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Ellie J. C. Goldstein, Section Editor

Use of Telemedicine Technologies in the

Management of Infectious Diseases: A Review
Parmvir Parmar,1 David Mackie,2 Sunil Varghese,2 and Curtis Cooper1,2,3
Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, 2Ottawa Hospital and Regional Viral Hepatitis Telemedicine Program, and 3Division of Infectious Diseases,

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Department of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Telemedicine technologies are rapidly being integrated into infectious diseases programs with the aim of in-
creasing access to infectious diseases specialty care for isolated populations and reducing costs. We summarize
the utility and effectiveness of telemedicine in the evaluation and treatment of infectious diseases patients. The
use of telemedicine in the management of acute infectious diseases, chronic hepatitis C, human immuno-
deficiency virus, and active pulmonary tuberculosis is considered. We recapitulate and evaluate the advantages
of telemedicine described in other studies, present challenges to adopting telemedicine, and identify future
opportunities for the use of telemedicine within the realm of clinical infectious diseases.
Keywords. telemedicine; hepatitis C virus; HIV; infectious diseases; tuberculosis.

Telemedicine refers to the use of telecommunication has been used to link patients directly to specialty health-
and information technologies with the goal of providing care providers, to facilitate consultations between primary
clinical healthcare to distant or isolated individuals. The care providers and specialists, and to deliver continuing
utilization of this technology can eliminate distance medical education (CME) [8, 9, 13, 14]. Many studies cite
barriers and improve medical services access that other- common reasons in support of implementing tele-
wise would not be available. Telemedicine technologies medicine programs: telemedicine promises increased
are increasingly prevalent tools used to deliver health- access, increased uptake of treatment, and potential cost-
care services. Telemedicine remotely links patients to effectiveness [1–9, 13–15, 17, 18].
specialty healthcare providers in an effort to increase We summarize the usage of telemedicine technolo-
accessibility to healthcare systems for isolated and gies in the management of acute and chronic infectious
rural populations [1–7]. As many infectious diseases diseases and consider the potential advantages and dis-
physicians practice in or near academic centers, tele- advantages of incorporating telemedicine into infec-
medicine has the potential to provide much-needed tious diseases practices (Table 1). We also identify
specialty infectious diseases care to patients outside areas within infectious diseases that telemedicine tech-
these areas. Telemedicine has been described in the man- nologies have yet to engage but could prove beneficial.
agement of acute infectious diseases as well as chronic in-
fections including hepatitis C virus (HCV), human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and tuberculosis [1–
16]. With respect to infectious diseases, telemedicine The authors searched the following databases for random-
ized trials: PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Al-
lied Health Literature, and Embase. Reference lists of
Received 29 August 2014; accepted 10 December 2014; electronically published
16 December 2014. included articles were also reviewed. Key search terms in-
Correspondence: Curtis Cooper, MD, FRCP(C), University of Ottawa, The Ottawa cluded telemedicine plus infectious diseases, HIV, HBV,
Hospital, Rm G12-501, Smyth Rd, Ottawa, ON K1H 8L6, Canada (ccooper@toh.on.
HCV, tuberculosis, chronic diseases, and cost-effectiveness.
Clinical Infectious Diseases® 2015;60(7):1084–94 In this review, we included publications that specifically
© The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious evaluated telemedicine or related technologies and infec-
Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:
tious diseases. Publication evaluation and information
DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciu1143 synthesis were completed jointly by each author.

1084 • CID 2015:60 (1 April) • CLINICAL PRACTICE

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Table 1. Summary of Publications Reporting Telemedicine Infectious Disease Management by Infection Type

Infection Study Design Sample Size Conclusion Limitations

HIV León et al [19] 42 Virtual Hospital (arm 1) • Clinical parameters (P = .21), compliance • Small sample size
• Open-label, 2-arm, prospective, 41 standard care (arm 2) levels (P = .58), and psychological • Single center
randomized study measures similar between arms
• Internet-based care model covering the • Virtual Hospital is a cost-effective
entire management of chronic HIV- alternative to in-clinic visits
infected patients (Virtual Hospital) • Constitutes a feasible, fairly satisfactory,
safe, and low-cost tool for the clinical
care of stable HIV-infected patients
• Has no negative effect on HIV clinical
parameters and health services
• TM is an appropriate support service for
HIV management
HIV Young et al [7] 1201 • TM specialty care resulted in a greater • Observational, retrospective study
• Retrospective cohort study. Pre-TM DB = 514 proportion of patients with virologic design, potential overlap of study
• Compare efficacy of HIV specialty TM DB = 687 suppression (P < .001), lower subjects in each group, exclusion of
management via TM in a large prison community viral load (geometric mean inmates incarcerated for short periods
population vs on-site management by a of viral load of each subject) (P < .001), of time
correctional physician without specialty and better patient adherence (P < .001)
training compared with nonexpert care
HCV Arora et al [9] 407 • SVR difference rates between sites, • No comparison group comprising
• Prospective cohort study UNM HCV Clinic = 146 0.7% (95% CI, −9.2 to 10.7; P = .89) patients treated in rural settings without
• Compare HCV Tx at UNM HCV clinic vs ECHO sites = 261 • Treatment for HCV infection delivered ECHO model. Nonrandomized.
primary care clinicians at 21 ECHO TM via ECHO model was associated with Multivariate models cannot address
sites in rural areas and prisons in New high rates of cure. SVR rate did not differ characteristics that are not or cannot be
Mexico between sites. ECHO model is effective measured
in treating HCV infection in rural and
underserved communities

HCV Khatri et al [13] 63 • Created care plans for 48 unique HCV • Nonrandomized
• Case study patients in 12 clinic sessions
• Implementation of ECHO model at large
Connecticut Community Health Center
HCV Lloyd et al [1] 391 consecutive patients • SVR rate of those completing follow-up • Nonrandomized
• Multisite prospective cohort study enrolled (n = 68): 69% (ITT analysis: 44%)
• Protocol-driven assessment, triage, and 108 patients initiated Tx; • Data illustrate the feasibility, efficacy,
management of AV therapy by trained 85 of these qualified for and safety of nurse-led and specialist-

nurses with specialist physician support specialist review by TM supported assessment and treatment of
CID 2015:60 (1 April)

via TM inmates with chronic HCV utilizing TM

HCV Nazareth et al [2] TM = 50 • 36/50 achieved SVR (72%; 95% CL, • Effect of confounding factors on the
• Compare SVR rates between TM FTF = 528 58%–84%) SVR was not analyzed. No controls.
(videoconference) and FTF clinics for • G1: 22/30 TM patients achieved SVR IL28B data not available
rural/remote patients treated with peg- (73%; 95% CL, 54%–88%) vs 142/279
IFN/RBV FTF patients (51%; 95% CL, 45%–57%;
• G2–3: 14/20 TM patients achieved SVR
(70%; 95% CL, 46%–88%) vs FTF

clinics: 169/249 (68%; 95% CL, 62%–


74%, NS)
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Table 1 continued.

Infection Study Design Sample Size Conclusion Limitations

CID 2015:60 (1 April)

• TM treatment noninferior to FTF

• TM patients (35 completed survey) were
happy with the program and would
participate again
• Study confirms TM is an effective option
for HCV Tx in rural and remote areas
HCV Rossaro et al [14] Physicians (n = 68) • Improvement in knowledge scores for • Pretest score showed that the ST group
• Prospective cohort study Nurse practitioners MDs: VC = 3.56 ± 1.92 vs had more baseline knowledge than the

• Compare impact of multipoint VC vs ST (n = 27) ST = 2.13 ± 1.89, P < .001 VC group (P < .05)

on primary care providers’ HCV Registered nurses (n = 80) • All groups: VC = 4.37 ± 1.92 vs
education ST = 3.06 ± 1.89, P < .001
• VC is equivalent, if not better, than
standard continuing medical education.
Potential to eliminate financial and
geographic barriers to professional
education for rural practitioners
HCV You et al [6] TM = 96 • 82% preferred TM to FTF for HCV clinic • Volunteer survey–poor rate of return
• Multisite prospective cohort study (18 completed survey) • 78% preferred TM to FTF for any (18/96). No health professional available
• Controlled. Pharmacist-to-patient TM disease state management to provide immediate attention if
consultations (education for groups, Tx • In terms of pharmacist–patient needed (nurse available, but response
follow-up for individuals) vs in-clinic interaction, patients were more satisfied would be delayed)
visits with TM visits, than FTF (convenient,
shorter travel distances, satisfied with
setup and level of healthcare received)
HCV Saifu et al [15] 43 • Clinic completion rate: TM = 76% vs • Convenience sample of patients with
• Convenience sample; pre–post (94 TM visits, 128 FTF FTF = 61% stable disease
intervention study visits) • TM predictive of clinic completion. (OR, • No included patients were started on
• Compare TM with in-person specialty (30 completed survey) 2.2; 95% CI, 1.0–4.7) treatment during study period
clinic visits for HIV and HCV in rural • Adjusted effect of TM on clinic • Patient selection may positively bias
Veterans Affairs population completion rate: 13% (95% CI, 12–13) results
• Associated with improved access, high
patient satisfaction and reduced health-
visit time
HCV Rossaro et al [4] 80 • Equivalent SVR (TM = 55% vs • Study design, small sample size,
• Multisite (n = 5) nonrandomized (TM = 40; FTF = 40) FTF = 43%, P = .36) number of TM sites Limited power to
retrospective cohort pilot study • TM group therapy completion was detect minute differences in the
(controlled) superior (TM = 78% vs FTF = 53%, primary endpoint. Only 1 academic
• Determine treatment response and side P = .03), TM patients had more visits/ center was selected as a control. At
effect profile among patients treated week (TM = 0.61 vs FTF = 0.07, time of publication, patient satisfaction
with peg-IFN/RBV via TM vs in-patient P < .001), incidence of anemia was data had not been collected
consultations in remote and lower in TM group than FTF (TM = 25%
underserved area vs FTF = 53%, P = .02)
• TM can potentially close the gap of
access to specialty care in remote areas
without sacrificing patient care quality
HCV Rossaro et al [3] 103 • Tx naive = 65 (64%) • Uncontrolled, retrospective, single-site
• Retrospective, single-site cohort study • Tx recommended = 19 (23%) cohort study
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Table 1 continued.

Infection Study Design Sample Size Conclusion Limitations

• Determine whether TM consultations • Initiated Tx = 14 • Numbers to small to evaluate treatment
with a hepatologist will increase access • SVR = 5 starts and SVR rates
to specialty HCV care in a poor, rural • Evaluated for liver transplant = 15
community lacking such access • Acceptable for listing = 2
• Early evaluation by specialist via TM may
increase the number of patients eligible
for treatment and liver transplant
Tuberculosis DeMaio et al [10] 6 • Adherence to Tx • Small sample size
• Single-center prospective cohort pilot • Standard DOT: 97.5%; videophone DOT • Study design
study 95%—VDOT adherence would have
• Examine application of TM to reduced been 98% if no tech issues
short-term costs of a DOT program in • In selected cases, use of videophone
Pierce County, Washington can maintain a high level of adherence to
DOT in a cost-effective manner
Tuberculosis Gassanov et al [12] 13 • VDOT is a patient-friendly and cost- • Sample highly selected. Single center,
• Single-center prospective cohort pilot effective method of delivering DOT to small sample size. Letter to editor, no
study carefully selected patients with detailed methodology or results
• Determine usefulness of videophone tuberculosis
DOT as a supplement to community • Compliance rates were similar for both
DOT (Toronto Public Health) community DOT and VDOT patients
• VDOT visit time less than CDOT visit
• Cons: less personal interaction, difficulty
conducting a physical assessment
Tuberculosis Gennai et al [20] Tuberculosis = 89 of 3990 • High number of HIDC requests suggests • Could not identify whether several
• Observational prospective cohort study total hotline responds to a need of attending consultations were made for the same
• Describe patterns of solicited physicians patient (analysis unit was the
consultations provided by ID • Provide rapid answers and replace consultation)
consultation hotline at a university certain formal consultations and • Did not assess the quality of the

affiliated, public, or private hospitals, hospitalizations recommendations given by specialist

and ambulatory medicine in Grenoble • Questions raised on the quality of • Study conducted in a single university
information exchanged, transfer of hospital
responsibility, and payment
Tuberculosis Wade et al [16]. 128 • Home videophone could offer a means • Retrospective cohort design, effect of
• Retrospective cohort study of supplying a high rate of direct confounding factors unknown, different
• Evaluate the clinical and cost- observation demographic characteristics between
effectiveness of a TM (videophone) • Did not improve the number of videophone and nonvideophone groups
service delivering direct observation, observations missed due to patient

compared to an in-person drive-around absence or refusal

CID 2015:60 (1 April)

service • Video service was cost-effective

compared to a drive-around service—
may cost more than many tuberculosis
services can afford
Community- acquired Eron et al [21] 16 • Cost effectiveness—pilot trial would • Limited number of patients
pneumonia • Case-control pilot study have saved $135 000–$540 000 over 1 • Weak statistical power
• Use of TM in the home to monitor year • Lack of randomization may have
moderately to severely ill patients with introduced biases

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Table 1 continued.

Infection Study Design Sample Size Conclusion Limitations

CID 2015:60 (1 April)

acute infections who would normally be • Patients returned to normal function • Charlson, Karnofsky, and severity of
hospitalized sooner than hospitalized patients illness scores were similar between
(P < .001) groups
• TM group was more comfortable at
home (P = .35), but would have felt safer
in the hospital (P = .09)
Community-acquired dos Santos et al [22]. 54 • Rate of inappropriate prescriptions at • Small sample size from a single center
pneumonia • Single-center prospective cohort study remote hospital similar to other studies • No controls

• Prospective audit and formulary • TM appears to have a useful potential • Unable to assess the effect of the

restriction and preauthorization orders role in antimicrobial stewardship intervention in terms of antimicrobial
of antimicrobial use by 2 ID specialists programs resistance (no + culture results)
delivered by TM to a remote community
hospital in southern Brazil
Upper respiratory tract Gennai et al [20] URTI = 392 of 3990 total • High number of HIDC requests suggests • Could not identify whether several
infection • Observational prospective cohort study hotline responds to a need of attending consultations were made for the same
• Describe patterns of solicited physicians patient (analysis unit was the
consultations provided by ID • Provide rapid answers and replace consultation)
consultation hotline at university- certain formal consultations and • Did not assess the quality of the
affiliated, public, or private hospitals, hospitalizations recommendations given by Infectious
and ambulatory medicine in Grenoble • Questions raised on the quality of Disease service
information exchanged, transfer of • Study conducted in a single university
responsibility and payment hospital
Upper respiratory tract Assimacopoulos et al [23] Group A: 19 • Patients spent fewer days hospitalized • Study did not account for all elements
infection • Retrospective, comparative review of Group B: 9 (P = .01) and fewer days on IV antibiotics of population variability between
medical records (P < .01) than patients receiving in- groups (comorbid conditions)
• Compare records of inpatients at urban person visits • Small sample size
hospital receiving in-person consultation • TM consultation and subsequent care
with an ID specialist (A) and patients via ID specialist is equally as effective as
from sister hospitals receiving in-person ID consultation in a rural
treatment via TM with an ID specialist population
Skin and soft tissue Eron et al [21] 6 • Cost effectiveness—pilot trial would • Limited number of patients
infection • Case-control pilot study have saved $135 000–$540 000 over 1 • Weak statistical power
• Use of TM in the home to monitor year. • Lack of randomization may have
moderately to severely ill patients with • Patients returned to normal function introduced biases
acute infections who would normally be sooner than hospitalized patients • Charlson, Karnofsky, and severity of
hospitalized (P < .001) illness scores were similar between
• TM group was more comfortable at groups
home (P = .35), but would have felt safer
in the hospital (P = .09)
Skin and soft tissue dos Santos et al [22]. 6 • Rate of inappropriate prescriptions at • Small sample size from a single center
infection • Single-center prospective cohort study remote hospital similar to other studies • No controls
• Prospective audit and formulary • TM appears to have a useful potential • Unable to assess the effect of the
restriction and preauthorization orders role in antimicrobial stewardship intervention in terms of antimicrobial
of antimicrobial use by 2 ID specialists programs resistance (no + culture results)
delivered by TM to a remote community
hospital in southern Brazil
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Table 1 continued.

Infection Study Design Sample Size Conclusion Limitations

Skin and soft tissue Gennai et al [20] SSTI = 378 of 3990 total • High number of HIDC requests suggests • Could not identify whether several
infection • Observational prospective cohort study hotline responds to a need of attending consultations were made for the same
• Describe patterns of solicited physicians patient (analysis unit was the
consultations provided by ID • Provide rapid answers and replace consultation)
consultation hotline at university- certain formal consultations and • Did not assess the quality of the
affiliated, public, or private hospitals, hospitalizations recommendations given by Infectious
and ambulatory medicine in Grenoble • Questions raised on the quality of Disease service
information exchanged, transfer of • Study conducted in a single university
responsibility, and payment hospital
Skin and soft tissue Assimacopoulos et al [23] Group A: 27 • Patients spent fewer days hospitalized • Study did not account for all elements
infection • Retrospective, comparative review of Group B: 26 (P = .02) and fewer days on IV antibiotics of population variability between
medical records (P = .73) than patients receiving in- groups (comorbid conditions)
• Compare records of inpatients at urban person visits
hospital receiving in-person consultation • TM consultation and subsequent care
with an ID specialist (A) and patients via ID specialist is equally as effective as
from sister hospitals receiving in-person ID consultation in a rural
treatment via TM with an ID specialist population
Urinary tract infection Eron et al [21] 2 • Cost effectiveness—pilot trial would • Limited number of patients
• Case-control pilot study have saved $135 000–$540 000 over 1 • Weak statistical power
• Use of TM in the home to monitor year • Lack of randomization may have
moderately to severely ill patients with • Patients returned to normal function introduced biases
acute infections who would normally be sooner than hospitalized patients • Charlson, Karnofsky, and severity of
hospitalized (P < .001) illness scores were similar between
• TM group was more comfortable at groups
home (P = .35), but would have felt safer
in the hospital (P = .09)
Urinary tract infection Gennai et al [20] UTI = 316 of 3990 total • High number of HIDC requests suggests • Could not identify whether several
• Observational prospective cohort study hotline responds to a need of attending consultations were made for the same

• Describe patterns of solicited physicians patient (analysis unit was the

consultations provided by ID • Provide rapid answers and replace consultation)
consultation hotline at university- certain formal consultations and • Did not assess the quality of the
affiliated, public, or private hospitals, hospitalizations recommendations given by Infectious
and ambulatory medicine in Grenoble • Questions raised on the quality of Disease service
information exchanged, transfer of • Study conducted in a single university
responsibility, and payment hospital
Bacterial endocarditis Eron et al [21] 1 • Cost effectiveness—pilot trial would • Limited number of patients

• Case-control pilot study have saved $135 000–$540 000 over 1 • Weak statistical power
CID 2015:60 (1 April)

• Use of TM in the home to monitor year • Lack of randomization may have

moderately to severely ill patients with • Patients returned to normal function introduced biases
acute infections who would normally be sooner than hospitalized patients • Charlson, Karnofsky, and severity of
hospitalized (P < .001) illness scores were similar between
• TM group was more comfortable at groups
home (P = .35), but would have felt safer
in the hospital (P = .09)
Bacteremia dos Santos et al [22]. 7 • Rate of inappropriate prescriptions at • Small sample size from a single center
• Single-center prospective cohort study remote hospital similar to other studies • No controls

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Table 1 continued.

CID 2015:60 (1 April)

Infection Study Design Sample Size Conclusion Limitations

• Prospective audit and formulary • TM appears to have a useful potential • Unable to assess the effect of the
restriction and preauthorization orders role in antimicrobial stewardship intervention in terms of antimicrobial
of antimicrobial use by 2 ID specialists programs resistance (no + culture results)
delivered by TM to a remote community
hospital in southern Brazil
Bacteremia Gennai et al [20] 209 of 3990 total • High number of HIDC requests suggests • Could not identify whether several
Bone and joint • Observational prospective cohort study 530 of 3990 total hotline responds to a need of attending consultations were made for the same
• Describe patterns of solicited physicians patient (analysis unit was the

• Provide rapid answers and replace

consultations provided by ID consultation)

Abdominal infection consultation hotline at university- 320 of 3990 total certain formal consultations and • Did not assess the quality of the
Unexplained fever or affiliated, public, or private hospitals, 278 of 3990 total hospitalizations recommendations given by Infectious
inflammatory and ambulatory medicine in Grenoble • Questions raised on the quality of Disease service
syndrome information exchanged, transfer of • Study conducted in a single university
Colonization, 215 of 3990 total responsibility, and payment hospital
contamination, or
false-positive result
Material infection 191 of 3990 total
Viral infection 164 of 3990 total
Central nervous 162 of 3990 total
system infection
Cardiovascular 152 of 3990 total
Noninfectious 141 of 3990 total
Parasitology/mycology 119 of 3990 total
Anthropozoonosis 107 of 3990 total
Antimicrobial adverse 67 of 3990 total
Ear, nose, and throat 51 of 3990 total
Other infectious 109 of 3990 total
Neutropenic fever Assimacopoulos et al [23] Group A: 13 • Patients spent fewer days hospitalized • Study did not account for all elements
• Retrospective, comparative review of Group B: 13 (P = .06) and fewer days receiving IV of population variability between
medical records antibiotics (P = .05) than patients groups (comorbid conditions)
• Compare records of inpatients at urban receiving in-person visits • Small sample size
hospital receiving in-person consultation • TM consultation and subsequent care
with an ID specialist (A) and patients via ID specialist is equally as effective as
from sister hospitals receiving in-person ID consultation in a rural
treatment via TM with an ID specialist population
Abbreviations: AV, audiovisual; CDOT, community direct observed treatment; CI, confidence interval; CL, confidence limits; DB, database; DOT, directly observed therapy; ECHO, Extension for Community Healthcare
Outcomes; FTF, face-to-face; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HIDC, Hotline for Infectious Disease Consultation; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; ID, infectious diseases; ITT, intent to treat; IV, intravenous; MD, physicians;
NS, not significant; OR, odds ratio; peg-IFN, pegylated interferon; RBV, ribavirin; ST, standard lecturing; SSTI, skin and soft tissue infection; SVR, sustained virologic response; TM, telemedicine; Tx, treatment; UNM,
University of New Mexico; URTI, upper respiratory tract infection; UTI, urinary tract infection; VC, videoconferencing; VDOT, videophone direct observed treatment.
Acute Infectious Diseases drug side effect management [1, 6, 15]. Assuming patient stabil-
Telemedicine technologies have been used to diagnose, treat, ity, infectious diseases specialist follow-up with HIV patients at
and follow up patients suffering from acute infectious diseases intervals of 6–12 months has been demonstrated to enhance ad-
including community-acquired pneumonia, upper respiratory herence, to optimize viral response to antiretroviral therapy and
tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections, urinary tract in- to be useful in the evaluation of routine blood work [19, 30, 31].
fections, and bacterial endocarditis [18, 20–23]. Although these Similarly, HCV specialists can follow clinically stable patients
conditions are entirely treatable with appropriate antimicrobial not on antiviral therapy on a semiannual or yearly basis by uti-
therapy, complications are not infrequent and often require lizing telemedicine infrastructure.
consultation and/or follow-up with an infectious diseases spe- There is also an important role for telemedicine in the deliv-
cialist. A Brazilian study described improved antibiotic utiliza- ery of antiviral therapy for HCV. Recent studies demonstrate
tion by use of a telemedicine program. Two independent that telemedicine and nontelemedicine HCV patients can
infectious diseases physicians reviewed antibiotic prescriptions achieve similar sustained virologic response rates when treated

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written by hospitalists. They found that 55% of initial prescrip- with pegylated interferon and ribavirin–based regimens [2, 4].
tions were for an inappropriate choice of antibiotic [22]. Feed- Furthermore, the rate of HCV therapy side effects was similar
back was provided to the original prescribers via telemedicine, between groups. Of note, nontelemedicine patients were more
and in all cases the prescribing physicians accepted the advice of likely to independently discontinue antiviral therapy due to an
the reviewer and corrected the prescription [22]. adverse drug reaction [4, 9]. It seems likely that the role for tele-
One rationale for following general infectious diseases pa- medicine technologies in HCV care delivery will increase as
tients via telemedicine is to decrease the length of time patients new, well-tolerated, simple-to-dose antiviral regimens become
spend in hospital. When hospitalists were surveyed, they indi- broadly available. However, there are currently no studies pub-
cated a belief that >20% of hospital inpatients remained in hos- lished that evaluate HCV treatment outcomes in recipients of
pital beyond the point at which they achieved clinical stability interferon-free, direct-acting antiviral regimens receiving care
[18]. These prolonged hospital stays were due to concerns that via telemedicine programs. Among HIV patients on antiretro-
premature discharge would be followed by subsequent clinician viral therapy, telemedicine and nontelemedicine patients had
deterioration and adverse outcomes [18, 20, 21]. The potential similar clinical responses to therapy, adherence to treatment,
for malpractice litigation due to suboptimal follow-up was and quality-of-life scores as well as psychological and emotional
also identified as a concern. Telemedicine can address issues re- states [19]. Another HIV telemedicine study conducted in a US
lated to timely follow-up after discharge, thereby averting costly, prison cohort demonstrated that HIV patients on ART followed
lengthy hospital stays [21]. A US study found that telemedicine by a specialist via telemedicine were more likely to achieve
patients spend fewer days in hospital and had fewer days of an- virologic suppression and had greater CD4 cell recovery than pa-
tibiotic therapy [21, 23]. tients who received their HIV care in person from a prison pri-
Telemedicine use in acute infection does have limitations. mary care physician [7]. Acknowledging the potential influence
Use is predicated on the patient being in stable condition. Be- of selection and publication biases, the literature suggests that
cause critically ill patients require frequent monitoring and are HIV and HCV telemedicine patients are able to achieve similar
at risk for deterioration requiring urgent medical interventions, clinical outcomes to their nontelemedicine counterparts.
unstable patients are poor candidates to be followed via tele- Tuberculosis, including active pulmonary, extrapulmonary,
medicine [18, 21]. In addition, discharged patients must be and latent infection, is another chronic infectious disease in
healthy enough to travel to their local telemedicine facility for which telemedicine may have an important role. Several public
follow-up assessment. health pilot studies have evaluated treatment adherence of select,
stable tuberculosis patients [10–12, 16]. Each study reported sim-
Chronic Infectious Diseases ilar levels of treatment adherence in patients observed taking
The use of telemedicine to treat chronic medical conditions is their tuberculosis therapy via telemedicine and those who were
increasing and has been described in the management of con- seen in person by a public health staff member [10–12, 16].
gestive heart failure, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmo- Thus far, tuberculosis telemedicine studies have only recruited
nary disease [24–29]. Telemedicine technologies have also sample patient cohorts and have focused only on directly ob-
been used to manage patients with chronic infectious diseases served therapy [10–12, 16]. Tuberculosis telemedicine programs
including HIV, HCV, and HIV/HCV coinfection [1, 2, 4, 6, 7, could be expanded to involve initial patient evaluation (including
15, 19]. Although manageable as chronic medical conditions clinical history, blood work, and chest radiographs), treatment
by nonspecialized healthcare providers, HIV and HCV care initiation and management of treatment side effects. Following
often requires the involvement of a specialist to supervise med- the example of HIV and HCV telemedicine programs, tubercu-
ication dosing and regimen selection, treatment initiation, and losis programs could also incorporate an element of CME to

CLINICAL PRACTICE • CID 2015:60 (1 April) • 1091

develop primary healthcare provider skills in comanaging pa- system would not. Furthermore, the cost-effectiveness varies
tients with tuberculosis. tremendously from one region to another and from program
We were unable to identify any published studies detailing to program. Therefore, cost-effectiveness cannot be generalized.
the use of telemedicine technologies to manage patients infected More studies are needed to formally investigate the cost-
with hepatitis B virus (HBV). Like HCV, HBV is a chronic in- effectiveness of telemedicine programs [33, 34].
fectious disease affecting populations that are marginalized and The application of telemedicine for the care of incarcerated
face challenges to engaging traditional healthcare systems [32]. patients is particularly advantageous [7]. The expense involved
Unlike HCV, HBV is not curable. However, it can be suppressed with transportation with guards and the risk of escape is elim-
using long-term antiviral therapy, thereby minimizing damage inated. The timeliness of assessment and initiation of treatment
to liver parenchyma and preventing hepatocellular carcinoma. can be accelerated. In addition, the use of telemedicine is an ex-
Because many clinically stable HBV patients can be followed cellent opportunity to provide infectious diseases and infection
by specialists on a semiannual or annual basis, they are ideal control education to the incarcerated patient and the correc-

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telemedicine candidates. tional facility staff.
In addition to directly linking patients and specialist health-
Advantages and Drawbacks of Telemedicine care providers, telemedicine technologies have been used by pri-
As with other chronic diseases, patients with HIV, HCV, and tu- mary healthcare providers to facilitate consults with specialists
berculosis receiving telemedicine care report feeling more satis- [8, 9, 13]. This enables delivery of competent care and coman-
fied with and more involved in their care [6, 7, 10–12, 16, 18]. agement of patients between primary care and specialty services
Patients were pleased with the level of privacy during telemedi- [9]. For HCV, the link connecting primary care providers to
cine appointments and the quality of the patient–healthcare pro- hepatitis specialists has increased the numbers of HCV patients
fessional relationship [6]. Telemedicine patients also claim that evaluated and treated [8, 9, 13]. Telemedicine has also been suc-
attending remote appointments through telemedicine saved cessfully used to deliver HCV-related CME to primary health-
them time, diminished the distance traveled, and reduced missed care providers [8, 9, 13, 14]. In these US-based programs,
workdays [2, 4, 6, 7, 15, 18]. This is a clear benefit for patients. If infectious diseases experts and gastroenterologists prepare ped-
they had to select again, the majority of telemedicine patients in- agogical CME slideshow presentations for primary healthcare
dicated that they would once more choose to have their appoint- providers on topics related to HCV and/or HIV and deliver
ments via telemedicine [15]. The risk for late appointment arrival them via telemedicine [8, 9, 13]. As part of the CME element,
and clinic visit cancellations are reduced. Beyond these advantag- primary healthcare providers are responsible for presenting
es, the hazards involved with travel, particularly during periods of case reports on patients with particularly interesting or chal-
inclement weather conditions, are eliminated. lenging cases of HIV or HCV [8, 9, 13]. One study focusing
A primary advantage of telemedicine is increased accessibility on HCV CME found that CME delivered via videoconference
to specialty care. This is a particular benefit for isolated popula- was as effective, if not more effective, than traditional CME [14].
tions including nursing home residents, individuals in prisons, Key impediments to more widespread use of telemedicine in
and people living in rural communities [1–7]. A lack of specialty some jurisdictions include lack of reimbursement, tedious li-
care for HIV- or HCV-infected individuals has been identified as censing and credentialing requirements, and concerns about se-
a major obstacle to optimal care [15]. Rural HCV patients with- curity. This has created a scenario in which the potential
out access to specialty care are less likely to initiate antiviral treat- benefits to the patient have not been realized due to poor phy-
ment [4]. Increased access to specialty care through telemedicine sician adoption. In the United States, Medicare restrictions on
allows many more patients to be promptly evaluated, triaged, and telemedicine include requirements that the patient reside in a
treated. In the case of acute infectious diseases, access to infec- rural location and that the interview must be conducted in an
tious disease specialists via telemedicine permits patients to be approved healthcare facility (ie, not their home) [35]. In con-
followed in the community instead of in the hospital. trast, the Ontario Telemedicine Network has been proactive
Another allure of incorporating telemedicine into existing in- in facilitating physician access without arduous regulation or re-
fectious diseases practices is the potential cost-effectiveness of striction [36]; this physician service is also reimbursed by the
telemedicine. Although many studies suggest that telemedicine Ontario provincial government. Other technologies, including
is cost-effective, this claim remains debatable. Most telemedi- Skype and FaceTime, could eliminate the need for patient travel
cine studies have not included a formal cost-effectiveness anal- to a healthcare facility. This approach would mitigate infection
ysis [17]. Systematic analyses investigating the cost-effectiveness control concerns for patients with transmissible infections and
of telemedicine suggest that telemedicine may be no more cost- protect them from hospital-acquired infections. Security
effective than traditional clinic visits [33]. If this is the case, the breaches must be protected against. However, there are security
patient would still benefit, but the specialist and/or the funding risks irrespective of how and where healthcare is provided and

1092 • CID 2015:60 (1 April) • CLINICAL PRACTICE

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