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The Dragon Circus

(first draft)
Trigger warning for sh

Chapter 1: Orphan
It was yet another gloomy day. The sky being a deep gray cloud of
darkness. That wasn’t unusual for their town. The cloud consumed every
bit of light. Not even one sun ray dared to show its face. Avron sat
comfortably in his chair, glaring down at the circus ring through the
window. Amanda was down in the ring practicing her hoop skills. She
was trying to get a trick she’d been working on for some time now. She
would swing the hoop around, throw it up and attempt to catch it. But
every time the hoop slipped from her grip. Amanda started to get
irritated. “Oh for Christ sake!” She threw the hoop down angrily. Avron
sighed. He got up from his chair and marched down to Amanda.
“Amanda, what the hell are you doing?” He growled. Amanda looked up
to Avron. You could see the fear in her eyes as she began to speak. “I’m
sorry. I just can’t get this stupid thing to work for me.” Avron sighed. He
knelt down beside Amanda. “Amanda, look at me.” Amanda looked into
Avrons deep black eyes. “You’re only ten, and this is you’ve only been
here for a month. You don’t have to try to get it all in one day. You will get
the hang of it.” Amanda sighed. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Avron
placed his hand on Amanda’s shoulder. “Amanda, I want you to know,
the second I found you in that orphanage, I knew, you wouldn't be an
orphan anymore. And I am so glad I have you here. You are down to be a
star, just like my beautiful Persephone.” Amanda looked to the ground.
She hated benign compared to Persephone. It was like Avron was trying
to shove it in her face that Persephone was better than she was. “I have to
go.” She pushed past Avron and ran to her room slamming the door hard
behind her. “Was it something I said?” Avron muttered to himself.
“One day you’ll be just like my Persephone.” Amanda said mockingly.
“Why can’t I be myself here? I don’t want to be like Persephone, and he
doesn’t see that!” Amanda sank down the doorway. She tucked her knees
to her chest as she started to cry. “Hey, what’s wrong?” The sweet voice
came from the bed on the opposite side of the room. A girl with tan skin
and brown hair was sitting on the rotten cot on the other side of the
room with her suitcase. Amanda looked up nervously. “W-Who are you?”
Amanda whimpered. The girl slowly walked towards her. “My name is
Melody. Sir Avron took me in from an orphanage across the southern
shore. He said I’d be staying here with a girl called Amanda.” Amanda
drew her legs away from her chest. “I’m Amanda.” She said softly.
Melody smiled. “Nice to meet you Amanada.” Amanda gave a sigh of
relief. “Now, can you tell me what’s wrong?” Amanda shrugged. “It’s just
hard for me to be myself here. The master is always comparing me to his
drop dead gorgeous daughter which makes me feel…like I mean nothing
to him.” Amanda stood up. Avron just so happened to burst through the
door the second Amanda stood up. Avrons sudden burst through the
door knocked Amanda to the floor. “Oh, so sorry Amanda.” Avron
brushed Amanda aside and went straight over to Melody. He stuck out
his hand to her. Melody unwillingly took it. “Welcome to the Dragon
Circus my dear.”Melody gave him a strange look. “The Dragon Circus?”
Avron smiled. “Ah yes, we tame some of the world's finest dragons here.
Every two months we get to perform one of the world’s greatest shows in
Nantar. You are now going to be a part of that.” Melody looked at
Amanda nervously. “T-thanks sir.” Aron gave her an evil grin. “Please, call
me Avron.” Melody nodded. “Yes, Avron.” Avron left the room with that
same evil grin spread across his face.
Amanda picked herself up from the floor. Melody rushed over to help
her up. “Are you okay?” Amanda nodded. “That’s a regular thing here.
Come on, I’ll introduce you to the cast.” The girls walked out of the
room. They wandered through the halls of the circus grounds.
Everything was dark, cold and eerie. There were cast members everywhere
through the grounds. They all had the same expression. A dull, numb
face with no colour. “What’s wrong with them?” Melody asked, gesturing
over to the others. “They’ve been here much longer than me. They are
also treated way worse than me. They live in a little hut by the ground
border. It’s a ragged place.” The sad looks in their eyes gave Melody the
chills. The girls moved on from one hall to the next. “This is where the
junior cast hangs out during the day.”bThey walked closer to the small
group. “Hey Kirby, come meet the new girl.” Kirby jumped up from his
spot and ran over towards Amanda. “Hi, I’m Kirby.” Kirby stuck out his
hand. “Melody.” Melody took Kirby's hand. “Looks like we’ve got
another one of us dragged in here by Avron.” Amanda nudged Kirby's
arm. “What?” Amanda gave him the wide eye look. “Sorry about that.
Kirby just doesn’t know what to say to the new recruits. But we will be
leaving now.” They turned around and left.
Amanda felt good to finally get back to her room. Amanda flopped on
to her bed. “What do you hope you're going to get picked for?” Melody
gave a sideways look. “What do you mean?” She asked. “Well, every new
recruit gets picked to do something for the show. Hoops, acrobatics,
archery, trapeze and much more. The show we have every two months is
basically to show off your skills. But I think it’s more for Avron to show
off his dragons.” Melody sat down on her bed carefully. “Avron has a lot
of dragon cages doesn’t he?” Amanda nodded. “Yeah he does. He’s been
trying to tame the hardest dragon yet, the water dragon.” Melody sighed.
“I just hope I get something good.” Amanda gave her a side smile. “I’m
sure you will.” Melody stood up from her bed. “I think I’m going to go to
bed now. I don’t like being tired in the morning” She yawned. Amanda
laughed. “Early bird.”

“Amanada!” Melody screamed. Amanda rubbed her eyes. “What?” She

groaned. Melody laughed. “Girl, we are not little ten year olds anymore.
We’re sixteen, so get your butt out of bed. Plus we have a show in two
days!” Amanda rolled over. “No.” Melody nudged Amanda. “Or I could
just let Avron wake you up. We both know he does not take oversleepers
very well.” Amanda groaned. “Fine, fine, I’m coming.” She walked lazily
out of the room. Getting ready was the worst part of the day. She knew it
would just be another day of screaming. The days before show were more
stressful than anything. Amanda took her time getting ready that
morning. Usually she got dressed quick. But that day, she was extra tired
and less motivated to get to work. Walking down the dark hallways in the
morning seemed eerie. She smell of smoke filling the ring. The roars of
the cooped up dragons echoed through the entire building. A usual
morning sound, never to be unheard.
Amanda finally found herself at the ring. She stopped when she saw
Kirby and Melody dancing through the ring. The dust flying everywhere
around them. This life seemed so impossible. Melody was getting carried
away. Her hands began to light up in a dim blue light as she danced
around the ring. “For Christ sake Mel.” Amanda marched over to the
ring. “Melody, what are you doing? You know you can’t be using magic!
Avron is going to catch you and lock you in that cell again!” Melody
shrugged. “Well then, I can do magic in the cell.” Melody pulled Amanda
into the ring. “Come on Mandie, dance with us.” Amanda shook her
head. And risk being put in that cell again? Nope, not happening.”
Melody shrugged. “Fine then, have fun doing boring hoop work, night
owl.” Amanda sighed. “Fine, I’ve been needing a bit of fun lately.
Amanda started spinning around the ring. Melody lifted her up in the air.
“Hang on Mandie, keep spinning. I got you.” Amanda spun gracefully in
the air. She felt like she was finally free from the tiny bird cage she was
trapped in all the time. “What the hell are you three doing!?” Avron
screamed from the base of the ring. Melody let Amanda down.
“M-master, w-we were j-jus-” Avron cut Melody off with a raised hand.
You could see the flames burning in his eyes. “Silence you fool!” Melody
backed up. She almost stumbled over with the shaking in her legs.
“Raven! Take Melody to the cell. She needs to learn her lesson.” Raven
came running out from Avron’s office. Dust flew as she sprinted down
the dirt pathway. “Yes sir.” Raven took 6a grasp of Melody’s arm and
dragged her off to the cell. “I'm sorry.” Raven whispered. Amanda let out
a hard sigh. “Amanda, I thought you knew better!” Avron yelled at her.
Amanda's heart dropped. She looked down, the look of fear and guilt
glistened in her eyes. “I-I’m sorry master.” She stuttered. Avron took hold
of Amanda’s shirt and pulled her close. Amanda could feel his hot breath
blowing on her neck. “You need to remember your place Amanda. One
wrong move and you can be an orphan again. Do you hear me?” Amanda
nodded. “Y-Yes master.” Avron let go of her shirt. He turned to Kirby.
“That goes for you to Kirby.” Kirby nodded. ‘Yes master. Avron gave
them an evil grin. “Good.” He said bitterly. He turned around and left.
Amanda groaned. “Why does she never listen to me?” Kirby shrugged.
“She’s Melody, she never listens.” Amanda sighed. “The one and only.”
Amanda walked over to the basket of hoops and took hers. The beautiful
rose gold coloured hoop with a constant shine to it. She closed her eyes
and started dancing around the ring. For once in her life, Avron had
actually given her a good routine . The only hard part was throwing the
hoop and then catching it again. The water inside the hoop made it
impossible to keep its balance. Therefore it fell out of Amanda’s grip
most of the time. Though Persephone could catch it perfectly every time.
Amanda could feel there was a difference between their hoops, even
though it was supposedly the same hoop as hers. Persephone strutted
through the door holding her hoop in her hands. “Well, well, well. Look
who it is.” Persephone said in a raspy tone. “Persephone.” Amanda
mumbled calmly. “I heard that you were doing magic again.” Persephone
started doing circles around Amanda. “We both know I haven’t used my
magic in years. I haven’t touched the stone since I was ten.” Persephone
laughed. “Oh I know you haven’t. The stone now belongs to my father.
He’s been trying to tame the water dragon with it.” Amanda bared her
teeth. The feeling knowing someone else had what belonged to her was
getting to her. “You and I both know that It won’t work. You can’t use
the water dragon's powers against it. They are way too smart for that.”
Persephone smirked. “And how would you know that?” Amanda gave a
cold look. Her past haunted her, like a nightmare that just never ended. “I
come from a long line of dragon hunters. I’ve seen it before.” Persephone
laughed. “If you are from a long line of hunters, then why do you have
the water stone?” She smirked. “After many years of hunting the dragons,
my grandparents realized that they weren't as bad as they’d thought. In
thanks for saving their kind, the water dragons made us the guardians of
the water stone. And as far as I know you have no right to touch my water
stone.” Persephone shrugged. “Also, if you don’t want to get in trouble
with your daddy, I suggest you get back to work.” Persephone scoffed. She
turned around and stormed off. Amanda gave a big grin. “That's what I
Kirby stepped forwards. “Amanda, you can’t speak to her that way. You
can get in serious trouble.” He stuttered. “Why can’t I? She’s just another
spoiled brat put in this circus because Avron thinks she can do so much
more than she can. She’s just another one of us with some talent.”
Amanda grabbed her hoop and stormed off to her room, slamming the
door in Kirby’s face. “I hate this stupid place!” Amanda kicked the wall in
anger. “Don’t we all?” Amanda whipped her head around. “Raven, what
are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be off helping Avron or
putting Melody in that cell or something?” Raven shrugged. “Yeah, she’s
in that cell alright. I think the only person willing to take my place would
be Persephone, and she wouldn’t even be able to do that because she’s
Avron’s ‘perfect little daughter’” Amanda laughed. “I think we all think
that.” Raven shrugged. “I mean I’m not wrong.” Amanda shook her
head. “Nope.” Amanda sighed. “I just can’t be myself here. No matter
how hard I try, I’m always compared to Persephone.” Raven gave a light
laugh. “Well at least you don’t have to be Nani’s mini me.” Amanda gave
a strange face. “Wait, you have to be like his wife?” Raven nodded. “Yep,
the eighteen year old version of his wife.” Amanda laughed sarcastically.
“That must be nice.” Raven sighed. “Really nice.” Rave started laughing.
Her dark hair shone in the small beams of light coming from the tiny
window hidden away at the top of the room. Her shadowed position
blocked her eyes from getting the same shine as her hair. You could see the
flames in her eyes as she laughed. She had been hurt more times than she
could count.
Raven was one of the older ones in the circus. Only being a ten year old
girl, she had been forced to be a maid in her past life, living with a family
by the name of the Crowes. Raven was always careful not to make the
same mistake twice. Every time she would forget to cook dinner, or had
forgotten to set the table, she was given a beating. With each time she
screams or or cries left her body, she would only be beaten more. During
those times, Raven was forced to cover her bruises and scars, so the
Crowe’s wouldn’t look like horrible people to their friends and not so
close family. At the age of fifteen she was sent over to Avron to
supposedly ‘fix her up’. But the cruel family never came back for Raven,
therefore leaving her in a place where she was getting worse treatment
than in Crowe’s home. The sickening feeling that she was being a servant
again haunted her, dragging her back into her past memories. She refused
to show on the outside that she was hurting, that thick, throbbing feeling
of knowing your unwanted. But on the inside, everybody knew that she
was living in fear.
“Raven! Where are you!?” Raven’s eyes widened. She quickly ran right
through the door. Amanda slapped her forehead. Looking out for the
people in the circus wasn’t that hard, unless they were using magic.
“Raven!” Amanda called. Raven came running right back through the
door. “Remember, no magic. Which means no running through closed
doors. Now if you don’t want to end up like Melody, come back through
the door and open it like a normal human being before you get caught.”
Raven walked back through the door and opened it normally. “Amanda!
Hoop work now!” Amanda groaned. “This is going to be a long day.”
Amanda walked out of the door lazily and went back into the ring. “What
were you doing?” Avron asked. You could see the flames burning in his
eyes and he yelled. “I’m sorry master, I was jus-” Avron could hear
enough of it. “Amanda, if you keep talking I’ll lock you and Melody in
that cell until show day. And after that you will get a life's worth of
beatings.” Amanda backed up. Avron could see the fear in her eyes as he
moved closer. Amanda fell backwards, her eyes flashed as she hit the
ground. Avron looked into her sunken brown eyes. “Raven, take Amanda
back to her room” Avron turned around and disappeared into the
darkness of his office. Raven came running to her. She helped Amanda up
off the ground and started walking towards her room.
Amanda gently got into bed as raven gave her a cup of tea. “Why
would he do that?” She asked. Raven shrugged. “I don’t know Mandie.
But he saw the fear in your eyes as you fell, we all did. He cares about you
Amanda.” Amanda shook her head. “No, he doesn’t. He’s trying to make
you believe it, but he doesn’t love me. He doesn’t love anyone. He never
loved me and he never will.” The feelings of her past rushed in with the
others. The feeling of being put back in the orphanage made her upset.
She never wanted to remember that orphanage ever again. Tears welled in
Amanda’s eyes. “Oh Mandie.” Raven wrapped in a bear hug. “When will
we be loved Raven? Like, loved by someone who actually cares about us?”
Raven shrugged. “I don’t know, but it will be soon I promise.” The
promise Raven made her that day was the only hope she had to flee the
circus and stop what Avron was doing. But she couldn’t risk doing it.
The fear of being caught and beaten scared her. The only thing she could
do was sit there and hope for freedom.
Avron came into her room after a while. His dark brown hair was
smoothly brushed towards the side of his head. His eyes had the same
shawdowd look as Raven’s. His hair didn’t shine in the light from the
window. It seemed the sun had disappeared right as he entered the room.
He stepped towards Amanda’s bed, taking small steps as he came closer
and closer to the bed. He pulled up a chair beside the bed and sat down.
Amanda looked down in silence. “Hi.” was the only thing she could
muster. “Hey.” Avron replied. His face didn’t look so mean anymore. It
looked numb and sad. Amanda kind of felt bad for him. But at the same
time, she couldn’t care less on how he was feeling. He hurt her after all.
She would never forgive him for the pain he put her through. Avron
opened his mouth as if he was going to speak, but closed it again and
turned his eyes away. He sighed. “Look Amanda, I’m sorry for yelling at
you.” Amanda sighed. “You don’t know how much it hurts when you do
that, do you?” Avron rubbed his forehead. “I never meant to hurt you
Amanda, not one bit.” Amanda looked away. Did he really mean this? Or
was he saying this to get her to practice hoop again. The thoughts
weighed heavy on Amanda’s mind. “Why did you put Melody in that
cell?” Amanda said as she looked into Avron’s big brown eyes. Avron's
face turned back into the scary old man from before. He stood up,
tightening his tie up to the collar or his shirt. “That, I can’t tell you.” He
said coldly. He turned his back and left the room, almost slamming the
door behind him.
The thought of Avron’s sudden turn in mood made Amanda think.
Why was he so against magic? The feeling of guilt and defeat mixed in
with the others. Her heart felt like it was stuck in her stomach. She sighed.
“I guess I’ll never be getting his love either.” Amanda rolled out of bed.
Her legs felt like jello as she walked back to the ring. She tried wiping her
face to make it look like she hadn’t been crying, but by the strange looks
on everyone's faces, she didn’t do a very good job.
Avron was standing in front of the group. “Get back to work.” He said
coldly. He gave Amanda the death glare before he turned around and
walked back into his office. Amanda groaned. “You okay Mandie?” Kirby
asked. Amanda nodded. “Yeah.” She looked over to Avron’s office. “I’m
fine.” Amanda picked up the hoop and began running ehr outline with
the rest. That guilt feeling didn’t leave Amanda as she spun around the
ring. As hard as she tried to dance off the feeling, it just wouldn’t go. Dirt
was spitting everywhere as the routine had finally been fully run through.
Amanda looked to her right, at the empty spot. The spot that was
supposed to be Melody’s. She thought of the cell. She thought about her
last time in the cell. The cold, dark place. It gave her shutters just thinking
of that cell. She gave a long, hard sigh. “Don’t worry Mel.” She said softly.
“I’m coming.”

Chapter 2: Magic
The cell was a cold, dark, gloomy place to be in. The pipes were
constantly dripping water into little puddles below, and there was a
constant rotting smell. Most feared being put in there. The cast had
named it a strange name ‘Any magic, no freedom’ was what they called it.
It was for sure a strange name, but it did fit. Those who were caught
using magic behind Avron’s back were sentenced there for at least a day.
But Melody couldn’t care less about being locked in that cell. It was at
least her eighth time being stuck in that cell. She had gotten used to the
rotten smell. Melody peered out the bars of her cell. Nobody. Once
again, she was alone in the cell. The last time she was trapped in there, she
was in there for an entire week, with nothing but the rats to keep her
sane. . It was a rotten place, everybody knew that.
Amanda had just walked down the dark corridor to the basement cells
as Avron caught her. “Aren’t you supposed to be doing hoop work my
dear?” He asked bitterly. Amanda shook her head. “No master, we were
given a break to eat dinner. I’m just taking a walk around the grounds to
stretch out my legs.” Avron stood over her. His face gave a numb vibe.
“Go quickly, you are to be back in the ring at once Amanda. I can’t have
you fooling around like this anymore. Do you understand me?” Amanda
nodded. “Yes master.” Avron turned around and left. Amanda turned her
back. “Not in a million years Avron.” She started sprinting down the hall
to Melody’s cell. “Mel.” Amanda panted. “Amanda? What are you doing
here?” Amanda took out a granola bar from her pocket. “Here, you
should take this in case you don’t get dinner tonight.” Melody took the
granola bar and stuffed it in her pocket. “Thanks Mandie.” Amanda
flinched at the sound of Kirby’s voice. “Amanda, you have to get over here
before Avron catches you!” Amanda sighed. “I’ll be back soon, I
promise.” Amanda gave a slight smile and ran off. Just the classic
Amanda. Melody sat back down. She gave a long, hard sigh. What was
this hell of a life? It was like she was living in a nightmare that lasted
forever. Being trapped in that cell for two days without food or water.
Melody was lucky to have the granola bar with her. “This place is pure
hell.” Melody flopped down onto her side. “Melody, you can’t be doing
magic here, do you understand me?” She said, mocking Avron’s words.
“So what if I use magic? I’m not hurting anyone, and besides the circus
would be so much cooler if there was magic in it.” Melody laid down on
her back. “Guess I should go to sleep if I want to get out of here sooner.”
She stared up at the ceiling. “Good night hell hole.” She muttered.
“Amanda, where were you? We need to run the routine.” Chloe asked.
“Sorry guys, I just had to give Melody a bar.” Kirby sighed. “You know
you’re not allowed to be down there without masters permission.”
Amanda shrugged. “She needs to eat something! She can’t go two days
without food or water. It’s too much, even for an evil person like Avron.
No person deserves to be treated like that.” Chole sighed. “I know, but
there is nothing we can do to help her. She will be in there until the
morning of the show. But if you keep going down there and getting
caught-” Amanda picked up her hoop. “I will keep doing what I am
doing even if it kills me.” Amanda walked out into the ring and began
practicing her part of the routine. And though Chloe was right, Amanda
didn’t care. It wasn’t right for any person to be trapped in that old, rotten
cell and have no food or water. Nobody deserved such horrid treatment.
Not even Avron.
Amanda was spinning herself around. The scent of smoke and flame
burned in her nose. She could see out of the corner of her eye, Avron,
who was wearing a big scruffy, fire proof suit was trying to put one of the
fire dragons back into its cage. It was spitting flames everywhere as Avron
was hitting it with his whip. Amanda stopped spinning. The dragon
looked over towards her. You could see the fear in its flamy eyes as Avron
repeatedly whipped it backwards. The dragon was being stubborn due to
fear, and Avron couldn’t see it. Kirby placed a hand on her shoulder. “I
know Mandie, it’s hard to watch him do this to them, but there's nothing
we can do.” Amanda looked down, her eyes fastened to the floor. “I just
wish I had the water stone, so maybe I could…help them.” Kirby sighed.
“Amanda, we all wish we could help them, but there is nothing any of us
can do to save them. And as long as Avron is in control, we can't even get
close to the dragons.” Amanda gave the dragon one last glance. It was
finally put in its cage. It was breathing fire everywhere. The cage was
loaded onto a big truck and being taken away. Amanda dropped her hoop
to the ground. "I'm going to bed." She said quietly as she began walking
to her room. "But Amanda, we haven't gone over the routine yet."
Amanda kept walking. "I'll do it later." She walked into her room and
shut the door.
A feeling of guilt and sadness filled her body once again. Avron must have
also had the fire stone in his collection of stones he stole from the circus
members and other people. Tears welled in her eyes as she sat down on
her bed. "This is pure hell." She muttered. She felt like she was back in the
birdcage once again. She laid down on her bed. Could this life get any
worse? Amanda thought back to all the times Avron had hit her, locked
her in the cell and just straight up yelled up yelled at her. There were more
memories than she could count. The feeling of defeat rushed in with all
the others.
Melody sat carelessly in the cell. "99...100...101.." She had been
counting for what seemed like ages. A defeated feeling sank into her
mind. "102...103...104.." The same old feelings were running around her
brain. She groaned. "Hurry up Amanda. "She rested her head against the
hard brick wall. There was a sudden sound. The sound of someone
running echoed through the narrow hall. Melody stood up. "Melody."
Amanda panted. "Amanda, what the hell took you so long?" Amanda
sighed. "I saw something awful." She said softly. Melody came closer to
the bars. It looked like Amanda had been crying. "Mandie, are you okay?
What happened?" Amanda still had tears in her eyes as she spoke. "I-I saw
A-Avron hitting one of the fire dragons with a whip to get it back into its
cage, a-and its eyes were so scared." Amanda sank down the bars of the cell
as she started to cry. Melody reached her arms out the bars of the cell and
hugged her. They heard footsteps walking down the hallway. The slaps of
Avrons shoes echoed around the place. Avronstopped when he was in
front of Amanda. Amanada looked up to Avron. Her face quivered.
"How could you...?" She whispered through tears. Avron pulled Amanda
up. Amanda closed her eyes, preparing to get a beating. But instead,
Avron pulled her into a hug. Amanda stood in Avrons arms speechless.
Avron looked over to Melody. "Do you want to be with her?" Avron
asked. Melody gave him a straight face. "More than you want to kill me."
Avron sighed. He took out the keys from his pocket and opened the door
to the cell. Amanda ran into Melodys arms. Avron closed the doors. "If
you want out, just yell." Avron turned around and left, the slaps of his
shoes echoing behind him.
Melody and Amanda sat on the dirty floor of the cell as Amanda
explained what she saw in excruciating detail. Her breaths became faster
as she continued to talk. Melody hushed Amanda. “Mandie calm down,
you're hyperventilating.” Amanda was in no mood to calm down. She
was really stressed about the situation. Panic attacks were a very common
issue at the circus. “How can I calm down when I saw Avron hitting a
dragon right before my eyes?” Melody sighed. “Some things in life are
good, and some are bad. We see different things every day. You need to see
the bad things from time to time, but you need to move on from it,
because when you move on, you will be able to take the bad things like
that more easily. And it will only make you stronger.” Amanda sighed.
Her breaths slowed down. She knew from the bottom of her broken
heart that Melody was right. Again. And as Amanda’s best friend, she
would always tell the truth, no matter how hard it was to take in. That
was something Amanda kept close to her heart.
Amanda had finally calmed down. The girls ended up sitting and
talking about their crazy life. “There are still good things that come out of
this hell-hole.” Amanda laughed. “Like what?” Melody shrugged. “Well,
we get to do what we love, performing.” Amanda sighed. “Yeah, I guess
I’ll give you that.” She snickered. Melody rolled her eyes, the thought of
the up-coming performance roamed in her mind. “What do you think is
going to happen after this performance?” She asked slowly. Amanda
shrugged, locks of her long brown hair shone in the beam of sunlight
coming from a nearby window. “I think one of us is going to mess it up
and then Avron will yell at us all and lock the person who messed up in
the cell for a week and starve the others for two days, just like what
happened last time.” Melody sighed. “Who do you think is going to mess
up this time?” Amanda looked over towards the hall, making sure
nobody was there. “My honest opinion would be either Kirby or you.”
She laughed. Melody pushed Amanda. “Rude!” Amanda laughed. “Well
it’s going to be one of you two.” Melody rolled her eyes. “What if it’s
you?” She smirked. Amanda gave a straight face. “It will not.” Melody
shrugged. “All’s fair, love and war.” Amanda smirked. “Whatever.”
Around an hour later, Amanda was out of the cell and back in her
room. Somehow, she was able to sneak in another granola bar to give to
Melody. She didn’t have too much time left in the cell anyway. An
accomplished feeling filled Amanda’s body. She was going to kill this
routine. “Amanda, just because you were upset for a little bit doesn’t
mean you get to be lazy the rest of the day! Get out here now!” Amanda
rolled her eyes. She walked sloppily out of the room. The rest of the
group was waiting for her in the ring. There wasn’t just her regular group
there. It was all the circus members in each division who were doing
hoops. They were gathered in a circle with Avron standing in front of
them. Amanda joined the crowd as Avron began to speak. “As you all
know I am giving a solo to one lucky person from each division. From the
mini division we have Ava Smart.” The crowd began clapping loudly as
Ava stepped forward to stand beside Avorn. “For the senior division we
have Kendall MacErin.” The crowd again clapped loudly as Kendall
stepped forward. “And for our junior division, we have someone who I
believe worked very hard for this. So, the solo for this division goes to…”
Amanda looked to the floor. She knew it wasn’t going to be her.
“...Amanda Jacob.” Amanda looked up in surprise. Chloe and Kirby were
cheering loudly for her as she stepped up beside Ava and Kendall. “You
ladies are going to be improvising for your solos. However, your
choreography needs to be some of the work I have taught you over the
past three years.” Amanda looked to the crowd. They all one by one were
leaving to go back to their rooms. Chloe and Kirby began to walk back to
their rooms. It was only her left in the ring now. She was all alone once
She grabbed her hoop and started dancing, thinking of ideas she could
use for her solo. She spun and spun. The sound of yelling startled her. She
stopped spinning. Amanda could see Persephone and Avron arguing in
his office. “Daddy, that’s not fair! I’m the one who worked hard for that
solo. Why should it get to Amanda?” Avron sighed. “Percy, I will give you
a solo too, just relax. I want Amanda to feel that she is good enough to
have a solo so she does extra good in the group routine. She messed up
last time. I’m learning from my mistakes.” Persephone gave an evil grin. “I
like this plan, daddy.” She smirked. ‘I do too.” Avron laughed. Avron
took Persephone’s hand and walked out of sight. Of course Amanda
wasn’t given a solo because she deserved it. She was just given a solo
because Avron wanted her to have extra confidence so she wouldn’t mess
up the group routine like she had done the last show. Amanda tossed her
hoop in the air and caught it. “I’ll show you Avron.” She said weakly. “I’ll
be better than I ever have before, and then maybe, you’ll show me some
respect.” Amanda turned around and walked into her room. The feeling
of anger returning to her body.
“Who did you give the solos too?” Asked Nani as she poured Avron a
fresh cup of tea. “Ava Smart, Kendall MacErin and Amanda Jacob.” Nani
scrunched her nose as she heard the names. “Couldn’t you have made any
better choices?” She scoffed. Avron shrugged. “Ava and Kendall are just
beautiful, and they fit just right for the solos. But the only reason I’m
giving Amanda the solo is because of how badly she messed up last show.
I need to teach her a lesson. So if she messes this solo up she won’t
humiliate Percy.” Nani sighed. “I think that is a very good idea. I can not
have her humiliate my daughter again.” Avron nodded. “And that’s why
I’m going to make sure it never happens again.” Nani handed Avron the
cup of tea. He sipped it gently. “Now, how was your day?” She asked as
she sat down in the armchair beside him. “Other than Amanda, it was
great.” Nani smiled. Persephone came bursting through the doors.
“Mom!” She whined as she kicked her heels away. “Amanda got mud all
over my new gucci stilettos!” She shivered as she stared down at the mess.
“Oh honey, why would she do that?” Nani asked as she stood from the
arm chair. She picked up the stilettos from the floor and took them to the
sink. “I don’t know. She just hates me so much.” She cried. Persephone
sat down on the couch beside her father. “Oh Percy, we can always clean
them or get you a new pair.” Persephone cuddled into her fathers arms.
He stroked her hair as she rambled on about how those were her favorite
shoes and how she couldn’t bear to see them so dirty. “Don’t worry
baby.” Avron said as he stood up. “I will have a talk with Amanda.” Avron
stormed out of the room.
Avron walked down the hallway furiously. Manda was in the ring once
again practicing her routine. She hadn't meant to ‘ruin’ Persephone's
shoes. It was technically her fault for wearing them in the ring anyway.
She knew there would be dirt flying everywhere. This was all her fault.
Amanda could see Avron’s face from a mile away. It was bright red. You
could see the fire in his eyes as he walked towards Amanda. He gripped
her wrist and began squeezing her arms. “Master, stop that hurts.”
Amanda grunted as she tried to free herself from his tight grip. “How
dare you ruin my daughter's new shoes.” He grumbled. The grip on
Amanda’s wrist became tighter. “Master- I-I didn’t mean to-” She
groaned. “How do you not mean to?” He roared. Amanda’s wrist had
turned red. Tears began rolling down Amanda’s cheeks. She tried to free
herself, but no matter how much she struggled, Avron would not let go.
You could basically see the steam coming out of his ears. “Avron,what on
Earth is the meaning of this!” Avron dropped Amanda as he looked up.
“Haddley.” Avron said calmly. Haddley rushed over to Amanda to help
her up. “I am so sorry my dear, my brother seems to lose his temper quite
easily.” Haddley took Amanda’s hand. “She ruined Percy's new gucci
stilettos.” Avrons face was grim. “So what? They are just a pair of shoes.”
Amanda could feel his cold stare from the back of her head. “Amanda got
dirt all over them, they are completely ruined!” Haddley picked Amanda
up. “It’s Persephone’s fault she wore her new shoes in the ring. This is not
how you were taught to run a circus.” Avreon rolled his eyes. “What
would you know, Haddley? You’ve never even ran a circus.” Haddley
began walking in the direction of Amanda’s room. She stopped and
turned to Avron. “I may not have run this circus before, but as your
younger sister, I always learned what you were too busy to care about.”
Haddley walked with Amanda to her room.
Haddley sat Amanda down on her bed. “I’m very sorry about what my
brother did. He is not leading this circus like he was supposed to.”
Amanda sighed. “It’s been ten years, he’s been like this for ten years.” She
looked coldly to the floor. “How old are you Amanda?” Haddley asked.
“Sixteen.” Haddley sighed. “You are way too young to stand up to my
brother. He could knock you out in a heartbeat, I learned that the hard
way. But even if it ends you up in that awful cell, don’t be afraid to fight
back Amanda.” Amanda looked into Haddleys deep, green eyes. They
looked as green as the jadeite pendant she was wearing around her neck.
There was a comforting tone in Haddleys voice that made Amanda nearly
forget the traumas of the incident. Amanda looked back to the floor.
Haddley was turning to leave. “Haddley.” Amanda said softly. Haddley
turned around, her eyes facened Amanda. “Yes Amanda?” Haddley
replied. Amanda took a deep breath. “Thank you.” She said calmly.
Haddley gave a sideways smile. “You’re welcome.” Haddley closed the
door gently behind her. A feeling of grimness clouded Amanda’s body.
She had really never meant to ruin the shoes. Persephone had just so
happened to be wearing them in the ring while Amanda was trying to
practice her solo. They were covered in dirt because of the dust spitting
everywhere. It was Persephone's fault, and Amanda shouldn’t have had to
take the blame for her dumb mistakes.
Amanda laid in her bed, her eyes looking coldly to the ceiling. She
watched as the roof began to leak water into the small bucket placed in
the left corner of the room. The sound was constant, endlessly dripping
in the mysterious void of the bucket. It was almost like she’s been needing
this moment. She felt the dripping bucket made it more calming in the
dark room. Even though she’d lived in this exact boring room for years
and years at a time, she was just getting the feeling of comfort that should
be felt when in a bedroom. At the same time, Melody still sat in the cold
dark cell, waiting for someone to walk down the hallway to entertain her.
The window gave nothing but a view of the starry night sky, which didn’t
look so good from the basement. Out of boredom, she began the
pointless project of trying to count all the stars she could see through the
window. By the time she had reached the number ten, she had already
forgotten the stars she had counted, therefore she ended up recounting
the stars many times. She laid down flat. Her fingers trembled for
absolutely no reason. She didn’t feel panicky. She just felt loose and grey.
She didn’t feel like she was a human any longer. But rather, a pesky rat
locked in a cage for experimenting. It was a very dreaded feeling. Both the
girls knew that.
Haddley was sitting on the coach of Avrons luxury house. His house
just so happened to be a mansion right against the wall of the circus
border. From behind the wall, the house looked just like a big, grey
haunted mansion. But from the other side, it was sunny and beautiful.
There was a large in-ground pool located right beside Nani’s vegetable
garden. Nani really had a green thumb. She loved anything flowers and
fresh fruits she’s grown herself. Nani handed Haddley the hot cup of tea.
“So, how was your visit to the circus earlier?” Haddley’s face went cold. “I
was not pleased with what I saw.” She said as she sipped her tea. “Oh,
what happened?” Haddley sighed. “My brother was getting at one of the
girls for ruining Persephone’s shoes, and \I know you won’t want to hear
this, but it is her fault for wearing them in the ring, which is full of dirt
and mud.” Nani sipped her tea. Her eyes closed as she began to speak. “I
know, Avron has been hard on that girl ever since she came here ten years
ago. I talk bad about her to Avron because I don’t want to displease him,
he gets angry very easily and could hurt me or Persephone in a heartbeat.
But Persephone is so spoiled. I can’t fix it now because Avron is spoiling
her rotten. She really is a bad person, and the last thing I want is for her to
become like her father.” Haddley shook her head lightly. “Nani, you can
still fix this. You can fix all of this. You have the power to stop what he’s
doing.” One single tear rolled down Nani’s cheek. “I can’t.” She said
softly. Avron walked into the house. Nani wiped her eyes. She got up
from her chair and walked over to Avron. “Hi dear.” She said as she kissed
his cheek. “What's for dinner?” He said coldly. “I’m starving.” Nani
looked to the floor. “I will have it made in twenty minutes. She said as she
rushed to the kitchen. “Here Nani, let me help you.” Haddley said as she
stood up. “Oh no, you’re the guest. I’ll cook.” Haddley shook her head.
“No, I’ll help. It’s the leastI can do.”
As Haddley walked by Avron, she elbowed him roughly. She gave him
the death glare. His face looked grim. “You will regret that.” He said
under his breath. “Oh will I?” Haddley replied, a grin spread across her
face. She walked into the kitchen to help. Avron rolled his eyes and
walked into the bedroom. He took off his coat and hung it up on a coat
hanger in the back of his closet. He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a long
scar across his chest. “You will regret it, Haddley. Just as much as you
regretted this.” He set his hand on his scar. He shook off the grim feeling
and put on his comfy clothes before walking back into the kitchen. Nani
and Haddley were laughing in the kitchen as they stirred gravy. “Nani, I
swear I need to visit you more often. You are very fun to hang out with.”
Haddley laughed. Nai shrugged. “I was thinking the same thing.” The
two laughed out loud. Avron’s face cringed. He felt jealous of Nani and
Haddley’s relationship. They treated each other like sisters. Avron had
always wished his relationship with Haddley was similar. But Avron made
it impossible for Haddley to even love him. He treated her like a servant.
Haddley felt she couldn't visit as much as she had liked because of her
brother. He was being very distant. Not like that was unusual for him. He
was always in his own cloud.
“Haddley!” Persephone squealed as she ran over. Haddley pulled her into
a hug. “Oh my favorite little niece, how are you darling?” Persephone's
face was filled with smiles. Avrons mood lifted a little bit. He loved seeing
his daughter happy. “I'm doing great. Are you here for the show?”
Haddley nodded. “Something like that.” Persephone smiled even bigger.
“Guess what?” She said excitedly. “What?” Haddley replied. “I have a solo
for the show!” Haddley smiled. “That’s very cool Percy. I can’t wait to
watch you.” Persephone skipped off to the dinner table. Her father pulled
her aside. “What?” She said, She looked clearly annoyed. “Remember
what we talked about.” He said grimly. “What do you mean?”
Persephone's face no longer had a smile on it. “Haddley is not your
friend. She is just another stupid dinner guest your mom brought here.
Don’t act so excited to see her. She’s not special. Forget her.” His face was
cold. Persephone’s face twitched. Tears welled in her eyes. She ran off to
her room in tears.
“Avron, what the hell did you say to her?” Nani turned around in fury.
“What was right.” Was what Avron replied with. Nani shook her head.
“Monster.” She mumbled as she ran to Persephone's room. Haddley came
over to Avron. “What the hell was that?” She yelled. Avron stood up
angrily. “You are not who you think you are, Haddley.” He muttered.
Haddley had enough. She slapped him hard across the face. Avron put his
hand on the red spot on his cheek. Before Haddley could even speak,
Avron had punched her right in the face. She was knocked to the ground.
“Haddley!” Persephone screamed. “What did you do to her?” Avron
turned to Persephone. “What I had to.” He mumbled. He picked
Haddley up and took her out of the house. “Haddley!” She screamed.
“No.” She whispered. More tears rolled down her cheeks as she gently
sank to the floor.
Haddley awoke. She was in a dark place. Her head ached as she sat up.
By the time she was fully awake, she realized she had been put in the cell.
She ran to the cell doors. She felt panic rising in her chest. “Help!” She
called. “Is someone there? Please help me!” There was a faint sound. A
voice suddenly spoke. “Who are you?” The voice said cautiously. “M-My
name is Haddley, Haddley Prescott.” The voice pauseed. “Wait- you’re
the master's sister right?” Haddley nodded. “Yes! I am.” The voice went
quiet. “I don’t know if you remember me.” The voice said faintly. “But
my name is Melody Lewis.” Haddley paused. “Melody.” She said,
“Haddley.” Melody rattled the bars of the cell. “What are you doing
down here Mel?” Melody shrugged. She rested her head against the bars.
“I was caught using magic.” Melody sighed. “Now I’m going to bed, it’s
late.” Melody laid down on the floor. “Okay, good night.” Haddley sat on
the floor. She slowly drifted off to sleep. Haddley awoke. Melody was
rattling the bars of the cell next to her. “Ugh.” She groaned. “I need to get
out of this damn cell.” Haddley sighed. “You and me both.”

Chapter 3: Show Days

The bars of the cell doors rattle viciously. Haddley sat against the cold
wall as Melody shook the cell door. “Melody, we are not breaking
through that door.” Melody sighed. “I know.” Her face suddenly froze.
“Haddley…what time is it?” Haddley shrugged. “I’m not sure. I think it’s
some time around Three-thirty.” Melody froze. “That means the show is
in twenty minutes. “ Haddley froze. “Wait, aren’t you in the show?”
Melody began shaking the bars even harder. “We need to get out of here
now!” The two began rapidly shaking the bars. Haddley could faintly see
her brother in the distance. “Avron, let us out now!” Avron turned to the
faint sounds. He shrugged it off. “Probably just a gutter rat.” He
muttered as he walked off. “No.” Haddley whispered. Melody got an
idea. She tried using her magic to break the bars. But her magic couldn’t
be used for breaking bars, but her magic was not capable of doing it.
Haddley sighed. “Your magic is not going to work Melody.” She closed
her eyes. “Haddley…what are you doing?” Haddley laughed. “Magic.”
Her hands lit up in a dim light. “Woah.” Melody gasped. The bars started
to crack. Melody waited without a peep. The bars finally snapped under
the pressure of Haddleys magic. “I had no idea you had magic in you.”
Melody laughed as Haddley walked out of the cell doors. Haddley
shrugged. “Family secret.” She shrugged. “Now let’s get you to that
Melody climbed out of the cell. She finally looked Haddley straight in
the eyes. “Y-Your face-” Haddley sighed. “Yeah I know. I probably have a
back eye or something. Avron must have punched me pretty hard.”
Melody stood still with a look of concern on her face. “Come on, let's
go.” Haddley nudged her. The two ran down the hallway. The dim light
of the torches glimmered through the area. Amanda was waiting
impatiently at the end of the hall. Melody and Haddley caught her by
surprise. “Haddley?…Melody? What are you doing? Aren’t you supposed
to be in the cell?” Haddley shrugged. “Maybe.” Amanda slapped her
forehead. “How’d you even get out anyway?” Haddley smirked. “Family
secret.” She whispered. “Now let’s get you girls to that show. “
The girls took a few turns down some mysterious hallways before
finally ending up in the shadows with the rest of the group. “Melody
there you are, we’ve been waiting for you.” Chloe sighed in relief. “Sorry
I’m late guys, it took a little…extra time to get here.” She looked up to
Haddley. “Do you know the routine?” Chloe asked anxiously. “Yeah, I
think so.” Some people had come over to her to start slapping makeup on
her face. Amanda handed her a costume. “Go get changed before we go
on.” Melody nodded and ran off. Being in the cell for two days was not
the best time to learn the dance. But thanks to Melody’s magic, she was
able to see what Amanda was doing. That included learning the dance.
“Girls, you’re up next.” Melody took her hoop. “Better get going.” She
said with a slight smile. Haddley pulled her into a hug. “Make Avron
proud.” She whispered. Melody nodded. “Will do.” The group walked
out onto the ring.
The crowd cheered as they walked into the ring, taking their pose. The
music began. Amanda found herself gracefully spinning around the ring.
She stopped near the end of the ring. Kirby was waiting in the middle of
the ring for her. She dropped her hoop and started running to him. When
she hit his arms, he threw her up. The crowd went silent as she spun.
Melody threw her hoop as she began falling down. Amanda was just
hoping she’d catch it. If she messed this up, she was in big trouble. Her
muscles tensed as the hoop hit her hands. She held grip on the hoop,
bringing it down to the ground with her. She relaxed as she hit the
ground and finished the routine. They all ran out of the ring before the
next group entered. Amanda, Melody and Chloe all wrapped each other
in a bear hug. “We did it!” Chloe said happily. Amanda laughed. “I am so
glad I caught that hoop, otherwise Avron would have killed me.” Melody
sighed in relief. “I thought I didn’t throw it high enough or threw it too
high. But that was fun. Amanda passed Melody her hoop. “I have to go
get ready for my solo. I’ll be back later.” She said and ran off.
Haddley ran up to Melody. “Aw Mel, you did so good! Avron ain’t
going to be getting mad at you this time…I hope.” Melody laughed. “I
hope not.” Haddley sighed. “Now let’s just hope Amanda doesn’t mess
up her solo.” Melody nodded. Amanda sat in her room getting her
costume on. She was doing the hair piece up when she heard a sound. She
turned around fearfully. “Who’s there?” Her heart raced. “It’s me.”
Persephone said softly. She came out of the shadows of the room. Her
face was grim and sad. “What are you doing here?” Amanda asked.
Persephone sighed. “Are you okay Persephone?” Persephone’s face went
from sad to angry. “Why do you care?” She snapped. Amanda stepped
back. “Just asking.” Amanda sighed. “Listen.” Persephone growled,
pulling Amanda in close. “You can’t mess this up Amanda. Because if you
do, me and my father are going to eat you alive.” Amanda stood still.
Persephone pushed Amanda away. She coldly left the room.
Amanda stood there, in complete shock. Had Persephone been there the
entire time? It was very unusual to see Perseohones face so upset. Raven
walked in the room. "You're next Mandie." She whispered, the echoing of
the trapeze routine comin from behind her. Amanda walked out of the
room with Raven. Amanda stood backstage. She was watching as Kendall
was doing her trapeze solo. Kendall really was a beautiful girl. A tall
brunette with the most hazel eyes she'd ever seen. Her hair sat in a slick
bun in the back of her head. Her costume is a gorgeous shade of red and
gold. It twirled as she swung around the bars. She looked amazing out in
the ring, with the spotlight shining down onto her. Kendall finished up
her routine, the crowd roared in applause as she came off the stage. A
slight shiver fell down Amanda's body. She felt a hand on her shoulder.
“You got this.” Melody whispered.
The music began. Amanda came running on stage. Her hoop grasped
tightly in her hands. The crowd was silent. Amanda could see Haddley in
the crowd. She was cheering her on. Amanda felt warm. The spotlights
shining bright in her eyes. A gleam so bright it could blind the crowd. She
could also see Avron standing by her bedroom door. He was trying to
hide in the shadows but he was still visible. His face, a grim stare. She
could feel his eyes screwing into the back of her head a s she spun. Her
blood ran cold looking into his eyes. She had just noticed the big, bleeding
wound across his right eye. His clothes nearly drenched in blood and his
fists bruised and bloody. “What the hell?” She whispered under her
breath. Avron had noticed her looking at him. He moved away from the
shadows and more over towards the bleachers. Amanda was relieved to
see him move away. He had left a huge stain of blood on the wall. It was
slowly dripping down to the ground and trickling into a little pile.
Amanda could care less. She had to nail the routine unless she wanted to
be put in that cell again.
It was coming down to the hardest part of the routine. A trick
Amanda had not mastered yet. She had to throw the hoop up and jump
through it, catch it and finish the routine. She was getting more nervous
the closer she got. She could still feel Avrons eyes. Even though she
couldn’t see him, she knew he was there, staring into her soul hoping she
wouldn’t mess up. She tossed the hoop up and jumped. The room was
silent. She could feel the dragons flying above her. Smelling fresh smoke
and feeling the warm fire above her.
“Come on, Amanda.” Melody whispered under her breath. She
watched as Amanda threw the hoop up and jumped through it. She
landed roughly on her feet, just barely catching the hoop behind her.
Melody gave a sigh of relief as Amanda finished the routine. She looked
into the spotlight which shined brightly in her eyes. Amanda looked into
the crowd. They were cheering loudly. She looked around to find Avron’s
eyes. He was glaring at her as if she had just killed his mother. She
dropped her hoop and ran off the stage, leaving Avron’s cold stare behind
Amanda ran backstage. Melody was waiting for her. She could see the
anxious look on Amanda's face. Amanda ran into Melody’s arms. She
wraps her arms around Melody. Breaths became short and panicked.
“Amanda, are you alright?” Amanda shakes her head. “His face.” She
whispered. “It’s his face.” Avron came walking around the corner.
Melody looked into his eyes. He didn’t seem like he was as angry as
before, but he still looked as if he could kill with only his fists. He
marched over to Amanda. Other than the show, there was a dead silence.
Amanda looked up in fear. She broke free from Melody and ran to her
room, locking the door behind her. Avron turned to Melody. He stared
into her eyes for a second before walking off. Haddley walked back over
to Melody. She rested a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay Melody?”
She asked in a gentle tone. Melody sighed. “I guess so.” Melody replied.
“H-He scared her.” Melody looked to the floor. “Who scared who
Melody?” Melody looked up into Haddley’s eyes. “Avron, h-he scared
Amanda.” Haddley sighed. “He will always find some way to hurt you
girls.” She said softly. Melody looked towards Avron, who was still
walking away. “He shouldn’t half to.” Melody said in a serious tone. She
walked away towards the corridor to the cells. She was done.
Haddley watched as Persephone did her solo. She was doing great. She
was landing gracefully and aching all the steps. But something happened
and Persephone forgot the whole end of her routine. She ended up
improvising it until the routine was done. The look on Avrons face gave
her the chills. She ran backstage and right to the bleachers where her
mother was. She was staying low so she wouldn’t be as noticeable. Avron
looked like he was going to kill her. Avron looked deep into Haddleys
eyes. He looked like he was going to kill with his stare. But he just looked
away back to the show. That gave Haddley time to get out of the room
before Avrone came for her.
Amanda sat in her bed. She felt so panicked. She had just ran away
from the guy she feared the most. She rested her against the wall. She
hugged her pillow. “Why am I so stupid?” She groaned. A cold feeling
running through her body. She knew if she went out of the room, she’d
be locked in the cell for weeks. If only she’d landed as gracefully as she’d
practiced. She felt like such a fool. Avron probably thought she was one
too. She groaned. “What do I do?” There was a sligh laugh in the corner.
Amanda looked up nervously. “Who’s there?” Melody walked out of the
shadows. “Me.” Amanda got out of her bed and ran into Melody’s arms.
“Mel, what are you doing here? How did you even get in? The door was
locked.” Melody shrugged. “I have my way.” Melody chuckled. “Is Avron
mad?” Amanda asked. Melody sighed. “I don’t know, after you ran to
your room, he looked at me and then he walked away. Amanda looked to
the floor. “I thought he was going to lock me up.” Melody let go of
Amanda. “He looked like he was going to, but I don't know.”
There was a sudden knock at the door that made Amanda jump.
“Who’s there?” Melody asked. Amanda standing nervously behind her.
“Melody, it’s me. Please, open the door.” Melody stepped forward.
“Haddley?” She said quietly. “Yes, it’s me. Can I come in?’ Melody
unlocked the door and let Haddley in. She stepped towards Amanda.
“Are you okay Amanda?” She asked. Amanda nodded. “I think so.”
Amanda replied. She sat down on her bed. Haddley and Melody sat
down on Melody’s bed. “Girls, I have to tell you something.” Haddley
said as she looked to the floor. Melody looked at her, her face looked
worried. “What is it?” Melody asked. Haddley sighed. “I’m leaving
tomorrow, I need to go home. I’m not safe here. And neither are you
two.” Amanda looked to the floor. “Nobody’s safe here.” She said softly.
Melody leaned her head on Haddleys shoulder. Amanda was in shock.
The only reason she was safe here was because Haddley had the
confidence to stand up to her brother. “I can’t.” Amanda stood up. “I
just can’t.” Haddley looked up into her eyes. “He’ll find us. He’ll kill us. I
can’t go.” Melody looked up to Haddleys eyes. “We won’t be safe
anywhere Mel. We’ll never be safe.” Amanda's eyes welled with tears.
“She’s right.” Melody agreed. “Avron would kill us. But we're not safe
here either. We need to go somewhere safe.”
“We can’t Mel.” Melody had tears rolling down her face. “Then I guess
this is goodbye.’ She said as she looked up to Haddley. Haddley pulled the
girls into a hug. “I will always be here for you girls. Never forget that.”
Haddley left the room. Amanda and Melody were left in the room
alone. “Haddley is right Mandie, we have to go.” Amanda sighed. “Go
where? Avron will find us and kill us. We are not safe. We’ll never be.”
Melody looked out the window. The sun was setting. The sky was full of
orange and pink. “What choice do we have?” She said and turned back to
Amanda. “I…don’t know.” Melody sighed. “He will find us Mel.”
Melody sat down on her bed. “You’re right.” She said quietly. Melody
stood up again. “Let’s go Amanda.” Amanda took Melody’s hand and
they walked out of the room together.
Haddley was in the bathroom, cleaning up the wound from Avron’s
rough fists. The door was open a crack. Persephone walked in the room.
She looked up in surprise. Haddley looked over. Persephone ran to her.
“Haddley.” She whispered. “Oh Percy.” Haddley whispered. “Your face,
i-it’s-” Haddley sighed. “I know.” She said calmly. “What did he do to
you?” Haddley shook her head. “We don’t need to talk about that.” She
said softly. She knelt down beside Persephone. “All you need to know is
that I’m not safe here. I will be leaving while you're asleep.” Persephone
looked sad. Haddley set a hand on her shoulder. “You’ll be okay Percy,
I’m sure of it.” Persephone shook her head. “Did you see his face when I
messed up?” She cried. Haddley nodded. “I did.” She whispered. “He’s
going to kill me.” Haddley sighed. “No, he’s not.” Persephone looked
worryingly at her. “How do you know? My father always has a way of
letting his anger out in these shows.” Haddley turned to the mirror. She
rubbed her forehead. “I know Percy. You’re not safe either. Nobody is
here. But you have to stay. He knows where I live. He will find you.”
“I know.” Persephone sighed. “But, staying here is going to be just as
dangerous as leaving.” She looked to the floor, eyes welling with tears.
“Persephone! Come down for dinner please.” Nani called from the
kitchen. Haddley looked down at Persephone. She wiped the falling tears
away. “Your mother wants you for dinner.” She whispered. “I’ll be down
soon.” Persephone nodded. She wiped her eyes and walked out of the
bathroom, closing the door gently behind her. Haddley sighed. “From a
spoiled brat to a hurt child.” She finished cleaning the wound and went
downstairs to join Nani and Persephone for dinner.
Haddley sat down at the table. Persephone sat beside her and Nani
across from her. Avron wasn’t there yet. “Haddley, what has happened to
your face?” Nani asked concerningly. Persephone and Haddley looked at
eachother. Persephone lightly shook her head. Haddley turned her head
back. She put on a smile. “Oh nothing.” She smiled. “I tripped down the
bleachers.” Nani sighed. She could tell that Haddley was lying. She didn’t
say anything in case Avron entered the room. She could hear his footsteps
coming down the hallway. She stood up and ran to the kitchen to get the
plates and utensils. She carefully set the table as Avron sat down. His face
was cold. He looked around the room. Upon seeing Haddley, he gave her
the death glare. Persephone gave him a light kick. He turned his focus to
her. “Sorry.” She smirked. “My foot slipped.” Avron rolled his eyes.
Nani entered the room, holding a big pot of mashed potatoes. “Help
yourselves.” She said kindly. Once all the food was on the table and dished
onto the plates. Nani stood behind Avron. Gently massaging his
shoulders. “How was work today, dear?” She asked. Avron took a big bite
of potatoes. “It was fine.” He muttered. “After dinner, I’ll give you a
warm bath.” She said, patting his shoulders. She looked over to Haddley.
She gave a slight nod. Haddley nodded back. Haddley could feel the tense
feeling in the room. She sighed. “Are you alright Haddley?” Nani asked.
Haddley nodded. “Oh yes Nani, I’m alright.”
After dinner, Nani was running Avron a warm bath. She filled it with
soothing salts and special rose petals she had bought from her cousin
earlier that week. Her cousin owned a body shop. He sold all sorts of
natural items used for skin cleansing. She knew that the time Avron was
in the bath, she could get Haddley out of the house and back home.
Where she’d be safe from Avron. Nani sighed. “Avron!” She called. “Your
bath is ready for you!” Avron waddled into the bathroom wearing his
night robe. Nani left the bathroom. She found Haddley in the kitchen.
She was leaning against the counter looking at the circus grounds through
the window. “Are you ready to go?” Nani asked gently. “I think so.”
Haddley replied. Persephone came running out of the room. “You’re
leaving aren’t you.” She asked sadly. Haddley nodded. “I am.” She said
calmly. “Can you at least tell me where you live so I can visit you?”
Haddley smiled. “I can’t give off an exact address. But I can tell you. I live
just outside the northern border of Nantar. It’s a light brown cottage
with a beautiful flower garden filled with red and white tulips.”
Persephone smiled. “I’ll visit you.” She smiled. “I promise.’ She ran into
Haddleys arms. Haddley sighed. “I must go now, Percy. Always
remember that I love you.” Persephone smiled. “Always.”
Haddley rushed out the door and didn't look back. Not even once. She
ran down the driveway and into the taxi Nani had called for her. She
looked to the house as she started to go. “Goodbye girls.” She whispered.
“I love you.” The taxi drove on. Haddley was glancing out the window.
She saw a faint figure in the reflection of the window. The sky was nearly
pitch black so the only thing lighting the figure up was the dim street
lights that shine above. The figure was someone running. Her body
tensed. Was it Avron? She looked closer. The figure was a girl running
quickly towards the car. “Melody.” Haddley whispered. She looked
behind her. Melody was running towards the car. The car was moving
quicker than Melody could run. Soon enough the car was out of sight.
“Haddley.” Melody whispered. She sighed and walked back to the
grounds. A tear rolled down Haddleys cheek. She sighed and looked
forward again. She would be home soon.
Melody walked back through the gates of the grounds. Her head was
hanging low. She knew she wasn’t safe here. But would she be safe if she
left? The thought ran around her mind. She was stuck on the decision of
leaving or staying. She knew she couldn’t just leave Amanda. Plus, getting
out of Nantar would be nearly impossible. If Avron notified the cops or
the royal guard she would be screwed. But should she take that chance?
She knew exactly how to get to Haddleys house. It being the only known
light brown cottage right by the northern border of their country.
Amanda came walking around the corner. The two bumped into each
other. “Oh Amanda, I’m so sorry.” Melody laughed. Amanda laughed
back. “No, I’m sorry. My head has been in the clouds today.” The girls
started walking back to their room in the pitch black darkness of the
night. They had to sneak around some corners to avoid being caught by
the night guard who roamed the grounds when the group was supposed
to be asleep.
The girls made it safely to their bedroom. They shut and locked the
door behind them. Amanda flopped on her bed while Melody sat down
in front of her bed. “So.” Melody said quietly. “What should we talk
about?” Amanda shrugged. “We could talk about the show?” Melody
chuckled softly. “I think we did good.” Amanda nodded. “Well, you did
good. I messed up.” Melody shook her head. “Mandie, did you see
Persephone? So forgot the last half of her routine and had to improvise. If
Avron’s going to kill anyone it’s her.” Amanda sighed in relief. “But did
you see Kendall and Ava's solos? They were so good.” Melody nodded.
“But not as good as yours Mandie. I swear if you would have landed more
peacefully, you would have the best routine out there.” Amanda blushed.
“You think so?” Melody smiled. “I don’t think so, I know so.”

Avron looked at himself in the mirror. His shagged beard and his sunken
eyes. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. Nani entered the room. “I got
you that cleanser cream you’ve been wanting.” She said and set the cream
down on the counter. She looked up to her husband. She gasped. “What’s
happened to your face?” She said concerningly. “You look like you’ve
been getting no sleep for months.” Avron sighed. “I’m fine.” He
muttered. Nani shook her head. “No dear, you’re not. Put some cream
on, maybe that’ll help you.” She handed him the bottle and walked out of
the room. Avron sighed. He opened the cupboard. There was a button
hidden behind some old bottles of hair sprays and creams Nani didn’t use
anymore. He pressed it. A box came out from a hidden compartment in
the back corner of the cupboard. He took the box and opened it. The
shiny jewels of the dragon laid neatly inside. He sighed seeing they were
all still there. If one had been taken, he would be behind bars in no time.
He closed the box and put it back in the compartment and closed the
cobert door.

Avron walked into the living room where Persephone and Nani were
sitting. Persephone looked up. Her face looked nervous. “H-Hi dad.” She
said quietly. “Hi Persephone.” Avron replied. He sat down in his
armchair in the back corner of the room. He kicked his feet up on the
foot rest. Nani brought him a cup of coffee. He sipped it gently as Nani
turned on the television. The news was reporting the daily reports. The
reporter was saying something about the circus. “Good evening ladies
and gentleman. Today was another successful day at the dragon circus.
The circus master, Avron Stillman put on another amazing show. We had
four amazing solos performed today. Kendall MacErin, Ava Smart,
Persephone Stillman and Amanda Jacob put on an amazing show. “
Persephone reached for the remote to turn up the television. “This
particular circus is the most successful in the entire country, making more
than half a million dollars with each show. We’ll have more on this at

Persephone smiled. “We’re on the new Hads.” She smiled. Avron looked
up at her. “What was that Percy?” He asked. Persephone shook her head.
“Nothing.” She got up and rushed to her room. She snuck her mothers
phone in with her. She flopped down on her bed. She started recording a
voicemail for Haddley. “Hey Haddley, It’s Persephone. Don’t tell her but
I stole my mum's phone to send you this. But I just thought I’d give you
an update. My father and I made it on the news. They were talking about
us. I think you’d be proud if you were here. But when you get back to
your home, tell uncle James I said hello. I guess I must be going now. I
hope to see you soon. Bye.” She stopped the recording and sent it to
Haddley. Since it was on a flip phone, it took a while to figure out.

Persephone walked back into the living room. Nani stood behind Avron
with a stern face. “Where is my phone?” She asked. Persephone stood
there. She gulped. “Here we go.”

Chapter 4: Melody
Melody sat on her bed. With her suitcase packed beside her. She sighed.
She took her suitcase and walked out of the room. She needed to find
Amanda. She had finally made her decision. She was ready. Amanda
would be heart broken, but she needed to know. Melody set her suitcase
down by the gates of the grounds. She wandered around for a bit, trying
to find her. She found Amanda in the ring with Kirby. They looked so
happy together. It wasn’t a shocking sight. She’d figured they’d liked each
other for years now. Melody had the feeling AManda would be just fine.
She walked out into the ring. “Oh, hey Mel.” Amanda laughed. Melody’s
face was serious. Amanda stopped smiling. “Are you okay?” She asked.
Melody sighed. “Come with me please.” Melody said grimly. She took
Amanda's hand and led her into their bedroom. She closed the door
behind her. Melody sighed. “You are not going to like this Mandie.” She
said. Amanda looked very concerned. “Are you okay Melody?” she asked.
Melody nodded. She took a deep breath. “I’m leaving the circus.”
Amanda looked confused. “What?”

“I’m leaving.” Melody looked to the floor. Amanda sat down on her bed.
“Leaving? And going where?” Melody paced around the room. “I’ve
contacted Haddley. She’s allowing me to live with her and James for a
while until I am able to live on my own.” Tears streamed down Amanda's
cheeks. “You’re just going to leave me here?” Melody shook her head. “I
have no choice. She gave us the choice and I’m taking it. We might not
ever get another chance to leave here. If we survive to get to the senior
years, we’ll be living our worst nightmare. I can’t risk that.” Amanda
shook her head. “What if he finds you? You’ll be dead anyways.” Melody
shook her head. “If you step out of Nantar and AVron notices you're
gone. You are doomed.” A tear rolled down Melodys cheek. “I have to
Amanda. I’m so sorry.” Tears were flowing down her face. Amanda stood
up. She was sobbing. She hugged Melody harder than ever before. ‘I’m
going to miss you. She sobbed. “I’ll miss you too.” Melody cried. The two
sat there for some time.

Melody stood at the gate of what had been her home for over ten years.
Tears fell from her eyes. She turned to Amanda. “I guess this is goodbye.”
Amanda said sadly. “Goodbyes don’t last forever Mandie. I will come
back for you.” Amanda nodded. Melody turned. She started walking
towards the taxi Haddley had called for her. “Melody wait.” Amanda said
as she ran forwards. “Yes?” Melody asked. “Tell Haddley I said hi.”
Amanda laughed. Melody nodded. “I will.” She chuckled. Amanda stood
there as she watched Melody get into the cab and drive away.

Amanda entered the ring. Kirby was sitting on the bleachers waiting for
her. He stood up when he saw her. Her face was tearstained asn she
looked like she was about to burst into tears. He ran down the bleachers
and over to her. She stared blankly at the floor. “She’s gone.” Amanda
whispered. “What?” Kirby asked, he was confused. “Melody, s-she’s gone.
She left.” Kirby pulled her into a hug. Amanda started to cry once again.
“Oh Mandie, I’m sorry.” Amanda stood in his arms, sobbing her heart
out. “This is the pure start of hell in the over world.” She whispered

Amanda sat in her room for hours. For ten years, Melody had been with
her the entire time. Now she would be alone. Amanda felt stuck. More
stuck than she’d ever felt before. She knew that Haddley would take good
care of Melody. She just wished she had made the choice to go with her.
But she knew of the consequences if she got caught. She was so stuck. She
grabbed her hoop and walked out into the ring. She started doing her
routine. It made her feel calm, relaxed and safe. Things she didn't usually
feel in the circus. Avron made it impossible to feel those things. But
during when she was in the ring, she could let all those hard feelings go.
She spun around and around. When she hit something rock hard that
made her fall to the ground. “Oh my god, are you alright?” Persephone
asked, not realizing it was Amanda. She helped Amanda up. “Oh, it’s
you.” She said, “Yeah, it’s me.” Amanda sighed. She was about to turn
around when Persephone stopped her. “Wait, I thought Melody would
be with you.” She said as she looked around. Amanda looked to the floor.
“Where is she?” Amanda shrugged. “Somewhere on the northern border
with Haddley.” Persephone stopped. “You mean Haddley? Like Haddley
Haddley?” Amanda nodded. She left a couple hours ago. She’s long gone

“She can get in so much trouble for leaving.” Persephone worried. “You
know, I may not like you very much, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care.
She could be killed if she is found.” Amanda nodded. “And I almost went
with her.” Persephone looked like she was going to explode. “At least she’s
with Haddley.” Amanda sighed. “Yeah.” Persephone sat down in the dirt.
“You know, I never meant to get your shoes dirty. I was practicing, and it
gets dusty when I’m practicing.” Persephone sighed. “I know. I didn't
want to get you in trouble.” Amanda was confused. “What do you
mean?” Persephone rubbed her forehead. “M-My father. He is hard on
me and my mom. He gets angry so easily. He punched Haddley in the
face and sent her to the dungeons right in front of my eyes. He’s a
monster.” Amanda nodded. She sat down beside Persephone. “Yeah. But
he’s your dad. I thought he loved you.” Persephone shrugged. “I thought
that too. I can see it now, he treats all of them unfairly.” Amanda nodded.
She finally realized Persephone never hated her because she didn't like
Amanda, her father hurt her so many times she was scared of what other
people thought so she made fun of people because she was afraid of being
judged. It all made sense. “So, I guess I’m trying to say I’m sorry for all
these years I’ve treated you badly. I-I think we could use a fresh start?”
Amanda nodded. “Of course Persephone. And Thank you.” Persephone
smiled and Amanda smiled back.

Persephone walked back into her house, preparing for the beating of a
lifetime. “Persephone, where on earth have you been?” Avron growled.
He was sitting in his armchair waiting for her to walk in the door.
Persephone looked down in silence. “That’s it! You are grounded until I
say so!” Persephone groaned and walked to her room, slamming the door
behind her. Avron rolled his eyes. Nani walked into the living room.
“What was that about?” She asked. “Persephone left without
permission…again.” Nani sighed. “She’s sixteen Avron. We can’t keep her
in the birdcage forever.”

“Who says I want her out of the birdcage?” He said angrily. “I do. She’s
not five years old anymore.” Avro rolled his eyes. He stood up from his
armchair. “You are not to talk back to Nani, I can make your life hell in
one hit. Don’t make me go there.” Nani stood there. She scoffed and
walked away. Avron didn’t notice that she was flipping him off as she
stormed down the hall to their bedroom. “Stupid, stupid girls.” He
muttered. “She’s not really in the birdcage. Unlike Amanda,” Avron
started cackling. Persephone had her ear to the door, listening to every
word her father was saying. “Birdcage?” She came to a sudden realization.
It was Amanda and Melody in the birdcage. They were treated like dirt
compared to some people. “It’s Amanda.” She whispered. She ran over to
the window. Her window was facing the ground. The grounds that had
been her home for her entire life. “He doesn't love us…he’s using us.”
Persephone broke down crying. She felt so stupid for believing her father
actually loved her. But he was only using her…for the money.

Amanda sat in her room, staring at some old pictures of her and Melody.
It was strange how much they had changed over the years. Ten years ago,
she was just getting used to this life. She was exploring the grounds,
getting to know the rules and meeting new people. Now she was used to
all these things. She knew how to get around the entire grounds at night
without the night guard finding out. She knew all the names of the cast
and crew. And now she was helping others get to know the place. A
strange but pretty normal routine.

Amanda looked over at Melodys bed. It was all neatly made. The covers
perfectly matched with the sheets. Melody almost never made her bed. It
was always just a pile of mess. Amanda always kept heer bed made. Avron
wants all circus members to be neat and tidy for the day. Lot’s of
reporters come during the week to interview Avron about the circus. It
wasn’t too hard getting used to the reporters. Amanda sighed. She left her
bedroom in hope of getting Melody off her mind. She heard the familiar
sounds of people chattering in the distance. Usually it was quite silent.
But there were some days that were noisy. Amanda listened closer to see
what they were talking about. “Avron’s going to kill her.” One person
said. The other voice laughed slightly. “Kill her? She’s already dead.”
Amanda hid behind a wall close to where the noise was coming from. It
was some senior cast member talking as they swept the floors. “Who are
you talking about?” one girl asked. The other two looked at eachother.
They leaned closer into the girl's ear. “Melody from the junior group. She
escaped this morning. Apparently Avron’s out to find her.” Amanda’s
heart dropped. She felt like there was an elephant sitting on her chest. She
turned around and ran to the ring.

Persephone was practicing her hoop kills in the ring when Amanda came
running in. Persephone stopped her routine. Amanda was so out of
breath.“Amanda, are you okay?’ Amanda shook her head. “He’s going for
her.” She panted. “What?” Persephone asked confusingly. “Your fathers
going for Melody.” Persephone shook her head. “How did he find out?”
She asked. Amanda shrugged. “I don’t know, but he’s after her. And if
she's caught she’s doomed.” Persephone nodded. “We have to get to
Haddley.” Amanda nodded. “How?” Persephone sighed. “I’m going to
target my mom's phone. Stay here.” Persephone ran back to her house.
She knew her mother was at the supermarket for groceries. She almost
never brought her phone with her because she was always paranoid she
was going to lose it. Persephone grabbed the phone and ran back to the
Amanda was sitting on the bleachers waiting. Persephone ran back in. She
climbed the bleachers and sat down beside Amanda. She opened her
mothers phone and called Haddley. There was a dead silence throughout
the room. The phone rang for a while before Haddley finally answered.
“Hello?” Haddley said calmly. “Haddley.” Persephone panted. “Percy?
What are yo-'' Persephone cut her off. “I have very little time to explain,
but is Melody there with you?” She asked. Amanda’s heart was racing.
“Y-Yes she is. Why? Is something wrong?” Amanda and Perspehone
looked at each other. “Dad’s coming for her.” Persephone took a deep
breath. She was shaken up. “What?” Persephone exhaled. “He’s coming
to kill her for leaving, you have to hide her.” Haddley sighed. “The only
safe place I know of is on the western border of Nantar. That’s on the
other side of the country.” Amanda sighed. “If it’ll save her life, then take
her there. She can not die.”

“Amanda?” Melody asked over the phone. “Melody!” Amanda smiled.

“Are you alright? What’s going on?” Melody asked. “Avron is coming to
kill you. You and Haddley need to leave now.” Melody sighed. “I knew he
was going to.” She said. Amanda nodded. “I need you to be safe Mel.” A
tear rolled down Amanda’s cheek. “You can’t die.” Melody laughed.
“Don’t worry Mandie. I have my powers to protect me. I’m free.”
Amanda smiled. “I know you are.” She sighed. “Stay safe Mel. I miss

“I miss you too.” The girls hung up the phone. Haddley set down her
phone. “Pack your things.” She said to Melody. “We must leave at once.”
Melody nodded. “No dying today.” She sighed and walked to her
suitcase. She hadn’t really unpacked her things yet, so her bag laid on a
bed in the guest room. She actually had a normal bed for once instead of
the small cots. The bed was bigger than her one at the circus. It was
around a queen sized, while her one back at the circus was only a twin.
Having a twin sized mattress at sixteen was not a very good feeling.
Haddley entered the room. She sat down on the bed. “We better get going
if we want to get across the country in time.” Melody nodded. “Let’s do
this.” She sighed.

Amanda and Persephone still sat on the bleachers. Amanda sighed. “So
now we just sit here and wait for the good news that Melody wasn’t dead.
If they even made it to the other side of the country. Amanda’s heart
throbbed. In pain from losing her best friend, and in nervousness, for her
best friend Melody would be in so much trouble if she was caught. If the
royal guard was involved. Melody would be doomed the second she got
there. There was a small town on the border of Nantar that was full of
the royal guard. The castle was located just outside of Nantar, in a place
where all the dragons could roam freely. Also the place where Avron got
his circus dragons. A place by the name of Dragon’s Ford. There was no
recent queen because the last queen stupidly ended the bloodline by not
having children or getting married. Since she passed, there has been no

If Melody was going to Dragon's Ford, she had better watch out. The
smell of smoke burned in Amanda's nose. She figured the dragons were
being “tamed”. She knew that the senior members were probably just
whipping the dragons for the fun of it. Avron had picked some pretty
idiotic people to be in the cast. There were still good ones like Amanda,
Chloe, Kirby, Cyprus and Mandova. Mandova and Cyprus were actually
good dragon trainers. They didn’t hit the dragons if they did something
wrong. Unlike Avron. Melody sighed. It was going to be weird living
outside the circus for once. After living there for ten years. There was not
a constant smoky smell. There was no sound of Avron yelling at people.
Not one dragon in sight here. For once in her life, Melody felt peace.

In minutes, Melody and Haddley were leaving for the other side of the
country. Luckily, Haddley’s husband James was the pilot of a private jet,
so the girls were able to make it to the other side easily. They got in the jet
and James took off. Melody looked back to the cottage out the window of
the jet. Her face turned pale. “H-Haddley.” She whispered. “Yes Mel? Are
you okay?” Melody turned around to face her. “He’s here.” Haddley’s
heart skipped a beat. She looked out the window. Avron was standing at
the door, pounding on it as hard as he could. “Good thing we left when
we did.” Melody turned back around. She looked out the window. Avron
was staring right at the jet. Melody smiled. She flipped him off as the
plane went higher in the air. Avron looked so mad, his eyes were basically
flowing lava. “Melody!” Haddley complained. She reached over and took
Melodys hand down. Melody looked at her. Haddley laughed. She
replaced Melody’s finger with hers. Avron looked like he was going to
explode. Soon, the plane was out of sight.
Avron was so angry. He felt like he wanted to murder someone. But he
needed to wait. Melody was the one he wanted to kill. He would also kill
Haddley for getting her away from him. When he found them. They
would both be dead. Avron turned back around to the cottage. The one
he helped Haddley build years and years ago. He ran at the door, breaking
it down. “Finally.” He grunted, as he cracked his neck. He walked into the
living room. There was a big painting above the fireplace. It was of him,
Haddley and their mother, who had died several years before. He stared
blankly at the picture. He turned around and walked into the master
bedroom. Haddley probably had some clues to where she was going in
there. He walked in. The room was spotless. Nothing unexpected of
Haddley. He looked over to the bed. There was an envelope with his
name on it sitting on the quilt. He took the envelope and opened it.
There was another piece of paper folded up inside. It was a letter to him.
He dropped the envelope on the floor and held the paper in his hands. He
opened it and was stunned by the words Haddley had written.

“Dear Avron,
I know you found this. I know you broke into my house to get me
and Melody. I know everything you’re planning to do with her. You will
not get her. You will not find us. You can’t always have your way. You are
not running the circus the right way. You are supposed to care for your
people and make them smile and laugh. But you traumatize them. They
are scared of you and the cell and everything else. You can be so much
better than this. You're my older brother. And as your younger sister, I
want you to do something nice for a change. So get the hell out of my
house and go back home and make things right.”

Avron stared at the paper. His mouth hung open. Why would he listen to
his clueless little sister’s words? He ripped the paper to shreds and left the
house. He would get them. He would kill them. He just needed to find
them first.

Haddley was really nervous throughout the flight. She was afraid Avron
would send people out to take down the jet. When she told all this to
Melody, she started laughing. “Haddley, that will not happen. I swear. If
Avron wanted to send people out to get us, they would only be people to
get us and bring us to him. He would probably want to kill us himself.”
Haddley laughed softly. The sun began shining through the plane's
windows. It was bright and warm. It felt good. “Your right Mel.” Melody
shrugged. “Always am.” Haddley shook her head. “That is a complete lie.”
She laughed. Melody nodded. “Yep.” She smiled.

It seemed like ages before the jet finally landed. Haddley and Melody got
out of the jet. Melody couldn’t believe her eyes. There were dragons
flying around freely, and the people didn’t care. Melody was shocked.
“What is this place?” She whispered to herself. “Welcome to Dragon’s
Ford Melody.” Melody looked around. The place was huge. There were
different types of trees everywhere, mushrooms, flowers, butterflies and
even a vast ocean. Melody felt in paradise. “Is this what paradise looks
like?” She asked as she looked around. Haddley laughed softly. ‘I guess
you can call it that. But this is where we’ll be hiding from Avron until we
are safe to go back home.” Melody smiled. “I don’t think I’ll want to go
home.” Haddley laughed.

The two started walking towards a large castle planted in the middle.
“Where are we going?” Melody asked. “To see someone.” Haddley
replied. Melody shrugged. “As long as it’s not Avron then I’m all good.”
Haddley laughed. They walked closer and closer to the castle. They were
right outside the gate. Haddley looked up. A man in shining armour
came out of the castle. He was holding a huge sword in his right hand and
a shield in his left. He dropped both the shield and sword upon seeing
Haddley. He took off his helmet. He opened the gate and ran into her
arms. Haddley sighed deeply when the man was in her arms. “Tristan.”
She whispered. Melody instantly found the name familiar. “Haddley,
who is this?” She asked, pointing to the man. Haddley smiled. “This is my
son Trsitan.” Tristan turned around to face Melody. She knew who he
was the second he turned. His blonde hair and brown eyes were ones she
could never forget. “Melody?” Tristan asked. Melody smiled. “Tristan.”
Melody ran into Tristan's arms. Haddley laughed softly. “I see you two
know each other, but how?” Traitan smiled. “We met in my last year in
the circus. We were really close.” Haddley smiled. “That’s good, because
Avron is coming for the both of us. And if anyone from your work is
notified and we are seen. We are doomed.”

“I heard that Avron was looking for someone, but we weren't told who
yet. All we know is she's a brunette. But there are hundreds of brunettes
here. I’m not worried.” Haddley sighed. “That’s good.” Traistan nodded.
“Come on, I’ll show you where you can stay until you're safe.”

Tristan took them to a small cabin by the water on the other side of the
castle. It was hidden away by three big trees and loads of vines.I reminded
Melody of Haddley’s house. There was a small vegetable garden on the
right side of the house. There were flowers all along the pathway leading
up to the house. And the house was a gorgeous brown cottage. Traistan
took them in and showed them around the place. Melody sat on her new
bed. She was afraid to unpack her suitcase in case they had to leave on
short notice. It felt weird being in a place where she was free. There were
no dark cells that you’d be locked in if you messed up a routine. There
were no evil circus masters trying to kill you. It was peaceful. Melody felt
free for the first time ever.

Amanda and Persephone walked around the grounds. They didn’t have
things being barked at them that day. It was rather a quiet day. Nani still
hadn’t come back from the supermarket. She had probably gone to get
Avron from wherever the hell he was. Persephone wasn’t concerned. As
long as neither of them were home, she wasn’t grounded. “So
Persephone, how do you feel about all this circus stuff now?” Amanda
asked, laughing softly. Persephone looked at the ground. “Used.” She
sighed. “What do you mean?” Persephone shrugged. “He’s been using us
for the money this entire time. He wasn’t doing it for the fun of it. He
did it just because he wanted to be rich.”

“I guess he got what he wanted.” Amanda sighed. “And more.”

Persephone added. “Well, at least we know Haddley and melody are safe.”
Persephone nodded. “That's the priority.”

Chapter 5: The News

Days passed. Avron gathered the cast of the circus in the ring. The wind
was chilly since it was late September. He stared into the crowd blanky.
Amanda was looking at him. She knew exactly what this was about.
Avron opened his mouth to speak. “If any of you have noticed, Melody
Lewis and Haddley Prescott escaped earlier. I went out to look for both
of them. Melody knows if she tries to escape, she will get cut.” Avron’s
eyes were right on Amanda. “I am contacting the royal guard of Dragon’s
Ford to find her and bring her to me. If you know anything else. Tell me.
Those who are silent can suffer the consequences.” He said blankly
pointing to the corridor of the cells. After Avron was done speaking,
people surrounded him, telling lies they knew weren’t true so they
wouldn’t have to spend a week in the cell. Amanda preferred to stay quiet
and be locked in the cell than to spill her guts. Persephone knew hell was
coming for her, but she also chose to stay silent.

Everybody was talking about Melody’s escape later that day. Persephone
and Amanda hid in the shadows to avoid comotian. They needed to stay
away from the tattle-tails or Avron’s little pets. Persephone knew exactly
who to trust and who to avoid in these situations. The people who were
following Avron around the entire time were the ones to avoid and the
ones who spoke not a word were also tattle-tails but they pretended not
to be. The ones who really knew each other, like Kirby and Chloe. They
were the ones who could actually be trusted. Not many trustworthy
people, but enough that it wouldn’t be a secret.
Amanda hadn’t talked to Melody in forever. Haddley hadn’t been
picking up her calls. Amanda and Persephone knew that they didn’t get
caught. “My cousin Tristan works as a royal guard in Dragon’s Ford.
They are probably there with him. They are safe Amanda. I promise.”
Amanda sighed. She knew she was right. “Tristan will take care of her.”
Amanda said quietly. Persephone nodded. “He will, I know it.” Amanda
gave a slight smile. She still couldn’t fully trust Persephone yet. But she
really hoped Tristan would keep her safe. God knows what would happen
if they were found.

Hiding in the shadows wasn’t too hard for Amanda. When she snuck
around at night, she used the shadows to disguise herself from the night
guard. The night guard was also not very bright, so it was easy to get away
from him. It was weird that Amanda and Persephone were actually
getting along for the first time in ten years. They’d hated each other's guts
since they were ten. They hated each other over nothing. Amanda was
glad they started getting along. Otherwise Melody would be in deep, deep

Persephone walked into her house. It was the first time she’d been in her
house since she left that morning. Nani was standing in the kitchen,
violently starting at the door. She was waiting. Persephone opened the
door. She was surprised to see her mother. “Mom, w-what are you
doing?” Nani set her phone down on the counter. “Where have you
been? I haven’t seen you all day.” Nani walked out of the kitchen and into
the living room. The television was on, playing a replay of the news from
days before. Nani sat down in her chair. She pointed to the coach. “Sit.”
She said quietly. Persephone was a little nervous. If her mother knew, she
and Amanda were screwed. She sat down across from her mother. The
only thing between them was the coffee table. There was a tray of tea
placed on top of it. Nani passed Persephone a cup of tea. She gently
sipped it as her mother began to speak. “If you want to use my phone you
can just ask me. Remember, I’m only acting like your father when he’s
around. Otherwise I’d never speak to you that way.” Persephone sighed.
“I know mom. I just really wanted to talk to Haddley.” Nani sipped her
tea. “I know honey. And you can talk to Haddley any time you want
when your father is gone. But other than that, I have to limit your ability
to talk to her.” Persephone sighed. “Yeah, but I don’t understand why
you don’t stand up to dad?” Nani sighed. “Honey, your father has more
power than almost anyone in Nantar. If I stood up to him, god knows
what would happen.”

“Yeah I know, But if you stand up to him you can start to nibble away at
that power. It’s like picking at a stone wall. After a while of picking at it’ll
start to break down.” Nani smiled. “You have a really good example percy.
But the more I pick at that wall the more danger I put us in.” Persephone
shrugged. “I tried.” She muttered.

Later, when Persephone was in her room. She was staring at the garden
from the window. All the flowers spread out around the field that left
down the driveway. She chilly autumn air flowing in from the open
window. The leaves on the trees were just starting to change color. They
were going from the minty green color to the light oranges and yellows.
The grounds were actually really pretty for once. The vibe of summer,
spring and winter didn’t match the cold vibe of the grounds at all. But
when autumn rolled around, the grounds lit up. The sun was warm on
Persephone’s skin. She could see Kirby and Amanda walking down the
ring on the other side of the wall. They looked like they were having fun.
But Persephone didn’t know if she could trust Kirby. He seemed a little
suspicious. But if Amanda trusted him, then she felt like she should. Even
though it felt off.

Amanda walked around the grounds with Kirby for the next while. They
were chatting along. They hadn’t seen Avron all day. He must have been
hidden in his office. The only thing being talked about around the
grounds were the fact that Melody had gotten the freedom everyone else
dreamed of. They were all so jealous. They spent many more years at the
circus that Amanda had and they wanted their freedom. They wanted
Avron to find Melody so she couldn’t enjoy her freedom. It kind of
reminded Amansaof the spoiled rotten version ofPersephone. On some
days, she was a selfish, low-life brat who enjoyed hurting others. But on
other days, she was understanding. She was just misunderstood. Like
most of the other people at the circus.
Amanda and Kirby made it to the corridor. They looked up. “The door
to hell.” Kirby said quietly. Amanda nodded. “I’m surprised I’m not in
there.” Kirby looked at her confusingly. “Remember Melody left? I knew
everything she was planning to do. She told me every detail about how
she would get from here to Haddleys.” Kirby sighed. “Yeah, but just as
long as we keep quiet, we should be good.” Amanda looked up to Kirby.
“Let’s go, this place is giving me the chills. Kirby nodded. They walked
away from the cell doors. Amanda could feel the cold air of the cells from
where she was standing. A cold feeling that could instantly haunt you.
Kirby could also feel the tension in the room. It was the same haunting
feeling everyone got when they passed. Everyone could agree. The
corridor to the cells was terrifying.

Avron was pacing around his office. Raven sat in a small stool in the
corner of the room. She was listening to Avron go on and on about how
he was so stupid for not hitting Haddley harder. Raven shifted her
position. “I should have smacked Haddley so much harder. Then maybe I
wouldn’t have to try to go out to kill someone.” It had been fifteen years
since Avron had gotten out of jail for murdering a young woman. Before
setting up his circus, he used to live on the far side of Nantar, in a small
town by the coast. He had a reputation there. If he got angry, his only
escape was murder. He had murdered at least eighteen woman in that
town. The strange thing about Avron was that he only murdered woman.
He found men way too difficult to kill. They were too strong, too fast,
too smart. Women were so helpless. It was so easy to slip a knife through
their throats.

“Sir, I don’t think you hitting Haddley has anything to do with Melody’s
escape. My best guess is that she was… too tired of your treatment..?”
Avron turned to her angrily. “My treatment? You think I did this? You are
just as helpless as the rest. Get out of my sight. I don’t want to look at
your face anymore.” Raven’s head hung low. She knew she shouldn’t have
said it. But it was too late to take back her words now. She was surprised
Avron hadn’t gotten more mad at her than he did. She knew hell was
coming for her soon. There was that feeling of doom lurking in her
bones. Her legs felt like jello as she walked to her room. She walked right
through the closed door. She didn't care about Avron at that point. All
she cared was that she wasn’t in his sight, so she could do whatever she
wanted. She flopped on her bed. She was so tired of living in the circus.
She only wished she could be Melody right that moment.

Avron walked up to his house. His boots slapped against the floor as she
stomped around. He flung the door of the house open, nearly breaking it
off its golden hinges as it slapped into the wall. Persephone was sitting in
the living room reading a book. She jumped at the sound of the door
bashing against the wall. She looked over to her father. He looked like he
was going to explode. “Are you okay dad?” She asked, putting down her
book. Avron glared at her. He was grinding his teeth. “Get out of my
face.” He growled. He stormed off to his room, slamming the door hard
behind him. Nani came out of the bathroom. “Your father seems to be in
a mood.” She sighed. Persephone nodded. “You think?”

Avron threw his shoes off. He felt like he was ready to kill someone. He
knew the circus would be different without Melody around. Better in
some ways. Worse in others. At least there wouldn't be any more magic
around the circus. Or at least he hoped. But the stones he had in the box
in the bathroom were in danger. If anyone found them, he could go to jail
for the rest of his life. He was pacing around the room trying to think of a
solution. He needed to find one fast. Or else, he’d be dead meat. He
walked into the bathroom, He reached under the sink to find the button
that opened the compartment to the stone box. He opened the box
cautiously, constantly checking over his shoulder to make sure nobody
was there. He sighed in relief to see all the stones in the palace. There was
only one empty space in the box. It was the combined stone. The stone
that could only be created after combining all the stones together. Avron
had been too scared to do it in case it blew up his house or something like
that. He felt paranoid. Like a thousand spiders were crawling all over his
body, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get them off.

Avron closed the box. He didn’t notice Persephone hiding in the

doorway. She had been watching him the entire time. Luckily Avron
didn’t notice. Otherwise, she’d be screwed. Avron turned around. He
began walking out of the room. Persephone dove under the bed. Avron
sighed. He picked up his shoes from the floor, put them back on and
walked out into the living room. Persephone wanted to know what was
inside the box, but she didn't want to. In case herbfather entered the
room again. So she left the room. Avron saw Persephone leaving the
bedroom. His heart started racing. Had she seen him? “Persephone, what
were you doing in my bedroom?” He asked nervously. “Oh, I need a new
bottle of mascara. Mom bought me some the other day and left them in
her room, she said I could go in to get it. Is that…cool?” Persephone
asked, trying not to sound nervous. “Oh yeah, that is fine. Just don’t be
snooping in there.” Persephone nodded and walked back to her room.
She had to call Amanda and tell her what she’d seen.

She could see Amanda walking in the grounds through her windows. She
yelled over to her. “Amanda! Can you hear me?” Amanda came as close to
the wall as she could. “Yeah, I hear you.” Persephone took a deep breath.
“I saw my father pressing a button under the sink, there was a secret box,
a-and i-it had your water stone inside the box. It also had the air stone and
the fire stone and the earth stone. It had them all.” Amanda looked down.
“Persephone, answer me honestly. Was there another space in that box?”
Persephone nodded. “Yes! There was one last spot left. It was a circle and
looked like it could fit a crown or something.” Amanda sighed in relief.
“Good, that means your father hasn’t combined them yet.”

“Combined them? What do you mean by combining them?” The night

guard was shining his flashlight close to Amanda. “I can’t tell you now,
meet me in the ring tomorrow. I’ll tell you then.” She said and ran off into
the shadows. Persephone sat there in silence. She needed to know what
would happen if the stones were combined. Maybe, it would explode.
Maybe it would grant unlimited wishes. Persephone didn’t know, But she
wanted to find out. She went to bed, with all of this stuck in her mind.
She really wanted to know what would happen. But it’s better to be safe
than sorry.
Persephone awoke the next morning to her mother screaming for her
father. “Avron! Come quick! You have to see the news!” Avron ran into
the living room. He gasped in surprise. There was an announcement on
the news, containing information about the new king or queen of
Dragon’s Ford. “Good morning everyone, I have gotten the news that the
royal guard has decided how to determine the next king or queen. There
are element stones scattered all around Nantar, Whoever had all of them
must combine them and bring them back to the castle here in Dragon’s
Ford, then they will schedule the crowning ceremony for two months
after you’ve arrived. Your first family will also be crowned. That includes
anyone you live with. Wives, husbands, sons, daughters, everyone. Be
prepared for the chance to live the life of your dreams. I’m Daphne
Myers, and you're watching NIN news.”

Persephone could almost hear her father screaming from her bedroom.
“How many do you have?” NAni asked. “All of them.” Avron replied.
Nani smirked. We will go to James and Haddleys house and combine
them there. Don’t want anything exploding on us here. This is our
empire.” Avron had an evil grin spread across his face. “I know Love.” He
laughed. “We are about to become the new royal family of Nantar.”

Persephone got up from her bed, racing to her dresser to change out of
her pajamas. She needed to tell Amanda. She got dressed as quickly as she
could, slid her sneakers on her feet and ran. On her way, Persephone was
thinking about what she’d heard on the news. She didn’t know what to
feel. She’d always wanted to be a princess in the biggest castle in the entire
country. But she didn’t want to betray Amanda. She didn’t know if what
she wanted was better, or what Amanda wanted. She knew Amanda was
trying to do the right thing. But the thought roamed endlessly through
her mind.

Amanda jolted awake. There was a pounding on her door. She walked
sleepily out of bed and opened the door. “I’ll be up in a minute sir.” She
muttered, looking down at the floor. She looked up to see Persephone.
“Oh, Hey Persephone. Is everything okay?” Persephone shook her head.
“No, it’s not.” Amanda looked around. “Okay come in.” Persephone
walked in and sat down on Melody’s old bed. “The news this morning. It
said whoever had all four of the most important element stones was to
combine them to make the crown and bring it to Dragon’s Ford. My
father has all of them and more.” Amanda sat down on her bed. “No no
no, this can’t be happening. I knew the royal guard had been planning
this for some time, but I didn’t know it would be this soon. I need to get
the water stone back before your father can take over the country.”
Persephone nodded.

The next circus wasn't for a few weeks. So as long as Avron didn’t
combine them before the circus, then Amanda would be able to sneak in
and take it back. Her parents had made a plant for her before they passed
away. They wanted Amanda to be empress of the water dragons, just like
her mother and grandmother were. But the water stone was gone. She
needed to fulfil her parents' wishes. She needed a plan. A very good one.
So, while the others had been practicing, Amanda had been preparing.

The news sent out by the royal guard was spreading like wildfire.
Everyone was trying to get the stones so they could make the crown and
become the new king or queen with their families. People would even
fight other people who they thought had the stones. Avron chose to stay
in the shadows at these times. Nobody could know he had all four stones.
He had made his decision that he was going to combine the stones right
after the next circus show. Until then, nobody could know about the
stones. Avron was still sending out search parties to try to track down
Haddley and Melody, but was unsuccessful each time. He felt the urge to
kill. It lurked down to the bottom of his bones. He was ready to murder
someone with his own two hands. Avron put on his coat and walked out
of the house.
Avron walked down the sidewalk late that night in the downpouring rain.
His heavy coat was soaked in the rain. He was standing under the
streetlight. Kind of like in the movies where the detective stands under
the streetlight, his heavy brown coat that went all the way down to his
knees and his detective looking hat. He was waiting for someone. He
stuck his hands in his coat pockets. He could see a younger man walking
towards him in the distance. He was perfect.

The man walked up to Avron. They stood face to face, just staring into
each other’s eyes. “Long time no see, Stillman.” The man said. Avron
nodded. “Glad you could make it Mr. Jasper.” Avron replied. He led Mr.
Jasper into an alleyway between two buildings. Mr. Jasper was confused.
“So, why did you call me here, Avron?” Mr. Jasper asked. An evil smile
spread across Avron’s face. He turned to Mr. Jasper. “Murder.” He
laughed as he proceeded to grip his hands tightly around Mr. Jasper’s
neck. He was choking. Avron made the grip tighter and tighter. Mr.
Jasper was trying to free himself, but it was far too late. “Goodbye Lucas.”
Avron let Mr. Jasper drop to the ground. Blood poured out of his mouth.
Avron was laughing hysterically. You could almost hear him all the way
from the circus grounds. He walked away, leaving the dead body of Mr.
Jasper in the alleyway.

Avron sat in the dining room eating breakfast. The news was playing in
the background. “The body of Lucas Jasper has been found in the middle
of an alleyway this morning after being reported missing by his sister.
There hasn’t been a murder here in Nantar for a couple of months. There
has been a pattern of things found on each of the dead body’s reported.
All are said to know Mr. Avron Stillman who runs The Dragon Circus.”
Avron looked at the television. There was a picture of Mr. Jasper on the
screen and another showing his strangled, dead body. “Avron, isn’t Mr.
Jasper that man who lives on Maine street? The one whose wife runs that
bakery?” Avron nodded. “Yes.” He answered, not taking his eyes off his
food. He didn’t want to make a single thing obvious. “Well, I hope you
had nothing to do with this.” Avron had a weird smile on his face. “Don’t
worry dear.” He smiled, “You’re not next.”

Chapter 6: Stress
Nani was pacing around her room. She was on the phone with Haddley.
Haddley sounded worried. “What do you mean, you think he’s a
murderer?” Haddley confusedly asked. “I saw the news about the death
of Lucas Jasper, and it said that all the people that have been killed these
last few months have all known Avron. When I asked him if he had
anything to do with it, he said ‘don’t worry you’re not next’.” Haddley
sighed. “I don’t know what to say, but if he is, be careful. One wrong
move and he could end you too.” Nani was scared. Her husband she’d
been married to for sixteen years had been a serial killer. She sat down on
the bed. She felt dizzy. All this terrifying information coming in faster
than cars move on the highway. Nani felt trapped.

Persephone sat on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She was bored out of her
mind. Her mother didn’t let her go outside that day. It was as if she was
keeping a massive secret from her. She wasn’t even able to go to the circus
grounds. Her mother wouldn’t let her. Persephone got up from her bed.
She needed to get to the bottom of this. She barged into her mother’s
room, demanding an answer. “Why am I not allowed outside today?” She
asked, coming face to face with her mother. She was sitting on her bed
staring into her phone. She looked up from her phone as she saw
Persephone. “This is something that involved your doesn’t
concern you.” Nani said blankly. “What? It’s not like dad’s a serial killer
or something, sure he’s cruel, but that still doesn’t mean it!” Nani stared
at her, her eyes looking surprised as they stared into Persephone’s. “I
think you’ve said enough.” Nani said as she stood up. She grabbed
Persephone’s arm and started dragging her out of the room. “Mom, what
the hell are you doing?” Persephone tried to free from her mother’s grip
but was failing. “You need to go Persephone, I need to be alone.” Nani
threw Persephone out of the room, slamming the door in her face.

Persephone stood there in shock. She sighed and walked back to her
room. She could feel the cold breeze coming from the window as she
walked in. It was already fall. Meaning that it was almost time to go to
The Crystal Tower. Nani and Persephone always took a trip to The
Crystal Tower during the winter. Persephone didn’t know why. But they
just did. Persephone had nothing better to do than to pack for that four
month long trip. She needed at least four to five suitcases for clothes and
then another two bags of other things. Persephone could almost bring her
entire wardrobe with her. But the only problem with that was it wouldn’t
fit on the plane. It was a sixteen hour plane ride to get there. Lucky for
them, Haddley’s husband was the pilot that took them there and then
flew them back,

Nani barged into Persephone’s room. “Percy dear, what on earth are you
doing?” She asked. Persephone looked up to her mother. “Packing for
The Crystal Tower.” She said calmly. She was shoving outfits into her bag.
“Oh, we’re not going on that trip this year.” Nani said, looking down to
her phone. Persephone was shocked. She stood up. "What do you mean
we're not going on the trip? You've been bragging about that trip since we
got the tickets." Nani shrugged. "It's too dangerous to go." Nani finally
looked up from her phone. Persephone threw her arms down. She shook
her head, trying to process what was happening. "Mom, can you just talk
to me, please. You've been hiding something from me. WhenI'm around
you act like it's not a big deal but it is, it is a big deal. Just tell me, please."
Persephone had tears in her eyes. She could see the uncaring look in her
mothers eyes. "You know what-" Nani started before Persephone
interrupted her. "You know what mom, just get out." Nani shook her
head. "B-But Persephone-"

"I don't want to hear it. Just get out and leave me alone." Nani sighed. She
walked out of Persephone's room, closing the door behind her.
Persephone sat down on her bed as she started to cry. Her own mother
didn't even care anymore. She decided to go see Amanda. She didn't care
what her mother thought. She grabbed her cost and snuck out the front
door. She walked down the hallway in the circus grounds. Her hand
stuffed her coat pockets. She could hear her father yelling at one of the
circus members. She turned down the hallway and made it to Amanda's
room. She knocked on the door. Amanda opened it, peeking through the
crack to make sure it wasn't Avron. "Oh, hey Persephone. Come on in."
Persephone walked in and sat down on Melody's old bed. "You okay?"
Amanda asked, sitting down on her own bed. Persephone shook her
head. "No, nothings okay." Persephone sighed. "My own mother doesn't
even care for me anymore."

“Well that’s new.” Persephone laughed. “Yeah, it is. The worst part is
we’re not going on our trip to The Crystal Tower this year. My mother
claims it’s too dangerous because of something that happened with my
father last night. She didn’t even let me leave the house today, I had to
sneak out the front door just to get here.” Amanda sighed. Reminds me
of someone else.” She said looking towards the door. “My father.”
Persephone met Amanda’s gaze. “Maybe you should go with Haddley
too.” Persephone shook her head. “I can’t even if I wanted to. My parents
would send a search party out just like they did for Melody. If I was found
I would be forced to go home and my parents would ground me for the
rest of my life.” Amanda shrugged. “As long as your father doesn;t
combine the stones to make the crown then we should be okay.
Remember, you have to keep him from doing it.” Persephone nodded.
“Persephone! Come here please!” Avron yelled from the ring. Persephone
sighed. “Looks like I got to go. I’ll see you later Amanda.” Persephone
opened the door and walked out to the ring to meet her father.

Persephone walked out in shame. Amanda’s words bubbled in her mind.

She was so busy in her thoughts that she didn’t see her father standing
right in front of her. She ran straight into her father. She looked up in
fear, only to realize it was her father. “Oh dad, it’s just you. You needed
me?” Avron nodded. “You are supposed to be inside the house with your
mother to keep safe from the…serial murderer around here.”

“What? Murderer? Is that why mom won’t let us go on the trip to The
Crystal Tower?” Avron nodded. “Yes, someone was murdered last night
not too far from here. Around Maine street. The body was found by the
police this morning after his sister reported him missing Persephone
looked at the floor. She was dragging her feet across the dusty ground.
“How do you know so much?” She asked. Avron shrugged. “I love
watching the news.”

Persephone and Avron walked around for a bit, just talking about
murders and their lives. “So will I get another solo in the show next
week?" She asked, in hopes her father would brighten her mood. "Most
likely. You have very fine talent Persephone." Her fathers words somewhat
lifted her mood. She was still pissed about The Crystal Tower.
Persephone could see the change in her mother. Avron had made Nani go
crazy. She was scared, for herself, her daughter and her husband.

After a while of walking around, Avron and Persephone walked back to

their mansion. Persephone was prepared for hell as she walked through
the door. "Persephone, where the hell were you?" Nani asked. She was
sitting in an armchair in the living room, waiting for Persephone to walk
in the door. "Relax Nani." Avron said, putting his coat on the coat wrack.
"I called her out." Nani instantly shut her mouth, daring not to say
another word. "Oh, okay then. Dinner will be ready soon." Nani rushed
off to the kitchen to start the food. Avron and Persephone laughed. "I
don't think she's okay dad." Persephone laughed. Avron shook his head. "I
wonder that sometimes." They both went to sit at the dinner table.

Later that night, Nani was lying in bed. Avron was in the bathroom
getting her a glass of water. When Nani wasn't looking, he put a tiny
sprinkle of control power in her water. The control power gave one
specific person full control over one's body. That one unfortunately being
Nani. He handed her the glass of water. She drank it up and left nothing.
Avron had a smile spread across his face. "Goodnight dear." Nani said.
Her face was blank and she spoke as if she was a robot. Avron climbed
into bed with her. She kissed him on the cheek and they both went to
sleep. Everyone in the house was asleep. Except for Persephone. She was
lying wide awake staring at the ceiling, trying to eavesdrop on her parents'
conversations. All she could hear was the muffled sound of little
conversations and her fathers snoring. She couldn't sleep that night. All
she did was lay in bed and stare up to the ceiling. She was bored. She
rolled over on her side and finally fell asleep.

Over the next week, Avron kept sliding control power into Nani's nightly
glass of water. It became a routine. A game. After she took the pills, she
would have no control over her mind. Whatever Avron said, she did.
Persephone was starting to get more and more suspensions about her
mothers craziness. Of course none of this was Nani's fault. Persephone
just didn't know. And maybe that was a good thing.

The show was fastly approaching. It was three days away. Amanda hadn't
gotten another solo, but instead a duet with Persephone. Which Amanda
thought was weird because Avron didn't like Persephone stepping three
feet around Amanda. It was strange they got a duet. But Amanda wasn't
complaining. At least she wasn't given a special solo. The special solo was
a solo Avron choreographed himself. Well, Avron choreographed all the
routines in the circus. But this one, he would stand right beside you and
show you the steps. And if you didn't get it right the first time, he would
slap you until you got it right. Avron wasn’t all on Amanda’s back as he
was before. He was more calm about the routine this time. Probably
because his daughter was in it. But then again, Persephone did say her
parents didn’t care. And they don’t.

Amanda was tired after practicing for so long. Her back and shoulders
were killing her and she was in desperate need of water. “S-Sir? Can I get a
glass of water before we practice again?” She asked. Avron shook his head
violently. “No, you need to perfect this routine by midnight. Maybe then
I’ll let you get a much needed glass of water.” He said in a murdering
tone. It was almost as if Avron wanted Amanda to die without killing
her. Probably because he did. You could tell him his eyes. His cold, dark
black eyes screamed murder. Amanda doubted that he would actually kill
someone. Maybe he was just a torture addict? Amanda was unsure. The
second Persephone asked for a glass of water, Avron let both the girls
finally drink something. He knew he didn’t want his money making
daughter to die on him. Amanda was finally able to drink. She drank up
the water like she hadn’t drank in months. It was so refreshing to feel the
cold touch of the water grazing her lips as she sipped it. It tasted like

Amanda and Persephone did end up practicing until midnight that night.
There was the one part they hadn’t mastered yet. It was where they both
ran at each other with their hoops and tossed them up and attempted to
catch the other's hoop and finish the routine. But every time one of them
messed up, Avron made them start over from the very beginning. It was
painful working the same thing over and over. It wasn’t just physical pain.
It was mental pain too. It was difficult working so hard each and every day
with barely enough breaks. At midnight, Persephone went straight home
and got right into bed, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
But Amanda lied awake in her bed. The scratchy feeling of the mattress
under her was uncomfortable. This had probably been the first time she’d
thought about the scratchy mattress in years. She forgot how much she’d
hated it. It’s smell, it’s texture, every single thing about the mattress. But
it was the bed too. A sad metal frame keeping everything in place.
Amanda knew how many times that bed broke on her. It was barely
hanging on.
Amanda rolled over to her side, trying to stare at something other than
the ceiling. Apparently to her the wall was much more pleasing than the
boring ceiling. It took her almost three hours to fall asleep. The show was
in two days, she needed rest.

Apparently, Avron forgot to put the control powder in Nani’s water that
night. She was walking around the house at four-am looking very
confused. She didn’t feel like herself. Her arms tingled and her legs felt
like they were about to give out. And give out they did. Nani fell right
onto the living room floor. Avron heard the crash of Nani falling and
jumped out of bed. He found her slumped down on the floor in front of
the couch, trying to lift herself up. “Nani, what on earth are you doing
out here at four-am?” He asked, kneeling down beside her. Nani placed a
hand on her forehead. “Oh dear, I just don’t feel like myself. My whole
body is tingly and I feel ever so dizzy.” Avron sighed. He had just
remembered the powder. “Hold on dear.” He said calmly in Nani’s ear.
“I’ll get you some water.” Avron walked over to the kitchen and got a
glass of water. He had to run to the bathroom to get the control powder.
He dumped about a teaspoon in the water and gave it to Nani.

“Do you feel better now dear?” Avron asked. Nani nodded. “Yes, I feel
very good. Let’s go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow!” Nani kissed
him on the cheek and rushed off to bed. Avron sighed. He needed to be
more careful next time. He went off to join Nani in bed.
The next day was exciting. It was the last day of the fall season shows,
meaning the setup of the circus would be different the next show. They
changed it up every season to make the circus more interesting.
Everybody was on a tight schedule. Everybody was preparing for the show
the next day. All the cast members were running their routines to
perfection. They needed to be fantastic to please their master. “I wish
your father wouldn’t pressure us so much.” Amanda complained as she
tied her hair up to practice the routine. Persephone shrugged. “Yeah, he is
very much a perfectionist.” Amanda nodded in agreement. “Let’s get this
over with.” She groaned. They practiced the routine over and over again
and only got one good run out of it. Avron was frustrated. “You need to
perfect this by tonight. We can’t have a repeat of last night. There is too
much preparation and I don’t have the time.” Amanda sighed. “Yes sir.”
She focused her eyes on the floor. Eye contact with Avron was like playing
a game. A dangerous one.

It was around ten-thirty at night. Amanda and Persephone were still

practicing. They had only gotten a couple good runs in all the time they’d
spent practicing. Amanda was sore and tired and so was Persephone.
After one final good take and finally landing the stunt twice in a row,
Amanda and Persephone were finally allowed to sleep. Amanda was glad.
Instead of going to bed, she decided to go on a walk with Kirby. They
both needed some air after a long day of preparations. They were chatting
and laughing as usual. At the same time they were avoiding the night
guard. “So, how is your duet going?” Kirby asked. Amanda shrugged. “I
just can’t land the last stunt. It’s so hard. And plus, Avron is putting so
much pressure on me. I don’t want to spend a week in the cells because I
failed to master one small stunt in a two minute routine.”

“You're lucky you didn’t get the special solo.” Kirby said quietly. “Why
did you get it?” Kirby shook his head. “No, but Kendall did. She said
Avron was very close to her and she was too scared to tell him to back
away that she just…let it happen.”

“What do you mean ‘Let it happen’?” Kirby shrugged. “She let him get
closer I guess. I’m not quite sure what happened. But she was really
scared he was going to slap her.” Amanda sighed. “Let’s just hope she’s
okay.” Kirby nodded. “Hope so.” After a while of walking around, the
two went back to their rooms to get some sleep. The next day was a big
day full of anxiety and pressure. Amanda couldn’t stop thinking about
the special solo that Kendall got. She really wanted to know if she was
okay. Avron was out of his mind. He was probably making over half of
the cast members go crazy as well. All Amanda hoped was that none of
them would be as crazy as Avron. Or worse, crazier.

Amanda awoke to the usual show day alarm. It was time to get ready. She
got her costume and makeup done and waited backstage with
Persephone. She was feeling overwhelmed with all of the people sitting in
the stand. And not like that was an unusual thing. Jitters were normal.
Especially when they were from seeing a big crowd that you have to
perform for. It was nearly time for the two to go on. Amanda was getting
more nervous by the second. Persephone didn’t seem all that bothered at
all. She had been in this circus all of her life so that may be part of it. It
was finally time. Amanda looked over her shoulder. Kirby was standing
with his arm around Chloe. They both stuck thumbs up. “Good luck!”
They whispered. Amanda nodded. She shook off her jitters and

Amanda and Persephone had the crowd in awe as they danced around the
ring. The music was fitting perfectly with their moves and they were
doing amazing. It all came down to the last stunt. Amanda and
Persephone were running at each other. They locked eyes as they tossed
the hoops up into the air. Persephone caught her perfectly, but Amanda
couldn’t catch it in time. It bounced off the ground. She could feel
Avron’s stare in the back of her skull. Luckily the hoop bounced high
enough for Amanda to catch it and the routine was over. They ran off
stage before the next group came on. Amanda was petrified as she saw
Avron marching over her way. He just shook his head violently and
walked away. Amanda sighed in relief. Maybe Avron wouldn’t punish

After the circus, when everyone was cleaning up. Avron marched right
back up to Amanda and slapped her hard across the face. “How dare
you.” He raised his hand to slap her again, when a gentle voice spoke from
the side lines. “Avron Stillman.” The voice said confidently. The person
walked out of the shadows. It was a tall woman who walked as if she was a
broadway model. She had very light orange skin that had dark brown
stripes scattered along her arms and legs. Her face was boney and her eyes
were slim and green. On her head was a pear of cat ears. “W-Who are you
and what are you doing back here?” Avron said, clearly startled about this
strange woman standing upon him. “My name is Katra Alless, and I was
very found of the show you put on tonight,”

“W-Why thank you ma’am.” Avron smirked. “I’d like to give you an
offer.” Katra said, walking closer with each step. “Let’s hear it.” Avron
waited patiently for Katra to speak again. “I would like to have five
percent of your circus. In return, I will give you something you really
need. The crystal stone.” Katra took out the stone from her pocket. It was
shiny, and Avron liked shiney. “I could use some help around here. How
about I make that five percent ten?”

“I like where this is going.” Katra laughed. Avron stuck out his hand. “Do
we have a deal?” Katra placed her hand in his. “Let’s make magic.” Katra

Chapter 7: The New Recruit

Amanda watched as Katra slowly entered the circus life. She didn’t seem
all too bad. Amanda just hoped that she would make Avron change his
mind about the way she runs his circus. Persephone was the complete
opposite of Amanda. Persephone knew that Katra wasn’t a good person
the second she met her. Her nails were so long they were able to
decapitate someone with just a small poke. She had these long teeth that
left scar marks on her lips every time she closed her mouth. Persephone
was honestly scared of her. Katra seemed much too busy moving into the
circus to care about any of her responsibilities. She didn’t even care about
the kids at the circus. One of her morning responsibilities. Persephone
was secretly watching her. She wasn’t doing anything right. She could see
her just sitting on her bed looking at her phone almost the whole time. “I
have to stop this.” Persephone muttered. She ran off to go find Amanda.

Amanda was found in the ring practicing the new routine with Chloe
and Kirby. “Amanda, we need to stop this woman from running this
circus.” Persephone marched right up to Amanda. “What do you mean?”
Amanda asked. Kirby and Chloe were listening in too. “This Katra
woman has to go. She hasn’t been doing any of her responsibilities . And
she decorated her entire bedroom to be cat themed.” Chloe cringed.
“Okay then, how do we get rid of her?” Chloe asked. “Persephone
shrugged. “I’m not sure, but as long as this woman is here, nobody is
safe.” Amanda laughed. “Nobody’s safe here as it is.” Persephone shook
her head. “Not wrong about that.”

“Okay, we need to at least come up with a plan. If this woman is going to

go, then we need to make her go.” Persephone sat down on one of the
wooden boards along the outside of the ring. “We just need to figure out
how.” Amanda joined her. “There are a million things we could do.
Ripping her schedule, messing up her room, making her get in trouble.
Oh, we could prank her.” Chloe suggested. “Prank her? By doing what?
Dumping paint on her head? That’s actually not a bad idea. Adding it to
the list.”

“Since when do we have a list?” Kirby asked, looking confused. “Since

now.” Persephone smirked. “Now all we need to do is just add to the list
more and more until we get fifty pages worth of ideas.” Kirby sighed.
"What the hell did I get myself into?" Amanda laughed. "A very good
plan." Kirby rolled his eyes. "It's a good thing I love you." He smirked.
Amanda laughed. Kirby walked over and kissed Amanda on the forehead
before going back to his room. Persephone looked at Amanda with a
smirk spread on her face. "Someone's in love." She teased. Amanda rolled
her eyes. "Let's just get the plan started." Amanda said, ignoring
Persephone's teasing. It wasn't a shock that Kirby and Amanda were
falling for eachother. They’d known each other for more than six years. It
just seemed like it was a thing that was meant to happen.

Katra was busy putting cat paintings up on the walls in her bedroom. She
absolutely loved being part cat. She loved every part of it. Her ears, her
teeth, her claws. But most importantly, her attitude. She was one of the
sassiest women alive. There was a rumor going around the circus that she
killed her own two parents with her two bare hands. Apparently she grew
up in an orphanage and had little to no friends. She spent all of her time
reading in a small corner. Katra dreaded those days. She wasn’t going to
tell anyone that the rumors about her were true. She wasn’t going to be
looked at strangely ever again. She was sure of that. She was going to keep
in the shadows for the rest of her little feline lives, slowly wasting away
with a dreadful feeling of guilt and loneliness lying on her back. She
would slowly sink into the ground and slowly turn to dust as her body
decaying in her perfect coffin. When Avron heard of this rumor, it
reminded him a lot of Mr. Jasper and how he would be decaying in a
coffin in the cemetery by that point. It gave a comforting feeling to
Avron. He knew that he and Katra were very alike. Both unloved and
abandoned as children. They both held a great powder and together
could do the unthinkable.
Avron was running around the circus grounds looking for Katra. She was
supposed to be choreographing the mini’s routine. She said she had the
perfect moves for the little ones. She wanted them to look like they were
broadway performers. But Avron couldn’t even find her. He could only
check the one place he was told not to go. Her bedroom. He peeked in
the door and could clearly see Katra decorating. He cleared his throat and
knocked on the door. “Katra, you have a choreo class with the mini’s
right now. They are waiting in the ring for your arrival.” Katra walked to
the door. “I told you not to come here.” Katra barked. Avron sighed. “I
know, but we have a very tight schedule this week and it needs to run
smoothly. So as soon as you are done with your bedroom, I ask you to
please come to the ring for your choreo class and we can keep our
schedule flexible.” Katra was clearly annoyed. “I will be out in a few
minutes. Just make the mini’s run laps around the ring or something
until I can get there.” Avron shook his head but had no choice but to
agree. He couldn’t just let the mini’s sit around during their work hours.
He ended up making them run laps around the ring for thirty straight
minutes before Katra showed up. She was shaking her hands ridiculously
in the air. “Oh my nails are still soaked.” She was muttering to herself.
“I’m going to get dirt all over them!” Avron rolled his eyes. “Katra, you
knew you were going to get dirty the second you got the job. Why would
you ever paint your nails before a choreographing class?”

“Well, my nails need to look good while I do it.” She scoffed. Avron
sighed. “Just hurry up and teach these kids something, I have a meeting in
ten minutes that I can not be late for. If I am late, all you better hide your
faces before I get back.” Avron turned his back to the ring and walked
into his office. Raven handed him a sheet of paper with his meeting
schedule printed on it. “Here you are sir. Your first meeting starts in ten
minutes.” Avron groaned. “Tell me something I don’t know.” He
muttered to himself. He slumped down into his desk chair. His hand
making a shield over his eyes. He was so tired. He had barely gotten any
sleep the night before. Something was bothering him, something he
couldn’t figure out. He watched as Katra sat down on the bleachers while
the mini’s did some funky dance moves. The moves made them look like
they were twenty. Avron sighed. “This is going to be a hell of a long

Melody walked out of her bedroom. She was holding a clear glass china
cup Tristan had gotten the year after he left the circus. “Mel, there you
are. How did you sleep?” Haddley asked. She leaning against the sink
with a pile of dirty dishes stacked next to her. “It was great. I don’t know
why we didn’t come here sooner.” Haddley sighed. “I’m just thinking
that I should have taken Persephone too.”

“What about Amanda? She’s in just as much danger as me.” Haddley

shook her head. “I know Mel, but Persephone is trapped living with that
psycho. One wrong move and she’s dead.” Melody put her glass onto the
counter with the other dishes. “We should have taken her with us.”
melody went to walk outside. She never stopped thinking about Amanda
and how she was doing now that she was gone. Even though she loved it
in Dragon’s Ford she somehow missed the circus. But there was no going
back now. She was much happier now anyway. The people were so nice
and welcoming. Once the villagers heard about Melody’s story from
Tristan, they agreed to help keep her undercover from the guards while
they still were looking for her. Haddley wasn’t in as dangerous of a
position. She could kill her brother if she tried. Even though he was
wicked strong and hella fast he was predictable. You could read him like a
book, understand his plans just by looking into his eyes. Haddlay had
been training hard in material arts in case the day came she needed to
fight for not only herself, but for Melody and Tristan.

Melody and Tristan were getting along great. Things couldn’t have been
better. Dragon's Ford was the most colorful place Melody had ever seen.
It made the circus grounds look basically colorless, even though it has no
color to begin with. The basic walls match the basic floor. It was all just
basic and boring. The trees had so many different choices of fruit and the
flowers were gorgeous. She was really loving it there.

Melody was walking through one of the fields on the farthest side of
Dragon’s Ford. Not too far off in the distance was the bridge that
connected the island to the mainland. The bridge was said to be over
one-hundred-fifty years old. That was older than the last queen herself.
Though it was old, it was strong. It was able to hold four dragon haulers.
Melody walked along the coastline to stay away from the castle. The
guards were surrounding it to the point that if someone they didn’t
recognize walked over they’d kill them or lock them in the prison cells to
die on their own. Melody did not want to be one of those people. In the
distance there were kids playing in the field. They had big nets out and
were kicking around a black and white spotted ball. Melody had never
seen such a thing. But it looked fun, so she walked over to see what this
mysterious game was called. She walked over to one of the kids and
tapped him on the shoulder. “Hello, I saw you playing this…game and
wanted to know what it is.” The boy looked confused. “You mean soccer?
It’s a game where you have two even teams and you have to pass the ball
to people on your team to try to score a goal on the other team’s net.”

“It looks interesting, can I join?” The boy looked at the other children.
“Yeah! We do need one more person so that Maisie can play too. Come on
Maisie.” The boy said. A girl who was sitting out walked onto the field
with the boy. Melody joined the other team and they started playing.
Soccer was an interesting game. It was very difficult to understand at the
start, but over time Melody got the hang of it. She even scored a few goals.
“Wow, your hella good for just starting. Maybe you should come join us
again sometime.” Melody nodded. “I’m sure I’ll be back.”

Melody walked back to the hut. Tristan was on duty so she just hung
around him for a while. She was just talking to him when she saw the face
she dreaded most. Jackson. He was walking closer and closer as he stared
deep into Melody’s eyes. He was slightly licking his lip as he walked. His
dirty blonde hair blowing in the wind, his brown eyes glaring. “Oh no.”
Melody said, hiding behind Tristan. “Ooh, Toney five o’clock.” Melody
smacked him in the back. “You’re not helping.” Tristan laughed. “I
know.” Jackson walked up to them, a weird smirk spread on his face. He
was biting his lip and had one of his eyebrows raised. He looked like a
moron. Melody just stared at him. “What do you want Toney.”

“We’re still doing the last name thing, huh?” Melody rolled her eyes. She
wanted to pound her fist into his face. For months, Jackson had been
trying to get Melody’s attention. But Melody thought he was disgusting.
He lived in a filthy old shack outside of his parents backyard.

“I only want to offer m’lady a cherry pie. And maybe ask her on a date,
heh?” He winked. Melody groaned. “Jackson, I will never accept one of
your burnt but still under-baked cherry pies after the last time you made
me something.” Jackson rolled his eyes. “I’ve made some improvements
from the last time. I think you’ll be quite surprised.” Melody shook her
head. The last time Jackson gave her a pie it was so burnt on the top but
so undercooked in the middle it gave her very bad food poisoning. “Oh
c’mon Lewis, you need to man up a bit. Try new things.” Tristan said,
nudging Melody. Melody groaned. “I’m getting out of here before I get
poisoned.” Melody started to get up and walk away. Jackson ran after her.
“Wait darling-” Melody whipped around. “Call me that again and your
face will meet my fists.” She continued to walk further and further. Fog
was rolling in from the sea side so when Melody got around fifteen feet
away she vanished into the fog. “Sorry Toney, I don’t think you have a
chance with her. She’s a spicy kitty.” He laughed and walked to the other
side of the castle to switch his shift.

“Amanda?” Amanda shook her head. “No.” Avron looked pissed. “What
do you mean no?” He viciously barked back. “I’m not doing another
duet. You know pretty damn well that I will mess it up just like I did the
last time. I’m surprised you still haven't locked me in the cell like you were
going to until you ran away with Katra after you made that deal.” Avron
shook his head. He got right up in Amanda’s face. “I am going to, I just
need to find the time to do it. I can not afford another mess up.” Amanda
snickered. “You have millions of dollars, why are you worried about not
being able to afford my mistakes?” Avron was red in the face. He looked
like he was going to explode. “You don’t understand Amanda. You’re not
one of the most powerful men in the country.” Amanda laughed. No way
was this man telling the truth.

Amanda was correct. Avron wasn’t telling the truth. She just didn’t know
it. Avron was in fact one of the most rich and powerful men in the
country. With all the circus stuff every two months he made up to
fifty-thousand dollars each time. It was honestly funny to him how
manipulating he was. Tricking and trapping was his game, and he sure
was good at it. It wasn’t too hard to make everyone listen to him. His
voice was louder than a lions. He knew his ways.
Days had passed. It was the same old routine, day after day after day. Is
always the same. From the time the sun sets behind the mountains out
west to the tie it rises on the eastern side. Amanda was honestly kind of
sick of it. Doing the same thing for weeks in a row. It was hard to find the
time to change the daily routine. With a schedule as tight as Amanda’s,
nobody could flex it in anyway. It was exhausting. Amanda was lazily
walking around the grounds, finding somewhere she could just rest for a
bit. Dust was blowing in her face as she walked. It was quite windy that
day. Everything was blowing around. It wasn’t the warmest day. Not
warm enough to be in a t-shirt. More like sweater weather. Amanda rolled
up her sleeves. She’d been really lonely lately. It was awful without
Melody around. She was bored all the time. Nothing was the same. She
had covered Melody’s bed with a large tarp she’d found in a garbage pile.
She couldn’t even bear to look at it. It brought back memories. Memories
Amanda wanted to keep safe in the back of her mind where she wouldn’t
think about it. Amanda had also found a little bit of a knife on the
ground outside the corridor to the cells. She thought it would come to
sue, but not the way you’d think. She sat down behind her bed. Her
shorts were rolled up as far as they could go. She held the blade of the
knife firmly. She tried to keep herself from tearing up. Shd slowly made a
small cut in her thigh. Blood was leaking from the open wound. Amanda
immediately regretted it. But in the sense of regret, there was also relief.
Like it let go of all her problems. He felt free for a moment. One small
Amanda’s problem never stopped. She kept cutting. Blood stained her
thighs. She could hear footsteps outside the door. She threw the blade
onto her bed, quickly hiding it under her pillow. There was a slight knock
at the door. Amanda covered her thighs with her shorts. She rolled her
oversized hoodie over her shorts and got up to see who was there.
“Hello?” Amanda asked as she opened the door. Katra was standing at
the door. She wrinkled her nose up as if she was smelling an awful smell.
“Disgusting.” Katra spat. “Excuse me?” Amanda was surprised. “It’s
shower day Amanda. Go take a shower and then come out to ring for
training.” Amanda rolled her eyes. “You're the one to talk.” Amanda
jeered. Katra scoffed. “You are a real brat missy.” Katra hissed. She gripped
her hand firmly onto the doorway. “Fine, I’ll go shower.” Amanda rolled
her eyes. She pushed Katra out of the way and walked out to the shower

It burned. The cold water burned Amanda’s thighs. The blood stains
were gone but the water in the wound didn’t feel very good. Amanda
dried herself with the towel. It was a disgusting towel. The towel everyone
used when they showered. There was only one shower day a week and
everyone had to share the one little towel. It was heartbreaking how
mistreated everyone was. Nobody had gotten the love they’d wanted
other than Persephone, of course. The one girl who got it all. Amanda
quickly got dressed back into her sweatshirt and shorts and went out to
the ring to meet Katra. Katra was getting impatient. “Finally.” She
scoffed, her voice echoing through the room. Amanda met Katras eyes.
She had a thirsty glare drilled into her eyes. “Go, train, I don’t care what
you do, just don’t bother me.” Amanda pulled down at her shorts. She
was nervous. He grabbed her hoop and went to the ring. Her new
choreography was really hard. Avron purposely made it really difficult for
her so she would be most likely to mess it up. He’s just looking for the
perfect opportunity to lock Amanda in the cells. Amanda was trying her
best, but in Avron’s eyes, her best was never good enough. Every show,
Avron had his expectations higher and higher. He was always looking for
more. More jumps, more turns, more power. He wanted it all.

Amanda was lightheaded. The dust from the wind was blowing around
in her face. She wanted to leave and just go to bed, but she had another
hour left of her training. Around the same time Persephone came into the
ring to start her practice. “Persephone, about time you showed up for
something.” Persephone looked annoyed. “Remember your place Katra.
You nor my father can make me show up to these stupid lessons anyway
when you don’t even teach us anything.” Katra was pissed. Steam
blowing from her rears. “Go, I don’t want to see your face for the rest of
the lesson.” Persephone rolled her eyes. She grabbed her hoop and began
practicing. She walked up to Amanda. She roamed around behind her,
trying to be sneaky and act like they weren’t talking. “Yeah, we have to get
rid of her.” Amanda nodded in agreement. Katra had to go. Amanda and
Persephone both continued their training. They had a lot of work to do
in the morning, that was for sure.

Chapter 8: The Affair

Avron watched Kendall carefully. He had given her another solo. He
loved watching Kendall dance. Her hair swung around and she spun. She
was beautiful from head to toe. Avron loved her beauty. “Kendall,
remember to keep your head up while you spin. Looking down will make
you dizzy. And keep your legs straight and feet pointed. This needs to be
perfect by the next show.” Kendall nodded. “Yes sir.” Avron stepped into
the ring. He grazed his hand against Kendalls cheek. “Call me Avron.”
Kendall was a little bit uncomfortable. But on the inside she loved it.
Kendall met Avrons eyes. He had a hungry gaze that made Kendall’s heart
flutter. Her eyes twinkled in the dim light of the ring. Avron could see he
looked into her eyes. He could tell what she was thinking. He knew what
she wanted. “After you're done training, meet me in the backroom.”
Kendall was trying to hide her smirk. She’d been waiting for this day for
years. Avron had that one evil smile he did every time he got what he
wanted. “Okay.” Kendall fluttered. She continued training. The thought
of being with Avron itching at her. She was excited. Her knees felt like
jello. She felt they were going to give out on her.
After training. Kendall snuck out to the back room or the circus grounds.
She peered around. It was dark and hard to see things. She stumbled into
an empty pot while wandering around. The pot fell to the ground and
smashed into pieces. Kendall jumped at the sound of the smash. “Hard to
see, ain’t it?” The sound of a male voice popping up behind Kendall. She
twirled around. The light flicked on. Avron stood, his shoulder leaning
against the doorway and his hand placed on the lightswitch. “You wanted
to see me here sir?” Avron nodded, a smirk spreading across his face.
“What did I say to you in that ring?” He snickered. He walked right up to
Kendall. His face touching right against hers. “Call me Avron.” Kendall
laughed, trying to hide her embarrassment. “Oh, sorry…Avron.” Avron
slowly wrapped his hands around Kendall’s waist. Kendall got excited.
Her heart was beating faster and faster. She wrapped her hands around
his shoulders. He slowly pulled her in for a kiss. Avron peered out of the
open door of the room. He looked over to Kendall. He winked and began
to shut the door.

Persephone was training as usual. She could see the fact that her father
was in a very good mood for once. Kendall had gotten another solo for
the next show and was training at the same time. Persephone could see
the look in her eyes, as well as her fathers. They both had a loving look
hidden in their eyes as they stared at each other. Persephone was
confused. Her father never had that look in his eyes when looking at her
mother. He had more of a look of hatred. She was suspicious. Was
something going on that she didn’t know about? She didn’t know and
didn’t want to ask. Maybe it was something to discuss with Amanda.

“Dad, I’m going out.” Persephone yelled. “Okay, honey.” Avron gave a
sweet reply. It kind of made her sick in a very weird way. She just walked
away. She banged at Amanda's door. “Amanda, let me in.” Amanda
opened the door. “Oh, hey Persephone, do you need something?”
Persephone nodded. “God, do I ever.” She walked into the room,
flopping on Amanda’s bed. “Okay.” Amanda started. “What’s wrong?”
Persephone sighed. “I’m very suspicious of my father and of Kendall.
They’ve been looking at each other very weirdly. My father is in such a
good mood and is treating everyone nicely for the first time in his life, and
Kendall is looking at him like he’s a god that saved her from sudden
death. I don’;t like to think about what might be happening, but the
more I look at the two together, the more I’m thinking that it’s true.”
Amanda looked concerned. “Okay then.” She sat down beside
Persephone, a surprised look on her face. “So, what you’re trying to tell
me is that you think that your father is cheating on your mother with
Kendall.” Persephone nodded. “That is definitely a problem, if it’s true of

“I’m too scared to believe it’s true.” Amanda sighed. “So what are you
going to do?” Persephone shrugged. “I don’t know, I don’t want to tell
my mother because she will take it horribly. She too has been acting really
weird lately. She's been acting like she’s under the control of some weird
robot.” Amanda nodded. “Yeah, I've kind of noticed that too.”
Persephone shook her head. “I don’t know what to do Amanda. If I ask
my dad if he’s cheating he will probably lock me in the cells and if I don’t
something might keep happening between them.” Persephone felt bad for
herself knowing there was nothing she could do to help anyone. It was
just a matter of time before the secrets came out. Then she could actually
form a good plan to take all of this down. Amanda felt bad for
Persephone too. She knew she couldn’t do anything but be her therapist
until she could fix her problems on her own, which seemed like it would
take forever because her problems just kept coming and coming. It was a
never ending cycle.

Persephone and Amanda kept a close eye on Kendall the next training
session. Amanda knew what Persephone meant about the way they
looked at each other. It was disgusting. Persephone noticed Amanda
pulling at her shorts a lot. It looked like he was pulling her shorts away to
relieve pain. “Amanda?” Amanda looked up. She was hoping she didn’t
get caught. “You okay?” Amanda nodded. “Yeah, the texture of my shorts
feel really weird on my skin. It’s probably time to change them.”
Persephone didn’t think anything of it. Amanda walked back to her room
to go change her shorts. She needed to be more careful about what she
did. Otherwise, things would turn from bad to worse.

Katra found the mini teams practice very boring. They had no
confidence, no energy, no facial expressions. They had nothing. Katra
groaned. “You people need energy, facial expressions. You are taking what
I am giving you. This performance needs to be good for the next show,
and you little…people are not making it happen.” Katra was angry. The
mini’s were getting upset. Upset with themselves and the fact that they
had Katra lying on their backs screaming at them. It wasn’t fun. The only
good thing about Katra is she gives really good choreography, when she
does actually do her job and choreograph routines. At least you could
give her that. Persephone, Amanda, Kirby, and Chloe were still trying to
perfect their plan to kick Katra to the curb. There were only a few more
things to do first. Making sure the plan was perfect was the only way to
make it work. That was for sure.

It had been days since Persephone had a full family dinner. Her mother
was always doing housework and her father was always working.
Honestly, she didn’t want to see them together anyways. She had a lot
weighing on her mind lately. She wanted to be anywhere but in that
dining room, sitting at the fancy table eating fancy rich people food. She
felt sick to her stomach. She was sitting on her bed, with her plate of steak
and potatoes all piled up on her plate. She was gazing out of the window,
out at the circus grounds. She wasn’t very hungry, but felt bad if she
didn’t eat all of what her mother worked so hard cooking. She felt lost in
her mind. She knew something was wrong with her, but she didn’t want
to know what it was. She was exhausted, forcing herself to eat food she
didn’t want. She ended up just dumping out of the window and bringing
her plate back down to the kitchen. She went right to bed after. Staring at
the ceiling. Feeling defeated and hopeless.

Amanda was pissed. She had let Katra run her down again. This woman
was completely out of her mind. She thought she could control everyone
around here. Amanda was done. She needed Persephone to hurry up with
her plan, because Katra was driving everyone insane. Amanda didn’t eat.
She wasn’t hungry enough to eat. She had an apple stuffed under her
pillow from a couple days ago, and it was starting to run rotten. She could
kind of see Perseohone through her bedroom window. She was laying in
her bed, watching the tv. She looked lonely and sad. After a while she
turned it off and rolled over towards Amanda. They were now looking
each other in the eye. Amanda waved and Persephone waved back.
Amanda went up to her window. She used the dust that was stained onto
the windows to draw Persephone a message. The message was just a
simple ‘hi’. Persephone got up from her bed. She went out of Amanda’s
sight. She came back with a pen and paper. She quickly squiggled
something on the page before turning it around so Amanda could see it.
The message also said ‘hi’. Amanda wiped away the dust that stuck to the
windows and picked up some more from a little pile she’d made a while
ago. She began writing another message on the window. ‘You look sad’
the message read. Persephone shrugged. She ripped off the paper and
began writing on the next page. Persephone showed Amanada the new
message. ‘I’m just tired. I haven’t gotten much sleep the last few days’.
Amanda nodded. She wrote out the words ‘same’ on the window.
Amanda couldn’t really see how Persephone wasn’t getting much sleep.
She got to sleep in this perfect bed with a fleece blanket and firm, fluffy
pillows. Her bed was Amanda’s dream. Her room was Amanda’s dream.
Even her life was Amanda’s dream. Sure, it was hard. Having Avron as a
father who had no control over himself. But it still seemed perfect. She
had two alive parents. A nice house and room. Real food to eat whenever
she wanted. A chance to shower everyday. Being constantly clean. Having
clean clothes that weren’t full of holes. Having proper medication for
when she got sick. And an endless amount of show performances.

But it wasn’t like Amanda could just kill Persephone and get her life.
That would be a very bad thing to do and Amanda herself would
probably get killed if she even thought about it. It was a very dumb thing
to think about. So Amanda just went to bed without leaving Persephone
another message.

Persephone was concerned at the fact another message wasn’t left. She
just threw her notebook away and went straight to bed. She was actually
able to sleep now after many hours of laying awake. She woke up with the
sun gleaming in her face. She set a hand over her eyes so she wouldn’t
blind before she forced herself up out of bed. She went straight to the
kitchen where her mother had prepared some blueberry pancakes for her.
She quickly ate, though she wasn't all that hungry. She had a sickening
feeling deep down in her stomach. It was soon time to get ready to
practice. The air was rather warm that day. The sun was shining bright.
Though there was very little sun in the ring. It was like it was nice and
warm outside but the second the sun reached the grounds it got cold and
dark. Persephone grabbed her hoop and began running over her routine.
Avron entered the room shortly after. He carefully watched over
Persephone, watching for mistakes or things he could change.
“Persephone, you need to keep your legs straight and your feet pointed. I
haven’t been making you work. Go run ten laps around the grounds,
then do one-hundred jump-squats, and end off with fifty pushups.”
Persephone’s jaw dropped. “What?!” Avron shook his head. “I’ve not
been training you enough. You need to work harder.” Persephone was
shocked. “But-”

“Nope, no buts. You are doing it or you don’t get to do a solo. Don’t you
want those job offers?” Persephone nodded. “I do.” Persephone admitted.
“Well, they only take the best of the best Persephone. And if you're not
the best, you won't get accepted to anything. Now go. I don’t want to see
you until you're done.” Persephone picked up a rock and threw it towards
her . father. It didn’t hit him but it was pretty close. She started running.
It took her forever because she just walked most of the way but she was so
sore afterwards.

Persephone finally walked into the house with a limp. Nani saw
Persephone and came rushing over. ‘What happened to you darling? Your

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