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Dear Parents/Guardians,

I write to you today with a sense of urgency and commitment, addressing the recent
developments regarding our school's affiliation status with the CBSE. It has come to our
attention that there have been concerns and uncertainties raised regarding this matter, and
I wish to assure you that we are actively engaged in resolving these issues to ensure the
continued academic excellence and stability for your children.

We understand the paramount importance of a stable educational environment in shaping

the future of our students. The recent news of our school's affiliation status has
understandably caused apprehension among our parent community. Please allow me to
extend my heartfelt assurances that we are leaving no stone unturned in resolving this
matter swiftly and effectively.

Our administrative team is in constant communication with the relevant authorities,

working diligently to address the matter and meet all necessary requirements if any for
reinstating our CBSE affiliation. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of
education and ensuring that our students receive the best possible learning experience.

We recognize that your trust and confidence in our institution are of utmost importance,
especially when it comes to your children's academic journey. Rest assured that we are fully
committed to transparency throughout this process and will keep you updated on any
developments or progress made.

As parents, your concerns for your children's future are entirely valid, and it is our
responsibility to alleviate any uncertainties you may have. We are dedicated to
safeguarding the academic and career prospects of every student in our care, and we will
spare no effort in achieving this goal.
In conclusion, I urge you to remain assured that we are working tirelessly to resolve the
recent affiliation concerns with the CBSE board. Your unwavering support and trust mean
the world to us, and we are grateful for your patience and understanding during this time
of transition.

Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to
us. Together, we will navigate through this challenge and emerge stronger as a school

Thank you for your continued support.

Warm Regards,

Mr Yigal S.Banker

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