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Help a co-worker complete his or her work.
r;- I Columnl Cl Column2 Cl
Say positive things about a new project or change at work even though you are disappointed or upset. 3 OCB's My Totals
Say good things about your employer to people you meet outside of work. 4
HR website for workplace rules. 1 Helping 12
Offer constructive suggestions to improve how work is done. 2 Sportsmanship 12
Read internal information (such as newsletters, emails& reports)to keep up with what'sgoingon within your organization. 1 Organizational loyalty 17
Spendyour free time learning a new skill that relates to your work. 2 Organizational Compliance 15
Share information with a colleague that helps them with a project or task. 2 Individual Initiative 16
Willingly interruptyour work flow to accommodate a co�worker's personal situation. 2 Civic Virtue 11
Tell outsiders about positive aspects of working for your employer. 4 Self Development 10
Arrive to work and meetings on time. 4
Voluntarily tidy up or beautify a shared space.
Report a hazardous, unattractive or deteriorating conditionyou noticed within your organization's building or property.
Voluntarily engage in training to enhanceyour job skills.
Help a new hire without being asked to or assigned to.
Never= 0,
Accept it good naturedly whenyour idea is shot down by the group.
Wear clothing or use an object (such as a coffee mug or folder)with your company's logo/name on it.
Rarely= 1,
Take onlyyour allotted time for lunch and/or breaks.
Give 110'4onyour required tasks and assignments.
Sometimes = 2,
Partkipate voluntarily in a governance or decision•making proces.s.
Read a magazine., website or book to learn more about your field.
Often= 3,
Congratulateor celebratea co•worker for an accomplishment at work. 4
Always= 4
Maintain a positive attitude during a difficult situation at work. 3
Participate in an outside event a s a representative of your organization. 2 N/A - Part of job
Share procedures and rules with a co•worker. 2
Enthusiastkally takeon more thanyour share on a group project. 2
Construc tively expres.s informed opinions during meetings. 4
Seek out opportunities to cross-train so as to learn more about areas within the organization other than your own. 2
Check in with a co-worker just to see how they are doing on a project. 2
Stay late without complaint when a project demands extra hours. 2
Defend the organization when co•workers are bad mouthing it. 4
Stay on task during work hours. 4
Encourage co•workers to work hard and succeed. 4
Keep up with changes inyour industry/field that might affect your organization. 2
Engage in any form of education to develop your individual skill set. 2

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