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Lesson Title: Mouse Paint Image of Project Sample

Lesson subtitle: Learning Colors

Description/What: The young artists will mix primary colors to get

secondary colors and make fun textures to eventually cut out to
make mice.

Purpose/Why: The Purpose of this lesson is to teach the young artists

how to mix primary colors into secondary colors and teach them the
right language to use when talking about the colors they made.
Class/Grade: Kindergarten
Lesson Duration 2-45min
Teacher Name: Payten Knops classes

Art Supplies: tempera paint, glue bottles, 4.5x5 white paper(one for each student), 3x3 pink paper (one
for teach student), 11x8 medium thickness white paper that is already sectioned into 3 (one for each
student), cups for glue (one per 4 students), plastic forks and Q-tips (one of each for each student),
paper plates(one for every 2 students) ,scissors(one for each kid)

Instructional Materials: Mouse paint book

References/Sources/Citations Ann Carlisle

Visual Arts Standards

National Core Art Standards
VA: Cr1.2.Ka
Engage in exploration and imaginative play.

VA: Cr2.1.Ka
Through experimentation, build various media and approaches to artmaking.

VA: Cr.3.3.1.Ka
Explain the process of making art while creating art.

Objectives for Learning

‘I can’ statement ‘student will’

Art Production: Art Production:

1) I can use how the art will look when it is 1) Students will learn to imagine what art will
done VA:Cr.1.2.Ka look like by the end (when creating mice)
2) I can use new tools to make art 2) Students will learn how to make texture

Visual Arts Lesson Plan Template (Adapted from Weiss, Fall 2021)
VA:Cr.2.1.Ka using new materials like forks and Q-tips
3) I can explain the paint I am mixing to make 3) Students will learn how to explain the
the color VA:Cr.3.3.Ka process of the art they are making.

Primary- a group of colors from which all other colors can be obtained by mixing
Secondary- a color resulting from the mixing of two primary colors
Texture- the perceived surface quality of a work of art

Instructional Procedure
Central Focus for Day 1: Students will learn which primary colors mix to make which secondary colors and how to
mix them on paper as well and which materials will make which textures.
1. Anticipatory Set: Read mouse book but in an interactive way
2. Choose 2 helpers to pass out the 11x8 paper that is sectioned into 3 to each student in the room and
instruct them to have the long side of the paper horizontal
3. I will pass out plates with pre-prepared blue and yellow tempera paint give one to every 2 students( the
water cups, paint brushes, and texture utensils will already be on the tables) then start demonstration
4. Demonstration – I will show them again which way to have their paper and to put their name on the
back and then I will tell them to start with yellow, I will show them how to hold the brush like a dancing
ballerina and to not press to hard. I will tell them to use lots of paint. Then I will show them and instruct
them to add a little bit of blue and to mix it all around the first square of the paper until there is not pure
blue or pure yellow showing and then to rinse of bush when done
5. Independent practice – I will then have them mix green just like I did
6. Demonstration - I will show them both the fork and the Q-tip technique of making texture and I will show
them I few ideas that I like to use
7. Independent practice – I will have them create their own texture.
8. Lecture - While they are making their texture, I will explain that texture is a feeling that you can feel with
your sense of touch. I will give an example that a blanket has a soft texture and that a cactus would have
a sharp pointy texture.
9. Next, I will go around to the tables with red paint and put it on each plate
10. Demonstration - I will demonstrate to start with the lighter color which is yellow and I will remind them to
not press to hard with the brush and to use a lot of paint. Then I will instruct them and demonstrate to
use a little but of red paint and to mix it all around the second box on the paper.
11. Independent practice – I will have them mix orange on their own paper.
12. Independent practice - Then I will have them again make whatever texture they want and then was out
their brush in the water cup
13. Demonstration - I would start with red and I would show them on my paper to add a little bit of blue and
to keep adding a little more until it looks purple
14. Independents practice – I would have them make purple on their own paper
15. Independent practice – I would then have them make whatever texture they want
16. Closure: have one student from each table bring brushes and the water cups to the sink and dump the
water and place the brushes in the designated water cup, have another student throw tables paper
plates into the garbage and have each student called up by row put their painting on the drying rack –
then once the students return to their seat I will ask questions about the secondary colors and how to
make them until it is time to leave. What colors do we need to make orange? What colors do we need to
make Purple? What colors do we need to make Green? What are the three primary colors? What are the
three secondary colors?
Central Focus for Day 2: Have them once again recall which colors make which color and teach them a little about form with
the white mice
1. Review Day 1: Start with asking what the primary colors are and what the secondary colors are and then
which colors make green which make orange and which make purple.
2. First, I would have 2 students hand out the 3x3 and the 4.5x5 white paper. The scissors, Q tips and glue
in the cups will already be on the table
3. Lecture – I would start by asking the students what shape a mouse is and then I could suggest things
like an oval or a triangle.

Visual Arts Lesson Plan Template (Adapted from Weiss, Fall 2021)
4. Guided practice – I would start by showing ripping the white paper into an oval or a triangle and have
them do it with me.
5. Lecture/Guided practice - I would ask the students what shape a mouse ear, nose, and tail would be.
Next, I would ask them to draw out the shape of the ears, nose, and tail.
6. Demonstration - Then I would show them how to hold the scissors and then ask them to cut out the ears
and nose.
7. Demonstration – I will show how to take the Q-tip and the glue to get just the right amount.
8. Independent practice - Then have them glue the nose, ears and tail onto the mouse and then glue the
mouse onto the paper one in each color
9. Review – I will end this lesson by reviewing everything that we have learned. I will ask the same
questions that I have been asking through the lesson.
10. Closure: have the students clean up the scrape paper and throw glue cups away. Have one student from
each table bring scissors up to the front.

Describe the assessments to be used to gauge student learning. Assessments should connect to the
objectives & standards written on page 1.
Formative: (assessments you will use during the teaching of the lesson to guide your next steps).

Summative: (assessment(s) you will use after the teaching of the lesson, e.g. rubric).
Formal rubric assigned only for grades 3-6, attach on next page.

Visual Arts Lesson Plan Template (Adapted from Weiss, Fall 2021)

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