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Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet

Analysis of pages 40-82

Part 1: Government Actions

Reread Executive Order No. 9066

What is the gist or general message of the executive order?

In what ways might the order be seen as ambiguous*? Quote specific examples of
ambiguous language. Which words actually create this tone of ambiguity?
subject to whatever restrictions the Secretary of
"Whenever he... deems necessary
War or the appropriate Military Commander may
impose in his discretion

Why might it be concerning that the order is ambiguous (think of historical context, as well
as events from the book?
Not specific. It does not layout boundaries. Gives military officials a lot of power.

*Ambiguous - adj - (of language) open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning.
"ambiguous phrases"
unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made.
"the election result was ambiguous"

Part 2: Interpretations
Reread pages 68-69

Select 2-3 of the most significant quotes from these pages:

"They can exclude anyone. They can exclude "The entire West Coast has been
us. Or German immigrants... Or the designated as a military area”

How are the characters in this section interpreting Executive Order No. 9066?
Henry doesn't completely understand it but he is worried for Keiko. His father hopes that Japanese Americans will be targeted and
that this will lead to more job opportunities for Chinese Americans.

Reread pages 72-74

Select 2-3 of the most significant quotes from these pages:

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