Research Paper On Does God Exist

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Title: Unveiling the Challenge: Writing a Thesis on "Does God Exist"

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis on the profound question of "Does God Exist" is not
merely an academic pursuit but a profound philosophical and intellectual endeavor. This topic delves
into the realms of theology, philosophy, and existential inquiry, requiring rigorous research, critical
analysis, and profound contemplation.

The complexity of exploring such a topic lies not only in its philosophical depth but also in the
diversity of perspectives and arguments surrounding it. From the ontological, cosmological, and
teleological arguments to the existential, theological, and scientific viewpoints, navigating through
the myriad of theories and interpretations can be daunting.

One of the primary challenges faced by students undertaking this task is the sheer volume of
scholarly literature and philosophical discourse surrounding the existence of God. From classical
texts by renowned philosophers to contemporary debates in academic journals, synthesizing and
evaluating the wealth of information can be overwhelming.

Moreover, the sensitivity of the topic adds another layer of complexity. Discussions about religious
beliefs and existential questions often evoke deeply personal and emotional responses, making it
imperative for researchers to approach the subject with empathy, respect, and academic integrity.

In addition to the intellectual demands, the process of writing a thesis requires meticulous attention
to detail, organizational skills, and the ability to construct a coherent argument supported by
empirical evidence and logical reasoning.

Amidst these challenges, students may find themselves grappling with writer's block, uncertainty
about their research methodology, or struggles with articulating their ideas effectively. However,
with the right guidance, resources, and support, navigating through these obstacles becomes more

For those seeking expert assistance in crafting a thesis on the topic of "Does God Exist," ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution. With a team of experienced academic writers
specializing in philosophy, theology, and religious studies, ⇒ ⇔ provides
customized assistance tailored to meet your specific research needs.

From formulating a compelling research question to conducting thorough literature reviews and
refining your argumentative framework, ⇒ ⇔ ensures that your thesis meets the
highest standards of academic excellence.

By entrusting your thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the stress and uncertainty
associated with tackling such a complex and profound topic. With their expertise and support, you
can confidently navigate the challenges of writing a thesis on "Does God Exist" and produce a
scholarly work that contributes meaningfully to the discourse surrounding this timeless question.
However, I also realize that these events, tragic, wonderful, or miraculous as they may be, do not
prove that God exists; they merely prove that unlikely events do occasionally happen. Should not
there be a cause for the Primeval Atom to exist. When I ask other people why they believe in God,
they almost always tell me one of four things, a compelling personal experience, the evidence of the
Bible, some type of logical argument, or personal contact. He exemplifies this with the model of a
watch, and how the cogs and springs all worked together. First introduced by Thomas Aquinas, the
cosmological argument states that the existence of the universe is solid proof for the creator of the
world we live in, God. Furthermore, if the thought that God does not have a cause for his existence
then that also constructs another barrier for the cosmological argument, the existence of god essay.
Before discussing in detail the inductive argument of evil and the non- existence of god, it would be
wise to have a brief account of the deductive version of the argument of evil to gain a comparative
understanding of these two concepts. The Bible was written by followers of Christ, who probably
wouldn’t betray his memory even for the sake of the truth. Paley stated that if a watch was found on
the ground, could we assume it was always there. Clifford’s theory does not try to disprove God’s
existence but instead, the philosopher tries to show believing in God is unjustifiable. Find Free
Essays We provide you with original essay samples, perfect the existence of god essay and styling.
Unfortunately, I have not had the pleasure of such an experience as of today, and I cannot be sure
those that claim to are telling the truth. It is not less than an honor to have a happy family as not
everybody has it in this world. There is no evidence that says God does exist and that God does not
exist but us humans. Adding on, Immanuel Kant has an objection against the ontological argument
as well. Atheists argue that someone should only believe in something if there is hard proof for it. So
the umlaut remains a hypothetical object, a Platonic ideal akin to infinity, the highest imaginable
number. In reality, there is provision for anxieties, ambitions, fears, dreams, and hope, which are
perceived to be provided by god. A critic of the argument was Gaunilo, the existence of god essay.
OF GOD Thesis: God can be defined as a being conceived as the perfect ruler of the universe and
the principal object of faith. Perhaps God is cruel and sadistic, creating humans just to watch them
suffer. The Old Testament must be interpreted in the context of the times when it was written, the
Bible is the work of fallible men trying to comprehend the infallible word of God, etc. No one can be
benevolent because it is humanly impossible to get along with and love everybody, and while you
might care for people, you can’t truly love everyone. You can use essay samples to find ideas and
inspiration for your paper. It’s so small, so non-reflective, and orbits the sun at such a large radius
that no one has been able to observe it. The shipowner puts his trust into his rickety ship instead of
investigating if the ship is in a good condition and able to safely transport all the people. The point is
the mere existence of the universe does not imply a conscious, super-human entity, especially not one
with the specific characteristics imbued in Him by various religions. Thus, he deemed that since
people believe in a perfect being, they have an idea of a perfect being which results in the conclusion
that a perfect being exists. The identical words or actions on the part of a beloved friend would carry
far different meanings. See other similar resources ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for
later Not quite what you were looking for.
The argument also makes a lot of sense and there is reason to believe in his argument because there is
nothing in the argument that does not make sense. Although the evidence does not come from my
eyes, I can still observe. Subsequently, as human civilization evolved, they began to worship God in
the name of various religious faiths It becomes relevant here that all religions and the resultant faith
in God, intends the good of humans. Descartes declares to give a proof showing the presence of
God from the possibility of a remarkably perfect being. The existence of god essay The goal of this
essay is to explain and evaluate the two arguments for the existence of God formulated by Descartes
in Meditations. If God is benevolent (good), he must want to get rid of suffering. This points to
Plat’s theory of forms, which also proves God’s existence in his concept. Moving on, another
argument that is used to justify the existence of God is the cosmological argument, the existence of
god essay. Moreover, the sharing of the experience may be used by those who have already have a
strong faith to further support their particular religion, and if the religious experience was
experienced by a large number of people, this would probably add more persuasion to the (religious)
claim. When I ask other people why they believe in God, they almost always tell me one of four
things, a compelling personal experience, the evidence of the Bible, some type of logical argument,
or personal contact. Spirituality explains the relation between man and his creator. Keep on browsing
if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. This may be because of creationism and
that the natural beauty of the world is so intricately detailed, that it must indeed have a creator (God)
and could not possibly have occurred by random chance. To argue against “evolution-believers”, a
test on Lemarck’s Theory (that animals evolve features according to how much they utilize them) has
been comprehensively disproved by experiments on mice that had their tails cut off for generation
following generation still grew tails just as long even though their forefathers made no subsequent
use of them. From scientific point of view, we as human beings exist freely in nature and we are
made of various compounds, such as water and other structural compounds and elements that have
been indentified by scientists (Morris, 1967, p 90). They considered Bible as the universal philosophy
of God and they claimed that the messages in Bible are those of God. Although the evidence does
not come from my eyes, I can still observe. Notice the words “heard”, “sound”, and “hid” in the
following verses. There are so many arguments that can support the existence of God. The books
such as Odyssey and Iliad, which are epics and like many other books, they promulgate the morals
and duties that humankind needs to follow. Besides, they say that if there is God, then why does not
God prevent the evils dangers which are affecting all the believers. A good example of this fact are
the terrorist organizations who believe that murdering is moral. But, on the other hand, if you do not
have any faith in God, then you clearly do not believe in him, and God may not at all times be on
your side. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness.
That is, God exists not only by virtue because of his power, but morals, values and virtues that he
represents. Full explanations of the philosophical topics listed in the specification. Therefore, if they
exist independently, it means that they share a common power and become an ultimate cause. It also
shows a counter-argument to the competing positions (the presence of evil) based on atheistic
arguments. The argument also makes a lot of sense and there is reason to believe in his argument
because there is nothing in the argument that does not make sense. There are so many arguments
against the existence and belief of God which are known as atheism.
Therefore, the argument that everything needs a creator does not hold a stand with the evolution
theory. I therefore think that this is not strong evidence for the existence of God. This cognitive and
psychological experience starts from early age. However, the people who argue against the existence
of God has never been able to provide any substantial evidence to disprove it. He also argues that
God is intangible. “In Republic, Plato’s point is not to establish an idea of God, but instead to
determine what is right, good, just, and true; however, in his journey, Plato has implicitly brought
forward a vague, abstract notion of God” (Plato’s Philosophy in Republic Implies a Concept of God
p.1). Philosophers like Plato and Aristotle have always focused on the virtuous side of humans and
laid emphasis on values such as ethics and morals. This may be because of creationism and that the
natural beauty of the world is so intricately detailed, that it must indeed have a creator (God) and
could not possibly have occurred by random chance. Situations can arise where the moral course of
action is to lie, to spare someone’s feelings perhaps, but I’m sure your own imagination can provide
you with such a situation. But he must have an uncountable number of Angels to be able to know
every tiny aspect of every human, or existing thing on the whole Universe. He states that If t was
himself, he would have granted himself perfection, et he is obviously not perfect, proving in his
philosophy that a higher being must exist, higher than human beings to grant and model perfection,
portraying his view on the existence of God. This statement is also completely contradicting to the
actual reason for pain and suffering and impoverishment in the world. He argued that it is possible to
create an argument that has the the existence of god essay form as the ontological argument. A good
example of this fact are the terrorist organizations who believe that murdering is moral. You might be
able to come to a conclusion of whether or not you believe God exists but we will never really know
for sure. It addresses two main counterarguments to this position. However, many events occurring
around the world signify the presence of greater force that cannot be adequately explained and be
predetermined by man. Basically, the concept of God relies on the premise that God is a benevolent
being that guides humans to the path of kindness, love and compassion. Notable philosophers such
as Rene Descartes, Saint Thomas Aquinas, and William Paley have all conceived arguments to prove
the existence of God, the existence of god essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you
a unique paper. From the early stages of evolution, humans have harbored the faith in a super power.
See other similar resources ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you
were looking for. I will not accuse such a person of lying any more than I would accuse any person
of lying; in the absence of any evidence refuting their claim I will give them the benefit of the doubt.
Moreover, the sharing of the experience may be used by those who have already have a strong faith
to further support their particular religion, and if the religious experience was experienced by a large
number of people, this would probably add more persuasion to the (religious) claim. It is logically
consistent to have an indefinite past. If the ontological argument prevails, then the argument for the
perfect island works as well. People who do not believe in a God and dispute against the existence
of God are demonstrating something that is absolutely false. A religious experience is a memorable
event, where an impossible thing happ. Such beliefs will bring about stagnation in the development in
our knowledge. In the piece I am going to go through each argument and give reasons as to how
each argument supports a belief in God or does not support a belief in God. I concede superior
knowledge of the Bible to you in advance. The existence of God has been socially and cognitively
constructed in order for people to accept ones’ moral compasses.
However, the educated elite in Europe subsequently came up with the idea of rationalism, which
upheld a view that no such power existed and challenged the concept of God. Our customer service
team will review your report and will be in touch. ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for
later ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 11 December 2020 Share
this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share
through pinterest A-Level Philosophy Hub! 2.33 5 reviews Not the right resource. If the ontological
argument prevails, then the argument for the perfect island works as well. Asking if I believe in the
atom makes about as much sense as asking if I believe in algebra. Once we re-awaken our souls and
get united with that Supreme one we experience the utmost bliss, peacefulness and happiness beyond
this materialistic world. Therefore, it can be construed that the presence of God is evidenced through
the good traits in humans. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. He is a
superhuman, being worshipped, as having power over nature, and all human affairs. At some point,
the model fails and must be replaced with another. Furthermore, also included is a collection of
essay plans. To conclude, the existence of god essay at all three arguments there is one argument that
has little to no fault which is the teleological argument. First introduced by Thomas Aquinas, the
cosmological argument states that the existence of the universe is solid proof for the creator of the
world we live in, God. But he must have an uncountable number of Angels to be able to know every
tiny aspect of every human, or existing thing on the whole Universe. Or a combination of many
attributes, some type of weighted average. In this case, the proof boils down to: An umlaut is the
tallest being. In reality, there is provision for anxieties, ambitions, fears, dreams, and hope, which are
perceived to be provided by god. It is difficult to say whether there may or may not be a god, or
even many gods, as we have limited knowledge regarding this issue. Different cultures are formed
with the belief in God. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers.
Therefore, the generalization made by the author that atheism is “the belief that God doesn't exist ”
does not explore atheism in its entirety. But then again, there is not enough proof that there is not a
God too. However, if those causes exist by supporting each other mutually, they cannot exist by
causing what they supported. For some, evolution and other scientific discoveries are more easily
accepted through religion. Firstly a religious experience could be described as a supernatural
experience; this is because a religious experience is an experience of an altered state of
consciousness, where an individual or individuals report contact with the (transcendent reality is a
spiritual state which is experienced by the inner-self,) or reports an encounter with divine powers.
They think that there is no evidence that proves the existence of God or that there is no real reliable
evidence. Miracles are God’s intervention in the world and therefore healing miracles, such as those
found at Lourdes, are proof of God’s existence. The answer to this can be experienced through easy
RajaYoga Meditation. The argument also makes a lot of sense and there is reason to believe in his
argument because there is nothing in the argument that does not make sense. No one can be
benevolent because it is humanly impossible to get along with and love everybody, and while you
might care for people, you can’t truly love everyone. Ultimately, if people had evidence of their
experience and no rational explanation could be put forward to oppose it, then one can say that it
could be used as proof that God exists.
This paper discusses that irrespective of one’s religion, there is evidence that proves existence of God.
His argument does show a belief in God as surely as the world we live in is so complex it must have
been made by a designer. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements.
Or they mention their grandmother who nearly died from lung cancer, but came back from the brink
and now lives a healthy, productive life. I think our inability explain certain phenomena can be
attributed to the lack of knowledge about it. Religions across the world embrace the tradition of
worshipping a supreme power, which people know as God. This paper’s purpose is to prove the
existence of God, knowing that He is the creator and savior of our world. The Significance of a
Name Essay, the existence of god essay. However, some people take the concept of God as a mere
thing, but it is a universal truth that there exists a supreme power. Before discussing in detail the
inductive argument of evil and the non- existence of god, it would be wise to have a brief account of
the deductive version of the argument of evil to gain a comparative understanding of these two
concepts. Hence God exists because he is the representation of perfection in this theory. One can
make everything possible through meditation. When the fuel gets used up, the vehicle stalls and
cannot function again. But you cannot see these things either.” True, I cannot see the air, but I can
measure the pressure it exerts, I can watch how it reacts with other substances, and if I am an
astronaut, I can travel into space and see what it’s like without air. Some Christian’s would state that
the earth and the world around us is evidence for God’s existence. This is simply because God is not
a physical object, (a physical object is a subject to your five senses.) And I partly agree that a
religious experience is proof that God exists, but it may only be proof to a minority of people,
whereas there are other methods in which people can proof the existence of God if they wish to, as I
have mentioned above. Now the teleological argument, even though the universe we live in could
have emerged out of nowhere, but a universe with such detail and complexity that has the right
balance to support life is improbable. There are many people that do not believe in any religion.
Therefore, the argument that everything needs a creator does not hold a stand with the evolution
theory. It is not less than an honor to have a happy family as not everybody has it in this world. The
bible is referred to as God’s holy word and Christians use it as a tool to prove God’s existence. Thus,
it can be construed that scientific view are not able to disprove the existence of God. Furthermore, is
that, God is our creator meaning that everything was created besides Him. This perception is quite
controversial, the concept of evil in the world. I think the idea of this theory is to suggest that God
doesn’t exist in my way of read, beacsue it says the Atom Created the Earth, so I don’t know. So this
leads us to question that, are such occurrences necessarily explained as the action of God. Since God
must have done it He must exist and if He didn’t then the universe would not either. Basically, the
concept of God relies on the premise that God is a benevolent being that guides humans to the path
of kindness, love and compassion. The people who believe in God would definitely have the qualities
of kindness, love and happiness with the spiritual light. But you cannot see these things either.” True,
I cannot see the air, but I can measure the pressure it exerts, I can watch how it reacts with other
substances, and if I am an astronaut, I can travel into space and see what it’s like without air.
No one can be benevolent because it is humanly impossible to get along with and love everybody,
and while you might care for people, you can’t truly love everyone. God is usually described as an
ultimate being, wholly good, omnipotent, omniscient and eternal, one that lacks any manlike
qualities. The point that I am trying to make is that everything was created, and everything was
created for a purpose. The argument is similar to St Thomas Aquinas’, but the logic is to do with how
complex the world is where as his was to do with how the universe formed. By continuing we’ll
assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. It is difficult to say whether there may or may not be
a god, or even many gods, as we have limited knowledge regarding this issue. He alleged that
objects are good at what they do because they have been well designed because they have been
designed with precision and care. A good example of this fact are the terrorist organizations who
believe that murdering is moral. Later in the story, Elder Joon, who was one of the groups of
advocates seeking to release Irwin out of the mental hospital questioned whether god really answers
prayers. I think the idea of this theory is to suggest that God doesn’t exist in my way of read, beacsue
it says the Atom Created the Earth, so I don’t know. They include lots of scholars and evaluation
and therefore are invaluable for achieving top grades. ?20.00 Reviews Select overall rating (no
rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. This raises the question whether God should
give us a sign of his existence or not. However this watch is very precise and complex and this shows
evidence that it was designed very carefully for a purpose (which is to tell the time) and telling the
time involves precision. He considered this concept when he realized that everything that happened
was made to happen by another thing. He also argues that God is intangible. “In Republic, Plato’s
point is not to establish an idea of God, but instead to determine what is right, good, just, and true;
however, in his journey, Plato has implicitly brought forward a vague, abstract notion of God”
(Plato’s Philosophy in Republic Implies a Concept of God p.1). Philosophers like Plato and Aristotle
have always focused on the virtuous side of humans and laid emphasis on values such as ethics and
morals. Finally, the teleological argument presented by William Paley, also known as the Design
argument, is a posteriori argument for the existence of God. This comment I think is true but other
people may say different. There has to be a creator, since we humans are not “just here” there must
be a reason for our presence in this Universe. An example other people have come up with is an iPod.
To begin with, the ontological argument is an argument that comes from nothing but is rational. We
currently even question God’s existence today, however the answer can never certainly and truly be
found. Report this Document Download now Save Save philosophy essay- does god exist For Later
0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 5K views 3 pages Philosophy Essay - Does God
Exist Uploaded by Anna Belova AI-enhanced title and description The document discusses
arguments against God's existence based on the existence of evil in the world. For example, the
water cycle works well and without fail and makes sure all the right types of water are in the right
places and the right times. Notice the words “heard”, “sound”, and “hid” in the following verses.
Clifford “The Ethics of Belief”, Lectures and Essays, ed. Plato’s Philosophy in Republic Implies a
Concept of God. n.d. Web.19 March 2013. The identical words or actions on the part of a beloved
friend would carry far different meanings. On the other hand, atheists argue that matter is self-
sustaining and cannot be created or be destroyed. But, I am confident to declare that yes I agree with
this, but I also disagree. All the religions in the world have developed through the concept of God.

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