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(A)AKIN B Crate EOI tas Undergo Experience Face Bo faced with Live Bo exposed to Recs YERLESMEK Live Reside Inhabit Dwell Occupy Populate Colonize Settle é e MOZAKERE ETMEK- ois "Negotiate Hold talks Discuss Debate Exchange ideas Confer Bargain au ‘Argue Quarrel® Talk about Dispute VERBS TEST 4 s Pena tus Put up with Bear Stand Tolerate Withstand Endure Survive Stay alive c Ceo Suggest Offer Propose Recommend Advise ‘Comme up with Dit EGitim ‘Merkea?veYaycik Hamer! E Tae BASLATMAK jean Start (off) Begin Initiate Commence Launen Introduce Take up Break out™ Originate from Derive from ‘Come from Be rooted in Result from ‘Stem from 4 Erie eed c ec ‘Show Indicate Reveal Demonstrate Suggest Signify Display Present Exhibit Think Foe! Ponder Consider Regard See View Deem Exercise 1 - Collocation Test: Asagidaktifadeleri dogru gekilde tamamlayan sézctigd bulunuz. 1 alone Jin peace / in fear A)iive B) stem from 2 difficulty / problems A)advise B) experience 3. hardship ! pain A) argue 8) endure 4 satellite / campaign A) launch 8) deem 5. Latin A) reveal B) derive from 6. —~an agreement /a contract A) reside B) negotiate 7 a theory /a treaty ‘A) propose B) exhibit 8. —anincrease A) show B) populate 8. 10. 1" 2. 13. 14. 18. 16, @akinok esirin time /a country ‘A) propose 8) occupy ‘changes | surgery A) undergo By think —~ Sunlight violence / radiation ‘A) be exposed to hardships / pain A) ponder B) put up with a firotwaridiseaseifight — A) breaks out a matter /an issue A) reside B) discuss an idea / a proposal B) inhabit B) put forward B) considers ‘A) come up with dotalls / secrots A) live B) reveal 101 (A)AKIN Exercise 2 ~ Verb Synonyms Test 1: Verllen sézciiklere anlamca yakin sézcikkleri seginiz. 4) “live” means ~ A) bear D) begin B)reside E) inhabit 2) “undergo” mean ‘A) experience D) tolerate B) inhabit E) face 3) “put up with" means --—- A) show 8) bear D) tolerate E) indicate 4) “start (off) means A) argue D) initiate 8) begin E) bear 5) “originate from” means —-, A)derive from 8) dwell D) begin E)settle 6) “argue” means - ‘A) originate trom D) quarrel B) reside E) dispute 7) “negotiate” means 8) discuss Ayhold talks D) view E) regard 8) “suggest” means ~~ A)reside 8) quarrel D)offer ) propose 9) “show” means. A) suggest D) reveal B) indicate ) launch 40) “think” means - A) fost D) indicate 8) regard E) reveal 11) “occupy” means A)settie D) ponder B) populate E) colonise 102 12) ©) dwatt 13) ©) dwell 14) ©) stand 15) ©) tolerate 19) ©) eome from 2 ) come rom 18) ©) consider 19) ©) argue - 6) initiate Pa ©) ponder 22) ©) think @acinoie.csin Dit EGiTiM MerbesTve Yaya Hemeter “pe faced with” moans ~~. A)occupy B)experience ©) populate D) colonise ) be exposed to “withstand” means Ayendure 8) offer ©) survive D) propose E) suggest “commence” means A) withstand 8) launch ©) endure D) take up E) introduce “be rooted in” means — A)indicate B)resuitfrom —_C) reveal D) show E) stom from “talk about” means ~ A)berovied in B) argue ©) dispute D) stem from) result from “debate” means —-. A) introduce 8) tolerate C) bargain D)putup with _E) exchange ideas “recommend” means —~ A)advise 8) offer C)eomeupwith —D) debate) bargain “demonstrate” means ‘A)recommend —B) advise ©) display D) exhibit E) come up with “consider” moans -—~ A) ragard B) demonstrate ©) aisplay D)see E) exhibit “signify” means ~~~ 'N) consider B) suggest. C) indicate D) regard E) viow view" means A)deem B) regard ©) consider D) signify E) present (A)AKINDIL EGitiM cy 8, iG Piven sce Ted Renew ce Renmeumincs CeNTeUns Bocas Stop Discontinue Understand Conclude Emerge Cease Finish Compretend Discover Arise Quit |3. Terminate Realize Find out Originate Halt End Recognize Sort out Appear Give up Abort Grasp Learn Develop Abandon Perceive Establish" Come out Show up Come into being / ‘existence cH UN E, OLANAK G NSW a Pe 2G ie hse as oe eo CUS Celene ue TETIKLEMEK Enable Ruin Devastate Cause Trigger Empower Hae Shatter Engender 2. Activate Feailtate Undermine Demolish Lead to Ignite Make possible Weaken Mess up Bring about Spark (off) Help Damage 15. Contribute to |5. Instigate Injure Result in Provoke Impair End in Stimulate Spoil Induce Disrupt Fuel 0. Interrupt Prompt Inspire Motivate Drive Exercise 1 - Collocation Test: Agagidakt ifadoleri dogru gokilde tamamlayan sézctigti bulunuz. 4. = crime /a car | 9. cancer / death A) stop B) establish | A) cause 8) terminate 2 /an operation | contract 10. violence / protests A) perceive 8) terminate A) enable 8) tigger 3. == instructions / what to do 41, —-somebody / academic studies /a city Alunderstand 8) terminate A) enablo 8) abandon 4. =the truth a now place 12, —~treatment / education 1 discover 8) tigger Ajdiscontinue —_B) recognize 8. originato 13, —~ (your) mistake / error Ain the 17 century B) agrcuture 2) realize 8B) devastate 6. communication transportation 14, = problems / conflicts A) perceive 8) facilitate A) enable 8) sort out 7. = company /a plan! a surprise 48. Ebola and Zika viruses In Africa {A} conclude B) in A)appeared B) perceived 8. --acountry//city 16, — the poor / those in need A) devastato 8) abort A) empower 8) establish @akanvokestren 106 temo OT ()AKIN Dit EGiTiM Merkex/veYoynclik Mme Exercise 2 - Vorb Synonyms Test 2: Vorilon sézcUklere anlamea yakin sézcikleri seciniz. » 2) 3) 4) 5) ” 8) 9) 10) 11) ““quit" means, Ay halt D) understand “end” means A) discontinue D) give up “comprehend” means --—. A) understand Dy ait “conclude” means A) discover 1) sort out “emerge” means A) arise D)leam “enable” means --—. A) establish D) appear A) spoil D) injure “devastate” mean: A) atise D) come out “engender” means A) lead to D) contribute to “stimutat A) induce D) fuel means “abandon” means -—. A) hal D) recognize 12) “discontinue” means B)giveup ——_C) finish A) halt B) abort E) comprehend D) prompt E) realize 13) “pick up” moans. B) abort ©) comprehend A)leam 8B) find out E) perceive D) discover E) terminate 14) “discover” means ~~. A)figuro out = —B) arse B) terminate) finish D) comprehend) find out E) perceive 15) “appear” means : A) sort out 8B) conclude B) abort ©) find out D) emerge B) arise ©) halt 16) “undermine” mean: A)nuin 8) damage B)originate —_C) appear D) weaken ) conclude E) develop 417) “lead to” means ==. ‘Avengender —_B) result in B)empower —_C) facilitate D) interrupt E) bring about E) make possible 18) “end in” means ~~. A) result in B) cause B) show up C) damage D) spoil E) lead to E) impair 19) “activate” means ~ A) spoil B) disrupt B) shatter) demolish D) motivate E) drive ) come into being 20) “spark” means : Ay facilitate 8) tigger B) bring about C) mess up ) demolish E) fuel E) disrupt 21) “find out” means —-. -_ A) sort out B) discover 8) inspire ©) spoil D) stimulate E) demolish E) drive 22) “disrupt” means — A) perceive 8) moss up ) quit C) grasp 1) weaken F) establish E) abort @Ainolesirine ©) terminate ©) abandon C)lead to ©) show up ©) spoil ) shatter ) injure ©) provoke C)ignite ©) learn (©) undermine 107 (AKIN VERBS TEST 3 a ACO tate Ea Suppose Assume Presume: Imagine* Visualiza* Judge Evaluate Assess Grade Appreciate ¥ Let Permit Allow Consent Authorize ri DiL EGiTIM -Merkeaive Yay emer Paes 1. Make a deal l2. Agree Is. Concur 4. Settle over 15. Come to terms with 6. Reach a(n) consensus/agreement Cy OCs 5 Dee eRe 17. Discard 8. Dispose of 9. Get id of 10.Deny* 11.Contront* Oppose Resist Reject Rotuse cata Decline Tun down Sane e G f F Gee | ates eee iene mca ACL Cuma din COC CSTW Explain Prohiot fre" —|1, Succeodin |, Trust 1. Utilize Clarity Ban 2. accomplish |2 Count oalupon 2. Use Make clear Forbid 3. Achieve 3. Rely orvupon 13. Employ 4. Shed /theows |4. Outlaw 4, Allain (oa!) [4. Dependoniupon 4. Exploit Jeastlight on sth Bor 5. Realize 5. Rest onlupon 5. Harness 8. Enlighten Restrain 6. Fula goal/ |. Batievein 6. Mako use of 6. urinate uty 7. Have faith in 7. Benefit from | 7. Complete |. Have confidence in 8. Run on* l9. Rely ont l ® Exercise 1 - Collocation Te 10. Enjoy" aida ifadeleri dogru sekilde tamamlayan sézciigi bulunuz, 4, === that wo miss the train that you wore in 9. —agoal /a result Hawaii now: A) achieve B) ban A) suppose B) explain 10. —-- fossil fuels / natural gas 2, other people / suspect criminal nee 8) agree with A) judge 8) presume 14. a method / a worker 3. Parking / Smoking is not —-here. ee B)ituminate A) trusted 8) permitted 12, ~~ your future self a poaceful place 4, = someone! a delegate /a colleague acas 6) visualize 5 a) as a eee 18, —- contributions of sb / someone's help ica 8) struggie for A) succeed in B) appreciate 6. People ---- a shirt because it is old or torn. a reap rere — A) do something 8) to.do something oes 15, —~ thedetals of a contract /a problem A) explain B) enlighten A) benefit from. B) settle 8. == smoking / parking 46, =~ an explanation / theory A) assess B) prohibit A) reject B) permit @axinvolcesrin (Borso 70 xe 2548) Eo il y 2) 3) 4 5) 8 ” 8) 9) 10) W) 12) 112 (A)AKIN Exercise 2 ~ Verb Synonyms Test 3: Vé “suppose” means —-—. 13) A) judge: B) assume CG) presume D) evaluate E) imagine “evaluate” means =. Ajlet B) visualize C) judge 14) D) grade E) assess “pormit* means «== Ayallow ‘imagine ©) suppose fa authorize) presume “agree” means —. A) judge B) make a deal C)reachacorsenaus D) sete E)presume | 46) “oppose” moans — A) allow B) tum down C) resist D) refuse: E) decline 17) “discard” moans ~~. A)disposo of 8) permit ——_—C) get of ‘D) consent E)let ‘explain” means —- 18) A) clarity B) succeed —_C) confront D)iluminate enlighten “outlaw” means «=, 1) A) achieve B) prohibit ©) shed light on D) restrain Ebon “accomplish” means A)succeedin Bat ©) achieve 20) ) forbid ) have faith in “trust? means A) complete B)dependon —C) count on D)relyon ) believe in 2) “use” means ~—. A) exploit, B) decline C) refuse: D) harness, E) utilize 2) “imagine” means —. A) run on B) enjoy ©) visuatze Dj exploit ) suppose @aKinvoi.estn Bemavenvos0| Dit EGiTIM rker ve Yank Mamet ‘s8zciiklore anlamca yakin sézciiklori seginiz. “assoss” moans -—~. A)enjoy B) judge C)evaluate D)makeuseof —_E) appreciate “consent” moans ~ A) assess, B)allow cyiet D) grade E) permit, “agree” means ~ ‘A)make adeal —B) concur Cy imagine D) suppose E) reach an agreement “decline” means =~. A) refuse B) reject ©) turn down D) clarity E) make clear “get rid of” means, A) deny B) dispose of C) settle D)castlighton —_E) discard “throw light on” means =~ A) teject B} permit, ©) explain D) let E) clarity “forbid” means, A) settle B) ber C)outlaw 1D) succeed E}ban “achieve” moans « A) realize B)restrain Catalin D) reject ) succeed “count on” means ~-—. A)dependon ——_B)reston Callow D) enjoy E) permit “make use of” moans ~~. A)benefit from B)evaluate —C) ban D) employ E)hamess (A)AKINDIL EGitiM VERBS REVISION TEST 1-3, 1) “live” means — 12) A) bear B) reside ©) dwell D) begin ) inhabit 2) “end” means —. 13) A)discontinue —_B) abort ©) comprehend D) give up ) perceive 3) “permit” means ~ 14) Alallow B)imagine —_C) concur D) authorize E) consent 4) “start (off” means. 15) A) face 6) begin ) tolerate D) initiate E) bear 5) “emerge” means -—. 16) Ajarise B)originate ©) appear D) lean E) develop 8) ard” means ” A)dispose of ——_B) permit C) get rid of D) consent E)let 7) “negotiate” means —~. 18) A)holdtaks ——B) discuss.) oviginate from D) derive from) come from 8) “devastato” means —~. 19) A)arise B)shatter ©) demolish D)come out ——_E) came into being 9) “accomplish” means 20) A)succeedin —_B) attain )achieve D) forbid ) have faith in 10) “think” means —-. 21) A) feo! 'B) show ©) ponder D) indicate E) reveal 14) “abandon” means — 22) A)halt B) quit ©) grasp D)recognize abort @acin “imagine” means ~ Ayrun on By enjoy ©) visualize D) exploit E) suppose “withstand” means ——. A)endure BB) be faced with C) survive D) settle E) stay alive “discover” means. A) figure out B) arise ) oad to D) comprehend —_E) find out “agree” moans —. ‘A)make a deal —_B) concur ©) appreciate Dylet E) reach an agreement “talk about” means ----. A)be rooted in B) argue ©) dispute D)stem from ——_E) result from “lead to” means -—~. A) engender B)resultin —_C) shatter D) interrupt E) bring about “throve light on” means — AN) reject B)permt ©) explain Djlot E) clarity “demonstrate” means ‘A)recommend —_B) advise ) display D) exhibit ) come up with spark” means -——. A facitate 8) trigger ©) Ignite D) demotish E) fuel “count on” means — A) run on B)reston ——_C) believe in Djenioy E) trust “view” means =~. ‘Ayden 8) regard ©) consider D) signify E) present 116 Beecomminy TT (A)AKINDIL EGiTiM VERBS TEST 4 if B. os C Pera ry pany Eve sens Coe og Menage Build Hinder 6 nh Spend Diet Constuct [2 Hamper 7. cual Consume 5. Sipenise Esiobsn oostvet [s. cu Elon admins Found Block fe Provent [a Expend Govern Setup impede fue inst Reign creat Oporto / Run Ls ss i et er rr ere etre eer ee rranven ‘Undertake Deal with ‘Search (for) Take on Cope with ‘Seek (for) Ema on Teo toot Srouer Hande Tiyto nd ates tan Eplre Sein Exercise 1 - Collocation Test: Asagudaki fadeleri dogru gekilde tamamlayan sézciigii bulunuz. ‘a department / company 8. a problem / question / issue A) manage B) scan A) address. 8) acquire a centre / relations 10, —-~ survivors /a cure A) establish B) undertake ‘A) embark on B) search for 3. strong winds / bad weather-—the rescue efforts | 11. -—-astory/an event Ayre B) hamper A) supervise B) recollect 4, -==learning / development 12, -—-a business / company A) inhibit B) shoulder A) operate B) consume 5, fuel / resources 13. =a school / company A) evoke 8) consume A) found 8) waste 6, electricity / your breath 14, — progress / recovery A) waste B) tackle A) buy B) Impede 7. —atask/ project 15, accidents / injuries A) erect B) undertake A) prevent B) spend 8 information / permission 16, resources of a country A) obtain B) set up A) address B) exploit @Aakinyole iri 117 » 2 3) 4) 5) 6) ” 8) 9) 40) 1) 118, ()AKINDIL EGitim Exercise 2 ~ Vorb Synonyms Tost 4: Verllen sézciiklore anlamea yakin sézcikleri soginiz. “embark on” means ~ A) hinder B) hamper D)undertake ——-E) take on ‘acquire” means A) get B) address D) cope with E)buy “tackle” means -—. AA) look for B)handle D) hunt E) deal with “explore” means —» A) scan 8) remember D)search (for) E) seek (for) “remind offabout” means —. A) recollect B) evoke D) recall reign “govern” means ‘A) administer D) erect B) direct E) establish “construct” means —~. A)impede 8) build D) inhibit E) sot up “hinder” means ‘A) block B) govern D) administer —_E) prevent “avoid” means AA) prevent B) curtall D) avert E) spend “spend” means AA) take on B) expend D) shoulder E) consume “assume” means ——. A) procure: B) embark on D) shoulder E) undertake ©) obstruct ) handle ©) address: C)evoke ©) direct C)rule ) institute ©) curb ©) expioit C) exploit ©) purchase 42) “take over” moans —. A) tackle B) obtain ©) purchase D) address E) acquire 43) “deal with” means A)cope with B) address.) handle D) seek for) E) scan 14) “ook for” means A) evoke 8) recall Chexplore D) search (or) E) hunt 15) “remember” means A) manage 8) recall ©) recollect D)rule E) remind (oflabout) 16) “supervise” means -—. A) reign B) operate) setup D) govern E) construct 17) “institute” means Ajerect B) establish —_C) avoid D) found E) curtal 18) “obstruct” means —~. Ayhinder B)hamper ©) reign D) deter E) waste 19) —— A) consume B)impede ©) curb D) inhibit E) exploit 20). “expend means « ‘A) shoulder 8) spond ©) undertake ) consume E) exploit 24), “take on” means - A) manage B)embark on ©) get D)undertake ——_-E) administer 22) “purchase” means -—. A) handle 8) buy ©) obtain D) address E) acquire ®ainol. sini (A)AKIN Dit EGiTim MarkesiveYoyncik hametten VERBS TEST 5 Bn 8. CAL Ome eU 9 peoug Bowhg SAGLAMAK iad |. Fund Provide with / Finance for Subsidize Supply with Sponsor Give access: Loan to Grant Offer Afford” Develop Advance Mature Progress Improve Flourish ei Peat ee aad Lessen Decrease Diminish Reduce Fall Drop Descend Go down Slide down Plunge Shrink ‘Mitgate Moderate Alleviate Relieve Ease Plummet Rise Increase Mount limb Surge ‘Soar Goup Amplify Escalate 8 Cai ae ese 7. Thrive 8. Prosper 98. Blossom 10.Expand 11.Grow 12.B0om 13.Evolve s. ECan Lcd pcan ‘Ascond Foster ‘Augment Enhance Improve Boost Enrich Promote IPTAL ETMEK & SON VERMEK . Remove E TOKENMEK & cant i Cancel Cal off Withdraw Repeal Finish End Run out Use up Exhaust Deplete Draln Expire Abolish Invalidate oy ASMAK & GEGMEK Parag BCs Exceed ‘Surpass Overtake Go! be beyond, Go! be above Excel Consider Note Pay attention to Take — into account consideration Exercise 1 - Collocation Test: Agagidakl ifadeleri dogiru gekilde tamamlayan sdzcUigj bulunuz. 4, == local farmers /a sector A) progress B) subsidize 2, a service / assistance A) provide B) overtake 3. her health / the economy— A) excel(s) B) improve(s) 4. slavery / discrimination Ja law ‘A) blassom B) abolish 8. the ozone layer / resources A) finance B) deplete 6. the blood flow / the value A) diminish B) fund 7. s=== the fearlthe effectithe signal A) increase B) cancel 8, -—the speed limit / expectation A) excood B) shrink @akivolesirin 10. 11 2 13, 14, 15, 16, take risk / data / factors A) decrease B) account a project / a charity A) fund B) abolish permission / scholarship / visa A) moderate B) grant plants / a business / a market A) thrive(s) 8) cancels) a decision / policy A) expire B) reverse the oll supply/funds/resources A) exhaust B) go up the problem / suffering A) invalidate B) alleviate your incomelsalaryiconfidence ‘A) augment B) expire 121 » 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) n 8) 9) 10) 1) 122 (A)AKIN Exercise 2 ~ Verb Synonyms Test 5: Veri “surpass” means —-. 12) A) consider B)exceed ——_O) excel D) gobe above) note “pay attention to” means ~~. A) consider B) noto 13) ©) grant D) offer E) take into account / consideration “offer means ~ 14) A) provide B)expand ——_C) grant D) progress E) supply “mature” means ~~. 15) A) grant B) flourish ©) abolish D) develop E) advance “cancel” means ~~. 16) A) drain B)callof ——_C) repeal D) deplete ) withdraw “run out” means —~ 17) A)drain B)expire ©) deplete D) plummet E) plunge ‘“docrease" means — AA) fostor B)enrich ©) reduce D) fall E) drop “increase” means —- ‘A)go down 8) mount ©)slide down | 49) D) soar ) climb “overtake” means ~ A) consider Bj excel note 20) D) exceed E) golbe beyond “consider” means —-. A)note 8) sponsor 2) ©) pay attention to) subsidize E) take into account /consideration Ioan” means 22) A) mature B) fund ©) subsidize Dj offer E) finance @AKinol. esiriw bit EGitim Merkea'veYopnaik lamers sézciiklere anlamca yakin sézciikleri seginiz. “supply with” means ——-. AA) shrink B) excel (©) provide wth /for D) grant E) exceed “prosper” means ~~ A) boom B) call off C) blossom D) grow E) nullity “invalidate” means — A) rain B)abolsh run out D) remove E) repeal “use up" means ——. Ajemire B)exhaust —_C) diminish D) shrink E) deplete “mitigate” means Ayampity B) relieve ©) improve Djease E) moderate “surge” means —-. A)note B)escalale _C) ascend D)rise E) consider “note” moans A) consider B) improve ©)pay attention to ) augment E) take into account / consideration “enhance” means A) foster B)underpin ©) subsidize D) boost ) sponsor “finance” means A)fund 8) loan ©) offer D) subsidize) aford “give accoss to” means ~~. A) mature B)offer —_C) provide with D) flourish ) supply with “expand” means Ajevoive 8) relieve ©) thrive Djease E) progress (A) AKIN it. EGitiM VERBS TEST 6 Bs i D. E eae alg arg Prec tamer aula Preise lgnore Fiewith in|. Hire Evolve into Neglect Adapt to 2. Employ Transform into Disregard Go with 3. Recruit Rovolutionize Pay no attention to Reform Take no notice of Tur into Overlook" Change into Convert into /t0 ce i E a, i Sree ene aan Tee aC BAZ KAZIMAK Coot amen ae GUN ZN ig 1. Date back to Fade Terminate Interrupt 2. Go back to . Fade away Demolish Interfere 3, Be traced back to 3. Vanish Annitilate Step in '4, Can be found (in) Disappear Destroy Intervene 15. Can be seen (in) Die out Eradicate Become / go Wipe out Procrastinate extinct End Finish Exercise 1 - Collocation Test: Agagidaklifadeleri dogru gokilde tamamlayan sézctigii bulunuz. 1 warnings of officials’ / sb’s advice en a project / meeting A) ignore B) date back to ‘A) postpone 8) revolutionize 2 ‘clock /a machine 10, ‘The police -—-to halt the attack A) eradicate B) adjust A) intervened B) neglected 3, worker /a novice teacher 411, —~negative comments /a warning A) interrupt B) recruit ‘A)omploy 8B) disregard 4, sa system / your attitude 412, This song doesn't —- the mood of the film. AA) change B) putoft A)terminate B) go with 5, <= the approach to an iliness: 43, — temporary staff /a method A) revolutionize B) hire A) employ B) delay medieval times / 550 BC 14, —acar/a house A interrupt B) date back to A) modify 8) postpone without a trace! all of a sudden 15, = pounds into kilograms / someone into A) ignore 8) disappear Cee 8, —-~ a business contract /a deat ener ree A) terminate B) intervene fe aaeeree ieee |A) go back to B) retard @aKinvoleestrin 126 toa NT (A) AKINDIL EGitim Exercise 2 ~ Verb Synonyms Test 6: Verilon sézciklere anlamea yakin sdzoiikleri seginiz. 1) “neglect” means ~~. 12) “adjust to” means -—. A)ignore Bjoveriook CG) go with A) recruit 8) reform ©) adapt to D) hire E} pay no attention to D) transform E)be attuned to 2) “adapt to” means 13) “employ” means -—-. A) go with 8) fitwitin —_C) change A) go with B) hire ©) moaity D) delay E) take no notice of D) recruit E) change 3) “hiro” means, 14) “shift” means — ‘A) employ B)overlook ——_C) ignore A) change B) amend O)alter D) amend E) recruit D) neglect E) modify 4) “change” means —, 15) “revolutionize” means —. A) disregard B)employ ——_C)alter A) eradicate, B) transform ©) annihilate 1) modify E) shift D) reform E) wipe out 5) “evolve into” means ~ 16) “date back” means AA) tum into B) postpone —_C) putoff into ‘A) go back B) demolish) can be found D) reform E) revolutionize D)trace back ——_—E) eradicate 6) “be traced back” moans —~. 17) “fade” means A) change B)goback date back A) revise B) die out ©) disappear D)alter E) can be found D)fade away ——_—E) change 7) “vanish” means —. 18) “destroy” means —. A) amend B) revise ©) goextinct ‘A) go back B) devastate C) date back D) disappear) fade away D) wipe out E) eradicate 8) “eradicato” means 19) “hold up" means. A) annihilate B) hire ©) employ A) postpone B) finish C)end D) terminate E) wipe out D) delay E) put off 9) “put off” means 20) “interfere” moans ~ A) postpone B) employ ©) delay A) step in B)postpone —_) interrupt D) employ E) retard D) procrastinate) intervene 10) “step in” means 21) “adjust” means ~ A) ignore B)intowvene —_) interfere |A) date back B)altor ©) retard D) intorrupt E) neglect D) revise E) overtook 11) “overlook” means 22) “change” means -—~. A) fit with in Bjadaptto neglect A) terminate 8) shitt C) convert tito D) disregara E) ignore D) neglect E) eradicate ®acinvole siti Be nommosey ST rH VERBS REVISION TEST 4-6 (A)AKIN A) purchase 8) buy ©) obtain D) undertake ——_E) take on 2) “payatiention to” means = A) consider 8) ave ©) grant Djotter E) take into account / consideration 3) “hire” means A) employ B) overlook _) neglect D)amend E) reerit 4) “explore” means =~. A) scan B) remember C) recall D) search (for) —_E) seek (for) 5) “cancel” means —-. A) drain 8B) call off ©) buy D) deplete E) employ 6) “be traced back” means -—~. A) amend B)goback C) date. back Djalter E} can be found 7) “construct” means ~- A)impede B) build )institute D) inhibit E) set up 8) “increase” means — A) go down B)mount _C) slide own D) soar E) aime 9) “put off” means ~—-- Ajpostpone BY hiro ©) delay Djemploy E) retard 10) “spend” means — A) take on B)expend ——C) soar D) shoulder ) consume 44) “loan” means A) mature B) fund ) subsidize Dj grow E) finance Dit EGITIM Merker've Yonik Mzmeter 412) “omploy” means =~ A) recruit 8) drain D) hire E) deplete 43) “deal with” means — ‘A) cope with B) address: 1D) seek (for) E) eradicate 14) “invalidate” moans —-—. A) decrease 8) abolish D) drop E) repeal 15) “revolutionize” means, A) eradicate B) transform D) reform E) delay 16) “rule” mes A)reign 8) operate 1D) govern E) construct 47) “surge” means-—. A) note B) escalate D) tise ) consider 18) “destroy” means =—. ‘A) go back B) devastate 1) wipe out E) eradicate 19) “curtail” means —=. ‘A) consume 8) impede D) inhibit E) exploit 20) “finance” means -—-. Ayfund B) loan D) subsidize E) exceed 21) “ignore” means = |A) date back B)alter D) revise E) overlook 22) “purchase” means --—. A) regard B) buy D) consider E) acquire @AKinol. esr 130 Gasononee se (©) adapt to Cy handle ©) shrink ©) overtook ©) set up ©) ascend ©) date back )curb ©) surpass ©) disregard ©) obtain . Release Leak . Stick to (AKIN bit EGiTIM MerkesTveYoynaik nzmettert VERBS TEST 7. A Sa aay rains Es Fire Sack Dismiss Expel Lay sb off Make redundant Emit Send outioft E Teng EEC atid Refer to Mean Signify Stand for Symbolize Obey Conform to Abide by ‘Comply with Adhere to iw a acu aaa WC Ug H. PCat Look at Stare at Gaze at Glance at Glimpse at Perce eae ey MES Include Comprise Encompass Incorporate Consist of Be made up of Contain Be composed of ‘Alienate Isolate Estrange |. Exclude Omit Leave out i wane OAC ‘Separate Break apart / up Diverge Deviate Ditfor Sot apart Split (up) Break up Divorce Fight 2. Combat Battle Clash Struggle Exercise 1 - Collocation Test: Agagidakt ifadoleri dogru gekilde tamamlayan sézetigti bulunuz. 1 toxic chemicals /a book / a product 9. A) release 8B) obey sack ~~ 10. ‘A) employees 8) discussions suspend " A)a project 8) awitness from public service 2 A) exclude 8) contain comprise ~ 13. A) famine 8) 50% of the population obey A) certain rules B)hazardous substances | ‘4 NASA -—- National Aeronautics and Space ‘Administration 18, A)obeys B) stands for ——at the board / results 16. A) look B) omit ®akinvoleeétsin A) obeyed BB) broke apart combat against -— ‘A) corruption B) prosperity --~ radioactive particles A) emit 8B) stare a student /a worker A) obey 8) dismiss the trade of nuclear weapons / the relations with sb A) freeze 8) stand for = a detail from a report /a word A)omit B) fre “hydrogen and oxygen A) consist of B) improve comply with —- A) raw material Bylaw 131 ()AKINDIt. EGitim Exercise 2 ~ Verb Synonyms Test 7: Verilon sézciiklere anlamca yakin sézclikler! seciniz. 4) “emit” means 12) “fight” means A) lay sb off B)rolease ——C) send oul Jo A) struggle B) combat ——C) battle D) dismiss E) leek ) fre E) dismiss, 2) “fire” means, 13) “clash” means » A) sack 8) expel include A) combat B)separate —_C) splitup D) comprise ©) make redundant D) differ E) battle 3) “freeze” means -—. 14) “leak” means —. A) sack Byemit ©) suspend A) fire B) sack ©) release D) release E) expel D)sent ouiof —E) emit 4) “alienate” means —-. 15) “expel” means ~ A) leak B) isolate ©) dismiss A) dismiss B)incomporate ©) lay sb off, D) exclude E)estrange D) include E) make redundant 5) “leave out” means =-—, 16) “isolate” means A) combat Bjexclude ——_C)fight Ayalienate B)estrange —_C) be made of D) struggle E) omit D) consist of E) be compose of 6) “Incorporate” moans =. 417) “exclude” means ----. A)conformto BY include) obey A) eave out B) omit ©) contain D)encompass —_E) comprise ) include E) encompass 7) “contain” means ==. 18) “comprise” means ~ A)conform to ——_B) abide by A) suspend B}leave out C)be made up of. C}be made up of) include D) consist of E} be composed of E} be composed of 19) “comply with” means ==. 8) “conform to” means —-. A)incorporate 8) stick to ©) include A) obey B)encompass C) stick to D) adhere to E) abide by ) contain E) include 20) “moan” means 9) “refer to” means —~. A) stand for 8) signify ©) refer to A) gaze at B) symbolize C) stand for D) stare at E) ook at D) sigity ) include 21) “glance at” means —. A) ook at B) deviate) glimpse at 10) “look at” means —- D) clash E) fight Aystare at B) glance at C) mean D) gaze at E) glimpse at 22) “battle” means —. A) combat, B)struggle —_C) divorce 11), “separate” means ~~ D) diverge E) break up A) set apart B) difer ©) break apart up Dy diverge E) abide by @Akinvole sire 132 Gomera one (A)AKINDit. EGiTiM VERBS TEST 8 ie nie 1 D. E Cau eC acai Be hiciine Garam emt get g Classify Detect 1. Recognize Deseribe Help Determine Spot Realize Depiet nid Specify Locate Notice Portray Assist Define Diagnose Picture Support Label Find Characterize |5. Back (up) Pin down Identity Cooperate Recognize Contribute to a - H i i ON EUGe ‘5 e KABUL ETMEK Peeler orn oat LZ mec Accept ‘Approve of ‘Affect Continue Like Acknowledge Confirm Impress Keep on ‘Appreciate Agree Verity Appeal to Goon Admice Come to terms with |4, Validate Influence Carry on Respect Consent 5. Juslify Manipulate |5. Proceed Look up to Admit Rationalize Astonish Concur Ratify ‘Amaze Certity Endorse Exercise 1 - Collocation Test: Agagidakt ifadeleri dogru gekilde tamamlayan sézeigl bulunuz, 4. =the cause / number 9, according to plan A) assist B) determine A) proceed B) respect 2, —-aface/a gene / problem areas 410, —-=the importance of sth / art Imusic A) identity 8) admit A)agroe 8) appreciate 3. —armistake /the danger 14, <~adate /a numbor /the rules A)aporeciate ——B) realize 1) specty 8) goon 4. a person’ your feelings /in detail /as 12, ——-a change /cancor a problom A) deserbe 8) proceed cooperate ——_—B) detect 5. economic development the recovery 13, =-~teenagers (adults Ayala 8) detect 1) appeal to 8) proceed 6. —toacrime responsiblity 14, — closely with each other /in the me ans development of sth 7. the results /a diagnosis ‘A) cooperate Deore eer a 415, widely / generally ~~ as an author ee ae AJacknowiedged 8) continued A) impress 8) ratiy 416. — your actions /a claim 1) consent 8) justy @®aKeivol.cctron 135 (A)AKINDI iL EGiTI eave Vey Hameln Exercise 2— Verb Synonyms Test 8: Verilen sézciiklere anlamca yakin sézciikleri sociniz. y 2) 9 4) 5) 8) 8) 9 10) n) 136 “appeal to” means ~~~. A) continue Byamaze D) affect E) manipulate “proceed” means —. A) respect 8) goon D) keep on E) appreciate “admire” mean Ajdetermine ——_B) specify D)lookup io) appreciate “define” means ~ A) label 8) aamire D) locate E) dlessiy “diagnose” means A) realize 8) portray D) spot ) recognize “portray” moans —~ A)realze 8) picture D) recognize) characterize “notice” means ——. A)coonerate 8) recognize. D) realize E)ald “contribute to” means Ayhelp B) support D)acknowiedge —E) back (up) “consent” means ~—. A) label B) agree ©) come totems withD) classify “validate” means A) approve B) ratty to D) substantiate E) affect, “astonish” means --—-. A) verily 8B) influence D) contr E) amaze 42), “rationalize” means — ©) cary on A)cority B) justify ©) proceed ) endorse E) carry on 418). “continue” means -—. ©) cary on A) keep on B)respect. 0) ike D) proceed €)900n 14) “rospect" means —- )ke A) label B) admire ©) determine D) appreciate ook up to 15) “classity” means ©) specity A)spot B)detemmine —_C} define D) detect E) spocity 16) “locate” means -—~ cy fing ay fing B) identity) diagnose D)realize E) notion 47) “depict” means ~ ©) dopiet A) picture B)portray describe D) realize E) notice 18) “recognize” means -—, C) assist A)contribute to B) back (up) ©) cooperate D)realize E) notice 419) “assist” means ©) admit Ajai B)support ——_C) contrbute to D) concur E) come to terms with 20) “accopt” means Ajagree B)admit ©) validate ) concur D)acknowedge —E) justiy 24) “verify” means =~, ©) appeal A)amaze BB) manipulate) validate D) confi E) approve of 22) “Influence” means ~~ A)keepon —_B) appealto —_C) proceed C) impress D) affect E) astonish @AKiolueciria iy eee Pec Plan Schedule Arrange Hold (a meeting) Organize E SST g ‘Spread (out) Extend Provail Expand |. Foresee . Guess . Diamante (A)AKIN pit. eGiTiM Es is Cree a eae Pata Eid ILERI SURMEK Claim 1, Put forward Alloge 2. Speculate Maintain 3. Hypothesize Foretell Anticipate | Estimate Envisage Forecast Project Predict Rumour Gossip F. EUS Gens Break Tear apart is ce cs eee oun i Worsen Get/ make worse Deteriorate Decay Decline Unite Merge Tie Combine Bring together Match Fragment Disintograte Divide G Coaae Suan ag Renin CCN Gs Remove Eliminate Abolish Do away with Got rid of Dispose (of) Split Aggravate Exercise 1 - Collocation Test: Asagidaki 1, —-=.ameoting /a trip / to do something A) gossip B) plan 2. foros A) a problem B) history 3. many lives / to be Innocent A) claim 8) break 4, =a proposal / an idea A) aggravate B) put forward 5, money / support A) plodge 8) disintegrate - business / overseas ‘A) expand 8) abolish ‘a record /the rules / the law A) break B) deteriorate ‘companies / together B) merge A) decay ® 10. 1. 12. 43, 14, 45, sdeleri dogru gokilde tamamlayan sézcigii bulunuz. a situation / standards A) worsen B) allege slavery / death penalty / a law A) hypothesize ——_B) abolish an idea J a goal /a plan A) prevail B) put forward =~ trouble /a problem A)anticipate 8) tie the future / a result A) split 8) predict soa scenario / a plan /a theory A) prevail B) put forward hours / a deadline B) deteriorate rubbish / a tumour A) arrange B) remove ®akinoleesiriw 139) (A)AKINDIt EGitim Exercise 2 Verb Synonyms Test 9: Verilon sézciiklere anlamca yakin sézetikleri seciniz. 1) “plan” means ~- 12) “predict” means A)allege B) schedule) maintain A) envisage B) guess ©) organize D) claim E) arrange D) foretell, hold (a meeting) 2) “foreseo” means 13) “rumor” means A) forecast B) unite ©) project A) gossip B) predict ©) guess D) combine E) merge D) abolish E) get rid of 3) 14) “speculate” means A) foresee B) maintain) project, A) remove 8) get rid of ©) dispose D) allege E) guess D) foretell E) hypothesize 4) “predict” means ~ 15) “prevait” means A) decay B) project ©) deteriorate A) speculate Bjexpand —_C) spread (out) D) estimate E) forecast D) gossip E) rumor 5) “promise” means 16) “fragment” means =——. A) gossip B) pledge ©) claim A) prevail B) disintegrate C) expand D) rumor E) maintain D) spread (out) E) crumble 6) “spread (out)” means 17) “combine” means ~ A) promise B) project ©) foresee A) fragment B) disintegrate C) match D) pledge E) extend D) unit ) bring together 7) “break” means --—. 18) “decay” moans -—. A) pledge B)tear apart —C) unite A) combine B)decline CG) match D) dismantio ) promise D} bring together E) aggravate 8) “unite” means -—~. 19) “do away with” means ~ A)tio B) break ) tear apart A) get rid of B) decay ©) dispose D) dismantle E) merge D)aggravate ———E) dectine 9) “worsen” means ~~. 20) “anticipate” means —-. Ay unite B) merge. ©) get worse Ajdo away with —B)estimate ——_C) envisage D)deteriorate Ele D) get rid of E) dispose 10) “remove” means. 21) “divide” means ~~ A) worsen B)eliminate —_C) get worse Aysplit B) anticipate C) estimate D) deteriorate) abolish D) envisage E) separate 11) “hold (a meeting)” means 22) “speculate” means —-. A) organize 8) predict ©) remove A) divide B) put forward C) split D)eliminate E) abolish D) unite E) separate @aeanok eetnin 140 Goswnaomm tem SSC (AKIN Dit EGiTiM Mrkertve Yop Hametie VERBS REVISION TEST 7.9 _ D means —~ 412) “predict” means —- A) lay sb off B)rolease ——_C) send out /off A) claim B) guess ©) maintain D) dismiss E) oak D) foretell E) hold (a meeting) 2) “proceed” moans 13) “clash means —. A) respect B) goon ©) camry on A) combat 8) separate ©) divide ) keep on E) aporeciate D) fight E) battle 3) “claim” means 14) “respect” means —~. A) foresee B) maintain C) project A) label 8)admire determine Djallege E) guess D)appreciate —_E) look up to 4) “alienate” means ~~~. 15) “prevail” means -—. A) leak B) isolate ©) dismiss A)speculate ——-B) expand -—C) spread (out) Djexclude E) estrange D)hypothesise —_E) rumor 5) “diagnose” means — 16) “isolate” means Ajrealize B) portray) deseribe Avalienate Bestrange _C) freeze D) spot ) recognize D) release E) suspend 6) “spread (out)” means 47) “depict” means — A) promise ) prevail ©) foresee A plture B) portray ©) describe 0) pledge E)extond D) leak E) release 1) “contain” means ~ 18) “decay” means A)oboy B) abide by ‘A) combine 8) decine _) match ©) be made up of D) include D)bring together) aggravate E) be composed of 19) “comply with” means —. 8) “contribute to” means A)incorporate B) stick to. C)obey Ayholp B) support) admit D) include E) abide by D) acknowledge) back (up) 20) “accept” mean: 9) “worsen” means =. A) agree B) promise C) leak Ayunite 8) merge ©) get worse Dj acknowledge) pledge D) deteriorate Ete 2) 10) “look at” means A)spit B) anticipate ©) estimate A)stare at B) glance at) mean Dj envisage E) separate D) gaze at E) glimpse at 22) “battle” means —~. : ‘A) combat B) struggle ©) divorce Avery B) influence) impress D) diverge E) break up D) confi E) amaze @akint 143 (A)AKIN re oat 5 DURUMUNU KORUMAK stay Remain Maintain Sustain Keep Hold Stand stil Participate in Get involved in Be engaged in ‘Take part in Goin for Attend Join® Conese EST10 Ks Eronues eNOS Ce MoUs i= Reveal l2- Unravet Disclose Unveil Unearth Uncover Unmask pit EGiTiM ‘eer ve Yop Bemetier ce USTESINDEN aug ‘Overcome Get over Defeat Eliminate Overpower ‘Subdue Suppress Conquer fi ‘a Pree) Renlty Cine GIKARMAK ‘Conceal Hide Disguise Mask Cover ‘March Advance Proceed Infer from ‘Conclude from Deduce from Gather from 4, =the old times / peace 8 as awaiter A) year for 8B) wrap up A) mix 8) disguise 2 a drink | paint 10, the statistics / evidence A) suround 8) stir A)stay B) infer from 3. be —~ in flames / by sea 14, —-two concepts / fact and fiction A) engulfed 8) joined A) confuse B) got involved in 4, =--your shyness / financial difficulties / an 12, —-by the enemy / by mountains ince A)exposed 8) surrounded amare B) overoone 43, ~~ aneed risk / the enemy / rival 5. —~asocret Ajeliminate B) advance A) reveal 8) advance os 6, contact! your position / high standards good ‘\) proceed ) yeam for aaa 15. growth / success seems B) overcome A) deduce 8B) sustain ~~ elections / an activity / research 46. —— a debete [politics A) participate in. 8) overwhelm ‘Dengagedin BY blend 8, --amystory/the intricate intoractions A) defeat 8) disclose @AkKivolesiri 144 (A)AKINDIL EsiTiM Exercise 2 - Verb Synonyms Test 10: Verilon sézcilklere anlamea yakin sézciikleri seciniz. 4) “disclose” means -—~ 12) “hide” means ——. A) disguise 8) reveal ©) conceal A) mask 8B) deduce from ©) conceal D) unveil E) unmask 0) conclude from _E) cover 2) “conceal” means ~ 13) “deduce” means —~. A) mask B) cover ©) hide ‘A) conclude from 8) yearn for C) gather fom ) conclude from) infer fom D) miss E) infer from 3) “conclude from” means 14) “miss” means A) deduce from B) yeam ©) gather rom A) confuse B)yeam for C) mix D) miss E) infer from D) blend E) long for 4) “long for” means 45) “mix” means=--. Astir B) yearn for C) mix A)confuse 8B) engulf ©ystir D) confuse E) miss D) blend E) overwhelm 5) “blond” means — 16) “overwhelm” means A)overwhelm ——B) mix ©) surround A) defeat B) eliminate) enguif D) confuse E) stir D)wrap (up) ——_E) surround 6) “overwhelm” means -——. 417) “got over” moans ‘A) suppress 8) engulf ©) wrap Ajovorpower 8) proceed -—_ ©) conquer ) surround ) subdue D) advance ) subdue 7) “defeat” means ——. 18) “march” means ——. A) march B)overcome —_C) get over A) advance B) reveal ©) proceed D) proceed E) eliminate D) maintain E) stand sti 8) “march” means 19) “keep” means —. Ay keep B) hod ©) disclose A) get involved in B) hold ©) sustain D) advance E) proceed D)remain E) in 9) “remain” means ——. 20) “attend” means A)stand stil 8) maintain.) gativohedin ‘A)be engaged in B)expose ——C) reveal D) join E) sustain D) take partin —_E) participate in 40) “take part in” means =, 24) “uncover” means -—-. A) unravel B)expose ——C)aitend A) unravel B)inferfrom _C) disclose D) participate in) go infor D) unearth ) gather from 14) “unoarth” moans 22) “gathor from” means —~. A) reveal B)disclose —_C) cover A) conquer BB) conclude from C) suppress D) disguise E) expose D)infer from) deduce from @akinolcsirin 145 Cigna! oes Collect Build up ‘Accumulate Store ‘Assemble Gather Come together A Ges Cod - Escape Run away from Flee Get away with Exerci 41 - Collocation Te: ()AKIN _VERBS TEST 11 COU wo) ETMEK 1+ Devote Dedicate Commit Allocate ie Pea - data / energy! knowledge ©. Peel TU cg Fore Urge Compe! Mandate oblige Dictate ‘Command Impose 4, EA) Cantus 1+ Evacuate 12. Withdraw from '3- Retreat (t uit DiL EGITIM D. Eure’ SZC sic 1. Deceive 2- Mislead 3 Betray l4- Trick 5+ Cheat (on) I Reread 1 Leave 2 Abandon IS Desert Ce Ue TAL aad 4+ Charge sb with Accuse sb of Blame sb for Convict (of) Sue sb for Prosecute i Ere e a ao weleuas 11- Prepare for Train Get ready Practise Rehearso : Agagidaki ifadeleri dogru gekilde tamamlayan sézctigé bulunuz. ‘a child /a city /a project Ajaccumulate 8) mandate ‘A) abandon 8) collect 2. ime I funds | 10, a skill/ a new exercise Ajallocate 8) retreat | 1) charge 8) practise 3. =--aban/ sanctions 14, a team J evidence ! machine A) gather 8) impose A) dictate B) assemble 4, yourself the public 12, =~ yourself / money! time / resources Ajabandon 8) deceive A) dedicate B) escape 5, = lying / murder! fraud 13, a person/your countrylsomeone's trust Ajaccused of —_—_—B) welcome Apes B) betray alee eeener alent Paves 14, —yourself/ education system /the government A) rehearse 8) feo A) blame 8) come together erie ee eeeeneneeeeoe 18. crime /a lenient punishment AA) welcome 8) collect ee 8, === from a compotition /a lesson / money 16. ——--an approach /a policy / an attitude /a child A) force 8) withdraw Tan animal A) sue B) adoot @AKivol.esirin 148 (A)AKINDIL.EGitiM Exercise 2 — Verb Synonyms Test 11: Verilen sézctiklere anlamea yakin sézciikleri seginiz. 1) “evacuate” means -—~. 12) “rehearse means ~~. A) train B) retreat C) rehearse A) gather 8) train C) practise D) withdraw E) prepare for D) collect E) get ready 2) “train” means ~ 13) “collect” means A) rehearse B)get ready C) store A)oome together B) assemble C) build up D) prepare for) assemble D) leave E) abandon 3) “build up" means —~ 14) “commit” means-——. A) gather B)decsive Collect A) dovote B)allocate ——_) mandate D)accumulate —_E) betray D) dedicate E) compel 4) “devote” means —-, 15) “urge” means —, ‘A) commit B) accuse ©) charge A) force B) dictate cheat (on) D) dedicate E) allocate D) tick E) impose 5) “compel” means =~. 16) “betray” means A) tick 8) oblige ©) force A) sue B) deceive ——_C) withdraw D) mislead E) command D) retreat E) mislead 6) “mislead” means 17) “convict” means —. A) betray 8) sue ©) cheat (on) A)accuse sbof —_B) fee blame sb for D) conviet E) deceive D) get away with) charge sb with 7) “sue” means 18) “run away from” means ~ A) flee 8) accuse ©) escape A) flee B) welcome ©) get away with D) prosecute E) charge D) escape E) adopt 8) “escape” means 19) “accept” means —— A)fiee B) adopt A) retreat B) adopt welcome C) get away with D) embrace D) evacuate E) embrace E) run away from 20) “evacuate” means -—-. 9) “embrace” means A) train B) retreat C) devote A) retreat B)evacuate ©) welcome D) collect ) withdraw from D) accept E) adopt 24) “leave” means 10). “rotreat” means —~ ‘A)got ready B)abandon 0) desert A) betray B)withdraw ©) cheat D) rehearse E) train D) deceive B) evacuate 22) “prepare for” means 11) “dosort” means —. A) compel B) rehearse C) urge A tein B)abandon —_C) quit D) train ) practice D) eave E) practice @akinvok iri Precrerery aoa 149 (A)AKINDIL EGitim VERBS TEST 12 8. ¢ D. PrreCnus ian as tance Need Goincide Walk ‘Assure Shorten Produce Overlap Get around Ensure cut Manufacture Run into Travel Warrant Reduce Generate Bump into Wander Guarantee Abbreviate Yield Come across Roam Encounter CCS Ste a ats is H. f J onan meee NC Cg MuzDaRiP eae Suing UL Gceaemncnetanlsse Tend to do 4. Invent Fabricate 1. Suffer (fom) — |. Suppress tnctine to do 2. Devise Make up 12. Oppross Be apt to do sth 3, Develop 13. Torture 4. Formulate |4. Maitreat 5. Create F MEYLETMEK & NIYET ETMEK Exercise 1 - Collocation Test: Asagidak! ifadoleri dogru sekilde tamamlayan sézeiigi bulunuz. 1. runinto ~~ a disease / crisis A)an old friend 8) a device AN) suffer from B) travel 2 travel 10. == protests /a desire A)hundreds of miles _—_—B)thousands of refugees A) suppress B) assure 3. assure ~ "4 problem / new people A) natural disaster 8) security ofa document A)invent B) encounter 4. when the days in winter — 42, = over most of Aftica A) invent 8B) shorten AYinvent B) roam 5. = software / hardware /a product 13, safety stability A) produce B) wander A) ensure B) coincide 6. some cars ~~ noisier than others 14, risks / prices A) yield B) tend to be A) reduce B) mattreat 1. ‘a method / system 15, ~~ profit / good results A) reduce B) devise A) torture B) yield 8. ‘an excuse 16. As they age, people are -—be forgetful A) fabricate 8) roam ‘A) inventing B)aptto @akanvolestri 152 Bseneasease, a C)AKINDIL. EGitiM Exercise 2 ~ Verb Synonyms Test 12: Verilen sézcilklere anlamca yakin sézciikleri seginiz. 1) “coincide” means. 12) “wander” means —-. A) walk B)overiap Cun into A) roam B) travel ©) shorten D) travel E) come across D) reduce E) walk 2) “travel” means: 13) “warrant” means —-, A) wander B) get around —C) roam A)guarantee 8) suffer ©) develop D) assure E) ensure D) coincide E) ensure 3) “warrant” means — 14) “generate” means A) roam B)shorten GC) cut A) produce B)shorten ©) cut D) travel E) guarantee D) ensure ) yield 4) “reduce” means 15) “overlap” means —. A)abbreviate —«B) shorten) manufacture A)manufacture 8) produce) cut D) run into E) bump into D) yiels E) coincide 5) “produce” means —~. 16) “incline to do” moans -—. A)encounter ——_B) yield ) manufacture ‘A) be aptto B) warrant C) cut D) gonerate E) walk D) tend to E) reduce 6) “tend to do” means 17) “croato” means - A) inctine to B) come across C) run into A) invent B) develop —_C) devise D)encounter _E) be apt to D)sufferfrom —_€) wander 7) “invent” means =~, 18) “cut” means —~. A) devise B) create ) encounter ‘A)tend todo «BY shorten. ~—C) fabricate D) devetop E) formulate D) reduce E) make up 8) “fabricate” moans -~ 19) “maltreat” means —~. A) make up B) suffer from _C) suppress A) assure B) ensure ) torture D) ensure E) nun into D) make up E) suffer from 8) “encounter” means, 20) “yield” means A)come across B)ereato ——C) generate 1) produce 8) suppress C) maltreat D) un nto E) yita D) generate ——_—) oppress 10) “suppress” means —~. 24). “bump into” means —. A) devise B) oppress) develop A) ensure 8) wal ©) come across D) tend to ) maltreat 0) coincide travel 11) “come across” means ~~ 22) “travel” means ~ AN) runinto B) encounter ©) ereato A) devise B)wander —_C) getaround ) invent ) bump into ) sufer E) roam @akinvoicechin 153 156 (A) AKIN VERBS REVISION TEST 10-12 1) “disclose” moans — 12) A) force 8) reveal ©) compel D) unveil E) unmask 2) “train” means 13) A) rehearse B) get ready C) store )preparefor —_E) assemble 2) “assure” means-—~. 14) A) warrant B) shorten cut D) reduce E) guaranteo 4) “long for” means 45) A) stir B)yearn for C) mix D) confuse E) miss 5) “compel” means 16) Aytick 8) oblige ©) force D) mislead ) betray 6) “tend to do” means 47) A)ineline to 8) come across ©) run into D) assure ) be apt to 1) “defeat” means 19) A) march B)overcome ©) getover D) proceed ) eliminate 8) “escape” moans ~~. 19) A)flee B) adopt ©) getaway with D) embrace ) run away from 9) “produce” means —~ 20) ‘A)come across B)gothrough _C) generate D)experience —_E) yield 410). “take part in” means ~ 2) A) reveal 8) expose (to) C)altend D) participate in) disclose 41) “desort” means —. 22) A train B) abandon C) aut D) eave ) practice Dit EGiTIM ‘MerkertveYownewk nzmetler} “wander” means ~ A) roam B) travel D) conceal E) walk “deduce” means ‘A) conclude from 8) yearn for ©) miss E) infor from “commit” means A) devote 8) force D) dedicate ) compel oincide” means A) manufacture D) yiela B) produce E) make up 8) conte E) surround Ajadvance D) wrap (up) “convict” moans A) accuse sb of D) get away with B)flee ) manufacture “invent” means Aytendtodo ——_-B) warrant ) reduce E) make up “keep” means. A) disclose B) hold D) remain E) reveal “evacuate” means -—~. ‘A) welcome B) retreat D) yield E) withdraw from “pump into” means — A) ensure B) generate D) coincide E) abandon “gather from” means ~ A) desert BB) conclude from ) infer from ) deduce from @axinol.estrin ©) hide ©) gather from C) mandate ©) overlap ©) enguif ©) blame sb for ©) fabricate ©) sustain ©) adopt ) come across C) suppress (A)AKIN Dit EGiTiM ‘Merkezive Yay amatie! VERBS TEST 13 A cy oie Une large zac} ETMEK Urs Pose Constitute Account for |. Make up Form Be marked by 2. Be characterized by Feature 5 aula Require Necessitate Entall Involve Bring forward Bring up Put smt on the agenda Voice Raise * HALLETMEKS err BULMAK Sort out 2. Work out ‘Take care of Settle Figure out Work out” ‘Come up with cr rca ad 1, Predatg 2. Procede 3. Pave the way for" |4. Come before ISONRA GELMEK] 1. Succeed 2. Follow Dy Ove) abate! acts Praise Acclaim Applaud Compliment Credit ‘Acknowledge Hail Investigate Inspect Examine Sorutinize Look into H él SUT ery aaa eee reared Do Conduct Carry out Perform Execute Commit Convey Transmit Pass on Disseminate Spread Exercise 1 - Collocation Test: Asagidakt ifadeleri dogru gekilde tamamlayan sézctigdi bulunuz. 1, —-athreat/ danger / risk / question 8 A) require B) pose 2. andy beaches / rainy weather ‘0. A) conduct 8B) characterized by 3. =»: an idea / plan / solution 14 ‘A)come up with _B) precede 4, -—anissue/a question 2. A) bring up 8) account for ——an incident / the cause of sth /an explosion 13, Alinvestigate ——_—B) applause 6. Certain jobs -— discipline / money / energy 1“. A) require B) communicate 7. —-a subjectold issues/ a question 18, A) predate 8) raise 8, a free market / newer technologies 16. A) pave the way for B) carry out @akivolkesiriw ~~ survey / Investigation / experiment ‘A) conduct ‘an idea information / message A) execute B) convey a threat / danger / risk A) constitute B) credit beautiful churches / romantic poems A) spread B) marked by =a proposal /a deal /a schedule A) work out B) precede widely / universally A) executed movie / novel / painter B) acclaimed ~~ the damago / the scene / a factory A) inspect B) precede patience / discipline /a lot of training A) scrutinize B) require 157 158 (A)AKIN DiLEGiTiM Markerive Yonah Heder! Exercise 2 — Verb Synonyms Test 13: Verilen sézcliklere anlamea yakin sézctikleri seciniz. » 2) 3) 4) 5) 8) 7 8) 9) 10) 1) “bring forward” means A) precede B)bring up —__C)pavethe way fr D) predate ) put emt on the agenda “precede” means -—. ‘A) camry out B) come before C) do D) predate E) pave the way for “carry out” means A) perform B) conduct) spread ) bring up E) execute “transmit” means =~. ‘A) pass on B) pose ©) convey D)accountfor —_E) spread “form” means ‘A)be marked by 8) make up C) constitute D) acknowledge E) be characterized by “feature” means A) work out B) be marked by C) come up with D) sort out E) be characterized by “take care of” means A)compliment 8) sottle D) sort out E) work out ©) appauseteppleus “acknowledge” means -~ A)investigate —_B) hail ©) look into D) praise E) credit “examine” means — A) inspect B) entail C) necessitate D) look into E) scrutinize “roquiro” means ~~ ‘A) perform B) ental ©) bring up D) necessitate bring forward “put smt on the agenda” means A) predate B) precede D) raise E) bring forward ©) bring up @akinol 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 7 18) 19) 20) 21) 2) “predate” moans ~~. A) carry out B) precede —_C)pavethe way for D) raise E)do “perform” means A) exocute B)transmit_ —_C) convey D) conduct E) carry out “pass on” means A) form B) spread ©) transmit D) disseminate) account for “make up” means —. A) voice B) pose C)oonsttute D)accountfor _E) raise “be marked by” means ~ A) sort out B) figure out) take care of D) feature E) be characterized by ““settlo” moans A) sort out D) credit B) hail E) acknowledge ) take care of “praise” means ~~. ‘A) acclaim B)examine compliment D) scrutinize E} voice “serutini ‘A) ook into B) inspect ©) raise ) bring up E) investigate “necessitate” means ~~ A) perform B) involve ©) require D) conduct E) entail “execute” means -—. A) perio B)transmit_ —_C) communicate D) carry out E) conduct “spread” means —. A) constitute B)passon ——_C) bring up D)accountfor _E) convey (A) AKINDIL. EGiti VERBS TEST 14 cs > 3 D. Ed ice Ce aa aoe ILISKILENDIRMEK Coa en G HAYATA Errors eer Aa eu Be |. Connect Highlight Enforce Demand ‘Attack Link Emphasize . Implement Ask for Raid Associate Stross Apply (to) Request Assault Aitribute Underine Put into practice |4. Wish Strike Tie Point out Desire Refer to Put /lay / place emphasis on Aspire Bond ‘Attach importance to Crave Relate Assert F S i cs c ees Dee y Mage ae pent! Restate eae at tee anos Mlustrate Protect |7. Uphold Enlarge Invade Forify Exemplify Preserve |8. Defend |2. Magnity Occupy ‘Strengthen Cite Conserve |9. Shelter Annex Reinforce Mention Maintain |10.Guard ‘Conquer Toughen Speak of Sustain —_|11.Safeguard Seize Keep Capture Take hold / - I control of Exercise 1 - Collocation Test: Agagidal ifadeleri dogru sekilde tamamlayan sézciigii bulunuz, People / two continents-cities 9, the company / building ‘connect 8) apply A) emphasize 8) enlarge 2, the need for a reform 10, laws /a system AJattack 8) highignt A oniarge 8) implement 3. 11, —~ buildings / the troops 8B) raid A) reinforce 8) demand 4 12, ——-a country city Ainvade B) ask or A) annex 8) implement 5. =~ late at night 18, —~aword /a principle A) enforce B) aia A) emphasize 8B) assault 6. 14, food / drink / values A) occupy B)attibute sth to |) implement B) conserve 7, =-rights the environment 18, —-~a better lite /highor standards AY) protect 8) conquer A) annox B) aspire 8, justice /froodom / values 16, ——atown/ troops / enemy forces A) uphold 8B) ennox Alattack B)itustato @aKinvel etnies a aS aA (A)AKIN Dit EGiTiIM ‘Merhed've Yaya umetiert Exercise 2 - Verb Synonyms Test 14: Verilen sézctiklere aniamea yakin sézciiklori seginiz. D) 2) 3) 4) 5) 8) n 8) » 10) 1) 162 “link” means — 42) “bond” means -—. A)attrbute B) relate ©) occupy A)rolate B) occupy D)associate =) nvade D) seize E) link “stress” means ~ 43) “underline” means —-. A) highlight ) bond Cyemphasize A)assert 8) emphasize D)tie ) undertine D) magnify )highignt “enforce” means «=~. 14) “impose” means ——. A)implement —_B) apply Ch impose Ajassociate ——_—B) enforce D) refer to E) attribute to D) relate E) implement “demand” means —~- 15) “crave” means —~. A) point out B)askfor Cy request. A)desire B) demand D) desire ) aspire D) reid E) attack “attack” means —. 46) “apply” means —-. A) wish B)emphasize C) raid A) putinto effect B) implement 1D) demand E) strke D) assault E) raid “illustrate” means ~~ 417) “mention” means 1A) underline B)exemplify —_C) wish A)cite 8) speak of Djaspire E)crave D) conserve E) preserve “maintain” means ~~. 418) “maintain” moans —-. A) preserve B) wish ©) demand A)sieze 8) protect D) conserve E) keep D)referto E) capture “defend” means -—. 49) “defend” means =~. ‘Ay uphold B) guard C)reter to A) lustrate 8) uphold D)attbute to) bring up ) shelter E) exompiiy “magnify” means 20) “enlarge” means =. A) protect 8) preserve C) annex AA) uphold B) shelter Djentarge E) conquer D) occupy E) magnify “occupy” means —. 21) “seize” means =~ Ayinvade B) maintain C) keep A) capture 8) conserve D) annex E) conquer D) mention E) atte “toughen” means ~~. 22) “strengthen” means A) capture B) strengthen) reinforce A) protect 8) preserve D) forty E) seize D) conserve E) reinforce ®akinphestrio Taverne ae ©) capture C)eniarge ©) highlight ©) aspire C)attack: ©) keep ©) sustain (©) safeguard C) annex ©) annex o)fortty (A)AKINDIL.EGitim VERBS REVISION TEST 13-14 1) “bring forward” means. 12) “underline” means. ‘A) precede 8B) bring up C) pave the way for A) praise B) point out) make up D) prodate ) put smt on the agenda D) assert E} compliment 2) “stress” means 13). “perform” means ~~ AA) highlight B) bond C) emphasize A) oxocute B) transmit ©) convey D)tie E) underline D) conduct E) carry out 3) “carry out” means 14) “impose” means A) perform B) conduct C) wander A) associate Byenforce —_C) bond D) communicate £) execute Dj relate E) implement 4) “demand” means 15) “make up” means -—. A) point out B) ask for ©) assert A) require B) pose constitute D) desire E) aspire D) account for) involve 5) “account for” means 16) “invent” means ~ ‘A)be marked by B) make up __C) constitute A) create B)implement —_C) attack D) form E) be charactorized by D) devise E) raid 6) “illustrate” means 17). “figure out” means ~~, A) desire 8) exemplify ©) mention A) sort out B) coincide _C) take care of D) raise E} crave D) overlap E) generate 7) “settle” means —» 18) “maintain” means - ‘A)compliment B) praise —_C) applausa(applaus) A) harbour B) protect ©) sustain D) sort out E) work out D) refer to E) preserve 8) “defend” means —» 19) “scrutinize” means A) uphold 8) guard ©) refer to ‘A) look into B) inspect ©) ensure D)attribute to) bring up D) assure E) investigate 9) “examine” means ——, 20) “enlarge” means A) inspect By ental O)necessitate A) protect B) capture) annex ) look into E) scrutinize D) preserve ) magnify 10) “occupy” means 21) “execute” means A) invade B)maintain —_C) produce ‘A) perform B)transmit ©) communicate D) annex ) conquer D) carry out E) conduct 11) “put smt on the agenda” means 22) “strengthen” means A) predate B)precede ©) bring up. AA) bring up. B) suffer ©) fortify D) voice E) bring forward D) conserve E) reinforce @akvole ects 165 (AVAKINDIL EGitim VERBS TEST 15, a a 4. =--problomis) |, a country 27, ~--toxle gases into the Hewpre" B)adcress Ayia” B) undertake atmosphere Siok Bhendure O\mmiigatoDyrule Ayebolsh— Blundermine Chretars Bem 2 ws amatter orsolution | 15. mass -—- commodities Ayako use of Mp handle "B) purchase 28, Ifyou give enough water, Bycome across Cproduce D) abuse ante will eventually G)make clear B} come to terms 46, == the differences among Atve BY plunge countries C}soar DB} plummet 3. =the use of chemicals Stel B undermine in food GWvenish DY acost 29, —--the way wo live to save Ayfomd ——_—B)oviginate money Chaccond —_D) deal 17, == a meeting or work to ‘Ryalter 2) tigger another date Chreca! Duly 4, =~ scientific facts Apputot 8) abide by ‘ban 8) endure ChEdjust to D}runinte 30. w= the secrets of somebody Chroiyon By delay Jsuponise 8) dtr 418, =a chiles language Ohtre D)roveat 5, <= that you were on Mars Shalls with repetition jrevert BY ance ‘Ayobotut Brin 31, ——atheory G\imagine —D)discard GJennanes D) assume reed” Byfuel C) fire D) consent 6, someone from work 49, =~ strict moasures dismiss "°8) hire ‘ipso 2 ade 22, = a change inthe G\permt™ —_Dhassess Gh undermine D) surpass ‘nvironme aN soer 8) plunge -- the differences among 20. ‘C) abolish D) trigger Bacteria A) frustrate B) identify I. 33. ee a law Ghrotard —_B) reign urged B) wasted AVimplement 8) neglect not @rekgned —D}.diminishea Ghundermine D) manage now policies for ‘ducation 21, factors that ~~ crime hits ata Rypromoto. 6) declare Arate 8) soar B} neglect @)fondemn D) denounce Cy plummet ©) plunge Cc) mark 0) nttoduce 22, +a consensus 35. both economically and Heurge "Sciam Socially 8, -—-adisease with great GJroath Dh reve! Asoo Blundetke effort C) flourish D) devote A) reject B) recollect 23, ~---the economy with: C) eradicate D) consent austerity measures 36. factors that -—- crime ° Ayempy 8) descend Aater 8} foretet 10, ji ana spaces Chesttange B) ruin Cheommit —Djencourage ‘A)evoWe B) release 24, mew secret 37. «== the responsibility of a C)emit D)halt Aj fostor 8) abuse Tessonneaeaaaed Cdenounce 1D) reveal Ryioster ———B) abuse 41, anew law C)denounce 0} undertake Ayempot 25, -—a theory 8} gather Ajprove” 8) gather 38, <= tho results of a study Ch lease Ghhappen — D)fustate Rinne Spite introduce en Gylassess permit 42, =the hardships ofthe Ajiive” 8) access 239, —=-the membership of wartime period C\iads Bp aboish sonora P Aytackle 8) develop Ayre B) diagnose Chovertske DO) surge G\suspend — Bheradate 43, —-an ness with ‘accination Mimpeowt” — 8} remain Caboish —_D) supervise @areinvol est 166 oom (A)AKINDIL.EGitiM VERBS TEST 16 Each exercise has only one correct answer, 1 sb redundant 14 growth ane Sienna : investments atmosphere Chast Ohh A)aboish 8) undomine Aatoteh B)undmin 2, su the law C)leak Demi. ©)condemn D) emit A)prevall 8) gain 18, mass ~~ an iter in a 28, —astory ©)break —-D) sue factory A) make up 8) put off 3. —- millions of dollars in Ajreside —_B) abolish C)give in) head for sth ©) produce) abuse 28. mnallergy A)pretend 8) mature 16. n lines with A)reject. 8B) develop C)ascend —D) invest vaccination C)dely —_D) consent 4 resources A)eradicate B) expose 30, =the truth behind A)hinder 8) access to ©) abolish 0) discuss something C)fade delay 17. far on obesity A) ustrate 8) flee 5. he truth bohind Ayreveal 8) declare ©)retard Dy unveil ‘something ‘C) condemn D) denounce 31. a disease A)reveal__B) condemn 18, froma post Ajroject 8) eradicate ©) jeopardize 0) frustrate A)leap —_B) forge emit —_D) consent 6, -—someone ©) step down D) assume 32. new method ‘A) accumulate B) gather 19, —-tothe throne A)roam —_B) diagnose C)happen —D) rustrate Ajnule 8) ascend C) devise) consent 7. =the secret of sb C)oease —D) halt 33 ~-=to the throne Ayfrustrate 8) flee 20, ~~ faith in something Ayre —-B)ascend C)retard Dy unveil ‘Ajhave 8) set C)cease DO) hat a. olicies for the C)foretell D) release 34, a child reer 21. factors that ~~ erimo ‘A)sp0il—_B) descond ee A) promote 8) declare ) accumulate D) resent eeepc) cence ©) condemn 0) denounce 35. sanctions ona 9. ~=anilness /alleroy 22, -—aconsensus country A)reject 8B) develop A)protend 8) claim A)seek ——B) retard ieee consent C)reach 0) reveal C)impose _D) enhance ema 23. down from a post 36. factors that — erimo A)nile B) ascend to A)leap B) forge Ajalter B) foretell ie seed eee C)step DJ assume ).commit —D) promote pape 24, -—asecrot 37, —~astory A)compile 8) gather A)foster —B) abuse A)make up B) put of C)eiaim | D)pass ©) denounce D) reveal €)give in 0) head for 12, —anallergy 25. someone 38. --—faith in something ee ore ee aeceiee ‘A) accumulate 8) gather Ajhave —B)set hy Oe ©) frustrate) happen C)foretell —_D) release eames 26. = alaw 39, —-anow method peccmeton A)hinder 8) access Ajroam 8) diagnose py eraticate Ee) 1oara C)fade—_D) introduce C)devise —_D) consent C)abolish —D) hinder @akinvok esirin 167 (A)AKINDIL EGitiM eee ed sot Hemen_ Snemii & i |e Gort | sae [aracirs| aman | vane | “es mt hhemen Sige " Dir goitde Jnaaty[Casuay—|Baseaty —|raviy [Sibaanaiy [Parciny[Generaty [Eston [Say |Fimiy FF NO ide Ce rer] od a eee ea cea | lr a er ra ee re cra cee oe lay pa a (ee ee eae ca eee a ed ead aay ee ec bs, io ey ey fe Hs von) et | ALES tn) gt, |TEEM") tert | mae | in| tart aay — fama — ey cya sc fay fay bens — aw ee eee ee eee me cae fc ee ete seca [Comprchensively |Doubtialy | Arguably Incredibly Sterniy Scarcely Instantly | Sooner or late | |Distrustuly | GOrdindste: Severely, immediately race | ey | ero Dogruldizgin | Kisaca Basics | Tamamnen | Egitsiz | Yogun olarak foc ‘Goniistiz | Uyoun olarak fea Seay tie, — rcs feney——fiseay lomo fame fcr pera eae a ed ceed eee ade frie coe een ea cere ee eee ce ac Fe} fer ee nee WVerciowsy _Inanashel!_|chiey Bags Karan lana oat Mantis | Yeto wamez |aeunotaak| Maat! | ses | Musee! | Tartewsaat | Setige | goctge | Kents independently [Delbertely [Dedsvely [indent |Persuasiely |Imparaly — [Soundly —[Adequatly | Corplconty Jauonomausly |Consciusly |singe- _|Endesly | Convinsngly | Objecivoly [Reasonably |Surfcienty | taifrenty Jreoly ——vitingly ——|mindecly—pcurdussy JConcusively|Faty Legialy [Enough | Unntrostoay Irtentonaly |Resouely—|Fathanlessy sty 'Sensiy | Satstectory | Unconoered Keown Votutanty @aKipl esti 168 Beene aE (A)AKINE iL EGiTIM Meneae Yopnaih Meme! Yen i vac! | saxtngct | Soneemie | win | Yes | vote | "8/8524 | theatre Trig Decoptvey [rity [Subsequent [Randy [Sony city [Fa pe orci sera loc Seetuaty nr Ne toe nora ssi ocean |Fimty— [Mirtae owey—L—Ioocey Jc) feet feaeay ssecutvely Trash {Scarcely | Kindly Stackly eee rst Meagerly | Honorably as5y July Huey Hes Hoar [Benzer olarak) “Rmrigat | acpaet || Dusincot | Betis | cup sdt | oy bite asi [caweouyEmitny |Guety insu [Peasy [Panty [Vehanerty [Uranioasy [Desratey —[Tonsay |Consideratoly | Alike Brutally JExhaustvely |Meditavely |Unceary — Aggressively | Harmoniously | Badly |Kogula bagh nmi Jnowate sry — cay (roentan, JOBE vereay [OAH Tava, [Comer Kiely Severely |Uniersaly coneriavey |" | iganty Tenby | epansnny |Graciously Hard |Generaly | (deep in |Forcefiy |Despendenty |not cetsin [Harshiy thoughts) aad Kagmiaz | Ohmeue | zaptinate | nin | Smcadon! | Zeno’ | acuta |aestinrnan| seals | ate Rocesaay [Rory — [ok conidoty | Ravusy [Popeouy Joseebey [Orne 5a scam ge, [icy Gc” (ees? ome amo em force fee avoid |Uniovoretly Isotyy JAssuety [PHF PorD Haan Badly JAcutly—_|8e peat ormasy satay fan pussy Petia | Aras | ikkati Jeti /derin| Cesuca | Korkakga [OAR Facity ~ossangy Cui [Bcboanty [arvey [ovary Dplratcay JPevebaly, fatenivoy inten [Coveney |rearay Poncaly|CoMtuoaty [Concern |eeal tbo nga ahr Yrnsco | [" Ereudy leap [te |Deeply siouty catty @Ainole esirim Seno cnn 169 ()AKIN ADVERBS WORD CHECK - 1 y 2 3) 4) 6) 8) 170 bit EGiTiM Merter've Yaak Hizmeder Which of the following expressions refer to “finally” A) eventually ©) oddly ) sooner or later B) gradually ) ultimately Which of the following expressions refer to "briefly"? ‘A) succinctly 8) odaly ©) shortly D) peculiarly E) concisely Which of the following expressions refer to “fathomlessly”? ‘A) boundlessty 8) brutally ©) politcally D) endlessly E) indefinitely Which of the following expressions have a “negative meaning"? A) boldly B) violently C) cruelly D) auspiciously E} adversely Which of the following expressions have a “negative meaning"? A) attentively 8) sternly ©) cowardly D) decently E) slackly Which of the following expressions refer to “Fairly”? A) mote or less B) brutally ©) boundlessiy D) almost E) somewhat ‘Which of the following expressions have a “positive meaning”? A) accurately B) brutally ©) reasonably D) courteously ) sternly Which of the following expressions refer to “auspiciously” ? AA) prosperously ©) recently ) successfully B) odally 1D) boomingly Which of the following expressions refer to 9 “extensively”? 'A) comprehensively 8) faity ©) crucially D) broadly E) widely Which of the following expressions refer to 10) eventually"? A)fnally 88) monumentally ©) overwhelmingly ) sooner of later ) ultimately Which of the following expressions refer to uD “roluctantly"? A) eagerly 8) prosperously ©) unwitingly Dy hesitantly E) dubiously 12) Which of the following expressions refer to “comprehensively?” 1) completely 8) broadly ©) widely D) solely E) extensively 13) ‘Which of the following expressions rofer to “impartially”? 1) objectively 8) conclusively ©) honorably D) fairy ) justly 14) Which of the following expressions refer to “endlessly” ? A) boundlessly 8) indefinitely ©) dversely D) infinitely E) almost 15) Which of the following expressions refer to “unwillingly”? A) reluctantly 8) hesitantly ©) fundamentally ) nitty Edubiously oO Which ofthe following expressions refer to “deliborately” ? A\accidentaly 8) intentionally ©) substantially D) wiingly E) knowingly @Aainoleesirim scar oe (A)AKIN Dit. EGiria ADVERBS WORD CHECK -2 _ 1) Which of the following exprassions refer to 9) Which of the following expressions refer to “succinctly” ? “casually” A) in a nutshell B) concisely A) eventually 8) gradually ©) crucially D) briefly ) informally D) auspiciously E) widely E) sooner or later 2) Which of the following expressions refer to 10) Which of the following expressions refer to “substantially” ? briefly"? A) absuraly 8B) monumentally ‘A) succinctly B) ina nutshell ©) overwhelmingly D) fainty ©) shorty D) peculiarly E) heavily E) concisely 3) Which of the following expressions have a 11) Which of the following expressions refer to “negative meaning"? “diplomatically"?.. A) brutally B) ignorantly A) tactfully 8) brutally ©) crucially D) auspiciously ©) poitcally D) vehemently E) adversely E) conclusively 4) Which of the following expressions refer to 12) Which of the following expressions have a entirely"? “negative meaning!"? ‘A) completely 8) fully A) boldly B) violently ©) equally D) solely ©) cruelly D) auspiciously E) utterly E) adversely 5) Which of the following expressions refer to 43) Which of the following expressions have a “solely”? “negative meaning” A)alone B) conclusively A) uneasily 8) stemly ©) honorably D) merely ©) certainly D) consistently E}only E) sluggishly 6) Which of the following expressions refer to 14) Which of the following expressions refer to “endlessly” ? “merely”? ‘A) boundlessly B) indefinitely A) solely B) brutally ©) diversely ) fathomlessly ©) boundlessly D) alone E) almost E)only 7) Which of the following expressions refer to 15) Which of the following expressions have a “basically”? “positive meaning”? A) consistently B) essentially A) accurately 8) brutally ) fundamentally D) initially ‘reasonably ) courteously E) primarily E) sternly 8) Which of the following expressions refer to 16) Which of the following expressions have a “independently” ? “positive meaning"? A) liberally 8) intentionally A) confidently B) oddly C) substantially D) freely C) harshly D) punctualy ) autonomously E) accurately ra ae! 171 (AAKINDIL EGitim ADVERBS WORD CHECK - 3 » following expressions refer to 9) Which of the following expressions refer to properly’ ‘A) comprehensively By fairly A) eventually B) gradually ©) primarily D) mainly ) suitably D) appropriately E) widely E) conveniently 2) Which of the following expressions refer to 10) Which of the following expressions refer to “appropriately”? “universally”? A) suitably B) monumentally A) generally B)in a nutshell C) overwhelmingly 1D) conveniently ) shortly ) globally E) properly E) inclusively 3) Which of the following expressions refer to 11) Which of the following expressions refer to reluctantly"? "tactfully"? A) eagerly 8) unwillingly A) politically B) diplomatically ©) completely D) hesitantly ©) eagerly ) vohomently E) dubiously E) conclusively 4) Which of the following expressions refer to 42) Which of the following expressions have a “complacently""? “negative meaning”? A) uninterestedly B) indiferently A) boldly 8) violently ©) equally D) solely ©) cruelly D) auspiciously E}justly E) adversely '5) Which of the following expressions refer to 43) Which of the following expressions have a “ostensively"? “negative meaning”? A) clearly 8) apparently A) meagerly B) clearly ©) honorably D) fairly ©) gallantly D) complacently E) evidently E}awhully 6) Which of the following expressions refer to 44) Which of the following expressions refer to “inadequately”? “apparently”? A) boundlessly B) deticientiy ‘A)on the surface 8) brutally ©) eagerly D) insufficiently ©) boundlessly D) ostensively E) almost E) evidently 7) Which of the following expressions refer to 415) Which of the following expressions have a "globally"? “positive meaning”? A) consistently 8B) oxhaustively A) slowly B) graciously ©) universally D) generally ©) vituously D) courteously ) inclusively E) decelvingly 8) Which of tho following expressions refer to 16) Which of the following expressions refer to “inevitably”? “meagerly”? A) boomingly B) unavoidably AA) inadequately 8) insutficiently ©) graciously D) imminently C) recently D) boomingly E) inescapably E) deficient @akinyoleesirion 172 (A)AKINDIL EsiTiM ADVERBS WORD CHECK - 4 41) Which of the following expressions refer to 9) Which of the following expressions refer to ‘candidly"? “finally” A) frankly 8) accurately A) eventually 8B) gradually ©) actually D) honestly C) oddly D) ultimately E) earnestly E) sooner or later 2) Which of the following expressions refer to 10) Which of the following expressions refer to “dubiousty"? fy"? A) skepticaly B) suspiciously A) succinctly B) in a nutshell ©) doubttully D) faintly C) shortly D) peculiarly E) heavily ) concisely 3) Which of the following expressions refer to 411) Which of the following expressions refer to “firmly”? “prior to"? A) solidly B) stoutly A) tactfully 8) formeriy ©) unwillingly D) vigorously ©) before D) previously E) strongly E) conclusively 4) Which of the following expressions refer to 12) Which of the following expressions have a “ontirely"? “negative meaning”? A) completely 8) fuly A) defectively B) intentionally ©) equally D) solely ©) cruolly ) doubttully E) utterly E) fully 5) Which of the following expressions refer to 13) Which of the following expressions have a ‘deliberately"? “negative meaning"? A) objectively 8) intentionally A) briskly B) graciously ©) consciously D) wilingly ©) gallantly D) universally E) justly E) slackly 6) Which of the following expressions refer to 414) Which of the following expressions refer to "endlessly"? pensively"? ‘A) boundlessty B) indefinitely ‘A) thoughtfully 8) ruminantly ©) diversoly D) fathomlessty ©) boundlessly Djalmost E) almost E) meditatively 7) Which of the following exprossions refer to 415) Which of the following expressions have a quivalently"? “positive meaning”? A) matchinaly B) essentially A) securely B) briskly C)alike 0) in parallel ©) imperfectly D) courteously E) primarily ) boominaly 8) Which of the following expressions refer to 16) Which of the following expressions rofer to “cowardly”? borately"? A) ungallantly 8) fearfully A) profoundly 8) deeply ©) substantially D) witinaly ©) recently Diinticately E) unheroically E) in detail @AKinolLesirin 173 ADVERBS WORD CHECK - 5 » 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7 8) 174 (A)AKIN Which of the following expressions refer to “extensively”? ‘A) comprehensively 8) fairly ©) crucially D) broadly E) widely Which of the following expressions refer to “in detall”? A) profoundly 8) deeply ©) recently D) inticately E) elaborately Which of the following expressions refer to “reluctantly”? A) eagerly B) prosperously ©) unvaitingly D) hesitantly E) dubiously Which of the following expressions refer to "cowardly"? A) ungallantly B) fearfully ©) substantially D) willingly E) unheroically Which of the following expressions refer to "impartially"? A) objectively B) conclusively ©) honorably D) fairly E) justly Which of the following expressions refer to “concisely”? A) succinctly B)in a nutshell ©) crucially D) briefly E) widely Which of the following expressions refer to “basically”? A) consistently B)essentially ©) fundamentally D) initaly E) primarily Which ofthe following expressions refer to “deliberately”? ‘A) accidentally 8B) intentionally ©) substantially D)wilingly E) knowingly @axins 9) Which of the following expressions refer to “in a 10) 4) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) Dit EGiTIM Morkestve aye Hamed harmony"? A) suocinclly 'B) in parallet C)alike D) equivalently E) primary Which of the following expressions refer to briefly"? A) succinctly )in a nutshell ©) shortly D) peculiarly E) concisely Which of the following expressions refer to “diplomatically”? A) tactfully 8) brutally ©) politically D) vehemently E) conclusively Which of the following expressions refer to “unwillingly”? A) eagerly 8) reluctantly ©) completely D) hesitantly E) dubiously| Which of the following expressions refer to “inescapably” ? ‘A) boomingly B) unavoidably ) graciously ) imminently E) inevitably Which of the following expressions refer to “Fairly”? |A) more or less B) brutally C) boundiessly D) almost E) somewhat Which of the following expressions refer to "previously"? A tactfully ©) before E) conclusively 8B) formerly D) prior to Which of the following expressions refer to “auspiciously"? A) prosperously 8) oddly ©) recently D} boomingly E) successful (A)AKIN pit eGitim ‘MerkesTve Yoymciik Mamet! “PREPOSITIONS 7 — eee a Uke [Sinitarto About [AS to, concerning, regarding nus Above [Over beyond ‘Near |etesere es or ‘ater Upon doing ow away Against Versus ~ on ‘Along [Along the coast along ro content’ | “Onto ‘Amie x ‘Opp - ‘Among Outside - ‘ant Opposed to, aniieeze Over [Over yours Over mater ‘round Past |Supess As [Aba feacher, Known ao, ought as ber ~ ‘sto [As te how, a oth cause Plus a Regarding [Goncoring ato, sbout Before [By the time ~ Round Behind Since Below Under, underneath _ Than Beneath [Below ~ | “Through [ouring throughout By means of va Beside Next to eee To Between Toward Beyond — [Furthor past Bayond he sorta “wards By By car plane. Done by. By doing Under Concerning [About Underneath Considering Unlike 7 Despite —_[inapteo? =] unr : Down ~ = Up During fivouphouin theta of ihe Uponidn [Upon iahina he wat Upon he Except |Apart from. 1 love everybody, but Versus : ao [By means of, through Excepting | — ith key, with hep, wth you Exctuding | Within 24 hours within a county Foitowing | But or, lacking For cs ‘inside Into Freak into - divide into - send into @aKinvol coli ()AKINDIL EGitim PREPOSITIONS TEST 2 o 4. Inthe 17th century, plantation colonies were | 9. —World War, in 1916, the British convinced established —- the Dutch and English ~-~ the Arab leaders to revolt ~--- the Ottoman Empire many rivers in the fertile Guyana plains. A) Intolaboard ) Opposite / over AA) fortoy 8) by! along (©) Along / upon D) During / against C)at for D) aboard / onto E) Across J along E)infon 10, —the exception of China, no major country 2, Enriched uranium is a type of uranium hhas changed more dramatically over the past, which the percent composition of uranium-235, two decades —- Rus has been increased —-- the process of isotope ‘A) Onto / down 8) Within inside separation. ©) Underfinto D) From fat A) for fat 8) atby ) Wwiththan | ©) into fof D) with’as )in through 11, In 1988, the median African income was equal two-thirds of the global median, but ~ the route of the Panama Canal there is a 2008, ithad declined to toss than one-half. series of 3 sets ~~ locks, tho Gatun, Pedro '8)amidiot 8) To! by Miguel and the Miraflores locks. C) for into D) from from A) Along of, 8) From / up E) by / below ©) Upon / at D)In/ot | E) Down / within 42. The Titanic was originally fitted —— 16 Davits , each with 4 lifeboats which was more than 4, r= looking at two linear equations, is there a cnough for everyone --- board hie you can Sis how the corresponding A) beneath / above B) with Jon lines are parallel ©) beyondrat D) intorby A) Otiat 8) Avas eee ae C) Onto/of D) With / on E) Bylas to | 43. Frustration —-- Income inequality has given rise to “Occupy Wall Street” protests in the United States and related demonstrations ----the 5. Reports of a small fire -—~a commercial aireraft have boon ~~ agenda this week. ecalnaea ora A) into fof B) along / by ‘A) over / throughout B) out / beneath ) Inside into 0) aboard /on C)at for D) by / underneath ) unlike / upon E) from fon 6. Job enrichment is a job-design strategy — ‘enhancing job content —-- building into it more motivating potenti 14. various things, as woll as a minimum wage, ‘tho sake of social cohesion there should be a maximum wage, too. Oeby eae | -A)Atong tito 8) Insdonowards Blache eae ©) Among for D) Versuslround mee ) Thanjon Research has shown that air pollutants os fossil fuel use make clouds reflect more of the 15. The “people's” growth rate gives a more accurate idea how economic growth, Sun's raye back == space ee ‘ron nt 8) along fo [nt mein) ec © eganst fn D)regarangion aoe, Detain E) across / with E)as to / across 8. Due to the power politics and struggle ~— the control ---- resources in the Middle East, various powers have supported numerous controversial regimes. ‘A)at / beneath B)as out ©) forout D) overiof, E) as to among @ainvpl,sctrn 176 ewan (A)AKINDIL EGitiM PREPOSITIONS TEST 41. Television will romain the dominant medium ‘Just like the Sun moves —- the sky during the = advertisers, accounting for 41% of all ‘day the stars will follow a similar path ~~ with ‘Spending. Television advertising will approach the sun. '$200bn, rising ~~ 6% in 2012. ‘A) against / aboard B) opposite / over ‘Ayfor by B) out /at (©) versus / upon D) along in Cjat/tor D) aboard / onto E) across / along E)in/on 10. Austerity and a rescue are now ---- way, 2. John Glenn was not the first person — orbit though a descent of Greece ---- anarchy could the Earth, or even the first US citizen in space yet throw them off course. but his orbital fight on 20 February 1962 meant Ayonto down 8) within / inside {he US had caught —- withthe Sovet Union In C) under / into D)fom at space race. Nor A) for at 8)t0/up eee ©) into /of D) with fas ‘11, An odd thing is happening to journalism —~ E) beneath / out the chaos of humanitarian disasters these days since It's becoming as managed, 3. Seven decades ago, in 1945, Germany and influenced, nuanced and manipulated as the Japan were two devastated countries, worst =-~ government spin controlled imllions dead, their cities in ruins and journalism. governed —~ occupation forces. ‘A) amid / of 8) upon / at Ayup lat 8) from / up ©) for into ) from / from C)to/of D)in fof E) by /below E) with by 42. After the Titanic collided ---- an iceberg, there 4, The decade of testing, women — were about 1500 passenger ~~~ the ship, who ‘schizophrenia scored about 10 to 15 percent wore killed at the incident. lower ~~ questionnaires. ‘A) beneath / above B) inside / towards AY of at B)atias ©) beyond /at D) with / aboard C)onto fof D) with fon E) around Fon E) by /for 413, After the Bolshevik Revolution -—- 1917, the 5. Thousands of people were ordered to evacuate newly-formed government developed a their homes in Hawai and ~~ West Coast Philosophy of socialism along ~~ the eventual today amid warnings that tsunami waves and gradual transition to Communism. generated --~ a powerful earthquake in Japan Mot with B) out at were rolling toward the coastline. Sayer Depa A) into /of 8) aiong / by E} rom /on ©) inside / into D) from fat ) unlike / upon 14. So far, the waves the US. coasting have 6. —- overwhelming scientific evidence to the 2en nothing like the fearsome surgo of water ontrary, thre are people who maintain that aay Tundrede of people and simpy wing their own race Is superior ---all others peg henawae on Fecraes Pe) ie tect ey a oe ‘A) along / into B) inside / towards jo) aact EY Deere ©) from / at D) versus / round E) Despite! to Gaenton 7. Racism ~-~ African-Amoricans is still provalent Feet aad ear mrs tl zere™" | 45, The mapa hs eve om hunter gatas Stil face discrimination << housing, settled and civilized being ---- millions of, Sinployment and edueation yoare on is long way of natural evolution. A) amid / at 8) along / for A)by /into B) at/ towards ©) against /in D) regarding / on ©) at along D) to win E) across / with E)off to 8. Inthe face ~~ enormous external influence, the governments ~~~ poor nations and their people are often powerless. atin 8) as/out ©) for fout D) from / by E)ofvof @akinol.esiriv 02 177 (A)AKINDIt. EGitiM PREPOSITIONS TEST 03, 4. Dueits sheor size and dimension, it seems 9. Alatest research has revealed that children almost impossible ~~ imagine what les = AU carting deabilive could be suffering the universe. irom a mafunetion triggered ~-= nerve cals. Wat! out Bo / beyond Ayas/ about 8) wih by G) nto of Bhwtn? ae Chet fitom Byaiong a for bene E}gorose along 2 The curont dflernce the average ea 10, The Amazon lows -— ite origin in tho ator an Peruvian Andes, ust clips the Country of arth's center of macs from the Golomb and lowe many = Broz tl it Sea lovel at the poles Is about 21.4 Kilometers. fn reaches the Atlantic Ocea about! by By amid at a A) into / down: B) within / inside Cee log D) aboard onto } under ino D) tom tough ough on E) by//for Ife did arise on earth inconceivable that this Is the only planet 1 The foulin ordor tolnerease the vehich there emerged i, c wah —— dlapendence on the Soviet Union and to Ayup/at SG siacourage Wester powers = assisting &) dow tin J trough 2) upon fot 4. Imrecont yoars, the American modia has been ©) upon nto ©) om beyond plagued «all sorts of problems incl ) agai Sting prt, canal anplaton, 42, Adoluston is commonly defined as a fixed false belle and is usod —— ovoryday language wat at Brat a5 {odescrive a bellot that is ether false, fant Ohonto ot Bhat about E)by for Ratio PH inside towards Debates — the origin of racism often suttor Shi om D)into aboard from a lack of clay over the tam, which on makes the subject more complicated = 48, The subjct of bith -- averatt and ships & oe 1 subject of bith —— alrcraft and ships is ae akong fy te witha long history ---pubite Itarnational 8) aie into Bytom! at law andthe concopt often receives suppor Ringe io and erttsm 25 wel Alot trough B)on at Much has been said —~- the population ©} between along DB) aboerd /in Shrinkage tha wil efit Europe === the } trough on coming decades. ‘about /in B)As tor/ at 414, Hydrogen fuel cells tke those found in some Gasol! by Dy Above over “green vehicles, have a ot of promise === an E}Daspte fo alternative fuel source, but making them practieal —~-a large scale requires them tobe 7. The Astronomics Society of Singapore has tore effciont and cost eftoctive. bald the ball-—-fire seen blazing ~~ the sky Ayinfet 3) wth / towards near the Tuas Second Link was Rota comet or Shiro at Ball senior Bjas!on A) onto / at B) with / for Ohi eganst Dy across 45, Excopt for rligious conficts and the petty Bas / beneath ‘wans —- feudal lords, wars, a9 we derstand, are primarily ought resources 8. The fecal crisis rolling the eurozone has Dnata Sean esaees renewed Intestin the question === whether nines ) with /by ‘urozone countries have realizad gaine =~ tho ae Pare u's introduction and, 30, wine has gained aie the most. Ayas! trough B) of rom C) for / towards D) beyond / by E) about / on @akivoleesnia 178 asonemnse PREPOSITIONS TEST 1 ()AKIN Contrary to the mainstream opinion. astrology is not just ---- horoscopes and it has just reconily gained its reputation —- a new age science. ‘A) about / as 8B) by beyond ©) into /of D) wth / 2s ) amid / beneath Erich Von Daniken, starting with his popular Chariots of the Gods, sold ---- forty million books presenting his theories that the Earth was visited -—- extra-terrestrials some 10,000 to 40,000 years ago. ‘A) to! throughout B) over / by C) between / along D)as / onto E) through fon There has long been suspicion of a government cover --- of information about the assassination of John F. Kennedy — November 22,1963, A) up/ on. B) from / at C)along / of D)by/in E) down / within ‘Also known as The Devil's Triangle, refers to the tragedy- prone area of fifty miles of ocean, located ---- Florida and the Bahamas, whore more than 200 people have been lost --— a trace. ‘A)among / at B)at/ as C) onto /of D) with / about ) between / without Grop circles are strange geometric designs various fields and that have appeared —- the years in rural farms. A) over! to 8) along / by C)in / throughout ) from /in E) unlike / upon --~ 10,000 crop formations have been reported globally since the late 70's and hundreds have even been reported ~-~ the US. ‘A) About / throughout B) As for! at ©) Of among D) Above / by E)in/ beneath Existentialism is a concept that became popular ---- the Second World War ~-- France, and just after it. A)onto /at B) with f for C)in / against D) during /in E)as//beneath pi EGiTiM erkeaTveYopciteHametie! 13, 14 10. 1. 12. 15, 04 The American Revolution, also termed --—~ the ‘American War of Independence, which started in the year 1775, was a war -—-~ Groat Britain and the 13 British colonies in North America. ‘A) as / between 'B) of from C) for towards D) beyond / by E) about/ on ‘There are several reasons as ~~ why the ‘American Revolution took place and economic reasons, political reasons, introduction certain Acts. A) as / about 8) with by C)to Fof D) along fin E) across / along Since prejudice and discrimination are —- ‘contrast with one another, and one should compare prejudice ~~ discrimination. ‘into dowe 8) within inside ©) under /into ) from / through E)in/ versus ‘The world has witnessed many amazingly talented French women and some have inspired us --- their struggle, while some have ft us —-- awe of their beauty and talent. ‘A) amid / through BB) upon / out (©) upon into ) with Fin E) against / from Information -— the life of William Shakespeare Is often open ~—-- doubt, while some even doubt whether he wrote all plays ascribed to him. ‘A) excluding / by C) besides / from E} regarding / to B) inside / towards ) into / aboard ‘The plays ——- Shakespeare have been studied ‘more than any other writing in the English language and have been translated ‘numerous languages. A)of into, C) between f along E} from /to Byon/ at ) aboard / in his time in office Bill Gates has been keen to diversify the business ---~ Microsoft. AA) Towards / at 1B) With / towards C) Underneath /at ) Throughout / of E} Until on Historical periods in literature periods have ‘evolved ---- time, and are an accurate reflection of the state of society ---- the corresponding time A)in fat B) with by Chover / at Djat/as E)as/in 179 1. ()AKINDIL EGiTiM 08 stone ofits | 9, == thousands of years, globalization has contributed to the progress of the world travel, trade, migration, sproad of cultural influences and dissemination of knowledge and understanding ‘A) Over {through ©) With /of E) across / along B)in/ by ) Along / in Tectonic earthquakes will occur anywhere the earth where there is sufficient stored elastic strain energy to drive fracture propagation —--a fault line. ‘AY into / down B) within / along ©) under / into ) from, through E}in/ versus Newton's law universal gravitation states that every massive particle nthe universe tracts every otver massive partic === a force which directly proportional to the product of their masses AA) of with 8) upon f out Chas into D) with Fin E} on / from ‘The two new studies found that the musical scales most commonly used ---~ the centuries are those that come closest mimicking the physics of the human voice Yin by B) by / towards C)over Ito D) into / aboard E)as/to ‘The global GDP growth of recent decades: came largely ~~ demographic growth and productivity increases, themselves products globalization and Information technology. ‘A)ot into Bion /at C) between / along D) aboard fin E) from /of a 6-year-old child, one of the most powerful educational tools may be direct Instruction, according to new research —- how children learn about prejudice 'B) Under / by D)As/of A) For/ over C)at/at E} Until on Starchy vegetables are a forerunner ‘number of nutrients which are essential the proper growth and development of the human body system. AYin for B)of to C) over at Dyat/as, E}as/in PREPOSITIONS TEST e environmental community fost one of 8 The q i f ] most powerful advocates ~-~ the recent death ‘of Wangan Maathai, who won tho 2004 Nobel Boace Prize ~~~ het work with the Groon Belt Movement. ‘Ayupon / for 8) beneath! beyond C)into lof B) with as E) amid /by mn Some prominent economic analysts have | called ~---a weaker dollar ---a cure forthe | United States" economic is. | A)as/ about By by / with | C)io/ ot Djoversin E}for/as fany fear that the world is quickly using —-- 14 Many fear that the world is quickly usi the vast but finite amount of fossit fuels and that we may have already peaked ~~ fossil {ual oxtraction and production. Ayup lon 8 tom at along | of vupTin ©) dows entin ° Although nowhere in primitive societies have human beings been subject --- tho gross i explatation charactoriti of slavery among ‘culturally advanced peoples, there has existed —-many regions the ownership of persons outside of family relations Ato! in B)at/as Ghot/ at D) with about E) for without 1 United States wore truly serious 43. IF the United Stat ri attng pressure on Iran, the ast hing I should be doing Is trying -—-, soften prices. ‘A)over Ito 3) along by ) about /to DB) rom in E) unlike / Upon Certain green buildings have to be constructed A 9 <= such a way that to optimally utilize fa Sunlight, hey heed to be structurally = Positioned in the opposite direction -—- the ther neighborhood buildings. ‘A) about Pout Bi) for at Shorfas D) above I by Ejinito re are a range —- starchy vegetables and Th bl other food items which should be included in 18. the daily diet =~ heaithy portions. A)onto at BB) wath or C)in/ against Dj ot with Ejas/on Post the American Civil War inthe year 1865, opportunities ~~ gamering education and altaining employment was received == a welcom ‘Ayamis between Blot tom Chfer/as D) Beyond / by E) about? on @aKinvole evra 180 ()AKIN PREPOSITIONS TEST 1 Securing rights —-- vast areas of the China Sea ‘would help China expand its already significant ‘economic and strategic influence ~--- the region. ‘yon {for B) across / as ©) into / of D) over fin E)via/by In his 2011 State of the Union speech. President Barack Obama called —- the United States to generate 8094 of its power -—- clean energy sources by 2035. ‘A)as/ about Bin with C)at/of D) over in E)for from Steps that give consumers choices ~-~-fuels such as ethanol, biodiesel and biobutanol can 1d petroleum's monopoly ~-~- a certain extent, ‘A) among / to B) from fat Chas sof D)up sin E) by / within ---- evolution, new species evolve --~ better ‘organisms that can adapt the changes in their ‘ecosystem. ‘A) Onto fin 1B) With trom ©) Across / of 1D) Through | into ) Without / up People inhabit different parts of the world and lead different types ---- lives, so their lifestyles change ~--- the various regions on Earth as well as their mentalities. ‘A) of / across ©) from / with E) unlike / upon B) along / by D) about / 10 ‘Thore has been much recent interest in the links ~~ social cognition and brain function, particularly ~--- neuropsychological studies. Ayfor /at B) between / in C) of as D) above / over E)in/to ‘The average American child watches an estimate -—-- 25,000 to 40,000 television commercials ~~ year. A) onto / at B) with / for Cin / against D) of / with E) from / per To be consumed by the masses, sugar was turned ---- a necessity and be available abundance to drive prices down. 10. n. 12. 13, 15, DiL EGiTiM 06 ‘The illicit drugs trade Is one of the largest global businesses, —--- some $322 billion, Which makes it the highest concern address. A) by /for B)In/by C) with / of. D) along fin E)at/to Obesity typically arises -— over-cating, especially an unhealthy diet, and deficiency enough exercise. AA) into / down, 8B) within falong (©) under / into D) from J of E) in versus Restrictions in access ——- food determine two simultaneous phenomena that are two sides = the same coin A)to! of B) upon J out C) as into D) within E}on/from Individual differences —-- joint attention are related to the intensity of social symptoms, responsiveness to interventions, and long- term social outcomes in children —— autism. Ayat/by B) by / towards C) over to Dyin with E)as/to ‘A.common theme ~~ many is to be able to solve world hunger --- some method that may produce more food. A) of into C) between | for E} among / via B)onvat ) aboard in history, landownership has been an portant part of power struggles and one of the major causes of poverty along --- hunger. A) Over / over B) Throughout / with, (C) During / at D)As/of E}In/on Those ~--- power and influence know that media control or influence is crucial, but a free pross is crucial —- a functioning democracy. A) in for B) of to C)over fat D)at/as E) with / for Ayamid Jat B) of from ©) into Fin D) beyond / by E) about /on @aKinvol. ect 181 ()AKINDIL EGitim PHRASAL VERBS SET4 1 take off go in for 1. (ugak vb.) havalanmak, 4. liglonmek, hoslanmak 2. (ayakkabr, ebise vb.) gikarmak 2. sinava gitmek, yartsmaya katilmak 10. fallbehind 2 hand down geri kalmak, gerisine diigmek kugaktan kugaga aktarmak 11, make up for tolafi etmek 3. keep off uzak durmak | tutmak 12, leave off ayriimak, terk etmek 4, use up {dketmek, bitrmek 13. get through 1. (i, gbrev) Ustesinden gelmek 8. put aside 2. tiketmek, bitirmek bir kenara koymak, saklamak 3. test / sinav gegmek 8 bring down. 44. hand smtin devirmek, alagagi etmek tesim etmek 7 figure out 45. take over anlamak, gbzmek dovralmak, satin almak 8, ccut down (on) 16. calloft azaltmak, kismak iptal etmek @®akinvohesiran 182 (A)AKINDIt. EGitiM PHRASAL VERBS - TEST 1 1) Hanglsi“iptal etmek" demektir? 13) Hangis “testim etmek demektir? A) call of 8) figure out A) take off 8) hand smn 2) Hangisi “azaltmak, kismak" derek? 14) Hangisi “gori kalmak, gerisine dligmek™ omoktir? A) take over B) cut down on. A) fall behind B) put aside 3) Hangisi “tiiketmek, bitirmek* demektir? 15) Hangisi “bir kenara koymak, saklamak" demektir? A)use up B) go in for A) put aside B) make up for 4) Hangisi “devirmek, alagagi etmek" demoktir? 16) Hangisi “uzak durmak / tutmak demektr? A) take over B) bring down A)use up B) keep off 5) Hangisi "kugaktan kusagja aktarmak" demektir? 17) Hangisi “azaltmak, kismak" demektir? A) use up B) hand down, ‘A) cut down (on) B) go in for 6) Hangisi “telafi etmek" demektir? 18) Hangisi “tiketmek, bitirmek” demektir? ‘A)make up for —_B) get through ° ae Ai take off 8) use up 7) Hangisi" yarigmaya katilmak /iiglenmok™ omext? 419) Hangisi “teslim etmek" demoktir? A) put aside 8) 90 infor A)handsmtin —_B) lake over £8) Hangisi “tistesinden gelmek / tiketmek" 20) Hangisi “bir kenara koymak, saklamak" domektr? demektir? os ‘Ayhand down B) put aside A) get through B) keep off 21) Hangist "tolafl etmek" demektir? 9) Hangisi “aynimak, terk etmek" demektir? ‘A)mako up for —_B) fall behind A) take off B) leave off 22) Hangisi “anlamak, ¢8zmek" demektr? 10) Hangisi “anlamak, gzmek" demektir? Antes an 1) figure out 8) fall behing omer? A)call of 8) use up 42) Hangisi “devraimak, satin almak” demektir? A) take over 8) fall behing @akivol esti 183

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