Adolescence1 Merged

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Chapter- 6


1. The stage when the menstrual cycle stops is called ________.

2. The ___________ gland helps in controlling the production of both

testosterone and estrogen hormones.

3. Diabetes is caused due to the deficiency of ___________ in the


4. ______________is caused due to deficiency of thyroxine hormone.

5. Larynx is called
(a) music box
(b) voice box
(c) respiratory organ
(d) sound box

6. Most adolescents attain their maximum height around the age of

(a) 22 – 25 years
(b) 13 −15 years
(c) 11 – 12 years
(d) 18 – 19 years

7. Initially girls grow

(a) slower than boys
(b) faster than boys
(c) both of these
(d) none of these
8. The female hormone is called
(a) estrogen
(b) testosterone
(c) adrenaline
(d) none of these

9. The number of sex chromosomes are

(a) three
(b) two
(c) four
(d) none of these

10. The age of menopause stage is

(a) 45 to 50 years
(b) 10-12 years
(c) 20 to 35 years
(d) none of these

11. Name the causative organism of AIDS.

12. Write down 2 myths which are prevalent in our society with
respect to reproduction.

13. Chips and packed or tinned snacks, though very tasty should never
replace regular meals. Why?

14. Define health.

15. What is metamorphosis? Name the hormone responsible for

metamorphosis in insects.
16. The belief that the mother is responsible for the sex of her baby is
completely wrong and to blame her for this is totally unjustified.
Do you agree? Justify your answer.

17. What are the stages of menstrual cycle?

18. Why do we see the development of breasts at puberty?

19. What are the secondary sexual characters seen in girls at puberty?
20. Explain sex determination in human.
Chapter- 6

1. Endocrine glands are also called _______________ glands.

2. ______________ secrets male sex hormones.
3. In females, the uterine wall thickens to receive the ___________.
4. Endocrine glands release hormones directly into the ___________
for transportation to the ______________.
5. ___________ helps the body to adjust and fight the stress.
6. Puberty age in females is
(a) 10 – 12 years
(b) 12 – 14 years
(c) 8-10 years
(d) 5-6 years

7. The number of chromosomes present in human cell are

(a) 25 pairs
(b) 22 pairs
(c) 23 pairs
(d) none of these

8. Pancreas is responsible for maintaining

(a) blood pressure
(b) fat metabolism
(c) blood glucose level
(d) electrolyte balance

9. The gametes have only

(a) one set of chromosomes
(b) two sets of chromosomes
(c) three sets of chromosomes
(d) none of these

10. Production of thyroxine requires

(a) magnesium
(b) iodine
(c) sodium
(d) bromine

11. Why is the legal age for marriage is 18 years for girls and 21 years
for boys?

12. How does AIDS spread?

13. What is menstrual hygiene?

14. What is the importance of iron in the diets of adolescents? Which

food items are rich in iron?

15. What is menstruation?

16. When do adolescents become capable of reproduction?

17. The onset of puberty is controlled by hormones. Comment on the


18. Why are endocrine glands known as ductless glands?

19. What is adam’s apple?

20. Explain the term reproductive health. What should we do to

maintain reproductive health?
Chapter- 6

1. ___________ secrets female sex hormones.

2. Sex of the unborn child depends on whether the ___________ has

___________ or ___________ chromosomes.

3. Metamorphosis in frog is controlled by ___________ hormone.

4. If the water in which tadpoles are growing does not contain

sufficient ___________, the tadpoles cannot become adults.

5. The first menstrual flow begins at __________ and is termed as


6. Thyroxine hormone is produced by

(a) adrenal gland
(b) testes
(c) pituitary gland
(d) thyroid gland

7. The male hormone is called

(a) estrogen
(b) testosterone
(c) thyroxine
(d) insulin

8. Menstruation occurs once in about

(a) 28 to 29 days
(b) 25 to 30 days
(c) 45 to 50 days
(d) none of these

9. The unfertilised egg always has __________ chromosome

(a) X
(b) Y
(c) XY
(d) XX

10. Which of the following is male gonads?

(a) Moustache
(b) Chest
(c) Testes
(d) Hair

11. What is the legal marriage age in India for girls and boys?

12. Explain the terms menarche and menopause.

13. Write short note on personal hygiene in adolescents.

14. Name a balanced food.

15. How does pregnancy occur?

16. What are hormones?

17. What are secondary sexual characters?

18. Write down the formula for the calculation of full height.

19. What is adolescence?

20. What changes occur in human at puberty?

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