BSCGP-SMS-SWP Lock Blocks Lifitng-Transportation On Site

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Revision: Date:
Safe Work Procedure
Submittal No.:

WBS Code:

Title: Lifting Lock Blocks on site (Stations)

Hazard Category: Medium Risk
Date – Initial: March 14, 2024
1. Review and Approval
Name Signature
Developed by: Meinsen German Nahuel
JHSC Review:

Approved by:

2. Revision History
Revision Revision Date Pages Revised Description of the Revision


Purpose of this SWP is for lifting Lock Blocks on site. This document will help in identifying safe and unsafe practices for
picking lock blocks but workers experience, competence and site conditions will be ultimate deciding factors as all situations
and site conditions are different.
Lock block lifting eyes are generally designed to be used for three lifts, from the mold to the transport truck and then for the
installation on site.
Industry best practices are utilized to assess safety for lifts in excess of the manufacturers specifications.
Any visible or suspected damaged to the lifting eyelet and the lock block needs to be assessed on site by the crew. If any
damage or doubt of the integrity of the lock block or lifting eyelet exists the eyelet must not be used.
Conduct thorough pre-lift inspections to ensure that the lock blocks are securely attached to the lifting equipment and that
there are no obstructions or hazards present in the lifting path.
Workers should also be properly trained in the correct lifting procedures and be aware of the weight and dimensions of the
lock blocks being lifted. Clear communication between all members of the lifting team is crucial to ensure safe and efficient
operation. If at any point during the lifting process, there is uncertainty or concern regarding the safety of the lift, it is
imperative to halt operations immediately and reassess the situation.
Standard company requited PPE must be worn. Rigging equipment and tools must be inspected
Certified (when required) good condition rigging prior to use.
equipment rated for weight of materials to be lifted. Pre-trips must be done on all equipment before use.
Softeners as needed. Work zones must be inspection for hazards
Equipment must be rated to have capacity to lift lock (unstable ground, work at heights ect) and work
blocks. surfaces must be inspected to determine work
Bar to push Lock Blocks into position from a safe methods, protocols and procedures.
Safety Glasses, as Face Shield Chemical Resistant
required ☐ ☐ Gloves

Safety Boots, as Face Mask (COVID-

☒ required ☐ 19) ☐ Chemical Resistant Boots

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Submittal No.:

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Vapour Respirator
☒ Hearing Safety (Half Mask) ☐ Safety Ty-vex Suit

Hi-Vis Vest, as Fall Protection Traffic Control Reflective

☒ required Harness ☐ Clothing

General Purpose /
☒ Hard Hat ☐ Long sleeve shirt ☒ Leather Gloves


Fall protection training if relevant.
PPE includes but not limited to: standard PPE requirements, gloves (cut resistant and, as needed.
Face shield, hearing protection and grinder guard if cutting eyelets, and other PPE as may be determined as task(s)
Equipment operators must be competent and certified (Forklift, Crane) if required. Rigger must be competent and
Workers working with the excavator for lifts do not need to be certified riggers, but they MUST have been deemed
competent by their supervisor and know about best rigging practices if attaching lock blocks to lifting devices on the
Always review and sign off on SWP for Lock Block lifting before crew starts moving lock blocks.


 Do inspect all rigging before use: Ensure it is in good condition and rated for proper capacity to perform the lift.
 Do inspect lock block to be lifted to ensure eyelet is in good condition and fit for lifting.
 Do inspect lock block for signs of damage or cracking or blocks made with multiple pours.
 Do clean all loose debris, dirt and snow off top and sides of lock blocks before lifting to ensure proper inspection of
Lock Block and lifting eyelet.
 Do use a shovel or dunnage to clean off bottom of lock block from a safe location before lifting very high.
 Do inspect work area surface to ensure it is clean and solid to walk in the area for rigging Lock Blocks.
 Do use swivel hooks, chains or other rigging equipment that will allow the lock block to pivot for ease of
 Do use tag lines if lock block is suspended by long chains or cables for the lift.
 Do use forks or straps for slinging to lift lock blocks with damaged or potentially compromised eyelets.
 Do place lock blocks with damaged Eyelets on dunnage to allows for picking up with forks or using slings.
 Do move slow and steady when carrying lock blocks by the eyelets.
 Do wear fall pro if rigging lock blocks near a leading edge.
 Do have excavator pull lock blocks back from the edge if the lock block is not stable, if ground is not stable or there
is a fall risk.
 Do pull or push lock blocks towards excavator for a safer location to attach rigging to it.
 Do use pressure clamps if available, sides MUST be clean of debris, snow, mud, ice, bolts, and attachments: surface
must be smooth and flat.
 Do follow safe lifting practices and do not fly clamped lock blocks over people or equipment as load could still shift
and or slip from the clamp.
 Do wear safety glass’s if lock block is getting moved or picked up with the excavator thumb attachment.
 Do remove bucket of excavator before using rigging to pick up lock blocks.
 Do cut broken eyelets to ensure no one try’s to lift lock block with damaged or broken strands.
 Do get away from swing zones and pinch points before operator lifts lock blocks.
 Do ensure safe access for ground crew, remove (with excavator) excess water, muck, snow drifts and other debris
before crew rigs lock blocks.
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Submittal No.:

WBS Code:

Lifting Clamp:

 Do Not lift lock blocks by the life safety anchors.
 Do Not use damaged eyelets: Rust / corrosion, bent, kinked or eyelets with missing or broken strands.
 Do not use expired or damaged rigging equipment.
 Do Not hook up too eyelets if the concrete that is near the eyelets is cracked or chipped.
 Do not lift damaged lock blocks, such as cracks or missing sections.
 Do Not lift lock blocks that were done in multiple pours. (you should be able to see seams on the lock block, possible
also variations in concrete color and texture(s). The pours may have not bonded properly, and the lock block could
separate when picked.
 Do Not allow lock blocks to bounce when getting carried by the eyelet: slow down and drive to road conditions
(telehandler / fork lift)
 Do Not lift lock blocks higher than needed to clear obstacles.
 Do Not lift lock blocks with the eyelet or lifting clamp with the tower crane.
 Do Not used pressure clamps if lock blocks are cracked or more than one pour.
 Do Not use pressure clamp if lock block surface is not clean and free of debris (ice, dirt, snow).
 Do Not use pressure clamp if there are bolts, nails, wood or other materials in the area of lifter contact.
 Do Not remove lock blocks actively holding back material, remove material first.
 Do Not go near unstable or leaning lock blocks.
 Do Not lift lock blocks over workers or workers work zones.
 Do Not swing lock blocks over sloped areas where the blocks could fall and roll down the hills.
 Do Not pull elevated lock blocks towards the excavator, the operator could lose control and they could roll or slide
down the slope and contact workers or the equipment.
 Do Not push lock blocks down hills or over embankments, pull towards the excavator.
 Do Not lift lock blocks with bucket still attached to the excavator.
 Do Not use excavator bucket unless it is locked out and the “key” is in place.
 Do Not walk on top of lock blocks if there is a fall (heights) risk.
 Do Not over reach if using a ladder to rig eyelets.
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Revision: Date:
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Submittal No.:

WBS Code:

Attach rigging to lock block eyelet. Faulty eyelet. Always inspect eyelets before attaching
Using Lifting clamp. Expired or faulty rigging equipment. rigging. Remove any debris that
restricts eyelet inspection.
Landing lock blocks. Rigging not rated for proper weight.
Do not lift with damaged eyelets: rusty,
Other workers, crews and equipment. Lifting clamp slippage. bent, or broken strands.
Cracked or chipped concrete. Do not use eyelet if concrete has cracks
Lock blocks of more than 1 concrete or chips in the vicinity of the eyelet
pour. embedment(s).
Unstable ground. Do not lift with eyelet or lifting clamp if
Leaning wall. the lock block appears to be from more
than one pour.
Bucket in way of rigging and or
operators view. Do not approach lock blocks on
unstable ground or if the walls are
Falling lock blocks. leaning, (unless engineered with a slight
Worker falls, pinch and crush points. angle and stable) use the lifting clamp
Catching on items attached to the lock or have excavator move block to a safe
block (nails, bolts, ect) location to rig it.

Unable to stack lock block, base indent Do not lift lock blocks over people or
is plugged with material. equipment and materials.
Follow proper rigging and lifting
Keep all body parts out of line of fire.
Lock blocks will swing / pivot when
being picked and landed.
Remove ALL wood, bolt, nail, ect
attachments if safe to do so before
lifting lock blocks. Use ribbon or
fluorescent paint to mark items not
getting removed. Warn other crew
members of any attached items or
protrusions (bolts, ect).
Wait until lock block is close enough to
ground before approaching to prevent it
from being a hazard before adjusting it.
Keep hands and body parts out of line
of fire.
Use dunnage or shovel to clean off
bottom of lock blocks, NOT your
Use dunnage or shovel to adjust
position of lock blocks from a safe
location if the lock block is elevated.
Bucket on excavator must but removed
before excavator can be used to lift
Always move lock blocks as close to
the surface as possible.

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Revision: Date:
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Submittal No.:

WBS Code:

Delineate work zone, include a buffer

zone of taped off area.
Let other crews know of work in the
If using ladder to reach hook points
ensure it is secure before climbing.

Do not use too much pressure when

using thumb to pick up lock block.
Wear safety glass’s for protections form
flying concrete chips.
Angle bucket and thumb to properly
grip lock block.
If bucket is big enough, load lock block
into excavator bucket to move it.
Do not use thumb to place lock blocks
Lock block can crack or break into on equipment (ie deliver trucks) or
pieces, flying shrapnel. surfaces that could get damaged from a
Lock block slips out of thumb and slipping / falling lock block.
Using excavator thumb to move lock bucket grasp. Lock Blocks that have been lifted three
block. times can only be moved as long as:
Poor control of lock block.
Falling lock block.  inspect eyelets: Eyelet should
be in good condition, the lock
Particles in eye. block too (no visual damage)
 Lifting should only be done to
transport the block (around
50cm / 1m above the ground)
 The block can only be lifted
higher to be placed on final
position / truck for
transportation, if no one is
 Rope must be used to guide the

Building / Dismantling walls Falls from heights. Follow proper fall pro Protocol, tying
Slips, trips, falls, pinch points. off to approved anchor points if needed.
Over head risks. Walls tipping/ settling. If safe to build or dismantle wall from
having material low enough that lock
Unexpected lock block movement. blocks work as the wall / rail if done
Sloughing material. constantly that could be acceptable.
Unstable ground, saturated ground, ice,  Do Not go more than 1.75
uneven ground holes covered with snow blocks higher than the surface
drifts. or less than 42 inches above
Settling of walls, structural failure of the surface.
walls.  Do Not do this if wall or
ground is or may be unstable.
Utility strikes.
 Do Not do this for dismantling

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Revision: Date:
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Submittal No.:

WBS Code:

walls if there is still material

on the other side.
 Always have supervisor
approve crews plans and sign
off on FLHA showing
acceptance of the plan.
 Always have back up fall pro
plan in place if using lock
blocks for “railing” so if
guarding becomes impractical
there is still a plan to keep
workers safe.
Any walls higher than two lock blocks
high need to be signed off by qualified
competent person or an engineer to
ensure proper foundation and adequate
strength / design for height and weight
of material behind the wall.
Any finished elevations that will have
workers, materials and or supplies will
need proper railings to prevent falls.
Any elevated surfaces that equipment
could drive onto will need appropriate
curbs in addition to rails and or
delineation around the perimeter
depending on the height.
This would include ramps and sloped
edges even if the fill exceeds the height
of the lock blocks.
Do a ground disturbance permit for any
excavating and building of walls.
Do a ground disturbance for any
dismantling and repairs of walls.
Locate all utilities, including overhead
utilities and flag if needed.
Talk to ALL utility department heads to
confirm they are not running any
utilities in the projected work zone that
will not show up on a utilities owner
report (BC one call, COV, ect)

Structural failure of walls Unexpected sloughing of material. Any unexpected failure or unplanned
Engulfment of workers and or dismantle events must have a flash
equipment. incident report done and be assessed by
a supervisor and or safety.
Falling debris.
If material and or lock blocks are
Soft edges supporting lock blocks. sloughing down or bowing workers
Bowing walls. cannot go into the work area.

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Revision: Date:
Safe Work Procedure
Submittal No.:

WBS Code:

If excavator cannot pick up lock blocks

and a rigger is required to attach the
rigging to the lock block the block must
be moved far enough from the edges,
unstable or uneven ground, and debris
pile for the worker to safely enter the
Unstable areas cannot be entered by
Excavator operator must make area safe
before worker entry.
Lock blocks getting moved (pushed or
pulled) by the excavator must be done
in a controlled manner.
Pushing or rolling lock blocks down
banks or over edges creates safety
concerns to tools equipment and
infrastructure at the bottom of the slope.
Lock blocks being moved must be
under control of operator at ALL times.
Let other crews know of planned
activities and delineated danger zones.
Report and ensure supervisors assess
any movement or shifting of the lock
block walls and relevant slopes.
Any unplanned shifting or settling of
soil or lock block wall, work must stop
and issue must be properly resolved
before work continues.
Ensure plans are in place to allow
adequate drainage that doesn’t
compromise wall integrity or slopes.

WorkSafeBC OHSR Part 11 – Fall Protection

WorkSafeBC OHSR Part 13 – Ladders, Scaffolds and Temporary Work Platforms
WorkSafeBC OHSR Part 14 – Cranes and Hoists
WorkSafeBC OHSR Part 15 – Rigging
WorkSafeBC OHSR Part 16 – Mobile Equipment
WorkSafeBC OHSR Part 20.4 – Safe Work Areas and Safe Access
WorkSafeBC – Ladder Safety Program
OHSR – Section 4.1, Safe workplace
OHSR – Section 14.44, loads over work areas
Bulletin – WorkSafe Bulletin Lifting concrete locking blocks safely
BSCGP FLHA, SWP, SJP, PJHA’s and any other relevant safety documents and training.

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Revision: Date:
Safe Work Procedure
Submittal No.:

WBS Code:

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Revision: Date:
Safe Work Procedure
Submittal No.:

WBS Code:

Print Name (First and Last) Company Signature Date

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