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Instructions Skills development reflection BAS2 period 2

Students need to bring:

 Skills Academy reflection + SMART goals on each of the skills (writing, presenting,
collaboration, and boundary crossing) that you made (name: START_Y2_skill).
 Paper and a pen, to write down the SMART learning goals after the reflection
 Active, curious and open attitude to explore the skills development of their peer(s) and to ask
deepening questions. Active listening is key, and a willingness to share.

Goals of this reflection:

- Have a deeper understanding of your development in some aspects (micro-skills) of the core
- Have an understanding of what made you grow in those aspects – which resources (exercises,
instructions, explanations) did you need, what actions helped or not (practicing, asking
feedback), which teaching methods, inspiration by teachers, peers, etc.
- Have a goal that is formulated as SMART as possible

Why discussing your reflections and SMART goals in groups instead of individually?
- To compare and discuss the individual learning goals you may come to new ideas and
conclusions. In your further career reflections will come back regularly, for example: In an
annual performance meeting with your manager, when a project is finished or intermediate

The process:
1. Reflect together (2-3 students) on what you experienced as a major or most impressive
development in each skill during the last year. Ask each other clarifying questions (see
examples below), in order to specify the experiences, the resources involved, people, courses,
or feedback that contributed to this development. Try to fit the experience to the micro-skills.
2. Share what you would like to learn or develop most in the coming year. This can be the same
goal you already defined, or it can be different, based on the discussion. Again check if what
you want fits with a specific micro-skill.
3. Formulate point 2 in a SMART goal (or check the SMARTness of your original goal) and write it
4. Describe and write down the first concrete action you will take towards achieving your goal,
including the course, people, materials etc. you will use for this action.
5. Ready? The tutor wraps up the session.

Examples of clarifying questions to ask each other:

 What was the most remarkable development or aspect of a skill you experienced last year?
 In which course did this happen?
 How did you achieve that level of performance (e.g. what did you do)?
 Can you give an example that demonstrate your level of performance?
 Where others involved in your development? E.g. tutor, lecturer, study adviser, peers, family…?
If so, what did they do that enabled you do learn?
 Did you miss anything that could have further stimulated you in your skills development?
 Where do you want to improve next? Why?
 What actions do you need to take to improve?
 What do you need to take those actions?
 Whom do you need and for what do you need others to work on your goal?
 Do you need materials (e.g. instructions, exercises,..)?

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