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Robin Reynolds


ISTE Educator Standards

ISTE Educator Standards: ISTE Student Standards:

2.1 – Learner - Continue to improve your practice 1.1 – Empowered Learner – Set personal learning
by setting professional learning goals, continue goals, develop ways to reach those goals using
learning, and keep yourself updated on research that technology, create their own supportive learning
improves student learning environment, practice and expand knowledge on
technology, use feedback to learn and improve
2.2 – Leader – Collaborate with other educators,
voice needs and concerns with administrators, 1.2 – Digital Citizen – Execute and expand knowledge
demonstrate you uses, knowledge, and experience on appropriate practices and procedures while using
with other educators technology, understand permeance of everything
done and said online
2.3 – Citizen – Lead by example and teach students
appropriate behaviors and practices to use while 1.3 – Knowledge Constructor – Be able to
using technology productively search and filter information on the
internet, organize it, use it to build knowledge
2.4 – Collaborator – Use technology tools to
collaborate and learn with other educators and 1.4 – Innovative Designer – Design a process
students about new tools and updates to existing using technology while knowing of limits and
tools, understand and accept cultural differences risks to help you with open-ended problems,
2.5 – Designer – Use technology to design and test and change process as needed
adapt learning activities for different types of 1.5 – Computational Thinker – Use technology to
learners, provide students with a positive digital
break down problems, analyze data, and create
learning environment
steps to help solve those problems
2.6 – Facilitator – Support creativity,
1.6 – Creative Communicator – Use technology
communication, and ownership of their person
learning goals, push students to use computational tools to communicate and express yourself and
thinking and design process to solve problems, ideas in a creative way
manage use of technology 1.7 – Global Collaborator – Use technology to
2.7 – Analyst – Use technology to assess knowledge communicate, explore, and learn with peers all
for different learning types, use those assessments over the world with different backgrounds and
for future activities and guidance for students. cultures

Noted similarities: Both standards are about using technology to support learning, solve problems, and
collaborate with peers. Educators and students are both expected to use technology appropriately.
Robin Reynolds

Noted differences: Educator standards are about guiding yourself and others while student standards are
primarily about guiding themselves.

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