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Chapter 1

I'm not sure why I do it, it just happens. Perhaps it was my passion for stringed instruments
that allowed me to hear the heartbeat of my victims' heart race more closely before I ended
The first one I didn't want to kill but the screams of horror filled my head I couldn't stop.
The other one I was craving for more. I couldn't hold back the urge, I didn't want to,the
voices didn't want to.

News: In the last two weeks two students from Brooklyn High-School have been murdered.
Police are still working to figure out who or why.Until further notice Highview lake will be
closed for further inspection.

Reporter: Savannah, you and three other students were together with Caleb at the time of
Caleb's murder correct?
Savannah:Yeah, me, Aria, Ty and Caleb.
Reporter:Can you confirm the time?
Savannah: Uh I think it was around 10
I'm not sure.
Reporter:When did you notice Caleb left?
Savannah: We all left Aria's house around the same time.
Reporter:Did you notice anyone staying longer or leaving earlier?
Savannah:We all left around the same time but Aria and Caleb left I guess maybe 10
minutes earlier. Caleb went a different way home though I guess he never returned then.
Reporter:Was he trying to meet up with somebody?
Savannah: I'm not sure he was really quiet, he didn't really say much to us he was kinda just
there he hardly went to school either.
Reporter:Did you know the last victim?
Savannah:No I didn't. I saw her in the hallway sometimes but I only really knew skyes
name.I really have to go now, have a good day.

Once I returned home I couldn't stop thinking about the murders, two in the last two weeks!
We lived in an average sided city so it wasn't like those small town murders where everyone
knew each other and they found out the killer in a couple weeks. My head is still pounding. I
over think along so I'm really stressed out about me, my family and friends.I didn't really
know Caleb or Skye but I'm still screaming on the inside.I decided to write in my
journal,that's what you're supposed to do right?
I don't really know how to start these kinda things so I'll just get to the point, i write. Here's
what I know: two kids have been murdered, Kaleb who had short blonde hair,blue eyes, pale
skin and who snuck out alot and yet hardly attended school.Then Skye was murdered two
weeks after, she had brown curly hair and chocolate coloured skin. On the other hand she
was really nice and spoke her mind. She always complimented my outfits even though they
weren't half as good compared to hers.It's crazy how someone could just stab them in cold
blood like that.
I stop writing as my hand starts to get sore,I put the book back in my dresser drawer.I go to
the bathroom and start taking off my makeup as it's getting late.I look at my medium length
brown hair,my light skin and brown eyes then go back to wiping my makeup off.Then I head
to bed thinking about one of my favourite movies to avoid the thoughts of Skye and Caleb.

3 weeks ago:
It's crazy how they haven't found Caleb yet he's been missing for three days now just out of
nowhere.The police think he just ran away sense he sneaks out alot,his parents think
otherwise.I knew Caleb sense i was little and im not so sure he just ran away either i'm sure
he would've said something to me.
2 weeks ago:
They found caleb.
Except they didn't find him alive…
1 week ago: Another kid went missing,they found Skye’s body this morning.Im getting
stressed out with all the murders.They aren't really connected though the only similarity is
there both from my school and were killed by the same person.I call savannah for a bit me
and her have been dating for almost two years now,we talk about the murders and then the
amount of homework we have from school.

Chapter 2
Aria:I walk into school while my long blonde hair flows in the air and my blue eyes
shimmer.Im not sure why they still let us go to school i'm not even sure if its legal.I walk over
to my locker and see Savannah,Ryan,Ty and valerie waiting for me.I notice valerie's dirty
blonde curly hair and light skin reflect off the light.Ryan is really upset about Caleb though he
tries not to show it,The lighting in the school is darker the usual witch makes Ty’s short dark
brown hair seem almost black,his skin is paler than usual and his brown eyes seem almost
dead.everyone is really upset and worried even if they didn't know the victims, I am too.

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