SE HomeWork Manual

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Homework Manual

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Tayyaba Baseer
Home Work Manual Software Engineering: First Edition
Barani Institute of Information Technology
Author(s):Assistant Professor Tayyaba Baseer
A publication of BIIT Series
Copyrights © Reserved By Authors

Learning Objectives: By the end of the lab work, students should have following skills;

Sr. Learning Objective Home Work No.

Introduction Home Work No 1

Information System Development Life Cycle Home Work No 2
Evolutionary Software Process Models Home Work No 3
Agile Methodologies Home Work No 4
Determining System Requirements Home Work No 5
Software Requirements Engineering Process
Requirement Elicitation Home Work No 6
Use case Diagram Home Work No 7
Activity Diagram Home Work No 8
Data Flow Diagram Home Work No 9
Project Management Home Work No 10
Identifying and Selecting System Development Projects Home Work No 11
System Implementation Home Work No 12
Software Testing Home Work No 13
Software Installation Home Work No 14
Maintaining Information Systems Home Work No 15
Software Outsourcing Home Work No 16
Table of Contents
Homework # 1___________________________________________________________________5
Introduction 5
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):_____________________________________________5
Homework # 2___________________________________________________________________6
Information System Development Life Cycle-------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):_____________________________________________7
Homework # 3___________________________________________________________________8
Task: Evolutionary Software Process Models-------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):_____________________________________________8
Homework # 4__________________________________________________________________10
Task: Agile Methodologies---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):____________________________________________11
Home Work # 5__________________________________________________________________12
Task: Software Requirements Engineering Process______________________________________12
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):____________________________________________12
Homework # 6__________________________________________________________________13
Task: Requirement Elicitation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):____________________________________________13
Homework # 7__________________________________________________________________14
Task: Use case Diagram---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):____________________________________________14
Homework # 8__________________________________________________________________15
Task: Activity Diagram---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):____________________________________________15
Homework # 9__________________________________________________________________16
Task:Data Flow Diagram__________________________________________________________16
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):____________________________________________16
Homework # 10_________________________________________________________________18
Task: Project Management------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):--------------------------------------------------------------- 18
Homework # 11_________________________________________________________________19
Task: Identifying and Selecting System Development Projects------------------------------------------ 19
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):____________________________________________19
Homework # 12_________________________________________________________________20
Task: System Implementation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------20
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):____________________________________________20
Homework # 13_________________________________________________________________21
Software Testing------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher_____________________________________________21
Homework # 14_________________________________________________________________23
CHAPTER 14___________________________________________________________________23
Software Installation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):____________________________________________23
Homework # 15_________________________________________________________________24
Maintaining Information Systems___________________________________________________24
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher_____________________________________________24
Homework # 16_________________________________________________________________26
Software Outsourcing------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26
Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):____________________________________________26

Homework # 1

1. How has the integration of the Internet, particularly the World Wide Web, impacted the way
organizations conduct business?
2. What are the key aspects of business that have remained unchanged despite the pervasive
influence of the Internet?
3. Why is understanding the business and its functioning crucial for successful systems
4. What is the process of information systems analysis and design, and who typically
comprises the team involved?
5. How is the analysis and design of information systems driven, according to the provided
6. Can you explain the organizational perspective in the context of information systems
analysis and design?
7. What is application software, and what role does it play in the context of systems analysis
and design?
8. Besides application software, what other components constitute the total information
9. How has software development evolved over time, and what are some of the methodologies
and disciplines involved?
10. What is the primary responsibility of a systems analyst within an organization?
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11. Can you provide a brief chronology of the history of systems analysis and design,
highlighting key developments in each decade?
12. What are Transaction Processing Systems (TPS), and what functions do they serve within
an organization?
13. How do Management Information Systems (MIS) convert raw data from transaction
processing systems into meaningful information?
14. What is the purpose of Decision Support Systems (DSS), and what components are
typically involved in their implementation?
15. How do organizations utilize data warehouses, executive information systems (EIS),
databases, and user dialogue in Decision Support Systems (DSS)?


Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):

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Homework # 2
Information System Development and SDLC


1. What is a systems development methodology, and what are the typical steps
involved in such a methodology?
2. Can you describe the phases of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
according to the traditional approach?
3. What activities are involved in the Planning Phase of the SDLC, and why is
feasibility analysis important during this phase?
4. In the Analysis Phase of the SDLC, what is the primary focus, and what are
the key outcomes?
5. How does the Design Phase of the SDLC transform recommended solutions
into logical and physical system specifications?
6. Can you differentiate between Logical Design and Physical Design within the
7. What activities are encompassed within the Implementation Phase of the
SDLC, and what are the key objectives during this phase?
8. How does the Maintenance Phase of the SDLC address the ongoing needs and
changes within an organization's information system?
9. What are the main stages of the traditional Waterfall lifecycle, and what are
some of its drawbacks?
10.Why is the Waterfall approach considered inflexible, and when is it typically
appropriate to use?
11.What are some of the challenges associated with accommodating changes in
requirements during the Waterfall model? Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):
12.What are the key principles of Agile Methodologies, and when are they
considered appropriate for software development projects?
13.Can you explain how Agile Methodologies differ from plan-driven processes,
and why they might be preferred in certain situations?
14.What are some examples of Agile Methodologies, and how do they address the
need for rapid development and adaptation?
15.How do CASE Tools support the systems development process, and what
functionalities do they typically provide?
16.What are the main components of Extreme Programming (XP), and how does
it support incremental development and customer involvement?
17.Can you explain the concept of Object Oriented Analysis (OOA), including
objects, inheritance, and object classes?

18.What is the Rational Unified Process (RUP), and how does it organize the
development phases within an object-oriented systems development
19.Can you describe the phases of RUP (Inception, Elaboration, Construction,
Transition), and what activities are typically performed in each phase?
20.How does RUP address user requirements, architecture development, coding,
testing, deployment, and user support throughout the software development

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Homework # 3
The Origins of Software

1. How has systems development evolved over time, and why is it considered
more challenging today compared to previous decades?
2. What are the different sources of software development, and how do they vary
in terms of in-house versus external development?
3. What is outsourcing in the context of information systems, and what are some
reasons organizations choose to outsource IT functions?
4. Can you explain the concept of open-source software and how it differs from
proprietary software?
5. What are Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and what benefits do
they offer to organizations?
6. How does cloud computing differ from traditional IT infrastructure, and what
are the advantages of adopting cloud-based solutions?
7. What factors should organizations consider when deciding between in-house
development and outsourcing for their software needs?
8. How can organizations validate purchased software information to ensure it
meets their requirements?
9. What is a Request for Proposal (RFP), and how does it aid in the software
selection process?
10. What criteria should organizations consider when choosing off-the-shelf
software for their needs?
11. How does the concept of reuse apply to software development, and what
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are some enabling technologies for software reuse?

12. What are the primary differences between object-oriented development
and component-based development?
13. How do IT services firms support organizations in custom systems
development, and what services do they typically offer?
14. Can you provide examples of prepackaged or off-the-shelf software, and
how do they cater to different organizational needs?

- 10 -

15.What are some of the challenges organizations face when deciding

between developing custom software and purchasing off-the-shelf

16.How do ERP systems integrate various business functions, and what

challenges might arise during their implementation?

17.What are some key considerations organizations should keep in mind

when evaluating cloud computing vendors?

18.In what ways does open-source software benefit both developers and end-

19.How can organizations ensure that the software they choose aligns with
their functional requirements, vendor support, and cost considerations?

20.How do object-oriented analysis and component-based development

contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of software development

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Homework # 4

Determining System Requirements – Part 1


1. Define the term "requirement" in the context of software development, and

explain the dual function requirements may serve.
2. Differentiate between user requirements and system requirements, including
their purpose and target audience.
3. What are functional requirements, and how do they differ from non-functional
requirements? Provide examples of each.
4. Discuss the concept of requirement imprecision and its potential impact on
software development projects.
5. Why is it important for requirements to be both complete and consistent? Can
you explain the challenges in achieving complete and consistent requirements?
6. Describe various classifications of non-functional requirements and provide
examples of each category.
7. Explain how non-functional requirements can influence the overall
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architecture of a system and provide examples.
8. What are some metrics used to measure non-functional requirements such as
speed, reliability, and portability?
9. Discuss domain requirements and their significance in software development,
providing examples of domain-specific considerations.
10.What is meant by requirements specifications, and why is it important to write
down user and system requirements in a document?

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11.Compare different ways of writing system specifications, including natural

language, structured natural language, graphical notations, and mathematical
12.How do requirements and design interact in the software development
process? Provide examples of how requirements influence design decisions.
13.What are some guidelines for writing effective requirements, and why is it
important to follow these guidelines?
14.Discuss the potential problems associated with using natural language for
expressing requirements in software development.

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Home Work # 5

Determining System Requirements – Part 2


1. What are the key processes involved in requirements engineering discussed in

this section?
2. Describe the generic activities common to all processes in requirements
engineering, and explain why requirements engineering is considered an
iterative activity.
3. Explain the concept of a feasibility study in the context of software
development, and discuss its importance in the requirements engineering
4. What is requirements elicitation, and what are some common problems
associated with it? How can these problems impact the software development
5. Outline the activities involved in the requirements elicitation process,
including requirements discovery, classification and organization,
prioritization and negotiation, and requirements specification.
6. Why is requirements validation important in software development, and what
are some techniques used for requirements validation?
7. Discuss the different types of checks carried out during the requirements
validation process, including validity, consistency, completeness, realism, and Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):
verifiability checks.
8. Explain the requirements validation techniques of requirements reviews,
prototyping, and test-case generation, including their purposes and benefits.
9. What is requirements management, and why is it essential in the software
development process? How does it help in handling changing requirements?
10.Describe the process of requirements management, including maintaining links
between dependent requirements and establishing a formal process for change
11.How do stakeholders contribute to the requirements elicitation process, and
what challenges may arise due to conflicting requirements from different

- 14 -

12.Discuss the potential consequences of requirements errors and the importance

of thorough requirements validation in preventing such errors.
13.Can you provide examples of how requirements errors can be more costly to
fix compared to implementation errors, and why is this the case?
14.In what ways can prototyping be used to validate requirements, and how does
it facilitate stakeholder involvement in the validation process?
15.How can test-case generation help uncover requirements problems during the
validation process, and what does the difficulty in designing tests indicate
about the requirements?

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- 15 -

Homework # 6
Requirements Elicitation

1. What are some traditional methods for determining requirements in software

development, and how do they differ from contemporary methods?
2. Explain how interviewing, nominal group technique, directly observing users,
and analyzing procedures and documents are used in traditional requirements
3. Discuss the contemporary methods for requirements determination, including
scenarios, use cases, ethnography, JAD (Joint Application Development), and
prototyping. How are these methods employed in modern software
4. How does Agile methodology incorporate user involvement in the
requirements determination process? Why is continual user involvement
emphasized in Agile?
5. What is the requirements validation process, and why is it crucial in software
6. Describe the techniques used for requirements validation, such as requirements
reviews, prototyping, and test-case generation. How do these techniques help
ensure the accuracy and completeness of requirements?
7. What are some key checks performed during requirement reviews, including
verifiability, comprehensibility, traceability, and adaptability? Why are these
checks important in the validation process?
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Homework # 7

Software Behavioral Modeling: Use Case Diagram


1. What is software behavioral modeling, and how does it contribute to

requirements determination? Specifically, what is a use case diagram, and how
is it used in software development?
2. Describe the notations used in a use case diagram, including actors, use cases,
system boundaries, connections, extend relationships, and include
relationships. How do these elements help visualize system behavior?
3. Can you provide a step-by-step guide on how to draw a use case diagram for
an eCommerce application? What are the key components to consider when
creating such a diagram?
4. What are the different levels of use cases, including white, kite, blue, fish, and
black? How do these levels differ, and when are they typically used in
software development?
5. When writing use cases, what are the essential components to include? Explain
the concepts of stakeholder, preconditions, minimal guarantee, success
guarantee, trigger, and extension in the context of use case documentation.
6. How would you write use cases for an eCommerce application? What are
some specific considerations and examples of use cases relevant to this
7. In an eCommerce application, who might be the stakeholders involved, and
what role do they play in defining use cases and system behavior?
8. What are preconditions in the context of use cases for an eCommerce
application? How do they influence the execution of specific system
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9. Explain the concept of a success guarantee in the context of writing use cases
for an eCommerce application. How does it ensure the expected outcome of a
system interaction?
10.Can you provide examples of triggers in use case documentation for an
eCommerce application? How do triggers initiate specific actions or processes
within the system?

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Homework # 8

Software Behavioral Modeling: Activity Diagram


1. What is software behavioral modeling, and how does it contribute to

requirements determination? Specifically, what is an activity diagram, and
how is it used in software development?
2. Describe the differences between an activity diagram and a swimlane activity
diagram. How do these diagrams visualize the flow of activities within a
system, and when is each type appropriate to use?
3. When should you create an activity diagram in the software development
process? What are the key scenarios or situations that warrant the use of an
activity diagram?
4. Can you provide a step-by-step guide on how to draw an activity diagram?
What are the essential components and notations to include when creating such
a diagram?
5. Explain the notations commonly used in an activity diagram. What do symbols
like activity, decision, start/end points, and transitions represent in the context
of activity modeling?
6. How would you draw an activity diagram for an eCommerce application?
What are some specific activities and processes that might be represented in
such a diagram?
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7. What is conceptual data modeling, and what is its significance in the software
development life cycle? How does it contribute to understanding system
requirements and architecture?
8. Describe the process of conceptual data modeling. What are the key steps
involved, from gathering information to producing deliverables?
9. Explain the relationship between data modeling and the Software
Development Life Cycle (SDLC). How does data modeling influence other
phases of the SDLC, such as requirements analysis and system design?
10.What are the deliverables of Entity-Relationship (ER) modeling? How do
these deliverables help stakeholders understand and visualize the data
requirements of a system?

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11.Discuss the methods for gathering information for conceptual data modeling,
including top-down and bottom-up approaches. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of each approach?
12.Can you provide an introduction to Entity-Relationship (ER) modeling? What
are the fundamental concepts and principles behind ER modeling, and how is
it applied in software development projects?

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Homework #9
Data Flow Diagram


1. What is process modeling, and why is it important in software development?

How does process modeling contribute to understanding and improving system
2. What are the deliverables of process modeling? Can you explain each
deliverable, including context data flow diagrams (DFDs), DFDs of the current
system, and DFDs of the new logical system? How do these deliverables help
in system analysis and design?
3. Describe the mechanics of a Data Flow Diagram (DFD). What are the key
components of a DFD, including data flow, data store, process, and
source/sink? How do these components interact within a DFD?
4. What is a context diagram, and how is it used in process modeling? What
information does a context diagram convey about a system, and how does it
relate to other DFDs?
5. Explain the rules for diagramming DFDs. What are the conventions and
guidelines for creating clear and accurate DFDs?
6. What is the process of decomposing a DFD? How do you break down a
complex system into smaller, more manageable subprocesses?
7. How do you balance DFD requirements and requirement imprecision? What
strategies can you use to ensure that DFDs accurately reflect system
functionality while accommodating potential ambiguities in requirements?
8. Can you draw a DFD for an eCommerce application? Walk through the
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process of creating a DFD, including identifying processes, data flows, and

data stores relevant to the application.
9. What are some common challenges or pitfalls in DFD modeling? How can
these challenges be addressed to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the
resulting diagrams?
10.How do you ensure that each component of a DFD is accurately described?
What level of detail should be provided for processes, data flows, and data
11.Discuss the importance of DFDs in system documentation and communication.
How do DFDs help stakeholders, including developers, analysts, and end-
users, understand system functionality and requirements?

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Homework # 10
Project Management

1. How has project management evolved over time? Can you compare and
contrast project management practices from earlier times to those used today?
2. What is the importance of project management in the successful execution of
projects? How does effective project management contribute to meeting
project goals and objectives?
3. Who is a project manager, and what role do they play in project management?
What are the key responsibilities and duties of a project manager?
4. What are some common activities and skills required of a project manager?
How do these activities and skills contribute to effective project leadership and
5. What are the phases of the project management process? Can you outline each
phase and explain its significance in project execution?
6. What activities are involved in project initiation? How do project initiation
activities lay the foundation for successful project execution?
7. What is a project workbook, and why is it important in project initiation? How
does it contribute to project planning and execution?
8. What is a project charter, and what purpose does it serve in project
management? How does a project charter help in establishing project scope,
objectives, and responsibilities?
9. What is information system planning, and why is it essential in project
management? What activities are involved in the planning phase of Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):
information system projects?
10.What are the key components of project planning? Can you explain each
component, including the statement of work (SOW), the baseline project plan
(BPP), preliminary budget, work breakdown structure (WBS), and scheduling
11.How is a work breakdown structure (WBS) created, and what role does it play
in project planning? How does it help in organizing project tasks and
12.What activities are involved in executing a project? How does the project
execution phase differ from the planning phase?
13.What are the key activities involved in closing down a project? How do project
closing activities ensure proper project completion and transition?

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14.Can you explain the concept of project closure and its importance in project
management? What are the objectives of project closing activities?

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Homework # 11

Identifying and selecting System Development Projects


1. What is the process of identifying and selecting systems development projects?

Can you outline the steps involved in this process, including identifying
potential projects, classifying and ranking IS development projects, and
selecting projects?
2. How is value chain analysis utilized in the process of identifying and selecting
systems development projects? What role does it play in assessing the
potential value and impact of various projects?
3. What are the key deliverables and outcomes of the process of identifying and
selecting systems development projects? How are these outcomes used in
decision-making and project prioritization?
4. What is corporate strategic planning, and how does it relate to identifying and
selecting systems development projects? Can you explain the importance of
mission and objective statements in this context?
5. In the context of e-commerce applications, how are projects identified and
selected? What considerations are unique to selecting e-commerce
development projects?
6. What are the different types of e-commerce applications, and how do they
differ in terms of their target audience and functionality? Can you provide
examples of business-to-consumer (B2C), business-to-business (B2B),
business-to-employee (B2E), and electronic data interchange (EDI)
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7. What are some common issues encountered in developing e-commerce
applications? How do these issues impact the selection and execution of e-
commerce development projects?
8. How do organizations prioritize e-commerce projects based on their strategic
goals and objectives? What criteria are typically used to classify and rank e-
commerce development projects?

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Homework # 12
System Implementation

1. What are the key activities involved in system implementation? Can you
describe the deliverables and outcomes associated with coding, testing,
and installation phases?

2. What are the different software application testing approaches? Can you
explain each approach, including inspections, walk-through, desk
checking, unit testing, integration testing, stub testing, and system testing?

3. How does white-box testing differ from black-box testing in software

testing? Can you explain equivalence partitioning and boundary value
analysis, which are commonly used techniques in black-box testing?

4. What is basis path testing, and how does it relate to software testing? Can
you explain the flow graph notation used in basis path testing?

5. What is control structure testing, and what are its components? Can you
explain condition testing and loop testing as part of control structure

6. What is acceptance testing, and why is it important in the software

development process? Can you differentiate between alpha testing and
beta testing?
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7. How do users participate in acceptance testing? Can you explain the roles
of users in alpha testing and beta testing, respectively?

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Homework # 13
Software Testing


1. What is the definition of a test case in software testing?

2. Can you explain the different types of test cases commonly used in software

3. What are the standard parameters included in a test case? Can you describe
each parameter such as Test Case ID, Test Scenario, Test Case Description,

4. Test Steps, Prerequisite, Test Data, Expected Result, Test Parameters, Actual
Result, Environment Information, and Comments?

5. How do you write software test cases effectively? Can you provide a step-by-
step guide?

6. What are the approaches available for test data generation? Can you compare
and contrast manual test data generation with automated test data generation?

7. How is test case management conducted in software testing? Can you explain
the process and tools involved?

8. What are some best practices for writing test cases that ensure thorough testing
coverage and effectiveness?
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9. What is the difference between a test suite and a test plan in software testing?

10.Can you recommend some popular tools used for writing test cases in software
testing? What features do these tools typically offer?

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Homework # 14

Software Installation


1. What are the different types of software installation methods, and how do they
differ from each other? Can you explain each type: Direct Installation, Parallel
Installation, Single-location Installation, and Phased Installation?
2. When documenting a system, what are the two main types of documentation
typically produced? Can you describe each type: User Documentation and
System Documentation?
3. What is the purpose of user documentation in the context of software
installation and system usage? How does it benefit users?
4. Can you explain the importance of system documentation in the software
development lifecycle? What information does it usually contain?
5. When training and supporting users for a new system, what are the different
types of training methods available? Can you elaborate on each method:
Traditional Classroom Approach, E-Learning, Blended Learning, and External
6. How does the traditional classroom approach to training differ from e-learning
in terms of delivery and effectiveness?
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of blended learning compared to
other training methods?
8. How can external sources be utilized for training and supporting users during
software implementation? What are some examples of external sources?
9. In your experience, which training method(s) have proven to be most effective
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for users when introducing a new software system? Can you provide examples
or case studies to support your answer?

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Homework # 15

Maintaining Information Systems

1. What is the significance of maintaining information systems in the context
of software development and organizational operations?

2. Can you explain what configuration management entails in the context of

maintaining information systems? How does it contribute to system
stability and reliability?

3. What are the four types of maintenance typically performed on

information systems? Could you provide examples of scenarios where
each type would be necessary?

4. How does corrective maintenance differ from preventive maintenance in

terms of their objectives and execution?

5. What are some of the factors that contribute to the cost of maintenance in
information systems? How can organizations manage and mitigate these
costs effectively?

6. In the context of managing maintenance personnel, what strategies can be

implemented to ensure efficient allocation of resources and skills within
an organization?
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7. How is maintenance effectiveness typically measured in information

systems? What metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) are
commonly used for this purpose?

8. What steps can organizations take to control maintenance requests and

prioritize them effectively to ensure optimal use of resources?

9. How do automated development tools, such as reverse engineering and

reengineering tools, aid in the maintenance of information systems? Can
you provide examples of how these tools are utilized in practice?

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Homework # 16

Software Outsourcing


1. What are the key considerations when deciding to outsource software

development, and how does outsourcing contribute to the software
development process?
2. When choosing off-the-shelf software, what factors should organizations
consider regarding cost, and how does cost impact the decision-making
3. How does the functionality of off-the-shelf software influence the selection
process, and what criteria should organizations use to evaluate the suitability
of a software package?
4. Discuss the importance of vendor support when selecting off-the-shelf
software, and how can organizations ensure they receive adequate support
throughout the software lifecycle?
5. In what ways does the flexibility of off-the-shelf software impact its usability
within an organization, and why is flexibility an important consideration
during the selection process?
6. Explain the role of documentation in validating purchased software, and how
can organizations ensure that documentation meets their needs effectively?
7. What is the significance of software reuse in the software development
lifecycle, and how does it contribute to efficiency and productivity? Comments/Signature (Student & Teacher):
8. When validating purchased software, what methods or techniques can
organizations employ to ensure that the software meets their requirements and
9. Describe the various sources of software available to organizations, including
information technology firms, packaged software, enterprise solutions, cloud
computing, open-source software, and in-house development.
10.What is software evolution, and how does it differ from traditional software
development processes? Discuss the factors that drive software evolution and
its importance in maintaining software relevance over time.

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