LESSON PLAN - Travelling-Abroad

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Approved by the head of the dept.


9.1A:Travel and Tourism (Language School: NIS ChB Almaty

with content)
Date: _________ Teacher:

Grade 9 Number present absent

Unit 1 travel and tourism
Learning 9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing
objectives(s) that this 9.L4 understand most of the implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a
lesson is contributing wide range of general and curricular topics
to 9.S2 ask complex questions to get information about a range of general and
curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
-interpret the general idea put across by the speaker
- scan the text for gist before listening
Most learners will be able to:
-come up with their own speech using when talking to his/her partner
-scan and skim the text for gist before listening
Some learners will be able to:
- to scan and skim the text and predict the types of words for each space
Assessment criteria Learners have met 9.C7 learning objective if they can use vocabulary words
properly to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
Learners have met 9.L4 learning objective if they understand the general gist of
what the speaker narrates about
Learners have met 9. S2 learning objective if they can ask and answer questions
applying the new words from today’s vocabulary bank
Value links Respect others point of view
Cross-curricular Self- Knowledge, Psychology
ICT skills Audio-visual skills
Previous learning Cultural values
Kazakh culture Comparing international and Kazakhstani travel and tourism patterns
Pastoral care Student centered teaching: respect, support and scaffolding
Planned Planned activities Resources
Lesson 1

4 min Warm-up
Greeting the students
Homework checked
Previous topic revised

1. Put the words in proper order
2. Listen to the recording twice
3. Fill in the gaps

5 min Pre-listening preparation HO 1. Exercise 1

Put the words in order

6 min. While-listening exercise: HO 1. Exercise 2

Approved by the head of the dept.______________

-students listen to the recording and complete the gaps with the
words from the box
Differentiation – less able students should be able to fill out all of
the gaps in exer 2
HO 1. Exercise 3
10 min.
While-listening exercise:
-students listen to the recording and complete the gaps with the
words from the box
Differentiation – more able students should be able to fill out all of
the gaps in exer 3

Peer assessment – looking at the answer key on the white board

students will be assessing each other’s work. HO 1. Exercise 4

5 min. Discussion (speaking skills practiced)

-where did you?
-how long was the flight?
-did you have a good journey? Why/why not?

Speaking assessment criteria – a student should be able to use at

least 5 topic related words in a wide range of circumstances. No
more than 2 grammatical errors. Pronunciation clear and distinct.
HO 1. Exercise 5
5 min
Vocabulary box
Write any new words you have learnt in this lesson?

5 min Reflection
What have we learnt about travel and tourism today?
Do you have a questions?
How will you be able to use the concepts in your life?

Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan Learners ‘Assessment – how Cross-curricular links
to give more support? How do are you planning to check geography
you plan to challenge the more learn learning?
able learners?
More support:  Monitor learners as they Curriculum link with Literature
 Allow thinking time. share their experiences to and Kazakh language
 Create mixed-ability groups for check for recurring errors for
part of the discussion. future planning.
 Offer differentiation by support.  Monitor learners’ definitions
More-able learners: and offer differentiation by
List in bullet point form their support.
answers to the critical thinking  Monitor for correct spelling
exercise. of specific vocabulary and if
 Summarise the group’s findings. necessary ask them to peer
 Encourage them to justify their assess or check online (self-
opinions. assessment).
Approved by the head of the dept.______________

Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from the lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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