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Writing a thesis is a challenging task that requires extensive research, critical thinking, and effective

communication skills. When it comes to researching and writing about a complex topic like Down
syndrome, the difficulty level increases significantly. Not only does one need to understand the
scientific and medical aspects of the condition, but they also need to analyze existing literature,
gather data, and present their findings in a clear and coherent manner.

For many students, the process of writing a thesis on Down syndrome can be overwhelming. From
formulating a research question to conducting experiments or surveys, to analyzing data and drawing
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Phenotypes are purely descriptions of characteristics, which often appear together as a syndrome.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
Prenatal diagnosis and other methods have also helped mothers to get over the problems that are
associated with the syndrome. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to
write your own paper. 1756 Words 8 Pages AnatomyPhysiology 1 Research Paper The Upside of
Down syndrome Down syndrome is a common chromosomal disorder that is caused by abnormal cell
division resulting in extra genetic material from Chromosome 21. In the next pages answers to the
following questions follow. In most cases the condition occurs when two copies of chromosome 21,
are unable to separate properly during the formation of sperm or eggs during the union (Underwood
2014). The older the mother is at the time of conception, the greater the vulnerability of conceiving a
child suffering from Down syndrome Margulies, 2006. The life expectancy of a person with Down
Syndrome is usually sixty years; however with the right care the person could live well into their
seventies. Babies with more fluid in the back of the neck during the first trimester will suggest
abnormalities in the developing fetus. So if you ever meet someone like me, go be their friend
because we love to make new friends and have fun. Many times you can test for congenital disorders
by means of ultrasound scans or blood work at as early as 10 weeks and on. The most dramatic
changes in how people with Down Syndrome are treated have not been medical, but social. Top of
Form Brill, M. T. (2007). Down syndrome. New York: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark. Down
syndrome can be caused by one of three types of abnormal cell division involving chromosom 21. In
the last 20 years, mouse models, particularly the Ts65Dn mouse, have been widely used to
understand the neurobiological basis of intellectual disability. Screening tests usually do not give a
definitive answer regarding the condition of the fetus whereas diagnostic tests can help to give a
definitive answer regarding the fetus. Some contain forty-six chromosomes and others contain forty-
seven chromosomes. It follows, then, that recruitment may lead to sound intolerance. How to cite an
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undergraduate assignments help online. Mosaic Down’s Syndrome is when only some cells have an
extra Chromosome and the rest of the cells in your body don’t have an extra chromosome. This
mosaicism in patients results from mitotic nondisjunction of the twenty first chromosomes in
embryogenesis (Robbins et al 2005). First, the researchers attempt to explain the occurrence of the
facial dysmorphisms, which relate to other soft tissue and skeletal defects. Pharmacological
Interventions Targeting Neurogenesis, Oxidative Stress, and NMDA Receptor. A Speech Pathologists
can help them develop the early skills necessary for communication. (Patterson 2013). Learning to
communicate is an ongoing process, therefore, individuals with down syndrome can essentially
benefit from speech therapy in school as well as later in life. In past research studies, it has most
often been measured using digit or word span tasks in which participants listen to lists of digits or
words and they have to repeat them back immediately in the same order. The upside to this
procedure is that the fluid does not end up in the external auditory canal and have to be cleaned,
which is especially helpful in children with Down syndrome with narrow canals. Crafting An Outline
For A Research Paper On Down Syndrome. Although, there’s no way to 100% guarantee this due to
how many different defects Down syndrome carries. The extra genetic material most commonly
arises due to a failure of chromosome 21 to separate during cell division. In the same year John
Down described children who had the same characteristics and were suffering from mental
Although the term Mongoloids was considered racist by many it was used as a scientific term till the
1960s when finally the scientists changed the name of the disorder to Down syndrome (Brill 2007).
Multiplex quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction psper detection of research paper on
down syndrome outline. This condition continues to be the most common chromosomal disorder.
Children with Down syndrome are also prone to developing other health problems. But sometimes
during cell division, a chromosome will not detach and it will stay with its pair chromosome. Down
syndrome is a condition caused by an error in cell division that results in an extra 21st chromosome.
First, in terms of motor functions, such persons may exhibit motor clumsiness, and hence carry out
their activities slowly (National Down Syndrome Society, 2012). The purpose of this is to be able to
identify various phenotypic manifestations of Down Syndrome and well as identifying individuals
with the condition who may be eligible for research studies or new clinical trials, based on specific
information about their diagnosis and health history. One of the learner disabilities that need
intervention in secondary school levels in Down Syndrome. Majority of the children that have Down
Syndrome are either classified as mild or moderate level of disability. To build knowledge base
words and to understand how the order of morphemes and words affects larger meaning requires one
to hold phonological information and memory. Surgery can help with these problems. Timothy
Murphy and Marc Lappe. They may have an increased risk of GI blockage which is a digestive
problem. The most significant sources of stress that are experienced by the parents of these children
as noted down include; the permanency of the condition, insufficient professional support and the
disapproval of the child’s behavior demonstrated by the family members, and society in general.
Technically speaking, chromosomes are the cells which carry the hereditary elements that people
acquire from their parents. The majority of children with Down Syndrome are eligible for free,
appropriate public education under federal law (2004). Research has established that short term
memory is delayed in individuals with Down Syndrome beyond developmental level and intelligence
expectations (Deckers 2013). Antagonism Uploaded by IsabeloCruz 0 ratings 0% found this
document useful (0 votes) 183 views 4 pages AI-enhanced title and description Document
Information click to expand document information Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by
the presence of a third copy of chromosome 21. Researchers have found that people with mosaic
Down Syndrome have fewer characteristics than people with other types; however, that cannot be
exact because people with every kind of Down Syndrome have different abilities. Although
chromosome 21 is the smallest one humans have, it can cause a lot of problems if it is altered. There
are special considerations to take into account when Down syndrome individuals are to receive
hearing aids because their ears tend to be smaller. This essay would further revolve around Downs’
Syndrome putting forward each and every aspect that is important in understanding the syndrome. It
is believed that over time with the help of different resources and techniques a proper cure to this
syndrome would be sought out. The sufferers quickly died in their infancy or in early adulthood.
Down syndrome children also often have behavioral problems and delayed development. The
important source of support is the spouse who is one of the most valued source towards the
parenting of these children with down syndrome. In addition, the parents do often report that no
matter the issues that the siblings might have towards their brother or sister suffering from down
syndrome, they typically are very loyal and they still do their best towards defending and protecting
him or her (Pillay et al., 2012). Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and
requirements. Additionally, the development of animal models to help study the syndrome,
examination of specific genes and gene groups that may play a role in the syndrome. Most studies
have reported that parents that have a child with disability do experience higher levels of s. First, the
researchers attempt to explain the occurrence of the facial dysmorphisms, which relate to other soft
tissue and skeletal defects.
The incidence of Down syndrome is estimated at one per 800 to one per 1000 births. Usually
children with Down syndrome are diagnosed at or even before birth, some signs of Down syndrome
at birth include quieter than most babies, less responsive, and weak muscles. In triple screen method
three markers are taken and in quadruple screen four markers are taken into consideration. Usually
they develop speech and language skills slower than most children and they may be harder to
understand. Sometimes the results of the chorionic villus sampling are unclear and an amniocentesis
test is needed to clarify. It is the most common chromosomal cause of intellectual disabilities.
Appropriate assistance can begin shortly after birth and often continues until a child reaches the age
of three. Currently, there are more than 400,000 people living with Down Syndrome in the United
States alone. It is a chromosomal anomaly in cell development that results in a person being born
with forty-seven chromosomes instead of the normal forty-six chromosomes. NAME:
INSTITUTION: Abstract Down Syndrome, also called mongolism is a hereditary condition
occurring due to non-disjunction of chromosome 21 producing trisomy 21 (William, 2005). Child,
Chromosomal translocation, Chromosomes 898 Words 3 Pages Noonan Syndrome Noonan
syndrome is a genetic disorder that was once known as Turner-like syndrome. Bauer is a former
reporter and bureau chief for the Washington Post. They may have an increased risk of GI blockage
which is a digestive problem. Infants with down syndrome find themselves using gestures of sign
language to communicate instead of using speech. It is the most common genetic disorder affecting
more than 5,000 babies born in the United States each year. The problem of Down syndrome has
increased over decades and this has been proved by a research carried out by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. Although some of these problems can be quite serious, medical treatments
have improved so much that today the vast majority of babies with Down Syndrome can grow up
healthy and active. Research Paper On Down Syndrome Research paper on down syndrome. Fourth,
persons with Down Syndrome have difficulties in verbal communication and generally tend to use
sign language often (John Langdon Down Foundation, 2013). Congestion of other tissues such as
esophagus and small bowel are also seen in these patients and can lead to death in some cases
(Kallen et al 1996; Robbins et al 2005). An extra chromosome chromosome 21 originates in the
development of either the sperm or the egg. After that age, most children have access to interventions
and treatment through their local school district. Top of Form Brill, M. T. (2007). Down syndrome.
New York: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark. You could even come join my dance party cause I would
love to dance with you. The total number of chromosomes is forty-six like normal, but extra material:
whether it is full or partial, attaches to a different chromosome. You can use essay samples to find
ideas and inspiration for your paper. Adding to the list small children can also develop leukemia. It
can come and go and may not even be a cause of major sleep problems unless it becomes persistent.
The tissue is then tested for the presence of extra material from chromosome 21. Let us write or edit
the research paper on your topic.
Attention, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Down syndrome 930 Words 3 Pages worry are
present. It is easy for a doctor to identify the child with Down Syndrome at birth. The patients of
Down syndrome also show other symptoms which are related to different systems of the body.
Surgery can help with these problems. Timothy Murphy and Marc Lappe. Many other research
studies that have explored how having a child with down syndrome does affect families. However in
some cases the children do have a normal level of intelligence also. These tubes are placed in the
eardrum and allow air to enter the middle ear. Take note that there are a lot of things for you to
consider when composing a paper that discusses this sensitive topic. Some of the conditions only
require close monitoring while others may require surgery. Sometimes the results of the chorionic
villus sampling are unclear and an amniocentesis test is needed to clarify. Due to the fact that
expressive language develops slowly, difficulty with this skill becomes more challenging with age.
Parenting a child with down syndrome nowadays is not necessarily a negative experience for the
family. First, in terms of motor functions, such persons may exhibit motor clumsiness, and hence
carry out their activities slowly (National Down Syndrome Society, 2012). The link between
Alzheimer disease and Down syndrome has been found by Dr Potter. In studies of a specific type of
mouse !nown as the %s:5Dn mouse, the adult model of down syndrome, scientists have seen that
Down syndrome d isplays behavioral deficits that are consistent with a dysfunctional hippocampus.
8hen trying to find underlying mechan isms of the dysfunctioning hippocampus, they have assessed
neurogenesis in an area of the brain !nown as the dentate gyrus. There are special considerations to
take into account when Down syndrome individuals are to receive hearing aids because their ears
tend to be smaller. Speech language Pathologists may help with conversation skills, pronunciation
skills, understanding skills, understanding what is read as well learning and remembering words. The
three genetic variations include. 769 Words 4 Pages. It is named after John Langdon Down who is a
British physician who described the syndrome in 1866 Living With Down Syndrome. Additionally,
the development of animal models to help study the syndrome, examination of specific genes and
gene groups that may play a role in the syndrome. They have many health problems and development
issues. It is assumed to be common sense to not to drink while pregnant, but without education many
people may not know the real dangers and consequences of this action. The third and last type of
Down’s Syndrome is called Translocation Down syndrome. Kids with Down syndrome do best in an
inclusive learning environment and I try my best everyday. Sticky amyloid protein clumps are found
in both the patients of Alzheimers disease and Down syndrome. It is the most common genetic cause
of learning difficulties. Many times you can test for congenital disorders by means of ultrasound
scans or blood work at as early as 10 weeks and on. When a baby is diagnosed with down syndrome
from the characteristics listed or some other type of testing, they will have it for the rest of their life.
Usually they are misaligned and this causes them to have a higher risk of over extending their neck.
A good positive attitude will far out way any challenges or difficulties that may crop up while
rearing this child. Infants with down syndrome find themselves using gestures of sign language to
communicate instead of using speech.
The results can lead to developmental delays in the child, disability or health problems, different
facial appearances, and congenital heart disease. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with
our cookie policy. The studies have shown that while the families will experience additional
challenges, their levels of well-being are just comparable to the families that do not have children
with down syndrome (Hodapp et al., 2013). Children that suffer from Asperger syndrome have
different brain formalities than those who suffer from autism. Amniocentesis: - This test is
performed on the basis of the amniotic fluid which can be drawn between the 15 to 20 weeks of
pregnancy. In about 4% of all the cases of Down syndrome it is seen that the extra chromosome is
derived from the robertosonian translocation from chromosome 21 to another acrocentric
chromosome. The extra genetic material most commonly arises due to a failure of chromosome 21 to
separate during cell division. But I also experience things that you experience like my feels get hurt
and getting bullied. Hypothyroidism can be congenital or acquired at any time during life. What
however was noted to be critical is that the impact of children with these disabilities in these families
did depend on the available resources especially social support of the family functioning. Everyday
there is new research and information that is available to help us understand and treat the condition
in efficient ways. The older the mother is at the time of conception, the greater the vulnerability of
conceiving a child suffering from Down syndrome Margulies, 2006. Appropriate assistance can
begin shortly after birth and often continues until a child reaches the age of three. He analyzed that
many of the children that he was treating shared certain characteristics. Adding to the list small
children can also develop leukemia. Although women choose to end pregnancies with trisomy 21 it is
still seen that the genetic problem is on the increase. The changes that need to be implemented
include modified work patterns as well as social relationships are the. Antioxidants may help reduce
oxidative stress levels, while fluoxetine and memantine have shown potential in animal studies to
increase neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus. In the next pages answers to the
following questions follow. In the same year John Down described children who had the same
characteristics and were suffering from mental retardation. Lay citizens role is largely consistent
across american post-secondary institutions in the learning center for writing mirror observations in
class at cornell university, it is your version against the use of the 10,520 american school districts.
Children and adults with strong social skills and empathy suffering from Down Syndrome tend to
enjoy better social behavior and understanding than their counter parts with the same stage of
communication delays. Moreover, the evidence suggests that these children characteristics are
associated with parenting domains. However in some cases the children do have a normal level of
intelligence also. In particular, the stress of parenting tends to be greater when the child has a
significant behavior problem. Most kids with Downs syndrome love to dance like me. Flood, 2010
Causes of Down Syndrome Down Syndrome was firstly diagnosed in 1866 by an English doctor
John Langdon Down. The project aims to understand critical health and quality of life needs for
individuals with Down Syndrome, with the aim of scientific discoveries to improve health as well as
well-being. Screening tests are cost effective and can provide a baseline to the parents so as to if they
should perform other tests or not. In 1866, he published the first accurate description of a person
with Down Syndrome; However, it wasn’t until 1959 that Down Syndrome was identified as a
Chromosomal condition.

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