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Essentials 1

1​st ​Composition Test

Name:Auria Manuelli

Date: 18/072020 Teacher:Henrique Haunholter

Choose only one of the topics below and write at least 40 words about it:

a) Write about your routine during the week. b) Write a dialog between
you and a clerk at a fast-food restaurant.

Hello,my name is Auria and I 13 years old.My routine is normal,on

Monday I wake up at 6:30 a.m to study,on 12:30 p.m I have lunch and
after I brush my teeth,in the afternoon I watch a netflix show or
YouTube videos.Tuesday,I wake in the same time and study more.At
2:00 p.m I work out and listen to music,at night I watch a movie with
my family.Wednesday wake up at 6:30 a.m,study math and music. On
Thursday I wake up at 8:00 a.m,study science and history.On Fridays I
wake up at 6:30 a.m,study math and science,at 12:30 I have lunch and
work out.On Saturdays I have english classes at 8:00 p.m and a free
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