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CELTA Lesson Plan

Teacher Tutor Date TP Nr Level Length

Shaimaa Ahmed Alaa Mohamed Khalaf 9/8 /2023 6 Intermediate 45 minutes

Materials Lesson Type

Cutting Edge p. 96 & 97, PPT Grammar

Main Aim Target sentences/Vocabulary

By the end of this lesson, the students will better be able to use the second Vocabulary: erase, borders,forbid and mankind
conditional of “if” in the context of authority and power.

If I ruled the world, I would erase the borders.


I would forbid men to cut off trees if I ruled the world.

Subsidiary Aims Personal Aims

By the end of this lesson, the students will better be able to speak fluently using ● To avoid echoing completely
the second conditional of “if” in the context of authority and power. ● To provide concise instructions in all the stages

Anticipated Problems with Tasks and Classroom Management Solutions

● There may be a black out or the projector may go down. ● In case of a black out, I am willing to use the whiteboard and markers.
● Given that the projector went down, I am going to use a laptop if the
number of students is small, and I will be ready with printed papers

● I finish the task earlier than expected because the students’ level is high. ● I will be ready with a flexi activity so they can learn better and enjoy the
class until time ends.

● A student lags behind and cannot answer while others are doing a task.
● I will micro-teach him individually.

Language Focus (MPF)

Language analysis of Meaning, Pronunciation and Form (MPF). Include how you will convey and check meaning, any check questions, illustrate meaning/form/pronunciation, board plan,
presentation and practice of pronunciation features of the language you plan to teach and state what you anticipate will be difficult for students and how you plan to deal with it.

Language analysis (vocab)

Analysis - MFP Anticipated problems Solutions

item: erase Problems with meaning

M- to remove something, especially a

pencil mark by rubbing it Problems with form

F- verb
transitive Problems with pronunciation

P– /ɪˈreɪz/ or /ɪˈreɪs/ Some students may stress the first Drill and highlight the stress on the board.
stress in second syllable syllable.

CCQs and timelines:

● Does it mean delete? (Yes)
● Does it mean to remove
something? (Yes)
item: borders Problems with meaning

M- a line that has been agreed to divide

one country from another Students might configure it with picture Ask CCQs to make sure they
frame or even boundaries comprehend the meaning.
F- noun
Problems with form
P– /ˈbɔː.dər/
the stress is on the first syllable
Problems with pronunciation

CCQs and timelines:

● Are these lines? (Yes)
● Do they divide countries? (Yes)
● Can we use it with people or
countries? (countries)

Item: forbid Problems with meaning

M -to refuse to allow something,

especially officially, or to prevent a Problems with form
particular plan of action by making it
impossible students might use the preposition “from” Highlight the form on the board.
F - verb not “to” with the word forbid.
past (forbade) Problems with pronunciation
pp (forbidden)
forbid someone to + infinitive verb
P – /fəˈbɪd/

CCQs and timelines:

● Is it something allowed? (No)
● Does it mean “ to ban”? (Yes)
● When something is forbidden, can
you do it? (No)
item: mankind Problems with meaning

M- the whole of the human race, including

both men and women Problems with form

F- noun
uncountable Problems with pronunciation

P– /mænˈkaɪnd/
the second syllable is stressed Students may stress the first syllable. Highlight the stress on the board.

CCQs and timelines:

● Does it mean humanity/people?

● Does it include men only? (No)
Language analysis (Grammar)

Analysis - MFP Anticipated problems Solutions

Item: hypothetical possibilities with if Problems with meaning

M - it is something that is imaginary and

unlikely to happen and the same goes for
its results. Students might think that the condition is Ask CCQs to make sure they
likely to happen. comprehend the meaning properly.
CCQs and timelines:

Is it likely to happen?
Can the result come true?
Is it imaginary?

Form Problems with form

If subject+v.ed/2nd form of the verb,

subject+would+ infinitive verb (without to)


Subject+would+ infinitive verb (without

to)+.......... if subject+v.ed/2nd form of the

weak form of would=’d

Pronunciation Problems with pronunciation

Intonation: rising then falling. Elicit and drill chorally and individually
Students might not be able to pronounce
the weak form properly.
Lesson Procedure
Stage Aim Interaction Procedure Observation & Suggestions


& Time

Lead-in To set the lesson T-Ss

context and engage 1- Greet the students by saying “ welcome to my class
students. again” while displaying the welcome side on my PPT.
minutes) 2- Tell students my name again. “My name is Shaima and I
will be your teacher today.”

3- Display a photo of a king and a queen

4- Ask “What can you see in the photo?” ( a king and a


5- Tell them “ Imagine you are the king or the queen of the
world. What happens?

6- Say “you have 2 minutes to discuss the question in


7- Ask ICQs:

● How many minutes?

● How many questions?
● Would you do it alone?

8- Show on board “ What would you do in these


9- Give them time to do the task and monitor them

10- Check by asking some of them about their thoughts.

Pre-teach To make the following
Vocab text accessible by T-Ss Use the ECDW technique on each word ;however,
unblocking the difficult elicitation differs
minutes) a- Show a GIF of someone erasing the board and ask them
“ What is he doing?” to elicit the words “erase”


● Does it mean delete? (Yes)

● Does it mean to remove something? (Yes)
b- Show a picture of Egypt's borders and elicit through
giving a definition “What do we call those red (they are red
in the photo) lines that divide Egypt from other countries?”


● Are these lines? (Yes)

● Do they divide countries? (Yes)
● Can we use it with people or countries? (countries)

c- give a synonym for the word “forbid” and try to elicit the
answer from them “ Can you give another word for"ban "?
(They studied the word “ban” last session)


● Is it something allowed? (No)

● Does it mean “ to ban”? (Yes)
● When something is forbidden, can you do it? (No)

d- give them a hint through pictures that each initial of the

name of the picture presents a letter in the word and give
them a second hint, saying “It means people or humans.”
(They played this game before with another teacher, so
they know it)

● Does it mean humanity/people? (Yes)
● Does it include men only? (No)

Reading Task To expose students to T-S

a model of the target 1- Introduce the context of the text” Now you are going to
language (the second read a text called “If I ruled the world”
conditional of if ) in
2- Tell the students the instructions:
context of power an S
authority ● Read the text
minutes) ● Discuss in pairs which opinion suits you the most
and why
● You have 3 minutes

3- Ask them some ICQs:

● How many minutes?

● What will you discuss?

4- Display the reading on the PPT and demo on the first


5- Hand the students out the reading and make them do

the task in pairs

6- Monitor students while they’re doing the task and give

them help if needed

7- Check if they are right by asking them what they found

Language To clarify the MDF of T-Ss
Clarification the target language of 1- Ask students “ What would Alan do if he ruled the
“the second world?”
conditional of if ” Ss-Ss
If I ruled the world, I would erase the borders.
through ECDW (5-8
minutes) 2- Ask the students to put their papers face-down
3- Elicit

● Is it a real situation?
● Is it likely to happen?
● Can the result come true?
● Is it imaginary?

3- Ask them if they remember the sentence and ask them

to say it.

4- Do front chain drilling then drill the whole sentence with

them (I add the weak form of would)

5- Write the sentence on the board and elicit the form

6- Write the form on the board

7- Elicit the intonation

8- I would do the same with the second sentence. “ I would

forbid men to cut off trees if I ruled the world”

Controlled To check that S-T

Practice students understood 1- Tell them that the purpose of this exercise
the meaning and the
S-S 2- Give the students the instructions:
form of the target
language. (5-7 ● Look at the exercise
● Read the sentences and fill in the gaps.
● Use the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets.

● Answer 6 sentences in 5 minutes.

3- Check if they understand the instructions (ICQs) :

● How many sentences are there?

● How many minutes do you have?

● What should you do in the correct sentences?

4- Show the PPT and do a demo

5- Give the students handouts and make them sit in pairs

6- Monitor students while they’re doing the task

7- Ask them to check the answers in pairs

8- Ask some students randomly to say their answers

9- Check if they are right by asking them what they found

10- Display the answers on the PPT

Freer Practice To give the students T-Ss

the chance to speak 1- Set the target of the activity “ It is an activity that can
fluently using the help you speak fluently using if”
target language and to S-S
2- Give them the instructions
further check their (9-10
understanding minutes) ● There are superpowers and their definitions stuck
on the walls around the classroom
● Go and read them

● Pick one superpower

● In pairs, share answers to the questions that are on

the PPT

➔ “What would your superpower be?

➔ Why did you choose it?

➔ How would you use this superpower if you

ruled the word?

➔ What would you change about your life?


➔ What would you change about people,

family , etc.?”

3- ICQs:
● Should you read the papers that are stuck on the
● What should you choose? (a superpower)
● Will you answer alone? (No)
4- Model the first one with one of the students.
5- Give them time to speak and practice
6- Monitor them and take notes
7- Give them help if they needed
8- Ask some of them about their partner's opinion.
9- MAke them swap partners and ask them to find
similarities in ideas.
10- Check these similarities with some of them.

Content/ To give students T-Ss Give them content and language feedback depending on
Language content and linguistic the notes taken while the students were speaking
Feedback feedback
minutes) 1- Praise them for the positive things they did
2- Write some of their good phrases or sentences, related
to both content and language, they used
3- Put some of their errors on the board
4- Elicit to get the correct answers.
5- Thank them for being such great learners
6- Say goodbye

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