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Birth Date: 28 Mar 2024

Birth Place: Santo Domingo,
Date of Birth 28 Mar 2024 Thursday
Time of Birth 10:56:00 AM
Place of Birth Santo Domingo, Dominica
Ayanmash NC Lahiri
Local Mean Time 19:12:00
Sidreal Time 23:6:2
LT Correction 16:0:0
Obliq 23.44

Avkahada Chakra Ghatak(Malefics)

Lagna Gemini Rashi Dhanu
Lagna Lord Mercury Months Magh
Rashi Libra Tithi 4, 9, 14
Rashi Lord Venus Day Thursday
Nakshatra Vishakha Nakshatra Satabisha
Nakshatra Lord Jupiter Prahar 4
Charan 1 Lagna Kanya
Tithi Chaturthi Krishna Yoga Atiganda
Paya Silver Karan Taitila
S.S. Yoga Harshana
Favourable Points
Karan Bava

Varna Shudra Lucky Numbers 1

Tatwa Agni Good Numbers 1, 2, 7, 9

Vashya Manav Evil Numbers 6, 8

Yoni Tiger(M) Good Years 10,19,28,37,46,

Gana Rakshas Lucky Days Wed, Fri, Sat

Nadi Anta Good Planets Merc, Ven, Sat

Nadi Pada Aadi Evil Planets Jupiter, Saturn

Vihaga Bherund Friendly Signs Leo Vir Lib

First Letters Thee, Thoo, Thay, Tho Good Lagna Vir, Sag, Aqu, Ari

Sun Sign Pisces Lucky Metal Bronze

Decanate 2 Lucky Stone Emerald

Lucky Time 2 hrs after Sunrise
Lucky Direction North

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Planetary Positions at Birth Time

Planets Dir Rashi Lord Degrees Nakshatra-Qtr Lord Karak ---
Ascendant Gemini Mercury 1:2:49 Mrigsiras-3 Mars

Sun Direct Pisces Jupiter 14:13:12 U.Bhadra-4 Saturn Father

Mercury Direct Aries Mars 1:53:40 Ashwini-1 Ketu Intellect Enemy House

Venus Direct Aquarius Saturn 26:28:42 P.Bhadra-2 Jupiter Spouse Friendly House

Mars Direct Aquarius Saturn 10:11:10 Satabhisha-2 Rahu Courage Enemy House

Jupiter Direct Aries Mars 22:26:24 Bharani-3 Venus Wealth Friendly House

Saturn Direct Aquarius Saturn 19:1:12 Satabhisha-4 Rahu Longevity

Moon Direct Libra Venus 20:54:14 Vishakha-1 Jupiter Mother Enemy House

Rahu Retro Pisces Jupiter 22:2:31 Revati-2 Mercury Desire

Ketu Retro Virgo Mercury 22:2:31 Hasta-4 Moon EmancipationEnemy House

Uranus Direct Aries Mars 26:25:54 Bharani-4 Venus

Neptune Direct Pisces Jupiter 3:35:7 U.Bhadra-1 Saturn

Pluto Direct Capricorn Saturn 7:37:7 U.Sada-4 Sun

Lagna Kundali

4 2

Ascendant Mercury


5 1
Ketu Sun
6 12
7 11

Moon Venus

8 10

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Specific Characterstics
You will have a genial but weak nature, fairly disposed to extravagance and unsteady habits.
You are likely to have change in pursuits but still be clever in business-dealings. You have a
restless mind and shifting objectives. You will gain honour and rank by business and will acquire

Your main characteristics will be fondness for home-life and steadfastness in affections. In early
years, there are possibilities of trouble and grief, even of financial difficulties. You may have
some disharmony in married state. Yet you are sure to become duly compensated by having rise
in life by the strength of your own merit.

You nature will be generous, kind and amiable; mind will be fructifying and well-balanced. You
will be 'faithful in love and dauntless in war' - a worthy friend and generous enemy. You will have
a real happy marriage and substantial wealth. You will have many journeys in connection with
your profession, cultural or intellectual mission, or for simply touring purpose. You will be loved
and respected for your sense of justice and probity.

Mental Qualities
You will have a happy go lucky disposition, genial and kind nature and will be fond of show and
approbation. You will just, persuasive, artistic and initiative. You will be neat and orderly. You
may be somewhat amorous and fickle.

Physical Attributes
According to your Horoscope, you will have a tall, elegant figure with blue eyes, fair skin, fine
brown hair carefully parted near the middle, attractive sets of teeth and beautiful finger-nails.
Your nose will be straight - Grecian type.

General State of Health

Your zodiacal sign rules over the lymphatic system, mucus, gesture-abdominal system, pituitary
gland, feet and toes. So, these are your vulnerable areas. You are prone to lymphatic and
glandular disorders, drink-related problems, chilblains, bunions, etc.

Your zodiacal sign has special governance over the feet which renders this particular part of
body prone to affections. You should use the right kind of shoes. Convenience and comfort
should dictate the design - rather than the trendy fashion.

Natural and herbal restoratives and remedies will be the most effective wonder drugs for you.
You should take lightly-cooked foods. Cereals, dates raisins, chestnuts, aniseed, nutmeg, etc.
are very beneficial nutrients and food-supplements for you.Since the Ascendant is afflicted by
Neptune in your chart, you may have to suffer from animal bites and insect stings.

Since Jupiter afflicts the Moon in your chart, you are prone to suffer from blood-related diseases.

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Since the Sun is bearing no affliction in your chart, you won't inherit any disease from your
parents. If you per chance have any ailments, those will only be short-lived. Your eye-sight will
also remain good.

Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Virgo in your chart, your waist region is prone to

Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Aquarius in your chart, you may have affections in the
regions of buttocks or shank portions.

Education and Profession

You will achieve a good level of education and will hold a Bachelor's degree at least. Besides
formal education, you will have your interest in some other fields also in which you will excel.
You will be intelligent and clever as well.

You may have some specialization or professional training. You will do well in the fields where
certain special abilities find prompt utilization while the academic learnings do not have much of

The planetary combinations in your chart make you a practical person with a logical bent of
mind. You will have interest in doing things where logical thinking is necessary for solving
occassionally arising problems. You will do well in the fields of Industrial Engineering or

The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you a special interest in functioning of living
beings. You may study Biological Sciences and may acquire education in the Medical field. You
may be a Physician or a Surgeon; alternately you may be a professional in some other medicine
related fields.

The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you the qualities of a born businessman.
You will be quick to learn the aspects of trade and commerce. You will make a fortune by trading
and/ or manufacturing activities. As usual in business you may have to pass through some slack
patches when you will need to excercise control although during the most part you will do brisk

Wealth and Inheritance

As regards family-wealth, you will be exceedingly fortunate as this happens to be one of the best
positions for the lord of wealth. You will have gains through artistic pursuits, entertainment fields,
children's dreamland and application-oriented education / training. You will have fruitful love-
affairs. As regards domestic environment, you will be blessed with peace and harmony. You will
have bright children with charming appearances. The first child will be endowed with some
artistic faculty.

In your chart the lord of earnings placed in the favourable 9th house has given rise to auspicious
'Dhana-Yoga' ensuring influx of money through various sources. But you should not be overly
optimistic in speculative investments as chances of incurring losses are also there; you may
have some problems from foreign lands or distant inland places and during

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long journeys.The favorable lines for you are institutes for higher learning, charitable
organizations, museums, libraries, foreign affairs, evangelistic foundations, etc.

In your chart the lord of inheritance being placed in the house of fortune is favourable in certain
respects like having gains from foreign countries by foreign trade and through a legacy. You will
undoubtedly become rich. But the position is not good for well-being of father; for having
overseas journeys or for staying in foreign countries it is not good as possibility of incurring
losses or facing accidental mishaps are there.

Marriage and Married Life

Your chart indicates that you will have very early marriage.

In your chart your Ascendant-lord and the 7th-lord are in Conjunction which indicates that you
may not be very harmoniously disposed to each other. You should carefully try to follow each
other's viewpoints and this way your differences will gradually wane by adding warmth to your

Travel and Journeys

In your chart most of the planets are situated in moveable and/ or common signs. This will make
you a born wanderer who will have many changes in life. You will have many journeys in
connection with your profession; you will also have travels and tours for pleasure and profit.

Lucky Stone
Among auspicious gemstones GREEN EMERALD (Panna) will be favorable for you.

You may take 5 Rattis of Green Emerald in a ring of Gold which should be worn on right hand
small finger on a Wednesday.

Cheaper substitutes of Green Emerald are Jade or Jabarjad (Peridot) which may be taken
instead in a ring of Silver.

While wearing the gemstone reciting the following 'Mantra' will be auspicious:

Priyamgukalikashyamam Rupenapratimam Budham Soumyam Soumyagunopetam tam Budham


The weights of gemstones recommended above are for adult male people. For adult females the
weights should be reduced to 3/4 to 1/2 part while for the children the weights should be reduced
to 1/2 to 1/3 part.

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