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AI (Artificial Intelligence) Interview Process

Welcome to the AI Interviewing process.

To ensure an effective process and to increase your odds of moving on to the next level in
the hiring process, you must precisely follow these instructions:

Step 1. You will be presented with 5 interview questions on the next page of this
instructional sheet. Do not read the questions yet.

Step 2. When you are fully ready (technically, physically, and mentally), start your
video recording and then view the provided questions.

Step 3. Take time, read all the questions by yourself. Choose 3 questions.

Step 4. Read Question 1 out loud so that the camera can hear you read the question. At that
point you have 30 seconds to think about and develop your answer.

Step 4: Respond to the question (use no more than 2.5 minutes) and then move on to
Question 2, then Question 3.

Step 5: Follow the same procedure as Question 1 (read out loud, take 30 seconds,
then respond no longer than 2.5 minutes).

Step 6. After answering Question 3, turn off the video recording and label the video
file as “AI-Interview-(your last name_first name-your section)”

Step 7: Do not edit the video in any way. Our AI system can detect any edits.

Step 8: Upload the video to a private YouTube channel, a Google Drive, Dropbox, or any
other free cloud storage service and submit the link to your video within the AI Interview
Link Submission form in Moodle for AI analysis.

The next page contains the two interview questions. Start recording before
viewing the questions. You are not allowed to see these questions ahead of
time. Our AI system will know if you have cheated which will completely
void your interview. You have been warned.

 Why are you a perfect match for this company and this position?
 What are you looking for in a new position?
 Talk about a successful project you completed and why you think it was
 If you could establish any company/organization/institution, who would you
like your partner be? Why?
 Tell me/elaborate on something about yourself that isn't mentioned on your
resume or LinkedIn account.

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

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