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Analysis and conclusions about the observation of

mitosis in an onion root.

By,, 13.
1. The root of the onion needs to be grown before the temporary preparation
because at the points it has a special tissue where cells reproduce at an accelerated
rate, so it is easier to observe the process of mitosis in there.

2. Orcein is used for staining the chromosomes, making them more visible through
the microscope and also for a correct stretching during their squash, providing for a
higher resolution of them.

3. The prophase can be seen in the onion root sample in cells where the
chromosomes start to condense, causing them to become kind of visible.

Metaphase is easily visible in the same sample, as it is the pase of the mitosis
where chromosomes align in the middle of the cell. This explanation is given since
it’s the way that chromosomes are seen in the image.

Anaphase can also be identified due to being the phase where the chromosomes
separate in direction to the opposing poles, which is the way that we can observe
this pase.

Finally, telophase is easily recognizable, because the chromosomes have fully

separated and formed two nucleus. In this phase the cell starts to divide into two.
4. Mitosis is a process which has great importance for all living beings that are
composed by eukaryotic cells, since it carries out processes that are of great
importance in them, such as growth of the organism, reparation of damaged cells
and the regeneration of damaged parts of our body. Also, in this process the DNA
of the cell is also replicated, and this involves great precision in what would be the
correct replication of it, in order to make two identical replications of the former
cell, and also to copy the exact genetic information of the daughter cells. The
previous action mentioned is vital for the correct forming of a full organism that
doesn’t have any mistakes. In other words, mitosis is one of the most important
processes of organisms, because it provides us of the capability to correctly
develop into a fully grown and functional organism.

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