudge (िहोका िारना)
• Synonyms: reversion, lapse, regress, reversal
• Pronunciation: nuhj/नज • Antonyms: progress, advancement, headway
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Use in a Sentence: We must reduce costs
• Meaning: and shorten turnaround times.
a. prod (someone) gently with one's elbow 168. Word: Sterling (उत्कृष्ि)
in order to attract attention. [Verb]
• Pronunciation: stur-ling/टिलींग
b. a light touch or push. [Noun]
• Synonyms: push, poke, prompt, • Part of Speech: Adjective
encourage, coax, stimulate, • Meaning: (of a person or their work or
• Antonyms: Pull, discourage, dissuade, repress qualities) excellent or valuable.
• Use in a Sentence: I gave him a nudge to • Synonyms: superlative, exceptional,
wake him up. admirable
• Antonyms: inferior, ordinary, unsatisfactory
164. Word: Peg (ककस़ी खास क़ीित पर तय करना)
• Use in a Sentence: They all cherish her
• Pronunciation: peg/पेग sterling qualities.
• Part of Speech: Verb 169. Word: Bullish (आशािान)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: boo l-ish/बुर्लश
a. fix (a price, rate, or amount) at a
particular level. • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Synonyms: hold down, keep down, fix, set, • Meaning:
hold a. aggressively confident and self-assertive.
• Antonyms: change b. characterized by rising share prices.
• Use in a Sentence: Shopkeepers decided • Synonyms: optimistic, hopeful, buoyant
to peg their prices. • Antonyms: pessimistic, gloomy, dreadful
• Use in a Sentence: He is very bullish
165. Word: Garner (एकत्र करना)
about the prospects of his business.
• Pronunciation: gahr-ner/गानसर Word: Robust (िजबत
170. ू )
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: roh-buhst/रोबटि
• Meaning:
a. gather or collect (something, especially • Part of Speech: Adjective
information or approval). • Meaning:
• Synonyms: amass, accumulate a. strong and healthy; vigorous.
• Antonyms: spread, dissipate • Synonyms: powerful, persistent
• Use in a Sentence: This product does not • Antonyms: weak, feeble
garner all the essentials. • Use in a Sentence: The organization is
taking a more robust approach to
166. Word: Contention (वििाद)
• Pronunciation: kuh n-ten-shuh n/कन्िे न्शन 171. Word: Out of the woods (खतरे िें नहीं रहना)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: आउि ऑफ़ द वुड्र्
• Meaning:
a. heated disagreement. • Part of Speech: Idiom
b. an assertion, especially one maintained in • Meaning: No longer in danger or dealing
an argument. with a particular difficulty, though not
• Synonyms: conflict, dispute, discord entirely resolved.
• Antonyms: affection, peace, friendship • Synonyms: fully recovered, mending,
• Use in a Sentence: There is no evidence to better, progressing
support her contention. • Antonyms: dodgy, tinier


• Use in a Sentence: The nation's economy • Meaning: To produce something in large

is not out of the woods yet. quantities, often quickly and/or carelessly
172. Word: Backdrop (पष्ृ ठभमू ि) • Synonyms: produce, give off, bear, grind
• Pronunciation: back-drop/बैक्ड्राप
• Antonyms: arise, expel, produce
• Part of Speech: Noun • Use in a Sentence: The company churn
• Meaning: lie behind or beyond; serve as a out 3 000 identical toy trains every day.
background to.
177. Word: Flash in the pan (असफल)
• Synonyms: background, ground
• Antonyms: foreground centre, focal point, • Pronunciation: फ़्लैश इन द पैन
focus, heart • Part of Speech: Phrase of flash
• Use in a Sentence: The novel unfolds • Meaning: a thing or person whose sudden
against a backdrop of war. but brief success is not repeated or
173. Word: Turbulent (उपद्रि़ी) repeatable.
• Synonyms: temporary upsurge,
• Pronunciation: tur-byuh-luh nt/िब्सयसलन्ि
showmance, brief success
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: positive outcome, true north
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: He needed to prove
a. characterized by conflict, disorder, or that his success was not just a flash in the
confusion; not stable or calm. pan.
b. (of air or water) moving unsteadily or
178. Word: Reckless (असािधान)
• Synonyms: disorderly, violent, stormy • Pronunciation: rek-lis/रे स्क्ड्लर्
• Antonyms: peaceful, tranquil • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Use in a Sentence: After a turbulent • Meaning: heedless of danger or the
week on the markets, share prices firmed consequences of one's actions; rash or
yesterday. impetuous.
174. Word: Fiddling (तनरर्थक) • Synonyms: thoughtless, imprudent
• Antonyms: cautious, circumspect
• Pronunciation: fid-ling/कफड्र्लिंग
• Use in a Sentence: He showed a reckless
• Part of Speech: Adjective disregard for his own safety
• Meaning: annoyingly trivial or petty.
179. Word: Fraught (व्याकुल)
• Synonyms: insignificant, unimportant,
inconsequential, inconsiderable • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: important, big, significant • Pronunciation: frawt/फ्रॉि
• Use in a Sentence: He's fiddling around in • Meaning: causing or affected by anxiety or stress.
the garage. • Synonyms: anxious, diligent
175. Word: Curb (तनयंत्रर् करना) • Antonyms: devoid, calm
• Use in a Sentence: Their marriage has
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
been fraught with difficulties.
• Pronunciation: kurb/कबस
180. Word: Condemn (तनंदा)
• Meaning: a check or restraint on
something. • Pronunciation: कन्डेम/kuhn-dem
• Synonyms: inhibit, hinder • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: encourage, support • Meaning: reprimand harshly
• Use in a Sentence: We are trying to keep a • Synonyms: censure, criticize, castigate, attack
curb on their activities. • Antonyms: admire, applaud , praise
176. Word: Churn out (उत्पन्न होना) Use in a Sentence: During his speech, the
president took a moment to condemn those
• Pronunciation: चूर्स आउि politicians who were not working to end the
• Part of Speech: Idiom budget crisis.




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