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1. **quickSort(arr, left, right):**

- If `left` is less than `right`:

- Calculate the partition index using the partition method.

- Recursively call `quickSort` for the subarrays to the left and right of the partition index.

2. **partition(arr, left, right):**

- Choose `arr[right]` as the pivot.

- Initialize `i` to `left - 1`.

- Iterate `j` from `left` to `right - 1`:

- If `arr[j]` is less than the pivot, increment `i` and swap `arr[i]` with `arr[j]`.

- Swap `arr[i + 1]` with `arr[right]`.

- Return `i + 1` as the partition index.

3. **main method:**

- Initialize an array of names.

- Call `quickSort` to sort the array.

- Print the sorted array.


1. Start

2. Prompt the user to enter a line of integers separated by spaces.

3. Read the input line from the user.

4. Create a StringTokenizer object with the input line.

5. Initialize a variable `sum` to 0 to store the sum of integers.

6. Print "Individual Integers:" to indicate the start of individual integers display.

7. While there are more tokens in the StringTokenizer:

1. Get the next token using the `nextToken()` method.

2. Convert the token to an integer using `Integer.parseInt()`.

3. Print the integer.

4. Add the integer to the `sum`.

8. Print "Sum of Integers: " followed by the value of `sum`.

9. End.
inheritance and polymorphism:

1. Define a base class `Animal` with a method `sound`.

2. Define derived class `Dog` that extends `Animal`.

3. Override the `sound` method in the `Dog` class to print "Woof".

4. Define derived class `Cat` that extends `Animal`.

5. Override the `sound` method in the `Cat` class to print "Meow".

6. In the `Main` class:

- Create an object of type `Dog` and store it in a variable of type `Animal`.

- Create an object of type `Cat` and store it in another variable of type `Animal`.

- Call the `sound` method on each animal object.

7. End.

1. Define a `Node` class with fields `data`, `prev`, and `next`.

2. Define a `DoublyLinkedList` class with fields `head` and `tail`.

3. Implement a `insert(int data)` method in the `DoublyLinkedList` class to insert a new node at the
end of the list.

4. Implement a `delete(int key)` method in the `DoublyLinkedList` class to delete a node with the
given key from the list.

5. Implement a `display()` method in the `DoublyLinkedList` class to display the contents of the list.

6. In the `Main` class:

- Create a new `DoublyLinkedList` instance.

- Insert elements into the list.

- Display the original list.

- Delete a specific element from the list.

- Display the list after deletion.

7. End.
traffic light:

1. Create a `TrafficLightSimulator` class that extends `JFrame` and implements the `ActionListener`

2. Inside the `TrafficLightSimulator` class:

- Declare variables for radio buttons representing red, yellow, and green lights, and a panel for
displaying the selected light.

- Create a constructor for initializing the GUI components.

- Implement the `actionPerformed` method to handle button clicks:

- Remove any existing light from the light panel.

- Based on the clicked button, add the corresponding light to the light panel.

- Repaint the light panel to reflect changes.

3. Create `Light`, `RedLight`, `YellowLight`, and `GreenLight` classes:

- `Light` class defines a base panel for displaying the lights.

- `RedLight`, `YellowLight`, and `GreenLight` classes extend `Light` and set the color of the
respective lights.

4. In the `main` method:

- Create an instance of `TrafficLightSimulator`.

- Set the visibility of the simulator frame to true.

5. End.

1. Define input and output file paths.

2. Open a try-catch block to handle file-related exceptions.

3. Inside the try block:

- Create FileReader and BufferedReader objects to read from the input file.

- Create FileWriter and BufferedWriter objects to write to the output file.

- Read each line from the input file using BufferedReader's `readLine()` method.

- Write each line to the output file using BufferedWriter's `write()` method and add a new line using

4. Close the BufferedReader and BufferedWriter objects using their `close()` method to release

5. Catch FileNotFoundException if the input file is not found, and IOException for other file-related

6. Print appropriate error messages if any exceptions occur during file operations.

7. End.

1. Create a class `Calculator` that extends `JFrame` and implements the `ActionListener` interface.

2. Inside the `Calculator` class:

- Declare instance variables for a JTextField to display the result, arrays of JButtons for digits and
operations, and variables to store current input, result, and operation.

- Implement a constructor to initialize the GUI components and set up the layout.

- Implement the `actionPerformed` method to handle button clicks:

- If a digit button is clicked, append the digit to the current input and update the display field.

- If an operation button is clicked:

- Evaluate the current input and perform the corresponding operation if it's an arithmetic

- Handle exceptions like NumberFormatException and ArithmeticException for invalid input or

division by zero.

- Update the display field with the result.

- Implement the `main` method to create an instance of the `Calculator` class and make it visible.

3. End.
Try catch finally

1. Define a class `FileReadExample`.

2. Inside the `FileReadExample` class:

- Define a method `readFile(String fileName)` that takes a file name as input and reads the contents
of the file.

- Open the file using a BufferedReader in a try block.

- Read each line from the file and print it to the console.

- Close the BufferedReader in the finally block to ensure proper cleanup, even if an exception
occurs during file reading.

- Define the `main` method.

- Call the `readFile` method with the file name "example.txt".

- Catch any IOException that may occur during file reading and print an error message.

- The finally block is always executed regardless of whether an exception occurred or not, and it
prints a message indicating its execution.

3. End.

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