History of Ravenloft

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Strahd conquers Oraşnou, Falkovnia, Lamordia, Darkon, Saragoss, Kartakass

Strahd learns magic from Patrina Velikovna, an elf from Berez. She shows him how to
make a pact with the Dark Power Vampyre. He has to kill an innocent man to seal it.

Sergei returns from his studies as a priest in Valentia. Sergei and Tatiyana fall
in love and the night before the wedding, Strahd murders Sergei and Tatiyana falls
to her death. St. Andral, the officiant at the wedding and the vicar of Vallaki, is
brutally murdered. Strahd becomes an undead vampire. St. Andral's relics are
recovered and taken to Vallaki, where he becomes protector of the city.

St. Markovia raises an army to defeat Strahd but is butchered and entombed in
Castle Ravenloft so that her relics can never be used.

The deva Pazrael, sent by Mount Celestia to cleanse this evil, joins forces with
Ancient Silver Dragon Lord Argent. They are disguised as a mendicant friar and a
militant noble. Together, they found the Holy Order of the Silver Dragon. It has
many adherents in Valentia, one of the few unconquered kingdoms.

War starts between Barovia and Valentia. Valentia's forces conquer Berez, and build
the Guardian of Berez to defend the elves from incursion. The heart of St. Andral,
a potent relic, is used in his construction.

Lord Argent discovers the Edificant Library, wherein is said to lie the great
Herald of Mei Lung: the book of all that is, was, or will be in this world. Here,
he summons and binds the Dark Powers, and builds a fortress to defend them. The
Silver Fortress, where he kindles part of his Lord Soul to light the First Flame.

To heal the wounded and sick of the War with Valentia, Pazrael founds the Abbey of
St. Markovia.

Patrina Velikovna inadvertently triggers an incursion of demons in Berez. Guardian

falls in defense of Berez and Patrina is put on trial to be burned as a witch.

In a daring nightime raid, Strahd attacks Berez to free Patrina. She is burned
before he can save her and he genocides the elves in retaliation.

Strahd reveals the location of the Edificant Library to Pazrael, who was never
given access to its knowledge. Convinced by Strahd's lies, Pazrael asks for and is
given access to the Fortress by Lord Argent. Pazrael learns how to warp and twist
flesh and is corrupted.

Lord Argent reveals his true form as Argynvost, the Ancient Silver Dragon, and his
forces engage Strahd's army. At the last moment, Pazrael turns against Argynvost
and the Silver Dragon is killed along with all of his forces.

Knowing all is lost, Argynvost curses Strahd with his last breathe... VAMPYRE knows
that the debt is finally due!. Strahd is imprisoned forever in the nightmare

Mother Night (aka Baba Lysaga) creates an illusion around Berez, making it appear
flooded. She begins her war against the Ravenkind. After the Ravenkind are forced
into hiding, she is given the Skull of Argynvost as a reward.


Heart of St. Andral- lost forever after the Guardian was destoryed
Thighbone of St. Markovia- held in Castle Ravenloft, in the deepest tombs
Skull of Argynvost- held by Mother Night herself, the Queen of Darkness
Eye of Hoorngaard- only by killing him

Godfrey of Valentia - Strahd was cursed by a silver dragon to never leave Barovia

Revenant Knight Hoorngaard


pillage his humanity

kindle your humanity

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