English - Grade 9 - 4A - Travel and Tourism - Lesson Plan 3

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LESSON: Unit10.

Travel and Tourism School:

(Language with content)

Date: Teacher’s names:

Theme: Travelling and Transportation
Grade9 Number present: absent:
Learning evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
objectives(s) that use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about an
this lesson is increased range of general and curricular topics
contributing to plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with minimal teacher
support on a range of general and curricular topics write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a growing range of familiar
general and curricular topics - use an increased variety of comparative degree adverb structures with
regular and irregular adverbs; use a variety of pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-
position adverbs on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
- Ask and answer questions using topic vocabulary with some support;
- Make up the sentences, using the plan (3-4) with some support;
- Write a paragraph on the topic.
Most learners will be able to:
- Ask and answer questions using topic vocabulary without support;
- Make up the sentences, using the plan (4-5) with some support;
- Write a paragraph on the topic.
Some learners will be able to:
- Ask and answer questions using topic vocabulary without any support
giving extended answers;
- Make up extended sentences, creating the plan themselves;
- Write a paragraph on the topic.
Assessment Criteria A learner can ask a question about transportation and travelling;
A learner can answer the question correctly;
A learner can make up/ use a plan to write a paragraph.
A learner can use topic specific vocabulary in oral and written speech
Value links The lesson is aimed at developing learners’ respect to each other,
cooperation,stimulating pride for the country; global citizenship.
Cross curricular Nature, Geography. Learners should train their skills in identifying names of the
links continents and countries.
Previous learning There is/are; degrees of comparison of adjectives
Planned activities Resources
Lesson Plan
Start 1.Leading-in stage (W)
PPT slide 1
The teacher greets the learners and informs them about the topic and
3 minutes aims of the lesson:
Topic: Travel and Tourism
 Ask and answer questions;
 Use subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk and write;
 Evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others;
 Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a growing
range of familiar general and curricular topics

2.Interactive Starter (W) PPT slide 2

12minutes Handout 1
The teacher invites the learners to stand up.
Gives one question strip to each student.
Learners find a partner and ask their question. The
teacher encourages follow-up questions.
After the learners have asked each other their questions,
The teacher may ask them exchange question strips and
find new partners and continue.
The teacher sets a time frame for the activity, monitors the process
and assists. The number of questions can be changed.
1.What kinds of transportation do you usually take?
2.Do you think air travel is safe? Why? / Whynot?
3.When was the last time you rode a bicycle?
4.Would you like to be a pilot? Why? / Why not?
5.Would you like to be a taxi driver? Why? / Why not?
6.When was the last time you travelled by bus?
7.Compare travelling by car and by motorcycle.
8.Compare travelling by car and by bus.
9.Do you think motorcycle travel is safe? Why? / Whynot?
10.Do you think our city has good public transportation?
11.Would you like to travel on a cruise ship? Why? / Why not?
12.Have you ever travelled by horse, camel or other animal?
13.Is walking a good way to travel? Why? / Why not?
14.How are cars today different from cars 50 years ago?
15.How will transportation be different in another 100 years?
16.How was transportation different 100 years ago?
Assessment: peer assessment: learners read and answer the questions
to each other.
Differentiation: while asking questions less able learners can keep
and use the questions to read them.
For learners that are more able: they are asked to add to their answers
more details.
Descriptor for discussion:
1. Ask the question distinctly.
2. Use topic specific vocabulary (2-3 words). PPT slide 3
3. Give detailed answer.
4. Support your partner.

Teacher observes the work of the group and supports or guides their
work meanwhile marking the descriptor fulfillment.
Teacher gives a feedback on how learners worked on the task.
20 minutes 3.Writing.
Task 1. Spelling practice. PPT slide 4
Use a dictionary to help you complete the chart below. All of the
words must begin with the letter of the alphabet given. Some letters
may have many different answers, while others may not have an
This activity may be organized in small groups of 3 or between two

A ambulance N Handout 2
Assessment. Group discussion. Learners are allowed to use
dictionaries to check.
Task 2. Writing a paragraph.
You are going to make a short trip on weekends. Write to your
friends about your choice of transportation. Explain your choice. PPT slide 5
Use questions as a plan:
1. Where are you planning to spend your weekend?
2. How can you get there?
3. Explain why you want to go there by ….. . Give 2 reasons to
support your decision.
4. Compare your transportation with any other you like.
Write your answers in full extended sentences. You should write 4-6
sentences. Make at least one sentence using comparatives.
Peer assessment with a check list. Handout 3

Differentiation:The plan can be discussed with the whole group.Less

able learners can use the given plan for more active engagement into
the process of writing.The teacher can give the task to make a plan by
themselves for more able learners. It depends on the group level.
5 min 4.Reflection PPT slide 6
(I) I think the lesson was productive, because I was able to……
What I could not do before, and now I do not have any difficulties?
What new ideas I have learned?
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you Learners’ Assessment – how are you planning Cross-curricular
plan to give more support? to check learn learning? links
How do you plan to
challenge the more able
Differentiation by length of ‘Cloze Tests Assessment’ provides a good way Curriculum links
response - word limits or other of gauging a student's written, reading and Social Studies
length expectations - e.g. the vocabulary proficiencies. A Cloze test consists
number of exchanges in a of sentences with blanks in places words have
reflection - can be different to been removed. Learners must choose the proper
indicate how much individual word to fill in the blank. Cloze tests have a wide
learners should write or range of applications, from testing vocabulary
prepare to speak. retention to honing reading comprehension skills
and deductive logic.
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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