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Mundane materials listed on page 150 and 154 in the Player's Handbook are no longer
tracked, to reduce bookkeeping. Instead, the party has an abstract number of units
of supplies. Each supply unit costs 1gp to buy and occupies the space of one item
in your backpack. To gain the benefits of a long rest, the party must consume one
unit of supplies per every long rest. Sleeping and resting without supplies follows
the rules for Food and Water on page 185 in the Player's Handbook.

Handy Backpack
At any point, if the party is carrying at least one unit of supplies, any mundane
item from page 150 or 154 in the Player's Handbook may be produced from the
relevant backpack or sack, simular to a Robe of Useful Items. Absurd situations,
such as pulling multiple ladders or portable rams out of one backpack, are to be
avoided. However, a ready supply of alchemist's fire, holy water, rations, torches,
hunting traps, and so forth is to be expected. Using a mundane item in this fashion
does not expend supplies.

Without a backpack, a creature would need to either wear, or carry in each hand,
the items they use.


Encumbrance is measured in item slots. Objects slung across the shoulder, worn, or
carried in each hand, do not contribute to encumbrance except for backpacks,
saddlebags, sacks, or simular. Any creature wearing a backpack is considered
Encumbered in combat, regardless of the backpack's capacity. A backpack may be
doffed with a Move action.

Item Sizes

Each medium creature may carry one such bag, which carries up to 10 items of medium
size, such as swords, light armor, scrolls.

In practice, smaller items will hardly ever need to be tracked, but for the sake of
reference, one hundred very small items (coins, parchments, gems or the like), or
ten small items (daggers, potions, pendants, etc) would each take up a single item

Bulky items, such as suits of chainmail, statues, or full barrels are unable to be
stored in a backpack and must be pushed, worn, or carried. These items impose the
Encumbered condition in combat.

Carrying Capacity

As stated before, medium creatures may fit ten items in their backpack, in addition
to items worn or carried. Large creatures can carry up to twenty items, Huge
creatures can carry up to fourty, and a cart, wagon, or coach will multiply these
capacities by five.

A Bag of Holding or Handy Haversack will carry up to fourty items, while a Portable
Hole or simular will carry 400.

Worn or carried items don't contribute to encumbrance except for backpacks,

saddlebags, sacks, or similar. Each medium creature may carry one such bag, which
carries up to 10 items. A backpack causes a creature to be Encumbered in combat,
but may be removed with a Move action.

Encumbered: The creature's movement is halved and the creature has disadvantage on
attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws.

One hundred very small items, such as coins, bits of chalk, string, or parchment,
are counted as a single item when stored in the backpack.

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